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kirel committed Sep 13, 2014
1 parent 3b7def5 commit 1c1662c
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Showing 4 changed files with 63 additions and 86 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Classifier.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Classifier
Expand Down
23 changes: 11 additions & 12 deletions JSON/Results.hs
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module JSON.Results where

import Text.JSON

import Data.Functor
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Aeson
import Classifier

instance JSON Score where
-- readJSON :: JSValue -> Result Point
readJSON (JSObject j) = case (i,s) of
(Ok i, Ok s) -> Ok (Score i s)
_ -> Error "Unable to read JSScore"
where i = valFromObj "id" j
s = valFromObj "score" j
readJSON _ = Error "Unable to read JSScore"
-- showJSON :: Point -> JSValue
showJSON (Score i s) = showJSON $ toJSObject [("id",showJSON i),("score", showJSON s)]
instance FromJSON Score where
parseJSON (Object v) = Score <$> v .: "id" <*> v .: "score"

instance ToJSON Score where
toJSON (Score id score) =
object ["id" .= id, "score" .= score]
30 changes: 12 additions & 18 deletions JSON/Strokes.hs
@@ -1,22 +1,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module JSON.Strokes where

import Text.JSON

import Data.Functor
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Aeson
import Strokes

instance JSON Point where
-- readJSON :: JSValue -> Result Point
readJSON (JSObject j) = case (rx,ry) of
(Ok x, Ok y) -> Ok (Point (x,y))
_ -> Error "Unable to read JSPoint"
where rx = valFromObj "x" j
ry = valFromObj "y" j
readJSON _ = Error "Unable to read JSPoint"
-- showJSON :: Point -> JSValue
showJSON (Point (x,y)) = showJSON $ toJSObject [("x",x),("y",y)]
toPoint a b = Point (a,b)

instance FromJSON Point where
parseJSON (Object v) = toPoint <$> v .: "x" <*> v .: "y"

-- main = do
-- let rp = (decode "[[{\"x\":1,\"y\":3}]]") :: Result Strokes
-- putStrLn $ show rp
-- case rp of
-- Ok p -> putStrLn $ encode $ p
-- Error e -> putStrLn e
instance ToJSON Point where
toJSON (Point (x,y)) =
object [ "x" .= x, "y" .= y]
95 changes: 39 additions & 56 deletions Webserver.hs
@@ -1,40 +1,32 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where

import Hack.Handler.Happstack
import qualified Hack.Contrib.Request as Request
import qualified Hack.Contrib.Response as Response
import Hack.Contrib.Middleware.UTF8Body

import Network.Loli hiding(mime)
import Network.Loli.Utils
import Network.Loli.Type

import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Reader

import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (fromString, toString)
import Data.Maybe

import Classifier
import StrokeSample
import Strokes
import Text.JSON
import Data.Aeson (toJSON, object, eitherDecode)
import JSON.Strokes
import JSON.Results

import Network.HTTP.Types (badRequest400)

import Web.Scotty

-- import Data.List(sortBy)

port = 3000

cK = 50
classifier = newClassifier cK

-- ord :: Stroke -> Stroke -> Ordering
-- ord s t = compare ((angle.last) s) ((angle.last) t) where
-- angle (Point (x,y)) = atan ((1-y)/x)
-- sort = sortBy ord

alpha = 2*pi*15/360

sanitize :: Strokes -> Strokes
sanitize = (map (dominant alpha
Expand All @@ -53,59 +45,50 @@ validate (Left s) = Left s
validate (Right s) | ((not.null) s) && (all (not.null) s) = Right s
validate _ = Left "Illegal stroke."

-- in/out

status s = update $ Response.set_status s
mime m = update $ Response.set_content_type m
body b = update $ Response.set_body (fromString b)

reqBody = do
env <- ask
return $ toString $ Request.body env

json :: JSON j => j -> AppUnit
json = \d -> mime "application/json" >> (body . encode) d
jsonerror :: String -> ActionM ()
jsonerror e = do
status 400
json $ toJSObject [("error", e)]
jsonmessage m = json $ toJSObject [("message", m)]
status Network.HTTP.Types.badRequest400
json $ object [("error", toJSON e)]

serverinfo = json $ toJSObject [("server", "Nöt Betty :("), ("version", "0.0.1")]
jsonmessage :: String -> ActionM ()
jsonmessage m = json $ object [("message", toJSON m)]

classify :: Classifier StrokeSample -> Either String Strokes -> ActionM ()
classify c d =
(\e -> jsonerror e)
(\e -> do
jsonerror e)
(\strokes -> do
res <- liftIO $ classifyWithClassifier c (newStrokeSample (process strokes))
json res)
(validate $ resultToEither $ decode $ d) -- comes out as Either String Strokes
d -- comes out as Either String Strokes

train _ _ Nothing = jsonerror "no training without an id"
train :: Classifier StrokeSample -> Either String Strokes -> String -> ActionM ()
train c d id = either
(\e -> jsonerror e)
(\strokes -> do
let processed = (process strokes)
liftIO $ print $ show processed -- FIXME workaround for strict evaluation
liftIO $ trainClassifier c (fromJust id) (newStrokeSample processed)
liftIO $ trainClassifier c id (newStrokeSample processed)
jsonmessage "Sample was successfully trained.")
((validate.resultToEither.decode) d)

main = do
putStrLn "hs-classifier at http://localhost:3000"

c <- classifier

run . loli $ do
middleware utf8_body

get "/" $ do

post "/classify" $ do
d <- reqBody
classify c d

post "/train/:id" $ do
id <- liftM (Prelude.lookup "id") captures
d <- reqBody
train c d id
scotty port $ do

get (capture "/") $ do
json $ object [("server", "Nöt Betty :("), ("version", "0.0.2")]

post (capture "/classify") $ do
d <- body
let eitherJson = validate $ eitherDecode $ d
classify c eitherJson

post (capture "/train/:id") $ do
id <- param "id"
d <- body
jsonerror "fu"
let eitherJson = validate $ eitherDecode $ d
train c eitherJson id

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