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TypeScript static helpers for types accuracy and testing


yarn add --dev typebolt

Minimal TypeScript Version: 4.9


Logical Operators

  • Not<T> : Logical Not
  • And<A, B> : Logical And
  • Or<A, B> : Logical Or
  • Xor<A, B> : Logical Exclusive Or
  • Nor<A, B> : Logical Not Or
  • Nand<A, B> : Logical Not And
  • Xnor<A, B> : Logical Exclusive Not Or
Not<true> // false
Not<false> // true

And<true, true> // true
And<true, false> // false
And<true, false> // false

Or<true, false> // true
Or<true, true> // true

// ...

Not<Or<true, false>> // false – Equivalent to Nor
Not<And<true, false>> // true – Equivalent to Nand

Testing Types

  • IsType<T, S>: S is a Subtype of T (a.k.a. extends)
  • IsUnion<T>: T an Union
  • IsAny<T>: T is any
  • IsExactType<T1, T2>: T1 and T2 are exact same.


Assert a Type is true or false.

import { value Assert } from "typebolt";

Assert<false>(); // ERROR
Assert<boolean>(); // ERROR

Assert.True<false>(); // ERROR
Assert.True<boolean>(); // ERROR

Assert.False<true>(); // ERROR
Assert.False<boolean>(); // ERROR

IsType<T, S>

Check S is subtype of T. (a.k.a. extends)

Assert<IsType<number, 42>>();
Assert<IsType<number, number>>();
Assert<IsType<42, number>>(); // ERROR

IsExactType<T1, T2>

Check T1 and T2 are exact same types.

Assert<IsExactType<42, 42>>();
Assert<IsExactType<any, 42>>(); // ERROR
Assert<IsExactType<number, 42>>(); // ERROR

// With unions
Assert<IsExactType<string | number, string | number>>();
Assert<IsExactType<string | number, string>>(); // ERROR
Assert<IsExactType<string, string | number>>(); // ERROR

// With any
Assert<IsExactType<any, any>>();
Assert<IsExactType<any, number>>(); // ERROR

Tuple Operations

  • Head<T>: First element of T
  • Tail<T>: All elements after head of T
  • Prepend<X, T>: Add element X in front of T
  • Append<X, T>: Add element X at end of T
  • Reverse<T>: Reverse T
  • Take<N, T>: Take N first elements of T
  • TakeLast<N, T>: Take N last elements of T
  • Drop<N, T>: Remove N first elements of T
  • DropLast<N, T>: Remove N last elements of T
Head<["Hello", "World"]> // "Hello"
Tail<["Hello", "World"]> // ["World"]

Prepend<1, [2, 3, 4]> // [1, 2, 3, 4]
Append<4, [1, 2, 3]> // [1, 2, 3, 4]
Reverse<[1, 2, 3, 4]> // [4, 3, 2, 1]

Take<2, [1, 2, 3, 4]> // [1, 2]
TakeLast<2, [1, 2, 3, 4]> // [3, 4]
Drop<2, [1, 2, 3, 4]> // [3, 4]
DropLast<2, [1, 2, 3, 4]> // [1, 2]


  • boolean is always considered union of true | false.

  • Union of a Type T and a SubType S will resolve to non-union T.

    e.g. string | "Hello" resolves to string

  • Union with any will always resolve to any.