Jonas Linde <>
- 2020-02-01
- Cloud computing with vertical lock-in is undermining software freedom
- But Docker and Kubernetes is changing the way we deliver software
- Docker for packaging
- Kubernetes for orchestration
- Kubernetes Operators for full service delivery
- Falco - Wireshark for kernel packages
- Built on top on IPF
- Can monitor and prevent malicious behaviour
- Demo - privilege escalation in Kubernetes
- US Supreme Court case about Java2 SE in Android
- Google took a bunch of declarations
- there is only one way to do this so copyright can't cover that
- it's fair use
- Oracle
- the API is a creative literary work
- fair use is not allowed to displace market shares
- Google won twice in district court and lost twice in appellate court
- Supreme Court Final decision in June
- 2020-02-01
- Public key ≈ identity but not enough
- A decentralized ID resolver must be built on a decentralized network
- A decentralized network need static nodes
- Identity Box is a small device that can be such a node
- It can also handle one or more Self-sovereign ID:s
- People often try to solve internet on top of internet
- Routing is hard
- SCION has decentralized routing
- The end host defines the path
- It can coexist with IP
- Scalability, Control and Isolation on next-generati On Networks
- 2020-02-03 -- 04
- aka Days 5 -- 7
- @HoGent - Hogeschool Gent
- Scripts
- Config Values
- Rules Engine
- GOTO 1
- Orchestrating Cloud infrastructure is complex
- Using YAML doesn't make it less so
- Programming languages are better at handling complexity
- Pulumi is a cross cloud infrastructure as code tool
- It supports Node and Python
- and .NET and Go in beta
- Container orchestration without the K8s complexity
- Only cluster management and scheduling
- Add other components as needed
- service discovery
- monitoring
- secrets management
- ...
- By HashiCorp
- FOSDEM: 2021-01-30 -- 31
- CfgMgmtCamp: 2020-02-01 -- 03