This project demonstrates the use of a Netflix OSS with Spring Cloud on Heroku. It defines a trivial service and registers that service with a Eureka server.
Before using this project, you must have a Eureka Server deployed.
Once it's deployed, you will need to define $EUREKA_URL
config variables as described below.
If you have already deploy the Eureka Server to Heroku, then you should already have a Heroku account and toolbelt installed.
Once the Eureka Server is running, clone this project (the client) and move into it's root directory.
$ git clone
$ cd heroku-eureka-demo/
Then create a Heroku application for the client by running this command:
$ heroku create
Creating fast-beach-5250... done, stack is cedar-14 |
Git remote heroku added
Now create a configuration variable to set the URL of the Eureka server.
Run this command, but substitute the URL for `<URL>` in the form `https://user:password@<appname>`:
$ heroku config:set EUREKA_URL=<URL>
Also create a configuration variable for the domain name of your service -- this is the domain name that can be used
to consume your service. By default it will be `<appname>`. You can set it like this:
$ heroku config:set DOMAIN_NAME="<appname>"
You're ready to deploy. There are two methods you can choose from: Git deployment and
Maven deployment. The former compiles the application remotely, while the latter
uses locally compiled artifacts and pushes them to Heroku.
### Deploying with Git
With you're application prepared (as describe above), simply run this command to
deploy via Git:
$ git push heroku master
Your code will be pushed to the remote Git repository, and the Maven process
will execute on the Heroku servers.
### Deploying with Maven
With you're application prepared, simply run this command to
deploy (but replace `<appname>` with the name of the Heroku application you created):
$ mvn -Dheroku.appName=<appname> heroku:deploy
[INFO] ---> Packaging application...
[INFO] - app: <appname>
[INFO] - including: ./target/eureka-client-demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] - installing: OpenJDK 1.8
[INFO] ---> Creating slug...
[INFO] - file: ./target/heroku/slug.tgz
[INFO] - size: 79MB
[INFO] ---> Uploading slug...
[INFO] - stack: cedar-14
[INFO] - process types: [web]
[INFO] ---> Releasing...
[INFO] - version: 4
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 01:29 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2015-02-14T11:38:11-06:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 27M/579M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Viewing Your Application
When your chosen deployment method is finished, run this command to view
your application:
$ heroku open
After about 30 seconds, you can check the service was registered with the Eureka server. Log into the server, and
you'll see "MY-SERVICE" under the section titled "Instances currently registered with Eureka".
## Further Reading
+ [Spring Cloud Netflix documentation](
+ [Netflix Eureka](