alWrapper: PowerHalWrapper.getInstance 

03-18 23:42:48.811 14612 14612 I SurfaceFactory: [static] sSurfaceFactory = com.mediatek.view.impl.SurfaceFactoryImpl@ef46a75

03-18 23:42:48.812   944  1710 D SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb4000072bf014560) for (14612:com.sampleproject)

03-18 23:42:48.812  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:48.822 14657 14657 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:42:48.822 14657 14657 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:42:48.823 14612 14612 D VRI[MainActivity]: hardware acceleration = true, forceHwAccelerated = false

03-18 23:42:48.823  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.xiaomi.glgm/10001 state=background adj=0 proc size=1 move to inactive broadcast end Intent { act=miui.intent.action.PACKAGE_FIRST_LAUNCH flg=0x1000010 cmp=com.xiaomi.glgm/ (has extras) }

03-18 23:42:48.825  1626  1971 I ActivityManager: com.xiaomi.mipicks is exempt from freezer

03-18 23:42:48.825  1626  1971 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10129; state: DISABLED

03-18 23:42:48.826  1626  1971 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10129; state: DISABLED

03-18 23:42:48.826  1626  1971 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10129; state: DISABLED

03-18 23:42:48.826  1626  1971 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10129; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:42:48.826  1626  1679 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10129; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:42:48.826   944  1710 D SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb4000072bf011ee0) for (1626:system_server)

03-18 23:42:48.828  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10001, uidState = 19

03-18 23:42:48.829  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:48.834 14612 14612 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb400007af1afd580

03-18 23:42:48.834 14612 14612 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [com.sampleproject]:

03-18 23:42:48.834 14612 14612 D libMEOW :   plugin 1: []:

03-18 23:42:48.834  1626  1971 D CoreBackPreview: Window{6d998c3 u0 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@a670c79, mPriority=0}

03-18 23:42:48.834   849   849 D Zygote  : Forked child process 14761

03-18 23:42:48.834   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:56

03-18 23:42:48.834   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:13730 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:48.834   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:24160 fps:61

03-18 23:42:48.837 14612 14612 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:42:48.837  1626  1679 I ActivityManager: Start proc 14761:com.xiaomi.mipicks/u0a129 for broadcast {com.xiaomi.mipicks/} caller=android

03-18 23:42:48.838 14612 14612 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:42:48.838 24160 24160 D RecentsImpl: mActivityStateObserver com.sampleproject.MainActivity

03-18 23:42:48.839 24160 24160 W RecentsImpl: onResumed className=com.sampleproject.MainActivity   mIsInAnotherPro=false   isKeyguardLocked=false   mSecuritySpaceGuideShown=false

03-18 23:42:48.839 14612 14612 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:42:48.847  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:48.851 14612 14612 W unknown:ReactNative: Packager connection already open, nooping.

03-18 23:42:48.852 11189 14276 E AbstractLogEventBuilder: The provided ProductIdOrigin 3 is not one of the process-level expected values: 1 or 2

03-18 23:42:48.853 14761 14761 I .xiaomi.mipicks: Using CollectorTypeCC GC.

03-18 23:42:48.857 14761 14761 E .xiaomi.mipicks: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.

03-18 23:42:48.858   944  1710 I BufferQueueDebug: [com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity#76654](this:0xb4000072bf4718a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:-1) BufferQueue core=(944:/system/bin/surfaceflinger)

03-18 23:42:48.859  1626  3851 D SurfaceControl: nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection

03-18 23:42:48.860  1626  3851 D SurfaceControl: nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection

03-18 23:42:48.862 14761 14761 I MessageMonitor: Load libmiui_runtime

03-18 23:42:48.863  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:48.863  1626  3851 W WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{6d998c3 u0 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} displayId=0 

03-18 23:42:48.865  1626  3527 I died->background(384676ms) R(process start ) adj=-10000.

03-18 23:42:48.865  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.xiaomi.mipicks/10129 state=died adj=925 proc size=2 move to background process start 

03-18 23:42:48.866  1626  3851 D WindowManager: Input focus has changed to Window{6d998c3 u0 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} display=0 updateInputWindows = true

03-18 23:42:48.866  1626  3851 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{6d998c3 u0 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true requestedWidth = 1080 requestedHeight = 2400 outFrames = ClientWindowFrames{frame=[0,0][1080,2400] display=[0,0][1080,2400] parentFrame=[0,0][0,0] parentClippedByDisplayCutout=false} outSurfaceControl = Surface(name=com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity)/@0xdd7d7ed

03-18 23:42:48.867  1626  1660 D WindowManager: Update InputWindowHandle: 6d998c3 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity, frame=[0,0,0,0], touchableRegion=SkRegion((0,0,1080,2400)), scaleFactor=1.0, transform=null, windowToken=android.os.BinderProxy@e76ec72, isClone=false, visibal=true, focusable=true, changed=true

03-18 23:42:48.869 14612 14612 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:391400000000,api:0,p:-1,c:14612) connect: controlledByApp=false

03-18 23:42:48.870   944  2933 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER from uid=10253 pid=0

03-18 23:42:48.871 14612 14612 E FBI     : Can't load library: dlopen failed: library "" not found

03-18 23:42:48.871   944  2933 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10253 => denied (593 us)

03-18 23:42:48.871   944  2933 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.ROTATE_SURFACE_FLINGER from uid=10253 pid=0

03-18 23:42:48.871   944  2933 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ROTATE_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10253 => denied (239 us)

03-18 23:42:48.871   944  2933 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW from uid=10253 pid=0

03-18 23:42:48.871   944  2933 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW for uid=10253 => denied (174 us)

03-18 23:42:48.872 14612 14739 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb400007b55d87a40

03-18 23:42:48.872 14612 14739 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [com.sampleproject]:

03-18 23:42:48.872 14612 14739 D libMEOW :   plugin 1: []:

03-18 23:42:48.877  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10129, uidState = 11

03-18 23:42:48.882  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:48.882   944  2933 I SurfaceFlinger: setTransactionState focusRequest transactionId:6983617348645 frontWin:6d998c3 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity

03-18 23:42:48.882   567   567 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.

03-18 23:42:48.883 14761 14761 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10129; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:42:48.885 14612 14739 I GED     : [GT]_get_procNameprocess pid(14612)

03-18 23:42:48.885 14612 14739 I GED     : [GT]_getprocess name(com.sampleproject)

03-18 23:42:48.885 14612 14739 I m.sampleproject: [GT] ret(1) gt_status(00000000) aniso_debug_level(0) gt_aniso_max_level(16) ani so mask(00000001) tri mask(00000002)

03-18 23:42:48.886 14612 14739 W libc    : Access denied finding property "vendor.migl.debug"

03-18 23:42:48.886 14612 14739 E libMiGL : libmigl:This GPU version is note support Variable Shading Rate

03-18 23:42:48.888  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:48.890   944  2933 D surfaceflinger: addDolbyVisionHdr enter hdrTypes 2

03-18 23:42:48.890   944  2933 D surfaceflinger: == false

03-18 23:42:48.890   944  2933 E HWComposer: getSupportedContentTypes: getSupportedContentTypes failed for display 0: Unsupported (8)

03-18 23:42:48.896   944   944 I SurfaceFlinger: transactionIsReadyToBeApplied focusRequest transactionId:6983617348645

03-18 23:42:48.896   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [StatusBar#89](this:0xb4000072d8ebd8a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=0.20 dur=5044.19 max=5044.19 min=5044.19

03-18 23:42:48.898  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:48.901   566   566 I servicemanager: Could not find in the VINTF manifest.

03-18 23:42:48.901 14612 14739 D m.sampleproject: MiuiProcessManagerServiceStub setSchedFifo

03-18 23:42:48.901 14612 14739 I MiuiProcessManagerImpl: setSchedFifo pid:14612, mode:3

03-18 23:42:48.902  1626  3851 D ProcessManager: beginSchedThreads is not Enabled

03-18 23:42:48.902  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:48.906 14612 14791 E ion     : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument

03-18 23:42:48.907 14612 14739 D hw-ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument

03-18 23:42:48.911 14761 14761 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-4 for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/app/~~rtz4XlvEUFTyqnnxCk0DUw==/com.xiaomi.mipicks-7asu9kyGRqHBjYTdx2nvjQ==/lib/arm64:/data/app/~~rtz4XlvEUFTyqnnxCk0DUw==/com.xiaomi.mipicks-7asu9kyGRqHBjYTdx2nvjQ==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks

03-18 23:42:48.911 14761 14761 D nativeloader: Extending system_exposed_libraries:

03-18 23:42:48.918  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:48.923  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:48.930  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:48.936  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:48.941 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:48.941 14612 14739 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[MainActivity]#0](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=1080x2400 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=517313456545141(auto) mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=62758062129152 transform=0

03-18 23:42:48.943 14612 14739 W Parcel  : Expecting binder but got null!

03-18 23:42:48.946 14612 14612 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:42:48.946   944   944 I ClientCache: add: Cache owner=0xb4000072bf346f60

03-18 23:42:48.946   944   944 D BufferStateLayer: com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity#76654 setBuffer frameId=1, bufferId=62758062129152 fenceId=774, w= 1080, h=2400

03-18 23:42:48.947  1626  3527 D WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{6d998c3 u0 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} in Surface(name=com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity)/@0x969877a

03-18 23:42:48.947  1626  3527 D MiuiFreeFormGesturePointerEventListener: finishDrawingWindow: topFullScreenWindow= Window{6d998c3 u0 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity}

03-18 23:42:48.948  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:48.952  1626  1660 D TaskSnapshot_Helper: shouldDelay()... Not launched by home, no delay needed.

03-18 23:42:48.953  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:48.956  1626  1656 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~zt00rt71kGkIkMC6YRCGhQ==/com.sampleproject-iZkumdevgZwxvT6Jluf8nQ==/': No such file or directory

03-18 23:42:48.956  2262  2466 D View    : [Warning] assignParent to null: this = android.widget.FrameLayout{d54f864 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-1080,2400}

03-18 23:42:48.958  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:42:48.959  1626  1660 I WindowManager: showSurfaceRobustly mWin:Window{6d998c3 u0 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity}

03-18 23:42:48.964  1626  1656 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed com.sampleproject/.MainActivity: +1s51ms

03-18 23:42:48.967  2262  2466 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[sampleproject]#3276](f:0,a:1) destructor()

03-18 23:42:48.967 14761 14761 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-5 for other apk /data/app/~~rtz4XlvEUFTyqnnxCk0DUw==/com.xiaomi.mipicks-7asu9kyGRqHBjYTdx2nvjQ==/base.apk. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~rtz4XlvEUFTyqnnxCk0DUw==/com.xiaomi.mipicks-7asu9kyGRqHBjYTdx2nvjQ==/lib/arm64:/data/app/~~rtz4XlvEUFTyqnnxCk0DUw==/com.xiaomi.mipicks-7asu9kyGRqHBjYTdx2nvjQ==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks

03-18 23:42:48.967  2262  2466 D BufferQueueConsumer: [VRI[sampleproject]#3276(BLAST Consumer)3276](id:8d600000d02,api:0,p:-1,c:2262) disconnect

03-18 23:42:48.967 14612 14612 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 210923482; UID 10253; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:42:48.967  1626  1660 D WindowManager: Update InputWindowHandle: 6d998c3 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity, frame=[0,0,0,0], touchableRegion=SkRegion((0,0,1080,2400)), scaleFactor=1.0, transform=null, windowToken=android.os.BinderProxy@e76ec72, isClone=false, visibal=true, focusable=true, changed=true

03-18 23:42:48.968  1626  3524 D CoreBackPreview: Window{3131280 u0 Splash Screen com.sampleproject}: Setting back callback null

03-18 23:42:48.968  1626  3527 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object '3131280 Splash Screen com.sampleproject (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!

03-18 23:42:48.975  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:48.976 14657 14777 I FA      : App measurement disabled via the manifest

03-18 23:42:48.977   944  1710 D SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb4000072bf011fc0) for (14612:com.sampleproject)

03-18 23:42:48.978 14657 14777 I FA      : App measurement initialized, version: 85007

03-18 23:42:48.978 14657 14777 I FA      : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE

03-18 23:42:48.978 14657 14777 I FA      : To enable faster debug mode event logging run:

03-18 23:42:48.978 14657 14777 I FA      :   adb shell setprop com.xiaomi.glgm

03-18 23:42:48.980  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:48.981  1626  1660 D WindowManager: Update InputWindowHandle: 6d998c3 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity, frame=[0,0,0,0], touchableRegion=SkRegion((0,0,1080,2400)), scaleFactor=1.0, transform=null, windowToken=android.os.BinderProxy@e76ec72, isClone=false, visibal=true, focusable=true, changed=true

03-18 23:42:48.982  1626  1659 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify pid:24160,activity:com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher, package:com.miui.home, mProcessCreatePacknull 

03-18 23:42:48.982  1626  1659 I PowerHalWrapper: state: 0 

03-18 23:42:48.982  1626  1659 I mtkpower_client: [Legacy][PowerHal_Wrap_notifyAppState] com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher pid=24160 state:0

03-18 23:42:48.982  1626  1659 I game_scn: collectForegroundAppList packName=com.miui.home, actName=com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher, pid=24160, uid=10099, state:PAUSED

03-18 23:42:48.982  1626  1659 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify AMS_BOOST_PROCESS_CREATE_BOOST:true 

03-18 23:42:48.982   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState] pack:com.miui.home, act:com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher, state:0, pid:24160, uid:10099, fps:-1

03-18 23:42:48.984  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:48.985 14612 14612 D VRI[PopupWindow:a2439dc]: hardware acceleration = true, forceHwAccelerated = false

03-18 23:42:48.986 24160 24160 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onStop:UserHandle{0},c98d73a,false

03-18 23:42:48.987 24160 24160 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: onStop = IDLE

03-18 23:42:48.990  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:48.991  1626  3851 D CoreBackPreview: Window{449f7ff u0 PopupWindow:a2439dc}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@2c03415, mPriority=0}

03-18 23:42:48.996  1626  3527 W ProcessStats: Tracking association SourceState{350151b BTopFgs #1141935} whose proc state 2 is better than process ProcessState{38b9b6b} proc state 3 (202 skipped)

03-18 23:42:48.997  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 4

03-18 23:42:48.997  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99452, uidState = 10

03-18 23:42:48.997  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10197, uidState = 5

03-18 23:42:48.997  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10190, uidState = 4

03-18 23:42:48.997  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10172, uidState = 5

03-18 23:42:48.997  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10171, uidState = 4

03-18 23:42:48.997  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10099, uidState = 5

03-18 23:42:48.999  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.000 30467 30467 I dgdm    : onStop

03-18 23:42:49.003  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.008   944  1710 I BufferQueueDebug: [PopupWindow:a2439dc#76660](this:0xb4000072bf4748a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:-1) BufferQueue core=(944:/system/bin/surfaceflinger)

03-18 23:42:49.009  1626  3524 D SurfaceControl: nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection

03-18 23:42:49.010  1626  3524 D SurfaceControl: nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection

03-18 23:42:49.012 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler: Error inserting flex_time=3151000 job_id=-1 period=6304000 source=16 requires_charging=0 preferred_network_type=1 user_id=0 tag=Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG task_type=0 required_idleness_state=0 service_kind=0 source_version=240812000 persistence_level=1 preferred_charging_state=1 required_network_type=0 runtime=1710785569008 retry_strategy={"maximum_backoff_seconds":{"3600":0},"initial_backoff_seconds":{"30":0},"retry_policy":{"0":0}} last_runtime=0 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]

03-18 23:42:49.012 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: UNIQUE constraint failed: pending_ops.tag, pending_ops.target_class, pending_ops.target_package, pending_ops.user_id (code 2067 SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE)

03-18 23:42:49.012 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeExecuteForLastInsertedRowId(Native Method)

03-18 23:42:49.012 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.executeForLastInsertedRowId(

03-18 23:42:49.012 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteSession.executeForLastInsertedRowId(

03-18 23:42:49.012 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement.executeInsert(

03-18 23:42:49.012 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insertWithOnConflict(

03-18 23:42:49.012 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insertOrThrow(

03-18 23:42:49.012 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctph.d( (190400-608507424):743)

03-18 23:42:49.012 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctne.n( (190400-608507424):29)

03-18 23:42:49.012 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctne.u( (190400-608507424):362)

03-18 23:42:49.012 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctne.h( (190400-608507424):51)

03-18 23:42:49.012 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at (190400-608507424):72)

03-18 23:42:49.012 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at alab.c( (190400-608507424):50)

03-18 23:42:49.012 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at (190400-608507424):76)

03-18 23:42:49.012 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(

03-18 23:42:49.012 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

03-18 23:42:49.012 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at (190400-608507424):8)

03-18 23:42:49.012 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at

03-18 23:42:49.014  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.016   863   863 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:60.123199,dur:1014.58,max:19.97,min:14.15  

03-18 23:42:49.019  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.019 14612 14612 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:391400000001,api:0,p:-1,c:14612) connect: controlledByApp=false

03-18 23:42:49.019  1626  1836 E MiuiActivityController: MiuiLog-ActivityObserver: There was something wrong : null

03-18 23:42:49.023  1626  1657 D Aurogon :  uid = 10099 switch to BG

03-18 23:42:49.030   944   944 I BufferQueueDebug: [com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#76593](this:0xb4000072c610d8a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) onDestructor()

03-18 23:42:49.031  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.031   944   944 I BufferQueueDebug: [LauncherMinusOneScreen#76591](this:0xb4000072bf46b8a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) onDestructor()

03-18 23:42:49.035  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.048  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.049 14761 14761 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE Developer option for 'com.xiaomi.mipicks' set to: 'default'

03-18 23:42:49.051 14761 14761 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.xiaomi.mipicks: false

03-18 23:42:49.051 14761 14761 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported.

03-18 23:42:49.051 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.051 14612 14739 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[PopupWindow:a2439dc]#1](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=1080x72 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=517313567100834(auto) mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=62758062129158 transform=0

03-18 23:42:49.052  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.052 14612 14739 W Parcel  : Expecting binder but got null!

03-18 23:42:49.054 14612 14612 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:42:49.055  1626  3524 D WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{449f7ff u0 PopupWindow:a2439dc} in Surface(name=PopupWindow:a2439dc)/@0xc56deef

03-18 23:42:49.055 14612 14612 D DecorView[]: onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus true

03-18 23:42:49.056 14612 14612 I HandWritingStubImpl: refreshLastKeyboardType: 1

03-18 23:42:49.056 14612 14612 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1

03-18 23:42:49.057 14761 14761 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: initialize for com.xiaomi.mipicks , ForceDarkOrigin

03-18 23:42:49.059  1626  1660 I WindowManager: showSurfaceRobustly mWin:Window{449f7ff u0 PopupWindow:a2439dc}

03-18 23:42:49.059 14761 14761 D .xiaomi.mipicks: JNI_OnLoad success

03-18 23:42:49.059 14761 14761 I MiuiForceDarkConfig: setConfig density:2.750000, mainRule:0, secondaryRule:0, tertiaryRule:0

03-18 23:42:49.062  1626  3851 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 214016041; UID 10253; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:42:49.063   944   944 D BufferStateLayer: PopupWindow:a2439dc#76660 setBuffer frameId=1, bufferId=62758062129158 fenceId=395, w= 1080, h=72

03-18 23:42:49.063  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.064 14761 14761 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false

03-18 23:42:49.070  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.071 14612 14612 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1

03-18 23:42:49.074 14761 14761 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false

03-18 23:42:49.080  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.083  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.096  1626  1836 E MiuiActivityController: MiuiLog-ActivityObserver: There was something wrong : null

03-18 23:42:49.096  1626  1971 W ActivityTaskManager: Request to remove task ignored for non-existent task 3265

03-18 23:42:49.096   877   910 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:5, enabled:0

03-18 23:42:49.097  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.097  1626  1971 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostStop AMS_BOOST_PACK_SWITCH:false, AMS_BOOST_ACT_SWITCH:false, AMS_BOOST_PROCESS_CREATE:false 

03-18 23:42:49.098   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69723, idx:0

03-18 23:42:49.098   877   980 I libPowerHal: LAUNCH: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1 -1

03-18 23:42:49.098   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] LAUNCH update cmd:1000000, param:-1

03-18 23:42:49.098 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.098   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] LAUNCH update cmd:1408300 param:0

03-18 23:42:49.098 24160 20885 D RecentsModel: onTaskStackChangedBackground

03-18 23:42:49.098   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] LAUNCH update cmd:1000000 param:-1

03-18 23:42:49.098 24160 20885 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class com.miui.home.recents.messages.RecentTasksChangedEvent

03-18 23:42:49.098 24160 20885 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.NoSubscriberEvent

03-18 23:42:49.098 24160 30329 D RecentsModel: onTaskStackChangedBackground    MSG_TASK_STACK_CHANGE

03-18 23:42:49.098 24160 30329 D RecentsModel: preloadRecents

03-18 23:42:49.098 24160 30329 W RecentsModel: getRunningTask

03-18 23:42:49.100  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.101 24160 30329 W RecentsModel: getRunningTask   taskInfo=TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=3266 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.sampleproject/.MainActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=821356582 supportsSplitScreenMultiWindow=true supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=200 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@45a2d10} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=0 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 93 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{e804009 com.sampleproject.MainActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=true isVisible=true isSleeping=false topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityInMiuiSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 cameraCompatControlState=hidden mIsCastMode=false}

03-18 23:42:49.101 24160 30329 W RecentsModel: getTaskInfoIgnoreHomeAndFreeform   taskInfo=ComponentInfo{com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity}

03-18 23:42:49.102 24160 30329 E ActivityManagerWrapper: get all recent tasks force including 3266

03-18 23:42:49.104 24160 30329 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: size=2

03-18 23:42:49.104 24160 30329 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: mainTaskId=3266   userId=0   baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN flag=268435456 cmp=ComponentInfo{com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} }

03-18 23:42:49.104 24160 30329 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: mainTaskId=3262   userId=0   baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN flag=270532608 cmp=ComponentInfo{} }

03-18 23:42:49.112  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.115  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.128  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.130  1626  1660 D WindowManager: setParent old=ActivityRecord{aea4d8a u0 com.sampleproject/.MainActivity} t3266},new=null,this window=Window{3131280 u0 Splash Screen com.sampleproject}, 

03-18 23:42:49.148   944   944 I BufferQueueDebug: [Splash Screen com.sampleproject#76649](this:0xb4000072c614f8a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) onDestructor()

03-18 23:42:49.160  1626  3527 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 10129; state: DISABLED

03-18 23:42:49.168  1178  1178 I thermal_repeater: [recvMdThermalInfo] ret=26, strLen=127,  3, 32, -50, 197, 32767, 1

03-18 23:42:49.181 14761 14761 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 10129; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:42:49.197 14761 14761 I FirebaseApp: Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app fcm_push_sdk

03-18 23:42:49.201  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 98 -> 103

03-18 23:42:49.201  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 103

03-18 23:42:49.232 14761 14761 D AutoDensity: autodensity debugEnable = 

03-18 23:42:49.232   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:49.235 14761 14810 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/user_de/0/': No such file or directory

03-18 23:42:49.235 14761 14810 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/user_de/0/': No such file or directory

03-18 23:42:49.252   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.254   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:49.254   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:49.256 14761 14810 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module

03-18 23:42:49.256 14761 14810 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 103

03-18 23:42:49.256 14761 14810 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils

03-18 23:42:49.274 14761 14761 I MMKV    : Disable checkProcessMode()

03-18 23:42:49.285 14761 14810 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 

03-18 23:42:49.288 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.291 14761 14810 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-6 for other apk . target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~Biz-iycuwJkIADXCe7tLVg==/!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/

03-18 23:42:49.292 14761 14761 I MMKV    : current API level = 33, libc++_shared=0

03-18 23:42:49.292 14761 14761 I MMKV    : <MMKV.cpp:165::initialize> version v1.2.15, page size 4096, arch arm64-v8a

03-18 23:42:49.292 14761 14761 I MMKV    : <MMKV.cpp:176::initialize> armv8 AES instructions is supported

03-18 23:42:49.292 14761 14761 I MMKV    : <MMKV.cpp:184::initialize> armv8 CRC32 instructions is supported

03-18 23:42:49.293 14761 14761 I MMKV    : <MMKV.cpp:208::initializeMMKV> root dir: /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv

03-18 23:42:49.297   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:49.297 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.297 14761 14761 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x61], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/com.xiaomi.mipicks_preferences

03-18 23:42:49.298 14761 14761 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x64], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/com.xiaomi.mipicks_preferences.crc

03-18 23:42:49.299 14761 14761 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:81::loadFromFile> loading [com.xiaomi.mipicks_preferences] with 4545 actual size, file size 8192, InterProcess 1, meta info version:3

03-18 23:42:49.299 14761 14761 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:86::loadFromFile> loading [com.xiaomi.mipicks_preferences] with crc 3263082249 sequence 1549 version 3

03-18 23:42:49.299 14761 14761 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:130::loadFromFile> loaded [com.xiaomi.mipicks_preferences] with 94 key-values

03-18 23:42:49.306 14761 14817 I MiPicks-LocalAppManager: load local apps from system : begin

03-18 23:42:49.306 14761 14761 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:42:49.306 14761 14761 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:42:49.310  1626  1971 D PackageManager: set app  component=ComponentInfo{com.xiaomi.mipicks/com.xiaomi.mipicks.DefaultAlias} enabled state: 1 from null,uid=10129,pid=14761

03-18 23:42:49.312 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.313 14761 14761 D AppActiveReceiver: receive app active broadcast for: com.sampleproject, install from: null

03-18 23:42:49.314 14761 14818 E MiPicks-PrefUtils: Unknown sharedpreferences file name firebase_config

03-18 23:42:49.316 24160 24160 D Launcher.Model: onReceive intent=Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }

03-18 23:42:49.317 24160 24315 D Launcher.Model: Got broadcast:Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }

03-18 23:42:49.318 14761 14818 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x68], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/firebase_config

03-18 23:42:49.320 14761 14818 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x67], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/firebase_config.crc

03-18 23:42:49.321  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 3

03-18 23:42:49.321  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10190, uidState = 3

03-18 23:42:49.321 14761 14810 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/user_de/0/': No such file or directory

03-18 23:42:49.321 14761 14810 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/user_de/0/': No such file or directory

03-18 23:42:49.328 17377 19244 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Received query %s, URI %s

03-18 23:42:49.329 17377 19244 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Query [%s] resolved to %s

03-18 23:42:49.330 17377 19244 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Fetch %s end status %s

03-18 23:42:49.331 14761 14818 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:81::loadFromFile> loading [firebase_config] with 3894 actual size, file size 4096, InterProcess 1, meta info version:3

03-18 23:42:49.331 14761 14818 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:86::loadFromFile> loading [firebase_config] with crc 2905996843 sequence 578 version 3

03-18 23:42:49.331 14761 14818 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:130::loadFromFile> loaded [firebase_config] with 23 key-values

03-18 23:42:49.336  1626  3527 I ActivityManager: Background started FGS: Allowed [callingPackage: com.xiaomi.mipicks; callingUid: 10129; uidState: RCVR; intent: Intent { cmp=com.xiaomi.mipicks/ (has extras) }; code:SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW_PERMISSION; tempAllowListReason:<,reasonCode:SYSTEM_ALLOW_LISTED,duration:9223372036854775807,callingUid:-1>; targetSdkVersion:33; callerTargetSdkVersion:33; startForegroundCount:0; bindFromPackage:null]

03-18 23:42:49.338  1626  1657 D MediaProjectionManagerServiceStubImpl: handleForegroundServicesChanged

03-18 23:42:49.340  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:42:49.340  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.xiaomi.mipicks/10129 state=background adj=200 proc size=2 move to inactive adj below visible

03-18 23:42:49.340  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10129, uidState = 4

03-18 23:42:49.342 17377 19244 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Pulling font file for id = %d, cache size = %d

03-18 23:42:49.343 24160 24315 E BitmapFactory: Unable to decode stream: /product/media/theme/miui_mod_icons/dynamic/com.xiaomi.mipicks/2.png: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

03-18 23:42:49.347 24160 24160 D MemoryUtils_Boot.opt: Call Explicit GC

03-18 23:42:49.355 17377 17629 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Pulling font file for id = %d, cache size = %d

03-18 23:42:49.358  1626  1917 I>idle(73070ms) R(adj below visible) adj=800.

03-18 23:42:49.358  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=800 proc size=1 move to idle adj below visible

03-18 23:42:49.358 14761 14761 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 160794467; UID 10129; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:42:49.359  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 3

03-18 23:42:49.364  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 3

03-18 23:42:49.364  1626  1971 W ActivityManager: Foreground service started from background can not have location/camera/microphone access: service com.xiaomi.mipicks/

03-18 23:42:49.366 14761 14817 I MiPicks-LocalAppManager: load local apps from system : finish

03-18 23:42:49.372  1626  1971 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:42:49.372  1626  1971 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:42:49.373 17377 14498 I AlarmManager: setExactAndAllowWhileIdle [name: GCM_HB_ALARM type: 2 triggerAtMillis: 821526851]

03-18 23:42:49.375  1626  1971 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:42:49.376  1626  1971 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:42:49.383 14761 14816 I FirebaseApp: Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT]

03-18 23:42:49.386 14761 14816 I FirebaseCrashlytics: Initializing Firebase Crashlytics 18.3.5 for com.xiaomi.mipicks

03-18 23:42:49.400   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:49.401  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 103 -> 106

03-18 23:42:49.401  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 106

03-18 23:42:49.414 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.416   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.418   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:49.418   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:49.424 14761 14818 E MiPicks-ReflectUtilsForMiui: getMethod miui.util.FeatureParser.support_ar_core java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: miui.util.FeatureParser.support_ar_core [class java.lang.String, boolean]

03-18 23:42:49.425 14761 14845 E MiPicks-PrefUtils: Unknown sharedpreferences file name ab_test

03-18 23:42:49.427 14761 14845 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x7a], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/ab_test

03-18 23:42:49.428 14761 14845 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x80], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/ab_test.crc

03-18 23:42:49.428 14761 14816 D OT-PubSub-Sdk: updateDebugSwitch sEnable: false sDebugMode:false sDebugProperty:false

03-18 23:42:49.430 14761 14845 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:81::loadFromFile> loading [ab_test] with 15062 actual size, file size 16384, InterProcess 1, meta info version:3

03-18 23:42:49.430 14761 14845 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:86::loadFromFile> loading [ab_test] with crc 3729104028 sequence 112 version 3

03-18 23:42:49.430   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:49.431 14761 14845 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:130::loadFromFile> loaded [ab_test] with 3 key-values

03-18 23:42:49.437 14761 14853 D OT-PubSub-Sdk: updateDebugSwitch sEnable: false sDebugMode:false sDebugProperty:false

03-18 23:42:49.437 14761 14853 D OT-PubSub-Sdk: log on: false, quick upload on: false

03-18 23:42:49.437 14761 14853 D BroadcastExecutor: initIfNeeded : 1178

03-18 23:42:49.438  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 3

03-18 23:42:49.448 14761 14847 E DeviceUtils: static init(): Load MiuiMiddle Class Exception:java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.miui.performance.DeviceLevelUtils.getMiuiMiddleVersion []

03-18 23:42:49.458  1626  1857 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 1] [i 4]

03-18 23:42:49.468  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10092, uidState = 8

03-18 23:42:49.470  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 3

03-18 23:42:49.472 14761 14836 I FA      : App measurement initialized, version: 85007

03-18 23:42:49.473 14761 14836 I FA      : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE

03-18 23:42:49.473 14761 14836 I FA      : To enable faster debug mode event logging run:

03-18 23:42:49.473 14761 14836 I FA      :   adb shell setprop com.xiaomi.mipicks

03-18 23:42:49.477  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 3

03-18 23:42:49.482  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 3

03-18 23:42:49.496   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:49.501   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.503   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:49.503   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:49.511  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 3

03-18 23:42:49.515 24160 24160 I com.miui.home: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 143923(6225KB) AllocSpace objects, 58(4060KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 16MB/33MB, paused 146us,81us total 167.109ms

03-18 23:42:49.516 14761 14817 I MiPicks-ProgressManager: [Download/Install] init progress of in.sportscafe.nostragamus.pro_main_standalone with superTask=SuperTask(uri=, localFileUri=/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/apk/, allowedOverMetered=true, mimeType=application/, totalBytes=80013316, currentBytes=1616925, notificationVisibility=true, fileIconUri=null, title=HiScore, description=null,, status=paused, reason=1006, reasonMsg=null, pausedByUser=true, deletedByUser=false, validFile=true, validSpace=true, invalidFileRefreshed=false, invalidSpaceRefreshed=false, visibleInDownloadsUi=true, lastModifyTimeStamp=1689415210894, multiSourceHosts=[], priority=0, originRangeSupport=SUPPORT, threadCount=3, fragmentCount=3, cachedFragmentList=[], lastNetworkType=-1, networkChange=UNKNOWN, notifyLastProgress=0, notifyId=0, pendingIntent=null, wakeLock=null, wifiLock=null, lastCheckTime=0, lastUpdateTime=0, exceptionRefreshed=false, fragmentFailCount=0, rangeSupportChange=UNCHANGED)

03-18 23:42:49.516 14761 14817 I MiPicks-DownloadInstallManager: [Download/Install] reload app with state=-3

03-18 23:42:49.520 14761 14817 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:42:49.520 14761 14817 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:42:49.525 14761 14817 I MiPicks-TaskManager: handleNetworkChanged: true

03-18 23:42:49.529 24160 24171 W System  : A resource failed to call release. 

03-18 23:42:49.529 24160 24171 W System  : A resource failed to call release. 

03-18 23:42:49.529 24160 24171 W System  : A resource failed to call release. 

03-18 23:42:49.529 24160 24171 W System  : A resource failed to call release. 

03-18 23:42:49.532   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:49.538 14761 14865 I MiPicks-ProgressManager: [Download/Install] update progress status of from STATUS_NONE -> STATUS_PAUSED

03-18 23:42:49.543  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99531, uidState = 11

03-18 23:42:49.543  1626  1678 I idle->background(3633ms) R(broadcast start Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }) adj=0.

03-18 23:42:49.544  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 3

03-18 23:42:49.544  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10244, uidState = 11

03-18 23:42:49.544 14761 14865 I MiPicks-ProgressManager: [Download/Install] auto resume selfEngine paused task

03-18 23:42:49.546  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=0 proc size=1 move to background broadcast start Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }

03-18 23:42:49.546  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=0 proc size=1 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }

03-18 23:42:49.560  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99531, uidState = 19

03-18 23:42:49.560  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10244, uidState = 19

03-18 23:42:49.581 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.591  1626  3527 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:42:49.591  1626  3527 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:42:49.592 17377 14498 I AlarmManager: setExactAndAllowWhileIdle [name: GCM_HB_ALARM type: 2 triggerAtMillis: 821527070]

03-18 23:42:49.593  1626  3527 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:42:49.593  1626  3527 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:42:49.594  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:42:49.595  1626  3527 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:42:49.597  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:42:49.597  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:42:49.597  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:42:49.597  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:42:49.597  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:42:49.597  1626  3527 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:42:49.601  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 106 -> 104

03-18 23:42:49.601  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 104

03-18 23:42:49.602   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:49.615   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.615   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000073905766e0,id:-1,api:1,p:944,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=3.82 dur=1047.58 max=685.20 min=84.98

03-18 23:42:49.616   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:49.616   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:49.618  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=0 proc size=8 move to background add to whitelist

03-18 23:42:49.625  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=0 proc size=8 move to inactive service end

03-18 23:42:49.629 24160 24160 I com.miui.home: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 4491(190KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 16MB/32MB, paused 113us,47us total 91.714ms

03-18 23:42:49.629 24160 24160 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:42:49.663 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.678 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.679   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:49.764   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:49.780   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:49.781   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:49.782   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:49.801  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 104 -> 101

03-18 23:42:49.801  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 101

03-18 23:42:49.834   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:60

03-18 23:42:49.834   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:13730 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:49.834   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:33

03-18 23:42:49.834   877   954 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(14612) : -1 => 60

03-18 23:42:49.835   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState] pack:com.sampleproject, act:com.sampleproject.MainActivity, state:5, pid:14612, uid:10253, fps:60

03-18 23:42:49.835   877   980 I UxUtility: notifyForegroundApp pack:com.sampleproject, uid:10253

03-18 23:42:49.835   877   980 I TouchUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL

03-18 23:42:49.835   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:24160 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:49.850  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:42:49.850  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:42:49.850  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:42:49.850  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:42:49.850  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:42:49.850  1626  1844 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:42:49.935 24160 14114 I FA      : Application backgrounded at: timestamp_millis: 1710785567933

03-18 23:42:50.001  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 101 -> 100

03-18 23:42:50.002  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 100

03-18 23:42:50.049 14761 14825 E MiPicks-PrefUtils: Unknown sharedpreferences file name mini_card

03-18 23:42:50.049 14761 14825 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x8b], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/mini_card

03-18 23:42:50.050 14761 14825 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x8c], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/mini_card.crc

03-18 23:42:50.050 14761 14825 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:81::loadFromFile> loading [mini_card] with 0 actual size, file size 4096, InterProcess 1, meta info version:1

03-18 23:42:50.050 14761 14825 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:130::loadFromFile> loaded [mini_card] with 0 key-values

03-18 23:42:50.054 14761 14870 E MiPicks-PrefUtils: Unknown sharedpreferences file name app_chooser

03-18 23:42:50.054  1626  3524 I ActivityManager: Cancel FGS notification userId: 0 definingUid: 10129 packageName: com.xiaomi.mipicks processName:com.xiaomi.mipicks ChannelId:com.xiaomi.mipicks_hide foregroundNotiWhen:1710785569359 Notiflags:88

03-18 23:42:50.054 14761 14870 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x8d], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/app_chooser

03-18 23:42:50.055 14761 14870 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x8e], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/app_chooser.crc

03-18 23:42:50.055  1626  1657 D MediaProjectionManagerServiceStubImpl: handleForegroundServicesChanged

03-18 23:42:50.055 14761 14761 I MiPicks-ServiceUtils: stop foreground service: AppActiveStatService

03-18 23:42:50.055 14761 14870 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:81::loadFromFile> loading [app_chooser] with 0 actual size, file size 4096, InterProcess 1, meta info version:1

03-18 23:42:50.055 14761 14870 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:130::loadFromFile> loaded [app_chooser] with 0 key-values

03-18 23:42:50.058  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 3

03-18 23:42:50.058  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10129, uidState = 10

03-18 23:42:50.058  1626  1902 D AurogonImmobulusMode:  remove fg services app uid = 10129

03-18 23:42:50.059 14761 14825 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:42:50.059 14761 14825 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:42:50.059  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10129, uidState = 19

03-18 23:42:50.064 14761 14836 I FA      : Tag Manager is not found and thus will not be used

03-18 23:42:50.079 14761 14870 I Ad      : isPersonalizedAdEnabled getAdSettings: 3

03-18 23:42:50.107 14761 14870 E MiPicks-PrefUtils: Unknown sharedpreferences file name multi_proc_shared

03-18 23:42:50.107 14761 14870 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x8f], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/multi_proc_shared

03-18 23:42:50.108 14761 14870 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x6e], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/multi_proc_shared.crc

03-18 23:42:50.109 14761 14870 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:81::loadFromFile> loading [multi_proc_shared] with 2495 actual size, file size 4096, InterProcess 1, meta info version:3

03-18 23:42:50.109 14761 14870 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:86::loadFromFile> loading [multi_proc_shared] with crc 1393564839 sequence 325 version 3

03-18 23:42:50.109 14761 14870 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:130::loadFromFile> loaded [multi_proc_shared] with 3 key-values

03-18 23:42:50.116 14761 14870 I MiPicks-RetrofitRequest: callStart :

03-18 23:42:50.122 14761 14870 I MiPicks-RetrofitRequest: dnsStart :

03-18 23:42:50.158 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler: Error inserting flex_time=3150000 job_id=-1 period=6302000 source=16 requires_charging=0 preferred_network_type=1 user_id=0 tag=Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG task_type=0 required_idleness_state=0 service_kind=0 source_version=240812000 persistence_level=1 preferred_charging_state=1 required_network_type=0 runtime=1710785570157 retry_strategy={"maximum_backoff_seconds":{"3600":0},"initial_backoff_seconds":{"30":0},"retry_policy":{"0":0}} last_runtime=0 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]

03-18 23:42:50.158 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: UNIQUE constraint failed: pending_ops.tag, pending_ops.target_class, pending_ops.target_package, pending_ops.user_id (code 2067 SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE)

03-18 23:42:50.158 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeExecuteForLastInsertedRowId(Native Method)

03-18 23:42:50.158 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.executeForLastInsertedRowId(

03-18 23:42:50.158 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteSession.executeForLastInsertedRowId(

03-18 23:42:50.158 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement.executeInsert(

03-18 23:42:50.158 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insertWithOnConflict(

03-18 23:42:50.158 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insertOrThrow(

03-18 23:42:50.158 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctph.d( (190400-608507424):743)

03-18 23:42:50.158 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctne.n( (190400-608507424):29)

03-18 23:42:50.158 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctne.u( (190400-608507424):362)

03-18 23:42:50.158 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctne.h( (190400-608507424):51)

03-18 23:42:50.158 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at (190400-608507424):72)

03-18 23:42:50.158 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at alab.c( (190400-608507424):50)

03-18 23:42:50.158 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at (190400-608507424):76)

03-18 23:42:50.158 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(

03-18 23:42:50.158 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

03-18 23:42:50.158 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at (190400-608507424):8)

03-18 23:42:50.158 17377 14498 W NetworkScheduler:      at

03-18 23:42:50.176  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=975 proc size=1 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:42:50.176  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.whatsapp/10252 state=idle adj=905 proc size=1 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:42:50.177 14761 14861 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(146) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:42:50.201  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 100 -> 99

03-18 23:42:50.202  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 99

03-18 23:42:50.235 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler: Error inserting flex_time=3150000 job_id=-1 period=6301000 source=16 requires_charging=0 preferred_network_type=1 user_id=0 tag=Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG task_type=0 required_idleness_state=0 service_kind=0 source_version=240812000 persistence_level=1 preferred_charging_state=1 required_network_type=0 runtime=1710785570234 retry_strategy={"maximum_backoff_seconds":{"3600":0},"initial_backoff_seconds":{"30":0},"retry_policy":{"0":0}} last_runtime=0 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]

03-18 23:42:50.235 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: UNIQUE constraint failed: pending_ops.tag, pending_ops.target_class, pending_ops.target_package, pending_ops.user_id (code 2067 SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE)

03-18 23:42:50.235 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeExecuteForLastInsertedRowId(Native Method)

03-18 23:42:50.235 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.executeForLastInsertedRowId(

03-18 23:42:50.235 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteSession.executeForLastInsertedRowId(

03-18 23:42:50.235 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement.executeInsert(

03-18 23:42:50.235 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insertWithOnConflict(

03-18 23:42:50.235 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insertOrThrow(

03-18 23:42:50.235 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctph.d( (190400-608507424):743)

03-18 23:42:50.235 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctne.n( (190400-608507424):29)

03-18 23:42:50.235 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctne.u( (190400-608507424):362)

03-18 23:42:50.235 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctne.h( (190400-608507424):51)

03-18 23:42:50.235 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at (190400-608507424):72)

03-18 23:42:50.235 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at alab.c( (190400-608507424):50)

03-18 23:42:50.235 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at (190400-608507424):76)

03-18 23:42:50.235 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(

03-18 23:42:50.235 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

03-18 23:42:50.235 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at (190400-608507424):8)

03-18 23:42:50.235 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at

03-18 23:42:50.250 14761 14870 E MiPicks-PrefUtils: Unknown sharedpreferences file name connect_fail_ipv6

03-18 23:42:50.254 14761 14870 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x91], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/connect_fail_ipv6

03-18 23:42:50.255 14761 14870 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x98], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/connect_fail_ipv6.crc

03-18 23:42:50.256 14761 14870 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:81::loadFromFile> loading [connect_fail_ipv6] with 3349 actual size, file size 16384, InterProcess 1, meta info version:3

03-18 23:42:50.256 14761 14870 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:86::loadFromFile> loading [connect_fail_ipv6] with crc 3654795227 sequence 3 version 3

03-18 23:42:50.256 14761 14870 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:130::loadFromFile> loaded [connect_fail_ipv6] with 1 key-values

03-18 23:42:50.257 14761 14870 E MiPicks-PrefUtils: Unknown sharedpreferences file name host

03-18 23:42:50.257 14761 14870 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x99], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/host

03-18 23:42:50.258 14761 14870 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x9a], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/host.crc

03-18 23:42:50.259 14761 14870 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:81::loadFromFile> loading [host] with 88 actual size, file size 32768, InterProcess 1, meta info version:3

03-18 23:42:50.259 14761 14870 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:86::loadFromFile> loading [host] with crc 4099357777 sequence 22 version 3

03-18 23:42:50.259 14761 14870 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:130::loadFromFile> loaded [host] with 1 key-values

03-18 23:42:50.262 14761 14870 I MiPicks-RetrofitRequest: dnsEnd :

03-18 23:42:50.262 14761 14870 I MiPicks-RetrofitRequest: connectStart :

03-18 23:42:50.262 14761 14870 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(155) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:42:50.263  1626  1917 I background->idle(3000ms) R(service create com.miui.cleaner/com.miui.optimizecenter.service.CleanerService) adj=200.

03-18 23:42:50.263  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.miui.cleaner/10089 state=inactive adj=200 proc size=2 move to idle service create com.miui.cleaner/com.miui.optimizecenter.service.CleanerService

03-18 23:42:50.313 14761 14818 I MiPicks-SystemSettingsManager: extraSettingsSecureGetInt key:, value: 0

03-18 23:42:50.313 14761 14818 E MiPicks-PrefUtils: Unknown sharedpreferences file name app_update

03-18 23:42:50.313 14761 14761 I MiPicks-LoginManager: account has login

03-18 23:42:50.314 14761 14818 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x9c], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/app_update

03-18 23:42:50.316 14761 14818 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x9d], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/app_update.crc

03-18 23:42:50.318 14761 14818 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:81::loadFromFile> loading [app_update] with 53018 actual size, file size 65536, InterProcess 1, meta info version:3

03-18 23:42:50.318 14761 14818 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:86::loadFromFile> loading [app_update] with crc 991740595 sequence 5 version 3

03-18 23:42:50.319 14761 14818 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:130::loadFromFile> loaded [app_update] with 4 key-values

03-18 23:42:50.319 14761 14818 I MiPicks-UpdateAppList: update app list do not change, don't notify: pkg (0) = 

03-18 23:42:50.331  1626  3527 D PackageManager: set app  component=ComponentInfo{com.xiaomi.mipicks/} enabled state: 1 from null,uid=10129,pid=14761

03-18 23:42:50.421  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.miui.guardprovider/10171 state=idle adj=250 proc size=1 move to hibernation service end com.miui.guardprovider/.manager.SecurityService

03-18 23:42:50.477  1626  1917 I background->idle(3149ms) R(broadcast end Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x5000010 (has extras) }) adj=915.

03-18 23:42:50.477  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=915 proc size=1 move to idle broadcast end Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x5000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:42:50.482  1626  1917 I background->idle(3001ms) R(broadcast start Intent { dat=package: flg=0x10 (has extras) }) adj=915.

03-18 23:42:50.482  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=915 proc size=1 move to idle broadcast start Intent { dat=package: flg=0x10 (has extras) }

03-18 23:42:50.596  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:42:50.596  1626  3527 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:42:50.598  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:42:50.598  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:42:50.598  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:42:50.598  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:42:50.598  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:42:50.599  1626  3527 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:42:50.601  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: oldLux=99 [SA:98 LA:98] newLux=98 (oriLux: 98)

03-18 23:42:50.601  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 99 -> 98

03-18 23:42:50.602  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 98

03-18 23:42:50.693 14612 14884 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(160) with statsTag=0x90000, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:42:50.802  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 98 -> 97

03-18 23:42:50.803  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 97

03-18 23:42:50.834   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:50.835   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:13730 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:50.835   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:50.835   877   954 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(14612) : 60 => -1

03-18 23:42:50.835   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState] pack:com.sampleproject, act:com.sampleproject.MainActivity, state:5, pid:14612, uid:10253, fps:-1

03-18 23:42:50.836   877   980 I UxUtility: notifyForegroundApp pack:com.sampleproject, uid:10253

03-18 23:42:50.836   877   980 I TouchUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL

03-18 23:42:50.836   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:24160 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:50.881 14761 14761 I MiPicks-PrivacyUtils: Privacy upload success!

03-18 23:42:50.948  1626  1917 I background->idle(3000ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=miui.intent.action.PACKAGE_FIRST_LAUNCH flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }) adj=100.

03-18 23:42:50.948  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=100 proc size=1 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=miui.intent.action.PACKAGE_FIRST_LAUNCH flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:42:51.000  1626  1917 I background->idle(3001ms) R(become invisible) adj=100.

03-18 23:42:51.000  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.miui.home/10099 state=inactive adj=100 proc size=1 move to idle become invisible

03-18 23:42:51.302  1626  1917 I background->idle(3001ms) R(become invisible) adj=500.

03-18 23:42:51.302  1626  1917 I background->idle(3000ms) R(become invisible) adj=100.

03-18 23:42:51.302  1626  1917 I background->idle(3000ms) R(become invisible) adj=800.

03-18 23:42:51.302  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=100 proc size=4 move to idle become invisible

03-18 23:42:51.330 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:51.330  1626  1917 I background->idle(3269ms) R(adj below visible) adj=905.

03-18 23:42:51.330  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=905 proc size=2 move to idle adj below visible

03-18 23:42:51.343   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [PopupWindow:a2439dc#76660](this:0xb4000072bf4748a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=3.51 dur=2280.70 max=1649.77 min=16.46

03-18 23:42:51.345   863   863 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:9.875406,dur:2329.02,max:1564.57,min:12.94  

03-18 23:42:51.346   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:51.347 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:51.357  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=800 proc size=1 move to hibernation adj below visible

03-18 23:42:51.366 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:51.401  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 97 -> 98

03-18 23:42:51.402  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 98

03-18 23:42:51.425 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:51.439 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:51.471 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:51.472 14761 14870 I MiPicks-RetrofitRequest: connectEnd :

03-18 23:42:51.485 14761 14829 I MiPicks-NetworkMonitor: Connectivity changed, wifi is connected!

03-18 23:42:51.486 14761 14829 E MiPicks-PrefUtils: Unknown sharedpreferences file name self_update

03-18 23:42:51.487 14761 14829 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0xa5], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/self_update

03-18 23:42:51.487 14761 14829 I MMKV    : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0xa4], /data/user/0/com.xiaomi.mipicks/files/mmkv/self_update.crc

03-18 23:42:51.488 14761 14829 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:81::loadFromFile> loading [self_update] with 1083 actual size, file size 4096, InterProcess 1, meta info version:3

03-18 23:42:51.488 14761 14829 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:86::loadFromFile> loading [self_update] with crc 1190753001 sequence 5 version 3

03-18 23:42:51.488 14761 14829 I MMKV    : <MMKV_IO.cpp:130::loadFromFile> loaded [self_update] with 2 key-values

03-18 23:42:51.495 14761 14864 I MiPicks-RetryService: trySchedule, needSchedule: false

03-18 23:42:51.499  1626  1971 I ActivityManager: Background started FGS: Allowed [callingPackage: com.xiaomi.mipicks; callingUid: 10129; uidState: CEM ; intent: Intent { pkg=com.xiaomi.mipicks cmp=com.xiaomi.mipicks/ }; code:SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW_PERMISSION; tempAllowListReason:<,reasonCode:SYSTEM_ALLOW_LISTED,duration:9223372036854775807,callingUid:-1>; targetSdkVersion:33; callerTargetSdkVersion:33; startForegroundCount:0; bindFromPackage:null]

03-18 23:42:51.501  1626  1657 D MediaProjectionManagerServiceStubImpl: handleForegroundServicesChanged

03-18 23:42:51.502 14761 14845 I Ad      : isPersonalizedAdEnabled getAdSettings: 3

03-18 23:42:51.502  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10129, uidState = 4

03-18 23:42:51.504  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:42:51.508 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:51.514  1626  3524 W ActivityManager: Foreground service started from background can not have location/camera/microphone access: service com.xiaomi.mipicks/

03-18 23:42:51.518  1626  3524 I ActivityManager: Cancel FGS notification userId: 0 definingUid: 10129 packageName: com.xiaomi.mipicks processName:com.xiaomi.mipicks ChannelId:com.xiaomi.mipicks_hide foregroundNotiWhen:1710785571512 Notiflags:88

03-18 23:42:51.519  1626  1626 I NotificationService: Cancel FGS notification CallingUid: 10129 CallingPid: 14761 Pkg: com.xiaomi.mipicks Id:190941229 Tag:null UserId:0 MustHaveFlags:0 MustNotHaveFlags:0 Reason:8 foregroundNotiWhen:1710785571512 foregroundNotiFlags:88 foregroundNotiChannelId:com.xiaomi.mipicks_hide

03-18 23:42:51.520  1626  1657 D MediaProjectionManagerServiceStubImpl: handleForegroundServicesChanged

03-18 23:42:51.521 14761 14761 I MiPicks-ServiceUtils: stop foreground service: CloudConfigSyncService

03-18 23:42:51.525 14761 14845 I MiPicks-RetrofitRequest: callStart :

03-18 23:42:51.527  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10129, uidState = 10

03-18 23:42:51.527  1626  1902 D AurogonImmobulusMode:  remove fg services app uid = 10129

03-18 23:42:51.529  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10129, uidState = 19

03-18 23:42:51.592   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:51.593  2259  2259 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.

03-18 23:42:51.593  1174  1311 D ULogGuard: Monitoring: 8 threads, 0 requests, 0 time-bombs; 1 guards. ResetFlags = 0x7

03-18 23:42:51.595  2262  2574 D MobileStatusTracker(4): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=-79 rsrq=-9 rssnr=9 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 miuiLevel=5 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=4 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 mOptimizedLevel = 0 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte}, phoneId=1, mMtkLevel=0, mMtkRsrpOnly=false, mMtkLteRsrpThreshold=null, mMtkLteRssnrThreshold=null

03-18 23:42:51.596  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:42:51.596  1626  1971 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:42:51.597  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:42:51.597  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:42:51.597  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:42:51.598  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:42:51.598  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:42:51.598  1626  1971 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:42:51.604 14761 14870 I MiPicks-RetrofitRequest: callEnd :

03-18 23:42:51.610   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:51.610   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000073905766e0,id:-1,api:1,p:944,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=1.00 dur=1995.40 max=1829.95 min=165.45

03-18 23:42:51.612   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:51.612   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:51.622 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:51.627 14761 14845 I MiPicks-RetrofitRequest: callEnd :

03-18 23:42:51.628 14761 14870 E MiPicks-ConnectionRSA: get key exception : unable to decrypt block

03-18 23:42:51.637 14761 14845 E MiPicks-ConnectionRSA: get key exception : unable to decrypt block

03-18 23:42:51.639   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:51.654 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:51.673 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:51.676 17377 14087 W NetworkScheduler: Error inserting flex_time=3149000 job_id=-1 period=6299000 source=16 requires_charging=0 preferred_network_type=1 user_id=0 tag=Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG task_type=0 required_idleness_state=0 service_kind=0 source_version=240812000 persistence_level=1 preferred_charging_state=1 required_network_type=0 runtime=1710785571675 retry_strategy={"maximum_backoff_seconds":{"3600":0},"initial_backoff_seconds":{"30":0},"retry_policy":{"0":0}} last_runtime=0 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]

03-18 23:42:51.676 17377 14087 W NetworkScheduler: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: UNIQUE constraint failed: pending_ops.tag, pending_ops.target_class, pending_ops.target_package, pending_ops.user_id (code 2067 SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE)

03-18 23:42:51.676 17377 14087 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeExecuteForLastInsertedRowId(Native Method)

03-18 23:42:51.676 17377 14087 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.executeForLastInsertedRowId(

03-18 23:42:51.676 17377 14087 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteSession.executeForLastInsertedRowId(

03-18 23:42:51.676 17377 14087 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement.executeInsert(

03-18 23:42:51.676 17377 14087 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insertWithOnConflict(

03-18 23:42:51.676 17377 14087 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insertOrThrow(

03-18 23:42:51.676 17377 14087 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctph.d( (190400-608507424):743)

03-18 23:42:51.676 17377 14087 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctne.n( (190400-608507424):29)

03-18 23:42:51.676 17377 14087 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctne.u( (190400-608507424):362)

03-18 23:42:51.676 17377 14087 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctne.h( (190400-608507424):51)

03-18 23:42:51.676 17377 14087 W NetworkScheduler:      at (190400-608507424):72)

03-18 23:42:51.676 17377 14087 W NetworkScheduler:      at alab.c( (190400-608507424):50)

03-18 23:42:51.676 17377 14087 W NetworkScheduler:      at (190400-608507424):76)

03-18 23:42:51.676 17377 14087 W NetworkScheduler:      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(

03-18 23:42:51.676 17377 14087 W NetworkScheduler:      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

03-18 23:42:51.676 17377 14087 W NetworkScheduler:      at (190400-608507424):8)

03-18 23:42:51.676 17377 14087 W NetworkScheduler:      at

03-18 23:42:51.704 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:51.718  1626  1626 I NotificationService: Cannot find enqueued record for key: 0|com.xiaomi.mipicks|190941229|null|10129

03-18 23:42:51.738 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:51.759 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler: Error inserting flex_time=3148000 job_id=-1 period=6298000 source=16 requires_charging=0 preferred_network_type=1 user_id=0 tag=Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG task_type=0 required_idleness_state=0 service_kind=0 source_version=240812000 persistence_level=1 preferred_charging_state=1 required_network_type=0 runtime=1710785571756 retry_strategy={"maximum_backoff_seconds":{"3600":0},"initial_backoff_seconds":{"30":0},"retry_policy":{"0":0}} last_runtime=0 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]

03-18 23:42:51.759 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: UNIQUE constraint failed: pending_ops.tag, pending_ops.target_class, pending_ops.target_package, pending_ops.user_id (code 2067 SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE)

03-18 23:42:51.759 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeExecuteForLastInsertedRowId(Native Method)

03-18 23:42:51.759 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.executeForLastInsertedRowId(

03-18 23:42:51.759 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteSession.executeForLastInsertedRowId(

03-18 23:42:51.759 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement.executeInsert(

03-18 23:42:51.759 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insertWithOnConflict(

03-18 23:42:51.759 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insertOrThrow(

03-18 23:42:51.759 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctph.d( (190400-608507424):743)

03-18 23:42:51.759 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctne.n( (190400-608507424):29)

03-18 23:42:51.759 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctne.u( (190400-608507424):362)

03-18 23:42:51.759 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at ctne.h( (190400-608507424):51)

03-18 23:42:51.759 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at (190400-608507424):72)

03-18 23:42:51.759 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at alab.c( (190400-608507424):50)

03-18 23:42:51.759 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at (190400-608507424):76)

03-18 23:42:51.759 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(

03-18 23:42:51.759 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

03-18 23:42:51.759 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at (190400-608507424):8)

03-18 23:42:51.759 17377 14370 W NetworkScheduler:      at

03-18 23:42:51.824  1626  1917 I background->idle(3434ms) R(broadcast end Intent { act=miui.intent.action.PACKAGE_FIRST_LAUNCH flg=0x1000010 cmp=com.xiaomi.glgm/ (has extras) }) adj=905.

03-18 23:42:51.824  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.xiaomi.glgm/10001 state=inactive adj=905 proc size=1 move to idle broadcast end Intent { act=miui.intent.action.PACKAGE_FIRST_LAUNCH flg=0x1000010 cmp=com.xiaomi.glgm/ (has extras) }

03-18 23:42:51.824   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:51.834   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:51.835   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:13730 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:51.835   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:34

03-18 23:42:51.835   877   954 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(14612) : -1 => 60

03-18 23:42:51.835   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState] pack:com.sampleproject, act:com.sampleproject.MainActivity, state:5, pid:14612, uid:10253, fps:60

03-18 23:42:51.835   877   980 I UxUtility: notifyForegroundApp pack:com.sampleproject, uid:10253

03-18 23:42:51.835   877   980 I TouchUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL

03-18 23:42:51.836   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:24160 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:51.841   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:51.842   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:51.842   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:51.919 17377 17394 I .gms.persistent: Background concurrent copying GC freed 592205(23MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 48% free, 25MB/49MB, paused 86us,51us total 161.189ms

03-18 23:42:52.002  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 98 -> 97

03-18 23:42:52.002  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 97

03-18 23:42:52.038 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:52.054   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:52.120   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:52.137 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:52.141   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:52.143   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:52.143   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:52.153   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:52.188 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:52.220 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:52.254 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:52.264  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.miui.cleaner/10089 state=idle adj=200 proc size=2 move to hibernation service create com.miui.cleaner/com.miui.optimizecenter.service.CleanerService

03-18 23:42:52.336   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:52.337 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:52.343  1626  1917 I background->idle(3477ms) R(adj below visible) adj=905.

03-18 23:42:52.343  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.xiaomi.mipicks/10129 state=inactive adj=905 proc size=2 move to idle adj below visible

03-18 23:42:52.350   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [PopupWindow:a2439dc#76660](this:0xb4000072bf4748a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=16.88 dur=1007.10 max=299.08 min=16.66

03-18 23:42:52.357   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:52.358   863   863 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:19.753603,dur:1012.47,max:212.25,min:10.72  

03-18 23:42:52.359   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:52.359   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:52.401  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 97 -> 95

03-18 23:42:52.401  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 95

03-18 23:42:52.478  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=915 proc size=1 move to hibernation broadcast end Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x5000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:42:52.482  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=915 proc size=1 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { dat=package: flg=0x10 (has extras) }

03-18 23:42:52.506 14761 14858 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(5) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:42:52.547  1626  1917 I background->idle(3003ms) R(broadcast start Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }) adj=905.

03-18 23:42:52.547  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=905 proc size=1 move to idle broadcast start Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }

03-18 23:42:52.598  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:42:52.598  1626  3524 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:42:52.599  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:42:52.599  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:42:52.599  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:42:52.599  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:42:52.599  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:42:52.600  1626  3524 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:42:52.625  1626  1917 I background->idle(427481ms) R(service end adj=250.

03-18 23:42:52.690 14761 14858 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:42:52.690 14761 14858 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:42:52.705 14612 14897 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(160) with statsTag=0x90000, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:42:52.803 14761 14827 I MiPicks-AutoUpdateScheduler: [Update] scheduleAutoUpdateOnAppStart

03-18 23:42:52.804 14761 14816 I MiPicks-AutoDownloadScheduler: [AutoDownload] scheduleAutoDownloadOnAppStart

03-18 23:42:52.834 14761 14818 D MarketSdk-MarketManager: currVersionValue: 14000600

03-18 23:42:52.834 14761 14818 D MarketSdk-MarketManager: targetVersionValue: 10000000

03-18 23:42:52.835   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:52.835   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:13730 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:52.835   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:16

03-18 23:42:52.835   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:24160 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:52.837 14761 14761 D FCMPushManager: recordToken success token:ecRi5ZsuT7eUJn4VD1AuWu:APA91bFBf9RQ9DYCfZ7gaCk8e4oIT_vnTYgxIY40GbEsc9y9UrEAcRcK370OpzORWj6SdDkJn0BRE0LnszF5OHMf0pKY1fdZwi4PZ7cbGtS2yrL1LcQWpLm45M5cRsWI-Y_XhuXRyA4I

03-18 23:42:52.859  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:42:52.859  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:42:52.859  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:42:52.859  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:42:52.859  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:42:52.860  1626  1844 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:42:52.865  1626  1669 D AES     : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd= 1074294797, lParam=0. 

03-18 23:42:52.865  1626  1669 D HeapUsage Monitor: HeapAllocSize : 109MB; monitorSize : 500MB

03-18 23:42:52.865  1626  1669 D AES     : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd= 2147774474, lParam=300. 

03-18 23:42:52.900 14761 14818 D MarketSdk-TimedPushManager: push start time: 2024-03-18, send time: 10:33:00, end time:2024-03-20

03-18 23:42:52.915 14761 14818 D MarketSdk-TimedPushManager: the final send time: 2024-03-19 10:33:00

03-18 23:42:52.928 14761 14761 W FirebaseRemoteConfig: No value of type 'FirebaseRemoteConfigValue' exists for parameter key 'abKeyList'.

03-18 23:42:52.929 14761 14761 W FirebaseRemoteConfig: No value of type 'FirebaseRemoteConfigValue' exists for parameter key 'sid'.

03-18 23:42:52.937  1626  3524 D PackageManager: set app  component=ComponentInfo{com.xiaomi.mipicks/} enabled state: 1 from null,uid=10129,pid=14761

03-18 23:42:52.946 14761 14900 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10129; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:42:52.947  1626  3524 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 10129; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:42:52.948  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=100 proc size=1 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { act=miui.intent.action.PACKAGE_FIRST_LAUNCH flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:42:52.988 14761 14812 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:42:52.988 14761 14812 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:42:53.000  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.miui.home/10099 state=idle adj=100 proc size=1 move to hibernation become invisible

03-18 23:42:53.001  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 95 -> 96

03-18 23:42:53.002  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 96

03-18 23:42:53.201  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 96 -> 98

03-18 23:42:53.202  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 98

03-18 23:42:53.288  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 3

03-18 23:42:53.288 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:53.288  1626  1809 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:42:53.289  1626  1809 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:42:53.303   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:53.304  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=100 proc size=4 move to hibernation become invisible

03-18 23:42:53.331  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=905 proc size=2 move to hibernation adj below visible

03-18 23:42:53.334  1626  3524 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:42:53.334  1626  3524 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:42:53.339  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 3

03-18 23:42:53.349 17377 14087 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s started execution. cause:%s exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s

03-18 23:42:53.373  1626  1645 W System  : A resource failed to call release. 

03-18 23:42:53.374 28536 12489 I PlayGamesServices[GamesSyncAdapter]: Starting sync for aa6bf071

03-18 23:42:53.377 28536 12489 I PlayGamesServices[GamesSyncAdapter]: Sync duration for aa6bf071: 2

03-18 23:42:53.399 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:53.399 17377 14370 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s finished executing. cause:%s result: %s elapsed_millis: %s uptime_millis: %s exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s

03-18 23:42:53.401  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 98 -> 99

03-18 23:42:53.401  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 99

03-18 23:42:53.408  1626  3525 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:42:53.408  1626  3525 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:42:53.410  1626  3525 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:42:53.410  1626  3525 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:42:53.413   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [PopupWindow:a2439dc#76660](this:0xb4000072bf4748a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=1.88 dur=1062.35 max=950.27 min=112.08

03-18 23:42:53.413 28536 15219 W PlayGamesServices[UiUtils]: AppVersion: Cannot find the installed destination app.

03-18 23:42:53.414 28536 15219 I GetServiceValidatorImpl: (REDACTED) onGetService() from Client SDK version [%s], Module version [%s], PGA version [%s], Account [%s], Calling package [%s], Game package [%s]

03-18 23:42:53.414   863   863 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:1.893562,dur:1056.21,max:944.47,min:111.74  

03-18 23:42:53.415 28536 15219 W GetGamesServiceReqFacto: Parsing request with ignored arguments. signInOptionsBundle [Bundle[{,,,,,, {name=<<default account>>,},,}]], isRetryingSignIn [false], skipWelcomePopup [false], requireGooglePlus [false]

03-18 23:42:53.415 28536 15219 I GetGamesServiceReqFacto: Replacing request for `games` scope with `games_lite`

03-18 23:42:53.416   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:53.428 28536 14915 I SignInPerformer-10: (REDACTED) Handling request [%s], isFirstPartyCaller [%s]

03-18 23:42:53.430 28536 14915 I SignInPerformer-10: Successfully brokered first-party unauthenticated GamesService [CONTEXT service_id=1 ]

03-18 23:42:53.431 28536 14915 I GetGamesServiceV2Op: (REDACTED) Successfully brokered GamesService for request %s

03-18 23:42:53.433 28536 15219 W PlayGamesServices[UiUtils]: AppVersion: Cannot find the installed destination app.

03-18 23:42:53.433 28536 15219 W PlayGamesServices[UiUtils]: AppVersionName: Cannot find the installed destination app.

03-18 23:42:53.435   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:53.435   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000073905766e0,id:-1,api:1,p:944,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=2.19 dur=1824.82 max=1077.85 min=215.72

03-18 23:42:53.436   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:53.436   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:53.440  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 3

03-18 23:42:53.465 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:53.482   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:53.548   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:53.568   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:53.570   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:53.570   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:53.599  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:42:53.599  1626  3518 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:42:53.600  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:42:53.601  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:42:53.601  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:42:53.601  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:42:53.601  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:42:53.601  1626  3518 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:42:53.601  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 99 -> 95

03-18 23:42:53.602  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 95

03-18 23:42:53.656  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 3

03-18 23:42:53.682 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:53.698   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:53.764   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:53.785   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:53.786   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:53.786   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:53.802  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 95 -> 91

03-18 23:42:53.802  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 91

03-18 23:42:53.825  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.xiaomi.glgm/10001 state=idle adj=905 proc size=1 move to hibernation broadcast end Intent { act=miui.intent.action.PACKAGE_FIRST_LAUNCH flg=0x1000010 cmp=com.xiaomi.glgm/ (has extras) }

03-18 23:42:53.835   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:53.835   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:13730 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:53.835   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:53.835   877   954 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(14612) : 60 => -1

03-18 23:42:53.835   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState] pack:com.sampleproject, act:com.sampleproject.MainActivity, state:5, pid:14612, uid:10253, fps:-1

03-18 23:42:53.836   877   980 I UxUtility: notifyForegroundApp pack:com.sampleproject, uid:10253

03-18 23:42:53.836   877   980 I TouchUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL

03-18 23:42:53.836   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:24160 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:53.880 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:53.898   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:53.931 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:53.964 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:54.001  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 91 -> 86

03-18 23:42:54.001  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 86

03-18 23:42:54.048   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:54.067   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:54.068   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:54.068   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService: readLine:

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService: /sys/class/thermal/thermal_message/balance_mode: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at<init>(

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at<init>(

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at<init>(

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.readLine(

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.isPerformanceMode(

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.checktemp(

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.access$2500(

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService$ThermalStateListener.onEvent(

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent(

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe(Native Method)

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at android.os.FileObserver$

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at Method)

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at$

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    ... 11 more

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 D SLM-SRV-SLAService: checktemp temperature = 38000 temperature_average = 35333 isPerformanceMode = false thermal_enable_slm = true

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService: readLine:

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService: /sys/class/thermal/thermal_message/balance_mode: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at<init>(

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at<init>(

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at<init>(

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.readLine(

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.isPerformanceMode(

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.checktemp(

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.access$2500(

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService$ThermalStateListener.onEvent(

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent(

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe(Native Method)

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at android.os.FileObserver$

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at Method)

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at$

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:42:54.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    ... 11 more

03-18 23:42:54.343  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.xiaomi.mipicks/10129 state=idle adj=905 proc size=2 move to hibernation adj below visible

03-18 23:42:54.399 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:54.413   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:54.446 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:54.460   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [PopupWindow:a2439dc#76660](this:0xb4000072bf4748a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=6.69 dur=1046.93 max=431.95 min=33.11

03-18 23:42:54.461   863   863 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:10.505788,dur:1047.04,max:344.96,min:21.62  

03-18 23:42:54.495 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:54.545 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:54.547  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=905 proc size=1 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }

03-18 23:42:54.594  1174  1311 D ULogGuard: Monitoring: 8 threads, 0 requests, 0 time-bombs; 1 guards. ResetFlags = 0x7

03-18 23:42:54.600  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:42:54.601  1626  3518 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:42:54.602  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:42:54.602  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:42:54.603  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:42:54.603  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:42:54.603  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:42:54.604  1626  3518 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:42:54.628   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:54.648   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:54.648   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000073905766e0,id:-1,api:1,p:944,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=3.30 dur=1213.25 max=581.72 min=133.18

03-18 23:42:54.650   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:54.650   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:54.696 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:54.712   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:54.717 14612 14916 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(160) with statsTag=0x90000, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:42:54.777   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:54.796  1626  3518 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:42:54.797  1626  3518 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:42:54.797   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:54.799   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:54.799   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:54.801  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: oldLux=86 [SA:87 LA:88] newLux=87 (oriLux: 88)

03-18 23:42:54.801  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 86 -> 87

03-18 23:42:54.801  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 87

03-18 23:42:54.804  1626  3525 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:42:54.804  1626  3525 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:42:54.835   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:54.835   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:13730 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:54.835   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:21

03-18 23:42:54.835   877   954 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(14612) : -1 => 60

03-18 23:42:54.836   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState] pack:com.sampleproject, act:com.sampleproject.MainActivity, state:5, pid:14612, uid:10253, fps:60

03-18 23:42:54.837   877   980 I UxUtility: notifyForegroundApp pack:com.sampleproject, uid:10253

03-18 23:42:54.837   877   980 I TouchUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL

03-18 23:42:54.837   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:24160 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:55.002  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 87 -> 88

03-18 23:42:55.002  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 88

03-18 23:42:55.202  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 88 -> 89

03-18 23:42:55.202  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 89

03-18 23:42:55.363  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 5

03-18 23:42:55.364  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10190, uidState = 5

03-18 23:42:55.371 24989 25052 I BtGatt.ScanManager: msg.what = MSG_IMPORTANCE_CHANGE, msg.arg1 = IMPORTANCE_CHANGE

03-18 23:42:55.376 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:55.392   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:55.409 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:55.492 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:55.496   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:55.506   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [PopupWindow:a2439dc#76660](this:0xb4000072bf4748a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=5.74 dur=1046.10 max=680.75 min=33.32

03-18 23:42:55.513   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:55.513   863   863 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:7.602676,dur:1052.26,max:593.12,min:32.91  

03-18 23:42:55.514   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:55.514   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:55.602  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:42:55.602  1626  3525 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:42:55.604  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:42:55.604  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:42:55.604  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:42:55.604  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:42:55.604  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:42:55.604  1626  3525 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:42:55.835   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:55.835   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:13730 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:55.836   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:55.836   877   954 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(14612) : 60 => -1

03-18 23:42:55.836   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState] pack:com.sampleproject, act:com.sampleproject.MainActivity, state:5, pid:14612, uid:10253, fps:-1

03-18 23:42:55.836   877   980 I UxUtility: notifyForegroundApp pack:com.sampleproject, uid:10253

03-18 23:42:55.836   877   980 I TouchUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL

03-18 23:42:55.837   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:24160 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:55.867  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:42:55.867  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:42:55.867  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:42:55.867  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:42:55.867  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:42:55.868  1626  1844 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:42:55.907 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:55.923   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:55.992   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:56.008 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:56.011   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:56.011   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000073905766e0,id:-1,api:1,p:944,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=2.20 dur=1362.86 max=715.40 min=149.03

03-18 23:42:56.013   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:56.013   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:56.022   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:56.090 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:56.092   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:56.110   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:56.112   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:56.112   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:56.199 11189 11214 W System  : A resource failed to call close. 

03-18 23:42:56.201  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 89 -> 88

03-18 23:42:56.202  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 88

03-18 23:42:56.240 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:56.255   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:56.324   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:56.342   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:56.343   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:56.344   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:56.401  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 88 -> 87

03-18 23:42:56.401  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 87

03-18 23:42:56.449 11189 11214 W System  : A resource failed to call close. 

03-18 23:42:56.469 11189 11256 I Finsky  : [1144] aaqw.a(1373): RF::PP-Verify: starting to verify for com.gamovation.chessclubpilot[iid:946] [isid:grmuwiV-RtGdWbYq3SDkNA] [tid: 1000001216].

03-18 23:42:56.469 11189 11243 I Finsky  : [1133] aaqw.a(1373): RF::PP-Verify: starting to verify for com.gamovation.chessclubpilot[iid:946] [isid:grmuwiV-RtGdWbYq3SDkNA] [tid: 1000001216].

03-18 23:42:56.470 11189 11251 I Finsky  : [1141] aaqw.a(1373): RF::PP-Verify: starting to verify for com.gamovation.chessclubpilot[iid:946] [isid:grmuwiV-RtGdWbYq3SDkNA] [tid: 1000001216].

03-18 23:42:56.478 11189 14172 I Finsky  : [1261] sdl.apply(512): IV2::TD: Resource fetch done. com.gamovation.chessclubpilot[iid:946] [isid:grmuwiV-RtGdWbYq3SDkNA] [tid: 1000001216]

03-18 23:42:56.478 11189 14172 I Finsky  : [1261] sdm.a(907): IV2::TD: Installing start. com.gamovation.chessclubpilot[iid:946] [isid:grmuwiV-RtGdWbYq3SDkNA] [tid: 1000001216]

03-18 23:42:56.479 11189 14172 I Finsky  : [1261] scd.a(240): IV2::TD: Submit start. com.gamovation.chessclubpilot[iid:946] [isid:grmuwiV-RtGdWbYq3SDkNA] [tid: 1000001216]

03-18 23:42:56.479 11189 14172 I Finsky  : [1261] scx.a(71): IV2: Unexpected onTaskProgress com.gamovation.chessclubpilot[iid:946] [isid:grmuwiV-RtGdWbYq3SDkNA] status:5.

03-18 23:42:56.481 11189 14172 I Finsky  : [1261] kqd.accept(295): IV2: onTaskProgress com.gamovation.chessclubpilot[iid:946] [isid:grmuwiV-RtGdWbYq3SDkNA] status:6, size: 0/0

03-18 23:42:56.485 11189 14158 I Finsky  : [1258] sif.N(33): IQ: Notifying installation update. [Package:com.gamovation.chessclubpilot, isid:grmuwiV-RtGdWbYq3SDkNA], status=INSTALLING, status_code=0, reason=auto_update, tsc=PT3H14M54.17S

03-18 23:42:56.490 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] zua.ahY(59): PIM: Ignore install package event for: com.gamovation.chessclubpilot, isid: grmuwiV-RtGdWbYq3SDkNA

03-18 23:42:56.492 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] ouz.r(174): DL: Data loader session turned off due to Incremental install not requested: com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:42:56.494 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] actr.apply(112): IQ::HLD: ongoing installs that pauseAppUpdates callers must wait for: []

03-18 23:42:56.555 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:56.568   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [PopupWindow:a2439dc#76660](this:0xb4000072bf4748a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=4.71 dur=1062.57 max=415.11 min=83.20

03-18 23:42:56.571   863   863 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:6.620900,dur:1057.26,max:409.32,min:10.13  

03-18 23:42:56.571   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:56.604  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:42:56.604  1626  3525 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:42:56.605  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:42:56.605  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:42:56.605  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:42:56.605  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:42:56.605  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:42:56.606  1626  3525 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:42:56.620 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:56.636   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:56.656   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:56.657   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:56.658   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:56.712  2259  2259 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.

03-18 23:42:56.714  2262  2574 D MobileStatusTracker(4): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=-84 rsrq=-10 rssnr=5 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 miuiLevel=5 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=4 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 mOptimizedLevel = 0 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte}, phoneId=1, mMtkLevel=0, mMtkRsrpOnly=false, mMtkLteRsrpThreshold=null, mMtkLteRssnrThreshold=null

03-18 23:42:56.731 14612 14918 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(160) with statsTag=0x90000, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:42:56.737 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:56.753   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:56.820   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:56.835   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:56.836   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:13730 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:56.836   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:56.836   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:24160 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:56.839   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:56.839  1626  1768 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:42:56.839  1626  1768 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:42:56.840   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:56.840   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:56.853 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:56.869   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:56.919 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:56.936   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:56.955   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:56.956   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:56.956   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:57.002  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 87 -> 88

03-18 23:42:57.002  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 88

03-18 23:42:57.151 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:57.168   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:57.201  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 88 -> 89

03-18 23:42:57.201  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 89

03-18 23:42:57.236   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:57.254   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:57.254   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000073905766e0,id:-1,api:1,p:944,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=4.83 dur=1242.79 max=314.16 min=99.07

03-18 23:42:57.255   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:57.255   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:57.317 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:57.320   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:57.347  1626  1843 D MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateLimit mLimitEnabled=true,enabled=false,mNetworkPriorityMode=255

03-18 23:42:57.388   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:57.403   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:57.404   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:57.404   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:57.477  1093  1165 I mi_thermald: special_target_modify: set generic device battery to 0

03-18 23:42:57.478  1093  1165 I mi_thermald: generic_set_level: set generic device battery to 0

03-18 23:42:57.594  1174  1311 D ULogGuard: Monitoring: 8 threads, 0 requests, 0 time-bombs; 1 guards. ResetFlags = 0x7

03-18 23:42:57.604  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:42:57.605  1626  3524 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:42:57.606  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:42:57.606  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:42:57.606  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:42:57.606  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:42:57.606  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:42:57.606  1626  3524 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:42:57.609  1626  3525 W system_server: Long monitor contention with owner PackageInstaller (1768) at void waiters=0 in int for 769ms

03-18 23:42:57.609  1626  1768 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:42:57.609  1626  1768 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:42:57.610  1626  1768 I PowerHalWrapper: PowerHalWrapper.getInstance 

03-18 23:42:57.610 24160 24279 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 770 ms,, code=6 oneway=false

03-18 23:42:57.610 24160 24279 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:42:57.610 24160 24279 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:42:57.614  1626  1717 E PackageManager: ERROR: could not load root hash from incremental install

03-18 23:42:57.614  1626  1717 E PackageManager: ERROR: could not load root hash from incremental install

03-18 23:42:57.618  1626  1717 I PackageManager: Integrity check passed for file:///data/app/vmdl2014216762.tmp

03-18 23:42:57.620  1626  1678 I idle->background(11519ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_NEEDS_VERIFICATION dat=file:///... typ=application/ flg=0x10000011 (has extras) }) adj=0.

03-18 23:42:57.620  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=0 proc size=4 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_NEEDS_VERIFICATION dat=file:///... typ=application/ flg=0x10000011 (has extras) }

03-18 23:42:57.620  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=0 proc size=4 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_NEEDS_VERIFICATION dat=file:///... typ=application/ flg=0x10000011 (has extras) }

03-18 23:42:57.621  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:42:57.621  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:42:57.622 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] ajxh.c(68): VerifyApps: Install-time verification requested for package com.gamovation.chessclubpilot, id = 41

03-18 23:42:57.630 11189 14276 I Finsky  : [1278] VerifyAppsInstallTask.akX(44): VerifyApps: Anti-malware verification task started for package=com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:42:57.630 11189 14276 I Finsky  : [1278] VerifyAppsInstallTask.akX(131): VerifyApps: Skipping verification because own installation

03-18 23:42:57.630 11189 14276 I Finsky  : [1278] VerifyAppsInstallTask.akX(683): VerifyApps: Skipping anti malware verification (preconditions not met). package=com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:42:57.633 11189 14276 I Finsky  : [1278] VerifyPerSourceInstallationConsentInstallTask.akX(222): PSIC verification started with installer uid: 10189 package name:, originating uid: -1

03-18 23:42:57.635 11189 14276 I Finsky  : [1278] VerifyPerSourceInstallationConsentInstallTask.akX(442): Skipping logging for attempted installation. This is a Play Store installation.

03-18 23:42:57.635 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] VerifyInstallTask.k(17): VerifyApps: Returning package verification result id=41, result=ALLOW

03-18 23:42:57.635 11189 14278 E AbstractLogEventBuilder: The provided ProductIdOrigin 3 is not one of the process-level expected values: 1 or 2

03-18 23:42:57.638  1626  1768 I PowerHalWrapper: PowerHalWrapper.getInstance 

03-18 23:42:57.641 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] VerifyInstallTask.akW(71): VerifyApps: Verification complete: id=41, package_name=com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:42:57.709  1626  1678 I ActivityManager: Force stopping com.gamovation.chessclubpilot appid=10349 user=-1: installPackageLI

03-18 23:42:57.710  1626  1717 I PackageManager: Update package com.gamovation.chessclubpilot code path from /data/app/~~nF4DJVJYqi4XAn3hj-Nj2w==/com.gamovation.chessclubpilot-XQBRsRwG1U7EKdAOWfNF_A== to /data/app/~~dFlZMNt82ef0FbgrTSY_tQ==/com.gamovation.chessclubpilot-w9q6uAYIL_CYUxMetAFApg==; Retain data and using new

03-18 23:42:57.711  1626  1717 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{4caee1f in.user.hotspot/10291} -> PackageSetting{39bdab0 com.gamovation.chessclubpilot/10349} BLOCKED

03-18 23:42:57.711  1626  1717 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{bf46735} -> PackageSetting{39bdab0 com.gamovation.chessclubpilot/10349} BLOCKED

03-18 23:42:57.711  1626  1717 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{68047ca} -> PackageSetting{39bdab0 com.gamovation.chessclubpilot/10349} BLOCKED

03-18 23:42:57.711  1626  1717 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{a1ded29 com.sampleproject/10253} -> PackageSetting{39bdab0 com.gamovation.chessclubpilot/10349} BLOCKED

03-18 23:42:57.711  1626  1717 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{4caee1f in.user.hotspot/10291} -> PackageSetting{3b6a8ae com.gamovation.chessclubpilot/10349} BLOCKED

03-18 23:42:57.712  1626  1717 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{bf46735} -> PackageSetting{3b6a8ae com.gamovation.chessclubpilot/10349} BLOCKED

03-18 23:42:57.712  1626  1717 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{68047ca} -> PackageSetting{3b6a8ae com.gamovation.chessclubpilot/10349} BLOCKED

03-18 23:42:57.712  1626  1717 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{a1ded29 com.sampleproject/10253} -> PackageSetting{3b6a8ae com.gamovation.chessclubpilot/10349} BLOCKED

03-18 23:42:57.802  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 89 -> 88

03-18 23:42:57.802  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 88

03-18 23:42:57.827  1626  1717 I PackageManager: Permission ownership changed. Updating all permissions.

03-18 23:42:57.836   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:57.836   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:57.836   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:24160 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:57.954  1626  1656 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:42:57.954  1626  1656 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:42:57.954  1626  1656 W Looper  : Slow dispatch took 124ms android.fg h=android.os.Handler c=<recycled PooledLambda@30f64f4> m=0

03-18 23:42:58.002  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 88 -> 87

03-18 23:42:58.002  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 87

03-18 23:42:58.040  1626  1917 I background->idle(15035ms) R(adj below visible) adj=100.

03-18 23:42:58.041  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=100 proc size=1 move to idle adj below visible

03-18 23:42:58.108  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99532, uidState = 10

03-18 23:42:58.108  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10344, uidState = 10

03-18 23:42:58.109  1626  3524 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:42:58.109  1626  3524 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:42:58.109  1626  3524 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:42:58.109  1626  3524 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:42:58.112  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10344, uidState = 19

03-18 23:42:58.115  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99532, uidState = 19

03-18 23:42:58.119 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] abzw.onStartJob(127): SCH: job service start with id 9073.

03-18 23:42:58.128 11189 13887 I Finsky  : [1252] ktz.a(252): SCH: Satisfied jobs for 9073 are: 12-1

03-18 23:42:58.163  1626  1656 W Looper  : Slow delivery took 204ms android.fg h=android.os.Handler c=<recycled PooledLambda@1d915ea> m=0

03-18 23:42:58.235 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:58.249   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [PopupWindow:a2439dc#76660](this:0xb4000072bf4748a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=4.17 dur=1680.22 max=930.51 min=66.42

03-18 23:42:58.250   863   863 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:7.145210,dur:1679.45,max:846.54,min:20.89  

03-18 23:42:58.251   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:58.324  2259  2259 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.

03-18 23:42:58.326  2262  2574 D MobileStatusTracker(3): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=-113 rsrq=-15 rssnr=-2 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 miuiLevel=2 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=2 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 mOptimizedLevel = 0 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte}, phoneId=0, mMtkLevel=0, mMtkRsrpOnly=false, mMtkLteRsrpThreshold=null, mMtkLteRssnrThreshold=null

03-18 23:42:58.333  1626  1712 D PackageManager: writeLegacyPermissionState for user 0 in 12 ms.

03-18 23:42:58.360  1626  1656 W Looper  : Drained

03-18 23:42:58.381 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:58.384   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:58.399   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:58.400   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000073905766e0,id:-1,api:1,p:944,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=1.75 dur=1145.40 max=996.36 min=149.04

03-18 23:42:58.401   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:58.401   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:58.442 14920 14920 W profman : profman took 413.564ms

03-18 23:42:58.443  1626  1717 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 431 ms, interface=android.os.IInstalld, code=42 oneway=false

03-18 23:42:58.505  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 10

03-18 23:42:58.601  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 87 -> 88

03-18 23:42:58.601  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 88

03-18 23:42:58.605  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:42:58.606  1626  3524 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:42:58.607  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:42:58.607  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:42:58.607  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:42:58.607  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:42:58.607  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:42:58.607  1626  3524 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:42:58.670  1626  3524 D CoreBackPreview: Window{449f7ff u0 PopupWindow:a2439dc}: Setting back callback null

03-18 23:42:58.674 14612 14612 D View    : [Warning] assignParent to null: this = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{9c456a4 V.E...... R......D 0,0-1080,72}

03-18 23:42:58.674 14612 14612 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[PopupWindow:a2439dc]#1](f:0,a:1) destructor()

03-18 23:42:58.674 14612 14612 D BufferQueueConsumer: [VRI[PopupWindow:a2439dc]#1(BLAST Consumer)1](id:391400000001,api:0,p:-1,c:14612) disconnect

03-18 23:42:58.675  1626  3524 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object '449f7ff PopupWindow:a2439dc (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!

03-18 23:42:58.676  1626  3524 D WindowManager: setParent old=Window{6d998c3 u0 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity},new=null,this window=Window{449f7ff u0 PopupWindow:a2439dc}, 

03-18 23:42:58.681 22706 14384 I charon  : 732[JOB] [acquire_alarm_timer_wake_lock()  412] Acquire wake lock(fd:-1, result: 1, errno:9)

03-18 23:42:58.681 22706 22733 I charon  : 01[JOB] [schedule()  269] Job timer expiry(now:821366, event->time:821366), queuing job for execution

03-18 23:42:58.681 22706 22736 I charon  : 04[IKE] <pdn_0_10|10> [send_keepalive()  793] NATT keepalive through charon is enabled, interval:20

03-18 23:42:58.681 22706 22736 I charon  : 04[IKE] <pdn_0_10|10> [send_keepalive()  813] sending keep alive to[4500]

03-18 23:42:58.681 22706 22736 I charon  : 04[JOB] <pdn_0_10|10> [schedule_job_tv()  506] Put the job(expire at 821386) in heap position:1, next expired job:821386

03-18 23:42:58.681 22706 22736 I charon  : 04[JOB] [release_alarm_timer_wake_lock()  391] Release wake lock(fd:-1, result: 1, errno:9)

03-18 23:42:58.694   944   944 I BufferQueueDebug: [PopupWindow:a2439dc#76660](this:0xb4000072bf4748a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) onDestructor()

03-18 23:42:58.696   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:42:58.708 14612 14923 I org.webrtc.Logging: NativeLibrary: Loading native library: jingle_peerconnection_so

03-18 23:42:58.708 14612 14923 I org.webrtc.Logging: LibraryLoader: Loading library: jingle_peerconnection_so

03-18 23:42:58.710   644 14529 I keystore2: keystore2::watchdog: Watchdog thread idle -> terminating. Have a great day.

03-18 23:42:58.711 14612 14923 I org.webrtc.Logging: PeerConnectionFactory: PeerConnectionFactory was initialized without an injected Loggable. Any existing Loggable will be deleted.

03-18 23:42:58.713 14612 14923 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb400007ab4ab3100

03-18 23:42:58.713 14612 14923 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [com.sampleproject]:

03-18 23:42:58.713 14612 14923 D libMEOW :   plugin 1: []:

03-18 23:42:58.718 14612 14923 I org.webrtc.Logging: EglBase14Impl: Using OpenGL ES version 2

03-18 23:42:58.719 14612 14923 I GED     : [GT]_get_procNameprocess pid(14612)

03-18 23:42:58.719 14612 14923 I GED     : [GT]_getprocess name(com.sampleproject)

03-18 23:42:58.719 14612 14923 I m.sampleproject: [GT] ret(1) gt_status(00000000) aniso_debug_level(0) gt_aniso_max_level(16) ani so mask(00000001) tri mask(00000002)

03-18 23:42:58.730   927  1415 D AudioFlinger_Threads: is ignored since no output device is set

03-18 23:42:58.730   927  1412 D AudioFlinger_Threads: is ignored since no output device is set

03-18 23:42:58.730   927  1403 D AudioFlinger_Threads: PlaybackThread::ioConfigChanged, thread 0xb400007aa255c080, event 0

03-18 23:42:58.730   927  1408 D AudioFlinger_Threads: PlaybackThread::ioConfigChanged, thread 0xb4000079f0442000, event 0

03-18 23:42:58.730   927  1415 D AudioFlinger_Threads: PlaybackThread::ioConfigChanged, thread 0xb4000079f0587680, event 0

03-18 23:42:58.730   927  1412 D AudioFlinger_Threads: PlaybackThread::ioConfigChanged, thread 0xb4000079f0535b40, event 0

03-18 23:42:58.732   927  1411 D AudioFlinger_Threads: PlaybackThread::ioConfigChanged, thread 0xb4000079f0493cc0, event 0

03-18 23:42:58.734   855  2932 I EffectsFactory: EffectQueryNumberEffects(): 16

03-18 23:42:58.736 14612 14923 I AudioEffect: queryNumberEffects(): *numEffects = 16, ret = 0

03-18 23:42:58.742 14612 14925 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(160) with statsTag=0x90000, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:42:58.746 14612 14923 I org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioManagerExternal: Sample rate is set to 48000 Hz

03-18 23:42:58.747 14612 14923 I org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioManagerExternal: Sample rate is set to 48000 Hz

03-18 23:42:58.747 14612 14923 I org.webrtc.Logging: JavaAudioDeviceModule: createAudioDeviceModule

03-18 23:42:58.747 14612 14923 I org.webrtc.Logging: JavaAudioDeviceModule: HW NS will be used.

03-18 23:42:58.747 14612 14923 I org.webrtc.Logging: JavaAudioDeviceModule: HW AEC will be used.

03-18 23:42:58.748 14612 14923 I org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioEffectsExternal: ctor@[name=create_react_context, id=1155]

03-18 23:42:58.748 14612 14923 I org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioRecordExternal: ctor@[name=create_react_context, id=1155]

03-18 23:42:58.749 14612 14923 I org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioTrackExternal: ctor@[name=create_react_context, id=1155]

03-18 23:42:58.749 14612 14923 D com.oney.WebRTCModule.WebRTCModule: Using video encoder factory: com.oney.WebRTCModule.webrtcutils.H264AndSoftwareVideoEncoderFactory

03-18 23:42:58.749 14612 14923 D com.oney.WebRTCModule.WebRTCModule: Using video decoder factory: com.oney.WebRTCModule.webrtcutils.H264AndSoftwareVideoDecoderFactory

03-18 23:42:58.764   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:42:58.775 14612 14923 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-dvi-ima

03-18 23:42:58.775 14612 14923 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-dvi-ima

03-18 23:42:58.776 14612 14923 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-ms

03-18 23:42:58.776 14612 14923 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-ms

03-18 23:42:58.777 14612 14923 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/alac

03-18 23:42:58.777 14612 14923 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/alac

03-18 23:42:58.781   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:42:58.782   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:42:58.783   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:42:58.801  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: oldLux=88 [SA:89 LA:87] newLux=89 (oriLux: 90)

03-18 23:42:58.801  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 88 -> 89

03-18 23:42:58.802  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 89

03-18 23:42:58.808 14612 14923 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime image/

03-18 23:42:58.809 14612 14923 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime image/

03-18 23:42:58.810 14612 14923 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime image/

03-18 23:42:58.811 14612 14923 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime image/

03-18 23:42:58.823 14612 14923 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv

03-18 23:42:58.824 14612 14923 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv

03-18 23:42:58.836   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:58.836   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:58.857 14612 14928 I org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioRecordExternal: enableBuiltInAEC(true)

03-18 23:42:58.858 14612 14928 I org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioEffectsExternal: setAEC(true)

03-18 23:42:58.858 14612 14928 I org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioRecordExternal: enableBuiltInNS(true)

03-18 23:42:58.858 14612 14928 I org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioEffectsExternal: setNS(true)

03-18 23:42:58.858  1626  1717 I PackageDexOptimizer: Running dexopt (dexoptNeeded=1) on: /data/app/~~dFlZMNt82ef0FbgrTSY_tQ==/com.gamovation.chessclubpilot-w9q6uAYIL_CYUxMetAFApg==/base.apk pkg=com.gamovation.chessclubpilot isa=arm64 dexoptFlags=boot_complete,profile_guided,public,enable_hidden_api_checks targetFilter=speed-profile oatDir=/data/app/~~dFlZMNt82ef0FbgrTSY_tQ==/com.gamovation.chessclubpilot-w9q6uAYIL_CYUxMetAFApg==/oat classLoaderContext=PCL[]{}

03-18 23:42:58.859 14612 14927 I org.webrtc.Logging: PeerConnectionFactory: onNetworkThreadReady

03-18 23:42:58.859 14612 14929 I org.webrtc.Logging: PeerConnectionFactory: onSignalingThreadReady

03-18 23:42:58.859 14612 14928 I org.webrtc.Logging: PeerConnectionFactory: onWorkerThreadReady

03-18 23:42:58.861  1107 19102 V installd: DexInv: --- BEGIN '/data/app/~~dFlZMNt82ef0FbgrTSY_tQ==/com.gamovation.chessclubpilot-w9q6uAYIL_CYUxMetAFApg==/base.apk' ---

03-18 23:42:58.861  1107 19102 V installd: Running /apex/ in=base.apk out=/data/app/~~dFlZMNt82ef0FbgrTSY_tQ==/com.gamovation.chessclubpilot-w9q6uAYIL_CYUxMetAFApg==/oat/arm64/base.odex

03-18 23:42:58.863 14932 14932 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio/background/tasks: No such file or directory

03-18 23:42:58.864 14932 14932 V libprocessgroup: Applying profile action SetCgroup failed

03-18 23:42:58.865 14612 14923 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service

03-18 23:42:58.878  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:42:58.878  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:42:58.878  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:42:58.878  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:42:58.878  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:42:58.879  1626  1844 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:42:58.882 14612 14923 D CameraExtStub: init android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraExtImplXiaoMi

03-18 23:42:58.883 14932 14932 W dex2oat64: Mismatch between dex2oat instruction set features to use (ISA: Arm64 Feature string: a53,crc,-lse,-fp16,-dotprod,-sve) and those from CPP defines (ISA: Arm64 Feature string: -a53,-crc,-lse,-fp16,-dotprod,-sve) for the command line:

03-18 23:42:58.883 14932 14932 W dex2oat64: /apex/ --zip-fd=7 --zip-location=base.apk --oat-fd=8 --oat-location=/data/app/~~dFlZMNt82ef0FbgrTSY_tQ==/com.gamovation.chessclubpilot-w9q6uAYIL_CYUxMetAFApg==/oat/arm64/base.odex --input-vdex-fd=-1 --output-vdex-fd=9 --app-image-fd=12 --image-format=lz4 --dm-fd=13 --profile-file-fd=11 --swap-fd=10 --classpath-dir=/data/app/~~dFlZMNt82ef0FbgrTSY_tQ==/com.gamovation.chessclubpilot-w9q6uAYIL_CYUxMetAFApg== --class-loader-context=PCL[]{} --compact-dex-level=none --instruction-set=arm64 --instruction-set-features=default --instruction-set-variant=cortex-a53 --compiler-filter=speed-profile --compilation-reason=install-dm --cpu-set=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 --max-image-block-size=524288 --resolve-startup-const-strings=true --generate-mini-debug-info --runtime-arg -Xtarget-sdk-version:33 --runtime-arg -Xhidden-api-policy:enabled -j4 --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m

03-18 23:42:58.884 14612 14935 D CameraInjector: updateCloudCameraControllerInfoAsync: E

03-18 23:42:58.888  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:42:58.889  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10083, uidState = 3

03-18 23:42:58.889 14932 14932 I dex2oat64: /apex/ --input-vdex-fd=-1 --output-vdex-fd=9 --dm-fd=13 --profile-file-fd=11 --classpath-dir=/data/app/~~dFlZMNt82ef0FbgrTSY_tQ==/com.gamovation.chessclubpilot-w9q6uAYIL_CYUxMetAFApg== --class-loader-context=PCL[]{} --compact-dex-level=none --compiler-filter=speed-profile --compilation-reason=install-dm --cpu-set=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 --max-image-block-size=524288 --resolve-startup-const-strings=true --generate-mini-debug-info -j4

03-18 23:42:58.890  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10141, uidState = 3

03-18 23:42:58.891  1626  3524 I idle->background(137689ms) R(content provider start ContentProviderRecord{32fabe5 u0}) adj=0.

03-18 23:42:58.891  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=0 proc size=1 move to background content provider start ContentProviderRecord{32fabe5 u0}

03-18 23:42:58.891  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=0 proc size=1 move to inactive content provider start ContentProviderRecord{32fabe5 u0}

03-18 23:42:58.899 10708 10721 D CAM_MiviInfoContentProvider: METHOD_CAMERA_CONTROLLER_INFO: E

03-18 23:42:58.899 10708 10721 D CAM_MIVIHelper: getStringFromLocalFile E >> /data/user/0/

03-18 23:42:58.900 10708 10721 D CAM_MIVIHelper: getStringFromLocalFile: X return null

03-18 23:42:58.901 10708 10721 D CAM_ConfMIVIRequest: getCloudDataObject: START >>

03-18 23:42:58.903  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10173, uidState = 5

03-18 23:42:58.904  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:42:58.905 10767 13839 I htmlviewercloudcontrol: isStagingEnv:false param =  camera_framework  uriMatch = 1

03-18 23:42:58.907 10767 13839 I htmlviewercloudcontrol: isStagingEnv:false param =  camera_v4  uriMatch = 2

03-18 23:42:58.908 10708 10721 D CAM_MiviInfoContentProvider: getCameraControllerInfo: null

03-18 23:42:58.908 10708 10721 D CAM_MiviInfoContentProvider: METHOD_CAMERA_CONTROLLER_INFO: X

03-18 23:42:58.908 14612 14935 D CameraInjector: updateCloudCameraControllerInfoAsync: X

03-18 23:42:58.908 14612 14923 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status update of camera: 2

03-18 23:42:58.909 14612 14923 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status update of camera: 3

03-18 23:42:58.909 14612 14923 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status update of camera: 4

03-18 23:42:58.909 14612 14923 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status update of camera: 5

03-18 23:42:58.910 14612 14643 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status update of camera: 2

03-18 23:42:58.911 14612 14643 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status update of camera: 3

03-18 23:42:58.911 14612 14643 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status update of camera: 4

03-18 23:42:58.911 14612 14643 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status update of camera: 5

03-18 23:42:58.912  1096  3382 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.CAMERA from uid=10253 pid=14612

03-18 23:42:58.913  1096  3382 V CameraStub: modifyMetadata:275 

03-18 23:42:58.918  1096  3382 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.CAMERA from uid=10253 pid=14612

03-18 23:42:58.918  1096  3382 V CameraStub: modifyMetadata:275 

03-18 23:42:58.919 14612 14923 D com.oney.WebRTCModule.WebRTCModule: Creating video capturer using Camera2 API with UVC support.

03-18 23:42:58.933 14612 14923 D libMEOW : meow delete tls: 0xb400007ab4ab3100

03-18 23:42:58.943 14612 14612 W unknown:ReactNative: Packager connection already open, nooping.

03-18 23:42:59.002  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 89 -> 90

03-18 23:42:59.002  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 90

03-18 23:42:59.010 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.traceupdateoverlay.TraceUpdateOverlayManager

03-18 23:42:59.027 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.uimanager.LayoutShadowNode

03-18 23:42:59.033 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.drawer.ReactDrawerLayoutManager

03-18 23:42:59.036 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.scroll.ReactHorizontalScrollViewManager

03-18 23:42:59.041 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.scroll.ReactHorizontalScrollContainerViewManager

03-18 23:42:59.043 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.progressbar.ReactProgressBarViewManager

03-18 23:42:59.045 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.progressbar.ProgressBarShadowNode

03-18 23:42:59.047 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.scroll.ReactScrollViewManager

03-18 23:42:59.051 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.switchview.ReactSwitchManager

03-18 23:42:59.054 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.switchview.ReactSwitchManager$ReactSwitchShadowNode

03-18 23:42:59.056 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.swiperefresh.SwipeRefreshLayoutManager

03-18 23:42:59.063 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.frescosupport.FrescoBasedReactTextInlineImageViewManager

03-18 23:42:59.066 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.frescosupport.FrescoBasedReactTextInlineImageShadowNode

03-18 23:42:59.073 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.image.ReactImageManager

03-18 23:42:59.083 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.modal.ReactModalHostManager

03-18 23:42:59.087  1626  3524 W ProcessStats: Tracking association SourceState{4ce0a6a com.miui.home/10099 BTopFgs #1142048} whose proc state 2 is better than process ProcessState{6ed6cf com.miui.securitycenter.remote/1000 pkg=com.miui.securitycenter} proc state 3 (679 skipped)

03-18 23:42:59.091 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.modal.ModalHostShadowNode

03-18 23:42:59.095 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactRawTextManager

03-18 23:42:59.096 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactRawTextShadowNode

03-18 23:42:59.099 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.textinput.ReactTextInputManager

03-18 23:42:59.118 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.textinput.ReactTextInputShadowNode

03-18 23:42:59.131 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactTextViewManager

03-18 23:42:59.138 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactTextShadowNode

03-18 23:42:59.139 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.view.ReactViewManager

03-18 23:42:59.144 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactVirtualTextViewManager

03-18 23:42:59.145 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactVirtualTextShadowNode

03-18 23:42:59.146 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.unimplementedview.ReactUnimplementedViewManager

03-18 23:42:59.148 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.swmansion.gesturehandler.react.RNGestureHandlerRootViewManager

03-18 23:42:59.149 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.swmansion.gesturehandler.react.RNGestureHandlerButtonViewManager

03-18 23:42:59.151 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.th3rdwave.safeareacontext.SafeAreaProviderManager

03-18 23:42:59.153 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.th3rdwave.safeareacontext.SafeAreaViewManager

03-18 23:42:59.154 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.th3rdwave.safeareacontext.SafeAreaViewShadowNode

03-18 23:42:59.156 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.swmansion.rnscreens.ScreenContainerViewManager

03-18 23:42:59.158 14612 14937 E unknown:UIManagerModuleConstantsHelper: Direct event name for 'RNSScreen' doesn't correspond to the naming convention, expected 'topEventName'->'onEventName', got 'topHeaderBackButtonClickedEvent'->'onHeaderBackButtonClicked'

03-18 23:42:59.158 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.swmansion.rnscreens.ScreenViewManager

03-18 23:42:59.161 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.swmansion.rnscreens.ScreenStackViewManager

03-18 23:42:59.163 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.swmansion.rnscreens.ScreenStackHeaderConfigViewManager

03-18 23:42:59.165 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.swmansion.rnscreens.ScreenStackHeaderSubviewManager

03-18 23:42:59.167 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.swmansion.rnscreens.SearchBarManager

03-18 23:42:59.170 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.oney.WebRTCModule.RTCVideoViewManager

03-18 23:42:59.178 14612 14937 W m.sampleproject: Accessing hidden field Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;->accessFlags:I (unsupported, reflection, allowed)

03-18 23:42:59.180  1178  1178 I thermal_repeater: [recvMdThermalInfo] ret=26, strLen=127,  3, 33, -50, 197, 32767, 1

03-18 23:42:59.187 14612 14937 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:42:59.187 14612 14937 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:42:59.220 14612 14937 I flipper : flipper: FlipperClient::addPlugin Fresco

03-18 23:42:59.361 14932 14932 I dex2oat64: Using CollectorTypeCC GC.

03-18 23:42:59.385 23899 24033 D TrafficManageService: onReceive: intent.action =

03-18 23:42:59.402  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 90 -> 91

03-18 23:42:59.402  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 91

03-18 23:42:59.445 14932 14932 I dex2oat64: Large app, accepted running with swap.

03-18 23:42:59.446 14612 14937 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~79pLH895aM9FjTkHzyDWbA==/': No such file or directory

03-18 23:42:59.446 14612 14937 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~79pLH895aM9FjTkHzyDWbA==/': No such file or directory

03-18 23:42:59.448 14612 14937 W m.sampleproject: Entry not found

03-18 23:42:59.451 14612 14937 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-5 for other apk /data/app/~~79pLH895aM9FjTkHzyDWbA==/ target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/app/~~SVC_DcoLPcCQdK_jkjNlkg==/!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/~~79pLH895aM9FjTkHzyDWbA==/!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand

03-18 23:42:59.452 14612 14937 D nativeloader: Extending system_exposed_libraries:

03-18 23:42:59.460 14612 14937 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-6 for other apk /data/app/~~SVC_DcoLPcCQdK_jkjNlkg==/ target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~SVC_DcoLPcCQdK_jkjNlkg==/!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/~~79pLH895aM9FjTkHzyDWbA==/!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand

03-18 23:42:59.478  1093  1165 I mi_thermald: special_target_modify: set generic device battery to 6

03-18 23:42:59.478  1093  1165 I mi_thermald: generic_set_level: set generic device battery to 6

03-18 23:42:59.480 14612 14937 I WebViewFactory: Loading version 122.0.6261.105 (code 626110533)

03-18 23:42:59.528 14612 14937 I cr_WVCFactoryProvider: Loaded version=122.0.6261.105 minSdkVersion=29 isBundle=true multiprocess=true packageId=2

03-18 23:42:59.547 14612 14948 I chromium: [0318/] Failed to open file for reading.: No such file or directory (2)

03-18 23:42:59.547 14612 14948 I chromium: [0318/] Failed to open file for reading.: No such file or directory (2)

03-18 23:42:59.551  1626  1971 I idle->background(213773ms) R(service create adj=0.

03-18 23:42:59.551  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=0 proc size=2 move to background service create

03-18 23:42:59.552  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:42:59.553  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10212, uidState = 3

03-18 23:42:59.559  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=0 proc size=2 move to inactive service end

03-18 23:42:59.567 14612 14937 I cr_LibraryLoader: Successfully loaded native library

03-18 23:42:59.569 14612 14937 I cr_CachingUmaRecorder: Flushed 8 samples from 8 histograms, 0 samples were dropped.

03-18 23:42:59.583  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10212, uidState = 19

03-18 23:42:59.602 14612 14937 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:42:59.602 14612 14937 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:42:59.605 14612 14955 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(214) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:42:59.607  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:42:59.607  1626  3524 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:42:59.609  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:42:59.609  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:42:59.609  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:42:59.609  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:42:59.609  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:42:59.609  1626  3524 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:42:59.836   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:42:59.987 14612 14936 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:42:59.987 14612 14936 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:42:59.996 14612 14936 I ReactNativeJS: Running "SampleProject" with {"rootTag":11}

03-18 23:43:00.000  1626  1809 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:43:00.000  1626  1809 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:43:00.001  1626  1809 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:43:00.001  1626  1809 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:43:00.001  2262  2262 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK

03-18 23:43:00.001  2262  2262 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate

03-18 23:43:00.002  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 91 -> 90

03-18 23:43:00.002  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 90

03-18 23:43:00.009 14612 14956 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(214) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:43:00.029  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:00.039   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [StatusBar#89](this:0xb4000072d8ebd8a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=1.35 dur=11142.88 max=10910.35 min=16.38

03-18 23:43:00.041   863   863 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:2.233730,dur:1790.73,max:1258.92,min:86.28  

03-18 23:43:00.041  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=100 proc size=1 move to hibernation adj below visible

03-18 23:43:00.041   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:43:00.108   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:43:00.126   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:00.127   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000073905766e0,id:-1,api:1,p:944,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=1.16 dur=1727.04 max=1345.06 min=381.99

03-18 23:43:00.128   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:43:00.128   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:43:00.429 14612 14936 W m.sampleproject: CheckJNI: method to register "installJSIBindings" not in the given class. This is slow, consider changing your RegisterNatives calls.

03-18 23:43:00.595  1174  1311 D ULogGuard: Monitoring: 8 threads, 0 requests, 0 time-bombs; 1 guards. ResetFlags = 0x7

03-18 23:43:00.601  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 90 -> 91

03-18 23:43:00.602  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 91

03-18 23:43:00.608  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:00.608  1626  3524 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:00.609  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:00.609  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:00.609  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:00.609  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:00.609  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:00.610  1626  3524 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:00.622  1626  1917 I background->idle(3002ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_NEEDS_VERIFICATION dat=file:///... typ=application/ flg=0x10000011 (has extras) }) adj=250.

03-18 23:43:00.622  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=250 proc size=4 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_NEEDS_VERIFICATION dat=file:///... typ=application/ flg=0x10000011 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:00.719 14612 14612 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:00.754 14612 14958 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(215) with statsTag=0x90000, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:43:00.836   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:00.836   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:00.918   944  1013 D SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] REMOVE (0xb4000072bf011fc0) for (14612:com.sampleproject)

03-18 23:43:00.961 14612 14936 E unknown:UIManagerModuleConstantsHelper: Direct event name for 'RNSScreen' doesn't correspond to the naming convention, expected 'topEventName'->'onEventName', got 'topHeaderBackButtonClickedEvent'->'onHeaderBackButtonClicked'

03-18 23:43:00.972 14612 14937 W unknown:ReactNative: Attempt to set local data for view with unknown tag: -1

03-18 23:43:00.977 14612 14937 W unknown:ReactNative: Attempt to set local data for view with unknown tag: -1

03-18 23:43:00.979 14612 14937 W unknown:ReactNative: Attempt to set local data for view with unknown tag: -1

03-18 23:43:00.985 14612 14937 W unknown:ViewManagerPropertyUpdater: Could not find generated setter for class com.swmansion.rnscreens.ScreensShadowNode

03-18 23:43:00.990 14612 14612 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:01.002  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 91 -> 92

03-18 23:43:01.002  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 92

03-18 23:43:01.276 14612 14612 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171228096; UID 10253; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:43:01.278 14612 14612 W m.sampleproject: Accessing hidden field Landroid/widget/ScrollView;->mScroller:Landroid/widget/OverScroller; (unsupported, reflection, allowed)

03-18 23:43:01.452 14612 14936 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:01.452 14612 14936 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:01.536 14612 14612 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:01.572 14612 14612 I ReactNative: [GESTURE HANDLER] Initialize gesture handler for root view com.facebook.react.ReactRootView{9946b57 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,2177 #b}

03-18 23:43:01.602  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 92 -> 91

03-18 23:43:01.602  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 91

03-18 23:43:01.607 14612 14612 I ReactNative: [GESTURE HANDLER] Gesture handler is already enabled for a parent view

03-18 23:43:01.608  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:01.609  1626  3524 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:01.610  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:01.610  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:01.610  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:01.610  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:01.610  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:01.610  1626  3524 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:01.675 14612 14937 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:01.675 14612 14937 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:01.698 14612 14963 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(189) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:43:01.750 28536 28536 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { }

03-18 23:43:01.812 14612 14612 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:01.832  2259  2259 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.

03-18 23:43:01.838   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:01.838   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:01.838  2262  2574 D MobileStatusTracker(4): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=-84 rsrq=-10 rssnr=8 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 miuiLevel=5 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=4 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 mOptimizedLevel = 0 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte}, phoneId=1, mMtkLevel=0, mMtkRsrpOnly=false, mMtkLteRsrpThreshold=null, mMtkLteRssnrThreshold=null

03-18 23:43:01.887  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:01.887  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:01.887  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:01.887  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:01.887  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:01.888  1626  1844 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:01.892  1626  1917 I background->idle(3002ms) R(content provider start ContentProviderRecord{32fabe5 u0}) adj=0.

03-18 23:43:01.893  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=0 proc size=1 move to idle content provider start ContentProviderRecord{32fabe5 u0}

03-18 23:43:01.922  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:01.922 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:01.928 14612 14612 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:01.930 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:01.932   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [StatusBar#89](this:0xb4000072d8ebd8a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=0.53 dur=1892.44 max=1892.44 min=1892.44

03-18 23:43:01.932   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity#76654](this:0xb4000072bf4718a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=0.15 dur=12985.43 max=12819.33 min=166.10

03-18 23:43:01.935   863   863 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:1.056023,dur:1893.90,max:1807.74,min:86.16  

03-18 23:43:01.937   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:43:01.980 14612 14936 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:01.980 14612 14936 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:01.988 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:01.992 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:02.043 14612 14936 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:02.043 14612 14936 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:02.051 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:02.075 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:02.119 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:02.147 14612 14936 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:02.147 14612 14936 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:02.200 14612 14936 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:02.200 14612 14936 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:02.200   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:43:02.218   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:02.218   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000073905766e0,id:-1,api:1,p:944,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=0.48 dur=2091.82 max=2091.82 min=2091.82

03-18 23:43:02.220   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:43:02.220   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:43:02.227 14612 14612 W Choreographer: Frame time is 8.2E-5  now = 517326742825834  timestampNanos = 517326742825916 ms in the future!  Check that graphics HAL is generating vsync timestamps using the correct timebase.

03-18 23:43:02.266 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:02.282   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:43:02.337 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:02.343 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:02.348   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:43:02.349  1626  1843 D MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateLimit mLimitEnabled=false,enabled=true,mNetworkPriorityMode=255

03-18 23:43:02.354 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:02.366 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:02.367   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:02.369   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:43:02.369   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:43:02.382   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:43:02.424 14612 14936 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:02.424 14612 14936 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:02.435 14427 14436 W i.guardprovider: Cleared Reference was only reachable from finalizer (only reported once)

03-18 23:43:02.468   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:43:02.482 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:02.483   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:02.485   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:43:02.485   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:43:02.492 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:02.498   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:43:02.559  1626  1917 I background->idle(3008ms) R(service end adj=905.

03-18 23:43:02.560  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=905 proc size=2 move to idle service end

03-18 23:43:02.584   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:43:02.601   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:02.602  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 91 -> 92

03-18 23:43:02.602  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 92

03-18 23:43:02.602   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:43:02.603   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:43:02.610  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:02.610  1626  1971 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:02.612  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:02.612  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:02.612  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:02.612  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:02.612  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:02.612  1626  1971 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:02.623  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=250 proc size=4 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_NEEDS_VERIFICATION dat=file:///... typ=application/ flg=0x10000011 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:02.770 14612 14968 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(146) with statsTag=0x90000, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:43:02.838   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:02.838   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:35

03-18 23:43:02.838   877   954 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(14612) : -1 => 60

03-18 23:43:02.838   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState] pack:com.sampleproject, act:com.sampleproject.MainActivity, state:5, pid:14612, uid:10253, fps:60

03-18 23:43:02.839   877   980 I UxUtility: notifyForegroundApp pack:com.sampleproject, uid:10253

03-18 23:43:02.839   877   980 I TouchUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL

03-18 23:43:03.137  1626  1805 I idle->background(5096ms) R(service unbind adj=100.

03-18 23:43:03.137  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=100 proc size=1 move to background service unbind

03-18 23:43:03.137  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=100 proc size=1 move to inactive service unbind

03-18 23:43:03.141  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10233, uidState = 10

03-18 23:43:03.142  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10233, uidState = 19

03-18 23:43:03.147 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.161   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity#76654](this:0xb4000072bf4718a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=11.39 dur=1229.42 max=647.83 min=16.54

03-18 23:43:03.163   863   863 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:13.842524,dur:1228.10,max:561.06,min:13.75  

03-18 23:43:03.164   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:43:03.166 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.182 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.199 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.215 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.232 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.247 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.264 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.281 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.296 24989 25052 I BtGatt.ScanManager: msg.what = MSG_BALANCED_TIMEOUT, msg.arg1 = BALANCED_TIMEOUT

03-18 23:43:03.297 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.299 24989 25052 D BtGatt.ScanManager: handleBalancedTimeout() called with: client = [ [ScanClient scanModeApp 1 scanModeUsed 1 [appScanStats]]]

03-18 23:43:03.313 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.329 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.338   856   880 D [BT]    : mtk_bt_op: BT_VND_OP_LPM_WAKE_SET_STATE

03-18 23:43:03.342   856   880 D BtHostDebugInfo

03-18 23:43:03.343   856   880 D [BT]    : mtk_bt_op: BT_VND_OP_SET_BTHOST

03-18 23:43:03.346 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.346   856   880 D BtHostDebugInfo

03-18 23:43:03.346   856   880 D [BT]    : mtk_bt_op: BT_VND_OP_SET_BTHOST

03-18 23:43:03.364 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.369 14932 14932 I dex2oat64: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 200691(38MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 62% free, 927KB/2463KB, paused 36us,8us total 11.447ms

03-18 23:43:03.378 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.397 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.401  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: oldLux=92 [SA:93 LA:92] newLux=93 (oriLux: 94)

03-18 23:43:03.401  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 92 -> 93

03-18 23:43:03.401  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 93

03-18 23:43:03.411 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.441  2259  2259 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.

03-18 23:43:03.443  2262  2574 D MobileStatusTracker(3): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=-113 rsrq=-18 rssnr=-6 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 miuiLevel=2 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=2 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 mOptimizedLevel = 0 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte}, phoneId=0, mMtkLevel=0, mMtkRsrpOnly=false, mMtkLteRsrpThreshold=null, mMtkLteRssnrThreshold=null

03-18 23:43:03.496   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:43:03.513   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.513   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000073905766e0,id:-1,api:1,p:944,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=3.09 dur=1294.73 max=911.81 min=116.07

03-18 23:43:03.514   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:43:03.514   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:43:03.565  1626  1826 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] publisher action=0x4, 517328080, channel '19bda62 NavigationBar0 (server)'

03-18 23:43:03.565  1626  1826 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] publisher action=0x0, 517328080, channel '6d998c3 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity (server)'

03-18 23:43:03.565  1626  1826 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] publisher action=0x0, 517328080, channel '[Gesture Monitor] miui-gesture (server)'

03-18 23:43:03.565   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:69724 hint:25 pid:877 duration:120 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:69724

03-18 23:43:03.566   877   980 I libPowerHal: MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2000000 -1 2050000 -1

03-18 23:43:03.566   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1000000, param:0

03-18 23:43:03.566   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:410000, param:1

03-18 23:43:03.566   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1408300, param:100

03-18 23:43:03.567   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:3408600 param:1

03-18 23:43:03.567   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1000000 param:0

03-18 23:43:03.567   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69720, idx:-1

03-18 23:43:03.574 14612 14612 W MirrorManager: this model don't Support

03-18 23:43:03.597  1174  1311 D ULogGuard: Monitoring: 8 threads, 0 requests, 0 time-bombs; 1 guards. ResetFlags = 0x7

03-18 23:43:03.601  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 93 -> 96

03-18 23:43:03.602  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 96

03-18 23:43:03.611  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:03.611  1626  3524 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:03.612  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:03.612  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:03.612  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:03.612  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:03.612  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:03.613  1626  3524 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:03.660   877   909 I mtkpower@impl: [mtkPowerHint] hint:25, hold:80, ext:0, ext_hold:0

03-18 23:43:03.660  1626  1826 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] publisher action=0x1, 517328175, channel '6d998c3 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity (server)'

03-18 23:43:03.660  1626  1826 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] publisher action=0x1, 517328175, channel '[Gesture Monitor] miui-gesture (server)'

03-18 23:43:03.661   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:69725 hint:25 pid:877 duration:80 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:69725

03-18 23:43:03.661   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69724, idx:0

03-18 23:43:03.682 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.685 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.693   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:43:03.696 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.710 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.731 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.741   877   980 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req] TIMER_MSG_PERF_LOCK_TIMEOUT hdl:69725

03-18 23:43:03.741   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69725, idx:1

03-18 23:43:03.741   877   980 I libPowerHal: MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1 -1

03-18 23:43:03.741   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1000000, param:-1

03-18 23:43:03.741   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:410000 param:0

03-18 23:43:03.742   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1408300 param:0

03-18 23:43:03.742   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:3408600 param:0

03-18 23:43:03.742   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1000000 param:-1

03-18 23:43:03.747 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.772 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.786 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.801  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 96 -> 100

03-18 23:43:03.801  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 100

03-18 23:43:03.810 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.826 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.838   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:03.838   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:61

03-18 23:43:03.843 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.859 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.880 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.898 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.913 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.930 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.946 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.965 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.979 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:03.995 14932 14932 I dex2oat64: dex2oat took 5.114s (13.690s cpu) (threads: 4) arena alloc=9912KB (10150280B) java alloc=927KB (949776B) native alloc=12MB (13462448B) free=941KB (963664B) swap=32MB (33554432B)

03-18 23:43:03.997 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.001  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 100 -> 102

03-18 23:43:04.001  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 102

03-18 23:43:04.015 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.020  1107 19102 V installd: DexInv: --- END '/data/app/~~dFlZMNt82ef0FbgrTSY_tQ==/com.gamovation.chessclubpilot-w9q6uAYIL_CYUxMetAFApg==/base.apk' (success) ---

03-18 23:43:04.026  1626  1717 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 5168 ms, interface=android.os.IInstalld, code=19 oneway=false

03-18 23:43:04.026  1626  1717 D PKMSImpl: asyncDexMetadataDexopt not enable

03-18 23:43:04.027  1626  1717 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:04.027  1626  1717 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.030 28536 28536 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { dat=chimera-action:/... }

03-18 23:43:04.031 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.032  1626  1717 W PackageFreezer: Freeze package com.gamovation.chessclubpilot about 6.323 seconds for reason: installPackageLI

03-18 23:43:04.032  1626  1717 I InstallationTiming: com.gamovation.chessclubpilot||20305|12770|338|0|25|5583

03-18 23:43:04.032  1626  1717 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{4caee1f in.user.hotspot/10291} -> PackageSetting{3b6a8ae com.gamovation.chessclubpilot/10349} BLOCKED

03-18 23:43:04.032  1626  1717 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{bf46735} -> PackageSetting{3b6a8ae com.gamovation.chessclubpilot/10349} BLOCKED

03-18 23:43:04.032  1626  1717 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{68047ca} -> PackageSetting{3b6a8ae com.gamovation.chessclubpilot/10349} BLOCKED

03-18 23:43:04.032  1626  1717 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{a1ded29 com.sampleproject/10253} -> PackageSetting{3b6a8ae com.gamovation.chessclubpilot/10349} BLOCKED

03-18 23:43:04.033  1626  1717 I PowerHalWrapper: <setInstallationBoost> enable:false 

03-18 23:43:04.036  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 19

03-18 23:43:04.046 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.063 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.081 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.097 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.097  1626  1717 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:04.097  1626  1717 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.097  1626  1717 I ActivityManager: Force stopping com.gamovation.chessclubpilot appid=10349 user=0: pkg removed

03-18 23:43:04.101  1626  1717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 181136395; UID 10253; state: DISABLED

03-18 23:43:04.101  1626  1717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 174042936; UID 10253; state: DISABLED

03-18 23:43:04.115  3433  3433 W MediaProvider: WorkProfileOwnerApps cache is empty

03-18 23:43:04.116  3433  3433 D PickerSyncLockManager: Trying to acquire lock[Unlocked]. Lock Name = CLOUD_PROVIDER_LOCK. Threads that may be waiting to acquire this lock = []

03-18 23:43:04.116  3433  3433 D CloseableReentrantLock: Successfully acquired lock[Locked by thread main]. Lock Name = CLOUD_PROVIDER_LOCK. Threads that may be waiting to acquire this lock = []

03-18 23:43:04.116  3433  3433 D CloseableReentrantLock: Successfully released lock[Unlocked]. Lock Name = CLOUD_PROVIDER_LOCK. Threads that may be waiting to acquire this lock = []

03-18 23:43:04.116 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.126  1999  1999 I MiuiWallpaper-MiuiWallpaperManagerService: receive broadcast action = android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED

03-18 23:43:04.128  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED uid = 10349

03-18 23:43:04.128  1626  1843 D MiuiNetworkPolicyAppBuckets: updateAppPN packageName=com.gamovation.chessclubpilot,uid=10349,installed=false

03-18 23:43:04.130 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.132  2259  2259 I ImsResolver: onReceive: 0

03-18 23:43:04.137  2262  2574 D NotificationProvider: call method=clearPkgUsageInfoWhenRemoved extras=Bundle[{packageName=com.gamovation.chessclubpilot}]

03-18 23:43:04.137  2262  2262 D LockScreenMagazineController: received broadcast android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED

03-18 23:43:04.138  3658  3658 E SLM-SRV-SLAAppLib: initBroadcastReceivercom.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.138  3658  3658 I SLM-SRV-SLAAppLib: ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED uid = 10349com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.138  3658  3658 I SLM-SRV-SLAAppLib: clearSLAApp uid = 10349

03-18 23:43:04.138  3658  3658 D SLM-SRV-SLAAppLib: sendMsgSetSLAAppList

03-18 23:43:04.139  3658  3658 I SLM-SRV-SLSAppLib: setSLSGameUidList:null

03-18 23:43:04.139  3658  6259 I SLM-SRV-SLAAppLib: setUidWhiteListToSlad

03-18 23:43:04.139  3658  6259 D SLM-SRV-SLAAppLib: mSlaService is null

03-18 23:43:04.139  3658  3658 I SLM-SRV-SLSAppLib: setSLSVoIPUid:0

03-18 23:43:04.139  3658  6259 I SLM-SRV-SLSAppLib: setSLAAppWhiteList:null

03-18 23:43:04.139  3658  3658 I NetworkAccelerateSwitchService: setNetworkAccelerateSwitchUidList:null

03-18 23:43:04.139  3658  3658 I NetworkAccelerateSwitchService: setNetworkAccelerateSwitchVoIPUid:0

03-18 23:43:04.139  3658  3658 I SLM-SRV-SLAAppLib: mDoubleWifiUidList = null

03-18 23:43:04.140 23899 23899 D AppInstalledReceiver: receive broadcast

03-18 23:43:04.140 23899 23899 I TrafficManageService: mina mPackageReceiver 0

03-18 23:43:04.140  3579  3579 D MiSpeedUtils: Calling service to removeAuthorizedUid: 10349 and result: 0

03-18 23:43:04.141  1626  1678 I idle->background(13141ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=100.

03-18 23:43:04.141  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.miui.home/10099 state=hibernation adj=100 proc size=1 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.141  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.miui.home/10099 state=background adj=100 proc size=1 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.142  1626  1678 I idle->background(12840ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=100.

03-18 23:43:04.142  3579  4266 I BackPackageManager: remove app : key == com.gamovation.chessclubpilot&&10349

03-18 23:43:04.142  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=100 proc size=4 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.142  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=100 proc size=4 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.142 24160 24279 E InstallApkReceiver: uninstall:package:com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.143 23899 25564 I FireWallService: mina mPackageReceiver onReceive

03-18 23:43:04.143 25035 25035 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: (REDACTED) O received %s

03-18 23:43:04.143  1626  1678 I idle->background(18299ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=800.

03-18 23:43:04.144  1626  1678 I idle->background(13196ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=100.

03-18 23:43:04.144 28085 14395 V ContactsTaskScheduler: [ContactsPackageMonitor] Thread[Worker-19,5,main] dispatching 0

03-18 23:43:04.145  1626  1678 I idle->background(18300ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=100.

03-18 23:43:04.145 28085 14395 D ContactDirectoryManager: onPackageChanged,updateDirectoriesForPackage, packageName:com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.146  1626  1678 I idle->background(18294ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=975.

03-18 23:43:04.146 28085 14395 V ContactsTaskScheduler: [ContactsPackageMonitor] Thread[Worker-19,5,main] dispatching end 0

03-18 23:43:04.147  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=800 proc size=2 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.147  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=100 proc size=1 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.147  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=100 proc size=1 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.147  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=200 proc size=2 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.147  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=800 proc size=2 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.147  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=100 proc size=1 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.147  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=100 proc size=1 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.147  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=200 proc size=2 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.147  1626  1678 I idle->background(3524ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=250.

03-18 23:43:04.147  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=250 proc size=4 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.148  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=250 proc size=4 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.148  1626  1678 I idle->background(18047ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=250.

03-18 23:43:04.148 10591 12380 D IdProviderImpl: getOAID from

03-18 23:43:04.150  1626  1678 I idle->background(18290ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=700.

03-18 23:43:04.150 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] xty.g(1): xty - Received: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED, [T6wLcqMgfprnR-MPZxB8Fe_Zr1TFMqzZecA4Ef4iP5E]

03-18 23:43:04.150  1626  1678 I idle->background(18292ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=955.

03-18 23:43:04.151  1626  1678 I idle->background(12821ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=915.

03-18 23:43:04.151 23899 24046 I GpBinderManager: bindCount : 5

03-18 23:43:04.152 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.152  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=250 proc size=4 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.152  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=700 proc size=1 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.152  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=955 proc size=1 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.152  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=915 proc size=2 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.153  1626  1678 I idle->background(11810ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=915.

03-18 23:43:04.153  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=250 proc size=4 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.153  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=700 proc size=1 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.153  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=955 proc size=1 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.153  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=915 proc size=2 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.153  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.xiaomi.mipicks/10129 state=hibernation adj=915 proc size=2 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.153  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.xiaomi.mipicks/10129 state=background adj=915 proc size=2 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.153  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to

03-18 23:43:04.154  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to

03-18 23:43:04.154  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$RegisteredReceiver

03-18 23:43:04.156  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:43:04.157  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:43:04.158 14427 14974 D ScanResultDBManager: dbr: 0

03-18 23:43:04.159  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 10

03-18 23:43:04.162  1626  1648 I idle->background(12860ms) R(service bind adj=100.

03-18 23:43:04.163  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:43:04.163  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:43:04.164  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:43:04.164  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99452, uidState = 5

03-18 23:43:04.165  1626  1626 I NetworkDetectInjector: ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED uid = 10349

03-18 23:43:04.165  1626  1626 I GameManagerService: Disabling downscale for com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.166  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=0 proc size=4 move to background service bind

03-18 23:43:04.166  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=0 proc size=4 move to inactive service bind

03-18 23:43:04.166  1626  1658 I idle->background(18138ms) R(service create adj=0.

03-18 23:43:04.166  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=0 proc size=1 move to background service create

03-18 23:43:04.171 11189 14408 I Finsky  : [1286] oxc.accept(128): Wrote row to frosting DB: 56228

03-18 23:43:04.173 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] sie.aip(59): IQ: onPackageRemoved com.gamovation.chessclubpilot, replacing=true, uninstallingFromPlay=false

03-18 23:43:04.176 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] kpr.f(7): AIM: AppInfoCacheUpdater -> invalidating apps: [com.gamovation.chessclubpilot]

03-18 23:43:04.177 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] kqg.g(19): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > getApps > called for 1 apps

03-18 23:43:04.178  1626  1626 I Telecom : CarModeTracker: Package com.gamovation.chessclubpilot is not tracked.: SSH.oR@aPA

03-18 23:43:04.178  1626  1626 I Telecom-InCallController: updateCarModeForConnections: car mode apps: : SSH.oR@aPA

03-18 23:43:04.179  1626  1717 I ActivityManager: Force stopping com.gamovation.chessclubpilot appid=10349 user=0: pkg removed

03-18 23:43:04.180  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=100 proc size=1 move to inactive adj below visible

03-18 23:43:04.181 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.185 11189 11243 I Finsky  : [1133] krl.a(47): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > OnDeviceAppInfo > cacheHitCount=0, cacheMissCount=1. Missed  in cache (limit 10) : [com.gamovation.chessclubpilot]

03-18 23:43:04.189  1626  1659 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:04.189  1626  1659 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.189  1626  1827 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices, changes=KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS | 

03-18 23:43:04.190   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity#76654](this:0xb4000072bf4718a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=44.71 dur=1028.96 max=265.59 min=16.20

03-18 23:43:04.191   863   863 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:45.693043,dur:1028.60,max:179.43,min:15.93  

03-18 23:43:04.194 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.195  1626  1717 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:04.195  1626  1717 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.197 17377 17377 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.198  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$RegisteredReceiver

03-18 23:43:04.198  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to

03-18 23:43:04.198  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver

03-18 23:43:04.198  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to

03-18 23:43:04.199  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to

03-18 23:43:04.199  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.xiaomi.mipicks/

03-18 23:43:04.199  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.xiaomi.misettings/.usagestats.AppTimerReceiver

03-18 23:43:04.199  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to

03-18 23:43:04.199  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to

03-18 23:43:04.201 11189 11256 I Finsky  : [1144] kpj.apply(1368): AIM: Got app ownership map. App counts: 1. Unique apps: 1

03-18 23:43:04.201  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 102 -> 103

03-18 23:43:04.201  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 103

03-18 23:43:04.205  1626 13938 D IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats packages: [237, 252, 259, 262, 265, 267, 269, 272, 273, 338, 339, 341, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 351, 353, 355, 359, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 367, 368, 369, 373, 374, 375, 376, 378, 383, 384, 471, 472, 625, 627, 629, 630, 632, 633, 634, 635, 638, 643, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 707, 709, 716, 718, 767, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795, 796, 797, 798, 799, 800, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810, 811, 812, 813, 815, 816]

03-18 23:43:04.206  1626  3524 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:43:04.206  1626  3524 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:43:04.208  1626  1717 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10349; state: DISABLED

03-18 23:43:04.209 11189 13887 I Finsky  : [1252] meo.aiZ(148): [ContentSync] finished, scheduled=false

03-18 23:43:04.209 11189 11251 I Finsky  : [1141] krl.a(47): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > OnDeviceAppInfo > cacheHitCount=1, cacheMissCount=0. Missed  in cache (limit 10) : []

03-18 23:43:04.211  1626  1674 I MiuiCompatModePackages: package com.gamovation.chessclubpilot updated, removing config

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService: readLine:

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService: /sys/class/thermal/thermal_message/balance_mode: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at<init>(

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at<init>(

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at<init>(

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.readLine(

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.isPerformanceMode(

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.checktemp(

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.access$2500(

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService$ThermalStateListener.onEvent(

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent(

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe(Native Method)

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at android.os.FileObserver$

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at Method)

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at$

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    ... 11 more

03-18 23:43:04.213  3658  6266 D SLM-SRV-SLAService: checktemp temperature = 39000 temperature_average = 36333 isPerformanceMode = false thermal_enable_slm = true

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService: readLine:

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService: /sys/class/thermal/thermal_message/balance_mode: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at<init>(

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at<init>(

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at<init>(

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.readLine(

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.isPerformanceMode(

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.checktemp(

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.access$2500(

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService$ThermalStateListener.onEvent(

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent(

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe(Native Method)

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at android.os.FileObserver$

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at Method)

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at$

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:04.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    ... 11 more

03-18 23:43:04.215   944  2933 D SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] REMOVE (0xb4000072bf011460) for (13730:com.miui.securitycenter)

03-18 23:43:04.215 23899 23899 D AppInstalledReceiver: receive broadcast

03-18 23:43:04.215 23899 23899 I TrafficManageService: mina mPackageReceiver 0

03-18 23:43:04.215 23899 24032 D AppInstalledReceiver: packageName: com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.216  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED uid = 10349

03-18 23:43:04.216  1626  1843 D MiuiNetworkPolicyAppBuckets: updateAppPN packageName=com.gamovation.chessclubpilot,uid=10349,installed=true

03-18 23:43:04.216  2258  2258 I ##XLogger##: #&^UilUL2AyrbUEFmNJkpnZUK2wb2izBN22A59G9tkjmvYUFPbkFJnfHNE/NcaqqjBbxshV10UX1cGIUEpis8Ct8lMJMpPmvAvpILZIFA/VTA+N7Qwx/i3960grf+MyMzKU459hU+bLO08ReYgiFSIlly78XZBFpnmHBgmtfTlKw7A=!!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^&#

03-18 23:43:04.217  3658  3658 E SLM-SRV-SLAAppLib: initBroadcastReceivercom.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.217  3658  3658 I SLM-SRV-SLAAppLib: ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED uid = 10349com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.217  3658  3658 D SLM-SRV-SLAAppLib: sendMsgSetSLAAppList

03-18 23:43:04.217  3658  3658 I SLM-SRV-SLSAppLib: setSLSGameUidList:null

03-18 23:43:04.217  3658  3658 I SLM-SRV-SLSAppLib: setSLSVoIPUid:0

03-18 23:43:04.217  3658  3658 I NetworkAccelerateSwitchService: setNetworkAccelerateSwitchUidList:null

03-18 23:43:04.217  3658  3658 I NetworkAccelerateSwitchService: setNetworkAccelerateSwitchVoIPUid:0

03-18 23:43:04.217  3658  3658 I SLM-SRV-SLAAppLib: mDoubleWifiUidList = null

03-18 23:43:04.217  3658  6259 I SLM-SRV-SLAAppLib: setUidWhiteListToSlad

03-18 23:43:04.217  3658  6259 D SLM-SRV-SLAAppLib: mSlaService is null

03-18 23:43:04.217  3658  6259 I SLM-SRV-SLSAppLib: setSLAAppWhiteList:null

03-18 23:43:04.217  1626  1932 I SdkSandboxManager: No SDKs used. Skipping SDK data reconcilation for CallingInfo{mUid=10349, mPackageName='com.gamovation.chessclubpilot, mAppProcessToken='null'}

03-18 23:43:04.217  1626  1626 I NetworkDetectInjector: ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED uid = 10349

03-18 23:43:04.218  2262  2262 D LockScreenMagazineController: received broadcast android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED

03-18 23:43:04.219  1626  1626 W GameManagerService: Invalid package config for com.gamovation.chessclubpilot:[Name:com.gamovation.chessclubpilot Modes: {}]

03-18 23:43:04.219  1626  1626 I GameManagerService: Disabling downscale for com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.219  1626  1958 E AppScanObserverService: Try to add a invalid package: com.gamovation.chessclubpilot | 10349 | 0

03-18 23:43:04.219  1626  1827 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices, changes=KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS | 

03-18 23:43:04.220 23899 25234 I FireWallService: mina mPackageReceiver onReceive

03-18 23:43:04.225 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.226  1626  3518 D IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats packages: [237, 252, 259, 262, 265, 267, 269, 272, 273, 338, 339, 341, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 351, 353, 355, 359, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 367, 368, 369, 373, 374, 375, 376, 378, 383, 384, 471, 472, 625, 627, 629, 630, 632, 633, 634, 635, 638, 643, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 707, 709, 716, 718, 767, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795, 796, 797, 798, 799, 800, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810, 811, 812, 813, 815, 816]

03-18 23:43:04.227 24160 24279 E InstallApkReceiver: install:package:com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.228 23899 24032 D GlobalInstallerScanUtil: first google time:1657206275126

03-18 23:43:04.228 23899 24032 I NewGlobalInstallCheckTask: queueExecution: add task to queue last

03-18 23:43:04.228 23899 24032 I NewGlobalInstallCheckTask: checkStart: start the queue first task

03-18 23:43:04.228 23899 24032 I NewGlobalInstallCheckTask: start

03-18 23:43:04.229 23899 24032 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:863 z2.e.m:57 z2.d.f:25 z2.d.a:0 

03-18 23:43:04.229 25035 25035 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: (REDACTED) O received %s

03-18 23:43:04.230  2259  2259 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: onPackageUpdateFinished: com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.230  2259  2259 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0

03-18 23:43:04.230  2259  2259 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 1

03-18 23:43:04.230  2259  2259 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: onPackageModified: com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.230  2259  2259 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0

03-18 23:43:04.230  2259  2259 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 1

03-18 23:43:04.230 11189 14158 I Finsky  : [1258] rkw.accept(54): IQ: handled package removed

03-18 23:43:04.231 28085 14395 V ContactsTaskScheduler: [ContactsPackageMonitor] Thread[Worker-19,5,main] dispatching 0

03-18 23:43:04.231 28085 14395 D ContactDirectoryManager: onPackageChanged,updateDirectoriesForPackage, packageName:com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.232 28085 14395 V ContactsTaskScheduler: [ContactsPackageMonitor] Thread[Worker-19,5,main] dispatching end 0

03-18 23:43:04.233  1626  1678 I idle->background(11686ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=905.

03-18 23:43:04.233  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=905 proc size=1 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.233  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=905 proc size=1 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.235 10992 11122 I Bugle   : BroadcastReceiverAsyncWorkTracker: Acknowledging broadcast of bqpz@cc667ea

03-18 23:43:04.235  1626  1678 I idle->background(12411ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=925.

03-18 23:43:04.235  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.xiaomi.glgm/10001 state=hibernation adj=925 proc size=1 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.235  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.xiaomi.glgm/10001 state=background adj=925 proc size=1 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.236  1626  1805 I RoleService: Granting default roles...

03-18 23:43:04.238 14628 14628 I SystemUpdate-LocalAppManager: add package to list: com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.244  1626  1648 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast from system 2258:com.xiaomi.finddevice/6110 pkg com.xiaomi.finddevice. Callers=

03-18 23:43:04.246  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10158, uidState = 4

03-18 23:43:04.246  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:43:04.247  1626  3018 I idle->background(18300ms) R(service create adj=0.

03-18 23:43:04.247  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=0 proc size=1 move to background service create

03-18 23:43:04.247  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=0 proc size=1 move to inactive service create

03-18 23:43:04.247  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:43:04.248 14761 14870 I MiPicks-LocalAppManager: add package to list: com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.248  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:43:04.248 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.248  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 4

03-18 23:43:04.248  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10190, uidState = 4

03-18 23:43:04.249  1626  1626 I Telecom : DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now DDC.oR@aPE

03-18 23:43:04.250 24989 25052 I BtGatt.ScanManager: msg.what = MSG_IMPORTANCE_CHANGE, msg.arg1 = IMPORTANCE_CHANGE

03-18 23:43:04.250  2259  2259 D ImsResolver: maybeAddedImsService, packageName: com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.254 14761 14845 W FirebaseRemoteConfig: No value of type 'FirebaseRemoteConfigValue' exists for parameter key 'enableCheckUpdateTrack'.

03-18 23:43:04.257 12411 12411 I PI-ScanDispatch: service bind, pkgName = com.gamovation.chessclubpilot, installer =, isReplace = true, firstGoogleTime = 1657206275126

03-18 23:43:04.257  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10233, uidState = 6

03-18 23:43:04.259  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:43:04.261 11189 14408 I Finsky  : [1286] oxc.accept(128): Wrote row to frosting DB: 56229

03-18 23:43:04.262 14761 14845 I Ad      : isPersonalizedAdEnabled getAdSettings: 3

03-18 23:43:04.263 11189 11189 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.264 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] xty.g(1): xty - Received: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED, [T6wLcqMgfprnR-MPZxB8Fe_Zr1TFMqzZecA4Ef4iP5E]

03-18 23:43:04.268 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.270  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=0 proc size=1 move to background add to whitelist

03-18 23:43:04.272 23899 24032 I GpBinderManager: bindCount : 6

03-18 23:43:04.273   856   880 D BtHostDebugInfo

03-18 23:43:04.273   856   880 D [BT]    : mtk_bt_op: BT_VND_OP_SET_BTHOST

03-18 23:43:04.276   856   880 D BtHostDebugInfo

03-18 23:43:04.276   856   880 D [BT]    : mtk_bt_op: BT_VND_OP_SET_BTHOST

03-18 23:43:04.277 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.277  1626  1863 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:04.278  1626  1863 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.280  1626  3558 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:43:04.280  1626  3558 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:43:04.289 14761 14845 W FirebaseRemoteConfig: No value of type 'FirebaseRemoteConfigValue' exists for parameter key 'devTrackNetworkForHost'.

03-18 23:43:04.289 14761 14845 I MiPicks-RetrofitRequest: callStart :

03-18 23:43:04.294 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.295  1626  1626 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 1000; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:43:04.295  1626  1626 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194532703; UID 1000; state: DISABLED

03-18 23:43:04.297  1626  1717 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:04.297  1626  1717 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.298 17377 17377 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.299  1626  1626 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171306433; UID 10349; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:43:04.299  1626  1626 W AlarmManager: Package com.gamovation.chessclubpilot, uid 10349 lost permission to set exact alarms!

03-18 23:43:04.299  1626  1932 I SdkSandboxManager: No SDKs used. Skipping SDK data reconcilation for CallingInfo{mUid=10349, mPackageName='com.gamovation.chessclubpilot, mAppProcessToken='null'}

03-18 23:43:04.301  3658  3658 E SLM-SRV-SLAAppLib: initBroadcastReceivercom.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.301  3658  3658 I SLM-SRV-SLAAppLib: ACTION_PACKAGE_REPLACED uid = 10349com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.301  3658  3658 D SLM-SRV-SLAAppLib: sendMsgSetSLAAppList

03-18 23:43:04.301  3658  3658 I SLM-SRV-SLSAppLib: setSLSGameUidList:null

03-18 23:43:04.301  3658  3658 I SLM-SRV-SLSAppLib: setSLSVoIPUid:0

03-18 23:43:04.301  3658  3658 I NetworkAccelerateSwitchService: setNetworkAccelerateSwitchUidList:null

03-18 23:43:04.301  3658  3658 I NetworkAccelerateSwitchService: setNetworkAccelerateSwitchVoIPUid:0

03-18 23:43:04.301  3658  3658 I SLM-SRV-SLAAppLib: mDoubleWifiUidList = null

03-18 23:43:04.301 12411 12411 D PI-ScanDispatch: receive security msg: send client messenger

03-18 23:43:04.301  3658  6259 I SLM-SRV-SLAAppLib: setUidWhiteListToSlad

03-18 23:43:04.302  3658  6259 D SLM-SRV-SLAAppLib: mSlaService is null

03-18 23:43:04.302  3658  6259 I SLM-SRV-SLSAppLib: setSLAAppWhiteList:null

03-18 23:43:04.302 23899 23899 D AppInstalledReceiver: receive broadcast

03-18 23:43:04.302 25035 25035 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: (REDACTED) O received %s

03-18 23:43:04.302 23899 24031 I GpBinderManager: bindCount : 7

03-18 23:43:04.304 28085 14395 V ContactsTaskScheduler: [ContactsPackageMonitor] Thread[Worker-19,5,main] dispatching 0

03-18 23:43:04.304 28085 14395 D ContactDirectoryManager: onPackageChanged,updateDirectoriesForPackage, packageName:com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.304 11189 14408 I Finsky  : [1286] oxc.accept(128): Wrote row to frosting DB: 56230

03-18 23:43:04.304 28085 14395 V ContactsTaskScheduler: [ContactsPackageMonitor] Thread[Worker-19,5,main] dispatching end 0

03-18 23:43:04.305  1626  1678 I idle->background(18330ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=925.

03-18 23:43:04.305  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=925 proc size=6 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.305  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=925 proc size=6 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.305  1626  1827 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices, changes=KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS | 

03-18 23:43:04.305  2262  2262 D LockScreenMagazineController: received broadcast android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED

03-18 23:43:04.308 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] xty.g(1): xty - Deduping intent android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED

03-18 23:43:04.309  1626  1656 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:04.309  1626  1656 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.310 10992 11125 I Bugle   : BroadcastReceiverAsyncWorkTracker: Acknowledging broadcast of bqpz@cc667ea

03-18 23:43:04.310  1626  1717 D PackageInstallerSession: Marking session 2014216762 as applied

03-18 23:43:04.311 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.311  1107 19102 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/app/vmdl2014216762.tmp: No such file or directory

03-18 23:43:04.311  1107 19102 E installd: Failed to delete /data/app/vmdl2014216762.tmp: No such file or directory

03-18 23:43:04.317 14427 15004 D ScanResultDBManager: dbr: 0

03-18 23:43:04.318 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] xty.g(1): xty - Received: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED, [T6wLcqMgfprnR-MPZxB8Fe_Zr1TFMqzZecA4Ef4iP5E]

03-18 23:43:04.320  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=0 proc size=1 move to inactive service end

03-18 23:43:04.321 30467 30842 W anai    : Abort, client detached.

03-18 23:43:04.321 12447 12474 I PermissionControllerServiceImpl: Updating user sensitive for uid 10349

03-18 23:43:04.321 30467 30842 W anai    : Abort, client detached.

03-18 23:43:04.328 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.328 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] xty.g(1): xty - Deduping intent android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED

03-18 23:43:04.329 14628 14628 I SystemUpdate-UpdateAppList: visible update app list do not change, don't notify: (2),, global setting updates: 2

03-18 23:43:04.329 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] xty.g(1): xty - Received: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED, [T6wLcqMgfprnR-MPZxB8Fe_Zr1TFMqzZecA4Ef4iP5E]

03-18 23:43:04.329 10591 15003 D AppVerDbManager: will add

03-18 23:43:04.331 10591 12380 D IdProviderImpl: getOAID from

03-18 23:43:04.342 14612 14612 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.344  1626  3538 I idle->background(18244ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=0.

03-18 23:43:04.345  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=0 proc size=4 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.345  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=0 proc size=4 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.345 14628 14628 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.346 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.350 11189 11256 I Finsky  : [1144] kpj.apply(1368): AIM: Got app ownership map. App counts: . Unique apps: 0

03-18 23:43:04.351  1626  1863 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:04.351  1626  1863 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.352 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] slj.akc(11): DTU: Received onPackageAdded, replacing: true

03-18 23:43:04.355  1626  3763 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to

03-18 23:43:04.358  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to

03-18 23:43:04.358  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to

03-18 23:43:04.358  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$RegisteredReceiver

03-18 23:43:04.358  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$RegisteredReceiver

03-18 23:43:04.358  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver

03-18 23:43:04.358  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to

03-18 23:43:04.358  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to

03-18 23:43:04.358  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to

03-18 23:43:04.358  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.xiaomi.mipicks/

03-18 23:43:04.358  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.xiaomi.misettings/.usagestats.AppTimerReceiver

03-18 23:43:04.358  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to

03-18 23:43:04.358  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to

03-18 23:43:04.362 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.364 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] kpr.f(7): AIM: AppInfoCacheUpdater -> invalidating apps: [com.gamovation.chessclubpilot]

03-18 23:43:04.364 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] kqg.g(19): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > getApps > called for 1 apps

03-18 23:43:04.367 11189 14408 I Finsky  : [1286] oxc.accept(128): Wrote row to frosting DB: 56231

03-18 23:43:04.370 11189 11251 I Finsky  : [1141] krl.a(47): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > OnDeviceAppInfo > cacheHitCount=0, cacheMissCount=1. Missed  in cache (limit 10) : [com.gamovation.chessclubpilot]

03-18 23:43:04.377 11189 11251 I Finsky  : [1141] kpj.apply(1368): AIM: Got app ownership map. App counts: 1. Unique apps: 1

03-18 23:43:04.378 11189 11251 I Finsky  : [1141] krl.a(47): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > OnDeviceAppInfo > cacheHitCount=1, cacheMissCount=0. Missed  in cache (limit 10) : []

03-18 23:43:04.378 11189 13887 I Finsky  : [1252] meo.aiZ(148): [ContentSync] finished, scheduled=false

03-18 23:43:04.379 11189 11251 I Finsky  : [1141] kpj.apply(1368): AIM: Got app ownership map. App counts: . Unique apps: 0

03-18 23:43:04.380 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.381 11189 11189 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.383 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] xty.g(1): xty - Received: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED, [T6wLcqMgfprnR-MPZxB8Fe_Zr1TFMqzZecA4Ef4iP5E]

03-18 23:43:04.384 12447 15000 E RoleControllerServiceImpl: Default/fallback role holder package doesn't qualify for the role, package:, role:

03-18 23:43:04.390 12447 15000 W Role    : Default holder doesn't have required signing certificate:

03-18 23:43:04.393 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] xty.g(1): xty - Deduping intent android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED

03-18 23:43:04.395 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.396  1626  1971 D IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats packages: [237, 252, 259, 262, 265, 267, 269, 272, 273, 338, 339, 341, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 351, 353, 355, 359, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 367, 368, 369, 373, 374, 375, 376, 378, 383, 384, 471, 472, 625, 627, 629, 630, 632, 633, 634, 635, 638, 643, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 707, 709, 716, 718, 767, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795, 796, 797, 798, 799, 800, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810, 811, 812, 813, 815, 816]

03-18 23:43:04.399 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] xty.g(1): xty - Received: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED, [T6wLcqMgfprnR-MPZxB8Fe_Zr1TFMqzZecA4Ef4iP5E]

03-18 23:43:04.400 17377 17377 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.400 11189 14408 I Finsky  : [1286] oxc.accept(128): Wrote row to frosting DB: 56232

03-18 23:43:04.401  1626  1712 E VerityUtils: Failed to measure fs-verity, errno 1: /data/app/~~dFlZMNt82ef0FbgrTSY_tQ==/com.gamovation.chessclubpilot-w9q6uAYIL_CYUxMetAFApg==/base.apk

03-18 23:43:04.402 12411 12573 D PI-ScanInterceptor: local first active time: 1657206275126

03-18 23:43:04.402 12411 12573 D PI-ScanInterceptor: the first scan time: 1657206275126

03-18 23:43:04.410 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] xty.g(1): xty - Deduping intent android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED

03-18 23:43:04.410 10767 13839 I htmlviewercloudcontrol: isStagingEnv:false param =  app_compatibility  uriMatch = 2

03-18 23:43:04.412 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.412  2259  2653 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:04.413  2259  2653 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.415 28536 15009 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "com.gamovation.chessclubpilot"

03-18 23:43:04.418  1626  3851 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver

03-18 23:43:04.419 10767 13839 I htmlviewercloudcontrol: isStagingEnv:false param =  app_compatibility  uriMatch = 2

03-18 23:43:04.421  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to

03-18 23:43:04.422  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to

03-18 23:43:04.422  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to

03-18 23:43:04.423 12411 12573 I PI-ScanInterceptor: interrupt, by scanMode:  1

03-18 23:43:04.425 11189 11251 I Finsky  : [1141] krh.a(191): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > ItemModel > CacheSize=61, cacheHitCount=1, cacheMissCount=0, total appsWithNoServerDataCount=1. Missed  in cache (limit 10) : []

03-18 23:43:04.427  1626  1673 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:04.427  1626  1673 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.428 12411 12573 W FirebaseRemoteConfig: No value of type 'String' exists for parameter key 'sid'.

03-18 23:43:04.429 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.430 12411 12573 D PI-ScanDispatch: send msg to security, the interrupt result:7

03-18 23:43:04.431 23899 23899 I NewGlobalInstallCheckTask: handleMessage: interrupt and unbind. blockType = 7

03-18 23:43:04.431 23899 23899 I NewGlobalInstallCheckTask: handleMessage: virusScan

03-18 23:43:04.434 14612 14612 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.435 28536 15014 I Auth    : [SupervisedAccountIntentOperation] onHandleIntent(): android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED

03-18 23:43:04.438 23899 23899 I NewGlobalInstallCheckTask: finish: the queue first task operate over.remove first task.

03-18 23:43:04.438 23899 24075 I GpBinderManager: bindCount : 8

03-18 23:43:04.439  1626  3524 I idle->background(18020ms) R(content provider start ContentProviderRecord{9bf9eb8 u0 com.miui.guardprovider/.GuardProvider}) adj=0.

03-18 23:43:04.439  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.miui.guardprovider/10171 state=hibernation adj=0 proc size=1 move to background content provider start ContentProviderRecord{9bf9eb8 u0 com.miui.guardprovider/.GuardProvider}

03-18 23:43:04.439  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.miui.guardprovider/10171 state=background adj=0 proc size=1 move to inactive content provider start ContentProviderRecord{9bf9eb8 u0 com.miui.guardprovider/.GuardProvider}

03-18 23:43:04.440 14427 14442 D VirusEngineCloudControl: cloudEngineList: Avast

03-18 23:43:04.446  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 10

03-18 23:43:04.446  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10190, uidState = 5

03-18 23:43:04.446  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10158, uidState = 10

03-18 23:43:04.446 24989 25052 I BtGatt.ScanManager: msg.what = MSG_IMPORTANCE_CHANGE, msg.arg1 = IMPORTANCE_CHANGE

03-18 23:43:04.447  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=0 proc size=8 move to background add to whitelist

03-18 23:43:04.451 17377 15001 I Fitness : (REDACTED) FitCleanupIntentOperation received Intent %s

03-18 23:43:04.453  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10092, uidState = 5

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat: grantRuntimePermission

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat: java.lang.SecurityException: Package com.miui.guardprovider has not requested permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Parcel.createException(

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Parcel.readException(

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Parcel.readException(

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at$Stub$Proxy.grantRuntimePermissionAsUser(

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at Source:34)

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at Source:61)

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at Source:17)

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.content.ContentProvider$

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Binder.execTransact(

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat: Caused by: android.os.RemoteException: Remote stack trace:

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at com.miui.server.SecurityManagerService.grantRuntimePermissionAsUser(

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at$Stub.onTransact(

03-18 23:43:04.456  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat: 

03-18 23:43:04.457 17377 15001 I ProximityAuth: [RecentAppsMediator] Package added: (user=UserHandle{0}) com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.457 11189 11251 I Finsky  : [1141] krh.a(191): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > ItemModel > CacheSize=61, cacheHitCount=0, cacheMissCount=1, total appsWithNoServerDataCount=1. Missed  in cache (limit 10) : [com.gamovation.chessclubpilot]

03-18 23:43:04.459 11189 11251 I Finsky  : [1141] krk.n(19): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > ItemModel > ItemStore Called 1 apps cacheOptions = REFRESH_LOCAL_CACHE

03-18 23:43:04.460  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10158, uidState = 19

03-18 23:43:04.462 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.462  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat: grantRuntimePermission

03-18 23:43:04.462  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat: java.lang.SecurityException: Package com.miui.guardprovider has not requested permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

03-18 23:43:04.462  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(

03-18 23:43:04.462  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Parcel.createException(

03-18 23:43:04.462  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Parcel.readException(

03-18 23:43:04.462  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Parcel.readException(

03-18 23:43:04.462  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at$Stub$Proxy.grantRuntimePermissionAsUser(

03-18 23:43:04.462  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at

03-18 23:43:04.462  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at Source:34)

03-18 23:43:04.462  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at Source:61)

03-18 23:43:04.462  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at Source:17)

03-18 23:43:04.462  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at

03-18 23:43:04.462  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.content.ContentProvider$

03-18 23:43:04.462  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(

03-18 23:43:04.462  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(

03-18 23:43:04.462  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Binder.execTransact(

03-18 23:43:04.467  1626  1712 E VerityUtils: Failed to measure fs-verity, errno 1: /data/app/~~dFlZMNt82ef0FbgrTSY_tQ==/com.gamovation.chessclubpilot-w9q6uAYIL_CYUxMetAFApg==/base.apk

03-18 23:43:04.467  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat: grantRuntimePermission

03-18 23:43:04.467  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat: java.lang.SecurityException: Package com.miui.guardprovider has not requested permission android.permission.READ_SMS

03-18 23:43:04.467  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(

03-18 23:43:04.467  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Parcel.createException(

03-18 23:43:04.467  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Parcel.readException(

03-18 23:43:04.467  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Parcel.readException(

03-18 23:43:04.467  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at$Stub$Proxy.grantRuntimePermissionAsUser(

03-18 23:43:04.467  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at

03-18 23:43:04.467  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at Source:34)

03-18 23:43:04.467  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at Source:61)

03-18 23:43:04.467  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at Source:17)

03-18 23:43:04.467  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at

03-18 23:43:04.467  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.content.ContentProvider$

03-18 23:43:04.467  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(

03-18 23:43:04.467  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(

03-18 23:43:04.467  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Binder.execTransact(

03-18 23:43:04.468  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=0 proc size=8 move to inactive remove from whitelist

03-18 23:43:04.468  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:43:04.469  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:43:04.471 11189 14408 I Finsky  : [1286] oxc.accept(128): Wrote row to frosting DB: 56233

03-18 23:43:04.472  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat: grantRuntimePermission

03-18 23:43:04.472  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat: java.lang.SecurityException: Package com.miui.guardprovider has not requested permission android.permission.READ_CONTACTS

03-18 23:43:04.472  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(

03-18 23:43:04.472  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Parcel.createException(

03-18 23:43:04.472  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Parcel.readException(

03-18 23:43:04.472  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Parcel.readException(

03-18 23:43:04.472  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at$Stub$Proxy.grantRuntimePermissionAsUser(

03-18 23:43:04.472  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at

03-18 23:43:04.472  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at Source:34)

03-18 23:43:04.472  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at Source:61)

03-18 23:43:04.472  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at Source:17)

03-18 23:43:04.472  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at

03-18 23:43:04.472  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.content.ContentProvider$

03-18 23:43:04.472  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(

03-18 23:43:04.472  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(

03-18 23:43:04.472  4299 10205 E PermissionCompat:      at android.os.Binder.execTransact(

03-18 23:43:04.473 14628 15006 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(126) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:43:04.473 23899 19078 I VirusObserver: onScanStart in IVirusObserver.Stub result : 1

03-18 23:43:04.474 11189 11251 I Finsky  : [1141] krh.a(1062): AIM: ItemModel fetch - unauth(0), auth([x7vDeIZtxrR-aJHx-_n0CMUoUzcOlmpa11oC2fZuKLU]->1)

03-18 23:43:04.475 23899 19078 I VirusObserver: onScanStartItem in IVirusObserver.Stub result : -1, path : /data/app/~~dFlZMNt82ef0FbgrTSY_tQ==/com.gamovation.chessclubpilot-w9q6uAYIL_CYUxMetAFApg==/base.apk

03-18 23:43:04.476 14427 14508 I AntivirusManager: CheckWhiteList onbackground

03-18 23:43:04.478 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.482  1626  2001 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:43:04.482  1626  2001 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:43:04.482  1626  2001 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:43:04.482  1626  2001 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:43:04.492  1626  1673 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:04.493  1626  1673 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.503 14761 14845 I MiPicks-RetrofitRequest: callEnd :

03-18 23:43:04.503 11189 14408 I Finsky  : [1286] oxc.accept(128): Wrote row to frosting DB: 56234

03-18 23:43:04.510 11189 14408 I Finsky  : [1286] oxc.accept(128): Wrote row to frosting DB: 56235

03-18 23:43:04.511 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.512 14761 14845 I MiPicks-DataParser: [InvalidPackageList] JSON : invalidSystemPackageList list is null

03-18 23:43:04.521 14427 14508 I AntivirusManager: check white list start onScanProgress com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.527 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.533 14427 14427 I AntivirusManager: check white list have not scan item start onScanFinish 

03-18 23:43:04.533 23899 19078 I VirusObserver: onScanFinish in IVirusObserver.Stub : -1

03-18 23:43:04.533 23899 19078 I GpBinderManager: unbindCount : 7

03-18 23:43:04.534 11189 14408 I Finsky  : [1286] oxc.accept(128): Wrote row to frosting DB: 56236

03-18 23:43:04.535  2259  2653 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:04.535  2259  2653 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.542 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.559 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.560  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=905 proc size=2 move to hibernation service end

03-18 23:43:04.570 28536  5924 I Icing   : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface componentName=AppsCorpus serviceId=36

03-18 23:43:04.585 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.598 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.600  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 5

03-18 23:43:04.601  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:43:04.602  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:43:04.612  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:04.613  1626  3526 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:04.614 11189 11243 I Finsky  : [1133] krh.a(191): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > ItemModel > CacheSize=61, cacheHitCount=1, cacheMissCount=0, total appsWithNoServerDataCount=1. Missed  in cache (limit 10) : []

03-18 23:43:04.614 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.615  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:04.615  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:04.615  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:04.615 11189 11243 I Finsky  : [1133] krh.a(191): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > ItemModel > CacheSize=61, cacheHitCount=0, cacheMissCount=1, total appsWithNoServerDataCount=1. Missed  in cache (limit 10) : [com.gamovation.chessclubpilot]

03-18 23:43:04.615  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:04.615  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:04.616 11189 11243 I Finsky  : [1133] krk.n(19): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > ItemModel > ItemStore Called 1 apps cacheOptions = REFRESH_LOCAL_CACHE

03-18 23:43:04.617 11189 11243 I Finsky  : [1133] krh.a(1062): AIM: ItemModel fetch - unauth(0), auth([x7vDeIZtxrR-aJHx-_n0CMUoUzcOlmpa11oC2fZuKLU]->1)

03-18 23:43:04.617  1626  3526 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:04.618  1626  1673 W SearchableInfo: Invalid searchable metadata for Search label must be a resource reference.

03-18 23:43:04.630 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.639 11189 11243 I Finsky  : [1133] sdl.apply(537): IV2::TD: Submit done. com.gamovation.chessclubpilot[iid:946] [isid:grmuwiV-RtGdWbYq3SDkNA] [tid: 1000001216]

03-18 23:43:04.645 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.662 28536  5924 I Icing   : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface componentName=null serviceId=30

03-18 23:43:04.664 11189 14172 I Finsky  : [1261] scy.b(28): IV2: task success. tid:1000001216 statusCode:0

03-18 23:43:04.664  1626  3851 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161252188; UID 10253; state: DISABLED

03-18 23:43:04.666 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.670 11189 11243 I Finsky  : [1133] sdr.a(144): IV2::TM: cleaning up tid: 1000001216

03-18 23:43:04.671 11189 11243 I Finsky  : [1133] sdr.a(290): IV2:TM: cleaning up task. com.gamovation.chessclubpilot[iid:946] [isid:grmuwiV-RtGdWbYq3SDkNA] [tid: 1000001216]

03-18 23:43:04.673 28536 15025 I Icing   : Usage reports ok 2, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0

03-18 23:43:04.674  1626  1673 W SearchableInfo: Invalid searchable metadata for Search label must be a resource reference.

03-18 23:43:04.675 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.680 11189 11256 I Finsky  : [1144] jtb.accept(155): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > getApps > data collection finished

03-18 23:43:04.680 11189 11256 I Finsky  : [1144] AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > maybeDestroyAppInfoManager is called. actives = 1

03-18 23:43:04.681 11189 11256 I Finsky  : [1144] aatw.w(9): RM: remove resources for request e40838c2-505f-42e1-9613-f9bd0849245b

03-18 23:43:04.682  1626  1673 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:04.682  1626  1673 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.682 11189 11256 I Finsky  : [1144] aatw.w(9): RM: remove resources for request 475d0f95-3b8e-45de-bf57-3aff81faad49

03-18 23:43:04.682 11189 11256 I Finsky  : [1144] aatw.w(9): RM: remove resources for request ed2d3a94-c2b2-4c76-82d9-733b7551766e

03-18 23:43:04.685 11189 11225 I Finsky  : [1117] atwl.W(11): remove(5559)

03-18 23:43:04.686 11376 11500 I Finsky:background: [1131] oqb.j(13): remove(request_id=5559)

03-18 23:43:04.688 11189 11225 I Finsky  : [1117] atwl.W(11): remove(5560)

03-18 23:43:04.689 11189 11224 I Finsky  : [1118] atwl.W(11): remove(5561)

03-18 23:43:04.690 11376 11504 I Finsky:background: [1135] oqb.j(13): remove(request_id=5561)

03-18 23:43:04.691 11376 11504 I Finsky:background: [1135] oqb.j(13): remove(request_id=5560)

03-18 23:43:04.691 30467 30798 I aypw    : (REDACTED) remove existing package for update: %s

03-18 23:43:04.691 11189 11256 I Finsky  : [1144] jtb.accept(155): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > getApps > data collection finished

03-18 23:43:04.692 11189 11256 I Finsky  : [1144] AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > maybeDestroyAppInfoManager is called. actives = 0

03-18 23:43:04.692 30467 14517 I eswy    : (REDACTED) soft deleting data for %s

03-18 23:43:04.700 30467 30798 I eswo    : Scheduling deletion propagation for Geller data.

03-18 23:43:04.701 30467 14423 I eswy    : (REDACTED) Writing data of size=%d bytes with N=%d keys to Geller corpus %s at ts=%d

03-18 23:43:04.701 30467 14517 I eswo    : Performing deletion propagation for Geller data.

03-18 23:43:04.703 11376 14282 W Finsky:background: [1156] pvz.bu(183): Transition is not allowed: before=<5559:SUCCEEDED> after=<5559:SUCCEEDED>.

03-18 23:43:04.707 30467 30798 I aypw    : refreshDeviceAppInfoForAccount done.

03-18 23:43:04.718 11376 14282 W Finsky:background: [1156] pvz.bu(183): Transition is not allowed: before=<5561:SUCCEEDED> after=<5561:SUCCEEDED>.

03-18 23:43:04.720 30467 30842 W anai    : Abort, client detached.

03-18 23:43:04.722 11376 14281 I Finsky:background: [1155] oqb.g(404): onRemove(request_id=5559, files_to_download=1, group_id=com.gamovation.chessclubpilot:grmuwiV-RtGdWbYq3SDkNA, display_data[invisible=true, title=Chess - Offline Board Game], network_restrictions=2, status=succeeded, bytes_downloaded=1790603, total_bytes=1790603, retry[count=0, next_retry=n/a])

03-18 23:43:04.725 11376 14281 I Finsky:background: [1155] oqb.g(404): onRemove(request_id=5561, files_to_download=1, group_id=com.gamovation.chessclubpilot:grmuwiV-RtGdWbYq3SDkNA, display_data[invisible=true, title=Chess - Offline Board Game], network_restrictions=2, status=succeeded, bytes_downloaded=109044, total_bytes=109044, retry[count=0, next_retry=n/a])

03-18 23:43:04.725 11376 14282 W Finsky:background: [1156] pvz.bu(183): Transition is not allowed: before=<5560:SUCCEEDED> after=<5560:SUCCEEDED>.

03-18 23:43:04.727 30467 30798 I aypw    : refreshDeviceAppInfoForAccount done.

03-18 23:43:04.728 11376 14281 I Finsky:background: [1155] oqb.g(404): onRemove(request_id=5560, files_to_download=1, group_id=com.gamovation.chessclubpilot:grmuwiV-RtGdWbYq3SDkNA, display_data[invisible=true, title=Chess - Offline Board Game], network_restrictions=2, status=succeeded, bytes_downloaded=1298732, total_bytes=1298732, retry[count=0, next_retry=n/a])

03-18 23:43:04.735 11189 14172 I Finsky  : [1261] scz.b(54): IV2: Finishing successful install for installId: 946

03-18 23:43:04.740 28536 15025 I Icing   : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0

03-18 23:43:04.741  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99452, uidState = 10

03-18 23:43:04.747 28536 15025 I Icing   : Indexing from

03-18 23:43:04.757 11189 14191 I Finsky  : [1268] xsj.l(17): Session is stale, session is not alive: getNames not allowed after destruction

03-18 23:43:04.758 28536 15025 I Icing   : Indexing done

03-18 23:43:04.758 11189 14191 I Finsky  : [1268] aarh.a(745): SM: Session with Context {name=com.gamovation.chessclubpilot versionCode=212} was closed or abandoned in a consumer.

03-18 23:43:04.766 11189 14172 I Finsky  : [1261] aarh.a(794): SCU: Successfully abandon the session for com.gamovation.chessclubpilot[iid:946] [isid:grmuwiV-RtGdWbYq3SDkNA]

03-18 23:43:04.776   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:43:04.780 11189 14158 I Finsky  : [1258] sif.N(33): IQ: Notifying installation update. [Package:com.gamovation.chessclubpilot, isid:grmuwiV-RtGdWbYq3SDkNA], status=INSTALLED, status_code=0, reason=auto_update, tsc=PT3H15M2.464S

03-18 23:43:04.783 14612 15033 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(146) with statsTag=0x90000, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:43:04.784 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] zua.ahY(59): PIM: Ignore install package event for: com.gamovation.chessclubpilot, isid: grmuwiV-RtGdWbYq3SDkNA

03-18 23:43:04.789 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] ouz.r(174): DL: Data loader session turned off due to Incremental install not requested: com.gamovation.chessclubpilot

03-18 23:43:04.792   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.792   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000073905766e0,id:-1,api:1,p:944,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=0.78 dur=1279.10 max=1279.10 min=1279.10

03-18 23:43:04.793   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:43:04.793   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:43:04.795 11189 11256 I Finsky  : [1144] xcv.accept(15): UpdateImportanceScores for packageName com.gamovation.chessclubpilot = UpdateImportanceScores{packageName=com.gamovation.chessclubpilot, updateUsefulnessScore=0.26827642, manualActionNeededScore=0.9933072, updateNotificationUserClickability=1.0, appUsageStatsCacheEntry=AppUsageStatsCacheEntry(packageName=com.gamovation.chessclubpilot, lastUsedTime=1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, usageIntervalStartTime=2024-03-09T03:20:12.283Z, usageIntervalEndTime=2024-03-10T03:20:12.282Z, foregroundInterval=PT0S, activeSubIntervals=0)}

03-18 23:43:04.801 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] actr.apply(112): IQ::HLD: ongoing installs that pauseAppUpdates callers must wait for: []

03-18 23:43:04.807  1626  1673 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:04.807  1626  1673 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.808 24160 24160 D Launcher.Model: LauncherAppsCallback onPackageChanged|com.gamovation.chessclubpilot|UserHandle{0}

03-18 23:43:04.808 24160 24315 D Launcher.Model: Got broadcast:Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED dat=package: (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:04.809 11189 11243 I Finsky  : [1133] shs.a(6): IQ: start evaluating install requests.

03-18 23:43:04.820 24160 24315 D Launcher.AllAppsList: updatePackage, packageName=com.gamovation.chessclubpilot, loadMissing=false, user=UserHandle{0}, matchedSize=1

03-18 23:43:04.820 24160 24315 D Launcher.AllAppsList: updatePackage, find appInfo=AppInfo, id=-1, itemType=0, user=UserHandle{0}, mIconType=0, pkgName=com.gamovation.chessclubpilot, className=com.singular.unitybridge.SingularUnityActivity, screenId=-1, container=-1, cellX=-1, cellY=-1, spanX=1, spanY=1 from ComponentInfo{com.gamovation.chessclubpilot/com.singular.unitybridge.SingularUnityActivity}

03-18 23:43:04.824 24160 24315 D Launcher.Model: onReceiveBackground, mAllAppsList=add=[], remove=[], modified=[(0, AppInfo, id=-1, itemType=0, user=UserHandle{0}, mIconType=0, pkgName=com.gamovation.chessclubpilot, className=com.singular.unitybridge.SingularUnityActivity, screenId=-1, container=-1, cellX=-1, cellY=-1, spanX=1, spanY=1)]

03-18 23:43:04.827 11189 11243 I Finsky  : [1133] shs.a(181): IQ: There are 7 installs pending for job 140604: [com.hotspot.Partner, com.anydesk.anydeskandroid,, us.zoom.videomeetings,,,]

03-18 23:43:04.838   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:04.838   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:55

03-18 23:43:04.841 11189 11243 I Finsky  : [1133] shs.a(181): IQ: There are 8 installs pending for job 140608: [com.miui.calculator, com.miui.weather2,,, com.miui.cleaner,,, com.mi.globalminusscreen]

03-18 23:43:04.848 11189 11243 I Finsky  : [1133] shs.a(498): IQ: 15 scheduled install statuses found to proceed. 

03-18 23:43:04.858 11189 11251 I Finsky  : [1141] pdj.a(870): IQ: proceed install request for [Package:com.miui.cleaner, isid:2-AUGZC6TPKrqMG3TpA7wA].

03-18 23:43:04.858 11189 11251 I Finsky  : [1141] pdj.a(935): IQ: Notifying installation update. [Package:com.miui.cleaner, isid:2-AUGZC6TPKrqMG3TpA7wA], status=DOWNLOAD_PENDING, status_code=0, reason=auto_update, tsc=PT3H15M2.212S

03-18 23:43:04.865 11189 11256 I Finsky  : [1144] sjd.h(69): IQ: Requesting install request=package_name=com.miui.cleaner, pm_package_name=com.miui.cleaner, version=100670, priority=3, reason=auto_update, account_name=[x7vDeIZtxrR-aJHx-_n0CMUoUzcOlmpa11oC2fZuKLU], type=0, isid=2-AUGZC6TPKrqMG3TpA7wA, constraints=((REQ_CHARGING, REQ_GEARHEAD_PROJECTION_OFF, NETWORK=UNMETERED, PROVISIONING_STATE=PROVISIONED, BACKUP_MANAGER_STATE=BACKUP_READY, PROCESS_IMPORTANCE_THRESHOLD=125),) using installer.

03-18 23:43:04.865 11189 11256 I Finsky  : [1144] ouz.r(174): DL: Data loader session turned off due to Incremental install not requested: com.miui.cleaner

03-18 23:43:04.865 11189 11256 I Finsky  : [1144] ouz.s(508): DLIF: createIncrementalConfig with useIncrementalSessionWithReason: INCREMENTAL_DISABLED_IN_INSTALL_REQUEST , streamingVerdictWithReason: STREAMING_DISABLE_BY_UNKNOWN_REASON

03-18 23:43:04.865 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] zua.ahY(59): PIM: Ignore install package event for: com.miui.cleaner, isid: 2-AUGZC6TPKrqMG3TpA7wA

03-18 23:43:04.867 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] ouz.r(174): DL: Data loader session turned off due to Incremental install not requested: com.miui.cleaner

03-18 23:43:04.874 11189 14172 I Finsky  : [1261] seb.a(81): IV2::EIU: Existing install found for update [Package:com.miui.cleaner, isid:2-AUGZC6TPKrqMG3TpA7wA].

03-18 23:43:04.876 11189 11243 I Finsky  : [1133] sdm.a(727): IV2::DRV: install for [Package:com.miui.cleaner, isid:2-AUGZC6TPKrqMG3TpA7wA] not tracked by installer.

03-18 23:43:04.877  1626  3518 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 197654537; UID 10253; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:43:04.879 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] actr.apply(112): IQ::HLD: ongoing installs that pauseAppUpdates callers must wait for: [[Package:com.miui.cleaner, isid:2-AUGZC6TPKrqMG3TpA7wA]]

03-18 23:43:04.879 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] actq.a(791): IQ::HLD: previousAllInstallsDone is Optional[true], allInstallationsDone is Optional[false]

03-18 23:43:04.879 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] actq.a(817): IQ::HLD: Updating installations status true cross profiles

03-18 23:43:04.880 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] msv.b(34): XPF:Binding for 53031470

03-18 23:43:04.880 11189 14172 W Finsky  : [1261] IQ::ICU: reject install request for com.miui.cleaner, the app is in foreground

03-18 23:43:04.880 11189 14172 W Finsky  : [1261] sec.a(59): IV2::FGCV: Foreground check failed for com.miui.cleaner

03-18 23:43:04.881 11189 14172 E Finsky  : [1261] lgi.a(667): IV2: request install failure for [Package:com.miui.cleaner, isid:2-AUGZC6TPKrqMG3TpA7wA]

03-18 23:43:04.881 11189 14172 E Finsky  : Status: 1122

03-18 23:43:04.881 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at sec.a(PG:66)

03-18 23:43:04.881 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at scb.apply(PG:551)

03-18 23:43:04.881 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at j$

03-18 23:43:04.881 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at j$.util.Iterator$-EL.forEachRemaining(SourceFile:24)

03-18 23:43:04.881 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at j$.util.g0.forEachRemaining(Unknown Source:23)

03-18 23:43:04.881 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at j$

03-18 23:43:04.881 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at j$

03-18 23:43:04.881 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at j$

03-18 23:43:04.881 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at j$

03-18 23:43:04.881 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at j$

03-18 23:43:04.881 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at rlk.a(PG:301)

03-18 23:43:04.881 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at asxy.d(PG:3)

03-18 23:43:04.881 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at

03-18 23:43:04.881 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(

03-18 23:43:04.881 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

03-18 23:43:04.881 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at

03-18 23:43:04.881 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at

03-18 23:43:04.885 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] mss.a(41): XPF:Registering listener 247893320 for user u0.

03-18 23:43:04.886 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] mss.b(63): XPF:User 0 finished enterprise setup, removing profile.

03-18 23:43:04.886 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] mss.c(27): XPF:User 0 is in installation, adding profile.

03-18 23:43:04.900  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:04.900  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:04.900  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:04.900  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:04.900  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:04.901  1626  1844 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:04.905 11189 14172 I Finsky  : [1261] aarh.a(812): SCU: Failed to abandon the session for com.miui.cleaner[iid:-1] [isid:2-AUGZC6TPKrqMG3TpA7wA] due to 5426, msg: Optional[No open Session with Context {name=com.miui.cleaner versionCode=100670} was found.]

03-18 23:43:04.908 12447 15000 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:04.908 12447 15000 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:04.911  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10173, uidState = 15

03-18 23:43:04.913  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10083, uidState = 15

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  : [1261] lmv.apply(452): IV2: Failed to delete record for -1

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  : [1261] kdo.apply(209): IV2: Rejecting request for [Package:com.miui.cleaner, isid:2-AUGZC6TPKrqMG3TpA7wA] statusCode: 1122

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  : Status: 1122

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at sec.a(PG:66)

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at scb.apply(PG:551)

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at j$

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at j$.util.Iterator$-EL.forEachRemaining(SourceFile:24)

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at j$.util.g0.forEachRemaining(Unknown Source:23)

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at j$

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at j$

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at j$

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at j$

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at j$

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at rlk.a(PG:301)

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at asxy.d(PG:3)

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at

03-18 23:43:04.915 11189 14172 E Finsky  :      at

03-18 23:43:04.916  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10141, uidState = 6

03-18 23:43:04.925  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:04.937   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [StatusBar#89](this:0xb4000072d8ebd8a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=0.33 dur=3005.70 max=3005.70 min=3005.70

03-18 23:43:04.939   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:43:04.956 11189 14158 I Finsky  : [1258] IQ: Retrying with alternate set of constraints for package=com.miui.cleaner

03-18 23:43:04.964 11189 14158 I Finsky  : [1258] sif.N(33): IQ: Notifying installation update. [Package:com.miui.cleaner, isid:2-AUGZC6TPKrqMG3TpA7wA], status=SCHEDULED, status_code=0, reason=auto_update, tsc=PT3H15M2.318S

03-18 23:43:04.966 11189 14158 I Finsky  : [1258] IQ: Schedule retry InstallRequest for [Package:com.miui.cleaner, isid:2-AUGZC6TPKrqMG3TpA7wA].

03-18 23:43:04.969 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] zua.ahY(59): PIM: Ignore install package event for: com.miui.cleaner, isid: 2-AUGZC6TPKrqMG3TpA7wA

03-18 23:43:04.971 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] ouz.r(174): DL: Data loader session turned off due to Incremental install not requested: com.miui.cleaner

03-18 23:43:04.971 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] kqg.g(19): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > getApps > called for 1 apps

03-18 23:43:04.972 11189 11256 I Finsky  : [1144] krl.a(47): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > OnDeviceAppInfo > cacheHitCount=0, cacheMissCount=1. Missed  in cache (limit 10) : [com.miui.cleaner]

03-18 23:43:04.973 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] actr.apply(112): IQ::HLD: ongoing installs that pauseAppUpdates callers must wait for: []

03-18 23:43:04.973 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] actq.a(791): IQ::HLD: previousAllInstallsDone is Optional[false], allInstallationsDone is Optional[true]

03-18 23:43:04.973 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] actq.a(817): IQ::HLD: Updating installations status false cross profiles

03-18 23:43:04.973 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] msv.b(34): XPF:Binding for 53031470

03-18 23:43:04.973 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] msv.b(46): Skipping binding because it's already bound.

03-18 23:43:04.974 11189 11251 I Finsky  : [1141] kpj.apply(1368): AIM: Got app ownership map. App counts: 1. Unique apps: 1

03-18 23:43:04.976 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] mss.c(48): XPF:User 0 is not in installation anymore, removing profile.

03-18 23:43:04.976 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] mss.c(107): XPF:Notifying user u0 that all installs are finished

03-18 23:43:04.977 11189 11189 I Finsky  : [2] msv.d(36): XPF:unbinding for 53031470

03-18 23:43:04.978 11189 11298 I Finsky  : [1166] mss.e(41): XPF:Removing listener for user u0 and listener 247893320

03-18 23:43:04.978  1626  3538 D IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats packages: [237, 252, 259, 262, 265, 267, 269, 272, 273, 338, 339, 341, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 351, 353, 355, 359, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 367, 368, 369, 373, 374, 375, 376, 378, 383, 384, 471, 472, 625, 627, 629, 630, 632, 633, 634, 635, 638, 643, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 707, 709, 716, 718, 767, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795, 796, 797, 798, 799, 800, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810, 811, 812, 813, 815, 816]

03-18 23:43:04.987 11189 11256 I Finsky  : [1144] krh.a(191): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > ItemModel > CacheSize=61, cacheHitCount=0, cacheMissCount=1, total appsWithNoServerDataCount=1. Missed  in cache (limit 10) : [com.miui.cleaner]

03-18 23:43:04.988 11189 11256 I Finsky  : [1144] krk.n(19): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > ItemModel > ItemStore Called 1 apps cacheOptions = REFRESH_LOCAL_CACHE

03-18 23:43:04.989 11189 11256 I Finsky  : [1144] krh.a(1062): AIM: ItemModel fetch - unauth(0), auth([x7vDeIZtxrR-aJHx-_n0CMUoUzcOlmpa11oC2fZuKLU]->1)

03-18 23:43:04.995 11189 11243 I Finsky  : [1133] jtb.accept(155): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > getApps > data collection finished

03-18 23:43:05.008   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:43:05.025   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:05.026   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:43:05.026   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:43:05.128   877   911 D power@timer: [mtkPowerTimer] visRead:0

03-18 23:43:05.161 14628 15006 I SystemUpdate-Connection: isCallSuccess = true

03-18 23:43:05.162 14628 15006 W SystemUpdate-DataParser: [AppList] JSON : list is null

03-18 23:43:05.162 14628 15006 W SystemUpdate-DataParser: No value for otherApp

03-18 23:43:05.163 14628 15006 I SystemUpdate-DataParser: [InvalidPackageList] JSON : invalidSystemPackageList list is null

03-18 23:43:05.163 14628 15006 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:05.163 14628 15006 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:05.401  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 103 -> 101

03-18 23:43:05.402  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 101

03-18 23:43:05.601  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 101 -> 100

03-18 23:43:05.601  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 100

03-18 23:43:05.614  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:05.614  1626  4528 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:05.615  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:05.615  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:05.615  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:05.615  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:05.615  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:05.615  1626  4528 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:05.838   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:05.838   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:05.838   877   954 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(14612) : 60 => -1

03-18 23:43:05.838   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState] pack:com.sampleproject, act:com.sampleproject.MainActivity, state:5, pid:14612, uid:10253, fps:-1

03-18 23:43:05.839   877   980 I UxUtility: notifyForegroundApp pack:com.sampleproject, uid:10253

03-18 23:43:05.839   877   980 I TouchUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL

03-18 23:43:05.895  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=600 proc size=1 move to hibernation content provider start ContentProviderRecord{32fabe5 u0}

03-18 23:43:06.200  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 100 -> 101

03-18 23:43:06.201  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 101

03-18 23:43:06.402  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 101 -> 102

03-18 23:43:06.402  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 102

03-18 23:43:06.598  1174  1311 D ULogGuard: Monitoring: 8 threads, 0 requests, 0 time-bombs; 1 guards. ResetFlags = 0x7

03-18 23:43:06.615  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:06.615  1626  4528 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:06.616  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:06.616  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:06.616  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:06.616  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:06.616  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:06.616  1626  4528 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:06.770  1626  1826 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] publisher action=0x4, 517331285, channel '19bda62 NavigationBar0 (server)'

03-18 23:43:06.771  1626  1826 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] publisher action=0x0, 517331285, channel '6d998c3 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity (server)'

03-18 23:43:06.771  1626  1826 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] publisher action=0x0, 517331285, channel '[Gesture Monitor] miui-gesture (server)'

03-18 23:43:06.771   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:69726 hint:25 pid:877 duration:120 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:69726

03-18 23:43:06.771   877   980 I libPowerHal: MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2000000 -1 2050000 -1

03-18 23:43:06.771   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1000000, param:0

03-18 23:43:06.771   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:410000, param:1

03-18 23:43:06.772   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1408300, param:100

03-18 23:43:06.772   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:3408600 param:1

03-18 23:43:06.772   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1000000 param:0

03-18 23:43:06.772   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69725, idx:-1

03-18 23:43:06.776  1119  1213 E WifiStandalone: conditional wait timedout

03-18 23:43:06.780  1119  1213 E WifiStandalone: write_to_file write kernel_log error, errno = 9(Bad file descriptor)

03-18 23:43:06.792 14612 15039 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(146) with statsTag=0x90000, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:43:06.838   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:06.838   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:06.847 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:06.849   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity#76654](this:0xb4000072bf4718a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=10.53 dur=2658.40 max=2143.92 min=16.35

03-18 23:43:06.850 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:06.850   863   863 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:11.660307,dur:2658.59,max:1824.49,min:15.96  

03-18 23:43:06.850   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:43:06.853 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:06.861 14612 14612 W Choreographer: Frame time is 0.001764  now = 517331377062758  timestampNanos = 517331377064522 ms in the future!  Check that graphics HAL is generating vsync timestamps using the correct timebase.

03-18 23:43:06.868 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:06.884 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:06.892   877   980 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req] TIMER_MSG_PERF_LOCK_TIMEOUT hdl:69726

03-18 23:43:06.892   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69726, idx:0

03-18 23:43:06.892   877   980 I libPowerHal: MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1 -1

03-18 23:43:06.892   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1000000, param:-1

03-18 23:43:06.892   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:410000 param:0

03-18 23:43:06.892   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1408300 param:0

03-18 23:43:06.893   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:3408600 param:0

03-18 23:43:06.893   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1000000 param:-1

03-18 23:43:06.902 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:06.917 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:06.934 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:06.939  1626  1826 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] publisher action=0x1, 517331454, channel '6d998c3 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity (server)'

03-18 23:43:06.939  1626  1826 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] publisher action=0x1, 517331454, channel '[Gesture Monitor] miui-gesture (server)'

03-18 23:43:06.939   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69726, idx:-1

03-18 23:43:06.953 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:06.955  2259  2259 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.

03-18 23:43:06.958  2262  2574 D MobileStatusTracker(4): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=-84 rsrq=-9 rssnr=6 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 miuiLevel=5 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=4 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 mOptimizedLevel = 0 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte}, phoneId=1, mMtkLevel=0, mMtkRsrpOnly=false, mMtkLteRsrpThreshold=null, mMtkLteRssnrThreshold=null

03-18 23:43:06.969 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:06.984 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.003 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.008 13730 13730 D SecurityCenter: ImageLoader clear memory info

03-18 23:43:07.018 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.035 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.053 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.069 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.086 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.103 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.119 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.135 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.140 14612 14936 I ReactNativeJS: 'Devicesssss', []

03-18 23:43:07.142  1626  1917 I background->idle(3002ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=100.

03-18 23:43:07.143  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.miui.home/10099 state=inactive adj=100 proc size=1 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:07.146  1626  1917 I background->idle(3003ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=800.

03-18 23:43:07.147  1626  1917 I background->idle(3003ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=100.

03-18 23:43:07.147  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=800 proc size=2 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:07.147  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=100 proc size=1 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:07.147  1626  1917 I background->idle(3003ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=100.

03-18 23:43:07.148  1626  1917 I background->idle(3002ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=925.

03-18 23:43:07.148  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=100 proc size=1 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:07.148  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=200 proc size=2 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:07.153 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.153  1626  1917 I background->idle(3004ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=700.

03-18 23:43:07.153  1626  1917 I background->idle(3003ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=955.

03-18 23:43:07.154  1626  1917 I background->idle(3003ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=905.

03-18 23:43:07.154  1626  1917 I background->idle(3001ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=905.

03-18 23:43:07.154  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=700 proc size=1 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:07.154  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=955 proc size=1 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:07.154  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=905 proc size=2 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:07.155  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.xiaomi.mipicks/10129 state=inactive adj=905 proc size=2 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:07.166  1626  1917 I background->idle(3004ms) R(service bind adj=500.

03-18 23:43:07.166  1626  1917 I background->idle(3025ms) R(service bind adj=100.

03-18 23:43:07.167  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=100 proc size=4 move to idle service bind

03-18 23:43:07.167 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.181  1626  1917 I background->idle(3014ms) R(adj below visible) adj=100.

03-18 23:43:07.181  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=100 proc size=1 move to idle adj below visible

03-18 23:43:07.186 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.202  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 102 -> 100

03-18 23:43:07.202  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 100

03-18 23:43:07.203 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.220 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.233  1626  1917 I background->idle(3001ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=905.

03-18 23:43:07.234  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=905 proc size=1 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:07.235 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.237  1626  1917 I background->idle(3002ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=925.

03-18 23:43:07.237  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.xiaomi.glgm/10001 state=inactive adj=925 proc size=1 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:07.247  1626  1917 I background->idle(3001ms) R(service create adj=905.

03-18 23:43:07.248  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=905 proc size=1 move to idle service create

03-18 23:43:07.250 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.267 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.287 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.303 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.305  1626  1917 I background->idle(3001ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=925.

03-18 23:43:07.307  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=925 proc size=6 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:07.319 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.326 14612 14936 I ReactNativeJS: 'IPPPP', { _h: 0, _i: 0, _j: null, _k: null }

03-18 23:43:07.335 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.345  1626  1917 I background->idle(3000ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=905.

03-18 23:43:07.345  1626  1917 I background->idle(3199ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=250.

03-18 23:43:07.345  1626  1917 I background->idle(3197ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }) adj=250.

03-18 23:43:07.345  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=250 proc size=4 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:07.352 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS: Warning: useEffect must not return anything besides a function, which is used for clean-up.

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS: 

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS: It looks like you wrote useEffect(async () => ...) or returned a Promise. Instead, write the async function inside your effect and call it immediately:

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS: 

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS: useEffect(() => {

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:   async function fetchData() {

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     // You can await here

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     const response = await MyAPI.getData(someId);

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     // ...

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:   }

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:   fetchData();

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS: }, [someId]); // Or [] if effect doesn't need props or state

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS: 

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS: Learn more about data fetching with Hooks:

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in NearbyMessages (created by SceneView)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in StaticContainer

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in EnsureSingleNavigator (created by SceneView)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in SceneView (created by CardContainer)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView (created by View)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in View (created by CardContainer)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView (created by View)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in View (created by CardContainer)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView (created by View)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in View

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in CardSheet (created by Card)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView (created by View)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in View

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Unknown (created by PanGestureHandler)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in PanGestureHandler (created by PanGestureHandler)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in PanGestureHandler (created by Card)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView (created by View)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in View

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Unknown (created by Card)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView (created by View)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in View (created by Card)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Card (created by CardContainer)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in CardContainer (created by CardStack)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RNSScreen

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Unknown (created by InnerScreen)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Suspender (created by Freeze)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Suspense (created by Freeze)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Freeze (created by DelayedFreeze)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in DelayedFreeze (created by InnerScreen)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in InnerScreen (created by Screen)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Screen (created by MaybeScreen)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in MaybeScreen (created by CardStack)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RNSScreenContainer (created by ScreenContainer)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in ScreenContainer (created by MaybeScreenContainer)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in MaybeScreenContainer (created by CardStack)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView (created by View)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in View (created by Background)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Background (created by CardStack)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in CardStack (created by HeaderShownContext)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView (created by View)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in View (created by SafeAreaProviderCompat)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in SafeAreaProviderCompat (created by StackView)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RNGestureHandlerRootView (created by GestureHandlerRootView)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in GestureHandlerRootView (created by StackView)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in StackView (created by StackNavigator)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in PreventRemoveProvider (created by NavigationContent)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in NavigationContent

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Unknown (created by StackNavigator)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in StackNavigator (created by WifiP2p)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in WifiP2p (created by SceneView)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in StaticContainer

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in EnsureSingleNavigator (created by SceneView)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in SceneView (created by Drawer)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView (created by View)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in View (created by Screen)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView (created by View)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in View (created by Background)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Background (created by Screen)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Screen (created by Drawer)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RNSScreen

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Unknown (created by InnerScreen)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Suspender (created by Freeze)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Suspense (created by Freeze)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Freeze (created by DelayedFreeze)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in DelayedFreeze (created by InnerScreen)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in InnerScreen (created by Screen)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Screen (created by MaybeScreen)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in MaybeScreen (created by Drawer)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RNSScreenContainer (created by ScreenContainer)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in ScreenContainer (created by MaybeScreenContainer)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in MaybeScreenContainer (created by Drawer)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView (created by View)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in View (created by Drawer)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView (created by View)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in View (created by AnimatedComponent(View))

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in AnimatedComponent(View)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Unknown (created by Drawer)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView (created by View)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in View (created by AnimatedComponent(View))

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in AnimatedComponent(View)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Unknown (created by PanGestureHandler)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in PanGestureHandler (created by Drawer)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in Drawer (created by DrawerViewBase)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in DrawerViewBase (created by DrawerView)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RNGestureHandlerRootView (created by GestureHandlerRootView)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in GestureHandlerRootView (created by DrawerView)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in RNCSafeAreaProvider (created by SafeAreaProvider)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in SafeAreaProvider (created by SafeAreaProviderCompat)

03-18 23:43:07.364 14612 14936 W ReactNativeJS:     in SafeAreaProvi

03-18 23:43:07.366 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.368 14612 14936 I ReactNativeJS: 'IPPPP', { _h: 0, _i: 0, _j: null, _k: null }

03-18 23:43:07.384 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.400 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.401  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: oldLux=100 [SA:99 LA:99] newLux=99 (oriLux: 99)

03-18 23:43:07.401  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 100 -> 99

03-18 23:43:07.401  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 99

03-18 23:43:07.415 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.433 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.439  1626  1917 I background->idle(3000ms) R(content provider start ContentProviderRecord{9bf9eb8 u0 com.miui.guardprovider/.GuardProvider}) adj=0.

03-18 23:43:07.439  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.miui.guardprovider/10171 state=inactive adj=0 proc size=1 move to idle content provider start ContentProviderRecord{9bf9eb8 u0 com.miui.guardprovider/.GuardProvider}

03-18 23:43:07.464 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.469 14612 14936 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:07.469 14612 14936 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:07.470 14612 14937 E unknown:ReactNative: Caught NullPointerException when dispatching message in MessageQueueThreadHandler. This is likely caused by runnable(msg.callback) being nulled in Android Handler after dispatching and before handling (see T170239922 for more details).Currently we observe that it only happen once which is during initialisation. Due to fixing probably involve Android System code, we decide to ignore here for now and print an error message for debugging purpose in case this cause more serious issues in future.

03-18 23:43:07.472 14612 14937 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:07.472 14612 14937 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:07.481 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.493 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.514 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.519 14612 14612 I RNWiFiP2P: You must be in a group to receive messages

03-18 23:43:07.531 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.547 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.565 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.594 14612 15048 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(158) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:43:07.597 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.613 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.616  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:07.616  1626  4528 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:07.617  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:07.617  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:07.617  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:07.617  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:07.617  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:07.618  1626  4528 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:07.632 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.649 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.665  1626  4528 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 { (has extras)} from uid 10253 from pid 14612 callingPackage com.sampleproject

03-18 23:43:07.665  1626  4528 D MiuiMultiWindowAdapter: MiuiMultiWindowAdapter::getFreeformBlackList::sSmallWindowBlackList = [com.miui.securitycenter, com.miui.mishare.connectivity,,, com.miui.backup, com.miui.huanji,, com.mfashiongallery.emag, com.miui.virtualsim, com.miui.smarttravel,,,, com.miui.cleanmaster, com.miui.newhome, com.miui.voiceassist,, com.miui.yellowpage,, com.miui.tsmclient, com.miui.securitycore, com.xiaomi.account,, com.xiaomi.mibrain.speech, com.xiaomi.mimoji, com.xiaomi.scanner,, com.miui.hybrid, com.miui.videoplayer,, com.miui.packageinstaller,,,,, com.miui.compass, com.miui.greenguard, com.kiteguard,,,,,, com.shyz.toutiao,, com.outfit7.talkingtomgoldrun.mi, com.doudz.mi,, cn.jj, com.standddz002.mi, com.miHoYo.bh3.mi, com.qqgame.hlddz, com.happyelements.AndroidAnimal, com.minitech.miniworld.TMobile.mi, com.mfp.jelly.xiaomi, com.lilithgames.afk.mi, com.tencent.peng,, blockpuzzle.jewelgames.jewelslegend, com.playgendary.tanks,,, com.playrix.township, com.ansangha.drdriving,, com.gbits.atm.mi, com.tencent.tetris,,,,,, com.appsomniacs.da2,, com.feiyu.carrot3.mi, com.popcap.pvz2cthdxm,, cn.cisc, com.kiloo.subwaysurf, com.cncyj.mostbrain, pdf.tap.scanner, com.og.ttddz.mi, com.ximalaya.ting.lite,,, com.netease.mrzh.mi, com.netease.mrzh.bili,,,, com.netease.pes.huawei, com.netease.pes.mi, com.netease.pes.bili, com.flyfish.supermario,, com.netease.dwrg.mi, com.netease.dwrg.bili, com.netease.dwrg.nearme.gamecenter, com.netease.dwrg, com.netease.dwrg.huawei, com.tencent.tmgp.dwrg, com.netease.dwrg.m4399,, com.netease.dwrg.aligames,, com.netease.dwrg.qihoo, com.moji.mjweather, com.tencent.tmgp.kof98,, com.ledou.mhhy.mi, com.hzfy.ddzbs.mi, com.qsmy.walkmonkey, com.fy.bzzbc.mi, com.dw.xprqj.mi, com.miui.accessibility, com.ymt.nbaftx.mi,, com.sinyee.babybus.recommendapp,,,, com.inspur.icity.tianjin,, com.alimama.moon, com.xinhu.steward, com.rytong.ceair, com.nxy.mobilebank.gx, com.xplaygame.mfbwz.mi,,,,,]

03-18 23:43:07.665 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.665  1626  4528 D MiuiMultiWindowAdapter: MiuiMultiWindowAdapter::getCanStartActivityFromFullscreenToFreefromList::LIST_CAN_START_ACTIVITY_FROM_FULLSCREEN_TO_FREEFROM = [,,$Main,]

03-18 23:43:07.680 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.680 14612 14612 I ReactNative: [GESTURE HANDLER] Gesture handler is already enabled for a parent view

03-18 23:43:07.697 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.715 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.720  1626  4528 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 194480991; UID 10233; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:43:07.720  1626  4528 I background->invisible(4583ms) R(become foreground) adj=100.

03-18 23:43:07.720  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=100 proc size=1 move to background become foreground

03-18 23:43:07.720  1626  4528 D MiuiMultiWindowAdapter: MiuiMultiWindowAdapter::getLaunchInTaskList::LIST_LAUNCH_IN_TASK = [,]

03-18 23:43:07.721  1626  4528 D MiuiMultiWindowAdapter: MiuiMultiWindowAdapter::getFreeformResizeableWhiteList::FREEFORM_RESIZEABLE_WHITE_LIST = [com.sdu.didi.psnger, com.autonavi.minimap, com.netease.cloudmusic, com.jifen.qukan,, com.chinamworld.main, com.xingin.xhs,,,, com.tencent.tmgp.speedmobile, com.tencent.qqgame.xq, com.supercell.clashofclans.mi, com.blizzard.wtcg.hearthstone,, cn.wps.moffice_eng.xiaomi.lite, com.miui.securitycenter/com.miui.applicationlock.ConfirmAccessControl, com.miui.calculator,, com.miui.bugreport]

03-18 23:43:07.721  1626  4528 D MiuiMultiWindowAdapter: MiuiMultiWindowAdapter::getFreeformResizeableWhiteList::FREEFORM_RESIZEABLE_WHITE_LIST = [com.sdu.didi.psnger, com.autonavi.minimap, com.netease.cloudmusic, com.jifen.qukan,, com.chinamworld.main, com.xingin.xhs,,,, com.tencent.tmgp.speedmobile, com.tencent.qqgame.xq, com.supercell.clashofclans.mi, com.blizzard.wtcg.hearthstone,, cn.wps.moffice_eng.xiaomi.lite, com.miui.securitycenter/com.miui.applicationlock.ConfirmAccessControl, com.miui.calculator,, com.miui.bugreport]

03-18 23:43:07.721  1626  4528 D MiuiMultiWindowAdapter: MiuiMultiWindowAdapter::getFreeformBlackList::sSmallWindowBlackList = [com.miui.securitycenter, com.miui.mishare.connectivity,,, com.miui.backup, com.miui.huanji,, com.mfashiongallery.emag, com.miui.virtualsim, com.miui.smarttravel,,,, com.miui.cleanmaster, com.miui.newhome, com.miui.voiceassist,, com.miui.yellowpage,, com.miui.tsmclient, com.miui.securitycore, com.xiaomi.account,, com.xiaomi.mibrain.speech, com.xiaomi.mimoji, com.xiaomi.scanner,, com.miui.hybrid, com.miui.videoplayer,, com.miui.packageinstaller,,,,, com.miui.compass, com.miui.greenguard, com.kiteguard,,,,,, com.shyz.toutiao,, com.outfit7.talkingtomgoldrun.mi, com.doudz.mi,, cn.jj, com.standddz002.mi, com.miHoYo.bh3.mi, com.qqgame.hlddz, com.happyelements.AndroidAnimal, com.minitech.miniworld.TMobile.mi, com.mfp.jelly.xiaomi, com.lilithgames.afk.mi, com.tencent.peng,, blockpuzzle.jewelgames.jewelslegend, com.playgendary.tanks,,, com.playrix.township, com.ansangha.drdriving,, com.gbits.atm.mi, com.tencent.tetris,,,,,, com.appsomniacs.da2,, com.feiyu.carrot3.mi, com.popcap.pvz2cthdxm,, cn.cisc, com.kiloo.subwaysurf, com.cncyj.mostbrain, pdf.tap.scanner, com.og.ttddz.mi, com.ximalaya.ting.lite,,, com.netease.mrzh.mi, com.netease.mrzh.bili,,,, com.netease.pes.huawei, com.netease.pes.mi, com.netease.pes.bili, com.flyfish.supermario,, com.netease.dwrg.mi, com.netease.dwrg.bili, com.netease.dwrg.nearme.gamecenter, com.netease.dwrg, com.netease.dwrg.huawei, com.tencent.tmgp.dwrg, com.netease.dwrg.m4399,, com.netease.dwrg.aligames,, com.netease.dwrg.qihoo, com.moji.mjweather, com.tencent.tmgp.kof98,, com.ledou.mhhy.mi, com.hzfy.ddzbs.mi, com.qsmy.walkmonkey, com.fy.bzzbc.mi, com.dw.xprqj.mi, com.miui.accessibility, com.ymt.nbaftx.mi,, com.sinyee.babybus.recommendapp,,,, com.inspur.icity.tianjin,, com.alimama.moon, com.xinhu.steward, com.rytong.ceair, com.nxy.mobilebank.gx, com.xplaygame.mfbwz.mi,,,,,]

03-18 23:43:07.722  1626  4528 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 174042980; UID 10233; state: DISABLED

03-18 23:43:07.722  1626  4528 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 184838306; UID 10233; state: DISABLED

03-18 23:43:07.723  1626  4528 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 185004937; UID 10233; state: DISABLED

03-18 23:43:07.723  1626  4528 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 181136395; UID 10233; state: DISABLED

03-18 23:43:07.723  1626  4528 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 174042936; UID 10233; state: DISABLED

03-18 23:43:07.725 24160  2032 D TaskStackChangeListeners: onTaskDescriptionChanged =  taskId = 3266

03-18 23:43:07.726   877   910 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:5, enabled:1

03-18 23:43:07.726   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:69727 hint:11 pid:877 duration:30000 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:69727

03-18 23:43:07.726   877   980 I libPowerHal: LAUNCH: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2000000 -1 2050000 -1

03-18 23:43:07.726   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PE] LAUNCH update cmd:1000000, param:0

03-18 23:43:07.727   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PE] LAUNCH update cmd:1408300, param:100

03-18 23:43:07.727   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PE] LAUNCH update cmd:1000000 param:0

03-18 23:43:07.728  1626  4528 D PerfMTKStubImpl: perfLockAcquire

03-18 23:43:07.728  1626  4528 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:69721, dur:400, num:10, tid:4528

03-18 23:43:07.729  1626  4528 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:69728

03-18 23:43:07.729   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:69728 hint:-1 pid:1626 duration:400 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:69728

03-18 23:43:07.729   877   980 I libPowerHal: system_server: set gpu opp level: 0

03-18 23:43:07.729   877   980 I libPowerHal: system_server: set gpu opp level max: 0

03-18 23:43:07.730  1626  4528 I PowerHalWrapper: <amsBoostResume> last:com.sampleproject, 

03-18 23:43:07.731 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.731   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:2 hdl:69729 hint:22 pid:877 duration:10000 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:69729

03-18 23:43:07.736  1626  1660 D WindowManager: Update InputWindowHandle: 6d998c3 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity, frame=[0,0,0,0], touchableRegion=SkRegion((0,0,1080,2400)), scaleFactor=1.0, transform=null, windowToken=android.os.BinderProxy@e76ec72, isClone=false, visibal=true, focusable=true, changed=true

03-18 23:43:07.742 14612 14937 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:07.742 14612 14937 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:07.747 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.763 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.781 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.811 14612 14612 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:07.838   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:07.838   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:59

03-18 23:43:07.838   877   954 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(14612) : -1 => 60

03-18 23:43:07.839   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState] pack:com.sampleproject, act:com.sampleproject.MainActivity, state:5, pid:14612, uid:10253, fps:60

03-18 23:43:07.839   877   980 I UxUtility: notifyForegroundApp pack:com.sampleproject, uid:10253

03-18 23:43:07.839   877   980 I TouchUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL

03-18 23:43:07.841 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.847   871   871 I Accelerometer: enable: handle:0, en:0

03-18 23:43:07.850  1626  3518 D PerfMTKStubImpl: perfLockAcquire

03-18 23:43:07.850  1626  3518 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:69728, dur:400, num:10, tid:3518

03-18 23:43:07.851  1626  3518 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:69728

03-18 23:43:07.851   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:69728 hint:-1 pid:1626 duration:400 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:69728

03-18 23:43:07.851   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PU] scn:1, update

03-18 23:43:07.858  1626  4528 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast thermalManagerCurrentActivity from system 5696:com.miui.powerkeeper/1000 pkg com.miui.powerkeeper. Callers=

03-18 23:43:07.858  1626  4528 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast thermalManagerCurrentActivity from system 5696:com.miui.powerkeeper/1000 pkg com.miui.powerkeeper. Callers=

03-18 23:43:07.858  1626  3518 W WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{6d998c3 u0 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} to null displayId=0 

03-18 23:43:07.858  1626  3518 D WindowManager: Input focus has changed to null display=0 updateInputWindows = true

03-18 23:43:07.858  1626  3518 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify pid:12447,,, mProcessCreatePacknull 

03-18 23:43:07.859  1626  3518 I PowerHalWrapper: state: 1 

03-18 23:43:07.859  1626  3518 I mtkpower_client: [Legacy][PowerHal_Wrap_notifyAppState] pid=12447 state:1

03-18 23:43:07.859  1626  3518 I game_scn: collectForegroundAppList,, pid=12447, uid=10233, state:RESUMED

03-18 23:43:07.859  1626  3518 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify AMS_BOOST_PROCESS_CREATE_BOOST:true 

03-18 23:43:07.859  1626  3518 W WindowManager: Execute app transition: mNextAppTransitionRequests=[TRANSIT_OPEN, TRANSIT_OPEN], mNextAppTransitionFlags=, displayId: 0 

03-18 23:43:07.860  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10233, uidState = 2

03-18 23:43:07.860   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:1, pid:12447, uid:10233, fps:60

03-18 23:43:07.860   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState], pid:12447, uid:10233

03-18 23:43:07.860   877   980 I UxUtility: notifyForegroundApp, uid:10233

03-18 23:43:07.860   877   980 I TouchUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL

03-18 23:43:07.862  1626  3518 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify pid:14612,activity:com.sampleproject.MainActivity, package:com.sampleproject, mProcessCreatePacknull 

03-18 23:43:07.862  1626  3518 I PowerHalWrapper: state: 0 

03-18 23:43:07.862  1626  3518 I mtkpower_client: [Legacy][PowerHal_Wrap_notifyAppState] com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity pid=14612 state:0

03-18 23:43:07.862  1626  3518 I game_scn: collectForegroundAppList packName=com.sampleproject, actName=com.sampleproject.MainActivity, pid=14612, uid=10253, state:PAUSED

03-18 23:43:07.862  1626  3518 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify AMS_BOOST_PROCESS_CREATE_BOOST:true 

03-18 23:43:07.862  1626  1836 E MiuiActivityController: MiuiLog-ActivityObserver: There was something wrong : null

03-18 23:43:07.862   877   909 I mtkpower@impl: [notifyAppState] pc:0, com.sampleproject =>

03-18 23:43:07.863   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState] pack:com.sampleproject, act:com.sampleproject.MainActivity, state:0, pid:14612, uid:10253, fps:60

03-18 23:43:07.863  1626  1904 D CameraBlackCoveredManager: mForegroundPackage = mOccupiedPackage = com.xiaomi.scanner

03-18 23:43:07.863  5696  7754 W MessageQueue: Handler (com.miui.powerkeeper.feedbackcontrol.FeedbackControlService$FeedbackControlHandler) {83703d1} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread

03-18 23:43:07.863  5696  7754 W MessageQueue: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Handler (com.miui.powerkeeper.feedbackcontrol.FeedbackControlService$FeedbackControlHandler) {83703d1} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread

03-18 23:43:07.863  5696  7754 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(

03-18 23:43:07.863  5696  7754 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Handler.enqueueMessage(

03-18 23:43:07.863  5696  7754 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime(

03-18 23:43:07.863  5696  7754 W MessageQueue:  at com.miui.powerkeeper.event.EventsAggregator$EventRegistrant.notifyResult(Unknown Source:26)

03-18 23:43:07.863  5696  7754 W MessageQueue:  at com.miui.powerkeeper.event.EventsAggregator.notifyForForegroundInfo(Unknown Source:47)

03-18 23:43:07.863  5696  7754 W MessageQueue:  at com.miui.powerkeeper.utils.ProcessObserver.notifyForegroundListener(Unknown Source:17)

03-18 23:43:07.863  5696  7754 W MessageQueue:  at com.miui.powerkeeper.utils.ProcessObserver.access$2200(Unknown Source:0)

03-18 23:43:07.863  5696  7754 W MessageQueue:  at com.miui.powerkeeper.utils.ProcessObserver$6.onForegroundInfoChanged(Unknown Source:2)

03-18 23:43:07.863  5696  7754 W MessageQueue:  at miui.process.IForegroundInfoListener$Stub.onTransact(

03-18 23:43:07.863  5696  7754 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(

03-18 23:43:07.863  5696  7754 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Binder.execTransact(

03-18 23:43:07.863  5696  5865 I ThermalInfoCollector: collectForgroundAppsInfo: com.sampleproject

03-18 23:43:07.863 23899 16285 I ProcessMonitor: onForegroundInfoChanged: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='', mForegroundUid=10233, mForegroundPid=12447, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.sampleproject', mLastForegroundUid=10253, mLastForegroundPid=14612, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=10233, mFlags=0}

03-18 23:43:07.864 10841 14971 I ProcessMonitor: onForegroundInfoChanged: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='', mForegroundUid=10233, mForegroundPid=12447, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.sampleproject', mLastForegroundUid=10253, mLastForegroundPid=14612, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=10233, mFlags=0}

03-18 23:43:07.864   863   863 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:57.219666,dur:1013.64,max:49.85,min:15.60  

03-18 23:43:07.864 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.864   944  2933 I SurfaceFlinger: setTransactionState focusRequest transactionId:6983617348701 frontWin:<null>

03-18 23:43:07.864  5778  6407 I GST     : forePkg:, preForePkg: com.sampleproject

03-18 23:43:07.865  5696  7041 D PerfEngineController: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='', mForegroundUid=10233, mForegroundPid=12447, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.sampleproject', mLastForegroundUid=10253, mLastForegroundPid=14612, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=10233, mFlags=0}

03-18 23:43:07.865  5696  6087 D ThermalIECHandler: IECAll48Allowed: false; IECMonitorAllowed: false; IECTestState: false

03-18 23:43:07.865  3658 32650 I NetworkBoostStatusManager: onForegroundInfoChanged uid:10233, isColdStart:false

03-18 23:43:07.865  5696  5865 E ThermalInfoUtils: getCurrentCapacity /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_counter: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)

03-18 23:43:07.865  3658 32650 I SLM-SRV-SLAToast: foreground uid:10233, isColdStart:false, isLinkTurboEnable:false

03-18 23:43:07.863  5696  5696 W ThermalInfoColl: type=1400 audit(0.0:5820135): avc: denied { read } for name="charge_counter" dev="sysfs" ino=41052 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_batteryinfo:s0 tclass=file permissive=0

03-18 23:43:07.865 24160  2032 D AppObserver: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='', mForegroundUid=10233, mForegroundPid=12447, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.sampleproject', mLastForegroundUid=10253, mLastForegroundPid=14612, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=10233, mFlags=0}

03-18 23:43:07.866  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:43:07.866  1626  3538 D MiuiMultiWindowAdapter: MiuiMultiWindowAdapter::getFreeformVideoWhiteList::sSmallWindowWhiteList = [com.hunantv.imgo.activity, com.tencent.qqlive,, com.hunantv.imgo.activity.inter, com.tencent.qqlivei18n, com.iqiyi.i18n, tv.danmaku.bili]

03-18 23:43:07.866  1626  1657 D Aurogon :  uid = 10233 switch to FG

03-18 23:43:07.866 12447 12447 D MiuiMultiWindowAdapter: MiuiMultiWindowAdapter::getFreeformVideoWhiteListInSystem::LIST_ABOUT_SUPPORT_LANDSCAPE_VIDEO = [com.hunantv.imgo.activity, com.tencent.qqlive,, com.hunantv.imgo.activity.inter, com.tencent.qqlivei18n, com.iqiyi.i18n, tv.danmaku.bili]

03-18 23:43:07.867 12447 12474 D AppScoutStateMachine: 12447-ScoutStateMachinecreated

03-18 23:43:07.868 23899 16285 I VideoBoxUtils: isSupportVideoBox: false

03-18 23:43:07.868 23899 16285 I VideoToolBoxService: splitMode: onfalse

03-18 23:43:07.870 23899 16285 D FreeformUtil: retrieveFirstNoFreeformRootTaskInfo: windowMode = 1

03-18 23:43:07.871 23899 16285 I VideoToolBoxService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Exit Vtb

03-18 23:43:07.874 11189 12367 I PlayCommon: [1220] aqbm.j(30): Preparing logs for uploading

03-18 23:43:07.874 11189 12367 W PlayCommon: [1220] aqbm.l(11): No account for auth token provided

03-18 23:43:07.875 11189 12367 I PlayCommon: [1220] aqbm.j(251): Connecting to server:

03-18 23:43:07.876   944   944 I SurfaceFlinger: transactionIsReadyToBeApplied focusRequest transactionId:6983617348701

03-18 23:43:07.876   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity#76654](this:0xb4000072bf4718a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=56.43 dur=1027.85 max=49.81 min=15.47

03-18 23:43:07.878  5696  6087 D ThermalIECHandler: storeDataStyle: thermal_iec_monitor_persistence_data_style_iec_state; startIECTime: -1; IECScreenOffOverPeriodTime: 820213755

03-18 23:43:07.878  5696  6087 D ThermalScenarioManager: handleMessage -9

03-18 23:43:07.878  5696  6087 D ThermalScenarioManager: current: ScenarioName: 0

03-18 23:43:07.878  5696  6087 D ThermalScenarioManager: Element list : 97      97      98      98      99      99      99      99      99      99      99      98    99       99      99      99      99      99      99      

03-18 23:43:07.878  5696  6087 D ThermalScenarioManager: match scenario 0

03-18 23:43:07.878  5696  6087 D ThermalIECHandler: storeDataStyle: thermal_iec_monitor_persistence_data_style_iec_state; startIECTime: -1; IECScreenOffOverPeriodTime: 820213755

03-18 23:43:07.888 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.891 24160  2032 D TaskStackChangeListeners: onTaskDescriptionChanged =  taskId = 3266

03-18 23:43:07.894 14612 14612 D DecorView[]: onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus false

03-18 23:43:07.896 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.907  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:07.908  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:07.908  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:07.908  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:07.908  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:07.908  1626  1844 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:07.914 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.918 12447 12447 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171228096; UID 10233; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:43:07.920 12447 12447 I MSYNC3-VariableRefreshRate: Variable refreshrate is disabled

03-18 23:43:07.921 12447 15054 I PowerHalWrapper: PowerHalWrapper.getInstance 

03-18 23:43:07.925 12447 12447 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 210923482; UID 10233; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:43:07.929 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.945 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.958 12447 12447 W LOTTIE  : Animation contains merge paths. Merge paths are only supported on KitKat+ and must be manually enabled by calling enableMergePathsForKitKatAndAbove().

03-18 23:43:07.960 24160  2032 D RecentsModel: onTaskStackChangedBackground

03-18 23:43:07.960 24160  2032 D RecentsModel: onTaskStackChangedBackground

03-18 23:43:07.960 24160  2032 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class com.miui.home.recents.messages.RecentTasksChangedEvent

03-18 23:43:07.960 24160  2032 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.NoSubscriberEvent

03-18 23:43:07.960 24160 30329 D RecentsModel: onTaskStackChangedBackground    MSG_TASK_STACK_CHANGE

03-18 23:43:07.960 24160 30329 D RecentsModel: preloadRecents

03-18 23:43:07.960 23899 19078 I SCTaskStackListener: onTaskStackChanged! inSplit = false

03-18 23:43:07.960 24160 30329 W RecentsModel: getRunningTask

03-18 23:43:07.961  5696  7041 I MultiScreenObserver: onTaskStackChanged, splitScreenMode: false isCameraFloat: false isSmallScreen: false

03-18 23:43:07.961 23899 16285 I SCTaskStackListener: onTaskStackChanged! inSplit = false

03-18 23:43:07.962 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.963 24160 30329 W RecentsModel: getRunningTask   taskInfo=TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=3266 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.sampleproject/.MainActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} numActivities=2 lastActiveTime=821375443 supportsSplitScreenMultiWindow=true supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=200 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@bf73abe} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=0 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 93 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{91e171f} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=true isVisible=true isSleeping=false topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityInMiuiSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 cameraCompatControlState=hidden mIsCastMode=false}

03-18 23:43:07.963 24160 30329 W RecentsModel: getTaskInfoIgnoreHomeAndFreeform   taskInfo=ComponentInfo{com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity}

03-18 23:43:07.964 24160 30329 E ActivityManagerWrapper: get all recent tasks force including 3266

03-18 23:43:07.966 12447 12447 W LOTTIE  : Animation contains merge paths but they are disabled.

03-18 23:43:07.967 24160 30329 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: size=2

03-18 23:43:07.967 24160 30329 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: mainTaskId=3266   userId=0   baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN flag=268435456 cmp=ComponentInfo{com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} }

03-18 23:43:07.967 24160 30329 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: mainTaskId=3262   userId=0   baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN flag=270532608 cmp=ComponentInfo{} }

03-18 23:43:07.975 12447 12447 D IS_CTS_MODE: false

03-18 23:43:07.975 12447 12447 D MULTI_WINDOW_ENABLED: false

03-18 23:43:07.977 12447 12447 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem  windowmode is 1

03-18 23:43:07.979 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.986 12447 12447 I SurfaceFactory: [static] sSurfaceFactory = com.mediatek.view.impl.SurfaceFactoryImpl@72feab4

03-18 23:43:07.987   944  2933 D SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb4000072bf011460) for (

03-18 23:43:07.991   944  1012 D SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb4000072fda5ae00) for (1626:system_server)

03-18 23:43:07.995  1626  3538 D CoreBackPreview: Window{4d2015b u0}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@46562d1, mPriority=0}

03-18 23:43:07.996 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:07.996 12447 12447 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb400007af1855680

03-18 23:43:07.996 12447 12447 D libMEOW : meow reload base cfg path: na

03-18 23:43:07.996 12447 12447 D libMEOW : meow reload overlay cfg path: na

03-18 23:43:07.991 12447 12447 W ssioncontroller: type=1400 audit(0.0:5820136): avc: denied { search } for name="mcd" dev="dm-41" ino=253 scontext=u:r:permissioncontroller_app:s0:c233,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:mcd_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0

03-18 23:43:07.997 12447 12447 E QT      : [QT]file does not exist

03-18 23:43:07.995 12447 12447 W ssioncontroller: type=1400 audit(0.0:5820137): avc: denied { search } for name="mcd" dev="dm-41" ino=253 scontext=u:r:permissioncontroller_app:s0:c233,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:mcd_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0

03-18 23:43:07.995 12447 12447 W ssioncontroller: type=1400 audit(0.0:5820138): avc: denied { search } for name="mcd" dev="dm-41" ino=253 scontext=u:r:permissioncontroller_app:s0:c233,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:mcd_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0

03-18 23:43:07.997 12447 12447 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for []:

03-18 23:43:07.998 12447 12447 D libMEOW :   plugin 1: []:

03-18 23:43:07.999 12447 12447 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:07.999 24160 24160 D RecentsImpl: mActivityStateObserver

03-18 23:43:08.000 24160 24160 W RecentsImpl: onResumed   mIsInAnotherPro=false   isKeyguardLocked=false   mSecuritySpaceGuideShown=false

03-18 23:43:08.001  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 99 -> 101

03-18 23:43:08.001  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 101

03-18 23:43:08.013 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.014   944  2933 I BufferQueueDebug: [](this:0xb4000072bf4618a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:-1) BufferQueue core=(944:/system/bin/surfaceflinger)

03-18 23:43:08.015  1626  3763 D SurfaceControl: nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection

03-18 23:43:08.016  1626  3763 D SurfaceControl: nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection

03-18 23:43:08.018 11189 12367 I PlayCommon: [1220] aqbm.j(286): Successfully uploaded logs.

03-18 23:43:08.019 11189 12367 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:08.019 11189 12367 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:08.020  1626  3763 W WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{4d2015b u0} displayId=0 

03-18 23:43:08.022  1626  3763 D WindowManager: Input focus has changed to Window{4d2015b u0} display=0 updateInputWindows = true

03-18 23:43:08.022  1626  3763 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{4d2015b u0}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true requestedWidth = 1024 requestedHeight = 0 outFrames = ClientWindowFrames{frame=[28,1181][1052,1181] display=[0,93][1080,2270] parentFrame=[0,0][0,0] parentClippedByDisplayCutout=false} outSurfaceControl = Surface(

03-18 23:43:08.023  1626  1660 D WindowManager: Update InputWindowHandle: 4d2015b, frame=[0,0,0,0], touchableRegion=SkRegion((-28,-1181,1052,1219)), scaleFactor=1.0, transform=null, windowToken=android.os.BinderProxy@f53b86a, isClone=false, visibal=true, focusable=true, changed=true

03-18 23:43:08.024 12447 12447 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:309f00000000,api:0,p:-1,c:12447) connect: controlledByApp=false

03-18 23:43:08.025 12447 12447 E FBI     : Can't load library: dlopen failed: library "" not found

03-18 23:43:08.026   944  1012 I SurfaceFlinger: setTransactionState focusRequest transactionId:6983617348712 frontWin:4d2015b

03-18 23:43:08.027 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.028  1626  4528 D WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{4d2015b u0} in Surface(

03-18 23:43:08.028  1626  4528 D MiuiFreeFormGesturePointerEventListener: finishDrawingWindow: topFullScreenWindow= Window{4d2015b u0}

03-18 23:43:08.030  1626  1660 D WindowManager: Loading animation for app transition. transit=TRANSIT_OLD_TRANSLUCENT_ACTIVITY_OPEN enter=true frame=Rect(0, 93 - 1080, 2270) insets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) surfaceInsets=Rect(88, 88 - 88, 88)

03-18 23:43:08.030  1626  1660 I invisible->visible(311ms) R(become visible) adj=0.

03-18 23:43:08.030  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=0 proc size=1 move to foreground become visible

03-18 23:43:08.033  1626  1660 I WindowManager: showSurfaceRobustly mWin:Window{4d2015b u0}

03-18 23:43:08.035  1626  1660 D WindowManager: Update InputWindowHandle: 4d2015b, frame=[0,0,0,0], touchableRegion=SkRegion((-28,-1181,1052,1219)), scaleFactor=1.0, transform=null, windowToken=android.os.BinderProxy@f53b86a, isClone=false, visibal=true, focusable=true, changed=true

03-18 23:43:08.039  1626  1656 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed +366ms

03-18 23:43:08.042   944   944 I SurfaceFlinger: transactionIsReadyToBeApplied focusRequest transactionId:6983617348712

03-18 23:43:08.043 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.063 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.064  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.076   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [NavigationBar0#85](this:0xb4000072d8eaa8a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=2.48 dur=19760.72 max=18913.43 min=15.86

03-18 23:43:08.076 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.077  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.078  1626  1660 D WindowManager: Update InputWindowHandle: 4d2015b, frame=[0,0,0,0], touchableRegion=SkRegion((-28,-421,1052,1979)), scaleFactor=1.0, transform=null, windowToken=android.os.BinderProxy@f53b86a, isClone=false, visibal=true, focusable=true, changed=true

03-18 23:43:08.079 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.082   566   566 I servicemanager: Could not find in the VINTF manifest.

03-18 23:43:08.085 12447 12447 E ion     : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument

03-18 23:43:08.093 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.093  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.110 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.111  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.113 12447 12447 E ssioncontroller: DF open fail: Permission denied

03-18 23:43:08.113 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.111 12447 12447 W ssioncontroller: type=1400 audit(0.0:5820139): avc: denied { search } for name="mcd" dev="dm-41" ino=253 scontext=u:r:permissioncontroller_app:s0:c233,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:mcd_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0

03-18 23:43:08.113 12447 12447 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[GrantPermissionsActivity]#0](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=1200x1696 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=517332628867066(auto) mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=53459457933312 transform=0

03-18 23:43:08.113 12447 12447 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:08.114 12447 12447 D DecorView[]: onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus true

03-18 23:43:08.114 12447 12447 I HandWritingStubImpl: refreshLastKeyboardType: 1

03-18 23:43:08.114 12447 12447 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1

03-18 23:43:08.114  1626  3518 D MiuiFreeFormGesturePointerEventListener: finishDrawingWindow: topFullScreenWindow= Window{4d2015b u0}

03-18 23:43:08.117  1626  4528 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 214016041; UID 10233; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:43:08.121 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.126   944   944 I ClientCache: add: Cache owner=0xb4000072bf343040

03-18 23:43:08.126   944   944 D BufferStateLayer: setBuffer frameId=1, bufferId=53459457933312 fenceId=-1, w= 1200, h=1696

03-18 23:43:08.127  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.132 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.143 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.143  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.145 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.146 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.160 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.160  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.170 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.170 12447 12447 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1

03-18 23:43:08.172 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.175  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.186 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.191  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.197 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.197 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.198 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.201  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 101 -> 103

03-18 23:43:08.201  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 103

03-18 23:43:08.211 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.217 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.218 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.226 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.236 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.237 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.252   877   980 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req] TIMER_MSG_PERF_LOCK_TIMEOUT hdl:69728

03-18 23:43:08.252   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69728, idx:1

03-18 23:43:08.252   877   980 I libPowerHal: system_server: set gpu opp level: 42

03-18 23:43:08.252   877   980 I libPowerHal: system_server: set gpu opp level max: 0

03-18 23:43:08.254 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.255 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.271 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.273 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.289 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.290 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.307 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.308 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.325 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.326 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.342 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.344 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.361 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.362 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.385 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.386 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.402 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.403 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.420 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.421 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.438 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.439 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.457 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.458 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.476 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.477 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.494  1626  1660 D WindowManager: Update InputWindowHandle: 4d2015b, frame=[0,0,0,0], touchableRegion=SkRegion((-28,-421,1052,1979)), scaleFactor=1.0, transform=null, windowToken=android.os.BinderProxy@f53b86a, isClone=false, visibal=true, focusable=true, changed=true

03-18 23:43:08.494 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.495 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.512 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.513 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.535 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.536 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.553 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.554 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.563  2259  2259 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.

03-18 23:43:08.565  2262  2574 D MobileStatusTracker(3): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=-115 rsrq=-18 rssnr=-5 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 miuiLevel=2 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=2 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 mOptimizedLevel = 0 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte}, phoneId=0, mMtkLevel=0, mMtkRsrpOnly=false, mMtkLteRsrpThreshold=null, mMtkLteRssnrThreshold=null

03-18 23:43:08.571 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.572 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.588 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.589 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.605 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.606 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.616  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:08.617  1626  4528 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:08.617  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:08.617  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:08.617  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:08.618  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:08.618  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:08.618  1626  4528 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:08.623 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.624 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.641 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.642 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.658 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.659 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.675 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.676 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.693 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.694 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.711 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.712 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.733 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.734 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.750 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.751 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.767 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.768 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.784 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.785 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.800 14612 15057 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(93) with statsTag=0x90000, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:43:08.801  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 103 -> 101

03-18 23:43:08.801  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 101

03-18 23:43:08.802 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.803 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.819 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.820 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:08.836 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.837   877   910 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:5, enabled:0

03-18 23:43:08.838  1626  1836 E MiuiActivityController: MiuiLog-ActivityObserver: There was something wrong : null

03-18 23:43:08.838  1626  3518 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostStop AMS_BOOST_PACK_SWITCH:true, AMS_BOOST_ACT_SWITCH:false, AMS_BOOST_PROCESS_CREATE:false 

03-18 23:43:08.838   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69727, idx:0

03-18 23:43:08.838   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:63

03-18 23:43:08.838   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69729, idx:2

03-18 23:43:08.838   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:12447 fps:52

03-18 23:43:08.838   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:59

03-18 23:43:08.839   877   980 I libPowerHal: MTKPOWER_HINT_PACK_SWITCH: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1 -1

03-18 23:43:08.839   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_PACK_SWITCH update cmd:1000000, param:-1

03-18 23:43:08.839   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_PACK_SWITCH update cmd:1408300 param:0

03-18 23:43:08.840   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_PACK_SWITCH update cmd:1000000 param:-1

03-18 23:43:08.840  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:43:08.912   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:43:08.928   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:08.929   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000073905766e0,id:-1,api:1,p:944,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=0.48 dur=4136.33 max=3903.40 min=232.93

03-18 23:43:08.929   863   863 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:55.367599,dur:1065.61,max:88.52,min:14.13  

03-18 23:43:08.930   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:43:08.930   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:43:08.948  1626  1826 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] publisher action=0x4, 517333463, channel '19bda62 NavigationBar0 (server)'

03-18 23:43:08.949  1626  1826 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] publisher action=0x0, 517333463, channel '4d2015b (server)'

03-18 23:43:08.949  1626  1826 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] publisher action=0x0, 517333463, channel '[Gesture Monitor] miui-gesture (server)'

03-18 23:43:08.949   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:69730 hint:25 pid:877 duration:120 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:69730

03-18 23:43:08.949   877   980 I libPowerHal: MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2000000 -1 2050000 -1

03-18 23:43:08.949   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1000000, param:0

03-18 23:43:08.949   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:410000, param:1

03-18 23:43:08.949   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1408300, param:100

03-18 23:43:08.950   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:3408600 param:1

03-18 23:43:08.950   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1000000 param:0

03-18 23:43:08.955 12447 12447 W MirrorManager: this model don't Support

03-18 23:43:09.001  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 101 -> 99

03-18 23:43:09.002  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 99

03-18 23:43:09.016   877   909 I mtkpower@impl: [mtkPowerHint] hint:25, hold:80, ext:0, ext_hold:0

03-18 23:43:09.016  1626  1826 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] publisher action=0x1, 517333531, channel '4d2015b (server)'

03-18 23:43:09.016  1626  1826 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] publisher action=0x1, 517333531, channel '[Gesture Monitor] miui-gesture (server)'

03-18 23:43:09.016   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:69731 hint:25 pid:877 duration:80 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:69731

03-18 23:43:09.016   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69730, idx:0

03-18 23:43:09.018 12447 12447 V GrantPermissionsViewModel: Logged buttons presented and clicked permissionGroupName=android.permission-group.LOCATION uid=10253 selectedPrecision=3 package=com.sampleproject presentedButtons=44 clickedButton=4 isPermissionRationaleShown=false sessionId=5588353466012997828 targetSdk=34

03-18 23:43:09.018  1626  3518 D PackageManager: android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION is granted, packageName: com.sampleproject, callingUid: 10233, userId: 0

03-18 23:43:09.020  1626  3518 D PackageManager: android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION is granted, packageName: com.sampleproject, callingUid: 10233, userId: 0

03-18 23:43:09.021 12447 12447 V GrantPermissionsViewModel: Permission grant result requestId=5588353466012997828 callingUid=10253 callingPackage=com.sampleproject permission=android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION isImplicit=false result=4 isPermissionRationaleShown=false

03-18 23:43:09.022 12447 12447 V GrantPermissionsViewModel: Permission grant result requestId=5588353466012997828 callingUid=10253 callingPackage=com.sampleproject permission=android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION isImplicit=true result=4 isPermissionRationaleShown=false

03-18 23:43:09.023  1626  4528 I PowerHalWrapper: <amsBoostResume>, next:com.sampleproject 

03-18 23:43:09.025   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:69732 hint:22 pid:877 duration:10000 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:69732

03-18 23:43:09.026  1626  1660 D WindowManager: Focus not requested for window=Window{4d2015b u0} because it has no surface or is not focusable.

03-18 23:43:09.033  1626  1660 D WindowManager: Focus not requested for window=Window{4d2015b u0} because it has no surface or is not focusable.

03-18 23:43:09.034 12447 12447 D Surface : lockCanvas

03-18 23:43:09.041   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:43:09.050 12447 12447 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.052  1626  3763 D PerfMTKStubImpl: perfLockAcquire

03-18 23:43:09.052  1626  3763 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:69728, dur:400, num:10, tid:3763

03-18 23:43:09.052  1626  3763 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:69733

03-18 23:43:09.053   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:2 hdl:69733 hint:-1 pid:1626 duration:400 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:69733

03-18 23:43:09.053   877   980 I libPowerHal: system_server: set gpu opp level: 0

03-18 23:43:09.053   877   980 I libPowerHal: system_server: set gpu opp level max: 0

03-18 23:43:09.054  1626  3763 W WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{4d2015b u0} to Window{6d998c3 u0 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} displayId=0 

03-18 23:43:09.056  1626  3763 D WindowManager: Input focus has changed to Window{6d998c3 u0 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} display=0 updateInputWindows = true

03-18 23:43:09.057  1626  3763 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify pid:14612,activity:com.sampleproject.MainActivity, package:com.sampleproject, mProcessCreatePacknull 

03-18 23:43:09.057  1626  3763 I PowerHalWrapper: state: 1 

03-18 23:43:09.057  1626  3763 I mtkpower_client: [Legacy][PowerHal_Wrap_notifyAppState] com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity pid=14612 state:1

03-18 23:43:09.057  1626  3763 I game_scn: collectForegroundAppList packName=com.sampleproject, actName=com.sampleproject.MainActivity, pid=14612, uid=10253, state:RESUMED

03-18 23:43:09.057  1626  3763 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify AMS_BOOST_PROCESS_CREATE_BOOST:true 

03-18 23:43:09.057   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState] pack:com.sampleproject, act:com.sampleproject.MainActivity, state:1, pid:14612, uid:10253, fps:60

03-18 23:43:09.057   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState] foreground:com.sampleproject, pid:14612, uid:10253

03-18 23:43:09.057   877   980 I UxUtility: notifyForegroundApp pack:com.sampleproject, uid:10253

03-18 23:43:09.058   877   980 I TouchUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL

03-18 23:43:09.058   877   909 I mtkpower@impl: [notifyAppState] pc:0, => com.sampleproject

03-18 23:43:09.061  1626  3763 W WindowManager: Execute app transition: mNextAppTransitionRequests=[TRANSIT_CLOSE, TRANSIT_OPEN], mNextAppTransitionFlags=, displayId: 0 

03-18 23:43:09.062  1626  3763 W WindowManager: Execute app transition: mNextAppTransitionRequests=[TRANSIT_CLOSE, TRANSIT_OPEN], mNextAppTransitionFlags=, displayId: 0 

03-18 23:43:09.062 14612 14612 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 78294732; UID 10253; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:43:09.062  1626  3763 W WindowManager: Execute app transition: mNextAppTransitionRequests=[TRANSIT_CLOSE, TRANSIT_OPEN], mNextAppTransitionFlags=, displayId: 0 

03-18 23:43:09.066  1626  3763 D WindowManager: Loading animation for app transition. transit=TRANSIT_OLD_TRANSLUCENT_ACTIVITY_CLOSE enter=false frame=Rect(0, 93 - 1080, 2270) insets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) surfaceInsets=Rect(88, 88 - 88, 88)

03-18 23:43:09.066   871   871 I Accelerometer: batch: handle:0, flag:0,samplingPeriodNs:66667000 maxBatchReportLatencyNs:0

03-18 23:43:09.067   871   871 I Accelerometer: enable: handle:0, en:1

03-18 23:43:09.073  1626  3763 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify pid:12447,,, mProcessCreatePacknull 

03-18 23:43:09.073  1626  3763 I PowerHalWrapper: state: 0 

03-18 23:43:09.073  1626  3763 I mtkpower_client: [Legacy][PowerHal_Wrap_notifyAppState] pid=12447 state:0

03-18 23:43:09.073  1626  3763 I game_scn: collectForegroundAppList,, pid=12447, uid=10233, state:PAUSED

03-18 23:43:09.073  1626  3763 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify AMS_BOOST_PROCESS_CREATE_BOOST:true 

03-18 23:43:09.073   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:0, pid:12447, uid:10233, fps:60

03-18 23:43:09.073  1626  1836 E MiuiActivityController: MiuiLog-ActivityObserver: There was something wrong : null

03-18 23:43:09.073 12447 12447 E BinderMonitor: err open binder_delay errno=2

03-18 23:43:09.074 12447 12447 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:09.074  1626  3518 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast thermalManagerCurrentActivity from system 5696:com.miui.powerkeeper/1000 pkg com.miui.powerkeeper. Callers=

03-18 23:43:09.074  1626  3518 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast thermalManagerCurrentActivity from system 5696:com.miui.powerkeeper/1000 pkg com.miui.powerkeeper. Callers=

03-18 23:43:09.075  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:43:09.078   944  1711 I SurfaceFlinger: setTransactionState focusRequest transactionId:6983617348770 frontWin:6d998c3 com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity

03-18 23:43:09.078  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.079 14612 14936 I ReactNativeJS: You can use the p2p mode

03-18 23:43:09.079 14612 14936 I ReactNativeJS: 'grantedddddddddd', 'granted'

03-18 23:43:09.080  3658 32650 I NetworkBoostStatusManager: onForegroundInfoChanged uid:10253, isColdStart:false

03-18 23:43:09.080  3658 32650 I SLM-SRV-SLAToast: foreground uid:10253, isColdStart:false, isLinkTurboEnable:false

03-18 23:43:09.080  5778  6407 I GST     : forePkg: com.sampleproject, preForePkg:

03-18 23:43:09.079  1626  1904 D CameraBlackCoveredManager: mForegroundPackage = com.sampleproject mOccupiedPackage = com.xiaomi.scanner

03-18 23:43:09.080 24160  2032 D AppObserver: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.sampleproject', mForegroundUid=10253, mForegroundPid=14612, mLastForegroundPackageName='', mLastForegroundUid=10233, mLastForegroundPid=12447, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='com.sampleproject', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=10253, mFlags=0}

03-18 23:43:09.080  5696  7041 W MessageQueue: Handler (com.miui.powerkeeper.feedbackcontrol.FeedbackControlService$FeedbackControlHandler) {83703d1} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread

03-18 23:43:09.080  5696  7041 W MessageQueue: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Handler (com.miui.powerkeeper.feedbackcontrol.FeedbackControlService$FeedbackControlHandler) {83703d1} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread

03-18 23:43:09.080  5696  7041 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(

03-18 23:43:09.080  5696  7041 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Handler.enqueueMessage(

03-18 23:43:09.080  5696  7041 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime(

03-18 23:43:09.080  5696  7041 W MessageQueue:  at com.miui.powerkeeper.event.EventsAggregator$EventRegistrant.notifyResult(Unknown Source:26)

03-18 23:43:09.080  5696  7041 W MessageQueue:  at com.miui.powerkeeper.event.EventsAggregator.notifyForForegroundInfo(Unknown Source:47)

03-18 23:43:09.080  5696  7041 W MessageQueue:  at com.miui.powerkeeper.utils.ProcessObserver.notifyForegroundListener(Unknown Source:17)

03-18 23:43:09.080  5696  7041 W MessageQueue:  at com.miui.powerkeeper.utils.ProcessObserver.access$2200(Unknown Source:0)

03-18 23:43:09.080  5696  7041 W MessageQueue:  at com.miui.powerkeeper.utils.ProcessObserver$6.onForegroundInfoChanged(Unknown Source:2)

03-18 23:43:09.080  5696  7041 W MessageQueue:  at miui.process.IForegroundInfoListener$Stub.onTransact(

03-18 23:43:09.080  5696  7041 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(

03-18 23:43:09.080  5696  7041 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Binder.execTransact(

03-18 23:43:09.081  5696  6087 D ThermalIECHandler: IECAll48Allowed: false; IECMonitorAllowed: false; IECTestState: false

03-18 23:43:09.081 23899 16285 I ProcessMonitor: onForegroundInfoChanged: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.sampleproject', mForegroundUid=10253, mForegroundPid=14612, mLastForegroundPackageName='', mLastForegroundUid=10233, mLastForegroundPid=12447, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='com.sampleproject', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=10253, mFlags=0}

03-18 23:43:09.081  5696  7754 D PerfEngineController: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.sampleproject', mForegroundUid=10253, mForegroundPid=14612, mLastForegroundPackageName='', mLastForegroundUid=10233, mLastForegroundPid=12447, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='com.sampleproject', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=10253, mFlags=0}

03-18 23:43:09.079  5696  5696 W ThermalInfoColl: type=1400 audit(0.0:5820140): avc: denied { read } for name="charge_counter" dev="sysfs" ino=41052 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_batteryinfo:s0 tclass=file permissive=0

03-18 23:43:09.081 10841 14971 I ProcessMonitor: onForegroundInfoChanged: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.sampleproject', mForegroundUid=10253, mForegroundPid=14612, mLastForegroundPackageName='', mLastForegroundUid=10233, mLastForegroundPid=12447, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='com.sampleproject', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=10253, mFlags=0}

03-18 23:43:09.082  5696  5865 I ThermalInfoCollector: collectForgroundAppsInfo:

03-18 23:43:09.082  5696  5865 E ThermalInfoUtils: getCurrentCapacity /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_counter: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)

03-18 23:43:09.083 23899 16285 I GameBoosterService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Cur=com.sampleproject

03-18 23:43:09.084 14612 15059 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(93) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:43:09.086 24160 24160 D RecentsImpl: mActivityStateObserver com.sampleproject.MainActivity

03-18 23:43:09.086 23899 16285 D GameBoosterService: onGameStatusChange foreground:ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.sampleproject', mForegroundUid=10253, mForegroundPid=14612, mLastForegroundPackageName='', mLastForegroundUid=10233, mLastForegroundPid=12447, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='com.sampleproject', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=10253, mFlags=0}

03-18 23:43:09.086 23899 16285 I VideoBoxUtils: isSupportVideoBox: false

03-18 23:43:09.086  1626  1846 D WifiP2pService: Update WorkSource UID=10253 active=true

03-18 23:43:09.086  1626  1846 D WifiP2pService: Requestor WorkSource: WorkSource{10253 com.sampleproject}

03-18 23:43:09.086 23899 16285 I VideoToolBoxService: splitMode: onfalse

03-18 23:43:09.087 24160 24160 W RecentsImpl: onResumed className=com.sampleproject.MainActivity   mIsInAnotherPro=false   isKeyguardLocked=false   mSecuritySpaceGuideShown=false

03-18 23:43:09.087  1626  1846 D WifiP2pService: Requestor WorkSource: WorkSource{10253 com.sampleproject}

03-18 23:43:09.087  1626  1846 D WifiP2pNative: Setup P2P interface

03-18 23:43:09.088   944   944 I SurfaceFlinger: transactionIsReadyToBeApplied focusRequest transactionId:6983617348770

03-18 23:43:09.089   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [NavigationBar0#85](this:0xb4000072d8eaa8a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=8.88 dur=1013.31 max=880.23 min=16.17

03-18 23:43:09.090 23899 16285 D FreeformUtil: retrieveFirstNoFreeformRootTaskInfo: windowMode = 1

03-18 23:43:09.090 23899 16285 I VideoToolBoxService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Exit Vtb

03-18 23:43:09.094  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.096   877   980 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req] TIMER_MSG_PERF_LOCK_TIMEOUT hdl:69731

03-18 23:43:09.097   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69731, idx:1

03-18 23:43:09.097   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:410000 param:0

03-18 23:43:09.097   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:3408600 param:0

03-18 23:43:09.097 12447 12447 D DecorView[]: onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus false

03-18 23:43:09.098   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.100   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 48 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.100   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.101   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.101   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.101   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.103   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.103   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 36 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.103   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.105  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.109   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.111   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.111   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.112   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.113   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.113   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.113 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.114   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.114   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.114   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.115  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x0002, res=0

03-18 23:43:09.115  1953  1953 D WifiHAL : In GetFeatureSetCommand::handleResponse for 5

03-18 23:43:09.115  1953  1953 D WifiHAL : vendor_id = 0x0, subcmd = 0x0

03-18 23:43:09.115  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : feature_set=0x8488141a

03-18 23:43:09.116  5696  6087 D ThermalIECHandler: storeDataStyle: thermal_iec_monitor_persistence_data_style_iec_state; startIECTime: -1; IECScreenOffOverPeriodTime: 820213755

03-18 23:43:09.116  5696  6087 D ThermalScenarioManager: handleMessage -9

03-18 23:43:09.116  5696  6087 D ThermalScenarioManager: current: ScenarioName: 0

03-18 23:43:09.116  5696  6087 D ThermalScenarioManager: Element list : 97      97      98      98      99      99      99      99      99      99      99      98    99       99      99      99      99      99      99      

03-18 23:43:09.116  5696  6087 D ThermalScenarioManager: match scenario 0

03-18 23:43:09.116  5696  6087 D ThermalIECHandler: storeDataStyle: thermal_iec_monitor_persistence_data_style_iec_state; startIECTime: -1; IECScreenOffOverPeriodTime: 820213755

03-18 23:43:09.117   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.119   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.119   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.121   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.121   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 165 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.121   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.122   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.122   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity#76654](this:0xb4000072bf4718a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=18.47 dur=1245.43 max=879.91 min=16.15

03-18 23:43:09.122   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.122   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.123 14612 14612 D DecorView[]: onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus true

03-18 23:43:09.125 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.125  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.127  1626  1846 D HalDevMgr: updateRttController: no one is interested in RTT controllers

03-18 23:43:09.128 14612 14612 I HandWritingStubImpl: refreshLastKeyboardType: 1

03-18 23:43:09.128 14612 14612 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1

03-18 23:43:09.130   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.131   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 48 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.131   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.132   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.133   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.133   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.134   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.134   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 36 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.135   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.139   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.141  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.142   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.142   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.143  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.miui.home/10099 state=idle adj=100 proc size=1 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:09.143   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.144   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.144   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.146   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.146   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.146   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.147  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=800 proc size=2 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:09.147  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=100 proc size=1 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:09.148  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=100 proc size=1 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:09.148  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=200 proc size=2 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:09.149   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.151 14612 14936 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:09.151 14612 14936 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:09.151   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.151   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.154  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=700 proc size=1 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:09.154  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=945 proc size=1 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:09.154  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=925 proc size=2 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:09.155  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.xiaomi.mipicks/10129 state=idle adj=915 proc size=2 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:09.156  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.157   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.157   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 132 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.157   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.159   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.159   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.159   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.160 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.165 24160  2032 D RecentsModel: onTaskStackChangedBackground

03-18 23:43:09.166  1626  1659 D SchedBoost: boosting, skip reset priority

03-18 23:43:09.166  1626  1657 D Aurogon :  uid = 10233 switch to BG

03-18 23:43:09.166 24160 30329 D RecentsModel: onTaskStackChangedBackground    MSG_TASK_STACK_CHANGE

03-18 23:43:09.166 24160 30329 D RecentsModel: preloadRecents

03-18 23:43:09.166 24160 30329 W RecentsModel: getRunningTask

03-18 23:43:09.167  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=100 proc size=4 move to hibernation service bind

03-18 23:43:09.167  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10233, uidState = 6

03-18 23:43:09.167  1626  1684 W libprocessgroup: Failed to open /dev/blkio//cgroup.procs: No such file or directory

03-18 23:43:09.168 24160 30329 W RecentsModel: getRunningTask   taskInfo=TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=3266 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.sampleproject/.MainActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=821376648 supportsSplitScreenMultiWindow=true supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=200 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@dd57a6c} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=0 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 93 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{aba3835 com.sampleproject.MainActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=true isVisible=true isSleeping=false topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityInMiuiSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 cameraCompatControlState=hidden mIsCastMode=false}

03-18 23:43:09.168 24160 30329 W RecentsModel: getTaskInfoIgnoreHomeAndFreeform   taskInfo=ComponentInfo{com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity}

03-18 23:43:09.169 24160  2032 D RecentsModel: onTaskStackChangedBackground

03-18 23:43:09.169 24160  2032 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class com.miui.home.recents.messages.RecentTasksChangedEvent

03-18 23:43:09.169 24160  2032 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.NoSubscriberEvent

03-18 23:43:09.170  5696  7754 I MultiScreenObserver: onTaskStackChanged, splitScreenMode: false isCameraFloat: false isSmallScreen: false

03-18 23:43:09.170 23899 19078 I SCTaskStackListener: onTaskStackChanged! inSplit = false

03-18 23:43:09.171 23899 16285 I SCTaskStackListener: onTaskStackChanged! inSplit = false

03-18 23:43:09.172  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.172 24160 30329 E ActivityManagerWrapper: get all recent tasks force including 3266

03-18 23:43:09.172  1626  1659 W ProcessStats: Tracking association SourceState{d34281b com.miui.securitycenter.remote/1000 BTopFgs #1142200} whose proc state 2 is better than process ProcessState{3a85450 com.miui.guardprovider/10171 pkg=com.miui.guardprovider} proc state 3 (976 skipped)

03-18 23:43:09.175 12447 12447 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[GrantPermissionsActivity]#0](f:0,a:1) destructor()

03-18 23:43:09.175 12447 12447 D BufferQueueConsumer: [VRI[GrantPermissionsActivity]#0(BLAST Consumer)0](id:309f00000000,api:0,p:-1,c:12447) disconnect

03-18 23:43:09.179 12447 12447 D View    : [Warning] assignParent to null: this = DecorView@47109e9[GrantPermissionsActivity]

03-18 23:43:09.180 24160 30329 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: size=2

03-18 23:43:09.180 24160 30329 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: mainTaskId=3266   userId=0   baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN flag=268435456 cmp=ComponentInfo{com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} }

03-18 23:43:09.180 24160 30329 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: mainTaskId=3262   userId=0   baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN flag=270532608 cmp=ComponentInfo{} }

03-18 23:43:09.180  1626  4528 D CoreBackPreview: Window{4d2015b u0}: Setting back callback null

03-18 23:43:09.180  1626  3526 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object '4d2015b (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!

03-18 23:43:09.181 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.181  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=100 proc size=1 move to hibernation adj below visible

03-18 23:43:09.182  1626  3526 D WindowManager: setParent old=ActivityRecord{3aa03ae u0} t3266 f}},new=null,this window=Window{4d2015b u0}, 

03-18 23:43:09.186   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.187  1626  3526 I visible->invisible(1156ms) R(become invisible) adj=100.

03-18 23:43:09.187  1626  3526 I invisible->background(0ms) R(become background) adj=100.

03-18 23:43:09.187   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 48 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.187   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.187  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=foreground adj=100 proc size=1 move to inactive become invisible

03-18 23:43:09.188  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.189   944   944 I BufferQueueDebug: [](this:0xb4000072bf4618a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) onDestructor()

03-18 23:43:09.189   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.191 24160 30329 D RecentsModel: onTaskStackChangedBackground    MSG_TASK_STACK_CHANGE

03-18 23:43:09.191 24160 30329 D RecentsModel: preloadRecents

03-18 23:43:09.191 24160 30329 W RecentsModel: getRunningTask

03-18 23:43:09.191   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.191   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.193 24160 30329 W RecentsModel: getRunningTask   taskInfo=TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=3266 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.sampleproject/.MainActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=821376674 supportsSplitScreenMultiWindow=true supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=200 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@c6844ca} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=0 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 93 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{b97063b com.sampleproject.MainActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=true isVisible=true isSleeping=false topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityInMiuiSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 cameraCompatControlState=hidden mIsCastMode=false}

03-18 23:43:09.193  1178  1178 I thermal_repeater: [recvMdThermalInfo] ret=26, strLen=127,  3, 34, -50, 197, 32767, 1

03-18 23:43:09.193 24160 30329 W RecentsModel: getTaskInfoIgnoreHomeAndFreeform   taskInfo=ComponentInfo{com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity}

03-18 23:43:09.193   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.194   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 36 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.194   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.195 24160 30329 E ActivityManagerWrapper: get all recent tasks force including 3266

03-18 23:43:09.196  1626  3538 D WindowManager: setParent old=Task{874298c #3266 type=standard A=10253:com.sampleproject U=0 visible=true visibleRequested=true mode=fullscreen translucent=false sz=1},new=null,this window=ActivityRecord{3aa03ae u0} t3266 f}}, 

03-18 23:43:09.196 13618 13618 I wpa_supplicant: rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device

03-18 23:43:09.197 24160  2032 D TaskStackChangeListeners: onTaskDescriptionChanged =  taskId = 3266

03-18 23:43:09.199 24160 30329 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: size=2

03-18 23:43:09.199 24160 30329 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: mainTaskId=3266   userId=0   baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN flag=268435456 cmp=ComponentInfo{com.sampleproject/com.sampleproject.MainActivity} }

03-18 23:43:09.199 24160 30329 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: mainTaskId=3262   userId=0   baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN flag=270532608 cmp=ComponentInfo{} }

03-18 23:43:09.200   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.201   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.201   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.201  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 99 -> 97

03-18 23:43:09.201  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 97

03-18 23:43:09.204   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.204   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.204   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.206   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.207  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.207   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.207   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.207 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.210   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.211   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.211   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.211   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.212   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 165 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.212   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.212   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.213   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.213   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.218 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.218   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.219   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 48 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.219   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.220   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.220   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.220   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.221   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.221   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 36 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.221   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.222 13618 13618 I wpa_supplicant: [p2p0]skip wapi_init

03-18 23:43:09.223   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.223   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.223   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.224   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.224   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.224   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.225   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.225   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.225   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.227   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.227   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.227   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation

03-18 23:43:09.228   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.228   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 132 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.228   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation

03-18 23:43:09.229   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.230   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response

03-18 23:43:09.230   650   650 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation

03-18 23:43:09.230  1626  1846 I WifiP2pNative: P2P interface setup completed

03-18 23:43:09.230  1626  1846 I WifiP2pService: Supported feature: P2P MAC randomization

03-18 23:43:09.231 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.233 10841 10980 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:09.233  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=905 proc size=1 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:09.233 10841 10980 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:09.237  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.xiaomi.glgm/10001 state=idle adj=925 proc size=1 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:09.247 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.248  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=905 proc size=1 move to hibernation service create

03-18 23:43:09.256  1626  1846 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.Context.sendBroadcastWithMultiplePermissions:2363$P2pStateMachine.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:4510$P2pStateMachine.sendP2pConnectionChangedBroadcast:4552$P2pStateMachine.-$$Nest$msendP2pConnectionChangedBroadcast:0 

03-18 23:43:09.257  1626  1846 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$P2pStateMachine.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:4524$P2pStateMachine.sendP2pConnectionChangedBroadcast:4552$P2pStateMachine.-$$Nest$msendP2pConnectionChangedBroadcast:0$P2pStateMachine$P2pEnabledState.enter:2486 

03-18 23:43:09.257  1626  1659 D WifiDisplayController: Received WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION: networkInfo=[type: WIFI_P2P[], state: UNKNOWN/IDLE, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: false, roaming: false]

03-18 23:43:09.258  2168  2368 I Tethering: WifiP2pAction: P2pInfo: groupFormed: false isGroupOwner: false groupOwnerAddress: null Group: null

03-18 23:43:09.259  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{7249c11 1626:system/1000} (pid=1626, uid=1000) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1000)

03-18 23:43:09.259  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{7249c11 1626:system/1000} (pid=1626, uid=1000) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1000)

03-18 23:43:09.259  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{b1b19ac} (pid=2168, uid=1073) requires android.permission.NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES due to sender android (uid 1000)

03-18 23:43:09.259  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{8b7466d 14612:com.sampleproject/u0a253} (pid=14612, uid=10253) requires android.permission.NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES due to sender android (uid 1000)

03-18 23:43:09.263 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.269  1626  1846 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.Context.sendBroadcastWithMultiplePermissions:2363$P2pStateMachine.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:4510$P2pStateMachine.sendThisDeviceChangedBroadcast:4533$P2pStateMachine.updateThisDevice:5625 

03-18 23:43:09.269  1626  1846 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$P2pStateMachine.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:4524$P2pStateMachine.sendThisDeviceChangedBroadcast:4533$P2pStateMachine.updateThisDevice:5625$P2pStateMachine.initializeP2pSettings:5608 

03-18 23:43:09.269  1626  1659 D WifiDisplayController: Received WIFI_P2P_THIS_DEVICE_CHANGED_ACTION: mThisDevice= Device: Redmi Note 10S

03-18 23:43:09.269  1626  1659 D WifiDisplayController:  deviceAddress: 02:00:00:00:00:00

03-18 23:43:09.269  1626  1659 D WifiDisplayController:  primary type: 10-0050F204-5

03-18 23:43:09.269  1626  1659 D WifiDisplayController:  secondary type: null

03-18 23:43:09.269  1626  1659 D WifiDisplayController:  wps: 0

03-18 23:43:09.269  1626  1659 D WifiDisplayController:  grpcapab: 0

03-18 23:43:09.269  1626  1659 D WifiDisplayController:  devcapab: 0

03-18 23:43:09.269  1626  1659 D WifiDisplayController:  status: 3

03-18 23:43:09.269  1626  1659 D WifiDisplayController:  wfdInfo: null

03-18 23:43:09.269  1626  1659 D WifiDisplayController:  vendorElements: null

03-18 23:43:09.271  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{7249c11 1626:system/1000} (pid=1626, uid=1000) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1000)

03-18 23:43:09.271  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{8b7466d 14612:com.sampleproject/u0a253} (pid=14612, uid=10253) requires android.permission.NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES due to sender android (uid 1000)

03-18 23:43:09.274  1626  1846 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171306433; UID 1000; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:43:09.274  1626  1846 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 218533173; UID 1000; state: ENABLED

03-18 23:43:09.274  1626  1846 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:43:09.275  1626  1846 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:43:09.275  1626  1846 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:09.275  1626  1846 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:09.275  1626  1846 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:43:09.275  1626  1846 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:43:09.275  1626  1846 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:43:09.275  1626  1846 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:43:09.278 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.282  1626  1846 D WifiP2pService: Set P2P listen channel to 0

03-18 23:43:09.282  1626  1846 D WifiP2pService: Set P2P operating channel to 0, unsafe channels: 

03-18 23:43:09.283  1626  1846 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:43:09.283  1626  1846 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:43:09.283  1626  1846 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:43:09.283  1626  1846 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:43:09.284  1626  1846 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:43:09.284  1626  1846 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:43:09.284  1626  1846 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:43:09.284  1626  1846 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:43:09.293 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.294 14612 14936 E ReactNativeJS: { code: 0,

03-18 23:43:09.294 14612 14936 E ReactNativeJS:   message: 'Operation failed due to an internal error.' }

03-18 23:43:09.306  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=925 proc size=6 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:09.311 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.329 14612 14936 I ReactNativeJS: 'OnConnectionInfoUpdated', { isGroupOwner: false,

03-18 23:43:09.329 14612 14936 I ReactNativeJS:   groupFormed: false,

03-18 23:43:09.329 14612 14936 I ReactNativeJS:   groupOwnerAddress: null }

03-18 23:43:09.333 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.346  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=250 proc size=4 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package: flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:09.348  1626  1712 D PackageManager: writeLegacyPermissionState for user 0 in 13 ms.

03-18 23:43:09.362 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.401  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 97 -> 98

03-18 23:43:09.401  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 98

03-18 23:43:09.402 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.410 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.426 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.444 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.453   877   980 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req] TIMER_MSG_PERF_LOCK_TIMEOUT hdl:69733

03-18 23:43:09.453   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69733, idx:2

03-18 23:43:09.453   877   980 I libPowerHal: system_server: set gpu opp level: 42

03-18 23:43:09.453   877   980 I libPowerHal: system_server: set gpu opp level max: 0

03-18 23:43:09.458  1626  1836 E MiuiActivityController: MiuiLog-ActivityObserver: There was something wrong : null

03-18 23:43:09.459  1626  3763 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostStop AMS_BOOST_PACK_SWITCH:true, AMS_BOOST_ACT_SWITCH:false, AMS_BOOST_PROCESS_CREATE:false 

03-18 23:43:09.459   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69732, idx:0

03-18 23:43:09.460   877   980 I libPowerHal: MTKPOWER_HINT_PACK_SWITCH: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1 -1

03-18 23:43:09.460   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_PACK_SWITCH update cmd:1000000, param:-1

03-18 23:43:09.460   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_PACK_SWITCH update cmd:1408300 param:0

03-18 23:43:09.460 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.460   877   980 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_PACK_SWITCH update cmd:1000000 param:-1

03-18 23:43:09.476 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.492 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.509 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.527 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.543 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.560 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.578 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.593 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.599  1174  1311 D ULogGuard: Monitoring: 8 threads, 0 requests, 0 time-bombs; 1 guards. ResetFlags = 0x7

03-18 23:43:09.601  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 98 -> 101

03-18 23:43:09.601  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 101

03-18 23:43:09.610 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.617  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:09.618  1626  3763 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:09.618  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:09.618  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:09.618  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:09.619  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:09.619  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:09.619  1626  3763 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:09.626 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.627  1464  1504 I VoLTE IMCB-CM: receive the nessage from IMC #72

03-18 23:43:09.628  1464  1464 I VoLTE IMCB: {{{{[process_msg] msg_id=100034(0x000186C2), dst=IMCB[2], IMCB_IMC_HEADER_FILE_VERNO=86, MSG_ID_IMC_IN_BEGIN=100000, IMC_FEATURE_BITMAP=0x3 @0#184

03-18 23:43:09.628  1464  1464 I VoLTE IMCB: ENTER imcb_imc_rat_change_ind_handler()@0#5884

03-18 23:43:09.628  1464  1464 I VoLTE IMCB: from rat type = 4, to ua rat = 13 imcb_rat_conv_to_ua()@0#138

03-18 23:43:09.628  1464  1464 I VoLTE IMCB: from rat type = 3, to ua rat = 12 @0#138

03-18 23:43:09.628  1464  1464 I VoLTE IMCB: Pure Mesage Send dest=UA[3], msg_id=10013(0x0000271D), len=192, IMCB_IMC_HEADER_FILE_VERNO=86, MSG_ID_IMC_IN_BEGIN=100000, IMC_FEATURE_BITMAP=0x3 imcb_send_to_COMM()@0#242

03-18 23:43:09.628  1464  1464 I VoLTE IMCB: EndofMessage process_msg()@0#232}}}}

03-18 23:43:09.643 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.660 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.676 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.693 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.699  2262  2574 D MobileStatusTracker(3): onServiceStateChanged state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=2147483647, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[20000], mOperatorAlphaLong=JIO 4G, mOperatorAlphaShort=JIO 4G, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=18(IWLAN), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=IWLAN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 0 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo :  mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 } nrState=**** rRplmn=null isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=405 mMnc=871 mAlphaLong=JIO 4G mAlphaShort=JIO 4G mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=405871 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=405 mMnc=871 mAlphaLong=JIO 4G mAlphaShort=JIO 4G mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo :  mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 2 } nrState=**** rRplmn=405871 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=JIO 4G, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=JIO 4G, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=true}

03-18 23:43:09.702  1626  3851 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:492 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1285 

03-18 23:43:09.702  1626  3851 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2282$Stub.onTransact:492 

03-18 23:43:09.703 10992 12708 I BugleTransport: Enabled chat transport is TRANSPORT_TACHYGRAM [CONTEXT group_by="TRANSPORT_TACHYGRAM" ratelimit_period="5 SECONDS" skipped=3 ]

03-18 23:43:09.704  2258  2258 I ##XLogger##: #&^UilUL2AyrbUEFmNJkpnZUK2wb2izBN22A59G9tkjmvYUFPbkFJnfHNE/NcaqqjBbxshV10UX1cGIUEpis8Ct8lMJMpPmvAvpILZIFA/VTA+N7Qwx/i3960grf+MyMzKU459hU+bLO08ReYgiFSIlly78XZBFpnmHBgmtfTlKw7A=!!ZTh+dKuNeiktVf7KNIMJhBmn/sEaHB5M/Vf4/DBtCeaIGyuiv2gWTD68qZQ7NmJZ+lEb5ImdGdy+qs23cbxVjeUeRRE/19lRgPkjiDAc9Ji2Sk4o/+I1kKFiqypgUJORXKZ1dwlgEA475exMOlqt2XhIOQSCsbloGGRaM1S+nY76o1XIB8M3EWWEmZ4ere2+LisSS0y0bzgUY6LM2vBSqA==^&#

03-18 23:43:09.706  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.706  2262  2262 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE

03-18 23:43:09.706  2262  2262 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: action android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE serviceState={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=2147483647, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[20000], mOperatorAlphaLong=JIO 4G, mOperatorAlphaShort=JIO 4G, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=18(IWLAN), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=IWLAN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 0 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo :  mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 } nrState=**** rRplmn=null isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=405 mMnc=871 mAlphaLong=JIO 4G mAlphaShort=JIO 4G mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=405871 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=405 mMnc=871 mAlphaLong=JIO 4G mAlphaShort=JIO 4G mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo :  mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 2 } nrState=**** rRplmn=405871 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=JIO 4G, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=JIO 4G, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=true} subId=3

03-18 23:43:09.706  2262  2262 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleServiceStateChange(subId=3, serviceState={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=2147483647, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[20000], mOperatorAlphaLong=JIO 4G, mOperatorAlphaShort=JIO 4G, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=18(IWLAN), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=IWLAN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 0 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo :  mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 } nrState=**** rRplmn=null isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=405 mMnc=871 mAlphaLong=JIO 4G mAlphaShort=JIO 4G mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=405871 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=405 mMnc=871 mAlphaLong=JIO 4G mAlphaShort=JIO 4G mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo :  mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 2 } nrState=**** rRplmn=405871 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=JIO 4G, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=JIO 4G, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=true}

03-18 23:43:09.706  2262  2262 D MiuiCarrierTextController: updateCarrierText: JIO 4G | airtel

03-18 23:43:09.706 10992 12708 I ChatReadinessManagerImp: processRcsReadinessReason: Current ChatTransportType is: 2, ready: true

03-18 23:43:09.707  1626  3851 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2282$Stub.onTransact:492 

03-18 23:43:09.707  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{7761ed7 2258:com.xiaomi.finddevice/6110} (pid=2258, uid=6110) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.707 10992 12708 I ChatReadinessManagerImp: shouldLaunchPostReadyWork is false. Returning from the method

03-18 23:43:09.707  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{3ea12ad} (pid=2262, uid=1000) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.707  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{bfad3c4} (pid=2259, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.707  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{7249c11 1626:system/1000} (pid=1626, uid=1000) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.707  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{bfad3c4} (pid=2259, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.707  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{bfad3c4} (pid=2259, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.708  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.708  1626  3851 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2282$Stub.onTransact:492 

03-18 23:43:09.709  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{7761ed7 2258:com.xiaomi.finddevice/6110} (pid=2258, uid=6110) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.709  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{3ea12ad} (pid=2262, uid=1000) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.709  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{bfad3c4} (pid=2259, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.709  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{7249c11 1626:system/1000} (pid=1626, uid=1000) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.710  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{bfad3c4} (pid=2259, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.710  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{bfad3c4} (pid=2259, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.710  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.711  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{7761ed7 2258:com.xiaomi.finddevice/6110} (pid=2258, uid=6110) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.711  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{3ea12ad} (pid=2262, uid=1000) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.711  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{bfad3c4} (pid=2259, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.711  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{7249c11 1626:system/1000} (pid=1626, uid=1000) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.711 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.711  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{bfad3c4} (pid=2259, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.711  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{bfad3c4} (pid=2259, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:09.713  2259  2259 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=3

03-18 23:43:09.715  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10226, uidState = 11

03-18 23:43:09.715  1626  1678 I idle->background(48063ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }) adj=0.

03-18 23:43:09.715  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=0 proc size=1 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:09.715  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=0 proc size=1 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:09.716 10753 10753 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:09.716  1626  1626 D MiuiWifiService: onCellLocationChanged

03-18 23:43:09.716  1626  1626 D MiuiWifiService: cancelPeriodWifiScan trigger

03-18 23:43:09.717 10753 10753 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onServiceStateChanged, ss: 0

03-18 23:43:09.717 10753 10753 D CellBroadcastReceiver: networkOperator: 405871

03-18 23:43:09.717 10753 10753 D CellBroadcastReceiver: update supported roaming operator as 

03-18 23:43:09.721  2259  2259 D PhoneInterfaceManager: isRttSupported: carrier: false, device: true, mtk: false

03-18 23:43:09.722  2259  2259 I Telephony: isRttCurrentlySupported -- regular acct, hasVoiceAvailability: true

03-18 23:43:09.722  2259  2259 I Telephony:  isRttSupported: false

03-18 23:43:09.722  2259  2259 I Telephony:  alwaysAllowWhileRoaming: false

03-18 23:43:09.722  2259  2259 I Telephony:  isRoaming: false

03-18 23:43:09.722  2259  2259 I Telephony:  isOnWfc: true

03-18 23:43:09.722  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10226, uidState = 19

03-18 23:43:09.722  2259  2259 D PhoneInterfaceManager: isRttSupported: carrier: false, device: true, mtk: false

03-18 23:43:09.723  2259  2259 I Telephony: isRttCurrentlySupported -- regular acct, hasVoiceAvailability: true

03-18 23:43:09.723  2259  2259 I Telephony:  isRttSupported: false

03-18 23:43:09.723  2259  2259 I Telephony:  alwaysAllowWhileRoaming: false

03-18 23:43:09.723  2259  2259 I Telephony:  isRoaming: false

03-18 23:43:09.723  2259  2259 I Telephony:  isOnWfc: false

03-18 23:43:09.726 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.727  2259  2259 D PhoneGlobals: SimSettingReceiver.onReceive, action=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE

03-18 23:43:09.738 14612 14739 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.801  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 101 -> 104

03-18 23:43:09.801  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 104

03-18 23:43:09.824   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:43:09.839   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:62

03-18 23:43:09.839   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:12447 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:09.839   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:56

03-18 23:43:09.841   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.842   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:43:09.842   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:43:09.851  2259  2259 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.

03-18 23:43:09.853  2262  2574 D MobileStatusTracker(3): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=-95 rsrq=-10 rssnr=5 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 miuiLevel=5 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=4 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 mOptimizedLevel = 0 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte}, phoneId=0, mMtkLevel=0, mMtkRsrpOnly=false, mMtkLteRsrpThreshold=null, mMtkLteRssnrThreshold=null

03-18 23:43:09.853  2262  2574 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(3): update5GConnectState: false

03-18 23:43:09.853  2262  2574 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(3): ss use aosp level not 0, 5

03-18 23:43:09.872  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.886   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [StatusBar#89](this:0xb4000072d8ebd8a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=0.20 dur=4948.14 max=4948.14 min=4948.14

03-18 23:43:09.887   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0

03-18 23:43:09.956   863  1348 I hwcomposer: [HWC] (0)fire a callback of refresh to SF[4]  

03-18 23:43:09.973   944   944 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:09.974   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000073905766e0,id:-1,api:1,p:944,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=1.91 dur=1045.12 max=912.80 min=132.31

03-18 23:43:09.974   863   863 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:44.027618,dur:1044.80,max:111.00,min:15.09  

03-18 23:43:09.975   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=1

03-18 23:43:09.975   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setreAffinity reTid=1016

03-18 23:43:10.001  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 104 -> 105

03-18 23:43:10.001  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 105

03-18 23:43:10.475  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10092, uidState = 8

03-18 23:43:10.618  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:10.619  1626  3851 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:10.620  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:10.620  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:10.620  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:10.620  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:10.620  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:10.620  1626  3851 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:10.810 14612 15061 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(193) with statsTag=0x90000, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:43:10.839   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:10.839   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:12447 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:10.839   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:10.839   877   954 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(14612) : 60 => -1

03-18 23:43:10.839   877   980 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState] pack:com.sampleproject, act:com.sampleproject.MainActivity, state:5, pid:14612, uid:10253, fps:-1

03-18 23:43:10.839   877   980 I UxUtility: notifyForegroundApp pack:com.sampleproject, uid:10253

03-18 23:43:10.839   877   980 I TouchUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL

03-18 23:43:10.915  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:10.915  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:10.915  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:10.915  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:10.915  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:10.916  1626  1844 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:11.001  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 105 -> 104

03-18 23:43:11.002  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 104

03-18 23:43:11.440  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.miui.guardprovider/10171 state=idle adj=250 proc size=1 move to hibernation content provider start ContentProviderRecord{9bf9eb8 u0 com.miui.guardprovider/.GuardProvider}

03-18 23:43:11.511  1626  3851 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:43:11.512  1626  3851 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:43:11.593  1626  3851 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:43:11.593  1626  3851 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:43:11.620  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:11.620  1626  3851 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:11.621  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:11.621  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:11.621  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:11.621  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:11.621  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:11.622  1626  3851 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:11.779 10591 12444 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:11.779 10591 12444 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:11.839   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:11.839   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:12447 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:11.839   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:12.070  2259  2259 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.

03-18 23:43:12.072  2262  2574 D MobileStatusTracker(4): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=-85 rsrq=-11 rssnr=6 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 miuiLevel=5 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=4 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 mOptimizedLevel = 0 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte}, phoneId=1, mMtkLevel=0, mMtkRsrpOnly=false, mMtkLteRsrpThreshold=null, mMtkLteRssnrThreshold=null

03-18 23:43:12.201  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: oldLux=104 [SA:104 LA:104] newLux=104 (oriLux: 105)

03-18 23:43:12.324 12487 12663 I PlayCommon: [1138] aqbm.j(30): Preparing logs for uploading

03-18 23:43:12.337 12487 12663 I PlayCommon: [1138] aqbm.j(191): Connecting to server for timestamp:

03-18 23:43:12.429 12487 12663 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(5) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:43:12.600  1174  1311 D ULogGuard: Monitoring: 8 threads, 0 requests, 0 time-bombs; 1 guards. ResetFlags = 0x7

03-18 23:43:12.620  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:12.620  1626  3851 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:12.621  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:12.621  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:12.621  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:12.621  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:12.621  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:12.622  1626  3851 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:12.716  1626  1917 I background->idle(3001ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }) adj=905.

03-18 23:43:12.716  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=905 proc size=1 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:12.726 12487 12663 I PlayCommon: [1138] aqbm.j(251): Connecting to server:

03-18 23:43:12.821 12487 12663 I PlayCommon: [1138] aqbm.j(286): Successfully uploaded logs.

03-18 23:43:12.821 14612 15070 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(103) with statsTag=0x90000, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:43:12.822 12487 12663 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:12.822 12487 12663 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:12.839   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:12.839   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:12447 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:12.839   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:13.602  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 104 -> 105

03-18 23:43:13.603  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 105

03-18 23:43:13.622  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:13.622  1626  3763 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:13.623  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:13.623  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:13.623  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:13.623  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:13.623  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:13.624  1626  3763 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:13.839   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:13.839   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:12447 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:13.839   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:13.847 23899 24033 D TrafficManageService: onReceive: intent.action =

03-18 23:43:13.927  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:13.927  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:13.927  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:13.927  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:13.927  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:13.928  1626  1844 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService: readLine:

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService: /sys/class/thermal/thermal_message/balance_mode: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at<init>(

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at<init>(

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at<init>(

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.readLine(

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.isPerformanceMode(

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.checktemp(

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.access$2500(

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService$ThermalStateListener.onEvent(

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent(

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe(Native Method)

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at android.os.FileObserver$

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at Method)

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at$

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    ... 11 more

03-18 23:43:14.213  3658  6266 D SLM-SRV-SLAService: checktemp temperature = 38000 temperature_average = 37166 isPerformanceMode = false thermal_enable_slm = true

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService: readLine:

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService: /sys/class/thermal/thermal_message/balance_mode: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at<init>(

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at<init>(

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at<init>(

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.readLine(

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.isPerformanceMode(

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.checktemp(

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService.access$2500(

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at com.xiaomi.NetworkBoost.slaservice.SLAService$ThermalStateListener.onEvent(

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent(

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe(Native Method)

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at android.os.FileObserver$

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at Method)

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at$

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    at

03-18 23:43:14.214  3658  6266 E SLM-SRV-SLAService:    ... 11 more

03-18 23:43:14.276   856 25066 D [BT]    : mtk_bt_op: BT_VND_OP_LPM_WAKE_SET_STATE

03-18 23:43:14.401  1626  1809 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:43:14.401  1626  1809 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:43:14.444  1626  3538 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:43:14.444  1626  3538 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:43:14.456 17377 14370 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s started execution. cause:%s exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s

03-18 23:43:14.470 28536 12489 I PlayGamesServices[GamesSyncAdapter]: Starting sync for aa6bf071

03-18 23:43:14.473 28536 12489 I PlayGamesServices[GamesSyncAdapter]: Sync duration for aa6bf071: 2

03-18 23:43:14.489 17377 15030 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s finished executing. cause:%s result: %s elapsed_millis: %s uptime_millis: %s exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s

03-18 23:43:14.504  1626  3851 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:43:14.504  1626  3851 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:43:14.507 28536 15219 W PlayGamesServices[UiUtils]: AppVersion: Cannot find the installed destination app.

03-18 23:43:14.508  1626  3851 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 2

03-18 23:43:14.508  1626  3851 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd set Alarm Type = 3

03-18 23:43:14.508 28536 15219 I GetServiceValidatorImpl: (REDACTED) onGetService() from Client SDK version [%s], Module version [%s], PGA version [%s], Account [%s], Calling package [%s], Game package [%s]

03-18 23:43:14.510 28536 15219 W GetGamesServiceReqFacto: Parsing request with ignored arguments. signInOptionsBundle [Bundle[{,,,,,, {name=<<default account>>,},,}]], isRetryingSignIn [false], skipWelcomePopup [false], requireGooglePlus [false]

03-18 23:43:14.510 28536 15219 I GetGamesServiceReqFacto: Replacing request for `games` scope with `games_lite`

03-18 23:43:14.528 28536 15073 I SignInPerformer-11: (REDACTED) Handling request [%s], isFirstPartyCaller [%s]

03-18 23:43:14.529 28536 15073 I SignInPerformer-11: Successfully brokered first-party unauthenticated GamesService [CONTEXT service_id=1 ]

03-18 23:43:14.531 28536 15073 I GetGamesServiceV2Op: (REDACTED) Successfully brokered GamesService for request %s

03-18 23:43:14.532 28536 15219 W PlayGamesServices[UiUtils]: AppVersion: Cannot find the installed destination app.

03-18 23:43:14.533 28536 15219 W PlayGamesServices[UiUtils]: AppVersionName: Cannot find the installed destination app.

03-18 23:43:14.623  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:14.624  1626  3851 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:14.625  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:14.625  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:14.625  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:14.625  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:14.625  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:14.626  1626  3851 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:14.716  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=905 proc size=1 move to hibernation broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:14.835 14612 15074 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(103) with statsTag=0x90000, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:43:14.839   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:14.839   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:12447 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:14.839   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:14.972  2259  2259 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.

03-18 23:43:14.974  2262  2574 D MobileStatusTracker(3): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=-95 rsrq=-8 rssnr=5 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 miuiLevel=5 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=4 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 mOptimizedLevel = 0 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte}, phoneId=0, mMtkLevel=0, mMtkRsrpOnly=false, mMtkLteRsrpThreshold=null, mMtkLteRssnrThreshold=null

03-18 23:43:15.002  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 105 -> 104

03-18 23:43:15.002  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 104

03-18 23:43:15.565  5696  6087 D ThermalIECHandler: storeDataStyle: thermal_iec_monitor_persistence_data_style_iec_state; startIECTime: -1; IECScreenOffOverPeriodTime: 820213755

03-18 23:43:15.565  1626  1626 D UiModeManager: updateConfigurationLocked: mDockState=0; mCarMode=false; mCar=false; mPowerSave=false; mComputedNightMode=false; mNightMode=1; uiMode=17

03-18 23:43:15.566  5696  5977 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 91, status = 2, level = 91, plug = 1, scale = 100

03-18 23:43:15.567  5696  6065 D PowerKeeper.Thermal: mBatteryTemperature: 33

03-18 23:43:15.568 23899 23899 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED

03-18 23:43:15.569 23899 23899 I PowerSaveService: onReceive: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED

03-18 23:43:15.569  1626  1678 I idle->background(8403ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }) adj=100.

03-18 23:43:15.570  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=100 proc size=4 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:15.570  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=100 proc size=4 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:15.570 23899 23899 I PowerNoticeUI: handleBatteryChanged oldPlugType 1 mPlugType 1 oldBatteryLevel 91 mBatteryLevel 91 temperature 338

03-18 23:43:15.570  1626  1678 I idle->background(27395ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }) adj=975.

03-18 23:43:15.571  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=975 proc size=1 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:15.571  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=975 proc size=1 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:15.572  1626  1678 I idle->background(8266ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }) adj=965.

03-18 23:43:15.572  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=965 proc size=6 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:15.572  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=965 proc size=6 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:15.573  1626  1678 I idle->background(27397ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }) adj=935.

03-18 23:43:15.573  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.whatsapp/10252 state=hibernation adj=935 proc size=1 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:15.574  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.whatsapp/10252 state=background adj=935 proc size=1 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:15.574  1626  1678 I idle->background(8422ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }) adj=700.

03-18 23:43:15.574  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=700 proc size=1 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:15.575  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=700 proc size=1 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:15.576  1626  1678 I idle->background(8422ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }) adj=925.

03-18 23:43:15.576  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=925 proc size=2 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:15.577  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=925 proc size=2 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:15.580  1626  1678 I idle->background(56955ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_LEVEL_CHANGED flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }) adj=0.

03-18 23:43:15.581  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=0 proc size=3 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_LEVEL_CHANGED flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:15.581  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10186, uidState = 11

03-18 23:43:15.581  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=0 proc size=3 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_LEVEL_CHANGED flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:15.595  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10186, uidState = 19

03-18 23:43:15.600  1174  1311 D ULogGuard: Monitoring: 8 threads, 0 requests, 0 time-bombs; 1 guards. ResetFlags = 0x7

03-18 23:43:15.601  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 104 -> 105

03-18 23:43:15.602  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 105

03-18 23:43:15.624  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:15.625  1626  3851 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:15.626  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:15.626  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:15.626  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:15.626  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:15.626  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:15.626  1626  3851 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:15.673  1626  4528 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading Bluetooth stats: 11

03-18 23:43:15.802  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 105 -> 106

03-18 23:43:15.803  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 106

03-18 23:43:15.840   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:15.840   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:12447 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:15.840   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:16.188  1626  1917 I background->idle(7001ms) R(become invisible) adj=100.

03-18 23:43:16.188  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=100 proc size=1 move to idle become invisible

03-18 23:43:16.202  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: oldLux=106 [SA:106 LA:104] newLux=106 (oriLux: 106)

03-18 23:43:16.402  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 106 -> 105

03-18 23:43:16.403  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 105

03-18 23:43:16.576   952   970 D ccci_mdinit: (1):monitor_time_update_thread round:41870 ########

03-18 23:43:16.626  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:16.626  1626  4528 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:16.627  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:16.627  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:16.627  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:16.627  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:16.627  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:16.628  1626  4528 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:16.802  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 105 -> 104

03-18 23:43:16.803  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 104

03-18 23:43:16.840   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:16.840   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:12447 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:16.840   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:16.848 14612 15076 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(103) with statsTag=0x90000, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:43:16.934  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:16.934  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:16.934  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:16.934  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:16.934  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:16.935  1626  1844 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:17.191  2259  2259 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.

03-18 23:43:17.193  2262  2574 D MobileStatusTracker(4): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=-84 rsrq=-10 rssnr=6 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 miuiLevel=5 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=4 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 mOptimizedLevel = 0 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte}, phoneId=1, mMtkLevel=0, mMtkRsrpOnly=false, mMtkLteRsrpThreshold=null, mMtkLteRssnrThreshold=null

03-18 23:43:17.502 11189 11257 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(165) with statsTag=0xc9395b26, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:43:17.602  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 104 -> 92

03-18 23:43:17.604  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 92

03-18 23:43:17.627  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:17.628  1626  4528 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:17.630  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:17.630  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:17.630  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:17.630  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:17.630  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:17.631  1626  4528 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:17.777 11189 11251 I Finsky  : [1141] akbs.a(23): Skipping Gramophone warning due to shell install

03-18 23:43:17.784 11189 14280 E AbstractLogEventBuilder: The provided ProductIdOrigin 3 is not one of the process-level expected values: 1 or 2

03-18 23:43:17.787  1626  3851 I idle->background(10442ms) R(service destroy adj=250.

03-18 23:43:17.788  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=250 proc size=4 move to background service destroy

03-18 23:43:17.789  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=250 proc size=4 move to inactive service destroy

03-18 23:43:17.801  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 92 -> 77

03-18 23:43:17.801  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 77

03-18 23:43:17.840   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:17.840   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:12447 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:17.840   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:18.002  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 77 -> 60

03-18 23:43:18.003  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 60

03-18 23:43:18.188  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=idle adj=100 proc size=1 move to hibernation become invisible

03-18 23:43:18.202  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 60 -> 57

03-18 23:43:18.203  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 57

03-18 23:43:18.402  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 57 -> 54

03-18 23:43:18.403  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 54

03-18 23:43:18.571  1626  1917 I background->idle(3001ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }) adj=100.

03-18 23:43:18.571  1626  1917 I background->idle(3001ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }) adj=975.

03-18 23:43:18.572  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=100 proc size=4 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:18.572  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=975 proc size=1 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:18.573  1626  1917 I background->idle(3002ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }) adj=965.

03-18 23:43:18.574  1626  1917 I background->idle(3001ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }) adj=935.

03-18 23:43:18.574  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=965 proc size=6 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:18.574  1626  1917 I SmartPower: com.whatsapp/10252 state=inactive adj=935 proc size=1 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:18.575  1626  1917 I background->idle(3000ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }) adj=700.

03-18 23:43:18.575  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=700 proc size=1 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:18.577  1626  1917 I background->idle(3001ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }) adj=915.

03-18 23:43:18.577  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=915 proc size=2 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:18.582  1626  1917 I background->idle(3001ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_LEVEL_CHANGED flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }) adj=905.

03-18 23:43:18.582  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=inactive adj=905 proc size=3 move to idle broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_LEVEL_CHANGED flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:18.601  1174  1311 D ULogGuard: Monitoring: 8 threads, 0 requests, 0 time-bombs; 1 guards. ResetFlags = 0x7

03-18 23:43:18.602  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 54 -> 53

03-18 23:43:18.602  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 53

03-18 23:43:18.629  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:18.629  1626  3851 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:18.632  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:18.632  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:18.632  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:18.633  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:18.633  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:18.634  1626  3851 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:18.682 22706 14922 I charon  : 733[JOB] [acquire_alarm_timer_wake_lock()  412] Acquire wake lock(fd:-1, result: 1, errno:9)

03-18 23:43:18.682 22706 22733 I charon  : 01[JOB] [schedule()  269] Job timer expiry(now:821386, event->time:821386), queuing job for execution

03-18 23:43:18.683 22706 22744 I charon  : 08[IKE] <pdn_0_10|10> [send_keepalive()  793] NATT keepalive through charon is enabled, interval:20

03-18 23:43:18.683 22706 22744 I charon  : 08[IKE] <pdn_0_10|10> [send_keepalive()  813] sending keep alive to[4500]

03-18 23:43:18.683 22706 22744 I charon  : 08[JOB] <pdn_0_10|10> [schedule_job_tv()  506] Put the job(expire at 821406) in heap position:1, next expired job:821406

03-18 23:43:18.684 22706 22744 I charon  : 08[JOB] [release_alarm_timer_wake_lock()  391] Release wake lock(fd:-1, result: 1, errno:9)

03-18 23:43:18.802  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 53 -> 54

03-18 23:43:18.803  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 54

03-18 23:43:18.818  2259  2259 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.

03-18 23:43:18.823  2262  2574 D MobileStatusTracker(3): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=-96 rsrq=-12 rssnr=4 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 miuiLevel=5 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=4 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 mOptimizedLevel = 0 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte}, phoneId=0, mMtkLevel=0, mMtkRsrpOnly=false, mMtkLteRsrpThreshold=null, mMtkLteRssnrThreshold=null

03-18 23:43:18.840   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:2262 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:18.841   877   954 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:14612 fps:-1

03-18 23:43:18.867 14612 15079 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(103) with statsTag=0x90000, statsUid=-1

03-18 23:43:19.002  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 54 -> 64

03-18 23:43:19.003  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 64

03-18 23:43:19.136  1626  1717 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:19.136  1626  1717 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:19.202  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 64 -> 75

03-18 23:43:19.203  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 75

03-18 23:43:19.210  1178  1178 I thermal_repeater: [recvMdThermalInfo] ret=26, strLen=127,  3, 34, -50, 197, 32767, 1

03-18 23:43:19.231   644 15060 I keystore2: keystore2::watchdog: Watchdog thread idle -> terminating. Have a great day.

03-18 23:43:19.402  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 75 -> 85

03-18 23:43:19.404  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 85

03-18 23:43:19.504  1626  3851 W ProcessStats: Tracking association SourceState{4ce0a6a com.miui.home/10099 BTopFgs #1142242} whose proc state 2 is better than process ProcessState{6ed6cf com.miui.securitycenter.remote/1000 pkg=com.miui.securitycenter} proc state 3 (232 skipped)

03-18 23:43:19.552  1626  1712 D PackageManager: writeLegacyPermissionState for user 0 in 27 ms.

03-18 23:43:19.553  1464  1504 I VoLTE IMCB-CM: receive the nessage from IMC #72

03-18 23:43:19.554  1464  1464 I VoLTE IMCB: {{{{[process_msg] msg_id=100034(0x000186C2), dst=IMCB[2], IMCB_IMC_HEADER_FILE_VERNO=86, MSG_ID_IMC_IN_BEGIN=100000, IMC_FEATURE_BITMAP=0x3 @0#184

03-18 23:43:19.554  1464  1464 I VoLTE IMCB: ENTER imcb_imc_rat_change_ind_handler()@0#5884

03-18 23:43:19.554  1464  1464 I VoLTE IMCB: from rat type = 3, to ua rat = 12 imcb_rat_conv_to_ua()@0#138

03-18 23:43:19.554  1464  1464 I VoLTE IMCB: from rat type = 4, to ua rat = 13 @0#138

03-18 23:43:19.554  1464  1464 I VoLTE IMCB: Pure Mesage Send dest=UA[3], msg_id=10013(0x0000271D), len=192, IMCB_IMC_HEADER_FILE_VERNO=86, MSG_ID_IMC_IN_BEGIN=100000, IMC_FEATURE_BITMAP=0x3 imcb_send_to_COMM()@0#242

03-18 23:43:19.554  1464  1464 I VoLTE IMCB: EndofMessage process_msg()@0#232}}}}

03-18 23:43:19.602  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 85 -> 86

03-18 23:43:19.602  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 86

03-18 23:43:19.626  1626  1673 E FileUtils: err open mi_exception_log errno=2

03-18 23:43:19.626  1626  1673 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:19.629  3658  6202 I NetworkSDKService: getQoEByAvailableIfaceName: wlan0

03-18 23:43:19.630  1626  3518 D MiuiWifiService: ending put WifiLinkLayerStats QOE to map

03-18 23:43:19.631  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:19.631  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:19.631  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:19.631  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:19.631  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:19.631  1626  3518 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:19.656  2262  2574 D MobileStatusTracker(3): onServiceStateChanged state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=2147483647, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[20000], mOperatorAlphaLong=JIO 4G, mOperatorAlphaShort=JIO 4G, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=18(IWLAN), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=IWLAN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 0 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo :  mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 } nrState=**** rRplmn=null isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=405 mMnc=871 mAlphaLong=JIO 4G mAlphaShort=JIO 4G mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=405871 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=405 mMnc=871 mAlphaLong=JIO 4G mAlphaShort=JIO 4G mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo :  mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 2 } nrState=**** rRplmn=405871 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=JIO 4G, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=JIO 4G, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=true}

03-18 23:43:19.659  1626  3518 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:492 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1285 

03-18 23:43:19.662  1626  3518 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2282$Stub.onTransact:492 

03-18 23:43:19.662 10992 12708 I BugleTransport: Enabled chat transport is TRANSPORT_TACHYGRAM [CONTEXT group_by="TRANSPORT_TACHYGRAM" ratelimit_period="5 SECONDS" skipped=1 ]

03-18 23:43:19.663  2258  2258 I ##XLogger##: #&^UilUL2AyrbUEFmNJkpnZUK2wb2izBN22A59G9tkjmvYUFPbkFJnfHNE/NcaqqjBbxshV10UX1cGIUEpis8Ct8lMJMpPmvAvpILZIFA/VTA+N7Qwx/i3960grf+MyMzKU459hU+bLO08ReYgiFSIlly78XZBFpnmHBgmtfTlKw7A=!!ZTh+dKuNeiktVf7KNIMJhBmn/sEaHB5M/Vf4/DBtCeaIGyuiv2gWTD68qZQ7NmJZ+lEb5ImdGdy+qs23cbxVjeUeRRE/19lRgPkjiDAc9Ji2Sk4o/+I1kKFiqypgUJORXKZ1dwlgEA475exMOlqt2XhIOQSCsbloGGRaM1S+nY76o1XIB8M3EWWEmZ4ere2+LisSS0y0bzgUY6LM2vBSqA==^&#

03-18 23:43:19.664  2262  2262 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE

03-18 23:43:19.665  2262  2262 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: action android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE serviceState={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=2147483647, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[20000], mOperatorAlphaLong=JIO 4G, mOperatorAlphaShort=JIO 4G, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=18(IWLAN), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=IWLAN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 0 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo :  mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 } nrState=**** rRplmn=null isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=405 mMnc=871 mAlphaLong=JIO 4G mAlphaShort=JIO 4G mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=405871 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=405 mMnc=871 mAlphaLong=JIO 4G mAlphaShort=JIO 4G mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo :  mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 2 } nrState=**** rRplmn=405871 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=JIO 4G, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=JIO 4G, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=true} subId=3

03-18 23:43:19.665 10992 12708 I ChatReadinessManagerImp: processRcsReadinessReason: Current ChatTransportType is: 2, ready: true

03-18 23:43:19.666  2262  2262 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleServiceStateChange(subId=3, serviceState={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=2147483647, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[20000], mOperatorAlphaLong=JIO 4G, mOperatorAlphaShort=JIO 4G, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=18(IWLAN), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=IWLAN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 0 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo :  mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 } nrState=**** rRplmn=null isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=405 mMnc=871 mAlphaLong=JIO 4G mAlphaShort=JIO 4G mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=405871 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=405 mMnc=871 mAlphaLong=JIO 4G mAlphaShort=JIO 4G mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false LteVopsSupportInfo :  mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 2 } nrState=**** rRplmn=405871 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=JIO 4G, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=JIO 4G, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=true}

03-18 23:43:19.666  2262  2262 D MiuiCarrierTextController: updateCarrierText: JIO 4G | airtel

03-18 23:43:19.666 10992 12708 I ChatReadinessManagerImp: shouldLaunchPostReadyWork is false. Returning from the method

03-18 23:43:19.667  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.668  1626  3518 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2282$Stub.onTransact:492 

03-18 23:43:19.671  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{7761ed7 2258:com.xiaomi.finddevice/6110} (pid=2258, uid=6110) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.672  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{3ea12ad} (pid=2262, uid=1000) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.672  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{bfad3c4} (pid=2259, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.673  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{7249c11 1626:system/1000} (pid=1626, uid=1000) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.673  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{bfad3c4} (pid=2259, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.673  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{bfad3c4} (pid=2259, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.674  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.675  1626  3518 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2282$Stub.onTransact:492 

03-18 23:43:19.678  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{7761ed7 2258:com.xiaomi.finddevice/6110} (pid=2258, uid=6110) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.679  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{3ea12ad} (pid=2262, uid=1000) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.679  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{bfad3c4} (pid=2259, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.679  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{7249c11 1626:system/1000} (pid=1626, uid=1000) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.680  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{bfad3c4} (pid=2259, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.680  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{bfad3c4} (pid=2259, uid=1001) excludes appop android:fine_location due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.680  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.683  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{7761ed7 2258:com.xiaomi.finddevice/6110} (pid=2258, uid=6110) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.684  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{3ea12ad} (pid=2262, uid=1000) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.684  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{bfad3c4} (pid=2259, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.684  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{7249c11 1626:system/1000} (pid=1626, uid=1000) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.684  2259  2259 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=3

03-18 23:43:19.684  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{bfad3c4} (pid=2259, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.685  1626  1678 W BroadcastQueue: Appop Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{bfad3c4} (pid=2259, uid=1001) excludes appop android:read_phone_state due to sender android (uid 1001)

03-18 23:43:19.688  1626  1678 I idle->background(6972ms) R(broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }) adj=0.

03-18 23:43:19.688  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10226, uidState = 11

03-18 23:43:19.688  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=0 proc size=1 move to background broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:19.688  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=0 proc size=1 move to inactive broadcast start Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:19.688  1626  1626 D MiuiWifiService: onCellLocationChanged

03-18 23:43:19.688  1626  1626 D MiuiWifiService: cancelPeriodWifiScan trigger

03-18 23:43:19.689  2259  2259 E FileUtils: err write to mi_exception_log

03-18 23:43:19.695  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 19

03-18 23:43:19.696  2259  2259 D PhoneInterfaceManager: isRttSupported: carrier: false, device: true, mtk: false

03-18 23:43:19.697  2259  2259 I Telephony: isRttCurrentlySupported -- regular acct, hasVoiceAvailability: true

03-18 23:43:19.697  2259  2259 I Telephony:  isRttSupported: false

03-18 23:43:19.697  2259  2259 I Telephony:  alwaysAllowWhileRoaming: false

03-18 23:43:19.697  2259  2259 I Telephony:  isRoaming: false

03-18 23:43:19.697  2259  2259 I Telephony:  isOnWfc: true

03-18 23:43:19.698 10753 10753 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }

03-18 23:43:19.699 10753 10753 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onServiceStateChanged, ss: 0

03-18 23:43:19.700 10753 10753 D CellBroadcastReceiver: networkOperator: 405871

03-18 23:43:19.700  2259  2259 D PhoneInterfaceManager: isRttSupported: carrier: false, device: true, mtk: false

03-18 23:43:19.700 10753 10753 D CellBroadcastReceiver: update supported roaming operator as 

03-18 23:43:19.701  2259  2259 I Telephony: isRttCurrentlySupported -- regular acct, hasVoiceAvailability: true

03-18 23:43:19.701  2259  2259 I Telephony:  isRttSupported: false

03-18 23:43:19.701  2259  2259 I Telephony:  alwaysAllowWhileRoaming: false

03-18 23:43:19.701  2259  2259 I Telephony:  isRoaming: false

03-18 23:43:19.701  2259  2259 I Telephony:  isOnWfc: false

03-18 23:43:19.705  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10226, uidState = 19

03-18 23:43:19.706  2259  2259 D PhoneGlobals: SimSettingReceiver.onReceive, action=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE

03-18 23:43:19.744  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 10

03-18 23:43:19.751  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99513, uidState = 19

03-18 23:43:19.801  1185  1185 D AAL     : onALIChanged: 86 -> 87

03-18 23:43:19.801  1185  1185 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 87

03-18 23:43:19.910  1626  1805 I idle->background(3722ms) R(service unbind adj=100.

03-18 23:43:19.910  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=hibernation adj=100 proc size=1 move to background service unbind

03-18 23:43:19.910  1626  1917 I SmartPower: state=background adj=100 proc size=1 move to inactive service unbind

03-18 23:43:19.913  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10233, uidState = 10

03-18 23:43:19.915  1626  1843 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10233, uidState = 19

03-18 23:43:19.949  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : Get link layer stats

03-18 23:43:19.949  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : GetLinkStatsCommand::create

03-18 23:43:19.949  1953  1953 D android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiRequest::create vendor command to iface 32, vendor_id=0x1a11, subcmd=0x1200, res=0

03-18 23:43:19.949  1953  1953 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy: WifiCommand::requestResponse err=-14

03-18 23:43:19.949  1953  1953 I WifiHAL : wifi_get_link_stats: result=-1

03-18 23:43:19.950  1626  1844 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1176) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}

03-18 23:43:19.959 12447 12461 W ssioncontroller: Cleared Reference was only reachable from finalizer (only reported once)

03-18 23:43:19.963   944  1711 D SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] REMOVE (0xb4000072bf011460) for (

03-18 23:43:20.089  2259  2259 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.

03-18 23:43:20.094  2262  2574 D MobileStatusTracker(3): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=-112 rsrq=-17 rssnr=-5 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 miuiLevel=2 mOptimizedLevel=0 level=2 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 mOptimizedLevel = 0 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte}, phoneId=0, mMtkLevel=0, mMtkRsrpOnly=false, mMtkLteRsrpThreshold=null, mMtkLteRssnrThreshold=null

03-18 23:43:20.095  2259  2672 D SignalStrengthMonitor: handleSignalStrengthEvent

03-18 23:43:20.095  2259  2672 D SignalStrengthMonitor: SignalStrengthBigChangeStatistics slot 0 SignalStrengthBigChangeCount:186

03-18 23:43:20.095  2259  2672 D SignalStrengthMonitor: stable version does not do event

03-18 23:43:20.095  2262  2574 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(3): update5GConnectState: false

03-18 23:43:20.095  2262  2574 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(3): ss use aosp level not 0, 2

03-18 23:43:20.125  2262  2472 E gralloc4: Empty SMPTE 2094-40 data

03-18 23:43:20.132   944   944 I BufferQueueProducer: [StatusBar#89](this:0xb4000072d8ebd8a8,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:944) queueBuffer: fps=0.10 dur=10246.06 max=10246.06 min=10246.06

03-18 23:43:20.135   863   863 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:0.098418,dur:10160.78,max:10160.78,min:10160.78  

03-18 23:43:20.136   944   944 I surfaceflinger: surfaceflinger setAffinity mode=0