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gorrus committed May 5, 2016
1 parent 816ec88 commit 638870a
Showing 1 changed file with 193 additions and 44 deletions.
237 changes: 193 additions & 44 deletions native/winp.cpp
Expand Up @@ -17,27 +17,28 @@
// Returns:
// TRUE, if successful, FALSE - otherwise.
BOOL WINAPI KillProcess(DWORD dwProcessId) {
DWORD WINAPI KillProcess(DWORD dwProcessId) {
// first try to obtain handle to the process without the use of any
// additional privileges
auto_handle hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE|PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, dwProcessId);
if (!hProcess)
return FALSE;
if (!hProcess) {
return GetLastError();

// make sure this is not a critical process
ULONG isCritical = 0;
ZwQueryInformationProcess(hProcess, ProcessBreakOnTermination, &isCritical, sizeof(isCritical), NULL);
if (isCritical!=0) {// if the call above fails, the value should be left to 0
return FALSE;
// make sure this is not a critical process
ULONG isCritical = 0;
ZwQueryInformationProcess(hProcess, ProcessBreakOnTermination, &isCritical, sizeof(isCritical), NULL);
if (isCritical!=0) {// if the call above fails, the value should be left to 0

// terminate the process
if (!TerminateProcess(hProcess, (UINT)-1)) {
return FALSE;
if (TerminateProcess(hProcess, (UINT)-1)) {
// completed successfully

// completed successfully
return TRUE;
// either the process could not be opened or it could not be terminated
return GetLastError();

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ typedef struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSES {
// Returns:
// Win32 error code.
BOOL WINAPI KillProcessTreeNtHelper(PSYSTEM_PROCESSES pInfo, DWORD dwProcessId) {
DWORD WINAPI KillProcessTreeNtHelper(PSYSTEM_PROCESSES pInfo, DWORD dwProcessId) {
_ASSERTE(pInfo != NULL);

Expand All @@ -144,47 +145,193 @@ BOOL WINAPI KillProcessTreeNtHelper(PSYSTEM_PROCESSES pInfo, DWORD dwProcessId)


struct _TREE_PROCESS {
DWORD processId;

// FreeProcessList
// Frees the heap memory allocated for all TREE_PROCESS entries in the list
// starting from the provided root element.
// Parameters:
// hHeap - the handle to the heap from which the elements were allocated
// root - the first element in the list to free
DWORD error = GetLastError(); // save the last error, in case HeapFree fails

while (root) {
PTREE_PROCESS temp = root;

root = root->next;

HeapFree(hHeap, 0, temp);

return error;

// KillProcessTreeWinHelper
// This is a recursive helper function that terminates all the processes
// started by the specified process and them terminates the process itself
// Terminates all the processes started by the specified process and then
// terminates the process itself. When determining which processes were
// started by the specified process, the following criteria are taken into
// consideration:
// - The PPID of the process
// - The creation time of the process
// Because Windows processes do not reparent (changing their PPID when their
// real parent process terminates before they do), the PPID of a process is
// not enough to safely kill a hierarchy. PID reuse can result in a process
// appearing to be the parent of processes it didn't actually start. To try
// and guard against this, the creation time (start time) for the process to
// terminate is compared to the creation time of any process that appears to
// be in its hierarchy. If the creation time of the child is before that of
// its parent, it is assumed that the parent "inherited" the child and did
// not actually start it. Such "inherited" children are not killed.
// Parameters:
// dwProcessId - identifier of the process to terminate
// Returns:
// Win32 error code.
BOOL WINAPI KillProcessTreeWinHelper(DWORD dwProcessId) {
// create a snapshot
auto_handle hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
if (!hSnapshot)
DWORD WINAPI KillProcessTreeWinHelper(DWORD dwProcessId) {
// first, open a handle to the process with sufficient access to query for
// its times. those are needed in order to filter "children" because Windows
// processes, unlike Unix/Linux processes, do not reparent when the process
// that created them exits. as a result, any process could reuse a PID and
// end up looking like it spawned many processes it didn't actually spawn
auto_handle hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, dwProcessId);
if (!hProcess) {
return GetLastError();

// note: processCreated will be retained as the creation time for the root
// process. the other variables only exist because GetProcessTimes requires
// all 4 pointers
FILETIME processCreated;
FILETIME exitTime; // unused
FILETIME kernelTime; // unused
FILETIME userTime; // unused
if (!GetProcessTimes(hProcess, &processCreated, &exitTime, &kernelTime, &userTime)) {
// if unable to check the creation time for the process, it is impossible
// to safely kill any children processes; just kill the root process and
// leave it at that
return KillProcess(dwProcessId);

// next, create a snapshot of all the running processes. this will be used
// build a graph of processes which:
// 1. have a parent related to the root process
// 2. were started after the root process
auto_handle hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
if (!hSnapshot) {
// if unable to open a snapshot of the currently-running processes, just
// kill the root process and leave it at that
return KillProcess(dwProcessId);

auto_localmem<PROCESSENTRY32*> pEntry(sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32));
pEntry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);

pEntry->dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
if (!Process32First(hSnapshot, pEntry))
return GetLastError();
HANDLE hHeap = GetProcessHeap();
if (!hHeap) {
return KillProcess(dwProcessId);

// kill all children first
// there was a report of infinite recursion, so watching out for the obvious self-loop possibility
DWORD pid = pEntry->th32ProcessID;
if (pEntry->th32ParentProcessID == dwProcessId && dwProcessId!=pid)
if (!root) {
// couldn't allocate memory for the TREE_PROCESS, which means we won't be able
// to build the list; just kill the root process and leave it at that
return KillProcess(dwProcessId);
while (Process32Next(hSnapshot, pEntry));
root->processId = dwProcessId;

// kill the process itself
if (!KillProcess(dwProcessId))
return GetLastError();
PTREE_PROCESS current = root;
PTREE_PROCESS last = root;

FILETIME creationTime; // used when getting a child's creation time
DWORD processId; // holds the ID of the process being processed
while (current) {
// extract the process ID for processing, but do not move the current pointer;
// since children have not been processed yet, current->next may not have been
// set at this time. move it after the loop instead
processId = current->processId;

if (!Process32First(hSnapshot, &pEntry)) {
return FreeProcessList(hHeap, root);

// find the children for the current process
do {
DWORD pid = pEntry.th32ProcessID;
DWORD ppid = pEntry.th32ParentProcessID;

// first checks are the simplest; we can perform them with the data from
// the PROCESSENTRY32 structure:
// 1. does the process have a parent?
// 2. is the process the one we're currently checking?
// 3. does the process's parent match the one we're checking?
if (ppid == 0 || processId == pid || ppid != processId) {
// if any of the checks "fail", then this process is not a candidate
// for being killed

// next check: was this process, which supposedly is in our hierarchy,
// created before our process was? to find this out, we must open the
// process and check its creation time. if we cannot open the process,
// or we cannot get its process times, or its creation time is before
// its supposed parent, it is not a candidate for being killed
auto_handle hChild = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, pid);
if (hChild &&
GetProcessTimes(hChild, &creationTime, &exitTime, &kernelTime, &userTime) &&
CompareFileTime(&processCreated, &creationTime) < 1) {
// if we make it here, it means we were able to open the process,
// get its process times and its creation time is at or after the
// root process, so this process should be killed too
if (!child) {
return FreeProcessList(hHeap, root);
child->previous = last;
child->processId = pid;

last->next = child;
last = child;
while (Process32Next(hSnapshot, &pEntry));

// after processing all potential children for the current process, move the
// pointer forward and process children for the next process in the list
current = current->next;

// after building the complete list, kill the processes in reverse order. the first
// entry in the list, and therefore the last killed, will be the root process
DWORD result;
while (last) {
result = KillProcess(last->processId);

temp = last;
last = last->previous;

HeapFree(hHeap, 0, temp);

return result;

Expand All @@ -202,8 +349,9 @@ BOOL WINAPI KillProcessTreeWinHelper(DWORD dwProcessId) {
// TRUE, if successful, FALSE - otherwise.
BOOL WINAPI KillProcessEx(DWORD dwProcessId, BOOL bTree) {
if (!bTree)
if (!bTree) {
return KillProcess(dwProcessId);

DWORD dwError;
Expand All @@ -217,20 +365,21 @@ BOOL WINAPI KillProcessEx(DWORD dwProcessId, BOOL bTree) {
// obtain a handle to the default process heap
HANDLE hHeap = GetProcessHeap();

ULONG cbBuffer = 0x8000;
PVOID pBuffer = NULL;

// it is difficult to say a priory which size of the buffer
// it is difficult to say a priory which size of the buffer
// will be enough to retrieve all information, so we start
// with 32K buffer and increase its size until we get the
// information successfully
pBuffer = HeapAlloc(hHeap, 0, cbBuffer);
if (pBuffer == NULL)
if (pBuffer == NULL) {

Status = ZwQuerySystemInformation(
Expand All @@ -250,9 +399,9 @@ BOOL WINAPI KillProcessEx(DWORD dwProcessId, BOOL bTree) {

// call the helper function
dwError = KillProcessTreeNtHelper((PSYSTEM_PROCESSES)pBuffer,
dwError = KillProcessTreeNtHelper((PSYSTEM_PROCESSES)pBuffer,

HeapFree(hHeap, 0, pBuffer);
Expand Down

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