#include #include #define INITIAL_GRAM_POINT 290000000 #define LAST_GRAM_POINT 300000000 long double rs3(long double); long double Z(long double); long double R3taylor(long double); long double theta(long double); long double u(long double); long double p(long double); int N(long double); long double grampoint(int); long double C0(long double); long double C1(long double); long double C2(long double); long double C3(long double); long double C4(long double); long double rs3taylor(long double); int blocksBegin[205000000]; int blocksEnd [205000000]; int blocksZeros[205000000]; long double ep = 0.00064L ; long double pi = 3.14159265358979323846L ; long double tmin = 7.0L; long double tmax = 900000000.0L; int rs3_uses = 0; int main(void) { long double t; long double last; long double new; int count; long double delta = 0.005L; int k; int j; int l; int found; int index1; int index2; long double g1; long double g2; int zeroscount; int multiplier; int quit; int ngriddivisor; long double del; long double rs3g1; long double rs3g2; int L; int blockcount[100]; int gramitv; int newmultiplier; int nmulti; int blocknumber = 0; int rosser_rule_exceptions = 0; int rreindex; int rosser_array[1000]; int kk; int success; int missing; int answer; long double gp; long double rs3g; long double diff; for(j=0; j<= 100; j++) { blockcount[j] = 0; } zeroscount = 0; found = 0; printf("Initial Gram point = %d\n", INITIAL_GRAM_POINT); printf("Last Gram point = %d\n\n", LAST_GRAM_POINT); j = INITIAL_GRAM_POINT; gp = grampoint(j); rs3g = rs3(gp); if( rs3g > 0.0L && (1 == ((j+2)%2)) ) { printf("bad gram point at %d\n", j); scanf("%d", &answer); } if( rs3g < 0.0L && (0 == ((j+2)%2)) ) { printf("bad gram point at %d\n", j); scanf("%d", &answer); } j = LAST_GRAM_POINT; gp = grampoint(j); rs3g = rs3(gp); if( rs3g > 0.0L && (1 == ((j+2)%2)) ) { printf("bad gram point at %d\n", j); scanf("%d", &answer); } if( rs3g < 0.0L && (0 == ((j+2)%2)) ) { printf("bad gram point at %d\n", j); scanf("%d", &answer); } for(j = INITIAL_GRAM_POINT ; j<= LAST_GRAM_POINT ; j++) { gp = grampoint(j); rs3g = rs3(gp); if( rs3g > 0.0L && (1 == ((j+2)%2)) && ((j==INITIAL_GRAM_POINT) || (j==LAST_GRAM_POINT)) ) { printf("bad gram point at %d\n", j); } if( rs3g > 0.0L && (1 == (j+2)%2) ) { L = L+1; } if( rs3g > 0.0L && (0 == ((j+2)%2)) ) { if(found == 1) { found = 2; L=L+1; index2 = j; g2 = gp; rs3g2=rs3g; } if(found == 0) { found = 1; L = 0; index1 = j; g1 = gp; rs3g1 = rs3g; } } if( rs3g < 0.0L && (0 == ((j+2)%2))&&((j==INITIAL_GRAM_POINT) || (j==LAST_GRAM_POINT)) ) { printf("bad gram point at %d\n", j); } if( rs3g < 0.0L && (0 == ((j+2)%2)) ) { L = L+1; } if( rs3g < 0.0L && (1 == ((j+2)%2)) ) { // good gram point at j if(found == 1) { found = 2; L = L+1; index2 = j; g2 = gp; rs3g2=rs3g; } if(found == 0) { found = 1; L = 0; index1 = j; g1 = gp; rs3g1 = rs3g; } } if( found == 2) { /*** scan the Gram block for zeta zeros ***/ blockcount[L] ++ ; blocknumber++; if( index2-index1 == 1) { zeroscount = zeroscount+1; if( 0 == (j%100000)) { printf("good gram point at %d\n", j); printf("The cumulative zeros count is: %d\n\n", zeroscount); } blocksBegin[blocknumber-1] = index1; blocksEnd[blocknumber-1] = index2; blocksZeros[blocknumber-1] = 1; } if( index2-index1 > 1) { multiplier = 1; newmultiplier = 2; quit = 0; while( quit == 0) { ngriddivisor = multiplier*(1+index2-index1); del = (g2-g1)/ ((long double) ngriddivisor ) ; last = rs3g1; t = g1; count = 0; for( l = 1; l <= ngriddivisor; l++) { t = t+del; new = rs3(t); if(new*last < 0.0L) { count = count + 1; } last = new; } if( count < index2-index1 ) { nmulti = multiplier+newmultiplier; multiplier = newmultiplier; newmultiplier = nmulti; } if( count > index2-index1 ) { printf("We have done an overcount...\n\n"); printf("index1 = %d\n", index1); printf("index2 = %d\n", index2); printf("adding %d zeros to the count\n\n", index2-index1); quit = 1; zeroscount = zeroscount + (index2-index1); blocksBegin[blocknumber-1] = index1; blocksEnd[blocknumber-1] = index2; blocksZeros[blocknumber-1] = index2- index1; // scanf("%d", &answer); } if( count == index2-index1 ) { quit = 1; zeroscount = zeroscount + count; if( 0 == (j%100000)) { printf("good gram point at %d\n", j); printf("The cumulative zeros count is: %d\n\n", zeroscount); } blocksBegin[blocknumber-1] = index1; blocksEnd[blocknumber-1] = index2; blocksZeros[blocknumber-1] = index2- index1; } if( multiplier > 1024 ) { quit = 1; printf("probable Rosser rule violation... \n"); printf("index1 = %d\n", index1); printf("index2 = %d\n", index2); blocksBegin[blocknumber-1] = index1; blocksEnd[blocknumber-1] = index2; blocksZeros[blocknumber-1] = count ; printf("%d zeros are missing from this Gram block\n", index2-index1- count); zeroscount = zeroscount + count; // new rosser_rule_exceptions ++; printf("rosser_rule_exceptions = %d\n\n", rosser_rule_exceptions); rreindex = blocknumber-1; rosser_array[rosser_rule_exceptions-1] = rreindex; } } } found = 1; L = 0; g1 = g2; index1 = index2; rs3g1 = rs3g2; } /*** done scanning the Gram block for zeta zeros ***/ } /***** done big loop for all Gram points in range ***/ printf("\n\ncount is %d zeros\n",zeroscount); printf("in [%.4Lf, %.4Lf]\n", grampoint(INITIAL_GRAM_POINT), grampoint(LAST_GRAM_POINT) ); printf("We now revisit Rosser rule exceptions... \n\n"); printf("Rosser's rule says that, in a Gram block of length L >= 1, there will be at least L zeros of the Z function\n"); for(kk = 1; kk <= rosser_rule_exceptions; kk++) { printf("\n"); rreindex = rosser_array[kk-1]; printf("exception number %d is for Gram block %d \n", kk, rreindex); index1 = blocksBegin[rreindex]; index2 = blocksEnd[rreindex]; count = blocksZeros[rreindex]; missing = index2-index1 - count; printf("We have now %d missing zeros in the block from gram point %d to gram point %d\n", missing, index1, index2); printf("We will now look at the following Gram Block\n"); index1 = blocksBegin[rreindex+1]; index2 = blocksEnd[rreindex + 1]; g1 = grampoint(index1); printf("g1 = %.16Lf\n", g1); printf("\n"); rs3g1 = rs3(g1); g2 = grampoint(index2); printf("g2 = %.16Lf\n", g2); printf("\n"); rs3g2 = rs3(g2); if( 1 == 1) { multiplier = 1; quit = 0; while( quit == 0) { ngriddivisor = multiplier*(1+index2-index1); del = (g2-g1)/ ((long double) ngriddivisor ) ; last = rs3g1; t = g1; count = 0; for( l = 1; l <= ngriddivisor; l++) { t = t+del; new = rs3(t); if(new*last < 0.0L) { count = count + 1; } last = new; } if( count < missing + index2-index1 ) { multiplier = 2*multiplier; } if( count > missing + index2-index1 ) { printf("We have an overcount...\n"); scanf("%d", &answer); } if( count == missing + index2-index1 ) { quit = 1; printf("We found the %d missing zeros in the following Gram block\n", missing); printf("index1 = %d\n", index1); printf("index2 = %d\n", index2); success = 1; zeroscount = zeroscount+missing; printf("The updated zeros count is: %d\n", zeroscount); } if( multiplier > 1024 ) { quit = 1; success = 0; printf("We didn't find all the missing zeros in the next Gram block \n"); printf("index1 = %d\n", index1); printf("index2 = %d\n", index2); } } } if(success == 0 ) { printf("success = %d\n", success); printf("We now look in the preceding Gram Block\n"); index1 = blocksBegin[rreindex-1]; index2 = blocksEnd[rreindex - 1]; g1= grampoint(index1); printf("Gram point g1 = %.16Lf\n", g1); printf("\n"); rs3g1 = rs3(g1); g2= grampoint(index2); printf("g2 = %.16Lf\n", g2); printf("\n"); rs3g2 = rs3(g2); multiplier = 1; quit = 0; while( quit == 0) { ngriddivisor = multiplier*(1+index2-index1); del = (g2-g1)/ ((long double) ngriddivisor ) ; last = rs3g1; t = g1; count = 0; for( l = 1; l <= ngriddivisor; l++) { t = t+del; new = rs3(t); if(new*last < 0.0L) { count = count + 1; } last = new; } if( count < missing + index2-index1 ) { multiplier = 2*multiplier; } if( count > missing + index2-index1 ) { printf("We have an overcount...\n"); scanf("%d", &answer); } if( count == missing + index2-index1 ) { quit = 1; printf("We found the %d missing zeros in the preceding Gram block\n", missing ); printf("index1 = %d\n", index1); printf("index2 = %d\n", index2); success = 1; zeroscount = zeroscount+ missing; printf("The updated zeros count is: %d\n", zeroscount); } if( multiplier > 1024 ) { quit = 1; success = 0; printf("We didn't find all the missing zeros in the preceding Gram block \n"); printf("index1 = %d\n", index1); printf("index2 = %d\n", index2); } } if(success == 0) { printf("we need to look further for the missing zeros\n\n"); } } } /*********** end of loop: for(kk = 1; kk <= rosser_rule_exceptions; kk++) **********/ return 0; } /************************************************* ? rstheta(32585736.40025939423)/Pi %105 = 74999999.00000000000 *********************************************/ long double theta(long double t) { long double sum; sum = (t/2.0L)*logl(t/(2.0*pi)) - t/2.0L - pi/8.0L ; sum = sum + 1.0L/(48.0L*t) + 7.0L/(5760.0L*powl(t, 3.0L)) ; sum = sum + 31.0L/(80640.0L*powl(t, 5.0L)) ; sum = sum + 381.0L/(1290240.0L*powl(t, 7.0L)) ; return sum; /*********************************************** rstheta = (X)->(X/2.0)*log(X/(2.0*Pi))-X/2.0-Pi/8.0+1/(48.0*X)+7.0/(5760.0*X^3)+31.0/(80640*X^5)+381.0/(1290240*X^7) **************************************************/ } long double Z(long double t) { long double sum; long double th; int k; int kmax; th = theta(t); kmax = (int) sqrtl(t/(2.0L*pi)) ; sum = (long double) 0; for(k=1; k<= kmax; k++) { sum = sum+ cosl( th - t*logl((long double) k) )/sqrtl((long double) k); } sum = 2.0L*sum; return sum; /************************************* Z = (X)->2*sum(Y=1,floor(sqrt(X/(2*Pi))),cos(rstheta(X)-X*log(Y))/sqrt(Y)) *************************************/ } long double u(long double t) { long double y; long double w; w = t/(2.0L*pi); y = pow(w, 0.25L); return y; /***************************** u = (X)->(X/(2*Pi))^(0.25) ***************************/ } int N(long double t) { int m; m = (int) floorl(u(t)*u(t)); return m; /************************ N = (X)->floor(u(X)^2) ****************************/ } long double p(long double t) { long double u1; int m; long double p2; u1 = u(t); m = N(t); p2 = u1*u1 - ((long double) m); return p2; /************************************ p = (X)->u(X)^2-N(X) ************************************/ } long double R3taylor(long double t) { long double r3; int m; long double sign; long double p2; long double u2; long double z; m = N(t)-1; if( (m%2) == 0 ) { sign = 1.0L; } else { sign = -1.0L; } p2 = p(t); u2 = u(t); z = 2.0L*p2-1.0L; r3 = C0(z)/u2; r3 = r3 + C1(z)/powl(u2, 3.0L); r3 = r3 + C2(z)/powl(u2, 5.0L); r3 = r3 + C3(z)/powl(u2, 7.0L); r3 = r3 + C4(z)/powl(u2, 9.0L); r3 = sign*r3; return r3; } long double rs3(long double t) { long double y; y = Z(t) + R3taylor(t); rs3_uses = rs3_uses+1; return y; } long double rs3taylor(long double t) { long double y; y = Z(t) + R3taylor(t); return y; } long double C0(long double z) { long double w; w = 0.3826834323650897717285L; w = w + 0.4372404680775204493603L*powl(z, 2.0L); w = w+ 0.1323765754803435233240L*powl(z, 4.0L); w = w -0.01360502604767418865498L*powl(z, 6.0L); w = w -0.01356762197010358088792L*powl(z, 8.0L); w = w -0.001623725323144465282855L*powl(z, 10.0L); w = w + 0.0002970535373337969078313L*powl(z, 12.0L); w = w+ 0.00007943300879521469588016L*powl(z, 14.0L); w = w + 0.0000004655612461450450503706L*powl(z, 16.0L); w = w -0.000001432725163095510575408L*powl(z, 18.0L); w = w -0.0000001035484711231294607501L*powl(z, 20.0L); w = w + 0.00000001235792708386173805613L*powl(z, 22.0L); w = w + 0.000000001788108385795490498567L*powl(z, 24.0L); w = w -0.00000000003391414389927035906941L*powl(z, 26.0L); w = w - 0.00000000001632663390256590510137L*powl(z, 28.0L); w = w - 0.0000000000003785109318541220382855L*powl(z, 30.0L); w = w + 0.00000000000009327423259201724845662L*powl(z, 32.0L); w = w + 0.000000000000005221843015978136855314L*powl(z, 34.0L); w = w -0.0000000000000003350673072744263789515L*powl(z, 36.0L); w = w -0.00000000000000003412426522811726494081L*powl(z, 38.0L); w = w + 0.0000000000000000005751203341432399160340L*powl(z, 40.0L); w = w + 0.0000000000000000001489530136321150545476L*powl(z, 42.0L); w = w+ 0.000000000000000000001256537271702141685330L*powl(z, 44.0L); w = w -0.0000000000000000000004721295250143425668954L*powl(z, 46.0L); w = w -0.00000000000000000000001326906936303961999277L*powl(z, 48.0L); return w; } // ? for(X=0, 48, print(X," ",polcoeff(c1, X))) long double C1(long double z) { long double w; w = -0.02682510262837534702999L*z; w = w + 0.01378477342635185304987L*powl(z,3.0L); w = w + 0.03849125048223508222874L*powl(z, 5.0L); w = w + 0.009871066299062076472012L*powl(z, 7.0L); w = w -0.003310759760858404332909L*powl(z, 9.0L); w = w -0.001464780857795415082498L*powl(z,11.0L); w = w -0.00001320794062487696367516L*powl(z,13.0L); w = w + 0.00005922748701847141323223L*powl(z,15.0L); w = w+ 0.000005980242585373448587711L*powl(z,17.0L); w = w -0.0000009641322456169826352673L*powl(z,19.0L); w = w -0.0000001833473372271441176002L*powl(z, 21.0L); w = w + 0.000000004467087562717833599561L*powl(z, 23.0L); w = w + 0.000000002709635082177274321693L*powl(z, 25.0L); w = w + 0.00000000007785288654315851046295L*powl(z,27.0L); w = w -0.00000000002343762601089368853248L*powl(z,29.0L); w = w -0.000000000001583017278998752164216L*powl(z,31.0L); w = w + 0.0000000000001211994157372379124665L*powl(z, 33.0L); w = w + 0.00000000000001458378116110830701758L*powl(z,35.0L); w = w -0.0000000000000002878630525813191750456L*powl(z,37.0L); w = w -0.00000000000000008662862902123724122528L*powl(z,39.0L); w = w -0.0000000000000000008430722727137041271560L*powl(z,41.0L); w = w+ 0.0000000000000000003630807223097346200173L*powl(z,43.0L); w = w + 0.00000000000000000001162669821283829671945L*powl(z,45.0L); w = w -0.000000000000000000001097548671152753181440L*powl(z,47.0L); return w; } // ? for(X=0, 48, print(X," ",polcoeff(c2, X))) long double C2(long double z) { long double w; w = 0.005188542830293168493785L; w = w+ 0.0003094658388063474603346L*powl(z,2.0L); w = w -0.01133594107822937338218L*powl(z,4.0L); w = w + 0.002233045741958144772057L*powl(z,6.0L); w = w + 0.005196637408862330205117L*powl(z,8.0L); w = w+ 0.0003439914407620833669466L*powl(z,10.0L); w = w -0.0005910648427470582821732L*powl(z,12.0L); w = w -0.0001022997254793585745443L*powl(z,14.0L); w = w + 0.00002088839221699275540807L*powl(z,16.0L); w = w+ 0.000005927665493096535957892L*powl(z,18.0L); w = w -0.0000001642383836243627597769L*powl(z,20.0L); w = w -0.0000001516119970094068286173L*powl(z,22.0L); w = w -0.000000005907803698206667962923L*powl(z,24.0L); w = w + 0.000000002091151485947818897775L*powl(z,26.0L); w = w + 0.0000000001781564958329235105380L*powl(z,28.0L); w = w -0.00000000001616407245535383075286L*powl(z,30.0L); w = w -0.000000000002380696249666761570721L*powl(z,32.0L); w = w+ 0.00000000000005398265295542594918182L*powl(z,34.0L); w = w+ 0.00000000000001975014219696951527331L*powl(z,36.0L); w = w + 0.0000000000000002333286873288263483105L*powl(z,38.0L); w = w -0.0000000000000001118751761004808020820L*powl(z,40.0L); w = w -0.000000000000000004164009488883767188513L*powl(z,42.0L); w = w + 0.0000000000000000004446081109291883028286L*powl(z,44.0L); w = w + 0.00000000000000000002854611478363714422952L*powl(z,46.0L); w = w -0.000000000000000000001191323143003791035106L*powl(z,48.0L); return w; } // ? for(X=0, 48, print(X," ",polcoeff(c3, X))) long double C3(long double z) { long double w; w = -0.001339716090719456904270L*z; w = w+ 0.003744215136379393704664L*powl(z,3.0L); w = w -0.001330317891932146812032L*powl(z,5.0L); w = w -0.002265466076547178711476L*powl(z,7.0L); w = w+ 0.0009548499998506730415112L*powl(z,9.0L); w = w + 0.0006010038458963603912076L*powl(z,11.0L); w = w -0.0001012885828677662195334L*powl(z,13.0L); w = w -0.00006865733449299825642457L*powl(z,15.0L); w = w+ 0.0000005985366791538598159306L*powl(z,17.0L); w = w + 0.000003331659851239947129044L*powl(z,19.0L); w = w+ 0.0000002191928910243508105718L*powl(z,21.0L); w = w -0.00000007890884245681494410555L*powl(z,23.0L); w = w -0.000000009414685081295262151652L*powl(z,25.0L); w = w+ 0.0000000009570116210883480301881L*powl(z,27.0L); w = w+ 0.0000000001876313745347066279681L*powl(z,29.0L); w = w -0.000000000004437837679323399327465L*powl(z,31.0L); w = w -0.000000000002242673850561735324841L*powl(z,33.0L); w = w -0.00000000000003627686865735243689408L*powl(z,35.0L); w = w+ 0.00000000000001763980955082158160783L*powl(z,37.0L); w = w + 0.0000000000000007960765246786777757313L*powl(z,39.0L); w = w -0.00000000000000009419651490589690762535L*powl(z,41.0L); w = w -0.000000000000000007133103854569657743497L*powl(z,43.0L); w = w+ 0.0000000000000000003289910584554629007871L*powl(z,45.0L); w = w + 0.00000000000000000004180730374898726358829L*powl(z,47.0L); return w; } // ? for(X=0, 48, print(X," ",polcoeff(c4, X))) long double C4(long double z) { long double w; w = 0.0004648338936176338185363L; w = w -0.001005660736534047075978L*powl(z,2.0L); w = w + 0.0002404485657372579302245L*powl(z,4.0L); w = w + 0.001028308614970232187826L*powl(z,6.0L); w = w -0.0007657861071755644186600L*powl(z,8.0L); w = w -0.0002036528680308481762148L*powl(z,10.0L); w = w+ 0.0002321229049106872789514L*powl(z,12.0L); w = w + 0.00003260214424386519760774L*powl(z,14.0L); w = w -0.00002557906251794952514025L*powl(z,16.0L); w = w -0.000004107464438915744753982L*powl(z,18.0L); w = w + 0.000001178111364037129388130L*powl(z,20.0L); w = w+ 0.0000002445656142248457854232L*powl(z,22.0L); w = w -0.00000002391582476734432243033L*powl(z, 24.0L); w = w -0.000000007505214207035755288539L*powl(z,26.0L); w = w+ 0.0000000001331227941625842819291L*powl(z, 28.0L); w = w+ 0.0000000001344062675422561971870L*powl(z, 30.0L); w = w + 0.000000000003513770042430485928693L*powl(z,32.0L); w = w -0.000000000001519154453370391933574L*powl(z, 34.0L); w = w -0.00000000000008915417681447087305522L*powl(z,36.0L); w = w+ 0.00000000000001119589116522853577137L*powl(z,38.0L); w = w+ 0.000000000000001051601332991481483697L*powl(z,40.0L); w = w -0.00000000000000005178655273646692084491L*powl(z,42.0L); w = w -0.000000000000000008065874861917114521441L*powl(z,44.0L); w = w + 0.0000000000000000001060820453021358190156L*powl(z,46.0L); w = w+ 0.00000000000000000004433680672100193810607L*powl(z,48.0L); return w; } long double grampoint(int k) { int iter; long double left; long double right; long double tmid; long double y; left = tmin; right = tmax; for(iter=1; iter <= 100; iter++) { tmid = (left+right)/2.0L; y = theta(tmid) - ((long double) k)*pi; if( y > 0.0L) { right = tmid; } else { left = tmid; } // printf("theta(%.16Lf)/pi = %.16Lf\n", tmid, theta(tmid)/pi ); } return tmid; }