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everdred edited this page Nov 27, 2023 · 6 revisions

The "Progress sync" plugin can synchronize your reading progress through a document across different KOReader devices.

To get started, you need to create an account on one device by using the plugin's "Register/Login" menu. Use the same option to login on other devices. (Keep in mind that the plugin is only visible if a document is open.) If "Auto sync" is checked, synchronization will be performed whenever a document is opened or closed. You can also manually synchronize your reading progress by tapping "Sync now".

The Document matching method allows you to change whether Progress Sync uses the Binary or the Filename as input to the plugin for local hashing. By default, it uses the Binary method, to ensure only the exact same file's progress is synchronized. If you run into a situation where the same file should be synchronizing, but is not, ensure the file names match exactly and then try the Filename method.

This plugin does not send file name, or any file content, to the KOReader sync server. All data transferred between the "Progress sync" plugin and the sync server are also secured by HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) connections. You need to have copies of the book/document on both the device you started reading on and on the device you want to continue reading on.


Basic reading controls (click to open)
Advanced reading controls (click to open)
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