Torch-eCpG is a GPU enabled expression quantitative trait methylation (eQTM) mapper to identify expression associated CpG (eCpG) loci with python CLI using pytorch.
If you use Torch-eCpG in your research, please cite the following paper: Kober, K.M., Berger, L., Roy, R. et al. Torch-eCpG: a fast and scalable eQTM mapper for thousands of molecular phenotypes with graphical processing units. BMC Bioinformatics 25, 71 (2024).
A docker image is now available for the Torch-eCpG (tecpg) tool to perform eQTM mapping analysis. The docker image provides a pre-configured environment for running tecpg.
The image can be created from the instructions in the docker-related/ directory.
Alternatively, a full image is available for download from docker hub:
Pip install from github using git+https://
pip install git+
If you want to be able to edit the code for debugging and development, install in editable mode and do not remove the directory.
cd [path/to/code/directory]
git clone
cd torch-ecpg
pip install --editable .
is an entry point in the command line than calls the root CLI function. If the installation was successful, running tecpg --help
should provide help with the command line interface.
If you have issues with using pip
in the command line, try python -m pip
or python3 -m pip
can calculate on the CPU or on a CUDA enabled GPU device. CUDA devices are generally faster than CPU computations for sufficiently large inputs.
The program will automatically determine whether there is a CUDA enabled device and use it if available. To force calculation on the CPU, set the --threads
option to a nonzero integer. This will also set the number of CPU threads used.
Methylation values, gene expression values, and covariates are provided in CSV or TSV files in the <working>/data
directory. For methylation and gene expression, columns are for individual samples and each row is for a loci. For the covariates, the columns are the type of covariate and the rows are the sample. Annotation files are used for region filtration and are stored in the <working>/annot
. They use the BED6
standard and store the positions of the methylation or gene expression loci.
Methylatlion CSV datafiles from the GTP dataset (see Demostration below):
head -5 data/M.csv | cut -d, -f1-5
Gene expression CSV datafiles from the GTP dataset (see Demostration below):
head data/G.csv | cut -d, -f1-5
head -5 data/C.csv
Covariate CSV datafiles from the GTP dataset (see Demostration below):
Annotation BED6 files for the gene expression and methylation data (i.e., Illumina HumanHT-12 and Illumina MethylationEPIC arrays):
head -5 annot/*
==> annot/G.bed6 <==
chrom chromStart chromEnd name score strand
2 128604584 128604633 ILMN_1792672 0 -
11 193773 193822 ILMN_3237022 0 +
13 44410552 44410601 ILMN_1904052 0 -
17 79524173 79524222 ILMN_1807600 0 -
==> annot/M.bed6 <==
chrom chromStart chromEnd name score strand
20 61847650 61847650 cg18478105 0 -
X 24072640 24072640 cg09835024 0 -
9 131463936 131463936 cg14361672 0 +
17 80159506 80159506 cg01763666 0 +
Example data for evaluation can be created with tecpg:
tecpg data --help
[INFO] CUDA GPU detected. This device supports CUDA.
Usage: tecpg data [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Base group for data management.
--help Show this message and exit.
dummy Generates dummy data.
gtp Downloads and extracts GTP data.
tecpg run mlr
without chunking creates one output file named out.csv by default in the output directory. If any chunking is used, methylation chuking, gene expression chunking, or both, potentially multiple files are created in the output directory. They are labeled {methylation chunk number}-{gene expression chunk number}.csv
The rows labels of a csv output file indicate the gene expression id and the methylation id. The columns indicate what regression results that column represents. Methylation related labels are prefixed with mt_
, and gene expression related labels are prefixed with gt_
. The four regression results returned are the estimate est
, the standard error err
, the Student's T statistic t
, and the p-value p
If the input is too large, the computational device may run out of memory. Chunking can help prevent this by partitioning the data into chunks that are computed and saved separately. Chunking sacrifices parallelization, and thus speed, for lower memory. Avoid chunking wherever possible for speed.
For tecpg run mlr
, there are two types of chunking: methylation chunking and gene expression chunking. Gene expression chunking is preferable to methylation chunking if possible, as it sacrifices parallelization less. Chunking should be avoided unless required to conform to memory constraints. Use tepcg chunks
to estimate the number of gene expression loci per chunk given certain parameters.
You may want to include only certain regression results. There are two ways of filtering the results:
- P-value filtration - all p-values are computed first. Then, regression results with a p-value above a supplied threshold are excluded from the output. This decreases output size and thus increases speed as saving is an expensive operation.
- Region filtration - region filtration requires annotation files that dictate the positions of methylation and gene expression ids. Then, regressions are filtered by one of the following methods:
- Cis: the position of the gene expression id and methylation id is within a supplied window and they lie on the same chromosome.
- Distal: the position of the gene expression id and methylation id is outside of a supplied window and they lie on the same chromosome.
- Trans: the gene expression id and methylation id lie on different chromosomes.
- All: no filtration.
P-value filtration filters results after calculating the regression. Region filtration filters the input before the regression results are computed.
The p-values returned by tecpg run mlr
are approximations using the normal distribution CDF. This approximation is more accurate for larger degrees of freedom. As the number of degrees of freedom approaches
For example:
- For 336 degrees of freedom and test t-statistic of 1.877, the percent difference between the normal CDF and Student CDF is 0.04469%.
- For 50 degrees of freedom and test t-statistic of 1.877, the percent difference between the normal CDF and Student CDF is 0.30206%.
The user should determine whether this accuracy is suitable for the task and the degrees of freedom.
This image from shows the deviation of the Student's T distribution CDF from the normal CDF represented as
Currently, the README and the tecpg ... --help
commands serve as documentation. Within the code, the function docstrings provide a lot of information about the function. The extensive type hints give added insight into the purpose of functions.
Here is a demonstration of tecpg using real data publicly available from the n=340 participants from the Grady Trauma Project (GTP) (Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) accession numbers GSE72680, GSE58137). The participants were assayed using the Illumina HumanMethylation450 (n=349,220 CpG loci) and HumanHT-12 (n=39,353 expression probes) arrays.
- Create the evaluation directory
mkdir test; cd test
- Download and prepare the GTP example dataset
tecpg data gtp
[INFO] CUDA GPU detected. This device supports CUDA.
Are you sure you want to overwrite the data directory? [y/N]: y
[INFO] Creating directory /home/kord-test/proj/torch-ecpg/eval/GTP...
[INFO] Removing directory /home/kord-test/proj/torch-ecpg/eval/GTP...
[INFO] Creating directory /home/kord-test/proj/torch-ecpg/eval/GTP...
[INFO] Downloading GTP raw data (this could take a very long time)
[INFO] Downloading 4 files...
[INFOTIMER] Downloading 1/4: CovariateMatrix.txt.gz...
[INFOTIMER] Downloaded in 0.0631 seconds
[INFOTIMER] Downloading 2/4: MethylationBetaValues.tsv.gz…
[INFO] Reading 3 csv files...
[INFOTIMER] Reading 1/3: MethylationBetaValues.tsv.gz
[INFO] Reading csv file /home/kord-test/proj/torch-ecpg/test/GTP/MethylationBetaValues.tsv.gz with separator [tab]
[INFOTIMER] Read 1/3 in 105.2349 seconds
[INFOTIMER] Reading 2/3: GeneExpressionValues_1.tsv.gz
[INFO] Reading csv file /home/kord-test/proj/torch-ecpg/test/GTP/GeneExpressionValues_1.tsv.gz with separator [tab]
[INFOTIMER] Read 2/3 in 1.8076 seconds
[INFOTIMER] Reading 3/3: GeneExpressionValues_2.tsv.gz
[INFO] Reading csv file /home/kord-test/proj/torch-ecpg/test/GTP/GeneExpressionValues_2.tsv.gz with separator [tab]
[INFOTIMER] Read 3/3 in 4.6601 seconds
[INFOTIMER] Finished reading GTP csv files in 111.703 seconds.
[INFO] Concatenating gene expression parts
[INFO] Removing covariates without enough data for all samples
[INFO] Dropping unneeded columns (p-values)
[INFO] Normalizing column names
[INFO] Removing nonoverlapping columns
[INFO] Dropped 17337 rows of G with missing values (69.4173% remaining)
[INFO] Dropped 104132 rows of M with missing values (77.0306% remaining)
[INFO] Sorting columns
[INFO] Saving into /home/kord-test/proj/torch-ecpg/test/data
[INFO] Creating directory /home/kord-test/proj/torch-ecpg/test/data...
[INFO] Saving 3 dataframes...
[INFOTIMER] Saving 1/3: M.csv
[INFOTIMER] Saved 1/3 in 151.9341 seconds
[INFOTIMER] Saving 2/3: G.csv
[INFOTIMER] Saved 2/3 in 9.7193 seconds
[INFOTIMER] Saving 3/3: C.csv
[INFOTIMER] Saved 3/3 in 0.0022 seconds
[INFOTIMER] Finished saving 3 dataframes in 161.6562 seconds.
[WARNING] GTP methylation, gene expression, and covariates downloaded. If you would like to use region filtration, please manually copy the associated files from the tecpg/demo directory or produce them yourself.
- Copy and rename the demo annotation files to their default locations. We created these annotation files to be used with these arrays. The users will need to create their own for datasets using other arrays or measuring approaches (e.g., RNA-seq).
mkdir annot
cp ../demo/annoEPIC.hg19.bed6 annot/M.bed6
cp ../demo/annoHT12.hg19.bed6 annot/G.bed6
- Run the CIS loci analysis. This analysis has a small memory footprint and completes quickly.
tecpg run mlr --help
[INFO] CUDA GPU detected. This device supports CUDA.
Usage: tecpg run mlr [OPTIONS]
-g, --gene-loci-per-chunk INTEGER
-m, --meth-loci-per-chunk INTEGER
-p, --p-thresh FLOAT
--all [default: all]
-w, --window INTEGER
--cis [default: all]
--distal [default: all]
--trans [default: all]
-f, --full-output [default: False]
-P, --p-only [default: False]
--help Show this message and exit.
tecpg run mlr --cis -p 0.00001 -g 10000 -m 10000
There are times when we may want to define our own classifications for a region (e.g., CIS) and apply different annotations to our mapping data.
In these cases, we first run the mapping for all eCpG gene combinations:
tecpg run mlr --all -g 100 -m 100000
This analsis will produce a large number of mapping results:
ls output/
We then use a script to classify the mappings in each file.
./ -h - assign a region class to eCpGs
usage: [hD] -d <tecpg eQTM output> -g <gene annotation file> -m <methylation annotation file> -o <outfile name>
e.g.: -d 1-1.csv -g G.bed6 -m M.bed6 -o ecpg.annot.csv
Here is an example using the script (available in the demo/ directory): \
-d output/1-100.csv \
-g annot/G.bed6 \
-m annot/M.bed6 \
-o 1-100.annot.csv >
The script has visual descriptions of the region being classified in the code. For example, for CIS regions below are separate definitions for the '+' and '-' strands. These offsets can be changed in the defaults section at the start of the script. We welcome updates and modifications to the script to improve usability (e.g., user flags to set the offsets, etc.).
## DEFAULTS - Kennedy et al. BMC Genomics (2018) 19:476
#PVALCUTOFF=0.00001 ## 10-5 is "suggestive" in Kennedy 2018
#PVALCUTOFF=0.00000000001 ## 10-11 is "significant" in Kennedy 2018
PVALCUTOFF=np.float32(0.000001) ## 10-6 is our "exploratory" cutoff
## CIS <50Kb TSS
## PROMOTER +/- 2500 bp TSS
## check for CIS - positive strand
# CIS: < 50Kb upstream from TSS
# |>>>>>>>| gene
# | TSS (strand=“+”)
# | -offset (0Kb)
# | -region start (50Kb)
# | cpg
# |-------| target region
# upstream downstream
## check for CIS - negative strand
# CIS: < 50Kb upstream from TSS
# |<<<<<<| gene
# | TSS (strand=“-”)
# | +offset (50Kb)
# | region end
# | cpg
# |------| target region
# downstream upstream
This script will provide information regarding the mappings for which classes were called, as well as thoses annotations that were missing.
If memory is no issue, all of the output files can be concatenated together and the classification can be done at once. Fair warning that the script is not memory efficient and can quickly consume all available memory.
head -1` output/1-1.csv >all.ecpg.csv
cat output/*csv | fgrep -v gt_id >>all.ecpg.csv
/usr/bin/time -v ./ \
-d output/1-1.csv \
-g annot/G.bed6 \
-m annot/M.bed6 \
-o 1-1.annot.csv > 2>&1
The script outputs brief information about the annotation and mappings.
egrep -v "Excluding|missing"
[MAIN][INFO] eCpG datafile: output/1-1.csv
[MAIN][INFO] gene anntoation file: annot/G.bed6
[MAIN][INFO] methylation anntoation file: annot/M.bed6
[MAIN][INFO] output file name: 1-1.annot.csv
[readBed6AnnotatioFileToDict][INFO] Skipped (NA) 10002 loci from annot/G.bed6
[readBed6AnnotatioFileToDict][INFO] Processed 44938 loci from annot/G.bed6
[readBed6AnnotatioFileToDict][INFO] Skipped (NA) 0 loci from annot/M.bed6
[readBed6AnnotatioFileToDict][INFO] Processed 865859 loci from annot/M.bed6
[MAIN][INFO] Using default p-value cutoff of 1e-06
[reportPvalues][INFO] P-values read: 9999800
[reportPvalues][INFO] P < 0.000001 2489
[reportPvalues][INFO] P < 0.0000001 1262
[reportPvalues][INFO] P < 0.00000001 919
[reportPvalues][INFO] P < 0.000000001 919
[assignRegion][INFO] eCpgs Processed: 9999800 Assigned: 2198 Excluded (any): 9997503
[assignRegion][INFO] eCpgs Counts by Region: {'trans': 2164, 'distal': 34, 'cis': 0, 'promoter': 0, 'genebody': 0}
[MAIN][INFO] Saving annotated data to: 1-1.annot.csv
The annotated CSV file has the region in the final column:
head 1-1.annot.csv
cut -d, -f9 1-1.annot.csv | sort | uniq -c
1 region
2164 TRANS
We have run into this issue when using a development system or a cluster (e.g., Sun Grid Engine) where the system has numerous GPUs and selection is necessary.
Find the ID of the GPU you’d like to use:
Fri Dec 15 13:33:36 2023
| NVIDIA-SMI 530.30.02 Driver Version: 530.30.02 CUDA Version: 12.1 |
| GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. |
| | | MIG M. |
| 0 NVIDIA A2 On | 00000000:81:00.0 Off | 0 |
| 0% 38C P8 9W / 60W| 0MiB / 15356MiB | 0% Default |
| | | N/A |
| 1 NVIDIA L4 On | 00000000:82:00.0 Off | 0 |
| N/A 54C P8 18W / 75W| 0MiB / 23034MiB | 0% Default |
| | | N/A |
| Processes: |
| GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory |
| ID ID Usage |
| No running processes found |
Here, we see GPU 0 is the A2 (previous one) and GPU 1 is the L4 (new one).
Selection of the GPU to use can be done through software (e.g., or using the shell. For software that we are not going to be editing directly (e.g., tecpg), we use the shell variable direction.
The the environment variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES can be set when you call python.
To use the A2 GPU, the following re-mapping works:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,0 python tecpg run mlr --all --p-thresh 0.000001 -g 100 -m 100000
To use the L4 GPU, the following re-mapping works:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python tecpg run mlr --all --p-thresh 0.000001 -g 100 -m 100000
This work was partially supported by an NIH NCI MERIT award (R37, CA233774, PI: Kober) and Cancer Center Support Grant (P30, CA082103, Co-I: Olshen).