diff --git a/framer/Animators/SpringRK4Animator.coffee b/framer/Animators/SpringRK4Animator.coffee index 4baef5a1f..acd663482 100644 --- a/framer/Animators/SpringRK4Animator.coffee +++ b/framer/Animators/SpringRK4Animator.coffee @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class exports.SpringRK4Animator extends Animator tension: 250 friction: 25 velocity: 0 - tolerance: 1 / 100 + tolerance: 1 / 1000 @_time = 0 @_value = 0 diff --git a/test/tests/CurvesTest.coffee b/test/tests/CurvesTest.coffee index 59d0baa90..b011837ec 100644 --- a/test/tests/CurvesTest.coffee +++ b/test/tests/CurvesTest.coffee @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ animatorEquals = (actual, expected) -> describe "Curves", -> describe "defaults", -> it "should have correct defaults", -> - Spring()(time: 1).options.should.eql {tension: 161.7195015916278, friction: 12.716898269296165, velocity: 0, time: 1, tolerance: 0.01, dampingRatio: 0.5, mass: 1} + Spring()(time: 1).options.should.eql {tension: 161.7195015916278, friction: 12.716898269296165, velocity: 0, time: 1, tolerance: 0.001, dampingRatio: 0.5, mass: 1} it "should listen to setting Framer Defaults", -> Framer.Defaults.Spring.dampingRatio = 0.3 - Spring()(time: 1).options.should.eql {tension: 367.4809527222421, friction: 11.501875628783644, velocity: 0, time: 1, tolerance: 0.01, dampingRatio: 0.3, mass: 1} + Spring()(time: 1).options.should.eql {tension: 367.4809527222421, friction: 11.501875628783644, velocity: 0, time: 1, tolerance: 0.001, dampingRatio: 0.3, mass: 1} describe "fromString", -> it "should parse Spring", ->