Initialize engine version: 5.6.2f1 (a2913c821e27) GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1 Direct3D: Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB (ID=0x1c03) Vendor: NVIDIA VRAM: 6004 MB Driver: Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\Assembly-UnityScript.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\Assembly-UnityScript.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\AmplifyColor.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\AmplifyColor.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\AmplifyOcclusion.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\AmplifyOcclusion.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\DOTween.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\DOTween.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\DOTween43.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\DOTween43.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\DOTween46.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\DOTween46.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\DOTween50.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\DOTween50.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\Sirenix.OdinInspector.Attributes.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\Sirenix.OdinInspector.Attributes.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\Sirenix.Serialization.Config.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\Sirenix.Serialization.Config.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\Sirenix.Serialization.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\Sirenix.Serialization.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\Sirenix.Utilities.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\Sirenix.Utilities.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\TextMeshPro- (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\TextMeshPro- into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\Vectrosity.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\Vectrosity.dll into Unity Child Domain - Completed reload, in 0.555 seconds Initializing input. Input initialized. desktop: 1920x1080 59Hz; virtual: 1920x1080 at 0,0 Initialized touch support. UnloadTime: 1.078233 ms Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\Mono.Security.dll (this message is harmless) [3.7722136] ERROR Nonexistent list/characustom/01.unity3d announced in manifest C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/add01 [3.7733446] TRACEBACK at System.Environment.get_StackTrace() at Debug.Error(System.Object[] a) at Vfs.LoadManifests(Boolean makedep) at Vfs.Rescan(Boolean flush) at Vfs.Init() at Vfs.CheckInit() at Patchwork.PostInit() at Patchwork.CheckInit() at AssetBundleManager.Initialize(System.String basePath) at BaseLoader.Initialize() at BaseLoader.Awake() [4.0687038] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/Bandicoot.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0687839] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/bo_hair_b_mod_01.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0688192] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/bo_hair_f_mod_01.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0689491] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/co_top_demongod_nochainmail.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0689659] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/co_top_dl01.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0689813] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/co_top_shinyUsagi.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0690567] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/demon_skin_suntan.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0690771] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/Hedgehog.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0690931] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/Hedgehog_w.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0691073] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/mecha_bikini.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0691208] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/mm_base - Kopie.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0691404] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/Monkey.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0691793] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/mt_enju.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0692152] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/mt_eye_hi_up_bdsqlsz.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0692462] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/mt_kohina.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0693146] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/mt_nip_Alex7997-2.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.069333] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/mt_nose_NT.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0693535] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/mt_pattern_HC.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0693764] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/mt_underhair_Alex7997-1.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0693902] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/mt_underhair_Alex7997-2.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0694068] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/pans1.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.069421] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/roy12_bra_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0694358] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/roy12_eyeline_up_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0694499] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/roy12_eye_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0694632] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/roy12_face_detail_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0694779] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/roy12_hair_b_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0694945] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/roy12_hair_b_01.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0695093] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/roy12_hair_f_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0695228] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/roy12_hair_f_01.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0695364] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/roy12_nose_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0695509] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/sucy_eye_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0695644] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/y002.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0695792] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/Alex7997/pattern_Alex7997.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0695964] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/flow/flow_undies.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0696099] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/GF/gf_bodypaint.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0696232] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/GF/gf_cheek.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0696386] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/GF/gf_eye.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0696521] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/GF/gf_eyebrow.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0696654] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/GF/gf_eyeline_down.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0696783] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/GF/gf_eyeline_up.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0696925] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/GF/gf_eye_hi_down.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0697202] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/GF/gf_facedetail.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0697434] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/GF/gf_facepaint.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0697573] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/GF/gf_gradient.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0697706] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/GF/gf_lip.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0698049] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/GF/gf_lipline.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0698197] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/GF/gf_nose.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0698341] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/GF/thumb/gf_thumbs.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0698492] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/hffun_mods/hffun_runwear_bot_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0698634] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/hffun_mods/hffun_runwear_bot_01.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0698766] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/hffun_mods/hffun_runwear_top_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0698911] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/hffun_mods/hffun_runwear_top_01.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0699059] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/mod_ryl/bo_hair_f_ryl_01.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0699206] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/mod_ryl/bo_hair_f_ryl_02.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0699348] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/mod_ryl/bo_hair_f_ryl_02_i.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0699499] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/phmod/mt_nip_PH1.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.069964] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/phmod/mt_nip_PH2.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0699776] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/phmod/mt_ramp_PH1.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0699908] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/phmod/mt_underhair_PH1.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0700053] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/roy12_mod/roy12_bodystocking_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0700186] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/roy12_mod/roy12_halfseifuku_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0700363] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/roy12_mod/roy12_hoop_bracelet.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0700502] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/roy12_mod/roy12_hoop_earrings.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0700659] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/roy12_mod/roy12_tiedshirt_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0700797] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/roy12_mod/thumb/gyaru_thumbs_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0773119] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/bo_hair_b_mod_01.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0773938] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/bo_hair_f_mod_01.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.077534] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/co_top_demongod_nochainmail.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0775505] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/co_top_shinyUsagi.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0775945] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/mechabra.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0776503] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/mt_eye_enju.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0776738] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/mt_eye_hi_up_sd.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0776895] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/mt_eye_kohina.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0777681] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/mt_nip_Alex7997-2.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0777874] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/mt_nose_NT.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0778073] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/mt_pattern_HC.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0778299] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/mt_underhair_Alex7997-1.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0778443] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/mt_underhair_Alex7997-2.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0778609] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/pans1.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0778751] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/roy12_lusamine_thumbs.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0778892] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/roy12_slingshotkini_th.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0779046] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/roy12_takumi_thumbs.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0779287] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/sucy_thumb.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.077945] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/y002thumb.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0779595] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/mod_ryl/bo_hair_f_ryl_01.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0779739] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/phmod/mt_nip_PH1.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0779884] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/phmod/mt_nip_PH2.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0780041] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/phmod/mt_underhair_PH1.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0780194] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/ymd/mf_accbutahead_thumb.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0780336] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/ymd/mf_acchairB_thumb.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0780484] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/ymd/mf_acchairF2_thumb.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0780628] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/ymd/mf_acchairF_thumb.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.078077] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/ymd/mf_acchairP_thumb.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0780906] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/ymd/mf_acchairS_thumb.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0781047] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/ymd/mf_accneckP_thumb.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0781189] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/ymd/mf_accprim_thumb.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0781327] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/ymd/mf_ahogeKai_thumb.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0781472] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/ymd/mf_eyebrow_thumb.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.078162] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/ymd/mf_fpaint_thumb.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.078177] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/ymd/mf_haircap_thumb.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0781942] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/ymd/mf_hairgloss_thumb.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0782084] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/ymd/mf_sakuya_thumb.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0782222] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/ymd/mf_sunburn_thumb.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0782355] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/thumb/ymd/mf_texchange_thumb.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0782497] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/ymd/mf_accbutahead.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0782644] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/ymd/mf_acchairB.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0782795] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/ymd/mf_acchairF.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0782946] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/ymd/mf_acchairF2.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0783093] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/ymd/mf_accneckP.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0783244] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/ymd/mf_accprim.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0783386] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/ymd/mf_fpaint.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0783542] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/ymd/mf_haircap.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0783687] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/ymd/mf_texchange.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0783832] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/[SNOOLEY]/bo_hair_b_X1.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.078397] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/[SNOOLEY]/bo_hair_f_X1.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0784106] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/[SNOOLEY]/bo_hair_s_X1.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0784254] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_kero/ao_extePack_NT_01.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0784398] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_kero/ao_extePack_NT_02.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0784534] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_kero/ao_head_NT.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0785091] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_kero/ao_hm_nurse_cap_NT_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0785245] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_kero/bo_hair_b_tailnone_NT.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.078539] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_kero/co_bra_NT.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0785534] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_kero/co_gloves_NT_02.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0785682] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_kero/co_hm_nurse_cos_NT_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0785833] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_kero/co_NailGloves_NT_01.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0785974] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_kero/co_SwimKikkou_NT_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0786125] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_kero/cpo_shimakazeS_NT_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0786261] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_kero/mt_eyeline_up_NT.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0786402] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_kero/mt_lip_NT.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0786547] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_kero/mt_nose_NT.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0786685] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_mods/mash.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0786821] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_mods/takamura.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0786969] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_mods/takamura2.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0787128] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_mods/takamura3.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.078727] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_mods/takamura4.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0787421] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_mods/thumb/mash_thumbs.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0787562] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/chara/_mods/thumb/takamura_thumb.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0787975] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/custom/custompose_NT.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0789184] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/h/sprite/00_00_PH1.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0789657] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/BT_rip.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0789807] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/gf_bodypaint.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0789964] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/gf_cheek.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0790115] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/gf_eye.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0790259] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/gf_eyebrow.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0790398] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/gf_eyeline.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0790537] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/gf_eye_hi_down.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0790672] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/gf_facedetail.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0790814] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/gf_facepaint.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0790953] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/gf_gradient.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0791088] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/gf_lip.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0791224] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/gf_lipline.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0791362] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/gf_nose.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0791507] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/hair_mod_01.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0791643] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/HC_pattern.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.079179] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/hffun_runwear_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0791944] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/hffun_runwear_01.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0792113] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/mash_list.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0792257] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/mod_ryl.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.079239] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/mt_nip_PH1.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0792538] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/mt_nip_PH2.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0792697] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/NT_ahoge.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0792851] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/NT_bra.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.079299] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/NT_extePack.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0793134] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/NT_extePack_02.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0793282] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/NT_eyeline_none.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0793421] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/NT_gloves_02.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0793556] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/NT_hairB_tailnone.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0793701] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/NT_hm_top_nurse_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0793846] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/NT_NailGloves_01.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0793987] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/NT_nose.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0794129] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/NT_shimakazeS.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.079427] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/NT_SwimKikkou.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0794409] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/roy12_galaccessories_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0794545] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/roy12_lusamine_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.079468] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/roy12_slingshot_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0794834] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/roy12_takumi_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0794988] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/Snooley_Coiffure_Pack.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0795135] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/takamura_list.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0795283] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/yl002.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0795425] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/_mod_accbutahead.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0795572] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/_mod_acchairB.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0795711] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/_mod_acchairF.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0795859] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/_mod_acchairF2.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0795997] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/_mod_accneckP.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.079613] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/_mod_accprim.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.079628] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/_mod_fpaint.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0796422] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/_mod_nohairB.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0796558] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/_mod_texchange.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0796705] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/list/characustom/エヲハオム餉ODチミア.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0806352] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/vr/common/00_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0806563] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/vr/list/00_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0806707] INFO Skipping mod C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/abdata/vr/scene/scenemanager.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0929643] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/BT_rip.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0930119] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/gf_bodypaint.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0930285] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/gf_cheek.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0930427] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/gf_eye.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0930565] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/gf_eyebrow.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0930698] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/gf_eyeline.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0930834] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/gf_eye_hi_down.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0930987] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/gf_facedetail.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0931129] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/gf_facepaint.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0931268] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/gf_gradient.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0931512] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/gf_lip.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0931762] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/gf_lipline.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.09319] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/gf_nose.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0932172] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/hair_mod_01.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0932319] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/HC_pattern.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0932458] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/hffun_runwear_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0932591] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/hffun_runwear_01.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0932732] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/mash_list.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0932865] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/mod_ryl.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0932994] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/mt_nip_PH1.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0933133] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/mt_nip_PH2.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0933272] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/NT_ahoge.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0933416] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/NT_bra.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0933546] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/NT_extePack.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0933684] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/NT_extePack_02.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0933814] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/NT_eyeline_none.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0933953] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/NT_gloves_02.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0934088] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/NT_hairB_tailnone.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0934218] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/NT_hm_top_nurse_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0934347] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/NT_NailGloves_01.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0934504] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/NT_nose.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0934637] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/NT_shimakazeS.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0934775] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/NT_SwimKikkou.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0935007] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/roy12_galaccessories_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0935146] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/roy12_lusamine_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0935387] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/roy12_slingshot_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0935517] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/roy12_takumi_00.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0935649] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/Snooley_Coiffure_Pack.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0935794] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/takamura_list.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0935926] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/yl002.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0936059] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/_mod_accbutahead.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0936198] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/_mod_acchairB.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0936333] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/_mod_acchairF.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0936484] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/_mod_acchairF2.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0936632] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/_mod_accneckP.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0936764] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/_mod_accprim.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0936894] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/_mod_fpaint.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0937023] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/_mod_nohairB.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0937258] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/_mod_texchange.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. [4.0937403] INFO Skipping mod list/characustom/エヲハオム餉ODチミア.unity3d as it is not in any manifest and mod loading from abdata is not enabled. Platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\CharaStudio_Data\Managed\System.Runtime.Serialization.dll (this message is harmless) The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 1514) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'p_acs_head_catear') is missing! (Filename: Line: 1743) The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 1514) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'p_acs_head_ladybug') is missing! (Filename: Line: 1743) The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 1514) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'p_acs_neck_etoile') is missing! (Filename: Line: 1743) The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 1514) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'p_o_bot_suspants') is missing! (Filename: Line: 1743) The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 1514) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'p_o_bot_swim03') is missing! (Filename: Line: 1743) The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 1514) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'p_o_glove_belt') is missing! (Filename: Line: 1743) The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 1514) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'p_o_glove_belt01') is missing! (Filename: Line: 1743) The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 1514) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'p_o_glove_shortyubinuki') is missing! (Filename: Line: 1743) The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 1514) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'p_o_shoes_ring') is missing! (Filename: Line: 1743) The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 1514) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'p_o_top_ridersJ') is missing! (Filename: Line: 1743) The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 1514) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'p_o_top_sailorM') is missing! (Filename: Line: 1743) The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 1514) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'p_o_top_sailorS') is missing! (Filename: Line: 1743) [6.4070199] ERROR Failed to parse id 49652ID System.FormatException: Input string was not in the correct format at System.Int32.Parse (System.String s) [0x00000] in :0 at ChaListData.Unmarshal (System.String csv, System.String ext, System.String name, System.String path) [0x00000] in :0 [6.4072206] TRACEBACK at System.Environment.get_StackTrace() at Debug.Error(System.Object[] a) at ChaListData.Unmarshal(System.String csv, System.String ext, System.String name, System.String path) at LoadedAssetBundle.LoadVirtualAsset(System.String name, System.Type t) at LoadedAssetBundle.LoadAllAssets(System.Type typ) at ChaListControl.LoadListInfoAll() at Manager.Character.Awake() at UnityEngine.GameObject.Internal_AddComponentWithType(System.Type ) at UnityEngine.GameObject.AddComponent(System.Type componentType) at UnityEngine.GameObject.AddComponent() at InitAddComponent.AddComponents(UnityEngine.GameObject go) at AssetBundleManager.Initialize(System.String basePath) at BaseLoader.Initialize() at BaseLoader.Awake() Non platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\patchwork\cache\s_zqb9svpf4ynl.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\patchwork\cache\s_zqb9svpf4ynl.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\patchwork\cache\d_sopew2trsu6d.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\patchwork\cache\d_sopew2trsu6d.dll (this message is harmless) [10.0574534] INFO Using BepInEx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [10.0612878] INFO Loaded BGMLoader [10.0683298] INFO Loaded ColorCorrector The file 'C:/Users/GUY/Downloads/Game-related software/KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ/CharaStudio_Data/level1' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 72) [10.2196218] INFO Loaded DynamicTranslationLoader [10.2323156] INFO Loaded Demosaic [11.2292316] INFO Loaded KKPE [11.238534] INFO Loaded KoiSkinOverlay [11.2396511] INFO Loaded MessageCenter [11.2600116] INFO Loaded Screencap [11.5244169] INFO Loaded XUnity.AutoTranslator.Plugin.BepIn [11.5276417] INFO Loaded CMModForKK [11.5281025] INFO Loaded InvisibleBody [11.5283915] INFO Scripts reloaded [11.6886324] ERROR Failed to parse id 49652ID System.FormatException: Input string was not in the correct format at System.Int32.Parse (System.String s) [0x00000] in :0 at ChaListData.Unmarshal (System.String csv, System.String ext, System.String name, System.String path) [0x00000] in :0 [11.6887737] TRACEBACK at System.Environment.get_StackTrace() at Debug.Error(System.Object[] a) at ChaListData.Unmarshal(System.String csv, System.String ext, System.String name, System.String path) at LoadedAssetBundle.LoadVirtualAsset(System.String name, System.Type t) at LoadedAssetBundle.LoadAllAssets(System.Type typ) at ChaListControl.LoadListInfoAll() at FakeID.InitListInfo() at FakeID.Start() at ScriptDispatcher.Start() at MBProxy.Start() Non platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\patchwork\cache\fakeid_vh3behbinlt7.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\patchwork\cache\fakeid_vh3behbinlt7.dll (this message is harmless) [12.088932] INFO Building ghetto skin UnloadTime: 1.670991 ms Unloading 11176 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 14398. Total: 48.280640 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.332573 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.366325 ms MarkObjects: 42.049610 ms DeleteObjects: 3.531531 ms) [12.6944901] SPAM Loading studio lists False The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) Mismatched serialization in the builtin class 'Sprite'. (Read 7320 bytes but expected 168 bytes) (Filename: Line: 1884) The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9/CAB-af5d2d7b0bc99c96fd50b83e5930dbb9' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) Mismatched serialization in the builtin class 'Sprite'. (Read 7248 bytes but expected 168 bytes) (Filename: Line: 1884) The file 'archive:/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354/CAB-a381bc4f8af68ac1c2239a56646ab354' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-f54aa173cd5dd636aa11d62f525eaaf1/CAB-f54aa173cd5dd636aa11d62f525eaaf1' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) The file 'archive:/CAB-948a758be16e125e4148211698cfb036/CAB-948a758be16e125e4148211698cfb036' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) Unknown shader channel count (Filename: Line: 138) [14.8653527] SPAM [GC] Requested by Scene Setting up 2 worker threads for Enlighten. Thread -> id: 2a00 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 22dc -> priority: 1 [20.0110128] INFO WARNING: custom.body.sunburnId cat=mt_sunburn(422) id=100000002 not found. [20.1822332] INFO WARNING: custom.body.sunburnId cat=mt_sunburn(422) id=100000001 not found. [20.6775291] INFO WARNING: coordinate[6][6].id cat=co_socks(111) id=12 not found. [20.6951886] INFO WARNING: coordinate[5][7].id cat=co_shoes(112) id=18 not found. [20.7049985] INFO WARNING: coordinate[6][6].id cat=co_socks(111) id=12 not found. [20.7072667] INFO WARNING: coordinate[6][7].id cat=co_shoes(112) id=18 not found. [20.7307266] INFO WARNING: coordinate[5][7].id cat=co_shoes(112) id=18 not found. [20.7327556] INFO WARNING: coordinate[6][6].id cat=co_socks(111) id=12 not found. [20.7346258] INFO WARNING: coordinate[6][7].id cat=co_shoes(112) id=18 not found. [20.7605094] INFO WARNING: coordinate[6][0].id cat=co_top(105) id=32 not found. [20.7623106] INFO WARNING: coordinate[6][6].id cat=co_socks(111) id=12 not found. [20.7641663] INFO WARNING: coordinate[6][7].id cat=co_shoes(112) id=18 not found. [20.7660419] INFO WARNING: coordinate[6][8].id cat=co_shoes(112) id=18 not found. [20.766663] SPAM [CAT] co_top:32 not found! [20.8093774] INFO WARNING: coordinate[1][2].id cat=co_bra(107) id=999999 not found. [20.8112057] INFO WARNING: coordinate[2][2].id cat=co_bra(107) id=999999 not found. [20.8130991] INFO WARNING: coordinate[4][2].id cat=co_bra(107) id=999999 not found. [20.8150934] INFO WARNING: coordinate[5][2].id cat=co_bra(107) id=999999 not found. [21.0231386] INFO WARNING: coordinate[0][7].id cat=co_shoes(112) id=18 not found. [21.0251809] INFO WARNING: coordinate[0][8].id cat=co_shoes(112) id=18 not found. [21.0270914] INFO WARNING: coordinate[1][7].id cat=co_shoes(112) id=18 not found. [21.028845] INFO WARNING: coordinate[1][8].id cat=co_shoes(112) id=18 not found. [21.0308628] INFO WARNING: coordinate[5][6].id cat=co_socks(111) id=12 not found. [21.1082305] INFO WARNING: coordinate[5][1].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000880 not found. [21.1785625] INFO WARNING: coordinate[0][0].colorInfo[1].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000863 not found. [21.1804721] INFO WARNING: coordinate[1][0].colorInfo[1].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000863 not found. [21.1823661] INFO WARNING: coordinate[2][0].colorInfo[1].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000863 not found. [21.1842119] INFO WARNING: coordinate[3][0].colorInfo[1].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000863 not found. [21.1864868] INFO WARNING: coordinate[4][0].colorInfo[1].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000863 not found. [21.1885749] INFO WARNING: coordinate[5][0].colorInfo[1].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000863 not found. [21.2805894] INFO WARNING: coordinate[1][0].colorInfo[1].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000863 not found. [21.2827503] INFO WARNING: coordinate[2][0].colorInfo[1].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000863 not found. [21.2847655] INFO WARNING: coordinate[3][0].colorInfo[1].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000863 not found. [21.2876699] INFO WARNING: coordinate[4][0].colorInfo[1].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000863 not found. [21.2897568] INFO WARNING: coordinate[5][0].colorInfo[1].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000863 not found. [21.2917532] INFO WARNING: coordinate[6][0].colorInfo[1].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000863 not found. [21.309721] INFO WARNING: coordinate[5][0].colorInfo[1].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001380 not found. [21.3117123] INFO WARNING: coordinate[5][1].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001379 not found. [21.3136991] INFO WARNING: coordinate[5][1].colorInfo[1].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001379 not found. [21.3156922] INFO WARNING: coordinate[5][1].colorInfo[2].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001379 not found. [21.3176594] INFO WARNING: coordinate[5][6].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001380 not found. [21.3289173] INFO WARNING: coordinate[5][0].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000262 not found. [21.3309406] INFO WARNING: coordinate[5][1].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001379 not found. [21.3328822] INFO WARNING: custom.face.baseMakeup.paintId[1] cat=mt_face_paint(405) id=100001352 not found. [21.3811845] INFO WARNING: custom.face.baseMakeup.paintId[1] cat=mt_face_paint(405) id=100001352 not found. [21.3928806] INFO WARNING: custom.face.baseMakeup.paintId[1] cat=mt_face_paint(405) id=100001352 not found. [21.4979318] INFO WARNING: coordinate[6][1].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000292 not found. [21.6462923] INFO WARNING: custom.face.baseMakeup.paintId[0] cat=mt_face_paint(405) id=100001028 not found. [21.6490729] INFO WARNING: custom.face.baseMakeup.paintId[1] cat=mt_face_paint(405) id=100001027 not found. [21.6754248] INFO WARNING: custom.face.baseMakeup.paintId[0] cat=mt_face_paint(405) id=100001028 not found. [21.677197] INFO WARNING: custom.face.baseMakeup.paintId[1] cat=mt_face_paint(405) id=100001027 not found. [21.7005939] INFO WARNING: coordinate[0][1].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001045 not found. [21.7027052] INFO WARNING: coordinate[1][1].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001045 not found. [21.7050937] INFO WARNING: coordinate[5][1].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001045 not found. [21.70728] INFO WARNING: coordinate[5][1].colorInfo[1].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001045 not found. [21.7335973] INFO WARNING: coordinate[0][0].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000293 not found. [21.7358185] INFO WARNING: coordinate[0][1].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000293 not found. [21.7556746] INFO WARNING: coordinate[0][1].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000293 not found. [21.7749722] INFO WARNING: custom.face.baseMakeup.paintId[0] cat=mt_face_paint(405) id=100001028 not found. [21.7768806] INFO WARNING: custom.face.baseMakeup.paintId[1] cat=mt_face_paint(405) id=100001027 not found. [21.794626] INFO WARNING: custom.face.baseMakeup.paintId[0] cat=mt_face_paint(405) id=100001028 not found. [21.7967547] INFO WARNING: custom.face.baseMakeup.paintId[1] cat=mt_face_paint(405) id=100001027 not found. [21.8478831] INFO WARNING: coordinate[2][1].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001042 not found. [21.8498995] INFO WARNING: coordinate[2][1].colorInfo[1].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001042 not found. [21.8517034] INFO WARNING: coordinate[4][1].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001042 not found. [21.8539053] INFO WARNING: coordinate[4][1].colorInfo[1].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001042 not found. [21.8557981] INFO WARNING: coordinate[5][1].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001042 not found. [21.8578868] INFO WARNING: coordinate[5][1].colorInfo[1].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001042 not found. [21.9027631] INFO WARNING: custom.face.baseMakeup.lipId cat=mt_lip(403) id=100000547 not found. [21.9226046] INFO WARNING: coordinate[0][1].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001042 not found. [21.9839425] INFO WARNING: coordinate[0][4].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000264 not found. [21.986356] INFO WARNING: coordinate[0][6].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100000264 not found. [21.9888422] INFO WARNING: custom.face.baseMakeup.paintId[1] cat=mt_face_paint(405) id=100000001 not found. [22.006237] INFO WARNING: coordinate[0][0].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001379 not found. [22.0083522] INFO WARNING: coordinate[0][1].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001379 not found. [22.0103023] INFO WARNING: coordinate[0][1].colorInfo[1].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001379 not found. [22.0122791] INFO WARNING: custom.face.baseMakeup.lipId cat=mt_lip(403) id=100000541 not found. [22.0370369] INFO WARNING: custom.face.baseMakeup.lipId cat=mt_lip(403) id=100000540 not found. [22.0866989] INFO WARNING: coordinate[0][1].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001605 not found. [22.0892833] INFO WARNING: coordinate[1][1].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001605 not found. [22.1097279] INFO WARNING: coordinate[3][5].id cat=co_panst(110) id=999999 not found. [22.1116529] INFO WARNING: coordinate[3][1].id cat=ao_body(125) id=81 not found. [22.1134499] INFO WARNING: coordinate[3][2].id cat=ao_body(125) id=81 not found. [22.1153656] INFO WARNING: coordinate[4][5].id cat=co_panst(110) id=999999 not found. [22.1173225] INFO WARNING: coordinate[4][1].id cat=ao_body(125) id=81 not found. [22.1192711] INFO WARNING: coordinate[4][2].id cat=ao_body(125) id=81 not found. [22.1222189] INFO WARNING: custom.face.baseMakeup.lipId cat=mt_lip(403) id=100000074 not found. [22.1244058] INFO WARNING: custom.body.paintId[0] cat=mt_body_paint(421) id=999999 not found. [22.2141743] INFO WARNING: coordinate[1][0].id cat=co_top(105) id=32 not found. [22.2142623] SPAM [CAT] co_top:32 not found! [24.5265469] SPAM [GC] Requested by CharaList [25.7919382] SPAM [CHARINIT] Start [25.7981563] SPAM [CHARINIT] Controls initialized in 0s [26.2720668] SPAM [CHARINIT] GENDER son=True always=False sex=1 _sex=1 basesex=1 [26.2761782] INFO WARNING: coordinate[0][1].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001605 not found. [26.2784913] INFO WARNING: coordinate[1][1].colorInfo[0].pattern cat=mt_pattern(430) id=100001605 not found. [26.2886255] SPAM [CHAR] [LOADSTART] Start [26.289271] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [26.4873098] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [27.8983676] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [40.7066417] SPAM [CHAR] [LOADEND] Finished in 0s [41.1372027] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [43.124379] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [54.7032329] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [55.2427394] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [55.9739346] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [56.3642022] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [57.1075949] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [57.1106512] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl to delete 14 current 35 last 49 (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) [57.5077387] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [57.5536977] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [57.5958419] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [57.7882033] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [58.0730917] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [58.5277683] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [58.5306456] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [74.7643649] INFO dumpcsv.cs(18,7): warning CS0219: The variable `basedir' is assigned but its value is never used [74.8105479] INFO prettyprint.cs(58,13): warning CS0168: The variable `x' is declared but never used [74.9743755] INFO ghettoui.cs(13,7): warning CS0169: The private field `GhettoConfig.locked' is never used [75.11005] INFO Using BepInEx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [75.4907904] ERROR Failed to parse id 49652ID System.FormatException: Input string was not in the correct format at System.Int32.Parse (System.String s) [0x00000] in :0 at ChaListData.Unmarshal (System.String csv, System.String ext, System.String name, System.String path) [0x00000] in :0 [75.4909537] TRACEBACK at System.Environment.get_StackTrace() at Debug.Error(System.Object[] a) at ChaListData.Unmarshal(System.String csv, System.String ext, System.String name, System.String path) at LoadedAssetBundle.LoadVirtualAsset(System.String name, System.Type t) at LoadedAssetBundle.LoadAllAssets(System.Type typ) at ChaListControl.LoadListInfoAll() at FakeID.InitListInfo() at FakeID.Start() at ScriptDispatcher.Start() at ScriptEntry.CompileScripts() at Script.reload() at ScriptEntry+<>c.b__13_1() at MBProxy.FixedUpdate() [75.8662586] INFO Scripts reloaded [75.86758] INFO Building ghetto skin [75.872276] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [75.8757614] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [78.4821407] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [78.4851196] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [78.842715] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [78.9075238] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [78.9735278] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [79.0382929] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [79.22103] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [79.6298726] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [80.3750219] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [80.3779944] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [97.7007841] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [97.7038307] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [98.9854498] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [99.0508584] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [99.2180135] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [99.575288] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [100.2733723] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [100.2763819] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [100.4769969] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [100.5440056] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [100.6068657] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [101.0467395] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [102.2349558] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [102.2379316] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [102.46628] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [102.534146] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [102.7670421] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [102.8457426] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [103.6439351] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [103.7213706] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [103.7898264] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [104.2092948] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [104.6309177] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [105.1951039] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [105.1981506] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [105.4071417] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [105.5262907] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [105.5958862] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [105.6593553] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [105.7249648] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [105.8882298] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [105.9584874] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [106.1503608] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [106.2379527] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [106.6897001] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [106.9877934] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [107.0574414] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [107.1343693] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [107.2028511] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [107.2664385] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [107.5919114] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [108.1316283] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [108.1347732] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [108.4356302] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [108.5029071] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [108.5679757] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [108.6753624] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [109.0239339] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [109.5467971] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [109.9981192] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [110.0707668] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [111.7402876] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [111.8104279] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [276.6840196] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [276.7570385] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [276.8195079] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [277.0469935] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [277.1116231] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [277.6569746] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [277.6599167] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [278.1116086] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [278.7867315] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [278.7896456] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [278.9601505] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [279.1158293] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [279.7011572] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [280.0224051] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [280.025245] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [298.7447186] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [298.744762] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [298.744781] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [298.7447976] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [298.7448142] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [298.7448301] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [298.7448449] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [298.7448597] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [298.7448747] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [298.7448895] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [298.7449046] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [298.7449184] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [298.7449338] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [298.7449486] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [298.7449639] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [298.7449799] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [298.7449944] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [298.7450125] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [298.7450272] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [298.7450408] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [303.3335892] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [303.333641] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [303.3336612] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [303.3336777] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [303.333694] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [303.3337127] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [303.3337278] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [303.3337416] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [303.3337576] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [303.3337748] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [303.3337899] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [303.3338055] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [303.3338194] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [303.3338332] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [303.3338474] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [303.3338625] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [303.3338766] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [303.333892] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [303.3339065] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [303.3339234] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [304.0419893] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [304.0420393] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [304.0420571] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [304.0420737] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [304.0420906] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [304.0421056] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [304.042121] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [304.0421367] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [304.0421496] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [304.0421638] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [304.0421777] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [304.0421912] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [304.0422057] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [304.0422189] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [304.0422334] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [304.042247] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [304.0422596] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [304.0422726] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [304.0422886] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [304.0423009] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [305.895785] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [305.8958281] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [305.8958437] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [305.8958588] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [305.8958745] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [305.8958904] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [305.8959067] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [305.8959215] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [305.8959347] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [305.895948] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [305.8959643] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [305.8959787] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [305.8959929] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [305.8960062] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [305.8960252] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [305.8960396] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [305.8960544] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [305.8960682] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [305.8960824] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [305.8960966] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [306.5631074] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [306.5631577] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [306.563177] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [306.563193] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [306.5632074] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [306.5632216] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [306.563237] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [306.5632514] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [306.5632653] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [306.5632785] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [306.5632933] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [306.5633072] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [306.5633207] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [306.5633334] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [306.5633467] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [306.5633605] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [306.5633762] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [306.5633894] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [306.5634018] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [306.5634148] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [310.7440804] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [310.7441265] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [310.7441446] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [310.7441596] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [310.7441753] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [310.7441937] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [310.7442235] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [310.7442479] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [310.7442675] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [310.7442862] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [310.7443263] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [310.7443552] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [310.7443829] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [310.7444119] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [310.7444486] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [310.7444649] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [310.7444905] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [310.7445267] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [310.7445529] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [310.7445785] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [311.5954924] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [311.5955888] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [311.595615] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [311.595643] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [311.5957175] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [311.5957377] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [311.5957539] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [311.595769] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [311.5957844] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [311.5957976] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [311.595813] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [311.5958269] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [311.5958392] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [311.5958531] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [311.5958669] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [311.5958799] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [311.5958947] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [311.5959094] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [311.5959227] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [311.5959372] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [312.8738566] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [312.8739039] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [312.8739241] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [312.8739394] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [312.8739551] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [312.8739756] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [312.8739937] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [312.8740094] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [312.8740235] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [312.874047] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [312.8740603] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [312.8740747] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [312.8740886] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [312.8741046] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [312.8741187] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [312.8741356] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [312.8741504] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [312.8741655] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [312.8741799] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [312.8741932] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [313.6133854] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [313.6134384] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [313.6134574] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [313.6134728] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [313.6134893] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [313.6135065] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [313.6135237] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [313.6135373] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [313.613552] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [313.6135668] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [313.613581] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [313.6135963] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [313.6136123] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [313.6136301] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [313.6136445] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [313.613659] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [313.6136729] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [313.6136876] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [313.6137021] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [313.6137277] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [315.5445336] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [315.5445758] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [315.5445921] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [315.5446077] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [315.5446246] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [315.5446403] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [315.5446572] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [315.5446731] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [315.5446876] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [315.5447039] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [315.5447183] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [315.5447337] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [315.5447491] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [315.5447645] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [315.5447777] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [315.5447919] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [315.5448063] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [315.5448223] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [315.5448359] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [315.5448491] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [316.0527198] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [316.0527635] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [316.0527804] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [316.0527982] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [316.0528156] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [316.0528304] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [316.0528497] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [316.0528642] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [316.0528777] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [316.052891] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [316.0529042] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [316.0529187] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [316.052932] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [316.0529449] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [316.0529591] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [316.0529726] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [316.0529868] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [316.0530016] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [316.0530169] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [316.0530311] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [316.7437658] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [316.7438083] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [316.743826] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [316.7438432] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [316.7438595] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [316.7438836] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [316.7439032] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [316.743921] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [316.7439366] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [316.7439526] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [316.7439662] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [316.7439806] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [316.7439957] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [316.7440105] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [316.7440264] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [316.7440415] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [316.7440566] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [316.7440722] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [316.7440855] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [316.7441012] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [317.1998607] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [317.199905] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [317.1999228] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [317.1999379] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [317.1999569] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [317.1999747] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [317.1999903] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [317.2000045] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [317.2000187] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [317.200034] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [317.2000485] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [317.2000624] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [317.2000756] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [317.2000901] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [317.2001042] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [317.2001187] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [317.2001326] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [317.2001482] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [317.200163] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [317.2001769] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [317.6239318] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [317.6239739] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [317.6239929] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [317.6240083] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [317.6240252] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [317.6240421] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [317.6240571] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [317.6240722] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [317.62409] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [317.6241062] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [317.6241225] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [317.6241376] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [317.6241545] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [317.6241692] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [317.6241828] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [317.6241972] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [317.624212] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [317.6242271] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [317.6242409] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [317.6242551] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [318.0321119] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [318.0321583] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [318.0321755] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [318.0321969] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [318.0322135] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [318.0322295] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [318.0322451] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [318.0322611] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [318.0322762] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [318.0322924] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [318.0323075] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [318.0323235] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [318.0323382] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [318.0323533] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [318.032369] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [318.0323834] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [318.0323979] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [318.0324124] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [318.0324259] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [318.0324485] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [318.546443] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [318.5464837] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [318.546502] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [318.5465195] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [318.5465349] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [318.5465503] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [318.546565] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [318.5465789] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [318.546594] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [318.5466132] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [318.5466283] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [318.5466449] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [318.5466593] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [318.5466732] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [318.5466874] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [318.5467018] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [318.5467172] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [318.5467314] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [318.546744] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [318.5467573] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [318.9874894] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [318.9875364] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [318.9875542] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [318.9875686] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [318.987584] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [318.9875991] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [318.9876141] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [318.987628] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [318.9876413] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [318.9876548] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [318.9876684] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [318.9876868] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [318.9877015] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [318.9877172] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [318.987732] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [318.9877482] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [318.9877618] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [318.9877775] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [318.9877907] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [318.9878055] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [320.3175076] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [320.3175669] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [320.3175959] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [320.3176109] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [320.3176281] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [320.317645] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [320.3176603] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [320.3176754] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [320.3176902] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [320.3177043] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [320.3177405] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [320.317755] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [320.3177682] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [320.317783] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [320.317796] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [320.3178101] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [320.3178249] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [320.3178399] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [320.3178544] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [320.317868] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [320.6756698] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [320.6757192] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [320.6757397] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [320.6757569] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [320.6757756] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [320.6757918] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [320.6758066] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [320.6758211] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [320.6758367] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [320.6758512] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [320.6758666] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [320.6758807] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [320.6758964] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [320.6759112] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [320.6759389] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [320.6759546] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [320.6759715] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [320.6759874] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [320.6760022] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [320.6760154] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [321.3018177] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [321.3018641] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [321.3018958] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [321.3019268] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [321.3019548] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [321.3019835] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [321.3020052] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [321.3020311] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [321.3020564] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [321.3020757] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [321.3020926] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [321.3021076] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [321.3021287] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [321.3021426] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [321.3021558] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [321.3021691] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [321.3021854] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [321.3022016] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [321.3022152] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [321.3022291] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [324.689751] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [324.6898122] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [324.6898345] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [324.6898535] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [324.6898719] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [324.6898918] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [324.6899086] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [324.6899234] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [324.6899388] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [324.6899538] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [324.6899692] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [324.689984] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [324.6899996] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [324.6900144] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [324.6900301] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [324.690046] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [324.6900611] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [324.6900768] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [324.6900913] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [324.6901069] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [327.5717721] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [327.5718249] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [327.571846] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [327.5718625] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [327.5718812] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [327.5718993] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [327.5719162] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [327.5719312] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [327.571946] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [327.5719602] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [327.5719746] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [327.5719906] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [327.5720042] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [327.5720192] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [327.5720328] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [327.5720458] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [327.5720605] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [327.5720759] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [327.5720907] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [327.5721057] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [329.5603437] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [329.5603913] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [329.5604127] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [329.5604305] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [329.5604543] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [329.5604739] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [329.5604932] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [329.5605082] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [329.5605239] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [329.560548] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [329.560564] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [329.560579] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [329.5605929] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [329.5606068] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [329.5606212] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [329.5606393] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [329.5606544] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [329.560677] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [329.5606927] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [329.5607071] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [331.2055879] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [331.2056461] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [331.2056654] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [331.2056825] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [331.2057012] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [331.2057172] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [331.2057338] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [331.2057488] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [331.2057648] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [331.205779] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [331.2057922] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [331.2058058] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [331.20582] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [331.2058341] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [331.2058483] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [331.2058631] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [331.2058763] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [331.2058905] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [331.2059043] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [331.2059173] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [331.7589518] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [331.7590358] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [331.7590859] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [331.7591021] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [331.7591335] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [331.7591576] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [331.7591805] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [331.7592043] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [331.7592239] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [331.7592456] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [331.7592658] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [331.7592935] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [331.7593185] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [331.7593441] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [331.7593583] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [331.7593712] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [331.759386] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [331.7594026] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [331.7594164] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [331.7594399] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [333.2435464] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [333.2435943] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [333.2436121] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [333.2436269] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [333.2436428] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [333.2436594] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [333.2436763] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [333.2436913] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [333.2437061] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [333.2437233] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [333.2437384] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [333.2437537] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [333.2437676] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [333.2437817] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [333.2437959] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [333.2438125] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [333.2438276] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [333.2438411] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [333.2438562] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [333.2438697] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [333.8504871] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [333.8505347] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [333.8505516] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [333.8505691] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [333.8505926] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [333.850611] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [333.8506272] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [333.8506423] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [333.8506562] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [333.8506718] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [333.8506881] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [333.8507017] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [333.850714] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [333.850727] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [333.8507396] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [333.8507547] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [333.8507683] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [333.8507818] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [333.8507945] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [333.8508074] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [335.0648516] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [335.0648986] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [335.0649161] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [335.0649321] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [335.064948] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [335.0649631] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [335.0649776] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [335.0649926] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [335.0650059] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [335.0650195] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [335.0650345] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [335.0650481] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [335.0650638] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [335.0650776] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [335.065093] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [335.0651077] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [335.0651228] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [335.0651376] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [335.0651502] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [335.0651638] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [336.1937807] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [336.1938307] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [336.1938494] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [336.1938645] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [336.1938804] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [336.1938952] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [336.1939094] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [336.1939226] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [336.1939353] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [336.1939491] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [336.1939636] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [336.1939796] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [336.193994] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [336.1940073] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [336.1940206] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [336.1940365] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [336.1940495] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [336.1940649] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [336.1940784] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [336.1940917] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [336.2956937] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [336.2957491] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [336.2957723] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [336.2957883] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [336.2958028] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [336.2958193] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [336.2958338] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [336.2958471] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [336.2958597] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [336.2958733] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [336.2958871] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [336.2959022] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [336.2959173] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [336.295932] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [336.295945] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [336.2959601] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [336.2959736] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [336.2959866] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [336.2960004] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [336.2960249] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [341.2719758] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [341.2720201] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [341.2720367] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [341.2720533] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [341.2720696] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [341.2720873] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [341.272103] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [341.2721172] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [341.2721313] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [341.2721464] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [341.2721621] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [341.2721777] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [341.2721919] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [341.2722166] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [341.2722329] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [341.2722465] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [341.2722597] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [341.2722733] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [341.2722871] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [341.2723013] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [341.7406209] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [341.7406863] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [341.7407137] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [341.7407372] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [341.7407658] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [341.7408002] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [341.7408237] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [341.7408372] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [341.7408601] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [341.7409641] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [341.7409816] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [341.7409973] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [341.7410108] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [341.7410259] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [341.7410416] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [341.7410572] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [341.7410702] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [341.7410853] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [341.7410985] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [341.7411112] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [342.3877214] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [342.3877663] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [342.3877835] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [342.3877995] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [342.3878161] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [342.3878329] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [342.3878495] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [342.3878649] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [342.3878814] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [342.3878971] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [342.3879119] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [342.3879297] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [342.3879447] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [342.3879604] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [342.387974] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [342.3879881] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [342.388002] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [342.3880168] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [342.3880321] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [342.3880484] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [342.9387175] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [342.9387606] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [342.9387763] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [342.9387902] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [342.9388055] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [342.9388227] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [342.9388384] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [342.9388541] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [342.9388673] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [342.9388821] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [342.9388956] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [342.9389092] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [342.9389234] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [342.9389436] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [342.9389613] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [342.9389761] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [342.9389897] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [342.9390053] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [342.9390192] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [342.9390319] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [345.7594243] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [345.7594695] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [345.7594879] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [345.7595065] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [345.7595219] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [345.7595391] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [345.7595554] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [345.7595692] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [345.7595834] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [345.7595982] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [345.7596132] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [345.7596277] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [345.7596406] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [345.7596536] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [345.7596684] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [345.7596816] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [345.7596961] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [345.7597103] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [345.7597229] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [345.759738] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [350.4446135] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [350.4446587] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [350.4446762] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [350.4446924] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [350.4447084] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [350.4447256] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [350.4447403] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [350.4447542] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [350.4447675] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [350.444784] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [350.4447991] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [350.4448145] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [350.4448298] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [350.4448449] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [350.4448582] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [350.4448717] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [350.4448859] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [350.4449004] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [350.4449139] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [350.4449269] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [362.7889811] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [362.789032] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [362.7890492] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [362.7890664] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [362.7890838] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [362.7891031] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [362.7891185] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [362.7891336] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [362.7891492] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [362.789164] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [362.7891776] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [362.7891923] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [362.789205] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [362.7892194] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [362.7892339] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [362.789249] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [362.7892643] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [362.7892779] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [362.7892921] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [362.789305] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [363.2406796] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [363.2407282] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [363.2407456] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [363.2407631] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [363.2407812] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [363.2408065] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [363.24083] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [363.2408535] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [363.2408728] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [363.2409433] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [363.2409656] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [363.2409861] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [363.2410036] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [363.2410241] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [363.2410437] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [363.2410627] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [363.2410822] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [363.2411064] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [363.2411284] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [363.241157] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [366.8423868] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [366.8424341] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [366.8424519] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [366.8424685] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [366.8424874] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [366.8425058] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [366.8425218] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [366.8425369] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [366.8425537] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [366.84257] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [366.8425866] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [366.8426017] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [366.8426155] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [366.8426306] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [366.8426457] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [366.8426604] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [366.8426773] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [366.8426915] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [366.842705] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [366.8427213] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [367.2921202] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [367.2921676] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [367.2921847] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [367.2922001] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [367.292217] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [367.2922336] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [367.2922495] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [367.2922646] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [367.2922782] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [367.2922914] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [367.2923059] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [367.2923225] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [367.292336] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [367.2923511] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [367.2923665] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [367.29238] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [367.2923936] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [367.2924077] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [367.2924249] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [367.2924379] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [368.1557812] SPAM [CAM] Transform : Component [368.1558319] SPAM [CAM] Camera : Behaviour [368.1558505] SPAM [CAM] GUILayer : Behaviour [368.1558665] SPAM [CAM] FlareLayer : Behaviour [368.1558882] SPAM [CAM] GlobalFog : PostEffectsBase [368.1559063] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyOcclusionEffect : AmplifyOcclusionBase [368.1559226] SPAM [CAM] BloomAndFlares : PostEffectsBase [368.1559382] SPAM [CAM] AmplifyColorEffect : AmplifyColorBase [368.1559551] SPAM [CAM] SunShafts : PostEffectsBase [368.1559711] SPAM [CAM] VignetteAndChromaticAberration : PostEffectsBase [368.1559856] SPAM [CAM] DepthOfField : PostEffectsBase [368.1560018] SPAM [CAM] Blur : MonoBehaviour [368.1560157] SPAM [CAM] CrossFade : MonoBehaviour [368.1560314] SPAM [CAM] SepiaTone : ImageEffectBase [368.1560458] SPAM [CAM] CorrectLightAngle : MonoBehaviour [368.1560603] SPAM [CAM] CameraControl : MonoBehaviour [368.1560748] SPAM [CAM] AlphaShot2 : MonoBehaviour [368.1560889] SPAM [CAM] CapsuleCollider : Collider [368.156104] SPAM [CAM] Rigidbody : Component [368.1561178] SPAM [CAM] MyCam : MonoBehaviour [368.4652937] ERROR Saving config failed System.IO.IOException: Sharing violation on path C:\Users\GUY\Downloads\Game-related software\KoikatsuV3 - FlashBangZ\patchwork\config.xml at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options) [0x00000] in :0 at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share) [0x00000] in :0 at System.IO.File.Open (System.String path, FileMode mode) [0x00000] in :0 at Patchwork.SaveConfig () [0x00000] in :0 [368.4656336] TRACEBACK at System.Environment.get_StackTrace() at Debug.Error(System.Object[] a) at Patchwork.SaveConfig() at Patchwork+Settings.Update(System.String name, System.Object val) at SettingsForm+<>c__DisplayClass2_1.<.ctor>b__9(System.Object o, System.EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.OnCheckedChanged(System.EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.set_CheckState(CheckState value) at System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.OnClick(System.EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.OnMouseUp(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs mevent) at System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.OnMouseUp(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs mevent) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmLButtonUp(Message ByRef m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message ByRef m) at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message ByRef m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control+ControlWindowTarget.OnMessage(Message ByRef m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control+ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message ByRef m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.WndProc(IntPtr hWnd, Msg msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) at System.Windows.Forms.XplatUIWin32.InternalWndProc(IntPtr hWnd, Msg msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) [373.8839298] INFO [SCENE] StudioExit [374.0675439] SPAM [GC] Requested by Scene [375.1188401] SPAM Untracked bundle sound/data/systemse.unity3d requested [375.1210861] SPAM Untracked bundle sound/data/systemse.unity3d requested [375.1211247] SPAM Load failed; the bundle sound/data/systemse.unity3d is not tracked. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at BaseLoader+d__9`1[UnityEngine.Object].MoveNext () [0x00000] in :0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0 UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine_Auto_Internal(IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) <_Init>d__22:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine_Auto_Internal(IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) <_Init>d__13:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine_Auto_Internal(IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) <_Init>d__2:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine_Auto_Internal(IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) AssetLoader:Init() LoadAudioBase:Init(AudioSource) Manager.Sound:SetParent(Transform, LoadAudioBase, GameObject) Manager.Sound:Play(Type, String, String, Single, Single, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Boolean) Studio.<>c:b__4_3() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke(Object[]) UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCallList:Invoke(Object[]) UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase:Invoke(Object[]) UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() UnityEngine.UI.Button:Press() UnityEngine.UI.Button:OnPointerClick(PointerEventData) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(IPointerClickHandler, BaseEventData) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32) UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent() UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: Line: -1) [397.8315264] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [397.9058163] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [398.0660844] SPAM [GC] Requested by CostumeInfo [399.0939148] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [399.097003] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [400.7832009] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [400.7864672] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [401.626056] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [401.628961] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [402.3977814] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [402.4009574] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [404.4836098] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [404.4868734] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [406.1979574] SPAM [CHAR] [RELOAD] chaF_001, b=True c=False h=True r=True [406.2010755] SPAM [GC] Requested by ChaControl [428.6156925] INFO [SCENE] StudioExit [428.668391] SPAM [GC] Requested by Scene [429.2978088] SPAM Untracked bundle sound/data/systemse.unity3d requested [429.2978607] SPAM Untracked bundle sound/data/systemse.unity3d requested [429.29788] SPAM Load failed; the bundle sound/data/systemse.unity3d is not tracked. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at BaseLoader+d__9`1[UnityEngine.Object].MoveNext () [0x00000] in :0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0 UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine_Auto_Internal(IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) <_Init>d__22:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine_Auto_Internal(IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) <_Init>d__13:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine_Auto_Internal(IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) <_Init>d__2:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine_Auto_Internal(IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) AssetLoader:Init() LoadAudioBase:Init(AudioSource) Manager.Sound:SetParent(Transform, LoadAudioBase, GameObject) Manager.Sound:Play(Type, String, String, Single, Single, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Boolean) SceneAssist.Assist:PlayDecisionSE() Studio.<>c:b__4_1() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke(Object[]) UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCallList:Invoke(Object[]) UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase:Invoke(Object[]) UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() UnityEngine.UI.Button:Press() UnityEngine.UI.Button:OnPointerClick(PointerEventData) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(IPointerClickHandler, BaseEventData) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32) UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent() UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: Line: -1)