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Duke Nukem 3D

kpa-home edited this page Sep 7, 2016 · 1 revision

Duke Nukem 3D is a First Person Shooter game developed by 3D Realms in 1996.

Port: Eduke32


Shareware versions of duke3d.grp and duke.rts are provided via symlinks in


The shareware files are physically located in a different directory, but if you just replace the links in the folder above with your full version game data, it should work.


Key Action
W or NUMPAD 8 Move Forward
S or NUMPAD 2 Move Backward
Left or NUMPAD 4 Turn Left
Right or NUMPAD 6 Turn Right
ALT Strafe
Right CTRL or Left Click Fire
E Open/Use
Shift Run
Caps Lock Autorun
Space or / Jump
Left CTRL Crouch
PGUP or NUMPAD 9 Look Up
PGDN or NUMPAD 3 Look Down
INS or NUMPAD 0 Look Left
DEL or NUMPAD . Look Right
A Strafe Left
D Strafe Right
END or NUMPAD 1 Aim Down
0-9 Weapons
Enter Inventory
[ Inventory Left
] Inventory Right
H Holo Duke
J Jetpack
N Nightvision
M Medkit
Backspace Turnaround
T Send Message
Tab Map
  • | Shrink Screen
  • | Enlarge Screen 5 | Center View Scroll Lock | Holster Weapon Y | Show Opponents Weapon F | Map Follow Mode K | See Co-op View U | Mouse Aiming I | Toggle Crosshair R | Steroids Q | Quick Kick " | Next Weapon : | Previous Weapon ` | Show Console F1 | Help F2 | Save F3 | Load F4 | Sound/Music F5 | Change Music F6 | Quicksave F7 | Chase View F8 | Messages F9 | Quickload F10 | Quit F11 | Brightness F12 | Save PCX ESC | Menu

If you start EDuke32 and it is not recognizing your controller bring down the console and type:

in_joystick 1

Advanced Configuration




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