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This is a pipeline for creating training (and testing) data for the relation extraction system known as MultiR. Please note that the included implementations should be considered "baseline." Further development is encouraged. Although the resources included at this time only support English, the design of the pipeline allows other linguistic resources to be used.

Components of a Pipeline

  • Corpus Conversion - Interface: CorpusConverter - Converts the corpus into the datastructure used by the pipeline, e.g, Gigaword to AnnotatedDoc
  • Document Processing - Interface: DocProcessor - Performs whatever is needed to recognize entities in the text. Is used for preprocessing and feature generation for MultiR.
  • Entity Linking - Interface: Linker - Takes the mentions found in the Document Processing step and links them to candidate entities in the entity database (Freebase).
  • Relation Annotation - Interface: RelationAnnotator - Finds relations between candidate entities and uses them to produce sentential annotations.
  • MultiR Compiling - (no Interface, just MultiRCompiler class) - Converts datastructure used by the pipeline into format that can be read by MultiR.


Included Implementations

  • CorpusConverter
    • SAXGigawordConverter
    • StripSGML
  • DocProcessor
    • CoreNLPProcessor
  • Linker
    • MapBasedEntityLinker
  • RelationAnnotator
    • LuceneRelationSearcher
  • No Interface
    • MultiRCompiler
    • Utils: provides (static) methods for taking care of file I/O and JSON de/serialization for the other classes.
  • Data Structures
    • MultiRInstance: Consists of a bundle of Strings, one for each file that MultiRCompiler will output. It is also where the output is format, i.e., if the output format of MultiRCompiler needs to be changed, it should be done by editing MultiRInstance.
    • AnnotatedDoc: More details below (Pipeline datastructure)
    • Sentence: More details below (Pipeline datastructure)
    • Mention: More details below (Pipeline datastructure)
    • RelationAnnotation: More details below (Pipeline datastructure)

Note that each of the provided implementations (besides the CorpusConverters, which are called as part of DocProcessor) can be run on its own using the main method. Because each step outputs its AnnotatedDocs, this allows each step to be run outside of the pipeline, e.g., once preprocessing is completed, it does not need to be rerun in order to try out different methods of entity linking.


Getting set up

Maven setup:

  1. Install Maven.

  2. Navigate to the repo directory, where pom.xml is located.

  3. Execute mvn package. The first time you run it will take a while while it downloads all the dependencies declared in pom.xml. After that it will run much more quickly.

Additional resources set up

Scripts Various scripts are provided for convenience of not having to retype the same arguments over and over. They are located in the scripts directory, and more detailed information about them is available in scripts/README-scripts. Please note that since these scripts are provided for convenience only, some setup will need to be done to set said arguments correctly.

Entity alias file Certain implementations of the Entity Linking component, such as MapBasedEntityLinker, require a tab-separated enitity-alias file. An example can be found under data/examples/exampleAliases.txt.

Relations file Depending on the implementation of the Relation Annotator component, such as MapBasedEntityLinker, a tab-separated enitity-alias file may be required. An examples can be found under data/examples/exampleRelations.txt.

Relations index Additionally, if using Lucene-based components, such as LuceneRelationSearcher, you will need to generate an index for it to use. There should be an associated indexer class, such as LuceneRelationIndexer. Simply call this with a relations file in the above format and an output directory in which to put the index. This can be done using scripts/indexRelations.pbs.

PipelineDemo details

The PipelineDemo class is included to give an example of how to code a pipeline. It is built to process English Gigaword text. It uses the following classes:

  • Document Processing - CoreNLPProcessor. Uses Stanford CoreNLP tools (English).
  • Corpus Conversion - SAXGigawordConverter. This is actually called inside CoreNLPProcessor, instead of as a separate step.
  • Entity Linking - MapBasedEntityLinker. As described, uses a hashmap to connect aliases to entities.
  • Relation Annotation - LuceneRelationSearcher
  • MultiR Compiling - MultiRCompiler

Note that the DocProcessor (CoreNLPProcessor) is passed to MultiRCompiler. This is because MultiRCompiler only takes care of outputting the files MultiR expects --- it should be totally isolated from any NLP steps so that different DocProcessors can be substituted in. This way, the only step of the pipeline that has to "worry" about the language being processed is the DocProcessor. As long as UTF-8 encoding works, CorpusConverter, Linker, RelationAnnotator and MultiRCompiler should not have enough interaction with the language to cause any problems.

How it works:

  1. preprocessing: CoreNLPProcessor calls SAXGigawordConverter to convert Gigaword files into AnnotatedDocs. It then performs preprocessing on those documents to get only "valid" sentences, in this case: longer than 6 tokens (words), shorter than 50 tokens, and contains at least 2 entities. All other sentences are discarded. Documents that contain no valid sentences are discarded. The newly processed documents are outputted to a subdirectory of the output directory called docs. Optionally, XML for each valid sentence is outputted to a subdirectory of docs called xml (see note below). The sentences are only partially processed at this point to avoid performing NLP on sentences that will be filtered out further along the pipeline.

  2. linking: MapBasedEntityLinker loads a file of entity-alias pairs into a HashMap that associates each alias with all the entities is may represent (candidates), e.g., "John" may have candidates "John Smith", "John Doe", and "John Appleseed". When MapBasedEntityLinker is given an AnnotatedDoc to link, for each mentition string in the AnnotatedDoc it checks if that string is a key in the HashMap. If it is, is adds all the candidates in the map to the mention for that sentence. If a sentence has fewer than two entities that have mentions found in the map, the sentence is removed from the AnnotatedDoc.

  3. annotating: LuceneRelationSearcher requires that LuceneRelationIndexer has already been run, and that a relation index exists. Given that, it takes every pair of entities present in a sentence, and searches for every pair of candidates for these two entities, in alternating order (remembering that relations are fixed-order). If a positive relation is found for at least one pair of candidates for a pair of entities, then the positive relation is added to the sentence. If a pair of entities has no candidate pairs with relations, then all candidate pairs are added to the sentence as empty relations.

  4. output: MultiRCompiler is called, which in turn calls CoreNLP to process the linked and annotated AnnotatedDocs, and convert them into MultiRInstances. CoreNLP performs tokenization, POS and NER tagging, and dependency parsing. MultiRInstance takes empty relations and interprets them as negative examples. MultiRCompiler should be completely isolated from the processing and AnnotatedDocs -- its only job is to output the Strings stored in MultiRInstances.

Note: CoreNLP has the option to output its annotations as XML. This option can be turned on by uncommenting the line


in PipelineDemo's constructor. This will be useful if there is ever a way to read deserialize the annotations back into CoreNLP's Annotation datastructure, to eliminate reanotation of sentences that currently occurs in the processing step in order to add the dependency parse.

Output directory structure

Although the structure depends on how the pipeline is written, here is the default/recommended directory structure:

|  |--inputfile.processed.gz
|  |--inputfile.linked.gz
|  |--inputfile.relations.gz
|  |--xml (optional)
|  |  |--inputfile.00.xml.gz
|  |  |--inputfile.01.xml.gz
|  |  |--inputfile.02.xml.gz
|  |--inputfile.error
|  |--inputfile.output

It is recommended that the MultiR files in the top directory are compiled from all the files under docs/

Pipeline datastructure

The main datastructure used by this pipeline is AnnotatedDoc. Each AnnotatedDoc represents one article from Gigaword. It contains:

  • a document ID

  • a set of sentences

The sentences are a datastructure called Sentence. Each one contains:

  • the sentence string

  • the start offset relative to the original document

  • the end offset relative to the original document

  • a map of mention strings to mentions

  • a set of relation annotations

The Mention datastructure contains:

  • the start offset of the mention relative to the encapsulating sentence

  • the end offset relative to the encapsulating sentence

  • the NER type of the mention (e.g., PERSON, ORGANIZATION, LOCATION, etc)

  • a set of candidate entities that the mention may be referring to

The RelationAnnotation datastructure contains:

  • the string of the first entity of a relation

  • the start offset of the first entity of a relation

  • the end offset of the first entity of a relation

  • the string of the second entity of a relation

  • the start offset of the second entity of a relation

  • the end offset of the second entity of a relation

  • a set of relation between the first and second entities


Given an original document like:

<DOC id="Test1" type="story" >


Fake headline



CAIRO, Jan. 1 (Xinhua)



Mentioning Sa, Mel, Melissa Hart and Laura, Paula, Paula J Hart should
definitely bring up at least a people.person.parents relation. If not also a
child relation.



At each step in the pipeline, the list of AnnotatedDocs (and everything they contain) is output to a file in JSON format. When all the steps have been completed, it will look like this:

[ {

  "sentences" : [ {

    "sentence" : "Mentioning Sa, Mel, Melissa Hart and Laura, Paula, Paula J
Hart should definitely bring up at least a people.person.parents relation.",

    "start" : 1,

    "relations" : [ {

      "relations" : [ "people.person.children" ],

      "entity1" : "m.06538bj",

      "e1StartSpan" : 38,

      "e1EndSpan" : 43,

      "entity2" : "m.012_53",

      "e2StartSpan" : 21,

      "e2EndSpan" : 33

    }, {

      "relations" : [ "people.person.children" ],

      "entity1" : "m.06538bj",

      "e1StartSpan" : 38,

      "e1EndSpan" : 43,

      "entity2" : "m.012_53",

      "e2StartSpan" : 16,

      "e2EndSpan" : 19

    }, {

      "relations" : [ "people.person.children" ],

      "entity1" : "m.06538bj",

      "e1StartSpan" : 52,

      "e1EndSpan" : 64,

      "entity2" : "m.012_53",

      "e2StartSpan" : 21,

      "e2EndSpan" : 33

    }, {

      "relations" : [ "people.person.children" ],

      "entity1" : "m.06538bj",

      "e1StartSpan" : 52,

      "e1EndSpan" : 64,

      "entity2" : "m.012_53",

      "e2StartSpan" : 16,

      "e2EndSpan" : 19

    }, {

      "relations" : [ "people.person.parents" ],

      "entity1" : "m.012_53",

      "e1StartSpan" : 21,

      "e1EndSpan" : 33,

      "entity2" : "m.06538bj",

      "e2StartSpan" : 38,

      "e2EndSpan" : 43

    }, {

      "relations" : [ "people.person.parents" ],

      "entity1" : "m.012_53",

      "e1StartSpan" : 21,

      "e1EndSpan" : 33,

      "entity2" : "m.06538bj",

      "e2StartSpan" : 52,

      "e2EndSpan" : 64

    }, {

      "relations" : [ "people.person.parents" ],

      "entity1" : "m.012_53",

      "e1StartSpan" : 16,

      "e1EndSpan" : 19,

      "entity2" : "m.06538bj",

      "e2StartSpan" : 38,

      "e2EndSpan" : 43

    }, {

      "relations" : [ "people.person.parents" ],

      "entity1" : "m.012_53",

      "e1StartSpan" : 16,

      "e1EndSpan" : 19,

      "entity2" : "m.06538bj",

      "e2StartSpan" : 52,

      "e2EndSpan" : 64

    } ],

    "mentionInstances" : [ "Laura", "Paula J Hart", "Melissa Hart", "Paula", 
"Mel" ],

    "mentions" : {

      "Laura" : {

        "spanStart" : 38,

        "spanEnd" : 43,

        "type" : "PERSON",

        "candidates" : [ "m.0k3q4ky", "m.0n3vphn", "m.04v6d84", "m.09sg9b",
"m.059xkp_", "m.04ls66", "m.02x0ngx", "m.07chj_c", "m.0j14xxd", "m.06538bj",
"m.09gly4g", "m.0w2ws9g", "m.0bdty6b", "m.0pd6kxc", "m.0bqskbr", "m.0x19t_d",
"m.02vsw78", "m.0y7ntdm", "m.0bv4ng8", "m.0qs3194", "m.07k7c1f", "m.04jfj3v",
"m.0zbg0zs", "m.01pngcc", "m.0j1374q", "m.0j36k22" ]


      "Paula J Hart" : {

        "spanStart" : 52,

        "spanEnd" : 64,

        "type" : "PERSON",

        "candidates" : [ "m.06538bj" ]


      "Melissa Hart" : {

        "spanStart" : 21,

        "spanEnd" : 33,

        "type" : "PERSON",

        "candidates" : [ "m.012_53" ]


      "Paula" : {

        "spanStart" : 45,

        "spanEnd" : 50,

        "type" : "PERSON",

        "candidates" : [ "m.0fgxtx", "m.0b3y2zz", "m.02qs76f", "m.0hpqyds",
"m.0y7qv0r", "m.0ncqy5k", "m.0t4xt55" ]


      "Mel" : {

        "spanStart" : 16,

        "spanEnd" : 19,

        "type" : "PERSON",

        "candidates" : [ "m.06tnl7", "m.012_53", "m.0c5vh", "m.0krnp29",
"m.0643kz6", "m.0gbyqcn", "m.0h3vnm4", "m.0_74v30", "m.0fzbhh", "m.0264kdz",
"m.0314hm", "m.02kfxx2", "m.05mzwzv", "m.02hrh2h", "m.04mn7c7", "m.06429cm",
"m.064xh5", "m.01_xqj", "m.02ppwfh", "m.0gdljzc", "m.0k26zt_", "m.01vlqt2",
"m.053hkl", "m.0zwyljx", "m.0h8gm3t", "m.0_qqsjx", "m.0h66xv", "m.0v8_7z1",
"m.0v04c_4", "m.0k8kqjh", "m.0vsmgvb", "m.0hfj159", "m.07wlpq", "m.0555z",
"m.03jnxcx", "m.0j3560d", "m.0gbzwzh", "m.09gj65", "m.0r9qt3m" ]



    "end" : 134

  } ],

  "id" : "Test1"

} ]

Notice that because the second sentence did not contain any entities, and therefore could not contain any relations, it was dropped.


Training pipeline for a relation extraction system






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