Jonas Linde <>
- 2009 Gent
- 2010 USA, Australien, Tyskland, Brasilien
- 2011 Göteborg + 5 st
- ...
- 2016 Stockholm + 41 st
- 2017 51 st
- två dagar
- presentationer på förmiddagarna
- open spaces på eftermiddagarna
- Humane Teams
- Emma Jane Hogbin Westby, OCHA + Dan Young, EngineerBetter
- colocated vs. dispersed
- Ops to Dev
- Igor Galić
- "not a single piece of code was written with automation in mind"
- Not Wrong Long
- Sally Goble, the Guardian
- testa i prod
- Metaphors We Compute by
- Alvaro Videla, RabbitMQ
- metaforer förenklar förståelse
- Healthy Minds
- Erik Sasha Romijn, Django
- 1 of 4 experience mental illness in their lifetime
- The Oath of Non-Allegiance
- Louise Paling
- lista med bra saker
- Change Management t.ex.
- ChatOps
- Aubrey Stearn, PizzaHut
- real-time execution of tooling with simultaneous communiaction
- Boring is Powerful
- Jon Topper, The Scale Factory
- Hacker news driven development
- dag 1
- How to DevOps on Monolith
- Continuous Delivery Using Crowdsourced Testing
- Chaos Theory
- Monitoring
- dag 2
- Is Pipeline as Code the next big thing?
- The Wall of Learning
- Nudge theory
- Surviving as a Mum in DevOps
- dag 1
- DevOps - Where to start?
- Silos must go
- Value Stream Mapping
- DevOpS
- Reorganizing teams
- how to have boundaries without creating new silos
- Pipeline as code - Jenkins?
- DevOps - Where to start?
- dag 2
- Signing your commits
- git duet
- DevSecOps
- shift left
- Retrospective
- för små gafflar
- Signing your commits
- Testa i prod
- Humane teams
- Inga silos
- DevOp S