diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.DaemonSet.after_roundtrip.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.DaemonSet.after_roundtrip.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 05d15ed3fc30..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.DaemonSet.after_roundtrip.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.DaemonSet.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.DaemonSet.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 05d15ed3fc30..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.DaemonSet.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.DaemonSet.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.DaemonSet.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 34905291491e..000000000000 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.DaemonSet.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,962 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: apps/v1 -kind: DaemonSet -metadata: - annotations: - "9": "10" - clusterName: "15" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 - finalizers: - - "14" - generateName: "3" - generation: 8071137005907523419 - labels: - "7": "8" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "17" - fieldsType: "18" - manager: "16" - operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] - name: "2" - namespace: "4" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "11" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "12" - name: "13" - uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp - resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" - selfLink: "5" - uid: "7" -spec: - minReadySeconds: 212061711 - revisionHistoryLimit: -1092090658 - selector: - matchExpressions: - - key: p503---477-49p---o61---4fy--9---7--9-9s-0-u5lj2--10pq-0-7-9-2-0/fP81.-.9Vdx.TB_M-H_5_.t..bG0 - operator: In - values: - - D07.a_.y_y_o0_5qN2_---_M.N_._a6.9bHjdH.-.5_.I8__n - matchLabels: - 8---jop9641lg.p-g8c2-k-912e5-c-e63-n-3n/E9.8ThjT9s-j41-0-6p-JFHn7y-74.-0MUORQQ.N2.3: 68._bQw.-dG6c-.6--_x.--0wmZk1_8._3s_-_Bq.m_4 - template: - metadata: - annotations: - "32": "33" - clusterName: "38" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: 7534629739119643351 - finalizers: - - "37" - generateName: "26" - generation: -4139900758039117471 - labels: - "30": "31" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "40" - fieldsType: "41" - manager: "39" - operation: ĪȸŹăȲĻ¤Ħʅ芝 - name: "25" - namespace: "27" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "34" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "35" - name: "36" - uid: ^ - resourceVersion: "1698285396218902212" - selfLink: "28" - uid: TʡȂŏ{sǡƟ - spec: - activeDeadlineSeconds: 7270263763744228913 - affinity: - nodeAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - preference: - matchExpressions: - - key: "379" - operator: Ǹ|蕎'佉賞ǧĒz - values: - - "380" - matchFields: - - key: "381" - operator: ùfŭƽ - values: - - "382" - weight: -767058113 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - nodeSelectorTerms: - - matchExpressions: - - key: "375" - operator: Ã茓pȓɻ - values: - - "376" - matchFields: - - key: "377" - operator: "" - values: - - "378" - podAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 3---g-----p8-d5-8-m8i--k0j5g.zrrw8-5ts-7-bp/6E__-.8_e_2 - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - bx1y-8---3----p-pdn--j2---2--82--cj-1-s--op34-yy28-38xmu5nx4s-4/4b_9_1o.w_I: x-_.--4QQ.-s.H.Hu-k-_-0-T1mel--F......3_t_-l..-.DG7r-3.----.4 - namespaces: - - "397" - topologyKey: "398" - weight: 801902541 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: K_A-_9_Z_C..7o_x3..-.8-Jp-94 - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - h-up52--sjo7799-skj5--9/R_rm: CR.s--f.-f.-zv._._.o - namespaces: - - "389" - topologyKey: "390" - podAntiAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 0--0g-q-22r4wye52y-h7463lyps4483-o--3f1p7--43nw-l-x8/Hz_V_.r_v_._e_-78o_6Z..11_7pX_.-mLlx...w_t-_.5.40Rw4D - operator: NotIn - values: - - txb__-ex-_1_-ODgC_1-_V - matchLabels: - 6V1-rU.___06.eqk5E_-4-.XH-.k.7.l_-W8o._xJ1-lFA_X3: V0H2-.zHw.H__V.VT - namespaces: - - "413" - topologyKey: "414" - weight: -1851436166 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: QZ9p_6.C.e - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 7F3p2_-_AmD-.0AP.1: A--.F5_x.KNC0-.-m_0-m-6Sp_N-S..O-BZ..n - namespaces: - - "405" - topologyKey: "406" - automountServiceAccountToken: true - containers: - - args: - - "221" - command: - - "220" - env: - - name: "228" - value: "229" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "235" - name: "234" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "230" - fieldPath: "231" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "232" - divisor: "357" - resource: "233" - secretKeyRef: - key: "237" - name: "236" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "226" - optional: false - prefix: "225" - secretRef: - name: "227" - optional: false - image: "219" - imagePullPolicy: T 苧yñKJɐ扵G - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "264" - httpGet: - host: "267" - httpHeaders: - - name: "268" - value: "269" - path: "265" - port: "266" - scheme: ']佱¿>犵殇ŕ-Ɂ圯W' - tcpSocket: - host: "271" - port: "270" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "272" - httpGet: - host: "274" - httpHeaders: - - name: "275" - value: "276" - path: "273" - port: -1161649101 - scheme: 嚧ʣq埄 - tcpSocket: - host: "278" - port: "277" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "244" - failureThreshold: -361442565 - httpGet: - host: "246" - httpHeaders: - - name: "247" - value: "248" - path: "245" - port: -393291312 - scheme: Ŧ癃8鸖ɱJȉ罴ņ螡źȰ? - initialDelaySeconds: 627713162 - periodSeconds: -1740959124 - successThreshold: 158280212 - tcpSocket: - host: "250" - port: "249" - timeoutSeconds: 1255312175 - name: "218" - ports: - - containerPort: -839281354 - hostIP: "224" - hostPort: 1584001904 - name: "223" - protocol: 5姣>懔%熷谟þ蛯ɰ荶ljʁ - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "251" - failureThreshold: -36782737 - httpGet: - host: "253" - httpHeaders: - - name: "254" - value: "255" - path: "252" - port: -2013568185 - scheme: '#yV''WKw(ğ儴Ůĺ}' - initialDelaySeconds: -1244623134 - periodSeconds: -398297599 - successThreshold: 873056500 - tcpSocket: - host: "256" - port: -20130017 - timeoutSeconds: -1334110502 - resources: - limits: - 藠3.v-鿧悮坮Ȣ幟ļ腻ŬƩȿ0: "175" - requests: - ɺ皚|懥ƖN粕擓ƖHV: "962" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - fʀļ腩墺Ò媁荭gw忊 - drop: - - E剒蔞 - privileged: false - procMount: Ȩ<6鄰簳°Ļǟi& - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: 2001337664780390084 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -6177393256425700216 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "283" - role: "281" - type: "282" - user: "280" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "285" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "284" - runAsUserName: "286" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "257" - failureThreshold: -1011390276 - httpGet: - host: "260" - httpHeaders: - - name: "261" - value: "262" - path: "258" - port: "259" - scheme: Qg鄠[ - initialDelaySeconds: -1556231754 - periodSeconds: -321709789 - successThreshold: -1463645123 - tcpSocket: - host: "263" - port: -241238495 - timeoutSeconds: 461585849 - stdin: true - terminationMessagePath: "279" - terminationMessagePolicy: ʁ岼昕ĬÇ - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "243" - name: "242" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "239" - mountPropagation: 'Ź倗S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤/ɸɎ ' - name: "238" - subPath: "240" - subPathExpr: "241" - workingDir: "222" - dnsConfig: - nameservers: - - "421" - options: - - name: "423" - value: "424" - searches: - - "422" - dnsPolicy: n(fǂǢ曣ŋayåe躒訙Ǫ - enableServiceLinks: false - ephemeralContainers: - - args: - - "290" - command: - - "289" - env: - - name: "297" - value: "298" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "304" - name: "303" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "299" - fieldPath: "300" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "301" - divisor: "3" - resource: "302" - secretKeyRef: - key: "306" - name: "305" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "295" - optional: true - prefix: "294" - secretRef: - name: "296" - optional: false - image: "288" - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "335" - httpGet: - host: "338" - httpHeaders: - - name: "339" - value: "340" - path: "336" - port: "337" - scheme: C"6x$1s - tcpSocket: - host: "342" - port: "341" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "343" - httpGet: - host: "345" - httpHeaders: - - name: "346" - value: "347" - path: "344" - port: -518160270 - scheme: ɔ幩še - tcpSocket: - host: "348" - port: 1956567721 - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "313" - failureThreshold: 472742933 - httpGet: - host: "316" - httpHeaders: - - name: "317" - value: "318" - path: "314" - port: "315" - scheme: 冓鍓贯 - initialDelaySeconds: 1290950685 - periodSeconds: 1058960779 - successThreshold: -2133441986 - tcpSocket: - host: "320" - port: "319" - timeoutSeconds: 12533543 - name: "287" - ports: - - containerPort: -1296830577 - hostIP: "293" - hostPort: 1313273370 - name: "292" - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "321" - failureThreshold: 620822482 - httpGet: - host: "323" - httpHeaders: - - name: "324" - value: "325" - path: "322" - port: 1332783160 - scheme: Ȱ囌{屿oiɥ嵐sC8?Ǻ鱎ƙ; - initialDelaySeconds: -300247800 - periodSeconds: -126958936 - successThreshold: 186945072 - tcpSocket: - host: "327" - port: "326" - timeoutSeconds: 386804041 - resources: - limits: - 淳4揻-$ɽ丟×x锏ɟ: "178" - requests: - Ö闊 鰔澝qV: "752" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - '|ʐşƧ諔迮ƙIJ嘢' - drop: - - ʗN - privileged: false - procMount: "" - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: 6726836758549163621 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: -6048969174364431391 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "353" - role: "351" - type: "352" - user: "350" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "355" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "354" - runAsUserName: "356" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "328" - failureThreshold: -560238386 - httpGet: - host: "331" - httpHeaders: - - name: "332" - value: "333" - path: "329" - port: "330" - scheme: 鍏H鯂² - initialDelaySeconds: -402384013 - periodSeconds: -617381112 - successThreshold: 1851229369 - tcpSocket: - host: "334" - port: -1187301925 - timeoutSeconds: -181601395 - stdin: true - stdinOnce: true - targetContainerName: "357" - terminationMessagePath: "349" - terminationMessagePolicy: ȤƏ埮pɵ - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "312" - name: "311" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "308" - mountPropagation: /»頸+SÄ蚃ɣľ)酊龨Î - name: "307" - readOnly: true - subPath: "309" - subPathExpr: "310" - workingDir: "291" - hostAliases: - - hostnames: - - "419" - ip: "418" - hostNetwork: true - hostname: "373" - imagePullSecrets: - - name: "372" - initContainers: - - args: - - "150" - command: - - "149" - env: - - name: "157" - value: "158" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "164" - name: "163" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "159" - fieldPath: "160" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "161" - divisor: "468" - resource: "162" - secretKeyRef: - key: "166" - name: "165" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "155" - optional: false - prefix: "154" - secretRef: - name: "156" - optional: false - image: "148" - imagePullPolicy: ŤǢʭ嵔棂p儼Ƿ裚瓶 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "196" - httpGet: - host: "199" - httpHeaders: - - name: "200" - value: "201" - path: "197" - port: "198" - scheme: 蚛隖<ǶĬ4y£軶ǃ*ʙ嫙&蒒5靇C' - tcpSocket: - host: "202" - port: 2126876305 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "203" - httpGet: - host: "206" - httpHeaders: - - name: "207" - value: "208" - path: "204" - port: "205" - scheme: Ŵ廷s{Ⱦdz@ - tcpSocket: - host: "209" - port: 406308963 - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "173" - failureThreshold: 1466047181 - httpGet: - host: "176" - httpHeaders: - - name: "177" - value: "178" - path: "174" - port: "175" - initialDelaySeconds: 1805144649 - periodSeconds: 1403721475 - successThreshold: 519906483 - tcpSocket: - host: "180" - port: "179" - timeoutSeconds: -606111218 - name: "147" - ports: - - containerPort: 437857734 - hostIP: "153" - hostPort: -1510026905 - name: "152" - protocol: Rƥ贫d飼$俊跾|@?鷅b - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "181" - failureThreshold: 524249411 - httpGet: - host: "184" - httpHeaders: - - name: "185" - value: "186" - path: "182" - port: "183" - scheme: w垁鷌辪虽U珝Żwʮ馜üNșƶ4ĩ - initialDelaySeconds: -1724160601 - periodSeconds: 1435507444 - successThreshold: -1430577593 - tcpSocket: - host: "187" - port: -337353552 - timeoutSeconds: -1158840571 - resources: - limits: - 檲ɨ銦妰黖ȓƇ$缔獵偐ę腬: "646" - requests: - 湨: "803" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - +j忊Ŗȫ焗捏ĨFħ籘Àǒɿʒ刽ʼn - drop: - - 1ſ盷褎weLJèux榜VƋZ1Ůđ眊 - privileged: true - procMount: fǣ萭旿@ - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: 6506922239346928579 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 1563703589270296759 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "214" - role: "212" - type: "213" - user: "211" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "216" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "215" - runAsUserName: "217" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "188" - failureThreshold: 905846572 - httpGet: - host: "191" - httpHeaders: - - name: "192" - value: "193" - path: "189" - port: "190" - scheme: k_瀹鞎sn芞QÄȻ - initialDelaySeconds: 364013971 - periodSeconds: -1790124395 - successThreshold: 1094670193 - tcpSocket: - host: "195" - port: "194" - timeoutSeconds: 1596422492 - stdin: true - stdinOnce: true - terminationMessagePath: "210" - terminationMessagePolicy: ŀ樺ȃv渟7¤7djƯĖ漘Z剚敍0 - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "172" - name: "171" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "168" - mountPropagation: 卩蝾 - name: "167" - readOnly: true - subPath: "169" - subPathExpr: "170" - workingDir: "151" - nodeName: "362" - nodeSelector: - "358": "359" - overhead: - 4'ď曕椐敛n湙: "310" - preemptionPolicy: '!ń1ċƹ|慼櫁色苆试揯遐' - priority: -1852730577 - priorityClassName: "420" - readinessGates: - - conditionType: ź魊塾ɖ$rolȋɶuɋ5r儉ɩ柀ɨ鴅 - restartPolicy: ɭɪǹ0衷, - runtimeClassName: "425" - schedulerName: "415" - securityContext: - fsGroup: 2585323675983182372 - runAsGroup: 6386250802140824739 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: -5315960194881172085 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "366" - role: "364" - type: "365" - user: "363" - supplementalGroups: - - -4480129203693517072 - sysctls: - - name: "370" - value: "371" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "368" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "367" - runAsUserName: "369" - serviceAccount: "361" - serviceAccountName: "360" - shareProcessNamespace: true - subdomain: "374" - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -3039830979334099524 - tolerations: - - effect: ŽɣB矗E¸乾 - key: "416" - operator: 堺ʣ - tolerationSeconds: -3532804738923434397 - value: "417" - topologySpreadConstraints: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 4-4D-r.-F__r.oh..2_uGGP..-_N_h_4Hl-X0_2-W - operator: In - values: - - 2-.s_6O-5_7_-0w_--5-_.3--_9QWJ - matchLabels: - p2djmscp--ac8u23-k----26u5--72n-5.j8-0020-1-5/t5W_._._-2M2._i: wvU - maxSkew: -150478704 - topologyKey: "426" - whenUnsatisfiable: ;鹡鑓侅闍ŏŃŋŏ}ŀ - volumes: - - awsElasticBlockStore: - fsType: "47" - partition: -2007808768 - volumeID: "46" - azureDisk: - cachingMode: k ź贩j瀉ǚrǜnh0åȂ - diskName: "110" - diskURI: "111" - fsType: "112" - kind: nj揠8lj黳鈫ʕ禒Ƙá腿ħ缶 - readOnly: false - azureFile: - readOnly: true - secretName: "96" - shareName: "97" - cephfs: - monitors: - - "81" - path: "82" - secretFile: "84" - secretRef: - name: "85" - user: "83" - cinder: - fsType: "79" - secretRef: - name: "80" - volumeID: "78" - configMap: - defaultMode: 952979935 - items: - - key: "99" - mode: 2020789772 - path: "100" - name: "98" - optional: false - csi: - driver: "142" - fsType: "143" - nodePublishSecretRef: - name: "146" - readOnly: true - volumeAttributes: - "144": "145" - downwardAPI: - defaultMode: -868808281 - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "89" - fieldPath: "90" - mode: -1768075156 - path: "88" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "91" - divisor: "915" - resource: "92" - emptyDir: - medium: ɹ坼É/pȿ - sizeLimit: "804" - fc: - fsType: "94" - lun: 570501002 - targetWWNs: - - "93" - wwids: - - "95" - flexVolume: - driver: "73" - fsType: "74" - options: - "76": "77" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "75" - flocker: - datasetName: "86" - datasetUUID: "87" - gcePersistentDisk: - fsType: "45" - partition: -1318752360 - pdName: "44" - gitRepo: - directory: "50" - repository: "48" - revision: "49" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "63" - path: "64" - hostPath: - path: "43" - type: "" - iscsi: - chapAuthDiscovery: true - chapAuthSession: true - fsType: "59" - initiatorName: "62" - iqn: "57" - iscsiInterface: "58" - lun: 408756018 - portals: - - "60" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "61" - targetPortal: "56" - name: "42" - nfs: - path: "55" - readOnly: true - server: "54" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "65" - readOnly: true - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "114" - pdID: "113" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "129" - volumeID: "128" - projected: - defaultMode: 480521693 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "124" - mode: -1126738259 - path: "125" - name: "123" - optional: true - downwardAPI: - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "119" - fieldPath: "120" - mode: -1618937335 - path: "118" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "121" - divisor: "461" - resource: "122" - secret: - items: - - key: "116" - mode: 675406340 - path: "117" - name: "115" - optional: false - serviceAccountToken: - audience: "126" - expirationSeconds: -6345861634934949644 - path: "127" - quobyte: - group: "108" - registry: "105" - tenant: "109" - user: "107" - volume: "106" - rbd: - fsType: "68" - image: "67" - keyring: "71" - monitors: - - "66" - pool: "69" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "72" - user: "70" - scaleIO: - fsType: "137" - gateway: "130" - protectionDomain: "133" - secretRef: - name: "132" - sslEnabled: true - storageMode: "135" - storagePool: "134" - system: "131" - volumeName: "136" - secret: - defaultMode: 1233814916 - items: - - key: "52" - mode: 228756891 - path: "53" - optional: false - secretName: "51" - storageos: - fsType: "140" - secretRef: - name: "141" - volumeName: "138" - volumeNamespace: "139" - vsphereVolume: - fsType: "102" - storagePolicyID: "104" - storagePolicyName: "103" - volumePath: "101" - updateStrategy: - rollingUpdate: - maxUnavailable: 2 - type: 荥ơ'禧ǵŊ)TiD¢ƿ媴h5 -status: - collisionCount: -449319810 - conditions: - - lastTransitionTime: "2469-07-10T03:20:34Z" - message: "434" - reason: "433" - status: '''ƈoIǢ龞瞯å' - type: "" - currentNumberScheduled: -1979737528 - desiredNumberScheduled: -424698834 - numberAvailable: 1660081568 - numberMisscheduled: -1707056814 - numberReady: 407742062 - numberUnavailable: 904244563 - observedGeneration: 5741439505187758584 - updatedNumberScheduled: 902022378 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.Deployment.after_roundtrip.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.Deployment.after_roundtrip.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 2627f2db3329..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.Deployment.after_roundtrip.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.Deployment.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.Deployment.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 2627f2db3329..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.Deployment.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.Deployment.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.Deployment.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index e7727b5af41b..000000000000 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.Deployment.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,960 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: apps/v1 -kind: Deployment -metadata: - annotations: - "9": "10" - clusterName: "15" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 - finalizers: - - "14" - generateName: "3" - generation: 8071137005907523419 - labels: - "7": "8" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "17" - fieldsType: "18" - manager: "16" - operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] - name: "2" - namespace: "4" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "11" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "12" - name: "13" - uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp - resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" - selfLink: "5" - uid: "7" -spec: - minReadySeconds: 212061711 - progressDeadlineSeconds: -1707056814 - replicas: 896585016 - revisionHistoryLimit: -1092090658 - selector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 50-u--25cu87--r7p-w1e67-8pj5t-kl-v0q6b68--nu5oii38fn-8.629b-jd-8c45-0-8--6n--w0--w---196g8d--iv1-5--5ht-a-29--0qso796/3___47._49pIB_o61ISU4--A_.XK_._M99 - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - 74404d5---g8c2-k-91e.y5-g--58----0683-b-w7ld-6cs06xj-x5yv0wm-k18/M_-Nx.N_6-___._-.-W._AAn---v_-5-_8LXj: 6-4_WE-_JTrcd-2.-__E_Sv__26KX_R_.-.Nth._--S_4DA_-5_-4lQ42M--1 - strategy: - rollingUpdate: - maxSurge: 3 - maxUnavailable: 2 - type: 荥ơ'禧ǵŊ)TiD¢ƿ媴h5 - template: - metadata: - annotations: - "32": "33" - clusterName: "38" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -2575298329142810753 - finalizers: - - "37" - generateName: "26" - generation: -8542870036622468681 - labels: - "30": "31" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "40" - fieldsType: "41" - manager: "39" - operation: 躢 - name: "25" - namespace: "27" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "34" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: true - kind: "35" - name: "36" - uid: ƶȤ^} - resourceVersion: "1736621709629422270" - selfLink: "28" - uid: ?Qȫş - spec: - activeDeadlineSeconds: -8619192438821356882 - affinity: - nodeAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - preference: - matchExpressions: - - key: "372" - operator: '}Ñ蠂Ü[ƛ^輅9ɛ棕ƈ眽炊' - values: - - "373" - matchFields: - - key: "374" - operator: ʨIk(dŊiɢzĮ蛋I滞 - values: - - "375" - weight: 646133945 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - nodeSelectorTerms: - - matchExpressions: - - key: "368" - operator: ǧĒzŔ瘍N - values: - - "369" - matchFields: - - key: "370" - operator: ƽ眝{æ盪泙 - values: - - "371" - podAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 8.--w0_1V7 - operator: In - values: - - 7--p9.-_0R.-_-3_L_2--_v2.5p_..Y-.wg_-b8a_6_.0Q4_8 - matchLabels: - w--162-gk2-99v22.g-65m8-1x129-9d8-s7-t7--336-11k9-8609a-e0--1----v8-4--558n1asz5/BD8.TS-jJ.Ys_Mop34_y: f_ZN.-_--r.E__-.8_e_l2.._8s--7_3x_-J5 - namespaces: - - "390" - topologyKey: "391" - weight: -855547676 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: V.-tfh4.caTz_.g.w-o.8_WT-M.3_-1y_8D_X._B__-Pd - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - 3.csh-3--Z1Tvw39FC: rtSY.g._2F7.-_e..Or_-.3OHgt._6 - namespaces: - - "382" - topologyKey: "383" - podAntiAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: w_-r75--_-A-o-__y__._12..wrbW_E..24-O._.v._9-czf - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 3-mLlx...w_t-_.5.40Rw4gD.._.-x6db-L7.-__-G2: CpS__.39g_.--_-_ve5.m_2_--XZx - namespaces: - - "406" - topologyKey: "407" - weight: 808399187 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: yp8q-sf1--gw-jz-659--0l-023bm-6l2e5---k5v3a---9/tA.W5_-5_.V1-rU.___06.eqk5E_-4-.XH-.k.7.l_-W81 - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 4-m_0-m-6Sp_N-S..O-BZ..6-1.S-B33: 17ca-_p-y.eQZ9p_1 - namespaces: - - "398" - topologyKey: "399" - automountServiceAccountToken: false - containers: - - args: - - "216" - command: - - "215" - env: - - name: "223" - value: "224" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "230" - name: "229" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "225" - fieldPath: "226" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "227" - divisor: "595" - resource: "228" - secretKeyRef: - key: "232" - name: "231" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "221" - optional: false - prefix: "220" - secretRef: - name: "222" - optional: false - image: "214" - imagePullPolicy: û咡W<敄lu|榝$î.Ȏ蝪ʜ5 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "258" - httpGet: - host: "261" - httpHeaders: - - name: "262" - value: "263" - path: "259" - port: "260" - tcpSocket: - host: "264" - port: 1943028037 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "265" - httpGet: - host: "267" - httpHeaders: - - name: "268" - value: "269" - path: "266" - port: -1355476687 - scheme: -Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊#v铿ʩȂ4ē鐭#嬀ơ - tcpSocket: - host: "271" - port: "270" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "239" - failureThreshold: -1213051101 - httpGet: - host: "241" - httpHeaders: - - name: "242" - value: "243" - path: "240" - port: -1654678802 - scheme: 毋 - initialDelaySeconds: -775511009 - periodSeconds: -228822833 - successThreshold: -970312425 - tcpSocket: - host: "244" - port: 391562775 - timeoutSeconds: -832805508 - name: "213" - ports: - - containerPort: -775325416 - hostIP: "219" - hostPort: 62799871 - name: "218" - protocol: t莭琽§ć\ ïì - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "245" - failureThreshold: 571739592 - httpGet: - host: "247" - httpHeaders: - - name: "248" - value: "249" - path: "246" - port: -1905643191 - scheme: Ǖɳɷ9Ì崟¿瘦ɖ緕 - initialDelaySeconds: 852780575 - periodSeconds: 893823156 - successThreshold: -1980314709 - tcpSocket: - host: "251" - port: "250" - timeoutSeconds: -1252938503 - resources: - limits: - N粕擓ƖHVe熼: "334" - requests: - 倗S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤/ɸɎ R§耶: "388" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - E埄Ȁ朦 wƯ貾坢' - drop: - - aŕ翑0展}硐庰%皧V垾现葢ŵ橨鬶l - privileged: false - procMount: "" - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -2408264753085021035 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -2270595441829602368 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "276" - role: "274" - type: "275" - user: "273" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "278" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "277" - runAsUserName: "279" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "252" - failureThreshold: -1008070934 - httpGet: - host: "254" - httpHeaders: - - name: "255" - value: "256" - path: "253" - port: -1334110502 - scheme: ȓ蹣ɐǛv+8Ƥ熪军 - initialDelaySeconds: 410611837 - periodSeconds: 972978563 - successThreshold: 17771103 - tcpSocket: - host: "257" - port: 622267234 - timeoutSeconds: 809006670 - terminationMessagePath: "272" - terminationMessagePolicy: T 苧yñKJɐ扵G - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "238" - name: "237" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "234" - mountPropagation: 癃8鸖 - name: "233" - readOnly: true - subPath: "235" - subPathExpr: "236" - workingDir: "217" - dnsConfig: - nameservers: - - "414" - options: - - name: "416" - value: "417" - searches: - - "415" - dnsPolicy: Ƶf - enableServiceLinks: true - ephemeralContainers: - - args: - - "283" - command: - - "282" - env: - - name: "290" - value: "291" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "297" - name: "296" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "292" - fieldPath: "293" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "294" - divisor: "381" - resource: "295" - secretKeyRef: - key: "299" - name: "298" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "288" - optional: false - prefix: "287" - secretRef: - name: "289" - optional: true - image: "281" - imagePullPolicy: ņ - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "326" - httpGet: - host: "329" - httpHeaders: - - name: "330" - value: "331" - path: "327" - port: "328" - scheme: 幩šeSvEȤƏ埮pɵ - tcpSocket: - host: "333" - port: "332" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "334" - httpGet: - host: "337" - httpHeaders: - - name: "338" - value: "339" - path: "335" - port: "336" - scheme: ş - tcpSocket: - host: "341" - port: "340" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "306" - failureThreshold: -300247800 - httpGet: - host: "308" - httpHeaders: - - name: "309" - value: "310" - path: "307" - port: 865289071 - scheme: iɥ嵐sC8 - initialDelaySeconds: -1513284745 - periodSeconds: -414121491 - successThreshold: -1862764022 - tcpSocket: - host: "311" - port: -898536659 - timeoutSeconds: 1258370227 - name: "280" - ports: - - containerPort: -1137436579 - hostIP: "286" - hostPort: 1868683352 - name: "285" - protocol: 颶妧Ö闊 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "312" - failureThreshold: 215186711 - httpGet: - host: "314" - httpHeaders: - - name: "315" - value: "316" - path: "313" - port: 323903711 - scheme: J - initialDelaySeconds: 657418949 - periodSeconds: 287654902 - successThreshold: -2062708879 - tcpSocket: - host: "318" - port: "317" - timeoutSeconds: -992558278 - resources: - limits: - ²sNƗ¸g: "50" - requests: - 酊龨δ摖ȱğ_<: "118" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - DŽ髐njʉBn(fǂǢ曣 - drop: - - ay - privileged: false - procMount: 嗆u - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -5996624450771474158 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: 1958157659034146020 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "346" - role: "344" - type: "345" - user: "343" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "348" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "347" - runAsUserName: "349" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "319" - failureThreshold: 1502643091 - httpGet: - host: "321" - httpHeaders: - - name: "322" - value: "323" - path: "320" - port: -1117254382 - scheme: 趐囨鏻砅邻爥蹔ŧOǨ - initialDelaySeconds: 2129989022 - periodSeconds: 1311843384 - successThreshold: -1292310438 - tcpSocket: - host: "325" - port: "324" - timeoutSeconds: -1699531929 - targetContainerName: "350" - terminationMessagePath: "342" - terminationMessagePolicy: 迮ƙIJ嘢4ʗN,丽饾| 鞤ɱďW賁Ěɭ - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "305" - name: "304" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "301" - mountPropagation: ƺ蛜6Ɖ飴ɎiǨź - name: "300" - readOnly: true - subPath: "302" - subPathExpr: "303" - workingDir: "284" - hostAliases: - - hostnames: - - "412" - ip: "411" - hostNetwork: true - hostname: "366" - imagePullSecrets: - - name: "365" - initContainers: - - args: - - "150" - command: - - "149" - env: - - name: "157" - value: "158" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "164" - name: "163" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "159" - fieldPath: "160" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "161" - divisor: "650" - resource: "162" - secretKeyRef: - key: "166" - name: "165" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "155" - optional: true - prefix: "154" - secretRef: - name: "156" - optional: true - image: "148" - imagePullPolicy: 罁胾^拜Ȍzɟ踡肒Ao/樝fw[Řż丩 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "192" - httpGet: - host: "194" - httpHeaders: - - name: "195" - value: "196" - path: "193" - port: -2015604435 - scheme: jƯĖ漘Z剚敍0) - tcpSocket: - host: "197" - port: 424236719 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "198" - httpGet: - host: "200" - httpHeaders: - - name: "201" - value: "202" - path: "199" - port: -1131820775 - scheme: Ƿ裚瓶釆Ɗ+j忊 - tcpSocket: - host: "204" - port: "203" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "173" - failureThreshold: -1113628381 - httpGet: - host: "175" - httpHeaders: - - name: "176" - value: "177" - path: "174" - port: -152585895 - scheme: E@Ȗs«ö - initialDelaySeconds: 1843758068 - periodSeconds: 1702578303 - successThreshold: -1565157256 - tcpSocket: - host: "178" - port: 1135182169 - timeoutSeconds: -1967469005 - name: "147" - ports: - - containerPort: 1403721475 - hostIP: "153" - hostPort: -606111218 - name: "152" - protocol: ǰ溟ɴ扵閝ȝ鐵儣廡ɑ龫`劳 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "179" - failureThreshold: -1167888910 - httpGet: - host: "181" - httpHeaders: - - name: "182" - value: "183" - path: "180" - port: 386652373 - scheme: ʙ嫙& - initialDelaySeconds: -802585193 - periodSeconds: 1944205014 - successThreshold: -2079582559 - tcpSocket: - host: "185" - port: "184" - timeoutSeconds: 1901330124 - resources: - limits: - "": "84" - requests: - ɖȃ賲鐅臬dH巧壚tC十Oɢ: "517" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - "" - drop: - - ŻʘY賃ɪ鐊瀑Ź9ǕLLȊɞ-uƻ悖ȩ - privileged: false - procMount: $MVȟ@7飣奺Ȋ礶惇¸t颟.鵫ǚ灄鸫 - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -8419423421380299597 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: -6576869501326512452 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "209" - role: "207" - type: "208" - user: "206" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "211" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "210" - runAsUserName: "212" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "186" - failureThreshold: 208045354 - httpGet: - host: "188" - httpHeaders: - - name: "189" - value: "190" - path: "187" - port: 804417065 - scheme: Ŵ廷s{Ⱦdz@ - initialDelaySeconds: 632397602 - periodSeconds: -730174220 - successThreshold: 433084615 - tcpSocket: - host: "191" - port: 406308963 - timeoutSeconds: 2026784878 - terminationMessagePath: "205" - terminationMessagePolicy: 焗捏 - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "172" - name: "171" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "168" - mountPropagation: "" - name: "167" - readOnly: true - subPath: "169" - subPathExpr: "170" - workingDir: "151" - nodeName: "355" - nodeSelector: - "351": "352" - overhead: - 癜鞤A馱z芀¿l磶Bb偃礳Ȭ痍脉PPö: "607" - preemptionPolicy: eáNRNJ丧鴻Ŀ - priority: 1690570439 - priorityClassName: "413" - readinessGates: - - conditionType: 梑ʀŖ鱓;鹡鑓侅闍ŏŃŋŏ}ŀ姳 - restartPolicy: T[ - runtimeClassName: "418" - schedulerName: "408" - securityContext: - fsGroup: 760480547754807445 - runAsGroup: -801152248124332545 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -2781126825051715248 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "359" - role: "357" - type: "358" - user: "356" - supplementalGroups: - - 5255171395073905944 - sysctls: - - name: "363" - value: "364" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "361" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "360" - runAsUserName: "362" - serviceAccount: "354" - serviceAccountName: "353" - shareProcessNamespace: false - subdomain: "367" - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -2738603156841903595 - tolerations: - - effect: 料ȭzV镜籬ƽ - key: "409" - operator: ƹ| - tolerationSeconds: 935587338391120947 - value: "410" - topologySpreadConstraints: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: qW - operator: In - values: - - 2-.s_6O-5_7_-0w_--5-_.3--_9QWJ - matchLabels: - E--pT751: mV__1-wv3UDf.-4D-r.-F__r.oh..2_uGGP..X - maxSkew: -137402083 - topologyKey: "419" - whenUnsatisfiable: Ȩç捌聮ŃŻ@ǮJ=礏ƴ磳藷曥 - volumes: - - awsElasticBlockStore: - fsType: "47" - partition: 912004803 - readOnly: true - volumeID: "46" - azureDisk: - cachingMode: '|@?鷅bȻN' - diskName: "110" - diskURI: "111" - fsType: "112" - kind: 榱*Gưoɘ檲 - readOnly: true - azureFile: - readOnly: true - secretName: "96" - shareName: "97" - cephfs: - monitors: - - "81" - path: "82" - secretFile: "84" - secretRef: - name: "85" - user: "83" - cinder: - fsType: "79" - secretRef: - name: "80" - volumeID: "78" - configMap: - defaultMode: 1593906314 - items: - - key: "99" - mode: 195263908 - path: "100" - name: "98" - optional: false - csi: - driver: "142" - fsType: "143" - nodePublishSecretRef: - name: "146" - readOnly: false - volumeAttributes: - "144": "145" - downwardAPI: - defaultMode: 824682619 - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "89" - fieldPath: "90" - mode: 1569992019 - path: "88" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "91" - divisor: "660" - resource: "92" - emptyDir: - medium: Xŋ朘瑥A徙ɶɊł/擇ɦĽ胚O醔ɍ厶耈 - sizeLimit: "473" - fc: - fsType: "94" - lun: -1740986684 - readOnly: true - targetWWNs: - - "93" - wwids: - - "95" - flexVolume: - driver: "73" - fsType: "74" - options: - "76": "77" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "75" - flocker: - datasetName: "86" - datasetUUID: "87" - gcePersistentDisk: - fsType: "45" - partition: -1188153605 - pdName: "44" - gitRepo: - directory: "50" - repository: "48" - revision: "49" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "63" - path: "64" - readOnly: true - hostPath: - path: "43" - type: ƛƟ)ÙæNǚ錯ƶRquA?瞲Ť倱< - iscsi: - chapAuthDiscovery: true - fsType: "59" - initiatorName: "62" - iqn: "57" - iscsiInterface: "58" - lun: 994527057 - portals: - - "60" - secretRef: - name: "61" - targetPortal: "56" - name: "42" - nfs: - path: "55" - readOnly: true - server: "54" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "65" - readOnly: true - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "114" - pdID: "113" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "129" - readOnly: true - volumeID: "128" - projected: - defaultMode: -1334904807 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "124" - mode: 2063799569 - path: "125" - name: "123" - optional: false - downwardAPI: - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "119" - fieldPath: "120" - mode: 173030157 - path: "118" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "121" - divisor: "106" - resource: "122" - secret: - items: - - key: "116" - mode: -323584340 - path: "117" - name: "115" - optional: true - serviceAccountToken: - audience: "126" - expirationSeconds: 8357931971650847566 - path: "127" - quobyte: - group: "108" - registry: "105" - tenant: "109" - user: "107" - volume: "106" - rbd: - fsType: "68" - image: "67" - keyring: "71" - monitors: - - "66" - pool: "69" - secretRef: - name: "72" - user: "70" - scaleIO: - fsType: "137" - gateway: "130" - protectionDomain: "133" - secretRef: - name: "132" - storageMode: "135" - storagePool: "134" - system: "131" - volumeName: "136" - secret: - defaultMode: 332383000 - items: - - key: "52" - mode: -547518679 - path: "53" - optional: true - secretName: "51" - storageos: - fsType: "140" - secretRef: - name: "141" - volumeName: "138" - volumeNamespace: "139" - vsphereVolume: - fsType: "102" - storagePolicyID: "104" - storagePolicyName: "103" - volumePath: "101" -status: - availableReplicas: 1660081568 - collisionCount: -1977467928 - conditions: - - lastTransitionTime: "2146-08-16T07:05:27Z" - lastUpdateTime: "2524-02-08T04:27:05Z" - message: "427" - reason: "426" - status: Ƅ抄3昞财Î嘝zʄ - type: 洅啶 - observedGeneration: 2992108727478230062 - readyReplicas: 902022378 - replicas: 407742062 - unavailableReplicas: 904244563 - updatedReplicas: 2115789304 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.ReplicaSet.after_roundtrip.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.ReplicaSet.after_roundtrip.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 424f09a43bef..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.ReplicaSet.after_roundtrip.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.ReplicaSet.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.ReplicaSet.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 424f09a43bef..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.ReplicaSet.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.ReplicaSet.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.ReplicaSet.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index c9f941b74fd0..000000000000 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.ReplicaSet.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,951 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: apps/v1 -kind: ReplicaSet -metadata: - annotations: - "9": "10" - clusterName: "15" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 - finalizers: - - "14" - generateName: "3" - generation: 8071137005907523419 - labels: - "7": "8" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "17" - fieldsType: "18" - manager: "16" - operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] - name: "2" - namespace: "4" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "11" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "12" - name: "13" - uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp - resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" - selfLink: "5" - uid: "7" -spec: - minReadySeconds: -1971381490 - replicas: 896585016 - selector: - matchExpressions: - - key: U-_Bq.m_-.q8_v2LiTF_a981d3-7-fP81.-.9Vdx.TB_M-H_5_t - operator: In - values: - - M--n1-p5.3___47._49pIB_o61ISU4--A_.XK_._M9T9sH.W5 - matchLabels: - g8c2-k-912e5-c-e63-n-3snh-z--3uy5-----578/s.X8u4_.l.wV--__-Nx.N_6-___._-.-W._AAn---v_-5-_8LXP-o-9..1l-5: "" - template: - metadata: - annotations: - "32": "33" - clusterName: "38" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -152893758082474859 - finalizers: - - "37" - generateName: "26" - generation: -6617020301190572172 - labels: - "30": "31" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "40" - fieldsType: "41" - manager: "39" - operation: ƅS·Õüe0ɔȖ脵鴈Ō - name: "25" - namespace: "27" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "34" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: true - kind: "35" - name: "36" - uid: 'ɖgȏ哙ȍȂ揲ȼDDŽLŬp:' - resourceVersion: "7336814125345800857" - selfLink: "28" - uid: ʬ - spec: - activeDeadlineSeconds: -8715915045560617563 - affinity: - nodeAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - preference: - matchExpressions: - - key: "380" - operator: 擭銆jʒǚ鍰\縑 - values: - - "381" - matchFields: - - key: "382" - operator: 鞤ɱďW賁Ěɭɪǹ0衷,Ʒƣ - values: - - "383" - weight: 199049889 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - nodeSelectorTerms: - - matchExpressions: - - key: "376" - operator: 6x$1sȣ±p鋄5弢ȹ均i绝5哇芆 - values: - - "377" - matchFields: - - key: "378" - operator: 埮pɵ{WOŭW灬p - values: - - "379" - podAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 3---g-----p8-d5-8-m8i--k0j5g.zrrw8-5ts-7-bp/6E__-.8_e_2 - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 4-yy28-38xmu5nx4s--41-7--6m/271-_-9_._X-D---k6: Q.-s.H.Hu-k-_-0-T1mel--F......3_t_-l..-.DG7r-3.----._4__XOnP - namespaces: - - "398" - topologyKey: "399" - weight: -217760519 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 6-x_rC9..__-6_k.N-2B_V.-tfh4.caTz_.g.w-o.8_WT-M.3_1 - operator: NotIn - values: - - z - matchLabels: - 4--883d-v3j4-7y-p---up52--sjo7799-skj5---r-t.sumf7ew/u-5mj_9.M.134-5-.q6H_.--_---.M.U_-m.-P.yPS: 1Tvw39F_C-rtSY.g._2F7.-_e..r - namespaces: - - "390" - topologyKey: "391" - podAntiAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 0--0g-q-22r4wye52y-h7463lyps4483-o--3f1p7--43nw-l-x8/Hz_V_.r_v_._e_-78o_6Z..11_7pX_.-mLlx...w_t-_.5.40Rw4D - operator: NotIn - values: - - txb__-ex-_1_-ODgC_1-_V - matchLabels: - 6V1-rU.___06.eqk5E_-4-.XH-.k.7.l_-W8o._xJ1-lFA_X3: V0H2-.zHw.H__V.VT - namespaces: - - "414" - topologyKey: "415" - weight: -1851436166 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: QZ9p_6.C.e - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 7F3p2_-_AmD-.0AP.1: A--.F5_x.KNC0-.-m_0-m-6Sp_N-S..O-BZ..n - namespaces: - - "406" - topologyKey: "407" - automountServiceAccountToken: false - containers: - - args: - - "222" - command: - - "221" - env: - - name: "229" - value: "230" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "236" - name: "235" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "231" - fieldPath: "232" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "233" - divisor: "901" - resource: "234" - secretKeyRef: - key: "238" - name: "237" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "227" - optional: true - prefix: "226" - secretRef: - name: "228" - optional: false - image: "220" - imagePullPolicy: 擓ƖHVe熼'FD剂讼ɓȌʟni酛 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "267" - httpGet: - host: "269" - httpHeaders: - - name: "270" - value: "271" - path: "268" - port: -421846800 - scheme: zvt莭琽§ - tcpSocket: - host: "272" - port: -763687725 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "273" - httpGet: - host: "275" - httpHeaders: - - name: "276" - value: "277" - path: "274" - port: -1452676801 - scheme: ȿ0矀Kʝ - tcpSocket: - host: "279" - port: "278" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "245" - failureThreshold: -1191434089 - httpGet: - host: "248" - httpHeaders: - - name: "249" - value: "250" - path: "246" - port: "247" - scheme: 賃ɪ鐊瀑Ź9ǕLLȊ - initialDelaySeconds: 1214895765 - periodSeconds: 282592353 - successThreshold: 377225334 - tcpSocket: - host: "251" - port: -26910286 - timeoutSeconds: 1181519543 - name: "219" - ports: - - containerPort: -2079582559 - hostIP: "225" - hostPort: 1944205014 - name: "224" - protocol: K.Q貇£ȹ嫰ƹǔw÷nI粛E煹ǐƲ - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "252" - failureThreshold: 1507815593 - httpGet: - host: "255" - httpHeaders: - - name: "256" - value: "257" - path: "253" - port: "254" - initialDelaySeconds: -839281354 - periodSeconds: -819723498 - successThreshold: -150133456 - tcpSocket: - host: "259" - port: "258" - timeoutSeconds: 2035347577 - resources: - limits: - 羭,铻OŤǢʭ嵔: "340" - requests: - TG;邪匾mɩC[ó瓧嫭塓烀罁胾^拜: "755" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - À*f<鴒翁杙Ŧ癃8 - drop: - - ɱJȉ罴 - privileged: false - procMount: 棊ʢ=wǕɳɷ9Ì崟¿瘦ɖ緕ȚÍ勅 - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -3689959065086680033 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: -2706913289057230267 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "284" - role: "282" - type: "283" - user: "281" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "286" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "285" - runAsUserName: "287" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "260" - failureThreshold: -822090785 - httpGet: - host: "262" - httpHeaders: - - name: "263" - value: "264" - path: "261" - port: 1684643131 - scheme: 飣奺Ȋ礶惇¸ - initialDelaySeconds: -161753937 - periodSeconds: 1428207963 - successThreshold: 790462391 - tcpSocket: - host: "266" - port: "265" - timeoutSeconds: -1578746609 - stdinOnce: true - terminationMessagePath: "280" - terminationMessagePolicy: \p[ - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "244" - name: "243" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "240" - mountPropagation: ʒ刽ʼn掏1ſ盷褎weLJèux榜 - name: "239" - subPath: "241" - subPathExpr: "242" - workingDir: "223" - dnsConfig: - nameservers: - - "422" - options: - - name: "424" - value: "425" - searches: - - "423" - dnsPolicy: 丆 - enableServiceLinks: false - ephemeralContainers: - - args: - - "291" - command: - - "290" - env: - - name: "298" - value: "299" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "305" - name: "304" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "300" - fieldPath: "301" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "302" - divisor: "709" - resource: "303" - secretKeyRef: - key: "307" - name: "306" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "296" - optional: true - prefix: "295" - secretRef: - name: "297" - optional: true - image: "289" - imagePullPolicy: 拉Œɥ颶妧Ö闊 鰔澝qV訆 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "335" - httpGet: - host: "338" - httpHeaders: - - name: "339" - value: "340" - path: "336" - port: "337" - scheme: 跩aŕ翑 - tcpSocket: - host: "342" - port: "341" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "343" - httpGet: - host: "345" - httpHeaders: - - name: "346" - value: "347" - path: "344" - port: 1017803158 - scheme: 碔 - tcpSocket: - host: "349" - port: "348" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "314" - failureThreshold: 1742259603 - httpGet: - host: "317" - httpHeaders: - - name: "318" - value: "319" - path: "315" - port: "316" - scheme: 屡ʁ - initialDelaySeconds: 1718241831 - periodSeconds: 1180971695 - successThreshold: -1971944908 - tcpSocket: - host: "320" - port: -1554559634 - timeoutSeconds: 550615941 - name: "288" - ports: - - containerPort: 1330271338 - hostIP: "294" - hostPort: 1853396726 - name: "293" - protocol: 逴 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "321" - failureThreshold: 1150925735 - httpGet: - host: "323" - httpHeaders: - - name: "324" - value: "325" - path: "322" - port: -1620315711 - scheme: ɐ扵 - initialDelaySeconds: -1358663652 - periodSeconds: -527306221 - successThreshold: 2098694289 - tcpSocket: - host: "327" - port: "326" - timeoutSeconds: 1543146222 - resources: - limits: - 颐o: "230" - requests: - '[+扴ȨŮ+朷Ǝ膯ljV': "728" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - ŧL²sNƗ¸gĩ餠籲磣Óƿ - drop: - - '"冓鍓贯澔 ƺ蛜6' - privileged: false - procMount: 鰥Z龏´DÒȗ - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: 6057650398488995896 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 4353696140684277635 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "354" - role: "352" - type: "353" - user: "351" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "356" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "355" - runAsUserName: "357" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "328" - failureThreshold: -1246371817 - httpGet: - host: "331" - httpHeaders: - - name: "332" - value: "333" - path: "329" - port: "330" - scheme: 榝$î.Ȏ蝪ʜ5遰 - initialDelaySeconds: 834105836 - periodSeconds: -370386363 - successThreshold: 1714588921 - tcpSocket: - host: "334" - port: -1438286448 - timeoutSeconds: -1462219068 - targetContainerName: "358" - terminationMessagePath: "350" - terminationMessagePolicy: Kƙ順\E¦队偯J僳徥淳4揻-$ɽ丟 - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "313" - name: "312" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "309" - mountPropagation: ŕ-Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊#v铿 - name: "308" - subPath: "310" - subPathExpr: "311" - workingDir: "292" - hostAliases: - - hostnames: - - "420" - ip: "419" - hostPID: true - hostname: "374" - imagePullSecrets: - - name: "373" - initContainers: - - args: - - "150" - command: - - "149" - env: - - name: "157" - value: "158" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "164" - name: "163" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "159" - fieldPath: "160" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "161" - divisor: "455" - resource: "162" - secretKeyRef: - key: "166" - name: "165" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "155" - optional: false - prefix: "154" - secretRef: - name: "156" - optional: false - image: "148" - imagePullPolicy: k_瀹鞎sn芞QÄȻ - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "196" - httpGet: - host: "198" - httpHeaders: - - name: "199" - value: "200" - path: "197" - port: -1327537699 - tcpSocket: - host: "202" - port: "201" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "203" - httpGet: - host: "206" - httpHeaders: - - name: "207" - value: "208" - path: "204" - port: "205" - scheme: ĉş蝿ɖȃ賲鐅臬 - tcpSocket: - host: "210" - port: "209" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "173" - failureThreshold: 2053960192 - httpGet: - host: "176" - httpHeaders: - - name: "177" - value: "178" - path: "174" - port: "175" - scheme: ƴy綸_Ú8參遼ūPH炮 - initialDelaySeconds: 741871873 - periodSeconds: -1987044888 - successThreshold: -1638339389 - tcpSocket: - host: "180" - port: "179" - timeoutSeconds: 446829537 - name: "147" - ports: - - containerPort: 715087892 - hostIP: "153" - hostPort: -1896921306 - name: "152" - protocol: 倱< - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "181" - failureThreshold: -57352147 - httpGet: - host: "183" - httpHeaders: - - name: "184" - value: "185" - path: "182" - port: -1903685915 - scheme: ȓƇ$缔獵偐ę腬瓷碑=ɉ鎷卩蝾H韹寬 - initialDelaySeconds: 128019484 - periodSeconds: -2130554644 - successThreshold: 290736426 - tcpSocket: - host: "187" - port: "186" - timeoutSeconds: 431781335 - resources: - limits: - /擇ɦĽ胚O醔ɍ厶耈 T: "618" - requests: - á腿ħ缶.蒅!a坩O`涁İ而踪鄌eÞ: "372" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - '?' - drop: - - 峧Y栲茇竛吲蚛隖 - privileged: false - procMount: ʙ嫙& - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -7286288718856494813 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 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readinessGates: - - conditionType: ź魊塾ɖ$rolȋɶuɋ5r儉ɩ柀ɨ鴅 - restartPolicy: ɘɢ鬍熖B芭花ª瘡 - runtimeClassName: "426" - schedulerName: "416" - securityContext: - fsGroup: 7124276984274024394 - runAsGroup: -779972051078659613 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: 2179199799235189619 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "367" - role: "365" - type: "366" - user: "364" - supplementalGroups: - - -7127205672279904050 - sysctls: - - name: "371" - value: "372" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "369" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "368" - runAsUserName: "370" - serviceAccount: "362" - serviceAccountName: "361" - shareProcessNamespace: true - subdomain: "375" - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 2666412258966278206 - tolerations: - - effect: ŽɣB矗E¸乾 - key: "417" - operator: 堺ʣ - tolerationSeconds: -3532804738923434397 - value: "418" - topologySpreadConstraints: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 4-4D-r.-F__r.oh..2_uGGP..-_N_h_4Hl-X0_2-W - operator: In - values: - - 2-.s_6O-5_7_-0w_--5-_.3--_9QWJ - matchLabels: - p2djmscp--ac8u23-k----26u5--72n-5.j8-0020-1-5/t5W_._._-2M2._i: wvU - maxSkew: -150478704 - topologyKey: "427" - whenUnsatisfiable: ;鹡鑓侅闍ŏŃŋŏ}ŀ - volumes: - - awsElasticBlockStore: - fsType: "47" - partition: -762366823 - readOnly: true - volumeID: "46" - azureDisk: - cachingMode: HǺƶȤ^}穠 - diskName: "110" - diskURI: "111" - fsType: "112" - kind: 躢 - readOnly: true - azureFile: - secretName: "96" - shareName: "97" - cephfs: - monitors: - - "81" - path: "82" - secretFile: "84" - secretRef: - name: "85" - user: "83" - cinder: - fsType: "79" - secretRef: - name: "80" - volumeID: "78" - configMap: - defaultMode: -460478410 - items: - - key: "99" - mode: -2039036935 - path: "100" - name: "98" - optional: false - csi: - driver: "142" - fsType: "143" - nodePublishSecretRef: - name: "146" - readOnly: false - volumeAttributes: - "144": "145" - downwardAPI: - defaultMode: -106644772 - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "89" - fieldPath: "90" - mode: 1235524154 - path: "88" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "91" - divisor: "457" - resource: "92" - emptyDir: - medium: 彭聡A3fƻfʣ - sizeLimit: "115" - fc: - fsType: "94" - lun: 441887498 - readOnly: true - targetWWNs: - - "93" - wwids: - - "95" - flexVolume: - driver: "73" - fsType: "74" - options: - "76": "77" - secretRef: - name: "75" - flocker: - datasetName: "86" - datasetUUID: "87" - gcePersistentDisk: - fsType: "45" - partition: -1499132872 - pdName: "44" - gitRepo: - directory: "50" - repository: "48" - revision: "49" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "63" - path: "64" - hostPath: - path: "43" - type: 6NJPM饣`诫z徃鷢6ȥ啕禗Ǐ2啗塧ȱ - iscsi: - fsType: "59" - initiatorName: "62" - iqn: "57" - iscsiInterface: "58" - lun: 1655406148 - portals: - - "60" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "61" - targetPortal: "56" - name: "42" - nfs: - path: "55" - readOnly: true - server: "54" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "65" - readOnly: true - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "114" - pdID: "113" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "129" - volumeID: "128" - projected: - defaultMode: -522879476 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "124" - mode: -1694464659 - path: "125" - name: "123" - optional: true - downwardAPI: - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "119" - fieldPath: "120" - mode: 926891073 - path: "118" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "121" - divisor: "746" - resource: "122" - secret: - items: - - key: "116" - mode: -1399063270 - path: "117" - name: "115" - optional: true - serviceAccountToken: - audience: "126" - expirationSeconds: -7593824971107985079 - path: "127" - quobyte: - group: "108" - readOnly: true - registry: "105" - tenant: "109" - user: "107" - volume: "106" - rbd: - fsType: "68" - image: "67" - keyring: "71" - monitors: - - "66" - pool: "69" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "72" - user: "70" - scaleIO: - fsType: "137" - gateway: "130" - protectionDomain: "133" - secretRef: - name: "132" - storageMode: "135" - storagePool: "134" - system: "131" - volumeName: "136" - secret: - defaultMode: 372704313 - items: - - key: "52" - mode: -104666658 - path: "53" - optional: true - secretName: "51" - storageos: - fsType: "140" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "141" - volumeName: "138" - volumeNamespace: "139" - vsphereVolume: - fsType: "102" - storagePolicyID: "104" - storagePolicyName: "103" - volumePath: "101" -status: - availableReplicas: -1469601144 - conditions: - - lastTransitionTime: "2469-07-10T03:20:34Z" - message: "435" - reason: "434" - status: ɻ猶N嫡牿咸Ǻ潑鶋洅啶'ƈoIǢ龞瞯å - type: ɡj瓇ɽ丿YƄZZ塖bʘ - fullyLabeledReplicas: 138911331 - observedGeneration: 6703635170896137755 - readyReplicas: 1613009760 - replicas: -330302940 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.StatefulSet.after_roundtrip.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.StatefulSet.after_roundtrip.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 3fcb204ffde4..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.StatefulSet.after_roundtrip.pb and /dev/null differ 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namespace: "4" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "11" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "12" - name: "13" - uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp - resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" - selfLink: "5" - uid: "7" -spec: - podManagementPolicy: ŞÜ4w}ĶƲ86±ļ$暣 - replicas: 896585016 - revisionHistoryLimit: 69142596 - selector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 50-u--25cu87--r7p-w1e67-8pj5t-kl-v0q6b68--nu5oii38fn-8.629b-jd-8c45-0-8--6n--w0--w---196g8d--iv1-5--5ht-a-29--0qso796/3___47._49pIB_o61ISU4--A_.XK_._M99 - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - 74404d5---g8c2-k-91e.y5-g--58----0683-b-w7ld-6cs06xj-x5yv0wm-k18/M_-Nx.N_6-___._-.-W._AAn---v_-5-_8LXj: 6-4_WE-_JTrcd-2.-__E_Sv__26KX_R_.-.Nth._--S_4DA_-5_-4lQ42M--1 - serviceName: "456" - template: - metadata: - annotations: - "32": "33" - clusterName: "38" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -2575298329142810753 - finalizers: - - "37" - generateName: "26" - generation: -8542870036622468681 - labels: - "30": "31" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "40" - fieldsType: "41" - manager: "39" - operation: 躢 - name: "25" - namespace: "27" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "34" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: true - kind: "35" - name: "36" - uid: ƶȤ^} - resourceVersion: "1736621709629422270" - selfLink: "28" - uid: ?Qȫş - spec: - activeDeadlineSeconds: -8619192438821356882 - affinity: - nodeAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - preference: - matchExpressions: - - key: "372" - operator: '}Ñ蠂Ü[ƛ^輅9ɛ棕ƈ眽炊' - values: - - "373" - matchFields: - - key: "374" - operator: ʨIk(dŊiɢzĮ蛋I滞 - values: - - "375" - weight: 646133945 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - nodeSelectorTerms: - - matchExpressions: - - key: "368" - operator: ǧĒzŔ瘍N - values: - - "369" - matchFields: - - key: "370" - operator: ƽ眝{æ盪泙 - values: - - "371" - podAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 8.--w0_1V7 - operator: In - values: - - 7--p9.-_0R.-_-3_L_2--_v2.5p_..Y-.wg_-b8a_6_.0Q4_8 - matchLabels: - w--162-gk2-99v22.g-65m8-1x129-9d8-s7-t7--336-11k9-8609a-e0--1----v8-4--558n1asz5/BD8.TS-jJ.Ys_Mop34_y: f_ZN.-_--r.E__-.8_e_l2.._8s--7_3x_-J5 - namespaces: - - "390" - topologyKey: "391" - weight: -855547676 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: V.-tfh4.caTz_.g.w-o.8_WT-M.3_-1y_8D_X._B__-Pd - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - 3.csh-3--Z1Tvw39FC: rtSY.g._2F7.-_e..Or_-.3OHgt._6 - namespaces: - - "382" - topologyKey: "383" - podAntiAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: w_-r75--_-A-o-__y__._12..wrbW_E..24-O._.v._9-czf - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 3-mLlx...w_t-_.5.40Rw4gD.._.-x6db-L7.-__-G2: CpS__.39g_.--_-_ve5.m_2_--XZx - namespaces: - - "406" - topologyKey: "407" - weight: 808399187 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: yp8q-sf1--gw-jz-659--0l-023bm-6l2e5---k5v3a---9/tA.W5_-5_.V1-rU.___06.eqk5E_-4-.XH-.k.7.l_-W81 - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 4-m_0-m-6Sp_N-S..O-BZ..6-1.S-B33: 17ca-_p-y.eQZ9p_1 - namespaces: - - "398" - topologyKey: "399" - automountServiceAccountToken: false - containers: - - args: - - "216" - command: - - "215" - env: - - name: "223" - value: "224" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "230" - name: "229" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "225" - fieldPath: "226" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "227" - divisor: "595" - resource: "228" - secretKeyRef: - key: "232" - name: "231" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "221" - optional: false - prefix: "220" - secretRef: - name: "222" - optional: false - image: "214" - imagePullPolicy: û咡W<敄lu|榝$î.Ȏ蝪ʜ5 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "258" - httpGet: - host: "261" - httpHeaders: - - name: "262" - value: "263" - path: "259" - port: "260" - tcpSocket: - host: "264" - port: 1943028037 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "265" - httpGet: - host: "267" - httpHeaders: - - name: "268" - value: "269" - path: "266" - port: -1355476687 - scheme: -Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊#v铿ʩȂ4ē鐭#嬀ơ - tcpSocket: - host: "271" - port: "270" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "239" - failureThreshold: -1213051101 - httpGet: - host: "241" - httpHeaders: - - name: "242" - value: "243" - path: "240" - port: -1654678802 - scheme: 毋 - initialDelaySeconds: -775511009 - periodSeconds: -228822833 - successThreshold: -970312425 - tcpSocket: - host: "244" - port: 391562775 - timeoutSeconds: -832805508 - name: "213" - ports: - - containerPort: -775325416 - hostIP: "219" - hostPort: 62799871 - name: "218" - protocol: t莭琽§ć\ ïì - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "245" - failureThreshold: 571739592 - httpGet: - host: "247" - httpHeaders: - - name: "248" - value: "249" - path: "246" - port: -1905643191 - scheme: Ǖɳɷ9Ì崟¿瘦ɖ緕 - initialDelaySeconds: 852780575 - periodSeconds: 893823156 - successThreshold: -1980314709 - tcpSocket: - host: "251" - port: "250" - timeoutSeconds: -1252938503 - resources: - limits: - N粕擓ƖHVe熼: "334" - requests: - 倗S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤/ɸɎ R§耶: "388" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - E埄Ȁ朦 wƯ貾坢' - drop: - - aŕ翑0展}硐庰%皧V垾现葢ŵ橨鬶l - privileged: false - procMount: "" - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -2408264753085021035 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -2270595441829602368 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "276" - role: "274" - type: "275" - user: "273" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "278" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "277" - runAsUserName: "279" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "252" - failureThreshold: -1008070934 - httpGet: - host: "254" - httpHeaders: - - name: "255" - value: "256" - path: "253" - port: -1334110502 - scheme: ȓ蹣ɐǛv+8Ƥ熪军 - initialDelaySeconds: 410611837 - periodSeconds: 972978563 - successThreshold: 17771103 - tcpSocket: - host: "257" - port: 622267234 - timeoutSeconds: 809006670 - terminationMessagePath: "272" - terminationMessagePolicy: T 苧yñKJɐ扵G - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "238" - name: "237" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "234" - mountPropagation: 癃8鸖 - name: "233" - readOnly: true - subPath: "235" - subPathExpr: "236" - workingDir: "217" - dnsConfig: - nameservers: - - "414" - options: - - name: "416" - value: "417" - searches: - - "415" - dnsPolicy: Ƶf - enableServiceLinks: true - ephemeralContainers: - - args: - - "283" - command: - - "282" - env: - - name: "290" - value: "291" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "297" - name: "296" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "292" - fieldPath: "293" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "294" - divisor: "381" - resource: "295" - secretKeyRef: - key: "299" - name: "298" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "288" - optional: false - prefix: "287" - secretRef: - name: "289" - optional: true - image: "281" - imagePullPolicy: ņ - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "326" - httpGet: - host: "329" - httpHeaders: - - name: "330" - value: "331" - path: "327" - port: "328" - scheme: 幩šeSvEȤƏ埮pɵ - tcpSocket: - host: "333" - port: "332" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "334" - httpGet: - host: "337" - httpHeaders: - - name: "338" - value: "339" - path: "335" - port: "336" - scheme: ş - tcpSocket: - host: "341" - port: "340" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "306" - failureThreshold: -300247800 - httpGet: - host: "308" - httpHeaders: - - name: "309" - value: "310" - path: "307" - port: 865289071 - scheme: iɥ嵐sC8 - initialDelaySeconds: -1513284745 - periodSeconds: -414121491 - successThreshold: -1862764022 - tcpSocket: - host: "311" - port: -898536659 - timeoutSeconds: 1258370227 - name: "280" - ports: - - containerPort: -1137436579 - hostIP: "286" - hostPort: 1868683352 - name: "285" - protocol: 颶妧Ö闊 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "312" - failureThreshold: 215186711 - httpGet: - host: "314" - httpHeaders: - - name: "315" - value: "316" - path: "313" - port: 323903711 - scheme: J - initialDelaySeconds: 657418949 - periodSeconds: 287654902 - successThreshold: -2062708879 - tcpSocket: - host: "318" - port: "317" - timeoutSeconds: -992558278 - resources: - limits: - ²sNƗ¸g: "50" - requests: - 酊龨δ摖ȱğ_<: "118" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - DŽ髐njʉBn(fǂǢ曣 - drop: - - ay - privileged: false - procMount: 嗆u - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -5996624450771474158 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: 1958157659034146020 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "346" - role: "344" - type: "345" - user: "343" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "348" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "347" - runAsUserName: "349" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "319" - failureThreshold: 1502643091 - httpGet: - host: "321" - httpHeaders: - - name: "322" - value: "323" - path: "320" - port: -1117254382 - scheme: 趐囨鏻砅邻爥蹔ŧOǨ - initialDelaySeconds: 2129989022 - periodSeconds: 1311843384 - successThreshold: -1292310438 - tcpSocket: - host: "325" - port: "324" - timeoutSeconds: -1699531929 - targetContainerName: "350" - terminationMessagePath: "342" - terminationMessagePolicy: 迮ƙIJ嘢4ʗN,丽饾| 鞤ɱďW賁Ěɭ - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "305" - name: "304" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "301" - mountPropagation: ƺ蛜6Ɖ飴ɎiǨź - name: "300" - readOnly: true - subPath: "302" - subPathExpr: "303" - workingDir: "284" - hostAliases: - - hostnames: - - "412" - ip: "411" - hostNetwork: true - hostname: "366" - imagePullSecrets: - - name: "365" - initContainers: - - args: - - "150" - command: - - "149" - env: - - name: "157" - value: "158" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "164" - name: "163" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "159" - fieldPath: "160" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "161" - divisor: "650" - resource: "162" - secretKeyRef: - key: "166" - name: "165" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "155" - optional: true - prefix: "154" - secretRef: - name: "156" - optional: true - image: "148" - imagePullPolicy: 罁胾^拜Ȍzɟ踡肒Ao/樝fw[Řż丩 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "192" - httpGet: - host: "194" - httpHeaders: - - name: "195" - value: "196" - path: "193" - port: -2015604435 - scheme: jƯĖ漘Z剚敍0) - tcpSocket: - host: "197" - port: 424236719 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "198" - httpGet: - host: "200" - httpHeaders: - - name: "201" - value: "202" - path: "199" - port: -1131820775 - scheme: Ƿ裚瓶釆Ɗ+j忊 - tcpSocket: - host: "204" - port: "203" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "173" - failureThreshold: -1113628381 - httpGet: - host: "175" - httpHeaders: - - name: "176" - value: "177" - path: "174" - port: -152585895 - scheme: E@Ȗs«ö - initialDelaySeconds: 1843758068 - periodSeconds: 1702578303 - successThreshold: -1565157256 - tcpSocket: - host: "178" - port: 1135182169 - timeoutSeconds: -1967469005 - name: "147" - ports: - - containerPort: 1403721475 - hostIP: "153" - hostPort: -606111218 - name: "152" - protocol: ǰ溟ɴ扵閝ȝ鐵儣廡ɑ龫`劳 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "179" - failureThreshold: -1167888910 - httpGet: - host: "181" - httpHeaders: - - name: "182" - value: "183" - path: "180" - port: 386652373 - scheme: ʙ嫙& - initialDelaySeconds: -802585193 - periodSeconds: 1944205014 - successThreshold: -2079582559 - tcpSocket: - host: "185" - port: "184" - timeoutSeconds: 1901330124 - resources: - limits: - "": "84" - requests: - ɖȃ賲鐅臬dH巧壚tC十Oɢ: "517" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - "" - drop: - - ŻʘY賃ɪ鐊瀑Ź9ǕLLȊɞ-uƻ悖ȩ - privileged: false - procMount: $MVȟ@7飣奺Ȋ礶惇¸t颟.鵫ǚ灄鸫 - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -8419423421380299597 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: -6576869501326512452 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "209" - role: "207" - type: "208" - user: "206" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "211" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "210" - runAsUserName: "212" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "186" - failureThreshold: 208045354 - httpGet: - host: "188" - httpHeaders: - - name: "189" - value: "190" - path: "187" - port: 804417065 - scheme: Ŵ廷s{Ⱦdz@ - initialDelaySeconds: 632397602 - periodSeconds: -730174220 - successThreshold: 433084615 - tcpSocket: - host: "191" - port: 406308963 - timeoutSeconds: 2026784878 - terminationMessagePath: "205" - terminationMessagePolicy: 焗捏 - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "172" - name: "171" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "168" - mountPropagation: "" - name: "167" - readOnly: true - subPath: "169" - subPathExpr: "170" - workingDir: "151" - nodeName: "355" - nodeSelector: - "351": "352" - overhead: - 癜鞤A馱z芀¿l磶Bb偃礳Ȭ痍脉PPö: "607" - preemptionPolicy: eáNRNJ丧鴻Ŀ - priority: 1690570439 - priorityClassName: "413" - readinessGates: - - conditionType: 梑ʀŖ鱓;鹡鑓侅闍ŏŃŋŏ}ŀ姳 - restartPolicy: T[ - runtimeClassName: "418" - schedulerName: "408" - securityContext: - fsGroup: 760480547754807445 - runAsGroup: -801152248124332545 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -2781126825051715248 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "359" - role: "357" - type: "358" - user: "356" - supplementalGroups: - - 5255171395073905944 - sysctls: - - name: "363" - value: "364" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "361" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "360" - runAsUserName: "362" - serviceAccount: "354" - serviceAccountName: "353" - shareProcessNamespace: false - subdomain: "367" - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -2738603156841903595 - tolerations: - - effect: 料ȭzV镜籬ƽ - key: "409" - operator: ƹ| - tolerationSeconds: 935587338391120947 - value: "410" - topologySpreadConstraints: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: qW - operator: In - values: - - 2-.s_6O-5_7_-0w_--5-_.3--_9QWJ - matchLabels: - E--pT751: mV__1-wv3UDf.-4D-r.-F__r.oh..2_uGGP..X - maxSkew: -137402083 - topologyKey: "419" - whenUnsatisfiable: Ȩç捌聮ŃŻ@ǮJ=礏ƴ磳藷曥 - volumes: - - awsElasticBlockStore: - fsType: "47" - partition: 912004803 - readOnly: true - volumeID: "46" - azureDisk: - cachingMode: '|@?鷅bȻN' - diskName: "110" - diskURI: "111" - fsType: "112" - kind: 榱*Gưoɘ檲 - readOnly: true - azureFile: - readOnly: true - secretName: "96" - shareName: "97" - cephfs: - monitors: - - "81" - path: "82" - secretFile: "84" - secretRef: - name: "85" - user: "83" - cinder: - fsType: "79" - secretRef: - name: "80" - volumeID: "78" - configMap: - defaultMode: 1593906314 - items: - - key: "99" - mode: 195263908 - path: "100" - name: "98" - optional: false - csi: - driver: "142" - fsType: "143" - nodePublishSecretRef: - name: "146" - readOnly: false - volumeAttributes: - "144": "145" - downwardAPI: - defaultMode: 824682619 - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "89" - fieldPath: "90" - mode: 1569992019 - path: "88" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "91" - divisor: "660" - resource: "92" - emptyDir: - medium: Xŋ朘瑥A徙ɶɊł/擇ɦĽ胚O醔ɍ厶耈 - sizeLimit: "473" - fc: - fsType: "94" - lun: -1740986684 - readOnly: true - targetWWNs: - - "93" - wwids: - - "95" - flexVolume: - driver: "73" - fsType: "74" - options: - "76": "77" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "75" - flocker: - datasetName: "86" - datasetUUID: "87" - gcePersistentDisk: - fsType: "45" - partition: -1188153605 - pdName: "44" - gitRepo: - directory: "50" - repository: "48" - revision: "49" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "63" - path: "64" - readOnly: true - hostPath: - path: "43" - type: ƛƟ)ÙæNǚ錯ƶRquA?瞲Ť倱< - iscsi: - chapAuthDiscovery: true - fsType: "59" - initiatorName: "62" - iqn: "57" - iscsiInterface: "58" - lun: 994527057 - portals: - - "60" - secretRef: - name: "61" - targetPortal: "56" - name: "42" - nfs: - path: "55" - readOnly: true - server: "54" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "65" - readOnly: true - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "114" - pdID: "113" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "129" - readOnly: true - volumeID: "128" - projected: - defaultMode: -1334904807 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "124" - mode: 2063799569 - path: "125" - name: "123" - optional: false - downwardAPI: - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "119" - fieldPath: "120" - mode: 173030157 - path: "118" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "121" - divisor: "106" - resource: "122" - secret: - items: - - key: "116" - mode: -323584340 - path: "117" - name: "115" - optional: true - serviceAccountToken: - audience: "126" - expirationSeconds: 8357931971650847566 - path: "127" - quobyte: - group: "108" - registry: "105" - tenant: "109" - user: "107" - volume: "106" - rbd: - fsType: "68" - image: "67" - keyring: "71" - monitors: - - "66" - pool: "69" - secretRef: - name: "72" - user: "70" - scaleIO: - fsType: "137" - gateway: "130" - protectionDomain: "133" - secretRef: - name: "132" - storageMode: "135" - storagePool: "134" - system: "131" - volumeName: "136" - secret: - defaultMode: 332383000 - items: - - key: "52" - mode: -547518679 - path: "53" - optional: true - secretName: "51" - storageos: - fsType: "140" - secretRef: - name: "141" - volumeName: "138" - volumeNamespace: "139" - vsphereVolume: - fsType: "102" - storagePolicyID: "104" - storagePolicyName: "103" - volumePath: "101" - updateStrategy: - rollingUpdate: - partition: 86666826 - type: Dz讱ȕ齐疅檎ǽ曖sƖTƫ - volumeClaimTemplates: - - metadata: - annotations: - "433": "434" - clusterName: "439" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -1824067601569574665 - finalizers: - - "438" - generateName: "427" - generation: -8502907933203165744 - labels: - "431": "432" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "441" - fieldsType: "442" - manager: "440" - operation: Bi攵&ý"ʀ废査Z綶Ā - name: "426" - namespace: "428" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "435" - blockOwnerDeletion: false - controller: true - kind: "436" - name: "437" - uid: WɓDɏ挭跡Ƅ抄3昞财Î嘝zʄ - resourceVersion: "6281861817195808867" - selfLink: "429" - uid: '`ȗ<8^翜T蘈' - spec: - accessModes: - - 銲tHǽ÷閂抰^窄CǙķȈĐI梞ū - dataSource: - apiGroup: "451" - kind: "452" - name: "453" - resources: - limits: - 'O^:': "847" - requests: - Ɍ蚊ơ鎊t潑: "199" - selector: - matchExpressions: - - key: f82-8_.UdWNn_U-...1P_.D8_t..-Ww2q.zv - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - p2P.B._A_090ERG2nV.__p_Y-.2__a_dWU_V-_Q_Ap._C: a_o..p_B-d--Q5._D6_.d-n_9n.p.2-.-Qw__YT.1---.-o7.pJ-r - storageClassName: "450" - volumeMode: ȳT - volumeName: "449" - status: - accessModes: - - 熔ķ´ʑ潞Ĵ3Q蠯0 - capacity: - \溮Ŀ傜NZ!š: "952" - conditions: - - lastProbeTime: "2252-06-28T22:34:24Z" - lastTransitionTime: "1974-04-29T05:51:38Z" - message: "455" - reason: "454" - status: ƿOqõƨj2愴ňù廻@p - type: '僙R岹ÿʼnx#綮ehɫ淫Ď眊:' - phase: 戱PRɄ -status: - collisionCount: 341287797 - conditions: - - lastTransitionTime: "2493-11-15T11:08:04Z" - message: "460" - reason: "459" - status: ő+aò¼箰ð祛?扄鰀G抉ȪĠʩ崯ɋ+ - type: ÆŁĪŀc=Ƨz鈡煰敹xŪO - currentReplicas: -1847673756 - currentRevision: "457" - observedGeneration: 3474169154658456972 - readyReplicas: 2037461401 - replicas: 1449104338 - updateRevision: "458" - updatedReplicas: 154782591 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.Deployment.after_roundtrip.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.Deployment.after_roundtrip.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 3dee5d5d502e..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.Deployment.after_roundtrip.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.Deployment.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.Deployment.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 3dee5d5d502e..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.Deployment.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.Deployment.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.Deployment.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index bdd3a1bad690..000000000000 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.Deployment.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,962 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: apps/v1beta1 -kind: Deployment -metadata: - annotations: - "9": "10" - clusterName: "15" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 - finalizers: - - "14" - generateName: "3" - generation: 8071137005907523419 - labels: - "7": "8" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "17" - fieldsType: "18" - manager: "16" - operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] - name: "2" - namespace: "4" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "11" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "12" - name: "13" - uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp - resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" - selfLink: "5" - uid: "7" -spec: - minReadySeconds: 212061711 - progressDeadlineSeconds: 1109758199 - replicas: 896585016 - revisionHistoryLimit: -1092090658 - rollbackTo: - revision: -318895959020904110 - selector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 50-u--25cu87--r7p-w1e67-8pj5t-kl-v0q6b68--nu5oii38fn-8.629b-jd-8c45-0-8--6n--w0--w---196g8d--iv1-5--5ht-a-29--0qso796/3___47._49pIB_o61ISU4--A_.XK_._M99 - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - 74404d5---g8c2-k-91e.y5-g--58----0683-b-w7ld-6cs06xj-x5yv0wm-k18/M_-Nx.N_6-___._-.-W._AAn---v_-5-_8LXj: 6-4_WE-_JTrcd-2.-__E_Sv__26KX_R_.-.Nth._--S_4DA_-5_-4lQ42M--1 - strategy: - rollingUpdate: - maxSurge: 3 - maxUnavailable: 2 - type: 荥ơ'禧ǵŊ)TiD¢ƿ媴h5 - template: - metadata: - annotations: - "32": "33" - clusterName: "38" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -2575298329142810753 - finalizers: - - "37" - generateName: "26" - generation: -8542870036622468681 - labels: - "30": "31" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "40" - fieldsType: "41" - manager: "39" - operation: 躢 - name: "25" - namespace: "27" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "34" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: true - kind: "35" - name: "36" - uid: ƶȤ^} - resourceVersion: "1736621709629422270" - selfLink: "28" - uid: ?Qȫş - spec: - activeDeadlineSeconds: -8619192438821356882 - affinity: - nodeAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - preference: - matchExpressions: - - key: "372" - operator: '}Ñ蠂Ü[ƛ^輅9ɛ棕ƈ眽炊' - values: - - "373" - matchFields: - - key: "374" - operator: ʨIk(dŊiɢzĮ蛋I滞 - values: - - "375" - weight: 646133945 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - nodeSelectorTerms: - - matchExpressions: - - key: "368" - operator: ǧĒzŔ瘍N - values: - - "369" - matchFields: - - key: "370" - operator: ƽ眝{æ盪泙 - values: - - "371" - podAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 8.--w0_1V7 - operator: In - values: - - 7--p9.-_0R.-_-3_L_2--_v2.5p_..Y-.wg_-b8a_6_.0Q4_8 - matchLabels: - w--162-gk2-99v22.g-65m8-1x129-9d8-s7-t7--336-11k9-8609a-e0--1----v8-4--558n1asz5/BD8.TS-jJ.Ys_Mop34_y: f_ZN.-_--r.E__-.8_e_l2.._8s--7_3x_-J5 - namespaces: - - "390" - topologyKey: "391" - weight: -855547676 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: V.-tfh4.caTz_.g.w-o.8_WT-M.3_-1y_8D_X._B__-Pd - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - 3.csh-3--Z1Tvw39FC: rtSY.g._2F7.-_e..Or_-.3OHgt._6 - namespaces: - - "382" - topologyKey: "383" - podAntiAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: w_-r75--_-A-o-__y__._12..wrbW_E..24-O._.v._9-czf - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 3-mLlx...w_t-_.5.40Rw4gD.._.-x6db-L7.-__-G2: CpS__.39g_.--_-_ve5.m_2_--XZx - namespaces: - - "406" - topologyKey: "407" - weight: 808399187 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: yp8q-sf1--gw-jz-659--0l-023bm-6l2e5---k5v3a---9/tA.W5_-5_.V1-rU.___06.eqk5E_-4-.XH-.k.7.l_-W81 - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 4-m_0-m-6Sp_N-S..O-BZ..6-1.S-B33: 17ca-_p-y.eQZ9p_1 - namespaces: - - "398" - topologyKey: "399" - automountServiceAccountToken: false - containers: - - args: - - "216" - command: - - "215" - env: - - name: "223" - value: "224" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "230" - name: "229" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "225" - fieldPath: "226" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "227" - divisor: "595" - resource: "228" - secretKeyRef: - key: "232" - name: "231" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "221" - optional: false - prefix: "220" - secretRef: - name: "222" - optional: false - image: "214" - imagePullPolicy: û咡W<敄lu|榝$î.Ȏ蝪ʜ5 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "258" - httpGet: - host: "261" - httpHeaders: - - name: "262" - value: "263" - path: "259" - port: "260" - tcpSocket: - host: "264" - port: 1943028037 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "265" - httpGet: - host: "267" - httpHeaders: - - name: "268" - value: "269" - path: "266" - port: -1355476687 - scheme: -Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊#v铿ʩȂ4ē鐭#嬀ơ - tcpSocket: - host: "271" - port: "270" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "239" - failureThreshold: -1213051101 - httpGet: - host: "241" - httpHeaders: - - name: "242" - value: "243" - path: "240" - port: -1654678802 - scheme: 毋 - initialDelaySeconds: -775511009 - periodSeconds: -228822833 - successThreshold: -970312425 - tcpSocket: - host: "244" - port: 391562775 - timeoutSeconds: -832805508 - name: "213" - ports: - - containerPort: -775325416 - hostIP: "219" - hostPort: 62799871 - name: "218" - protocol: t莭琽§ć\ ïì - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "245" - failureThreshold: 571739592 - httpGet: - host: "247" - httpHeaders: - - name: "248" - value: "249" - path: "246" - port: -1905643191 - scheme: Ǖɳɷ9Ì崟¿瘦ɖ緕 - initialDelaySeconds: 852780575 - periodSeconds: 893823156 - successThreshold: -1980314709 - tcpSocket: - host: "251" - port: "250" - timeoutSeconds: -1252938503 - resources: - limits: - N粕擓ƖHVe熼: "334" - requests: - 倗S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤/ɸɎ R§耶: "388" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - E埄Ȁ朦 wƯ貾坢' - drop: - - aŕ翑0展}硐庰%皧V垾现葢ŵ橨鬶l - privileged: false - procMount: "" - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -2408264753085021035 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -2270595441829602368 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "276" - role: "274" - type: "275" - user: "273" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "278" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "277" - runAsUserName: "279" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "252" - failureThreshold: -1008070934 - httpGet: - host: "254" - httpHeaders: - - name: "255" - value: "256" - path: "253" - port: -1334110502 - scheme: ȓ蹣ɐǛv+8Ƥ熪军 - initialDelaySeconds: 410611837 - periodSeconds: 972978563 - successThreshold: 17771103 - tcpSocket: - host: "257" - port: 622267234 - timeoutSeconds: 809006670 - terminationMessagePath: "272" - terminationMessagePolicy: T 苧yñKJɐ扵G - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "238" - name: "237" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "234" - mountPropagation: 癃8鸖 - name: "233" - readOnly: true - subPath: "235" - subPathExpr: "236" - workingDir: "217" - dnsConfig: - nameservers: - - "414" - options: - - name: "416" - value: "417" - searches: - - "415" - dnsPolicy: Ƶf - enableServiceLinks: true - ephemeralContainers: - - args: - - "283" - command: - - "282" - env: - - name: "290" - value: "291" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "297" - name: "296" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "292" - fieldPath: "293" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "294" - divisor: "381" - resource: "295" - secretKeyRef: - key: "299" - name: "298" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "288" - optional: false - prefix: "287" - secretRef: - name: "289" - optional: true - image: "281" - imagePullPolicy: ņ - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "326" - httpGet: - host: "329" - httpHeaders: - - name: "330" - value: "331" - path: "327" - port: "328" - scheme: 幩šeSvEȤƏ埮pɵ - tcpSocket: - host: "333" - port: "332" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "334" - httpGet: - host: "337" - httpHeaders: - - name: "338" - value: "339" - path: "335" - port: "336" - scheme: ş - tcpSocket: - host: "341" - port: "340" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "306" - failureThreshold: -300247800 - httpGet: - host: "308" - httpHeaders: - - name: "309" - value: "310" - path: "307" - port: 865289071 - scheme: iɥ嵐sC8 - initialDelaySeconds: -1513284745 - periodSeconds: -414121491 - successThreshold: -1862764022 - tcpSocket: - host: "311" - port: -898536659 - timeoutSeconds: 1258370227 - name: "280" - ports: - - containerPort: -1137436579 - hostIP: "286" - hostPort: 1868683352 - name: "285" - protocol: 颶妧Ö闊 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "312" - failureThreshold: 215186711 - httpGet: - host: "314" - httpHeaders: - - name: "315" - value: "316" - path: "313" - port: 323903711 - scheme: J - initialDelaySeconds: 657418949 - periodSeconds: 287654902 - successThreshold: -2062708879 - tcpSocket: - host: "318" - port: "317" - timeoutSeconds: -992558278 - resources: - limits: - ²sNƗ¸g: "50" - requests: - 酊龨δ摖ȱğ_<: "118" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - DŽ髐njʉBn(fǂǢ曣 - drop: - - ay - privileged: false - procMount: 嗆u - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -5996624450771474158 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: 1958157659034146020 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "346" - role: "344" - type: "345" - user: "343" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "348" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "347" - runAsUserName: "349" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "319" - failureThreshold: 1502643091 - httpGet: - host: "321" - httpHeaders: - - name: "322" - value: "323" - path: "320" - port: -1117254382 - scheme: 趐囨鏻砅邻爥蹔ŧOǨ - initialDelaySeconds: 2129989022 - periodSeconds: 1311843384 - successThreshold: -1292310438 - tcpSocket: - host: "325" - port: "324" - timeoutSeconds: -1699531929 - targetContainerName: "350" - terminationMessagePath: "342" - terminationMessagePolicy: 迮ƙIJ嘢4ʗN,丽饾| 鞤ɱďW賁Ěɭ - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "305" - name: "304" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "301" - mountPropagation: ƺ蛜6Ɖ飴ɎiǨź - name: "300" - readOnly: true - subPath: "302" - subPathExpr: "303" - workingDir: "284" - hostAliases: - - hostnames: - - "412" - ip: "411" - hostNetwork: true - hostname: "366" - imagePullSecrets: - - name: "365" - initContainers: - - args: - - "150" - command: - - "149" - env: - - name: "157" - value: "158" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "164" - name: "163" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "159" - fieldPath: "160" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "161" - divisor: "650" - resource: "162" - secretKeyRef: - key: "166" - name: "165" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "155" - optional: true - prefix: "154" - secretRef: - name: "156" - optional: true - image: "148" - imagePullPolicy: 罁胾^拜Ȍzɟ踡肒Ao/樝fw[Řż丩 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "192" - httpGet: - host: "194" - httpHeaders: - - name: "195" - value: "196" - path: "193" - port: -2015604435 - scheme: jƯĖ漘Z剚敍0) - tcpSocket: - host: "197" - port: 424236719 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "198" - httpGet: - host: "200" - httpHeaders: - - name: "201" - value: "202" - path: "199" - port: -1131820775 - scheme: Ƿ裚瓶釆Ɗ+j忊 - tcpSocket: - host: "204" - port: "203" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "173" - failureThreshold: -1113628381 - httpGet: - host: "175" - httpHeaders: - - name: "176" - value: "177" - path: "174" - port: -152585895 - scheme: E@Ȗs«ö - initialDelaySeconds: 1843758068 - periodSeconds: 1702578303 - successThreshold: -1565157256 - tcpSocket: - host: "178" - port: 1135182169 - timeoutSeconds: -1967469005 - name: "147" - ports: - - containerPort: 1403721475 - hostIP: "153" - hostPort: -606111218 - name: "152" - protocol: ǰ溟ɴ扵閝ȝ鐵儣廡ɑ龫`劳 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "179" - failureThreshold: -1167888910 - httpGet: - host: "181" - httpHeaders: - - name: "182" - value: "183" - path: "180" - port: 386652373 - scheme: ʙ嫙& - initialDelaySeconds: -802585193 - periodSeconds: 1944205014 - successThreshold: -2079582559 - tcpSocket: - host: "185" - port: "184" - timeoutSeconds: 1901330124 - resources: - limits: - "": "84" - requests: - ɖȃ賲鐅臬dH巧壚tC十Oɢ: "517" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - "" - drop: - - ŻʘY賃ɪ鐊瀑Ź9ǕLLȊɞ-uƻ悖ȩ - privileged: false - procMount: $MVȟ@7飣奺Ȋ礶惇¸t颟.鵫ǚ灄鸫 - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -8419423421380299597 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: -6576869501326512452 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "209" - role: "207" - type: "208" - user: "206" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "211" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "210" - runAsUserName: "212" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "186" - failureThreshold: 208045354 - httpGet: - host: "188" - httpHeaders: - - name: "189" - value: "190" - path: "187" - port: 804417065 - scheme: Ŵ廷s{Ⱦdz@ - initialDelaySeconds: 632397602 - periodSeconds: -730174220 - successThreshold: 433084615 - tcpSocket: - host: "191" - port: 406308963 - timeoutSeconds: 2026784878 - terminationMessagePath: "205" - terminationMessagePolicy: 焗捏 - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "172" - name: "171" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "168" - mountPropagation: "" - name: "167" - readOnly: true - subPath: "169" - subPathExpr: "170" - workingDir: "151" - nodeName: "355" - nodeSelector: - "351": "352" - overhead: - 癜鞤A馱z芀¿l磶Bb偃礳Ȭ痍脉PPö: "607" - preemptionPolicy: eáNRNJ丧鴻Ŀ - priority: 1690570439 - priorityClassName: "413" - readinessGates: - - conditionType: 梑ʀŖ鱓;鹡鑓侅闍ŏŃŋŏ}ŀ姳 - restartPolicy: T[ - runtimeClassName: "418" - schedulerName: "408" - securityContext: - fsGroup: 760480547754807445 - runAsGroup: -801152248124332545 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -2781126825051715248 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "359" - role: "357" - type: "358" - user: "356" - supplementalGroups: - - 5255171395073905944 - sysctls: - - name: "363" - value: "364" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "361" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "360" - runAsUserName: "362" - serviceAccount: "354" - serviceAccountName: "353" - shareProcessNamespace: false - subdomain: "367" - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -2738603156841903595 - tolerations: - - effect: 料ȭzV镜籬ƽ - key: "409" - operator: ƹ| - tolerationSeconds: 935587338391120947 - value: "410" - topologySpreadConstraints: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: qW - operator: In - values: - - 2-.s_6O-5_7_-0w_--5-_.3--_9QWJ - matchLabels: - E--pT751: mV__1-wv3UDf.-4D-r.-F__r.oh..2_uGGP..X - maxSkew: -137402083 - topologyKey: "419" - whenUnsatisfiable: Ȩç捌聮ŃŻ@ǮJ=礏ƴ磳藷曥 - volumes: - - awsElasticBlockStore: - fsType: "47" - partition: 912004803 - readOnly: true - volumeID: "46" - azureDisk: - cachingMode: '|@?鷅bȻN' - diskName: "110" - diskURI: "111" - fsType: "112" - kind: 榱*Gưoɘ檲 - readOnly: true - azureFile: - readOnly: true - secretName: "96" - shareName: "97" - cephfs: - monitors: - - "81" - path: "82" - secretFile: "84" - secretRef: - name: "85" - user: "83" - cinder: - fsType: "79" - secretRef: - name: "80" - volumeID: "78" - configMap: - defaultMode: 1593906314 - items: - - key: "99" - mode: 195263908 - path: "100" - name: "98" - optional: false - csi: - driver: "142" - fsType: "143" - nodePublishSecretRef: - name: "146" - readOnly: false - volumeAttributes: - "144": "145" - downwardAPI: - defaultMode: 824682619 - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "89" - fieldPath: "90" - mode: 1569992019 - path: "88" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "91" - divisor: "660" - resource: "92" - emptyDir: - medium: Xŋ朘瑥A徙ɶɊł/擇ɦĽ胚O醔ɍ厶耈 - sizeLimit: "473" - fc: - fsType: "94" - lun: -1740986684 - readOnly: true - targetWWNs: - - "93" - wwids: - - "95" - flexVolume: - driver: "73" - fsType: "74" - options: - "76": "77" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "75" - flocker: - datasetName: "86" - datasetUUID: "87" - gcePersistentDisk: - fsType: "45" - partition: -1188153605 - pdName: "44" - gitRepo: - directory: "50" - repository: "48" - revision: "49" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "63" - path: "64" - readOnly: true - hostPath: - path: "43" - type: ƛƟ)ÙæNǚ錯ƶRquA?瞲Ť倱< - iscsi: - chapAuthDiscovery: true - fsType: "59" - initiatorName: "62" - iqn: "57" - iscsiInterface: "58" - lun: 994527057 - portals: - - "60" - secretRef: - name: "61" - targetPortal: "56" - name: "42" - nfs: - path: "55" - readOnly: true - server: "54" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "65" - readOnly: true - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "114" - pdID: "113" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "129" - readOnly: true - volumeID: "128" - projected: - defaultMode: -1334904807 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "124" - mode: 2063799569 - path: "125" - name: "123" - optional: false - downwardAPI: - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "119" - fieldPath: "120" - mode: 173030157 - path: "118" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "121" - divisor: "106" - resource: "122" - secret: - items: - - key: "116" - mode: -323584340 - path: "117" - name: "115" - optional: true - serviceAccountToken: - audience: "126" - expirationSeconds: 8357931971650847566 - path: "127" - quobyte: - group: "108" - registry: "105" - tenant: "109" - user: "107" - volume: "106" - rbd: - fsType: "68" - image: "67" - keyring: "71" - monitors: - - "66" - pool: "69" - secretRef: - name: "72" - user: "70" - scaleIO: - fsType: "137" - gateway: "130" - protectionDomain: "133" - secretRef: - name: "132" - storageMode: "135" - storagePool: "134" - system: "131" - volumeName: "136" - secret: - defaultMode: 332383000 - items: - - key: "52" - mode: -547518679 - path: "53" - optional: true - secretName: "51" - storageos: - fsType: "140" - secretRef: - name: "141" - volumeName: "138" - volumeNamespace: "139" - vsphereVolume: - fsType: "102" - storagePolicyID: "104" - storagePolicyName: "103" - volumePath: "101" -status: - availableReplicas: 740158871 - collisionCount: 571778293 - conditions: - - lastTransitionTime: "1970-05-16T01:44:00Z" - lastUpdateTime: "2469-07-10T03:20:34Z" - message: "427" - reason: "426" - status: '''ƈoIǢ龞瞯å' - type: "" - observedGeneration: 1751238822830387407 - readyReplicas: -1450995995 - replicas: -106050665 - unavailableReplicas: -449319810 - updatedReplicas: -929473748 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.StatefulSet.after_roundtrip.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.StatefulSet.after_roundtrip.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 6a2f628f684f..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.StatefulSet.after_roundtrip.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.StatefulSet.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.StatefulSet.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 6a2f628f684f..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.StatefulSet.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.StatefulSet.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.StatefulSet.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 49ac65ecc405..000000000000 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.StatefulSet.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1023 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: apps/v1beta1 -kind: StatefulSet -metadata: - annotations: - "9": "10" - clusterName: "15" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 - finalizers: - - "14" - generateName: "3" - generation: 8071137005907523419 - labels: - "7": "8" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "17" - fieldsType: "18" - manager: "16" - operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] - name: "2" - namespace: "4" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "11" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "12" - name: "13" - uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp - resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" - selfLink: "5" - uid: "7" -spec: - podManagementPolicy: ŞÜ4w}ĶƲ86±ļ$暣 - replicas: 896585016 - revisionHistoryLimit: 69142596 - selector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 50-u--25cu87--r7p-w1e67-8pj5t-kl-v0q6b68--nu5oii38fn-8.629b-jd-8c45-0-8--6n--w0--w---196g8d--iv1-5--5ht-a-29--0qso796/3___47._49pIB_o61ISU4--A_.XK_._M99 - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - 74404d5---g8c2-k-91e.y5-g--58----0683-b-w7ld-6cs06xj-x5yv0wm-k18/M_-Nx.N_6-___._-.-W._AAn---v_-5-_8LXj: 6-4_WE-_JTrcd-2.-__E_Sv__26KX_R_.-.Nth._--S_4DA_-5_-4lQ42M--1 - serviceName: "456" - template: - metadata: - annotations: - "32": "33" - clusterName: "38" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -2575298329142810753 - finalizers: - - "37" - generateName: "26" - generation: -8542870036622468681 - labels: - "30": "31" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "40" - fieldsType: "41" - manager: "39" - operation: 躢 - name: "25" - namespace: "27" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "34" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: true - kind: "35" - name: "36" - uid: ƶȤ^} - resourceVersion: "1736621709629422270" - selfLink: "28" - uid: ?Qȫş - spec: - activeDeadlineSeconds: -8619192438821356882 - affinity: - nodeAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - preference: - matchExpressions: - - key: "372" - operator: '}Ñ蠂Ü[ƛ^輅9ɛ棕ƈ眽炊' - values: - - "373" - matchFields: - - key: "374" - operator: ʨIk(dŊiɢzĮ蛋I滞 - values: - - "375" - weight: 646133945 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - nodeSelectorTerms: - - matchExpressions: - - key: "368" - operator: ǧĒzŔ瘍N - values: - - "369" - matchFields: - - key: "370" - operator: ƽ眝{æ盪泙 - values: - - "371" - podAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 8.--w0_1V7 - operator: In - values: - - 7--p9.-_0R.-_-3_L_2--_v2.5p_..Y-.wg_-b8a_6_.0Q4_8 - matchLabels: - w--162-gk2-99v22.g-65m8-1x129-9d8-s7-t7--336-11k9-8609a-e0--1----v8-4--558n1asz5/BD8.TS-jJ.Ys_Mop34_y: f_ZN.-_--r.E__-.8_e_l2.._8s--7_3x_-J5 - namespaces: - - "390" - topologyKey: "391" - weight: -855547676 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: V.-tfh4.caTz_.g.w-o.8_WT-M.3_-1y_8D_X._B__-Pd - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - 3.csh-3--Z1Tvw39FC: rtSY.g._2F7.-_e..Or_-.3OHgt._6 - namespaces: - - "382" - topologyKey: "383" - podAntiAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: w_-r75--_-A-o-__y__._12..wrbW_E..24-O._.v._9-czf - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 3-mLlx...w_t-_.5.40Rw4gD.._.-x6db-L7.-__-G2: CpS__.39g_.--_-_ve5.m_2_--XZx - namespaces: - - "406" - topologyKey: "407" - weight: 808399187 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: yp8q-sf1--gw-jz-659--0l-023bm-6l2e5---k5v3a---9/tA.W5_-5_.V1-rU.___06.eqk5E_-4-.XH-.k.7.l_-W81 - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 4-m_0-m-6Sp_N-S..O-BZ..6-1.S-B33: 17ca-_p-y.eQZ9p_1 - namespaces: - - "398" - topologyKey: "399" - automountServiceAccountToken: false - containers: - - args: - - "216" - command: - - "215" - env: - - name: "223" - value: "224" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "230" - name: "229" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "225" - fieldPath: "226" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "227" - divisor: "595" - resource: "228" - secretKeyRef: - key: "232" - name: "231" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "221" - optional: false - prefix: "220" - secretRef: - name: "222" - optional: false - image: "214" - imagePullPolicy: û咡W<敄lu|榝$î.Ȏ蝪ʜ5 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "258" - httpGet: - host: "261" - httpHeaders: - - name: "262" - value: "263" - path: "259" - port: "260" - tcpSocket: - host: "264" - port: 1943028037 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "265" - httpGet: - host: "267" - httpHeaders: - - name: "268" - value: "269" - path: "266" - port: -1355476687 - scheme: -Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊#v铿ʩȂ4ē鐭#嬀ơ - tcpSocket: - host: "271" - port: "270" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "239" - failureThreshold: -1213051101 - httpGet: - host: "241" - httpHeaders: - - name: "242" - value: "243" - path: "240" - port: -1654678802 - scheme: 毋 - initialDelaySeconds: -775511009 - periodSeconds: -228822833 - successThreshold: -970312425 - tcpSocket: - host: "244" - port: 391562775 - timeoutSeconds: -832805508 - name: "213" - ports: - - containerPort: -775325416 - hostIP: "219" - hostPort: 62799871 - name: "218" - protocol: t莭琽§ć\ ïì - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "245" - failureThreshold: 571739592 - httpGet: - host: "247" - httpHeaders: - - name: "248" - value: "249" - path: "246" - port: -1905643191 - scheme: Ǖɳɷ9Ì崟¿瘦ɖ緕 - initialDelaySeconds: 852780575 - periodSeconds: 893823156 - successThreshold: -1980314709 - tcpSocket: - host: "251" - port: "250" - timeoutSeconds: -1252938503 - resources: - limits: - N粕擓ƖHVe熼: "334" - requests: - 倗S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤/ɸɎ R§耶: "388" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - E埄Ȁ朦 wƯ貾坢' - drop: - - aŕ翑0展}硐庰%皧V垾现葢ŵ橨鬶l - privileged: false - procMount: "" - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -2408264753085021035 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -2270595441829602368 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "276" - role: "274" - type: "275" - user: "273" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "278" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "277" - runAsUserName: "279" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "252" - failureThreshold: -1008070934 - httpGet: - host: "254" - httpHeaders: - - name: "255" - value: "256" - path: "253" - port: -1334110502 - scheme: ȓ蹣ɐǛv+8Ƥ熪军 - initialDelaySeconds: 410611837 - periodSeconds: 972978563 - successThreshold: 17771103 - tcpSocket: - host: "257" - port: 622267234 - timeoutSeconds: 809006670 - terminationMessagePath: "272" - terminationMessagePolicy: T 苧yñKJɐ扵G - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "238" - name: "237" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "234" - mountPropagation: 癃8鸖 - name: "233" - readOnly: true - subPath: "235" - subPathExpr: "236" - workingDir: "217" - dnsConfig: - nameservers: - - "414" - options: - - name: "416" - value: "417" - searches: - - "415" - dnsPolicy: Ƶf - enableServiceLinks: true - ephemeralContainers: - - args: - - "283" - command: - - "282" - env: - - name: "290" - value: "291" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "297" - name: "296" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "292" - fieldPath: "293" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "294" - divisor: "381" - resource: "295" - secretKeyRef: - key: "299" - name: "298" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "288" - optional: false - prefix: "287" - secretRef: - name: "289" - optional: true - image: "281" - imagePullPolicy: ņ - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "326" - httpGet: - host: "329" - httpHeaders: - - name: "330" - value: "331" - path: "327" - port: "328" - scheme: 幩šeSvEȤƏ埮pɵ - tcpSocket: - host: "333" - port: "332" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "334" - httpGet: - host: "337" - httpHeaders: - - name: "338" - value: "339" - path: "335" - port: "336" - scheme: ş - tcpSocket: - host: "341" - port: "340" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "306" - failureThreshold: -300247800 - httpGet: - host: "308" - httpHeaders: - - name: "309" - value: "310" - path: "307" - port: 865289071 - scheme: iɥ嵐sC8 - initialDelaySeconds: -1513284745 - periodSeconds: -414121491 - successThreshold: -1862764022 - tcpSocket: - host: "311" - port: -898536659 - timeoutSeconds: 1258370227 - name: "280" - ports: - - containerPort: -1137436579 - hostIP: "286" - hostPort: 1868683352 - name: "285" - protocol: 颶妧Ö闊 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "312" - failureThreshold: 215186711 - httpGet: - host: "314" - httpHeaders: - - name: "315" - value: "316" - path: "313" - port: 323903711 - scheme: J - initialDelaySeconds: 657418949 - periodSeconds: 287654902 - successThreshold: -2062708879 - tcpSocket: - host: "318" - port: "317" - timeoutSeconds: -992558278 - resources: - limits: - ²sNƗ¸g: "50" - requests: - 酊龨δ摖ȱğ_<: "118" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - DŽ髐njʉBn(fǂǢ曣 - drop: - - ay - privileged: false - procMount: 嗆u - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -5996624450771474158 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: 1958157659034146020 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "346" - role: "344" - type: "345" - user: "343" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "348" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "347" - runAsUserName: "349" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "319" - failureThreshold: 1502643091 - httpGet: - host: "321" - httpHeaders: - - name: "322" - value: "323" - path: "320" - port: -1117254382 - scheme: 趐囨鏻砅邻爥蹔ŧOǨ - initialDelaySeconds: 2129989022 - periodSeconds: 1311843384 - successThreshold: -1292310438 - tcpSocket: - host: "325" - port: "324" - timeoutSeconds: -1699531929 - targetContainerName: "350" - terminationMessagePath: "342" - terminationMessagePolicy: 迮ƙIJ嘢4ʗN,丽饾| 鞤ɱďW賁Ěɭ - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "305" - name: "304" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "301" - mountPropagation: ƺ蛜6Ɖ飴ɎiǨź - name: "300" - readOnly: true - subPath: "302" - subPathExpr: "303" - workingDir: "284" - hostAliases: - - hostnames: - - "412" - ip: "411" - hostNetwork: true - hostname: "366" - imagePullSecrets: - - name: "365" - initContainers: - - args: - - "150" - command: - - "149" - env: - - name: "157" - value: "158" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "164" - name: "163" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "159" - fieldPath: "160" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "161" - divisor: "650" - resource: "162" - secretKeyRef: - key: "166" - name: "165" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "155" - optional: true - prefix: "154" - secretRef: - name: "156" - optional: true - image: "148" - imagePullPolicy: 罁胾^拜Ȍzɟ踡肒Ao/樝fw[Řż丩 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "192" - httpGet: - host: "194" - httpHeaders: - - name: "195" - value: "196" - path: "193" - port: -2015604435 - scheme: jƯĖ漘Z剚敍0) - tcpSocket: - host: "197" - port: 424236719 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "198" - httpGet: - host: "200" - httpHeaders: - - name: "201" - value: "202" - path: "199" - port: -1131820775 - scheme: Ƿ裚瓶釆Ɗ+j忊 - tcpSocket: - host: "204" - port: "203" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "173" - failureThreshold: -1113628381 - httpGet: - host: "175" - httpHeaders: - - name: "176" - value: "177" - path: "174" - port: -152585895 - scheme: E@Ȗs«ö - initialDelaySeconds: 1843758068 - periodSeconds: 1702578303 - successThreshold: -1565157256 - tcpSocket: - host: "178" - port: 1135182169 - timeoutSeconds: -1967469005 - name: "147" - ports: - - containerPort: 1403721475 - hostIP: "153" - hostPort: -606111218 - name: "152" - protocol: ǰ溟ɴ扵閝ȝ鐵儣廡ɑ龫`劳 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "179" - failureThreshold: -1167888910 - httpGet: - host: "181" - httpHeaders: - - name: "182" - value: "183" - path: "180" - port: 386652373 - scheme: ʙ嫙& - initialDelaySeconds: -802585193 - periodSeconds: 1944205014 - successThreshold: -2079582559 - tcpSocket: - host: "185" - port: "184" - timeoutSeconds: 1901330124 - resources: - limits: - "": "84" - requests: - ɖȃ賲鐅臬dH巧壚tC十Oɢ: "517" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - "" - drop: - - ŻʘY賃ɪ鐊瀑Ź9ǕLLȊɞ-uƻ悖ȩ - privileged: false - procMount: $MVȟ@7飣奺Ȋ礶惇¸t颟.鵫ǚ灄鸫 - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -8419423421380299597 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: -6576869501326512452 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "209" - role: "207" - type: "208" - user: "206" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "211" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "210" - runAsUserName: "212" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "186" - failureThreshold: 208045354 - httpGet: - host: "188" - httpHeaders: - - name: "189" - value: "190" - path: "187" - port: 804417065 - scheme: Ŵ廷s{Ⱦdz@ - initialDelaySeconds: 632397602 - periodSeconds: -730174220 - successThreshold: 433084615 - tcpSocket: - host: "191" - port: 406308963 - timeoutSeconds: 2026784878 - terminationMessagePath: "205" - terminationMessagePolicy: 焗捏 - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "172" - name: "171" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "168" - mountPropagation: "" - name: "167" - readOnly: true - subPath: "169" - subPathExpr: "170" - workingDir: "151" - nodeName: "355" - nodeSelector: - "351": "352" - overhead: - 癜鞤A馱z芀¿l磶Bb偃礳Ȭ痍脉PPö: "607" - preemptionPolicy: eáNRNJ丧鴻Ŀ - priority: 1690570439 - priorityClassName: "413" - readinessGates: - - conditionType: 梑ʀŖ鱓;鹡鑓侅闍ŏŃŋŏ}ŀ姳 - restartPolicy: T[ - runtimeClassName: "418" - schedulerName: "408" - securityContext: - fsGroup: 760480547754807445 - runAsGroup: -801152248124332545 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -2781126825051715248 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "359" - role: "357" - type: "358" - user: "356" - supplementalGroups: - - 5255171395073905944 - sysctls: - - name: "363" - value: "364" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "361" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "360" - runAsUserName: "362" - serviceAccount: "354" - serviceAccountName: "353" - shareProcessNamespace: false - subdomain: "367" - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -2738603156841903595 - tolerations: - - effect: 料ȭzV镜籬ƽ - key: "409" - operator: ƹ| - tolerationSeconds: 935587338391120947 - value: "410" - topologySpreadConstraints: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: qW - operator: In - values: - - 2-.s_6O-5_7_-0w_--5-_.3--_9QWJ - matchLabels: - E--pT751: mV__1-wv3UDf.-4D-r.-F__r.oh..2_uGGP..X - maxSkew: -137402083 - topologyKey: "419" - whenUnsatisfiable: Ȩç捌聮ŃŻ@ǮJ=礏ƴ磳藷曥 - volumes: - - awsElasticBlockStore: - fsType: "47" - partition: 912004803 - readOnly: true - volumeID: "46" - azureDisk: - cachingMode: '|@?鷅bȻN' - diskName: "110" - diskURI: "111" - fsType: "112" - kind: 榱*Gưoɘ檲 - readOnly: true - azureFile: - readOnly: true - secretName: "96" - shareName: "97" - cephfs: - monitors: - - "81" - path: "82" - secretFile: "84" - secretRef: - name: "85" - user: "83" - cinder: - fsType: "79" - secretRef: - name: "80" - volumeID: "78" - configMap: - defaultMode: 1593906314 - items: - - key: "99" - mode: 195263908 - path: "100" - name: "98" - optional: false - csi: - driver: "142" - fsType: "143" - nodePublishSecretRef: - name: "146" - readOnly: false - volumeAttributes: - "144": "145" - downwardAPI: - defaultMode: 824682619 - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "89" - fieldPath: "90" - mode: 1569992019 - path: "88" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "91" - divisor: "660" - resource: "92" - emptyDir: - medium: Xŋ朘瑥A徙ɶɊł/擇ɦĽ胚O醔ɍ厶耈 - sizeLimit: "473" - fc: - fsType: "94" - lun: -1740986684 - readOnly: true - targetWWNs: - - "93" - wwids: - - "95" - flexVolume: - driver: "73" - fsType: "74" - options: - "76": "77" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "75" - flocker: - datasetName: "86" - datasetUUID: "87" - gcePersistentDisk: - fsType: "45" - partition: -1188153605 - pdName: "44" - gitRepo: - directory: "50" - repository: "48" - revision: "49" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "63" - path: "64" - readOnly: true - hostPath: - path: "43" - type: ƛƟ)ÙæNǚ錯ƶRquA?瞲Ť倱< - iscsi: - chapAuthDiscovery: true - fsType: "59" - initiatorName: "62" - iqn: "57" - iscsiInterface: "58" - lun: 994527057 - portals: - - "60" - secretRef: - name: "61" - targetPortal: "56" - name: "42" - nfs: - path: "55" - readOnly: true - server: "54" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "65" - readOnly: true - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "114" - pdID: "113" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "129" - readOnly: true - volumeID: "128" - projected: - defaultMode: -1334904807 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "124" - mode: 2063799569 - path: "125" - name: "123" - optional: false - downwardAPI: - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "119" - fieldPath: "120" - mode: 173030157 - path: "118" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "121" - divisor: "106" - resource: "122" - secret: - items: - - key: "116" - mode: -323584340 - path: "117" - name: "115" - optional: true - serviceAccountToken: - audience: "126" - expirationSeconds: 8357931971650847566 - path: "127" - quobyte: - group: "108" - registry: "105" - tenant: "109" - user: "107" - volume: "106" - rbd: - fsType: "68" - image: "67" - keyring: "71" - monitors: - - "66" - pool: "69" - secretRef: - name: "72" - user: "70" - scaleIO: - fsType: "137" - gateway: "130" - protectionDomain: "133" - secretRef: - name: "132" - storageMode: "135" - storagePool: "134" - system: "131" - volumeName: "136" - secret: - defaultMode: 332383000 - items: - - key: "52" - mode: -547518679 - path: "53" - optional: true - secretName: "51" - storageos: - fsType: "140" - secretRef: - name: "141" - volumeName: "138" - volumeNamespace: "139" - vsphereVolume: - fsType: "102" - storagePolicyID: "104" - storagePolicyName: "103" - volumePath: "101" - updateStrategy: - rollingUpdate: - partition: 86666826 - type: Dz讱ȕ齐疅檎ǽ曖sƖTƫ - volumeClaimTemplates: - - metadata: - annotations: - "433": "434" - clusterName: "439" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -1824067601569574665 - finalizers: - - "438" - generateName: "427" - generation: -8502907933203165744 - labels: - "431": "432" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "441" - fieldsType: "442" - manager: "440" - operation: Bi攵&ý"ʀ废査Z綶Ā - name: "426" - namespace: "428" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "435" - blockOwnerDeletion: false - controller: true - kind: "436" - name: "437" - uid: WɓDɏ挭跡Ƅ抄3昞财Î嘝zʄ - resourceVersion: "6281861817195808867" - selfLink: "429" - uid: '`ȗ<8^翜T蘈' - spec: - accessModes: - - 銲tHǽ÷閂抰^窄CǙķȈĐI梞ū - dataSource: - apiGroup: "451" - kind: "452" - name: "453" - resources: - limits: - 'O^:': "847" - requests: - Ɍ蚊ơ鎊t潑: "199" - selector: - matchExpressions: - - key: f82-8_.UdWNn_U-...1P_.D8_t..-Ww2q.zv - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - p2P.B._A_090ERG2nV.__p_Y-.2__a_dWU_V-_Q_Ap._C: a_o..p_B-d--Q5._D6_.d-n_9n.p.2-.-Qw__YT.1---.-o7.pJ-r - storageClassName: "450" - volumeMode: ȳT - volumeName: "449" - status: - accessModes: - - 熔ķ´ʑ潞Ĵ3Q蠯0 - capacity: - \溮Ŀ傜NZ!š: "952" - conditions: - - lastProbeTime: "2252-06-28T22:34:24Z" - lastTransitionTime: "1974-04-29T05:51:38Z" - message: "455" - reason: "454" - status: ƿOqõƨj2愴ňù廻@p - type: '僙R岹ÿʼnx#綮ehɫ淫Ď眊:' - phase: 戱PRɄ -status: - collisionCount: 1664714908 - conditions: - - lastTransitionTime: "2456-08-06T13:26:39Z" - message: "460" - reason: "459" - status: "" - type: 靌瀞鈝Ń¥厀Ł8Ì - currentReplicas: -2011137790 - currentRevision: "457" - observedGeneration: 8145135462833081718 - readyReplicas: -1470626063 - replicas: -1589158932 - updateRevision: "458" - updatedReplicas: -126896219 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.DaemonSet.after_roundtrip.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.DaemonSet.after_roundtrip.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 5d4c34ed6463..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.DaemonSet.after_roundtrip.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.DaemonSet.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.DaemonSet.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 5d4c34ed6463..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.DaemonSet.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.DaemonSet.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.DaemonSet.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 3a321df44530..000000000000 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.DaemonSet.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,962 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: apps/v1beta2 -kind: DaemonSet -metadata: - annotations: - "9": "10" - clusterName: "15" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 - finalizers: - - "14" - generateName: "3" - generation: 8071137005907523419 - labels: - "7": "8" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "17" - fieldsType: "18" - manager: "16" - operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] - name: "2" - namespace: "4" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "11" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "12" - name: "13" - uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp - resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" - selfLink: "5" - uid: "7" -spec: - minReadySeconds: 212061711 - revisionHistoryLimit: -1092090658 - selector: - matchExpressions: - - key: p503---477-49p---o61---4fy--9---7--9-9s-0-u5lj2--10pq-0-7-9-2-0/fP81.-.9Vdx.TB_M-H_5_.t..bG0 - operator: In - values: - - D07.a_.y_y_o0_5qN2_---_M.N_._a6.9bHjdH.-.5_.I8__n - matchLabels: - 8---jop9641lg.p-g8c2-k-912e5-c-e63-n-3n/E9.8ThjT9s-j41-0-6p-JFHn7y-74.-0MUORQQ.N2.3: 68._bQw.-dG6c-.6--_x.--0wmZk1_8._3s_-_Bq.m_4 - template: - metadata: - annotations: - "32": "33" - clusterName: "38" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: 7534629739119643351 - finalizers: - - "37" - generateName: "26" - generation: -4139900758039117471 - labels: - "30": "31" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "40" - fieldsType: "41" - manager: "39" - operation: ĪȸŹăȲĻ¤Ħʅ芝 - name: "25" - namespace: "27" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "34" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "35" - name: "36" - uid: ^ - resourceVersion: "1698285396218902212" - selfLink: "28" - uid: TʡȂŏ{sǡƟ - spec: - activeDeadlineSeconds: 7270263763744228913 - affinity: - nodeAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - preference: - matchExpressions: - - key: "379" - operator: Ǹ|蕎'佉賞ǧĒz - values: - - "380" - matchFields: - - key: "381" - operator: ùfŭƽ - values: - - "382" - weight: -767058113 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - nodeSelectorTerms: - - matchExpressions: - - key: "375" - operator: Ã茓pȓɻ - values: - - "376" - matchFields: - - key: "377" - operator: "" - values: - - "378" - podAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 3---g-----p8-d5-8-m8i--k0j5g.zrrw8-5ts-7-bp/6E__-.8_e_2 - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - bx1y-8---3----p-pdn--j2---2--82--cj-1-s--op34-yy28-38xmu5nx4s-4/4b_9_1o.w_I: x-_.--4QQ.-s.H.Hu-k-_-0-T1mel--F......3_t_-l..-.DG7r-3.----.4 - namespaces: - - "397" - topologyKey: "398" - weight: 801902541 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: K_A-_9_Z_C..7o_x3..-.8-Jp-94 - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - h-up52--sjo7799-skj5--9/R_rm: CR.s--f.-f.-zv._._.o - namespaces: - - "389" - topologyKey: "390" - podAntiAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 0--0g-q-22r4wye52y-h7463lyps4483-o--3f1p7--43nw-l-x8/Hz_V_.r_v_._e_-78o_6Z..11_7pX_.-mLlx...w_t-_.5.40Rw4D - operator: NotIn - values: - - txb__-ex-_1_-ODgC_1-_V - matchLabels: - 6V1-rU.___06.eqk5E_-4-.XH-.k.7.l_-W8o._xJ1-lFA_X3: V0H2-.zHw.H__V.VT - namespaces: - - "413" - topologyKey: "414" - weight: -1851436166 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: QZ9p_6.C.e - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 7F3p2_-_AmD-.0AP.1: A--.F5_x.KNC0-.-m_0-m-6Sp_N-S..O-BZ..n - namespaces: - - "405" - topologyKey: "406" - automountServiceAccountToken: true - containers: - - args: - - "221" - command: - - "220" - env: - - name: "228" - value: "229" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "235" - name: "234" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "230" - fieldPath: "231" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "232" - divisor: "357" - resource: "233" - secretKeyRef: - key: "237" - name: "236" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "226" - optional: false - prefix: "225" - secretRef: - name: "227" - optional: false - image: "219" - imagePullPolicy: T 苧yñKJɐ扵G - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "264" - httpGet: - host: "267" - httpHeaders: - - name: "268" - value: "269" - path: "265" - port: "266" - scheme: ']佱¿>犵殇ŕ-Ɂ圯W' - tcpSocket: - host: "271" - port: "270" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "272" - httpGet: - host: "274" - httpHeaders: - - name: "275" - value: "276" - path: "273" - port: -1161649101 - scheme: 嚧ʣq埄 - tcpSocket: - host: "278" - port: "277" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "244" - failureThreshold: -361442565 - httpGet: - host: "246" - httpHeaders: - - name: "247" - value: "248" - path: "245" - port: -393291312 - scheme: Ŧ癃8鸖ɱJȉ罴ņ螡źȰ? - initialDelaySeconds: 627713162 - periodSeconds: -1740959124 - successThreshold: 158280212 - tcpSocket: - host: "250" - port: "249" - timeoutSeconds: 1255312175 - name: "218" - ports: - - containerPort: -839281354 - hostIP: "224" - hostPort: 1584001904 - name: "223" - protocol: 5姣>懔%熷谟þ蛯ɰ荶ljʁ - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "251" - failureThreshold: -36782737 - httpGet: - host: "253" - httpHeaders: - - name: "254" - value: "255" - path: "252" - port: -2013568185 - scheme: '#yV''WKw(ğ儴Ůĺ}' - initialDelaySeconds: -1244623134 - periodSeconds: -398297599 - successThreshold: 873056500 - tcpSocket: - host: "256" - port: -20130017 - timeoutSeconds: -1334110502 - resources: - limits: - 藠3.v-鿧悮坮Ȣ幟ļ腻ŬƩȿ0: "175" - requests: - ɺ皚|懥ƖN粕擓ƖHV: "962" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - fʀļ腩墺Ò媁荭gw忊 - drop: - - E剒蔞 - privileged: false - procMount: Ȩ<6鄰簳°Ļǟi& - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: 2001337664780390084 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -6177393256425700216 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "283" - role: "281" - type: "282" - user: "280" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "285" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "284" - runAsUserName: "286" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "257" - failureThreshold: -1011390276 - httpGet: - host: "260" - httpHeaders: - - name: "261" - value: "262" - path: "258" - port: "259" - scheme: Qg鄠[ - initialDelaySeconds: -1556231754 - periodSeconds: -321709789 - successThreshold: -1463645123 - tcpSocket: - host: "263" - port: -241238495 - timeoutSeconds: 461585849 - stdin: true - terminationMessagePath: "279" - terminationMessagePolicy: ʁ岼昕ĬÇ - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "243" - name: "242" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "239" - mountPropagation: 'Ź倗S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤/ɸɎ ' - name: "238" - subPath: "240" - subPathExpr: "241" - workingDir: "222" - dnsConfig: - nameservers: - - "421" - options: - - name: "423" - value: "424" - searches: - - "422" - dnsPolicy: n(fǂǢ曣ŋayåe躒訙Ǫ - enableServiceLinks: false - ephemeralContainers: - - args: - - "290" - command: - - "289" - env: - - name: "297" - value: "298" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "304" - name: "303" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "299" - fieldPath: "300" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "301" - divisor: "3" - resource: "302" - secretKeyRef: - key: "306" - name: "305" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "295" - optional: true - prefix: "294" - secretRef: - name: "296" - optional: false - image: "288" - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "335" - httpGet: - host: "338" - httpHeaders: - - name: "339" - value: "340" - path: "336" - port: "337" - scheme: C"6x$1s - tcpSocket: - host: "342" - port: "341" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "343" - httpGet: - host: "345" - httpHeaders: - - name: "346" - value: "347" - path: "344" - port: -518160270 - scheme: ɔ幩še - tcpSocket: - host: "348" - port: 1956567721 - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "313" - failureThreshold: 472742933 - httpGet: - host: "316" - httpHeaders: - - name: "317" - value: "318" - path: "314" - port: "315" - scheme: 冓鍓贯 - initialDelaySeconds: 1290950685 - periodSeconds: 1058960779 - successThreshold: -2133441986 - tcpSocket: - host: "320" - port: "319" - timeoutSeconds: 12533543 - name: "287" - ports: - - containerPort: -1296830577 - hostIP: "293" - hostPort: 1313273370 - name: "292" - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "321" - failureThreshold: 620822482 - httpGet: - host: "323" - httpHeaders: - - name: "324" - value: "325" - path: "322" - port: 1332783160 - scheme: Ȱ囌{屿oiɥ嵐sC8?Ǻ鱎ƙ; - initialDelaySeconds: -300247800 - periodSeconds: -126958936 - successThreshold: 186945072 - tcpSocket: - host: "327" - port: "326" - timeoutSeconds: 386804041 - resources: - limits: - 淳4揻-$ɽ丟×x锏ɟ: "178" - requests: - Ö闊 鰔澝qV: "752" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - '|ʐşƧ諔迮ƙIJ嘢' - drop: - - ʗN - privileged: false - procMount: "" - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: 6726836758549163621 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: -6048969174364431391 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "353" - role: "351" - type: "352" - user: "350" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "355" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "354" - runAsUserName: "356" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "328" - failureThreshold: -560238386 - httpGet: - host: "331" - httpHeaders: - - name: "332" - value: "333" - path: "329" - port: "330" - scheme: 鍏H鯂² - initialDelaySeconds: -402384013 - periodSeconds: -617381112 - successThreshold: 1851229369 - tcpSocket: - host: "334" - port: -1187301925 - timeoutSeconds: -181601395 - stdin: true - stdinOnce: true - targetContainerName: "357" - terminationMessagePath: "349" - terminationMessagePolicy: ȤƏ埮pɵ - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "312" - name: "311" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "308" - mountPropagation: /»頸+SÄ蚃ɣľ)酊龨Î - name: "307" - readOnly: true - subPath: "309" - subPathExpr: "310" - workingDir: "291" - hostAliases: - - hostnames: - - "419" - ip: "418" - hostNetwork: true - hostname: "373" - imagePullSecrets: - - name: "372" - initContainers: - - args: - - "150" - command: - - "149" - env: - - name: "157" - value: "158" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "164" - name: "163" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "159" - fieldPath: "160" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "161" - divisor: "468" - resource: "162" - secretKeyRef: - key: "166" - name: "165" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "155" - optional: false - prefix: "154" - secretRef: - name: "156" - optional: false - image: "148" - imagePullPolicy: ŤǢʭ嵔棂p儼Ƿ裚瓶 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "196" - httpGet: - host: "199" - httpHeaders: - - name: "200" - value: "201" - path: "197" - port: "198" - scheme: 蚛隖<ǶĬ4y£軶ǃ*ʙ嫙&蒒5靇C' - tcpSocket: - host: "202" - port: 2126876305 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "203" - httpGet: - host: "206" - httpHeaders: - - name: "207" - value: "208" - path: "204" - port: "205" - scheme: Ŵ廷s{Ⱦdz@ - tcpSocket: - host: "209" - port: 406308963 - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "173" - failureThreshold: 1466047181 - httpGet: - host: "176" - httpHeaders: - - name: "177" - value: "178" - path: "174" - port: "175" - initialDelaySeconds: 1805144649 - periodSeconds: 1403721475 - successThreshold: 519906483 - tcpSocket: - host: "180" - port: "179" - timeoutSeconds: -606111218 - name: "147" - ports: - - containerPort: 437857734 - hostIP: "153" - hostPort: -1510026905 - name: "152" - protocol: Rƥ贫d飼$俊跾|@?鷅b - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "181" - failureThreshold: 524249411 - httpGet: - host: "184" - httpHeaders: - - name: "185" - value: "186" - path: "182" - port: "183" - scheme: w垁鷌辪虽U珝Żwʮ馜üNșƶ4ĩ - initialDelaySeconds: -1724160601 - periodSeconds: 1435507444 - successThreshold: -1430577593 - tcpSocket: - host: "187" - port: -337353552 - timeoutSeconds: -1158840571 - resources: - limits: - 檲ɨ銦妰黖ȓƇ$缔獵偐ę腬: "646" - requests: - 湨: "803" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - +j忊Ŗȫ焗捏ĨFħ籘Àǒɿʒ刽ʼn - drop: - - 1ſ盷褎weLJèux榜VƋZ1Ůđ眊 - privileged: true - procMount: fǣ萭旿@ - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: 6506922239346928579 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 1563703589270296759 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "214" - role: "212" - type: "213" - user: "211" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "216" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "215" - runAsUserName: "217" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "188" - failureThreshold: 905846572 - httpGet: - host: "191" - httpHeaders: - - name: "192" - value: "193" - path: "189" - port: "190" - scheme: k_瀹鞎sn芞QÄȻ - initialDelaySeconds: 364013971 - periodSeconds: -1790124395 - successThreshold: 1094670193 - tcpSocket: - host: "195" - port: "194" - timeoutSeconds: 1596422492 - stdin: true - stdinOnce: true - terminationMessagePath: "210" - terminationMessagePolicy: ŀ樺ȃv渟7¤7djƯĖ漘Z剚敍0 - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "172" - name: "171" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "168" - mountPropagation: 卩蝾 - name: "167" - readOnly: true - subPath: "169" - subPathExpr: "170" - workingDir: "151" - nodeName: "362" - nodeSelector: - "358": "359" - overhead: - 4'ď曕椐敛n湙: "310" - preemptionPolicy: '!ń1ċƹ|慼櫁色苆试揯遐' - priority: -1852730577 - priorityClassName: "420" - readinessGates: - - conditionType: ź魊塾ɖ$rolȋɶuɋ5r儉ɩ柀ɨ鴅 - restartPolicy: ɭɪǹ0衷, - runtimeClassName: "425" - schedulerName: "415" - securityContext: - fsGroup: 2585323675983182372 - runAsGroup: 6386250802140824739 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: -5315960194881172085 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "366" - role: "364" - type: "365" - user: "363" - supplementalGroups: - - -4480129203693517072 - sysctls: - - name: "370" - value: "371" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "368" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "367" - runAsUserName: "369" - serviceAccount: "361" - serviceAccountName: "360" - shareProcessNamespace: true - subdomain: "374" - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -3039830979334099524 - tolerations: - - effect: ŽɣB矗E¸乾 - key: "416" - operator: 堺ʣ - tolerationSeconds: -3532804738923434397 - value: "417" - topologySpreadConstraints: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 4-4D-r.-F__r.oh..2_uGGP..-_N_h_4Hl-X0_2-W - operator: In - values: - - 2-.s_6O-5_7_-0w_--5-_.3--_9QWJ - matchLabels: - p2djmscp--ac8u23-k----26u5--72n-5.j8-0020-1-5/t5W_._._-2M2._i: wvU - maxSkew: -150478704 - topologyKey: "426" - whenUnsatisfiable: ;鹡鑓侅闍ŏŃŋŏ}ŀ - volumes: - - awsElasticBlockStore: - fsType: "47" - partition: -2007808768 - volumeID: "46" - azureDisk: - cachingMode: k ź贩j瀉ǚrǜnh0åȂ - diskName: "110" - diskURI: "111" - fsType: "112" - kind: nj揠8lj黳鈫ʕ禒Ƙá腿ħ缶 - readOnly: false - azureFile: - readOnly: true - secretName: "96" - shareName: "97" - cephfs: - monitors: - - "81" - path: "82" - secretFile: "84" - secretRef: - name: "85" - user: "83" - cinder: - fsType: "79" - secretRef: - name: "80" - volumeID: "78" - configMap: - defaultMode: 952979935 - items: - - key: "99" - mode: 2020789772 - path: "100" - name: "98" - optional: false - csi: - driver: "142" - fsType: "143" - nodePublishSecretRef: - name: "146" - readOnly: true - volumeAttributes: - "144": "145" - downwardAPI: - defaultMode: -868808281 - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "89" - fieldPath: "90" - mode: -1768075156 - path: "88" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "91" - divisor: "915" - resource: "92" - emptyDir: - medium: ɹ坼É/pȿ - sizeLimit: "804" - fc: - fsType: "94" - lun: 570501002 - targetWWNs: - - "93" - wwids: - - "95" - flexVolume: - driver: "73" - fsType: "74" - options: - "76": "77" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "75" - flocker: - datasetName: "86" - datasetUUID: "87" - gcePersistentDisk: - fsType: "45" - partition: -1318752360 - pdName: "44" - gitRepo: - directory: "50" - repository: "48" - revision: "49" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "63" - path: "64" - hostPath: - path: "43" - type: "" - iscsi: - chapAuthDiscovery: true - chapAuthSession: true - fsType: "59" - initiatorName: "62" - iqn: "57" - iscsiInterface: "58" - lun: 408756018 - portals: - - "60" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "61" - targetPortal: "56" - name: "42" - nfs: - path: "55" - readOnly: true - server: "54" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "65" - readOnly: true - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "114" - pdID: "113" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "129" - volumeID: "128" - projected: - defaultMode: 480521693 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "124" - mode: -1126738259 - path: "125" - name: "123" - optional: true - downwardAPI: - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "119" - fieldPath: "120" - mode: -1618937335 - path: "118" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "121" - divisor: "461" - resource: "122" - secret: - items: - - key: "116" - mode: 675406340 - path: "117" - name: "115" - optional: false - serviceAccountToken: - audience: "126" - expirationSeconds: -6345861634934949644 - path: "127" - quobyte: - group: "108" - registry: "105" - tenant: "109" - user: "107" - volume: "106" - rbd: - fsType: "68" - image: "67" - keyring: "71" - monitors: - - "66" - pool: "69" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "72" - user: "70" - scaleIO: - fsType: "137" - gateway: "130" - protectionDomain: "133" - secretRef: - name: "132" - sslEnabled: true - storageMode: "135" - storagePool: "134" - system: "131" - volumeName: "136" - secret: - defaultMode: 1233814916 - items: - - key: "52" - mode: 228756891 - path: "53" - optional: false - secretName: "51" - storageos: - fsType: "140" - secretRef: - name: "141" - volumeName: "138" - volumeNamespace: "139" - vsphereVolume: - fsType: "102" - storagePolicyID: "104" - storagePolicyName: "103" - volumePath: "101" - updateStrategy: - rollingUpdate: - maxUnavailable: 2 - type: 荥ơ'禧ǵŊ)TiD¢ƿ媴h5 -status: - collisionCount: -449319810 - conditions: - - lastTransitionTime: "2469-07-10T03:20:34Z" - message: "434" - reason: "433" - status: '''ƈoIǢ龞瞯å' - type: "" - currentNumberScheduled: -1979737528 - desiredNumberScheduled: -424698834 - numberAvailable: 1660081568 - numberMisscheduled: -1707056814 - numberReady: 407742062 - numberUnavailable: 904244563 - observedGeneration: 5741439505187758584 - updatedNumberScheduled: 902022378 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.Deployment.after_roundtrip.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.Deployment.after_roundtrip.pb deleted file mode 100644 index e76c5cf8275e..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.Deployment.after_roundtrip.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.Deployment.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.Deployment.pb deleted file mode 100644 index e76c5cf8275e..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.Deployment.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.Deployment.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.Deployment.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index db0d512585ce..000000000000 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.Deployment.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,960 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: apps/v1beta2 -kind: Deployment -metadata: - annotations: - "9": "10" - clusterName: "15" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 - finalizers: - - "14" - generateName: "3" - generation: 8071137005907523419 - labels: - "7": "8" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "17" - fieldsType: "18" - manager: "16" - operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] - name: "2" - namespace: "4" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "11" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "12" - name: "13" - uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp - resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" - selfLink: "5" - uid: "7" -spec: - minReadySeconds: 212061711 - progressDeadlineSeconds: -1707056814 - replicas: 896585016 - revisionHistoryLimit: -1092090658 - selector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 50-u--25cu87--r7p-w1e67-8pj5t-kl-v0q6b68--nu5oii38fn-8.629b-jd-8c45-0-8--6n--w0--w---196g8d--iv1-5--5ht-a-29--0qso796/3___47._49pIB_o61ISU4--A_.XK_._M99 - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - 74404d5---g8c2-k-91e.y5-g--58----0683-b-w7ld-6cs06xj-x5yv0wm-k18/M_-Nx.N_6-___._-.-W._AAn---v_-5-_8LXj: 6-4_WE-_JTrcd-2.-__E_Sv__26KX_R_.-.Nth._--S_4DA_-5_-4lQ42M--1 - strategy: - rollingUpdate: - maxSurge: 3 - maxUnavailable: 2 - type: 荥ơ'禧ǵŊ)TiD¢ƿ媴h5 - template: - metadata: - annotations: - "32": "33" - clusterName: "38" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -2575298329142810753 - finalizers: - - "37" - generateName: "26" - generation: -8542870036622468681 - labels: - "30": "31" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "40" - fieldsType: "41" - manager: "39" - operation: 躢 - name: "25" - namespace: "27" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "34" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: true - kind: "35" - name: "36" - uid: ƶȤ^} - resourceVersion: "1736621709629422270" - selfLink: "28" - uid: ?Qȫş - spec: - activeDeadlineSeconds: -8619192438821356882 - affinity: - nodeAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - preference: - matchExpressions: - - key: "372" - operator: '}Ñ蠂Ü[ƛ^輅9ɛ棕ƈ眽炊' - values: - - "373" - matchFields: - - key: "374" - operator: ʨIk(dŊiɢzĮ蛋I滞 - values: - - "375" - weight: 646133945 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - nodeSelectorTerms: - - matchExpressions: - - key: "368" - operator: ǧĒzŔ瘍N - values: - - "369" - matchFields: - - key: "370" - operator: ƽ眝{æ盪泙 - values: - - "371" - podAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 8.--w0_1V7 - operator: In - values: - - 7--p9.-_0R.-_-3_L_2--_v2.5p_..Y-.wg_-b8a_6_.0Q4_8 - matchLabels: - w--162-gk2-99v22.g-65m8-1x129-9d8-s7-t7--336-11k9-8609a-e0--1----v8-4--558n1asz5/BD8.TS-jJ.Ys_Mop34_y: f_ZN.-_--r.E__-.8_e_l2.._8s--7_3x_-J5 - namespaces: - - "390" - topologyKey: "391" - weight: -855547676 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: V.-tfh4.caTz_.g.w-o.8_WT-M.3_-1y_8D_X._B__-Pd - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - 3.csh-3--Z1Tvw39FC: rtSY.g._2F7.-_e..Or_-.3OHgt._6 - namespaces: - - "382" - topologyKey: "383" - podAntiAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: w_-r75--_-A-o-__y__._12..wrbW_E..24-O._.v._9-czf - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 3-mLlx...w_t-_.5.40Rw4gD.._.-x6db-L7.-__-G2: CpS__.39g_.--_-_ve5.m_2_--XZx - namespaces: - - "406" - topologyKey: "407" - weight: 808399187 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: yp8q-sf1--gw-jz-659--0l-023bm-6l2e5---k5v3a---9/tA.W5_-5_.V1-rU.___06.eqk5E_-4-.XH-.k.7.l_-W81 - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 4-m_0-m-6Sp_N-S..O-BZ..6-1.S-B33: 17ca-_p-y.eQZ9p_1 - namespaces: - - "398" - topologyKey: "399" - automountServiceAccountToken: false - containers: - - args: - - "216" - command: - - "215" - env: - - name: "223" - value: "224" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "230" - name: "229" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "225" - fieldPath: "226" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "227" - divisor: "595" - resource: "228" - secretKeyRef: - key: "232" - name: "231" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "221" - optional: false - prefix: "220" - secretRef: - name: "222" - optional: false - image: "214" - imagePullPolicy: û咡W<敄lu|榝$î.Ȏ蝪ʜ5 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "258" - httpGet: - host: "261" - httpHeaders: - - name: "262" - value: "263" - path: "259" - port: "260" - tcpSocket: - host: "264" - port: 1943028037 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "265" - httpGet: - host: "267" - httpHeaders: - - name: "268" - value: "269" - path: "266" - port: -1355476687 - scheme: -Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊#v铿ʩȂ4ē鐭#嬀ơ - tcpSocket: - host: "271" - port: "270" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "239" - failureThreshold: -1213051101 - httpGet: - host: "241" - httpHeaders: - - name: "242" - value: "243" - path: "240" - port: -1654678802 - scheme: 毋 - initialDelaySeconds: -775511009 - periodSeconds: -228822833 - successThreshold: -970312425 - tcpSocket: - host: "244" - port: 391562775 - timeoutSeconds: -832805508 - name: "213" - ports: - - containerPort: -775325416 - hostIP: "219" - hostPort: 62799871 - name: "218" - protocol: t莭琽§ć\ ïì - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "245" - failureThreshold: 571739592 - httpGet: - host: "247" - httpHeaders: - - name: "248" - value: "249" - path: "246" - port: -1905643191 - scheme: Ǖɳɷ9Ì崟¿瘦ɖ緕 - initialDelaySeconds: 852780575 - periodSeconds: 893823156 - successThreshold: -1980314709 - tcpSocket: - host: "251" - port: "250" - timeoutSeconds: -1252938503 - resources: - limits: - N粕擓ƖHVe熼: "334" - requests: - 倗S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤/ɸɎ R§耶: "388" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - E埄Ȁ朦 wƯ貾坢' - drop: - - aŕ翑0展}硐庰%皧V垾现葢ŵ橨鬶l - privileged: false - procMount: "" - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -2408264753085021035 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -2270595441829602368 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "276" - role: "274" - type: "275" - user: "273" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "278" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "277" - runAsUserName: "279" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "252" - failureThreshold: -1008070934 - httpGet: - host: "254" - httpHeaders: - - name: "255" - value: "256" - path: "253" - port: -1334110502 - scheme: ȓ蹣ɐǛv+8Ƥ熪军 - initialDelaySeconds: 410611837 - periodSeconds: 972978563 - successThreshold: 17771103 - tcpSocket: - host: "257" - port: 622267234 - timeoutSeconds: 809006670 - terminationMessagePath: "272" - terminationMessagePolicy: T 苧yñKJɐ扵G - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "238" - name: "237" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "234" - mountPropagation: 癃8鸖 - name: "233" - readOnly: true - subPath: "235" - subPathExpr: "236" - workingDir: "217" - dnsConfig: - nameservers: - - "414" - options: - - name: "416" - value: "417" - searches: - - "415" - dnsPolicy: Ƶf - enableServiceLinks: true - ephemeralContainers: - - args: - - "283" - command: - - "282" - env: - - name: "290" - value: "291" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "297" - name: "296" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "292" - fieldPath: "293" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "294" - divisor: "381" - resource: "295" - secretKeyRef: - key: "299" - name: "298" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "288" - optional: false - prefix: "287" - secretRef: - name: "289" - optional: true - image: "281" - imagePullPolicy: ņ - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "326" - httpGet: - host: "329" - httpHeaders: - - name: "330" - value: "331" - path: "327" - port: "328" - scheme: 幩šeSvEȤƏ埮pɵ - tcpSocket: - host: "333" - port: "332" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "334" - httpGet: - host: "337" - httpHeaders: - - name: "338" - value: "339" - path: "335" - port: "336" - scheme: ş - tcpSocket: - host: "341" - port: "340" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "306" - failureThreshold: -300247800 - httpGet: - host: "308" - httpHeaders: - - name: "309" - value: "310" - path: "307" - port: 865289071 - scheme: iɥ嵐sC8 - initialDelaySeconds: -1513284745 - periodSeconds: -414121491 - successThreshold: -1862764022 - tcpSocket: - host: "311" - port: -898536659 - timeoutSeconds: 1258370227 - name: "280" - ports: - - containerPort: -1137436579 - hostIP: "286" - hostPort: 1868683352 - name: "285" - protocol: 颶妧Ö闊 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "312" - failureThreshold: 215186711 - httpGet: - host: "314" - httpHeaders: - - name: "315" - value: "316" - path: "313" - port: 323903711 - scheme: J - initialDelaySeconds: 657418949 - periodSeconds: 287654902 - successThreshold: -2062708879 - tcpSocket: - host: "318" - port: "317" - timeoutSeconds: -992558278 - resources: - limits: - ²sNƗ¸g: "50" - requests: - 酊龨δ摖ȱğ_<: "118" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - DŽ髐njʉBn(fǂǢ曣 - drop: - - ay - privileged: false - procMount: 嗆u - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -5996624450771474158 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: 1958157659034146020 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "346" - role: "344" - type: "345" - user: "343" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "348" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "347" - runAsUserName: "349" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "319" - failureThreshold: 1502643091 - httpGet: - host: "321" - httpHeaders: - - name: "322" - value: "323" - path: "320" - port: -1117254382 - scheme: 趐囨鏻砅邻爥蹔ŧOǨ - initialDelaySeconds: 2129989022 - periodSeconds: 1311843384 - successThreshold: -1292310438 - tcpSocket: - host: "325" - port: "324" - timeoutSeconds: -1699531929 - targetContainerName: "350" - terminationMessagePath: "342" - terminationMessagePolicy: 迮ƙIJ嘢4ʗN,丽饾| 鞤ɱďW賁Ěɭ - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "305" - name: "304" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "301" - mountPropagation: ƺ蛜6Ɖ飴ɎiǨź - name: "300" - readOnly: true - subPath: "302" - subPathExpr: "303" - workingDir: "284" - hostAliases: - - hostnames: - - "412" - ip: "411" - hostNetwork: true - hostname: "366" - imagePullSecrets: - - name: "365" - initContainers: - - args: - - "150" - command: - - "149" - env: - - name: "157" - value: "158" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "164" - name: "163" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "159" - fieldPath: "160" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "161" - divisor: "650" - resource: "162" - secretKeyRef: - key: "166" - name: "165" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "155" - optional: true - prefix: "154" - secretRef: - name: "156" - optional: true - image: "148" - imagePullPolicy: 罁胾^拜Ȍzɟ踡肒Ao/樝fw[Řż丩 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "192" - httpGet: - host: "194" - httpHeaders: - - name: "195" - value: "196" - path: "193" - port: -2015604435 - scheme: jƯĖ漘Z剚敍0) - tcpSocket: - host: "197" - port: 424236719 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "198" - httpGet: - host: "200" - httpHeaders: - - name: "201" - value: "202" - path: "199" - port: -1131820775 - scheme: Ƿ裚瓶釆Ɗ+j忊 - tcpSocket: - host: "204" - port: "203" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "173" - failureThreshold: -1113628381 - httpGet: - host: "175" - httpHeaders: - - name: "176" - value: "177" - path: "174" - port: -152585895 - scheme: E@Ȗs«ö - initialDelaySeconds: 1843758068 - periodSeconds: 1702578303 - successThreshold: -1565157256 - tcpSocket: - host: "178" - port: 1135182169 - timeoutSeconds: -1967469005 - name: "147" - ports: - - containerPort: 1403721475 - hostIP: "153" - hostPort: -606111218 - name: "152" - protocol: ǰ溟ɴ扵閝ȝ鐵儣廡ɑ龫`劳 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "179" - failureThreshold: -1167888910 - httpGet: - host: "181" - httpHeaders: - - name: "182" - value: "183" - path: "180" - port: 386652373 - scheme: ʙ嫙& - initialDelaySeconds: -802585193 - periodSeconds: 1944205014 - successThreshold: -2079582559 - tcpSocket: - host: "185" - port: "184" - timeoutSeconds: 1901330124 - resources: - limits: - "": "84" - requests: - ɖȃ賲鐅臬dH巧壚tC十Oɢ: "517" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - "" - drop: - - ŻʘY賃ɪ鐊瀑Ź9ǕLLȊɞ-uƻ悖ȩ - privileged: false - procMount: $MVȟ@7飣奺Ȋ礶惇¸t颟.鵫ǚ灄鸫 - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -8419423421380299597 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: -6576869501326512452 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "209" - role: "207" - type: "208" - user: "206" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "211" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "210" - runAsUserName: "212" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "186" - failureThreshold: 208045354 - httpGet: - host: "188" - httpHeaders: - - name: "189" - value: "190" - path: "187" - port: 804417065 - scheme: Ŵ廷s{Ⱦdz@ - initialDelaySeconds: 632397602 - periodSeconds: -730174220 - successThreshold: 433084615 - tcpSocket: - host: "191" - port: 406308963 - timeoutSeconds: 2026784878 - terminationMessagePath: "205" - terminationMessagePolicy: 焗捏 - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "172" - name: "171" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "168" - mountPropagation: "" - name: "167" - readOnly: true - subPath: "169" - subPathExpr: "170" - workingDir: "151" - nodeName: "355" - nodeSelector: - "351": "352" - overhead: - 癜鞤A馱z芀¿l磶Bb偃礳Ȭ痍脉PPö: "607" - preemptionPolicy: eáNRNJ丧鴻Ŀ - priority: 1690570439 - priorityClassName: "413" - readinessGates: - - conditionType: 梑ʀŖ鱓;鹡鑓侅闍ŏŃŋŏ}ŀ姳 - restartPolicy: T[ - runtimeClassName: "418" - schedulerName: "408" - securityContext: - fsGroup: 760480547754807445 - runAsGroup: -801152248124332545 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -2781126825051715248 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "359" - role: "357" - type: "358" - user: "356" - supplementalGroups: - - 5255171395073905944 - sysctls: - - name: "363" - value: "364" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "361" - 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- user: "83" - cinder: - fsType: "79" - secretRef: - name: "80" - volumeID: "78" - configMap: - defaultMode: 1593906314 - items: - - key: "99" - mode: 195263908 - path: "100" - name: "98" - optional: false - csi: - driver: "142" - fsType: "143" - nodePublishSecretRef: - name: "146" - readOnly: false - volumeAttributes: - "144": "145" - downwardAPI: - defaultMode: 824682619 - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "89" - fieldPath: "90" - mode: 1569992019 - path: "88" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "91" - divisor: "660" - resource: "92" - emptyDir: - medium: Xŋ朘瑥A徙ɶɊł/擇ɦĽ胚O醔ɍ厶耈 - sizeLimit: "473" - fc: - fsType: "94" - lun: -1740986684 - readOnly: true - targetWWNs: - - "93" - wwids: - - "95" - flexVolume: - driver: "73" - fsType: "74" - options: - "76": "77" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "75" - flocker: - datasetName: "86" - datasetUUID: "87" - gcePersistentDisk: - fsType: "45" - partition: -1188153605 - pdName: "44" - gitRepo: - directory: "50" - repository: "48" - revision: "49" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "63" - path: "64" - readOnly: true - hostPath: - path: "43" - type: ƛƟ)ÙæNǚ錯ƶRquA?瞲Ť倱< - iscsi: - chapAuthDiscovery: true - fsType: "59" - initiatorName: "62" - iqn: "57" - iscsiInterface: "58" - lun: 994527057 - portals: - - "60" - secretRef: - name: "61" - targetPortal: "56" - name: "42" - nfs: - path: "55" - readOnly: true - server: "54" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "65" - readOnly: true - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "114" - pdID: "113" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "129" - readOnly: true - volumeID: "128" - projected: - defaultMode: -1334904807 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "124" - mode: 2063799569 - path: "125" - name: "123" - optional: false - downwardAPI: - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "119" - fieldPath: "120" - mode: 173030157 - path: "118" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "121" - divisor: "106" - resource: "122" - secret: - items: - - key: "116" - mode: -323584340 - path: "117" - name: "115" - optional: true - serviceAccountToken: - audience: "126" - expirationSeconds: 8357931971650847566 - path: "127" - quobyte: - group: "108" - registry: "105" - tenant: "109" - user: "107" - volume: "106" - rbd: - fsType: "68" - image: "67" - keyring: "71" - monitors: - - "66" - pool: "69" - secretRef: - name: "72" - user: "70" - scaleIO: - fsType: "137" - gateway: "130" - protectionDomain: "133" - secretRef: - name: "132" - storageMode: "135" - storagePool: "134" - system: "131" - volumeName: "136" - secret: - defaultMode: 332383000 - items: - - key: "52" - mode: -547518679 - path: "53" - optional: true - secretName: "51" - storageos: - fsType: "140" - secretRef: - name: "141" - volumeName: "138" - volumeNamespace: "139" - vsphereVolume: - fsType: "102" - storagePolicyID: "104" - storagePolicyName: "103" - volumePath: "101" -status: - availableReplicas: 1660081568 - collisionCount: -1977467928 - conditions: - - lastTransitionTime: "2146-08-16T07:05:27Z" - lastUpdateTime: "2524-02-08T04:27:05Z" - message: "427" - reason: "426" - status: Ƅ抄3昞财Î嘝zʄ - type: 洅啶 - observedGeneration: 2992108727478230062 - readyReplicas: 902022378 - replicas: 407742062 - unavailableReplicas: 904244563 - updatedReplicas: 2115789304 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.ReplicaSet.after_roundtrip.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.ReplicaSet.after_roundtrip.pb deleted file mode 100644 index dbe2ed4c5301..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.ReplicaSet.after_roundtrip.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.ReplicaSet.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.ReplicaSet.pb deleted file mode 100644 index dbe2ed4c5301..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.ReplicaSet.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.ReplicaSet.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.ReplicaSet.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 29891ccf0449..000000000000 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.ReplicaSet.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,951 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: apps/v1beta2 -kind: ReplicaSet -metadata: - annotations: - "9": "10" - clusterName: "15" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 - finalizers: - - "14" - generateName: "3" - generation: 8071137005907523419 - labels: - "7": "8" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "17" - fieldsType: "18" - manager: "16" - operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] - name: "2" - namespace: "4" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "11" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "12" - name: "13" - uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp - resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" - selfLink: "5" - uid: "7" -spec: - minReadySeconds: -1971381490 - replicas: 896585016 - selector: - matchExpressions: - - key: U-_Bq.m_-.q8_v2LiTF_a981d3-7-fP81.-.9Vdx.TB_M-H_5_t - operator: In - values: - - M--n1-p5.3___47._49pIB_o61ISU4--A_.XK_._M9T9sH.W5 - matchLabels: - g8c2-k-912e5-c-e63-n-3snh-z--3uy5-----578/s.X8u4_.l.wV--__-Nx.N_6-___._-.-W._AAn---v_-5-_8LXP-o-9..1l-5: "" - template: - metadata: - annotations: - "32": "33" - clusterName: "38" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -152893758082474859 - finalizers: - - "37" - generateName: "26" - generation: -6617020301190572172 - labels: - "30": "31" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "40" - fieldsType: "41" - manager: "39" - operation: ƅS·Õüe0ɔȖ脵鴈Ō - name: "25" - namespace: "27" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "34" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: true - kind: "35" - name: "36" - uid: 'ɖgȏ哙ȍȂ揲ȼDDŽLŬp:' - resourceVersion: "7336814125345800857" - selfLink: "28" - uid: ʬ - spec: - activeDeadlineSeconds: -8715915045560617563 - affinity: - nodeAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - preference: - matchExpressions: - - key: "380" - operator: 擭銆jʒǚ鍰\縑 - values: - - "381" - matchFields: - - key: "382" - operator: 鞤ɱďW賁Ěɭɪǹ0衷,Ʒƣ - values: - - "383" - weight: 199049889 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - nodeSelectorTerms: - - matchExpressions: - - key: "376" - operator: 6x$1sȣ±p鋄5弢ȹ均i绝5哇芆 - values: - - "377" - matchFields: - - key: "378" - operator: 埮pɵ{WOŭW灬p - values: - - "379" - podAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 3---g-----p8-d5-8-m8i--k0j5g.zrrw8-5ts-7-bp/6E__-.8_e_2 - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 4-yy28-38xmu5nx4s--41-7--6m/271-_-9_._X-D---k6: Q.-s.H.Hu-k-_-0-T1mel--F......3_t_-l..-.DG7r-3.----._4__XOnP - namespaces: - - "398" - topologyKey: "399" - weight: -217760519 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 6-x_rC9..__-6_k.N-2B_V.-tfh4.caTz_.g.w-o.8_WT-M.3_1 - operator: NotIn - values: - - z - matchLabels: - 4--883d-v3j4-7y-p---up52--sjo7799-skj5---r-t.sumf7ew/u-5mj_9.M.134-5-.q6H_.--_---.M.U_-m.-P.yPS: 1Tvw39F_C-rtSY.g._2F7.-_e..r - namespaces: - - "390" - topologyKey: "391" - podAntiAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 0--0g-q-22r4wye52y-h7463lyps4483-o--3f1p7--43nw-l-x8/Hz_V_.r_v_._e_-78o_6Z..11_7pX_.-mLlx...w_t-_.5.40Rw4D - operator: NotIn - values: - - txb__-ex-_1_-ODgC_1-_V - matchLabels: - 6V1-rU.___06.eqk5E_-4-.XH-.k.7.l_-W8o._xJ1-lFA_X3: V0H2-.zHw.H__V.VT - namespaces: - - "414" - topologyKey: "415" - weight: -1851436166 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: QZ9p_6.C.e - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 7F3p2_-_AmD-.0AP.1: A--.F5_x.KNC0-.-m_0-m-6Sp_N-S..O-BZ..n - namespaces: - - "406" - topologyKey: "407" - automountServiceAccountToken: false - containers: - - args: - - "222" - command: - - "221" - env: - - name: "229" - value: "230" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "236" - name: "235" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "231" - fieldPath: "232" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "233" - divisor: "901" - resource: "234" - secretKeyRef: - key: "238" - name: "237" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "227" - optional: true - prefix: "226" - secretRef: - name: "228" - optional: false - image: "220" - imagePullPolicy: 擓ƖHVe熼'FD剂讼ɓȌʟni酛 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "267" - httpGet: - host: "269" - httpHeaders: - - name: "270" - value: "271" - path: "268" - port: -421846800 - scheme: zvt莭琽§ - tcpSocket: - host: "272" - port: -763687725 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "273" - httpGet: - host: "275" - httpHeaders: - - name: "276" - value: "277" - path: "274" - port: -1452676801 - scheme: ȿ0矀Kʝ - tcpSocket: - host: "279" - port: "278" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "245" - failureThreshold: -1191434089 - httpGet: - host: "248" - httpHeaders: - - name: "249" - value: "250" - path: "246" - port: "247" - scheme: 賃ɪ鐊瀑Ź9ǕLLȊ - initialDelaySeconds: 1214895765 - periodSeconds: 282592353 - successThreshold: 377225334 - tcpSocket: - host: "251" - port: -26910286 - timeoutSeconds: 1181519543 - name: "219" - ports: - - containerPort: -2079582559 - hostIP: "225" - hostPort: 1944205014 - name: "224" - protocol: K.Q貇£ȹ嫰ƹǔw÷nI粛E煹ǐƲ - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "252" - failureThreshold: 1507815593 - httpGet: - host: "255" - httpHeaders: - - name: "256" - value: "257" - path: "253" - port: "254" - initialDelaySeconds: -839281354 - periodSeconds: -819723498 - successThreshold: -150133456 - tcpSocket: - host: "259" - port: "258" - timeoutSeconds: 2035347577 - resources: - limits: - 羭,铻OŤǢʭ嵔: "340" - requests: - TG;邪匾mɩC[ó瓧嫭塓烀罁胾^拜: "755" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - À*f<鴒翁杙Ŧ癃8 - drop: - - ɱJȉ罴 - privileged: false - procMount: 棊ʢ=wǕɳɷ9Ì崟¿瘦ɖ緕ȚÍ勅 - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -3689959065086680033 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: -2706913289057230267 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "284" - role: "282" - type: "283" - user: "281" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "286" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "285" - runAsUserName: "287" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "260" - failureThreshold: -822090785 - httpGet: - host: "262" - httpHeaders: - - name: "263" - value: "264" - path: "261" - port: 1684643131 - scheme: 飣奺Ȋ礶惇¸ - initialDelaySeconds: -161753937 - periodSeconds: 1428207963 - successThreshold: 790462391 - tcpSocket: - host: "266" - port: "265" - timeoutSeconds: -1578746609 - stdinOnce: true - terminationMessagePath: "280" - terminationMessagePolicy: \p[ - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "244" - name: "243" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "240" - mountPropagation: ʒ刽ʼn掏1ſ盷褎weLJèux榜 - name: "239" - subPath: "241" - subPathExpr: "242" - workingDir: "223" - dnsConfig: - nameservers: - - "422" - options: - - name: "424" - value: "425" - searches: - - "423" - dnsPolicy: 丆 - enableServiceLinks: false - ephemeralContainers: - - args: - - "291" - command: - - "290" - env: - - name: "298" - value: "299" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "305" - name: "304" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "300" - fieldPath: "301" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "302" - divisor: "709" - resource: "303" - secretKeyRef: - key: "307" - name: "306" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "296" - optional: true - prefix: "295" - secretRef: - name: "297" - optional: true - image: "289" - imagePullPolicy: 拉Œɥ颶妧Ö闊 鰔澝qV訆 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "335" - httpGet: - host: "338" - httpHeaders: - - name: "339" - value: "340" - path: "336" - port: "337" - scheme: 跩aŕ翑 - tcpSocket: - host: "342" - port: "341" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "343" - httpGet: - host: "345" - httpHeaders: - - name: "346" - value: "347" - path: "344" - port: 1017803158 - scheme: 碔 - tcpSocket: - host: "349" - port: "348" - 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ŧL²sNƗ¸gĩ餠籲磣Óƿ - drop: - - '"冓鍓贯澔 ƺ蛜6' - privileged: false - procMount: 鰥Z龏´DÒȗ - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: 6057650398488995896 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 4353696140684277635 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "354" - role: "352" - type: "353" - user: "351" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "356" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "355" - runAsUserName: "357" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "328" - failureThreshold: -1246371817 - httpGet: - host: "331" - httpHeaders: - - name: "332" - value: "333" - path: "329" - port: "330" - scheme: 榝$î.Ȏ蝪ʜ5遰 - initialDelaySeconds: 834105836 - periodSeconds: -370386363 - successThreshold: 1714588921 - tcpSocket: - host: "334" - port: -1438286448 - timeoutSeconds: -1462219068 - targetContainerName: "358" - terminationMessagePath: "350" - terminationMessagePolicy: Kƙ順\E¦队偯J僳徥淳4揻-$ɽ丟 - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "313" - name: "312" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "309" - mountPropagation: ŕ-Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊#v铿 - name: "308" - subPath: "310" - subPathExpr: "311" - workingDir: "292" - hostAliases: - - hostnames: - - "420" - ip: "419" - hostPID: true - hostname: "374" - imagePullSecrets: - - name: "373" - initContainers: - - args: - - "150" - command: - - "149" - env: - - name: "157" - value: "158" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "164" - name: "163" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "159" - fieldPath: "160" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "161" - divisor: "455" - resource: "162" - secretKeyRef: - key: "166" - name: "165" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "155" - optional: false - prefix: "154" - secretRef: - name: "156" - optional: false - image: "148" - imagePullPolicy: k_瀹鞎sn芞QÄȻ - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "196" - httpGet: - host: "198" - httpHeaders: - - name: "199" - value: "200" - path: "197" - port: -1327537699 - tcpSocket: - host: "202" - port: "201" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "203" - httpGet: - host: "206" - httpHeaders: - - name: "207" - value: "208" - path: "204" - port: "205" - scheme: ĉş蝿ɖȃ賲鐅臬 - tcpSocket: - host: "210" - port: "209" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "173" - failureThreshold: 2053960192 - httpGet: - host: "176" - httpHeaders: - - name: "177" - value: "178" - path: "174" - port: "175" - scheme: ƴy綸_Ú8參遼ūPH炮 - initialDelaySeconds: 741871873 - periodSeconds: -1987044888 - successThreshold: -1638339389 - tcpSocket: - host: "180" - port: "179" - timeoutSeconds: 446829537 - name: "147" - ports: - - containerPort: 715087892 - hostIP: "153" - hostPort: -1896921306 - name: "152" - protocol: 倱< - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "181" - failureThreshold: -57352147 - httpGet: - host: "183" - httpHeaders: - - name: "184" - value: "185" - path: "182" - port: -1903685915 - scheme: ȓƇ$缔獵偐ę腬瓷碑=ɉ鎷卩蝾H韹寬 - initialDelaySeconds: 128019484 - periodSeconds: -2130554644 - successThreshold: 290736426 - tcpSocket: - host: "187" - port: "186" - timeoutSeconds: 431781335 - resources: - limits: - /擇ɦĽ胚O醔ɍ厶耈 T: "618" - requests: - á腿ħ缶.蒅!a坩O`涁İ而踪鄌eÞ: "372" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - '?' - drop: - - 峧Y栲茇竛吲蚛隖 - privileged: false - procMount: ʙ嫙& - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -7286288718856494813 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 7312518131318481396 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "215" - role: "213" - type: "214" - user: "212" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "217" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "216" - runAsUserName: "218" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "188" - failureThreshold: 1133369651 - httpGet: - host: "191" - httpHeaders: - - name: "192" - value: "193" - path: "189" - port: "190" - scheme: 閝ȝ - initialDelaySeconds: -2142865739 - periodSeconds: 1434408532 - successThreshold: -566408554 - tcpSocket: - host: "195" - port: "194" - timeoutSeconds: -1179067190 - stdin: true - stdinOnce: true - terminationMessagePath: "211" - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "172" - name: "171" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "168" - mountPropagation: dʪīT捘ɍi縱ù墴1Rƥ - name: "167" - readOnly: true - subPath: "169" - subPathExpr: "170" - workingDir: "151" - nodeName: "363" - nodeSelector: - "359": "360" - overhead: - 4'ď曕椐敛n湙: "310" - preemptionPolicy: '!ń1ċƹ|慼櫁色苆试揯遐' - priority: -1852730577 - priorityClassName: "421" - readinessGates: - - conditionType: ź魊塾ɖ$rolȋɶuɋ5r儉ɩ柀ɨ鴅 - restartPolicy: ɘɢ鬍熖B芭花ª瘡 - runtimeClassName: "426" - schedulerName: "416" - securityContext: - fsGroup: 7124276984274024394 - runAsGroup: -779972051078659613 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: 2179199799235189619 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "367" - role: "365" - type: "366" - user: "364" - supplementalGroups: - - -7127205672279904050 - sysctls: - - name: "371" - value: "372" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "369" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "368" - runAsUserName: "370" - serviceAccount: "362" - serviceAccountName: "361" - shareProcessNamespace: true - subdomain: "375" - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 2666412258966278206 - tolerations: - - effect: ŽɣB矗E¸乾 - key: "417" - operator: 堺ʣ - tolerationSeconds: -3532804738923434397 - value: "418" - topologySpreadConstraints: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 4-4D-r.-F__r.oh..2_uGGP..-_N_h_4Hl-X0_2-W - operator: In - values: - - 2-.s_6O-5_7_-0w_--5-_.3--_9QWJ - matchLabels: - p2djmscp--ac8u23-k----26u5--72n-5.j8-0020-1-5/t5W_._._-2M2._i: wvU - maxSkew: -150478704 - topologyKey: "427" - whenUnsatisfiable: ;鹡鑓侅闍ŏŃŋŏ}ŀ - volumes: - - awsElasticBlockStore: - fsType: "47" - partition: -762366823 - readOnly: true - volumeID: "46" - azureDisk: - cachingMode: HǺƶȤ^}穠 - diskName: "110" - diskURI: "111" - fsType: "112" - kind: 躢 - readOnly: true - azureFile: - secretName: "96" - shareName: "97" - cephfs: - monitors: - - "81" - path: "82" - secretFile: "84" - secretRef: - name: "85" - user: "83" - cinder: - fsType: "79" - secretRef: - name: "80" - volumeID: "78" - configMap: - defaultMode: -460478410 - items: - - key: "99" - mode: -2039036935 - path: "100" - name: "98" - optional: false - csi: - driver: "142" - fsType: "143" - nodePublishSecretRef: - name: "146" - readOnly: false - volumeAttributes: - "144": "145" - downwardAPI: - defaultMode: -106644772 - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "89" - fieldPath: "90" - mode: 1235524154 - path: "88" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "91" - divisor: "457" - resource: "92" - emptyDir: - medium: 彭聡A3fƻfʣ - sizeLimit: "115" - fc: - fsType: "94" - lun: 441887498 - readOnly: true - targetWWNs: - - "93" - wwids: - - "95" - flexVolume: - driver: "73" - fsType: "74" - options: - "76": "77" - secretRef: - name: "75" - flocker: - datasetName: "86" - datasetUUID: "87" - gcePersistentDisk: - fsType: "45" - partition: -1499132872 - pdName: "44" - gitRepo: - directory: "50" - repository: "48" - revision: "49" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "63" - path: "64" - hostPath: - path: "43" - type: 6NJPM饣`诫z徃鷢6ȥ啕禗Ǐ2啗塧ȱ - iscsi: - fsType: "59" - initiatorName: "62" - iqn: "57" - iscsiInterface: "58" - lun: 1655406148 - portals: - - "60" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "61" - targetPortal: "56" - name: "42" - nfs: - path: "55" - readOnly: true - server: "54" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "65" - readOnly: true - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "114" - pdID: "113" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "129" - volumeID: "128" - projected: - defaultMode: -522879476 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "124" - mode: -1694464659 - path: "125" - name: "123" - optional: true - downwardAPI: - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "119" - fieldPath: "120" - mode: 926891073 - path: "118" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "121" - divisor: "746" - resource: "122" - secret: - items: - - key: "116" - mode: -1399063270 - path: "117" - name: "115" - optional: true - serviceAccountToken: - audience: "126" - expirationSeconds: -7593824971107985079 - path: "127" - quobyte: - group: "108" - readOnly: true - registry: "105" - tenant: "109" - user: "107" - volume: "106" - rbd: - fsType: "68" - image: "67" - keyring: "71" - monitors: - - "66" - pool: "69" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "72" - user: "70" - scaleIO: - fsType: "137" - gateway: "130" - protectionDomain: "133" - secretRef: - name: "132" - storageMode: "135" - storagePool: "134" - system: "131" - volumeName: "136" - secret: - defaultMode: 372704313 - items: - - key: "52" - mode: -104666658 - path: "53" - optional: true - secretName: "51" - storageos: - fsType: "140" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "141" - volumeName: "138" - volumeNamespace: "139" - vsphereVolume: - fsType: "102" - storagePolicyID: "104" - storagePolicyName: "103" - volumePath: "101" -status: - availableReplicas: -1469601144 - conditions: - - lastTransitionTime: "2469-07-10T03:20:34Z" - message: "435" - reason: "434" - status: ɻ猶N嫡牿咸Ǻ潑鶋洅啶'ƈoIǢ龞瞯å - type: ɡj瓇ɽ丿YƄZZ塖bʘ - fullyLabeledReplicas: 138911331 - observedGeneration: 6703635170896137755 - readyReplicas: 1613009760 - replicas: -330302940 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.StatefulSet.after_roundtrip.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.StatefulSet.after_roundtrip.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 7688e1b2b694..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.StatefulSet.after_roundtrip.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.StatefulSet.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.StatefulSet.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 7688e1b2b694..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.StatefulSet.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.StatefulSet.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.StatefulSet.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 3d7b7aca80ba..000000000000 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta2.StatefulSet.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1023 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: 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74404d5---g8c2-k-91e.y5-g--58----0683-b-w7ld-6cs06xj-x5yv0wm-k18/M_-Nx.N_6-___._-.-W._AAn---v_-5-_8LXj: 6-4_WE-_JTrcd-2.-__E_Sv__26KX_R_.-.Nth._--S_4DA_-5_-4lQ42M--1 - serviceName: "456" - template: - metadata: - annotations: - "32": "33" - clusterName: "38" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -2575298329142810753 - finalizers: - - "37" - generateName: "26" - generation: -8542870036622468681 - labels: - "30": "31" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "40" - fieldsType: "41" - manager: "39" - operation: 躢 - name: "25" - namespace: "27" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "34" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: true - kind: "35" - name: "36" - uid: ƶȤ^} - resourceVersion: "1736621709629422270" - selfLink: "28" - uid: ?Qȫş - spec: - activeDeadlineSeconds: -8619192438821356882 - affinity: - nodeAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - preference: - matchExpressions: - - key: "372" - operator: '}Ñ蠂Ü[ƛ^輅9ɛ棕ƈ眽炊' - values: - - "373" - matchFields: - - key: "374" - operator: ʨIk(dŊiɢzĮ蛋I滞 - values: - - "375" - weight: 646133945 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - nodeSelectorTerms: - - matchExpressions: - - key: "368" - operator: ǧĒzŔ瘍N - values: - - "369" - matchFields: - - key: "370" - operator: ƽ眝{æ盪泙 - values: - - "371" - podAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 8.--w0_1V7 - operator: In - values: - - 7--p9.-_0R.-_-3_L_2--_v2.5p_..Y-.wg_-b8a_6_.0Q4_8 - matchLabels: - w--162-gk2-99v22.g-65m8-1x129-9d8-s7-t7--336-11k9-8609a-e0--1----v8-4--558n1asz5/BD8.TS-jJ.Ys_Mop34_y: f_ZN.-_--r.E__-.8_e_l2.._8s--7_3x_-J5 - namespaces: - - "390" - topologyKey: "391" - weight: -855547676 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: V.-tfh4.caTz_.g.w-o.8_WT-M.3_-1y_8D_X._B__-Pd - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - 3.csh-3--Z1Tvw39FC: rtSY.g._2F7.-_e..Or_-.3OHgt._6 - namespaces: - - "382" - topologyKey: "383" - podAntiAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: w_-r75--_-A-o-__y__._12..wrbW_E..24-O._.v._9-czf - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 3-mLlx...w_t-_.5.40Rw4gD.._.-x6db-L7.-__-G2: CpS__.39g_.--_-_ve5.m_2_--XZx - namespaces: - - "406" - topologyKey: "407" - weight: 808399187 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: yp8q-sf1--gw-jz-659--0l-023bm-6l2e5---k5v3a---9/tA.W5_-5_.V1-rU.___06.eqk5E_-4-.XH-.k.7.l_-W81 - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 4-m_0-m-6Sp_N-S..O-BZ..6-1.S-B33: 17ca-_p-y.eQZ9p_1 - namespaces: - - "398" - topologyKey: "399" - automountServiceAccountToken: false - containers: - - args: - - "216" - command: - - "215" - env: - - name: "223" - value: "224" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "230" - name: "229" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "225" - fieldPath: "226" - resourceFieldRef: - 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tcpSocket: - host: "244" - port: 391562775 - timeoutSeconds: -832805508 - name: "213" - ports: - - containerPort: -775325416 - hostIP: "219" - hostPort: 62799871 - name: "218" - protocol: t莭琽§ć\ ïì - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "245" - failureThreshold: 571739592 - httpGet: - host: "247" - httpHeaders: - - name: "248" - value: "249" - path: "246" - port: -1905643191 - scheme: Ǖɳɷ9Ì崟¿瘦ɖ緕 - initialDelaySeconds: 852780575 - periodSeconds: 893823156 - successThreshold: -1980314709 - tcpSocket: - host: "251" - port: "250" - timeoutSeconds: -1252938503 - resources: - limits: - N粕擓ƖHVe熼: "334" - requests: - 倗S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤/ɸɎ R§耶: "388" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - E埄Ȁ朦 wƯ貾坢' - drop: - - aŕ翑0展}硐庰%皧V垾现葢ŵ橨鬶l - privileged: false - procMount: "" - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -2408264753085021035 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -2270595441829602368 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "276" - role: "274" - type: "275" - user: "273" - 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scheme: iɥ嵐sC8 - initialDelaySeconds: -1513284745 - periodSeconds: -414121491 - successThreshold: -1862764022 - tcpSocket: - host: "311" - port: -898536659 - timeoutSeconds: 1258370227 - name: "280" - ports: - - containerPort: -1137436579 - hostIP: "286" - hostPort: 1868683352 - name: "285" - protocol: 颶妧Ö闊 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "312" - failureThreshold: 215186711 - httpGet: - host: "314" - httpHeaders: - - name: "315" - value: "316" - path: "313" - port: 323903711 - scheme: J - initialDelaySeconds: 657418949 - periodSeconds: 287654902 - successThreshold: -2062708879 - tcpSocket: - host: "318" - port: "317" - timeoutSeconds: -992558278 - resources: - limits: - ²sNƗ¸g: "50" - requests: - 酊龨δ摖ȱğ_<: "118" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - DŽ髐njʉBn(fǂǢ曣 - drop: - - ay - privileged: false - procMount: 嗆u - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -5996624450771474158 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: 1958157659034146020 - 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initContainers: - - args: - - "150" - command: - - "149" - env: - - name: "157" - value: "158" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "164" - name: "163" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "159" - fieldPath: "160" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "161" - divisor: "650" - resource: "162" - secretKeyRef: - key: "166" - name: "165" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "155" - optional: true - prefix: "154" - secretRef: - name: "156" - optional: true - image: "148" - imagePullPolicy: 罁胾^拜Ȍzɟ踡肒Ao/樝fw[Řż丩 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "192" - httpGet: - host: "194" - httpHeaders: - - name: "195" - value: "196" - path: "193" - port: -2015604435 - scheme: jƯĖ漘Z剚敍0) - tcpSocket: - host: "197" - port: 424236719 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "198" - httpGet: - host: "200" - httpHeaders: - - name: "201" - value: "202" - path: "199" - port: -1131820775 - scheme: Ƿ裚瓶釆Ɗ+j忊 - tcpSocket: - host: "204" - port: "203" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "173" - failureThreshold: -1113628381 - httpGet: - host: "175" - httpHeaders: - - name: "176" - value: "177" - path: "174" - port: -152585895 - scheme: E@Ȗs«ö - initialDelaySeconds: 1843758068 - periodSeconds: 1702578303 - successThreshold: -1565157256 - tcpSocket: - host: "178" - port: 1135182169 - timeoutSeconds: -1967469005 - name: "147" - ports: - - containerPort: 1403721475 - hostIP: "153" - hostPort: -606111218 - name: "152" - protocol: ǰ溟ɴ扵閝ȝ鐵儣廡ɑ龫`劳 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "179" - failureThreshold: -1167888910 - httpGet: - host: "181" - httpHeaders: - - name: "182" - value: "183" - path: "180" - port: 386652373 - scheme: ʙ嫙& - initialDelaySeconds: -802585193 - periodSeconds: 1944205014 - successThreshold: -2079582559 - tcpSocket: - host: "185" - port: "184" - timeoutSeconds: 1901330124 - resources: - limits: - "": "84" - requests: - ɖȃ賲鐅臬dH巧壚tC十Oɢ: "517" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - "" - drop: - - ŻʘY賃ɪ鐊瀑Ź9ǕLLȊɞ-uƻ悖ȩ - privileged: false - procMount: $MVȟ@7飣奺Ȋ礶惇¸t颟.鵫ǚ灄鸫 - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -8419423421380299597 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: -6576869501326512452 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "209" - role: "207" - type: "208" - user: "206" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "211" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "210" - runAsUserName: "212" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "186" - failureThreshold: 208045354 - httpGet: - host: "188" - httpHeaders: - - name: "189" - value: "190" - path: "187" - port: 804417065 - scheme: Ŵ廷s{Ⱦdz@ - initialDelaySeconds: 632397602 - periodSeconds: -730174220 - successThreshold: 433084615 - tcpSocket: - host: "191" - port: 406308963 - timeoutSeconds: 2026784878 - terminationMessagePath: "205" - terminationMessagePolicy: 焗捏 - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "172" - name: "171" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "168" - mountPropagation: "" - name: "167" - readOnly: true - subPath: "169" - subPathExpr: "170" - workingDir: "151" - nodeName: "355" - nodeSelector: - "351": "352" - overhead: - 癜鞤A馱z芀¿l磶Bb偃礳Ȭ痍脉PPö: "607" - preemptionPolicy: eáNRNJ丧鴻Ŀ - priority: 1690570439 - priorityClassName: "413" - readinessGates: - - conditionType: 梑ʀŖ鱓;鹡鑓侅闍ŏŃŋŏ}ŀ姳 - restartPolicy: T[ - runtimeClassName: "418" - schedulerName: "408" - securityContext: - fsGroup: 760480547754807445 - runAsGroup: -801152248124332545 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -2781126825051715248 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "359" - role: "357" - type: "358" - user: "356" - supplementalGroups: - - 5255171395073905944 - sysctls: - - name: "363" - value: "364" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "361" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "360" - runAsUserName: "362" - serviceAccount: "354" - serviceAccountName: "353" - shareProcessNamespace: false - subdomain: "367" - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -2738603156841903595 - tolerations: - - effect: 料ȭzV镜籬ƽ - key: "409" - operator: ƹ| - tolerationSeconds: 935587338391120947 - value: "410" - topologySpreadConstraints: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: qW - operator: In - values: - - 2-.s_6O-5_7_-0w_--5-_.3--_9QWJ - matchLabels: - E--pT751: mV__1-wv3UDf.-4D-r.-F__r.oh..2_uGGP..X - maxSkew: -137402083 - topologyKey: "419" - whenUnsatisfiable: Ȩç捌聮ŃŻ@ǮJ=礏ƴ磳藷曥 - volumes: - - awsElasticBlockStore: - fsType: "47" - partition: 912004803 - readOnly: true - volumeID: "46" - azureDisk: - cachingMode: '|@?鷅bȻN' - diskName: "110" - diskURI: "111" - fsType: "112" - kind: 榱*Gưoɘ檲 - readOnly: true - azureFile: - readOnly: true - secretName: "96" - shareName: "97" - cephfs: - monitors: - - "81" - path: "82" - secretFile: "84" - secretRef: - name: "85" - user: "83" - cinder: - fsType: "79" - secretRef: - name: "80" - volumeID: "78" - configMap: - defaultMode: 1593906314 - items: - - key: "99" - mode: 195263908 - path: "100" - name: "98" - optional: false - csi: - driver: "142" - fsType: "143" - nodePublishSecretRef: - name: "146" - readOnly: false - volumeAttributes: - "144": "145" - downwardAPI: - defaultMode: 824682619 - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "89" - fieldPath: "90" - mode: 1569992019 - path: "88" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "91" - divisor: "660" - resource: "92" - emptyDir: - medium: Xŋ朘瑥A徙ɶɊł/擇ɦĽ胚O醔ɍ厶耈 - sizeLimit: "473" - fc: - fsType: "94" - lun: -1740986684 - readOnly: true - targetWWNs: - - "93" - wwids: - - "95" - flexVolume: - driver: "73" - fsType: "74" - options: - "76": "77" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "75" - flocker: - datasetName: "86" - datasetUUID: "87" - gcePersistentDisk: - fsType: "45" - partition: -1188153605 - pdName: "44" - gitRepo: - directory: "50" - repository: "48" - revision: "49" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "63" - path: "64" - readOnly: true - hostPath: - path: "43" - type: ƛƟ)ÙæNǚ錯ƶRquA?瞲Ť倱< - iscsi: - chapAuthDiscovery: true - fsType: "59" - initiatorName: "62" - iqn: "57" - iscsiInterface: "58" - lun: 994527057 - portals: - - "60" - secretRef: - name: "61" - targetPortal: "56" - name: "42" - nfs: - path: "55" - readOnly: true - server: "54" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "65" - readOnly: true - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "114" - pdID: "113" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "129" - readOnly: true - volumeID: "128" - projected: - defaultMode: -1334904807 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "124" - mode: 2063799569 - path: "125" - name: "123" - optional: false - downwardAPI: - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "119" - fieldPath: "120" - mode: 173030157 - path: "118" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "121" - divisor: "106" - resource: "122" - secret: - items: - - key: "116" - mode: -323584340 - path: "117" - name: "115" - optional: true - serviceAccountToken: - audience: "126" - expirationSeconds: 8357931971650847566 - path: "127" - quobyte: - group: "108" - registry: "105" - tenant: "109" - user: "107" - volume: "106" - rbd: - fsType: "68" - image: "67" - keyring: "71" - monitors: - - "66" - pool: "69" - secretRef: - name: "72" - user: "70" - scaleIO: - fsType: "137" - gateway: "130" - protectionDomain: "133" - secretRef: - name: "132" - storageMode: "135" - storagePool: "134" - system: "131" - volumeName: "136" - secret: - defaultMode: 332383000 - items: - - key: "52" - mode: -547518679 - path: "53" - optional: true - secretName: "51" - storageos: - fsType: "140" - secretRef: - name: "141" - volumeName: "138" - volumeNamespace: "139" - vsphereVolume: - fsType: "102" - storagePolicyID: "104" - storagePolicyName: "103" - volumePath: "101" - updateStrategy: - rollingUpdate: - partition: 86666826 - type: Dz讱ȕ齐疅檎ǽ曖sƖTƫ - volumeClaimTemplates: - - metadata: - annotations: - "433": "434" - clusterName: "439" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -1824067601569574665 - finalizers: - - "438" - generateName: "427" - generation: -8502907933203165744 - labels: - "431": "432" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "441" - fieldsType: "442" - manager: "440" - operation: Bi攵&ý"ʀ废査Z綶Ā - name: "426" - namespace: "428" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "435" - blockOwnerDeletion: false - controller: true - kind: "436" - name: "437" - uid: WɓDɏ挭跡Ƅ抄3昞财Î嘝zʄ - resourceVersion: "6281861817195808867" - selfLink: "429" - uid: '`ȗ<8^翜T蘈' - spec: - accessModes: - - 銲tHǽ÷閂抰^窄CǙķȈĐI梞ū - dataSource: - apiGroup: "451" - kind: "452" - name: "453" - resources: - limits: - 'O^:': "847" - requests: - Ɍ蚊ơ鎊t潑: "199" - selector: - matchExpressions: - - key: f82-8_.UdWNn_U-...1P_.D8_t..-Ww2q.zv - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - p2P.B._A_090ERG2nV.__p_Y-.2__a_dWU_V-_Q_Ap._C: a_o..p_B-d--Q5._D6_.d-n_9n.p.2-.-Qw__YT.1---.-o7.pJ-r - storageClassName: "450" - volumeMode: ȳT - volumeName: "449" - status: - accessModes: - - 熔ķ´ʑ潞Ĵ3Q蠯0 - capacity: - \溮Ŀ傜NZ!š: "952" - conditions: - - lastProbeTime: "2252-06-28T22:34:24Z" - lastTransitionTime: "1974-04-29T05:51:38Z" - message: "455" - reason: "454" - status: ƿOqõƨj2愴ňù廻@p - type: '僙R岹ÿʼnx#綮ehɫ淫Ď眊:' - phase: 戱PRɄ -status: - collisionCount: 341287797 - conditions: - - lastTransitionTime: "2493-11-15T11:08:04Z" - message: "460" - reason: "459" - status: ő+aò¼箰ð祛?扄鰀G抉ȪĠʩ崯ɋ+ - type: ÆŁĪŀc=Ƨz鈡煰敹xŪO - currentReplicas: -1847673756 - currentRevision: "457" - observedGeneration: 3474169154658456972 - readyReplicas: 2037461401 - replicas: 1449104338 - updateRevision: "458" - updatedReplicas: 154782591 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscaler.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscaler.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 9b892e9e5bdc..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/autoscaling.v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscaler.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1.Job.after_roundtrip.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1.Job.after_roundtrip.pb deleted file mode 100644 index d735181c4683..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1.Job.after_roundtrip.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1.Job.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1.Job.pb deleted file mode 100644 index d735181c4683..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1.Job.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1.Job.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1.Job.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 9f0b51a80f9b..000000000000 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1.Job.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,953 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: batch/v1 -kind: Job -metadata: - annotations: - "9": "10" - clusterName: "15" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 - finalizers: - - "14" - generateName: "3" - generation: 8071137005907523419 - labels: - "7": "8" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "17" - fieldsType: "18" - manager: "16" - operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] - name: "2" - namespace: "4" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "11" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "12" - name: "13" - uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp - resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" - selfLink: "5" - uid: "7" -spec: - activeDeadlineSeconds: -5584804243908071872 - backoffLimit: -783752440 - completions: 1305381319 - manualSelector: true - parallelism: 896585016 - selector: - matchExpressions: - - key: S91.e5K-_e63_-_3-h - operator: In - values: - - 3_bQw.-dG6c-.x - matchLabels: - hjT9s-j41-0-6p-JFHn7y-74.-0MUORQQ.N4: 3L.u - template: - metadata: - annotations: - "32": "33" - clusterName: "38" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -5781250394576755223 - finalizers: - - "37" - generateName: "26" - generation: 7014477246743953430 - labels: - "30": "31" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "40" - fieldsType: "41" - manager: "39" - operation: 糷磩窮秳ķ蟒苾h - name: "25" - namespace: "27" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "34" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "35" - name: "36" - uid: 譋娲瘹ɭȊɚɎ( - resourceVersion: "10505102892351749453" - selfLink: "28" - uid: ɸ=ǤÆ碛,1 - spec: - activeDeadlineSeconds: -7565148469525206101 - affinity: - nodeAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - preference: - matchExpressions: - - key: "376" - operator: ' 鰔澝qV訆ƎżŧL²' - values: - - "377" - matchFields: - - key: "378" - operator: Ä蚃ɣľ)酊龨δ摖ȱğ_< - values: - - "379" - weight: 1907998540 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - nodeSelectorTerms: - - matchExpressions: - - key: "372" - operator: 皥贸碔lNKƙ順\E¦队 - values: - - "373" - matchFields: - - key: "374" - operator: 跣Hǝcw媀瓄&翜舞拉Œɥ颶 - values: - - "375" - podAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 3--j2---2--82--cj-1-s--op34-yw/A-_3bz._M - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - 3-----995----5sumf7ef8jzv4-9-30.rt--6g1-2-73m-e46-r-g63--gt1--6mx-r-927--m6-g/J0-8-.M-.-.-8v-J1zET_..3dCv3j._.-_pP__up.2L_s-7: m.__G-8...__.Q_c8.G.b_9_1o.w_aI._1 - namespaces: - - "394" - topologyKey: "395" - weight: -1058923098 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: ao26--26-hs5-jedse.7vc0260ni-l11q5--uk5mj-94-8134i5kq/4_.-_-_-...1py_8-3..s._.x2 - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - n5v-5925a-x12a-214-3s--gg93--p.2ql/B-.--g: Y1 - namespaces: - - "386" - topologyKey: "387" - podAntiAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 1-_-3_L_2--_v2.5p_..Y-.wg_-b8a_6_.0Q4_.84.K_-_0_..u.F.pq..--3C - operator: In - values: - - p_N-S..O-BZ..6-1.S-B3_.b17ca-_p-y.eQZ9p_6.Cw - matchLabels: - x-3/6-.7D.3_KPgL: d._.Um.-__k.5 - namespaces: - - "410" - topologyKey: "411" - weight: -168773629 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: v8_.O_..8n.--z_-..6W.K - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - sEK4.B.__65m8_x: 29_.-.Ms7_t.P_3..H..k9M86.9a_-0R1 - namespaces: - - "402" - topologyKey: "403" - automountServiceAccountToken: false - containers: - - args: - - "221" - command: - - "220" - env: - - name: "228" - value: "229" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "235" - name: "234" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "230" - fieldPath: "231" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "232" - divisor: "233" - resource: "233" - secretKeyRef: - key: "237" - name: "236" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "226" - optional: false - prefix: "225" - secretRef: - name: "227" - optional: false - image: "219" - imagePullPolicy: Ƿ裚瓶釆Ɗ+j忊 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "264" - httpGet: - host: "266" - httpHeaders: - - name: "267" - value: "268" - path: "265" - port: 1923650413 - scheme: I粛E煹ǐƲE'iþŹʣy - tcpSocket: - host: "270" - port: "269" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "271" - httpGet: - host: "274" - httpHeaders: - - name: "275" - value: "276" - path: "272" - port: "273" - scheme: 敍0)鈼¬麄 - tcpSocket: - host: "277" - port: -648954478 - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "244" - failureThreshold: -522126070 - httpGet: - host: "246" - httpHeaders: - - name: "247" - value: "248" - path: "245" - port: 1434408532 - scheme: '`劳&¼傭Ȟ1酃=6}ɡŇƉ立h' - initialDelaySeconds: -1628697284 - periodSeconds: 354496320 - successThreshold: -418887496 - tcpSocket: - host: "250" - port: "249" - timeoutSeconds: 843845736 - name: "218" - ports: - - containerPort: -1373541406 - hostIP: "224" - hostPort: -1477511050 - name: "223" - protocol: 栍dʪīT捘ɍi縱ù墴1Rƥ贫d飼 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "251" - failureThreshold: -636855511 - httpGet: - host: "253" - httpHeaders: - - name: "254" - value: "255" - path: "252" - port: -1569009987 - scheme: ɢǵʭd鲡:贅wE@Ȗs«öʮĀ< - initialDelaySeconds: -1565157256 - periodSeconds: -1385586997 - successThreshold: 460997133 - tcpSocket: - host: "256" - port: 1702578303 - timeoutSeconds: -1113628381 - resources: - limits: - +ņ榱*Gưoɘ檲: "340" - requests: - ʔŊƞ究:hoĂɋ瀐<ɉ湨H=å睫}堇: "690" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - 焗捏 - drop: - - Fħ籘Àǒɿʒ刽ʼn掏1ſ盷褎 - privileged: true - procMount: Z1Ůđ眊ľǎɳ,ǿ飏騀呣 - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -3078742976292946468 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: 1875040261412240501 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "282" - role: "280" - type: "281" - user: "279" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "284" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "283" - runAsUserName: "285" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "257" - failureThreshold: -1169420648 - httpGet: - host: "260" - httpHeaders: - - name: "261" - value: "262" - path: "258" - port: "259" - scheme: '&蒒5靇C''ɵ' - initialDelaySeconds: 1768820087 - periodSeconds: -1153851625 - successThreshold: 1428858742 - tcpSocket: - host: "263" - port: -2051962852 - timeoutSeconds: 471718695 - stdin: true - stdinOnce: true - terminationMessagePath: "278" - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "243" - name: "242" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "239" - 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tcpSocket: - host: "325" - port: -2107743490 - timeoutSeconds: 960499098 - resources: - limits: - þ蛯ɰ荶lj: "397" - requests: - t颟.鵫ǚ灄鸫rʤî萨zvt莭: "453" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - 唊#v铿 - drop: - - Ȃ4 - privileged: false - procMount: 苧yñKJɐ扵Gƚ绤fʀļ腩 - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -2630324001819898514 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: 4480986625444454685 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "350" - role: "348" - type: "349" - user: "347" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "352" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "351" - runAsUserName: "353" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "326" - failureThreshold: -1423854443 - httpGet: - host: "328" - httpHeaders: - - name: "329" - value: "330" - path: "327" - port: 714088955 - scheme: źȰ?$矡ȶ网棊ʢ=wǕɳ - initialDelaySeconds: -1962065705 - periodSeconds: -1364571630 - successThreshold: 1689978741 - tcpSocket: - host: "331" - port: 1752155096 - timeoutSeconds: 1701999128 - targetContainerName: "354" - terminationMessagePath: "346" - terminationMessagePolicy: 谇j爻ƙ - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "311" - name: "310" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "307" - mountPropagation: Ȣ幟ļ腻Ŭ - name: "306" - subPath: "308" - subPathExpr: "309" - workingDir: "290" - hostAliases: - - hostnames: - - "416" - ip: "415" - hostIPC: true - hostname: "370" - imagePullSecrets: - - name: "369" - initContainers: - - args: - - "150" - command: - - "149" - env: - - name: "157" - value: "158" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "164" - name: "163" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "159" - fieldPath: "160" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "161" - divisor: "671" - resource: "162" - secretKeyRef: - key: "166" - name: "165" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "155" - optional: false - prefix: "154" - secretRef: - name: "156" - optional: true - image: "148" - imagePullPolicy: 瑥A - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "195" - httpGet: - host: "198" - httpHeaders: - - name: "199" - value: "200" - path: "196" - port: "197" - scheme: ƭt?QȫşŇɜ - tcpSocket: - host: "202" - port: "201" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "203" - httpGet: - host: "206" - httpHeaders: - - name: "207" - value: "208" - path: "204" - port: "205" - scheme: 抴ŨfZhUʎ浵ɲõ - tcpSocket: - host: "209" - port: -1980941277 - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "173" - failureThreshold: -20764200 - httpGet: - host: "176" - httpHeaders: - - name: "177" - value: "178" - path: "174" - port: "175" - scheme: ȲĻ¤Ħʅ芝M - initialDelaySeconds: 664393458 - periodSeconds: 964433164 - successThreshold: 679825403 - tcpSocket: - host: "179" - port: 1784914896 - timeoutSeconds: -573382936 - name: "147" - ports: - - containerPort: 223177366 - hostIP: "153" - hostPort: -884734093 - name: "152" - protocol: 2ħ籦ö嗏ʑ>季 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "180" - failureThreshold: -2039036935 - httpGet: - host: "183" - httpHeaders: - - name: "184" - value: "185" - path: "181" - port: "182" - scheme: 狩鴈o_ - initialDelaySeconds: -1249460160 - periodSeconds: -1944279238 - successThreshold: 1169718433 - tcpSocket: - host: "187" - port: "186" - timeoutSeconds: -1027661779 - resources: - limits: - '&啞川J缮ǚbJ': "99" - requests: - /淹\韲翁&ʢsɜ曢\%枅:=ǛƓ: "330" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - Ɋł/擇ɦĽ胚O醔ɍ厶耈  - drop: - - 衧ȇe媹H - privileged: false - procMount: ĵ - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: 2900848145000451690 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: 7459999274215055423 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "214" - role: "212" - type: "213" - user: "211" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "216" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "215" - runAsUserName: "217" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "188" - failureThreshold: -239847982 - httpGet: - host: "191" - httpHeaders: - - name: "192" - value: "193" - path: "189" - port: "190" - scheme: ƅTG - initialDelaySeconds: 1233814916 - periodSeconds: 487826951 - successThreshold: 87018792 - tcpSocket: - host: "194" - port: -1629040033 - timeoutSeconds: 1632959949 - terminationMessagePath: "210" - terminationMessagePolicy: 蕭k ź贩j - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "172" - name: "171" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "168" - mountPropagation: 2啗塧ȱ蓿彭聡A3fƻfʣ繡楙¯ĦE勗 - name: "167" - subPath: "169" - subPathExpr: "170" - workingDir: "151" - nodeName: "359" - nodeSelector: - "355": "356" - overhead: - ɮ6): "299" - preemptionPolicy: 怨彬ɈNƋl塠傫ü - priority: -1286809305 - priorityClassName: "417" - readinessGates: - - conditionType: ųŎ群E牬庘颮6(|ǖû - restartPolicy: 媁荭gw忊 - runtimeClassName: "422" - schedulerName: "412" - securityContext: - fsGroup: -1212012606981050727 - runAsGroup: 2695823502041400376 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: 2651364835047718925 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "363" - role: "361" - type: "362" - user: "360" - supplementalGroups: - - -2910346974754087949 - sysctls: - - name: "367" - value: "368" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "365" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "364" - runAsUserName: "366" - serviceAccount: "358" - serviceAccountName: "357" - shareProcessNamespace: false - subdomain: "371" - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -4333562938396485230 - tolerations: - - effect: ŪǗȦɆ悼j蛑q - key: "413" - operator: 栣险¹贮獘薟8Mĕ霉 - tolerationSeconds: 4375148957048018073 - value: "414" - topologySpreadConstraints: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: nw0-3i--a7-2--o--u0038mp9c10-k-r---3g7nz4-------385h---0-u73pj.brgvf3q-z-5z80n--t5--9-4-d2-22--i--40wv--in-870w--itk/5.m_2_--XZ-x.__.Y_2-n_5023Xl-3Pw_-r75--_A - operator: In - values: - - 7M7y-Dy__3wc.q.8_00.0_._.-_L-__bf_9_-C-Pfx - matchLabels: - o--5r-v-5-e-m78o-6-s.4-7--i1-8miw-7a-2408m-0--5--2-5----00/l_.23--_l: b-L7.-__-G_2kCpS__.3g - maxSkew: -554557703 - topologyKey: "423" - whenUnsatisfiable: ¹t骳ɰɰUʜʔŜ0¢ - volumes: - - awsElasticBlockStore: - fsType: "47" - partition: -972874331 - volumeID: "46" - azureDisk: - cachingMode: 鎥ʟ<$洅ɹ7 - diskName: "110" - diskURI: "111" - fsType: "112" - kind: Þ - readOnly: false - azureFile: - readOnly: true - secretName: "96" - shareName: "97" - cephfs: - monitors: - - "81" - path: "82" - secretFile: "84" - secretRef: - name: "85" - user: "83" - cinder: - fsType: "79" - secretRef: - name: "80" - volumeID: "78" - configMap: - defaultMode: 938765968 - items: - - key: "99" - mode: -421817404 - path: "100" - name: "98" - optional: false - csi: - driver: "142" - fsType: "143" - nodePublishSecretRef: - name: "146" - readOnly: true - volumeAttributes: - "144": "145" - downwardAPI: - defaultMode: -331664193 - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "89" - fieldPath: "90" - mode: 848754324 - path: "88" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "91" - divisor: "110" - resource: "92" - emptyDir: - medium: 瓷雼浢Ü礽绅{囥 - sizeLimit: "721" - fc: - fsType: "94" - lun: -1341615783 - targetWWNs: - - "93" - wwids: - - "95" - flexVolume: - driver: "73" - fsType: "74" - options: - "76": "77" - secretRef: - name: "75" - flocker: - datasetName: "86" - datasetUUID: "87" - gcePersistentDisk: - fsType: "45" - partition: 1673568505 - pdName: "44" - gitRepo: - directory: "50" - repository: "48" - revision: "49" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "63" - path: "64" - readOnly: true - hostPath: - path: "43" - type: 龷ȪÆl - iscsi: - fsType: "59" - initiatorName: "62" - iqn: "57" - iscsiInterface: "58" - lun: -1888506207 - portals: - - "60" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "61" - targetPortal: "56" - name: "42" - nfs: - path: "55" - server: "54" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "65" - readOnly: true - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "114" - pdID: "113" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "129" - volumeID: "128" - projected: - defaultMode: -1884322607 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "124" - mode: -1147975588 - path: "125" - name: "123" - optional: true - downwardAPI: - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "119" - fieldPath: "120" - mode: -1240667156 - path: "118" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "121" - divisor: "750" - resource: "122" - secret: - items: - - key: "116" - mode: 1550211208 - path: "117" - name: "115" - optional: false - serviceAccountToken: - audience: "126" - expirationSeconds: 2293771102284463819 - path: "127" - quobyte: - group: "108" - registry: "105" - tenant: "109" - user: "107" - volume: "106" - rbd: - fsType: "68" - image: "67" - keyring: "71" - monitors: - - "66" - pool: "69" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "72" - user: "70" - scaleIO: - fsType: "137" - gateway: "130" - protectionDomain: "133" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "132" - sslEnabled: true - storageMode: "135" - storagePool: "134" - system: "131" - volumeName: "136" - secret: - defaultMode: 798972405 - items: - - key: "52" - mode: -1628457490 - path: "53" - optional: false - secretName: "51" - storageos: - fsType: "140" - secretRef: - name: "141" - volumeName: "138" - volumeNamespace: "139" - vsphereVolume: - fsType: "102" - storagePolicyID: "104" - storagePolicyName: "103" - volumePath: "101" - ttlSecondsAfterFinished: -1574276574 -status: - active: -125022959 - conditions: - - lastProbeTime: "2756-02-27T11:08:58Z" - lastTransitionTime: "2296-12-01T04:10:44Z" - message: "431" - reason: "430" - status: 昒 - type: ļė[BN柌ë娒汙查o*Ĵ麻齔試 - failed: 115522160 - succeeded: 186118994 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1beta1.CronJob.after_roundtrip.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1beta1.CronJob.after_roundtrip.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 6ad978a63a28..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1beta1.CronJob.after_roundtrip.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1beta1.CronJob.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1beta1.CronJob.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 6ad978a63a28..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1beta1.CronJob.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1beta1.CronJob.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1beta1.CronJob.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index a432c8f72dbe..000000000000 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1beta1.CronJob.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,989 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: batch/v1beta1 -kind: CronJob -metadata: - annotations: - "9": "10" - clusterName: "15" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 - finalizers: - - "14" - generateName: "3" - generation: 8071137005907523419 - labels: - "7": "8" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "17" - fieldsType: "18" - manager: "16" - operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] - name: "2" - namespace: "4" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "11" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "12" - name: "13" - uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp - resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" - selfLink: "5" - uid: "7" -spec: - concurrencyPolicy: Hr鯹)晿5姣 - initialDelaySeconds: 1505082076 - periodSeconds: 1602745893 - successThreshold: 1599076900 - tcpSocket: - host: "271" - port: 1498833271 - timeoutSeconds: 1447898632 - resources: - limits: - ŤǢʭ嵔棂p儼Ƿ裚瓶: "806" - requests: - ɩC: "766" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - À*f<鴒翁杙Ŧ癃8 - drop: - - ɱJȉ罴 - privileged: false - procMount: 棊ʢ=wǕɳɷ9Ì崟¿瘦ɖ緕ȚÍ勅 - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -3689959065086680033 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: -2706913289057230267 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "297" - role: "295" - type: "296" - user: "294" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "299" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "298" - runAsUserName: "300" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "272" - failureThreshold: -822090785 - httpGet: - host: "275" - httpHeaders: - - name: "276" - value: "277" - path: "273" - port: "274" - scheme: ¸ - initialDelaySeconds: -161753937 - periodSeconds: 1428207963 - successThreshold: 790462391 - tcpSocket: - host: "279" - port: "278" - timeoutSeconds: -1578746609 - stdinOnce: true - terminationMessagePath: "293" - terminationMessagePolicy: \p[ - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "259" - name: "258" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "255" - mountPropagation: ȫ焗捏ĨFħ籘Àǒɿʒ刽 - name: "254" - subPath: "256" - subPathExpr: "257" - workingDir: "238" - dnsConfig: - nameservers: - - "435" - options: - - name: "437" - value: "438" - searches: - - "436" - dnsPolicy: 丆 - enableServiceLinks: false - ephemeralContainers: - - args: - - "304" - command: - - "303" - env: - - name: "311" - value: "312" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "318" - name: "317" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "313" - fieldPath: "314" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "315" - divisor: "709" - resource: "316" - secretKeyRef: - key: "320" - name: "319" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "309" - optional: true - prefix: "308" - secretRef: - name: "310" - optional: true - image: "302" - imagePullPolicy: 拉Œɥ颶妧Ö闊 鰔澝qV訆 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "348" - httpGet: - host: "351" - httpHeaders: - - name: "352" - value: "353" - path: "349" - port: "350" - scheme: 跩aŕ翑 - tcpSocket: - host: "355" - port: "354" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "356" - httpGet: - host: "358" - httpHeaders: - - name: "359" - value: "360" - path: "357" - port: 1017803158 - scheme: 碔 - tcpSocket: - host: "362" - port: "361" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "327" - failureThreshold: 1742259603 - httpGet: - host: "330" - httpHeaders: - - name: "331" - value: "332" - path: "328" - port: "329" - scheme: 屡ʁ - initialDelaySeconds: 1718241831 - periodSeconds: 1180971695 - successThreshold: -1971944908 - tcpSocket: - host: "333" - port: -1554559634 - timeoutSeconds: 550615941 - name: "301" - ports: - - containerPort: 1330271338 - hostIP: "307" - hostPort: 1853396726 - name: "306" - protocol: 逴 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "334" - failureThreshold: 1150925735 - httpGet: - host: "336" - httpHeaders: - - name: "337" - value: "338" - path: "335" - port: -1620315711 - scheme: ɐ扵 - initialDelaySeconds: -1358663652 - periodSeconds: -527306221 - successThreshold: 2098694289 - tcpSocket: - host: "340" - port: "339" - timeoutSeconds: 1543146222 - resources: - limits: - 颐o: "230" - requests: - '[+扴ȨŮ+朷Ǝ膯ljV': "728" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - ŧL²sNƗ¸gĩ餠籲磣Óƿ - drop: - - '"冓鍓贯澔 ƺ蛜6' - privileged: false - procMount: 鰥Z龏´DÒȗ - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: 6057650398488995896 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 4353696140684277635 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "367" - role: "365" - type: "366" - user: "364" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "369" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "368" - runAsUserName: "370" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "341" - failureThreshold: -1246371817 - httpGet: - host: "344" - httpHeaders: - - name: "345" - value: "346" - path: "342" - port: "343" - scheme: 榝$î.Ȏ蝪ʜ5遰 - initialDelaySeconds: 834105836 - periodSeconds: -370386363 - successThreshold: 1714588921 - tcpSocket: - host: "347" - port: -1438286448 - timeoutSeconds: -1462219068 - targetContainerName: "371" - terminationMessagePath: "363" - terminationMessagePolicy: Kƙ順\E¦队偯J僳徥淳4揻-$ɽ丟 - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "326" - name: "325" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "322" - mountPropagation: ŕ-Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊#v铿 - name: "321" - subPath: "323" - subPathExpr: "324" - workingDir: "305" - hostAliases: - - hostnames: - - "433" - ip: "432" - hostPID: true - hostname: "387" - imagePullSecrets: - - name: "386" - initContainers: - - args: - - "168" - command: - - "167" - env: - - name: "175" - value: "176" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "182" - name: "181" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "177" - fieldPath: "178" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "179" - divisor: "597" - resource: "180" - secretKeyRef: - key: "184" - name: "183" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "173" - optional: false - prefix: "172" - secretRef: - name: "174" - optional: false - image: "166" - imagePullPolicy: 儣廡ɑ龫`劳&¼傭 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "213" - httpGet: - host: "215" - httpHeaders: - - name: "216" - value: "217" - path: "214" - port: -1171060347 - scheme: 咻痗ȡmƴy綸_Ú8參遼ūPH炮掊° - tcpSocket: - host: "219" - port: "218" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "220" - httpGet: - host: "222" - httpHeaders: - - name: "223" - value: "224" - path: "221" - port: -1319998825 - scheme: 銦妰黖ȓƇ$缔獵偐ę腬瓷碑=ɉ - tcpSocket: - host: "225" - port: 1180382332 - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "191" - failureThreshold: 1231820696 - httpGet: - host: "194" - httpHeaders: - - name: "195" - value: "196" - path: "192" - port: "193" - scheme: 0åȂ町恰nj揠8lj - initialDelaySeconds: -1188153605 - periodSeconds: 912004803 - successThreshold: -2098817064 - tcpSocket: - host: "197" - port: -2049272966 - timeoutSeconds: -427769948 - name: "165" - ports: - - containerPort: 487826951 - hostIP: "171" - hostPort: 1632959949 - name: "170" - protocol: ldg滠鼍ƭt? - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "198" - failureThreshold: -1618937335 - httpGet: - host: "201" - httpHeaders: - - name: "202" - value: "203" - path: "199" - port: "200" - initialDelaySeconds: 994527057 - periodSeconds: -1346458591 - successThreshold: 1234551517 - tcpSocket: - host: "204" - port: 675406340 - timeoutSeconds: -1482763519 - resources: - limits: - ÙæNǚ錯ƶRq: "575" - requests: - To&蕭k ź: "644" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - 酃=6}ɡŇƉ立hdz緄Ú|dk_瀹鞎 - drop: - - n芞QÄȻȊ+?ƭ峧Y栲茇竛 - privileged: true - procMount: 軶ǃ*ʙ嫙&蒒5靇 - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -593458796014416333 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 4875570291212151521 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "230" - role: "228" - type: "229" - user: "227" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "232" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "231" - runAsUserName: "233" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "205" - failureThreshold: -814446577 - httpGet: - host: "208" - httpHeaders: - - name: "209" - value: "210" - path: "206" - port: "207" - scheme: eÞȦY籎顒 - initialDelaySeconds: -1252931244 - periodSeconds: 1061537 - successThreshold: 322666556 - tcpSocket: - host: "212" - port: "211" - timeoutSeconds: 1569992019 - stdin: true - stdinOnce: true - terminationMessagePath: "226" - terminationMessagePolicy: H韹寬娬ï瓼猀2:öY鶪5w垁 - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "190" - name: "189" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "186" - mountPropagation: 瑥A - name: "185" - readOnly: true - subPath: "187" - subPathExpr: "188" - workingDir: "169" - nodeName: "376" - nodeSelector: - "372": "373" - overhead: - 4'ď曕椐敛n湙: "310" - preemptionPolicy: '!ń1ċƹ|慼櫁色苆试揯遐' - priority: -1852730577 - priorityClassName: "434" - readinessGates: - - conditionType: ź魊塾ɖ$rolȋɶuɋ5r儉ɩ柀ɨ鴅 - restartPolicy: ɘɢ鬍熖B芭花ª瘡 - runtimeClassName: "439" - schedulerName: "429" - securityContext: - fsGroup: 7124276984274024394 - runAsGroup: -779972051078659613 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: 2179199799235189619 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "380" - role: "378" - type: "379" - user: "377" - supplementalGroups: - - -7127205672279904050 - sysctls: - - name: "384" - value: "385" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "382" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "381" - runAsUserName: "383" - serviceAccount: "375" - serviceAccountName: "374" - shareProcessNamespace: true - subdomain: "388" - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 2666412258966278206 - tolerations: - - effect: ŽɣB矗E¸乾 - key: "430" - operator: 堺ʣ - tolerationSeconds: -3532804738923434397 - value: "431" - topologySpreadConstraints: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 4-4D-r.-F__r.oh..2_uGGP..-_N_h_4Hl-X0_2-W - operator: In - values: - - 2-.s_6O-5_7_-0w_--5-_.3--_9QWJ - matchLabels: - p2djmscp--ac8u23-k----26u5--72n-5.j8-0020-1-5/t5W_._._-2M2._i: wvU - maxSkew: -150478704 - topologyKey: "440" - whenUnsatisfiable: ;鹡鑓侅闍ŏŃŋŏ}ŀ - volumes: - - awsElasticBlockStore: - fsType: "65" - partition: -1853411528 - volumeID: "64" - azureDisk: - cachingMode: A3fƻfʣ繡楙¯ - diskName: "128" - diskURI: "129" - fsType: "130" - kind: 勗E濞偘1ɩÅ議Ǹ轺@)蓳嗘TʡȂ - readOnly: true - azureFile: - secretName: "114" - shareName: "115" - cephfs: - monitors: - - "99" - path: "100" - readOnly: true - secretFile: "102" - secretRef: - name: "103" - user: "101" - cinder: - fsType: "97" - secretRef: - name: "98" - volumeID: "96" - configMap: - defaultMode: -347579237 - items: - - key: "117" - mode: 1793473487 - path: "118" - name: "116" - optional: false - csi: - driver: "160" - fsType: "161" - nodePublishSecretRef: - name: "164" - readOnly: false - volumeAttributes: - "162": "163" - downwardAPI: - defaultMode: -1775926229 - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "107" - fieldPath: "108" - mode: -1011172037 - path: "106" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "109" - divisor: "52" - resource: "110" - emptyDir: - medium: 捵TwMȗ礼2ħ籦ö嗏ʑ>季Cʖ畬 - sizeLimit: "347" - fc: - fsType: "112" - lun: -740816174 - targetWWNs: - - "111" - wwids: - - "113" - flexVolume: - driver: "91" - fsType: "92" - options: - "94": "95" - secretRef: - name: "93" - flocker: - datasetName: "104" - datasetUUID: "105" - gcePersistentDisk: - fsType: "63" - partition: 1399152294 - pdName: "62" - readOnly: true - gitRepo: - directory: "68" - repository: "66" - revision: "67" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "81" - path: "82" - readOnly: true - hostPath: - path: "61" - type: j剐'宣I拍N嚳ķȗ - iscsi: - fsType: "77" - initiatorName: "80" - iqn: "75" - iscsiInterface: "76" - lun: -1483417237 - portals: - - "78" - secretRef: - name: "79" - targetPortal: "74" - name: "60" - nfs: - path: "73" - server: "72" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "83" - readOnly: true - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "132" - pdID: "131" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "147" - volumeID: "146" - projected: - defaultMode: -1332301579 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "142" - mode: -1249460160 - path: "143" - name: "141" - optional: false - downwardAPI: - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "137" - fieldPath: "138" - mode: 1525389481 - path: "136" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "139" - divisor: "618" - resource: "140" - secret: - items: - - key: "134" - mode: 550215822 - path: "135" - name: "133" - optional: false - serviceAccountToken: - audience: "144" - expirationSeconds: -8988970531898753887 - path: "145" - quobyte: - group: "126" - readOnly: true - registry: "123" - tenant: "127" - user: "125" - volume: "124" - rbd: - fsType: "86" - image: "85" - keyring: "89" - monitors: - - "84" - pool: "87" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "90" - user: "88" - scaleIO: - fsType: "155" - gateway: "148" - protectionDomain: "151" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "150" - storageMode: "153" - storagePool: "152" - system: "149" - volumeName: "154" - secret: - defaultMode: -1852451720 - items: - - key: "70" - mode: 1395607230 - path: "71" - optional: true - secretName: "69" - storageos: - fsType: "158" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "159" - volumeName: "156" - volumeNamespace: "157" - vsphereVolume: - fsType: "120" - storagePolicyID: "122" - storagePolicyName: "121" - volumePath: "119" - ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 920774957 - schedule: "19" - startingDeadlineSeconds: -2555947251840004808 - successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 1613009760 - suspend: true -status: - active: - - apiVersion: "450" - fieldPath: "452" - kind: "447" - name: "449" - namespace: "448" - resourceVersion: "451" - uid: Ŋ)TiD¢ƿ媴h diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1beta1.JobTemplate.after_roundtrip.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1beta1.JobTemplate.after_roundtrip.pb deleted file mode 100644 index cf8be183a20d..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1beta1.JobTemplate.after_roundtrip.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1beta1.JobTemplate.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1beta1.JobTemplate.pb deleted file mode 100644 index cf8be183a20d..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1beta1.JobTemplate.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1beta1.JobTemplate.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1beta1.JobTemplate.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 5cc07467e432..000000000000 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1beta1.JobTemplate.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,976 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: batch/v1beta1 -kind: JobTemplate -metadata: - annotations: - "9": "10" - clusterName: "15" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 - finalizers: - - "14" - generateName: "3" - generation: 8071137005907523419 - labels: - "7": "8" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "17" - fieldsType: "18" - manager: "16" - operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] - name: "2" - namespace: "4" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "11" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "12" - name: "13" - uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp - resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" - selfLink: "5" - uid: "7" -template: - metadata: - annotations: - "26": "27" - 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creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -2901856114738744973 - finalizers: - - "54" - generateName: "43" - generation: 9213888658033954596 - labels: - "47": "48" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "57" - fieldsType: "58" - manager: "56" - operation: ö嗏ʑ>季Cʖ畬x骀Šĸů - name: "42" - namespace: "44" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "51" - blockOwnerDeletion: false - controller: false - kind: "52" - name: "53" - uid: I拍N嚳ķȗɊ捵TwMȗ礼 - resourceVersion: "5994087412557504692" - selfLink: "45" - uid: Ȗ脵鴈Ō - spec: - activeDeadlineSeconds: 4755717378804967849 - affinity: - nodeAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - preference: - matchExpressions: - - key: "389" - operator: W疪鑳w妕眵 - values: - - "390" - matchFields: - - key: "391" - operator: 躒訙Ǫʓ)ǂť嗆u8晲T[irȎ - values: - - "392" - weight: -1588068441 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - nodeSelectorTerms: - - matchExpressions: - - key: "385" - operator: 餑噭DµņP) - values: - - "386" - matchFields: - - key: "387" - operator: ƷƣMț - values: - - "388" - podAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: Ue_l2.._8s--Z - operator: In - values: - - A-._d._.Um.-__k.j._g-G-7--p9.-_0R.-_-3_L_2a - matchLabels: - 5m8-1x129-9d8-s7-t7--336-11k8/3bz._8M0U1_-__.71-_-9_._X-D---k..1Q7._l.._Q.6.I--2_9.v.--3: 8.3_t_-l..-.DG7r-3.----._4__Xn - namespaces: - - "407" - topologyKey: "408" - weight: 2102595797 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 39d4im.2---2etfh41ca-z-5g2wco280/C-rtSY.g._2F7.-_e..Or_-.3OHgt._U.-x_rC97 - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - W_0-8-.M-.-.-8v-J1zET_..3dCv3j._.-p: H_up.2L_s-o779._-k-5___-Qq..csh-3--Z1v - namespaces: - - "399" - topologyKey: "400" - podAntiAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 3hjo--8kb6--ut---p8--3-e-3-44-e.w--i--40wv--in-870w--it6k47-7yd-y--3wc8q8/wrbW_E..24-O._.v._9-cz.-Y6T4g_-.._Lf2t_m...Cr - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 0--0g-q-22r4wye52y-h7463lyps4483-o--3f1p7--43nw-l-x8/Hz_V_.r_v_._e_-78o_6Z..11_7pX_.-mLlx...w_t-_.5.40Rw4D: Y_2-n_5023Xl-3Pw_-r7g - namespaces: - - "423" - topologyKey: "424" - weight: 754095416 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: d4----q-x3w3dn5-1rhm-5y--z---69o-9-69mxv7.05-6-1xr-7---064eqk5--f4e4--r1k278l-d8/NN-S..O-BZ..6-1.S-BX - operator: NotIn - values: - - 1_xJ1-lFA_Xf3.V0H2-.zHw.H__7 - matchLabels: - D-0: P.-.C_--.5 - namespaces: - - "415" - topologyKey: "416" - automountServiceAccountToken: true - containers: - - args: - - "232" - command: - - "231" - env: - - name: "239" - value: "240" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "246" - name: "245" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "241" - fieldPath: "242" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "243" - divisor: "506" - resource: "244" - secretKeyRef: - key: "248" - name: "247" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "237" - optional: true - prefix: "236" - secretRef: - name: "238" - optional: false - image: "230" - imagePullPolicy: Ǜv+8Ƥ熪军g>郵[+扴ȨŮ+ - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "275" - httpGet: - host: "277" - httpHeaders: - - name: "278" - value: "279" - path: "276" - port: 630004123 - scheme: ɾģ毋Ó6dz娝嘚 - tcpSocket: - host: "280" - port: -1213051101 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "281" - httpGet: - host: "283" - httpHeaders: - - name: "284" - value: "285" - path: "282" - port: -1905643191 - scheme: Ǖɳɷ9Ì崟¿瘦ɖ緕 - tcpSocket: - host: "287" - port: "286" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "255" - failureThreshold: -1171167638 - httpGet: - host: "257" - httpHeaders: - - name: "258" - value: "259" - path: "256" - port: -1180080716 - scheme: Ȍ脾嚏吐ĠLƐȤ藠3.v-鿧悮 - initialDelaySeconds: 1524276356 - periodSeconds: -1561418761 - successThreshold: -1452676801 - tcpSocket: - host: "260" - port: -161485752 - timeoutSeconds: -521487971 - name: "229" - ports: - - containerPort: 1048864116 - hostIP: "235" - hostPort: 427196286 - name: "234" - protocol: /樝fw[Řż丩ŽoǠŻʘY賃ɪ鐊 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "261" - failureThreshold: 59664438 - httpGet: - host: "263" - httpHeaders: - - name: "264" - value: "265" - path: "262" - port: 2141389898 - scheme: 皚| - initialDelaySeconds: 766864314 - periodSeconds: 1495880465 - successThreshold: -1032967081 - tcpSocket: - host: "267" - port: "266" - timeoutSeconds: 1146016612 - resources: - limits: - ƻ悖ȩ0Ƹ[: "672" - requests: - "": "988" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - "" - drop: - - ljVX1虊谇j爻ƙt叀碧 - privileged: true - procMount: ʁ岼昕ĬÇ - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -6641599652770442851 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 77796669038602313 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "292" - role: "290" - type: "291" - user: "289" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "294" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "293" - runAsUserName: "295" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "268" - failureThreshold: 1995332035 - httpGet: - host: "270" - httpHeaders: - - name: "271" - value: "272" - path: "269" - port: 163512962 - scheme: 'Ź倗S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤/ɸɎ ' - initialDelaySeconds: 232569106 - periodSeconds: 744319626 - successThreshold: -2107743490 - tcpSocket: - host: "274" - port: "273" - timeoutSeconds: -1150474479 - stdinOnce: true - terminationMessagePath: "288" - terminationMessagePolicy: 勅跦Opwǩ曬逴褜1Ø - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "254" - name: "253" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "250" - mountPropagation: 髷裎$MVȟ@7飣奺Ȋ - name: "249" - subPath: "251" - subPathExpr: "252" - workingDir: "233" - dnsConfig: - nameservers: - - "431" - options: - - name: "433" - value: "434" - searches: - - "432" - dnsPolicy: ʐşƧ - enableServiceLinks: false - ephemeralContainers: - - args: - - "299" - command: - - "298" - env: - - name: "306" - value: "307" - valueFrom: - 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initialDelaySeconds: 1868887309 - periodSeconds: -316996074 - successThreshold: 1933968533 - tcpSocket: - host: "329" - port: "328" - timeoutSeconds: -528664199 - name: "296" - ports: - - containerPort: -1491697472 - hostIP: "302" - hostPort: 2087800617 - name: "301" - protocol: "6" - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "330" - failureThreshold: 1847163341 - httpGet: - host: "332" - httpHeaders: - - name: "333" - value: "334" - path: "331" - port: -374766088 - scheme: 翜舞拉Œ - initialDelaySeconds: -190183379 - periodSeconds: -341287812 - successThreshold: 2030115750 - tcpSocket: - host: "336" - port: "335" - timeoutSeconds: -940334911 - resources: - limits: - u|榝$î.Ȏ蝪ʜ5遰=E埄Ȁ: "114" - requests: - Ƭƶ氩Ȩ<6: "446" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - Ǻ鱎ƙ;Nŕ - drop: - - Jih亏yƕ丆録² - privileged: false - procMount: 砅邻爥蹔ŧOǨ繫ʎǑyZ涬P­ - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: 2179199799235189619 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -607313695104609402 - 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name: "382" - initContainers: - - args: - - "167" - command: - - "166" - env: - - name: "174" - value: "175" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "181" - name: "180" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "176" - fieldPath: "177" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "178" - divisor: "618" - resource: "179" - secretKeyRef: - key: "183" - name: "182" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "172" - optional: false - prefix: "171" - secretRef: - name: "173" - optional: true - image: "165" - imagePullPolicy: ŴĿ - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "208" - httpGet: - host: "210" - httpHeaders: - - name: "211" - value: "212" - path: "209" - port: 1381010768 - scheme: ö - tcpSocket: - host: "213" - port: 1135182169 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "214" - httpGet: - host: "216" - httpHeaders: - - name: "217" - value: "218" - path: "215" - port: 1054302708 - tcpSocket: - host: "220" - port: "219" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "190" - failureThreshold: -559252309 - httpGet: - host: "192" - httpHeaders: - - name: "193" - value: "194" - path: "191" - port: -575512248 - scheme: ɨ銦妰黖ȓƇ$缔獵偐ę腬瓷碑=ɉ - initialDelaySeconds: -1846991380 - periodSeconds: -1398498492 - successThreshold: -2035009296 - tcpSocket: - host: "195" - port: 1180382332 - timeoutSeconds: 325236550 - name: "164" - ports: - - containerPort: 38897467 - hostIP: "170" - hostPort: 580681683 - name: "169" - protocol: h0åȂ町恰nj揠 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "196" - failureThreshold: 1427781619 - httpGet: - host: "198" - httpHeaders: - - name: "199" - value: "200" - path: "197" - port: 1403721475 - scheme: ǰ溟ɴ扵閝ȝ鐵儣廡ɑ龫`劳 - initialDelaySeconds: -1327537699 - periodSeconds: -1941847253 - successThreshold: 1596028039 - tcpSocket: - host: "201" - port: -2064174383 - timeoutSeconds: 483512911 - resources: - limits: - 缶.蒅!a坩O`涁İ而踪鄌eÞȦY籎顒: "45" - requests: - T捘ɍi縱ù墴: "848" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - Áȉ彂Ŵ廷s{Ⱦdz@ùƸ - drop: - - ŀ樺ȃv渟7¤7djƯĖ漘Z剚敍0 - privileged: true - procMount: 邪匾mɩC[ó瓧嫭塓烀罁胾^拜Ȍ - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -8724223413734010757 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 6116261698850084527 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "225" - role: "223" - type: "224" - user: "222" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "227" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "226" - runAsUserName: "228" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "202" - failureThreshold: -2037320199 - httpGet: - host: "204" - httpHeaders: - - name: "205" - value: "206" - path: "203" - port: -337353552 - scheme: ɖȃ賲鐅臬dH巧壚tC十Oɢ - initialDelaySeconds: 1592489782 - periodSeconds: -102814733 - successThreshold: -152585895 - tcpSocket: - host: "207" - port: -586068135 - timeoutSeconds: 929367702 - terminationMessagePath: "221" - terminationMessagePolicy: 軶ǃ*ʙ嫙&蒒5靇 - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "189" - name: "188" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "185" - mountPropagation: 咻痗ȡmƴy綸_Ú8參遼ūPH炮掊° - name: "184" - readOnly: true - subPath: "186" - subPathExpr: "187" - workingDir: "168" - nodeName: "372" - nodeSelector: - "368": "369" - overhead: - tŧK剛Ʀ魨练脨,Ƃ3貊: "972" - preemptionPolicy: 鬙Ǒȃ绡>堵zŕƧ钖孝0蛮xAǫ - priority: -966330786 - priorityClassName: "430" - readinessGates: - - conditionType: 齔試ŭ - restartPolicy: 幩šeSvEȤƏ埮pɵ - runtimeClassName: "435" - schedulerName: "425" - securityContext: - fsGroup: -5265121980497361308 - runAsGroup: 2006200781539567705 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 1287380841622288898 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "376" - role: "374" - type: "375" - user: "373" - supplementalGroups: - - 6618112330449141397 - sysctls: - - name: "380" - value: "381" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "378" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "377" - runAsUserName: "379" - serviceAccount: "371" - serviceAccountName: "370" - shareProcessNamespace: true - subdomain: "384" - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -3123571459188372202 - tolerations: - - effect: ǣʛsĊ剞鮧軷șlļė[BN柌ë - key: "426" - operator: z* 皗u疲fɎ嵄箲Ů埞瞔ɏÊ锒e躜 - tolerationSeconds: -9161243904952859304 - value: "427" - topologySpreadConstraints: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: RT.0zo - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - rf-l67-9a-trt-03-7z2zy0e428-4-k2/kU27_.-4T-I.-..K.-.0__sD.-.-_I-FP: q-JM - maxSkew: 2088809792 - topologyKey: "436" - whenUnsatisfiable: 縊CkǚŨ镦 - volumes: - - awsElasticBlockStore: - fsType: "64" - partition: -104666658 - readOnly: true - volumeID: "63" - azureDisk: - cachingMode: ʜǝ鿟ldg滠鼍ƭt - diskName: "127" - diskURI: "128" - fsType: "129" - kind: ȫşŇɜa - readOnly: true - azureFile: - secretName: "113" - shareName: "114" - cephfs: - monitors: - - "98" - path: "99" - secretFile: "101" - secretRef: - name: "102" - user: "100" - cinder: - fsType: "96" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "97" - volumeID: "95" - configMap: - defaultMode: -599608368 - items: - - key: "116" - mode: -1194714697 - path: "117" - name: "115" - optional: true - csi: - driver: "159" - fsType: "160" - nodePublishSecretRef: - name: "163" - readOnly: true - volumeAttributes: - "161": "162" - downwardAPI: - defaultMode: 1801487647 - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "106" - fieldPath: "107" - mode: 1322858613 - path: "105" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "108" - divisor: "889" - resource: "109" - emptyDir: - medium: 踓Ǻǧ湬淊kŪ睴鸏:ɥ³ƞsɁ8^ʥ - sizeLimit: "681" - fc: - fsType: "111" - lun: 1169718433 - targetWWNs: - - "110" - wwids: - - "112" - flexVolume: - driver: "90" - fsType: "91" - options: - "93": "94" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "92" - flocker: - datasetName: "103" - datasetUUID: "104" - gcePersistentDisk: - fsType: "62" - partition: 2065358741 - pdName: "61" - readOnly: true - gitRepo: - directory: "67" - repository: "65" - revision: "66" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "80" - path: "81" - hostPath: - path: "60" - type: /淹\韲翁&ʢsɜ曢\%枅:=ǛƓ - iscsi: - chapAuthSession: true - fsType: "76" - initiatorName: "79" - iqn: "74" - iscsiInterface: "75" - lun: -663180249 - portals: - - "77" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "78" - targetPortal: "73" - name: "59" - nfs: - path: "72" - server: "71" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "82" - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "131" - pdID: "130" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "146" - readOnly: true - volumeID: "145" - projected: - defaultMode: -1980941277 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "141" - mode: 1730325900 - path: "142" - name: "140" - optional: true - downwardAPI: - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "136" - fieldPath: "137" - mode: -555780268 - path: "135" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "138" - divisor: "952" - resource: "139" - secret: - items: - - key: "133" - mode: 782113097 - path: "134" - name: "132" - optional: true - serviceAccountToken: - audience: "143" - expirationSeconds: -2937394236764575757 - path: "144" - quobyte: - group: "125" - readOnly: true - registry: "122" - tenant: "126" - user: "124" - volume: "123" - rbd: - fsType: "85" - image: "84" - keyring: "88" - monitors: - - "83" - pool: "86" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "89" - user: "87" - scaleIO: - fsType: "154" - gateway: "147" - protectionDomain: "150" - secretRef: - name: "149" - sslEnabled: true - storageMode: "152" - storagePool: "151" - system: "148" - volumeName: "153" - secret: - defaultMode: 1655406148 - items: - - key: "69" - mode: 1648350164 - path: "70" - optional: true - secretName: "68" - storageos: - fsType: "157" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "158" - volumeName: "155" - volumeNamespace: "156" - vsphereVolume: - fsType: "119" - storagePolicyID: "121" - storagePolicyName: "120" - volumePath: "118" - ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 246849509 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v2alpha1.CronJob.after_roundtrip.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v2alpha1.CronJob.after_roundtrip.pb deleted file mode 100644 index eee44c0ef900..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v2alpha1.CronJob.after_roundtrip.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v2alpha1.CronJob.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v2alpha1.CronJob.pb deleted file mode 100644 index eee44c0ef900..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v2alpha1.CronJob.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v2alpha1.CronJob.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v2alpha1.CronJob.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 5e27f0a59e71..000000000000 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v2alpha1.CronJob.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,989 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: batch/v2alpha1 -kind: CronJob -metadata: - annotations: - "9": "10" - clusterName: "15" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 - finalizers: - - "14" - generateName: "3" - generation: 8071137005907523419 - labels: - "7": "8" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "17" - fieldsType: "18" - manager: "16" - operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] - name: "2" - namespace: "4" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "11" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "12" - name: "13" - uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp - resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" - selfLink: "5" - uid: "7" -spec: - concurrencyPolicy: Hr鯹)晿5姣 - initialDelaySeconds: 1505082076 - periodSeconds: 1602745893 - successThreshold: 1599076900 - tcpSocket: - host: "271" - port: 1498833271 - timeoutSeconds: 1447898632 - resources: - limits: - ŤǢʭ嵔棂p儼Ƿ裚瓶: "806" - requests: - ɩC: "766" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - À*f<鴒翁杙Ŧ癃8 - drop: - - ɱJȉ罴 - privileged: false - procMount: 棊ʢ=wǕɳɷ9Ì崟¿瘦ɖ緕ȚÍ勅 - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -3689959065086680033 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: -2706913289057230267 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "297" - role: "295" - type: "296" - user: "294" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "299" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "298" - runAsUserName: "300" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "272" - failureThreshold: -822090785 - httpGet: - host: "275" - httpHeaders: - - name: "276" - value: "277" - path: "273" - port: "274" - scheme: ¸ - initialDelaySeconds: -161753937 - periodSeconds: 1428207963 - successThreshold: 790462391 - tcpSocket: - host: "279" - port: "278" - timeoutSeconds: -1578746609 - stdinOnce: true - terminationMessagePath: "293" - terminationMessagePolicy: \p[ - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "259" - name: "258" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "255" - mountPropagation: ȫ焗捏ĨFħ籘Àǒɿʒ刽 - name: "254" - subPath: "256" - subPathExpr: "257" - workingDir: "238" - dnsConfig: - nameservers: - - "435" - options: - - name: "437" - value: "438" - searches: - - "436" - dnsPolicy: 丆 - enableServiceLinks: false - ephemeralContainers: - - args: - - "304" - command: - - "303" - env: - - name: "311" - value: "312" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "318" - name: "317" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "313" - fieldPath: "314" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "315" - divisor: "709" - resource: "316" - secretKeyRef: - key: "320" - name: "319" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "309" - optional: true - prefix: "308" - secretRef: - name: "310" - optional: true - image: "302" - imagePullPolicy: 拉Œɥ颶妧Ö闊 鰔澝qV訆 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "348" - httpGet: - host: "351" - httpHeaders: - - name: "352" - value: "353" - path: "349" - port: "350" - scheme: 跩aŕ翑 - tcpSocket: - host: "355" - port: "354" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "356" - httpGet: - host: "358" - httpHeaders: - - name: "359" - value: "360" - path: "357" - port: 1017803158 - scheme: 碔 - tcpSocket: - host: "362" - port: "361" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "327" - failureThreshold: 1742259603 - httpGet: - host: "330" - httpHeaders: - - name: "331" - value: "332" - path: "328" - port: "329" - scheme: 屡ʁ - initialDelaySeconds: 1718241831 - periodSeconds: 1180971695 - successThreshold: -1971944908 - tcpSocket: - host: "333" - port: -1554559634 - timeoutSeconds: 550615941 - name: "301" - ports: - - containerPort: 1330271338 - hostIP: "307" - hostPort: 1853396726 - name: "306" - protocol: 逴 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "334" - failureThreshold: 1150925735 - httpGet: - host: "336" - httpHeaders: - - name: "337" - value: "338" - path: "335" - port: -1620315711 - scheme: ɐ扵 - initialDelaySeconds: -1358663652 - periodSeconds: -527306221 - successThreshold: 2098694289 - tcpSocket: - host: "340" - port: "339" - timeoutSeconds: 1543146222 - resources: - limits: - 颐o: "230" - requests: - '[+扴ȨŮ+朷Ǝ膯ljV': "728" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - ŧL²sNƗ¸gĩ餠籲磣Óƿ - drop: - - '"冓鍓贯澔 ƺ蛜6' - privileged: false - procMount: 鰥Z龏´DÒȗ - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: 6057650398488995896 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 4353696140684277635 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "367" - role: "365" - type: "366" - user: "364" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "369" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "368" - runAsUserName: "370" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "341" - failureThreshold: -1246371817 - httpGet: - host: "344" - httpHeaders: - - name: "345" - value: "346" - path: "342" - port: "343" - scheme: 榝$î.Ȏ蝪ʜ5遰 - initialDelaySeconds: 834105836 - periodSeconds: -370386363 - successThreshold: 1714588921 - tcpSocket: - host: "347" - port: -1438286448 - timeoutSeconds: -1462219068 - targetContainerName: "371" - terminationMessagePath: "363" - terminationMessagePolicy: Kƙ順\E¦队偯J僳徥淳4揻-$ɽ丟 - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "326" - name: "325" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "322" - mountPropagation: ŕ-Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊#v铿 - name: "321" - subPath: "323" - subPathExpr: "324" - workingDir: "305" - hostAliases: - - hostnames: - - "433" - ip: "432" - hostPID: true - hostname: "387" - imagePullSecrets: - - name: "386" - initContainers: - - args: - - "168" - command: - - "167" - env: - - name: "175" - value: "176" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "182" - name: "181" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "177" - fieldPath: "178" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "179" - divisor: "597" - resource: "180" - secretKeyRef: - key: "184" - name: "183" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "173" - optional: false - prefix: "172" - secretRef: - name: "174" - optional: false - image: "166" - imagePullPolicy: 儣廡ɑ龫`劳&¼傭 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "213" - httpGet: - host: "215" - httpHeaders: - - name: "216" - value: "217" - path: "214" - port: -1171060347 - scheme: 咻痗ȡmƴy綸_Ú8參遼ūPH炮掊° - tcpSocket: - host: "219" - port: "218" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "220" - httpGet: - host: "222" - httpHeaders: - - name: "223" - value: "224" - path: "221" - port: -1319998825 - scheme: 銦妰黖ȓƇ$缔獵偐ę腬瓷碑=ɉ - tcpSocket: - host: "225" - port: 1180382332 - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "191" - failureThreshold: 1231820696 - httpGet: - host: "194" - httpHeaders: - - name: "195" - value: "196" - path: "192" - port: "193" - scheme: 0åȂ町恰nj揠8lj - initialDelaySeconds: -1188153605 - periodSeconds: 912004803 - successThreshold: -2098817064 - tcpSocket: - host: "197" - port: -2049272966 - timeoutSeconds: -427769948 - name: "165" - ports: - - containerPort: 487826951 - hostIP: "171" - hostPort: 1632959949 - name: "170" - protocol: ldg滠鼍ƭt? - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "198" - failureThreshold: -1618937335 - httpGet: - host: "201" - httpHeaders: - - name: "202" - value: "203" - path: "199" - port: "200" - initialDelaySeconds: 994527057 - periodSeconds: -1346458591 - successThreshold: 1234551517 - tcpSocket: - host: "204" - port: 675406340 - timeoutSeconds: -1482763519 - resources: - limits: - ÙæNǚ錯ƶRq: "575" - requests: - To&蕭k ź: "644" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - 酃=6}ɡŇƉ立hdz緄Ú|dk_瀹鞎 - drop: - - n芞QÄȻȊ+?ƭ峧Y栲茇竛 - privileged: true - procMount: 軶ǃ*ʙ嫙&蒒5靇 - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -593458796014416333 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 4875570291212151521 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "230" - role: "228" - type: "229" - user: "227" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "232" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "231" - runAsUserName: "233" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "205" - failureThreshold: -814446577 - httpGet: - host: "208" - httpHeaders: - - name: "209" - value: "210" - path: "206" - port: "207" - scheme: eÞȦY籎顒 - initialDelaySeconds: -1252931244 - periodSeconds: 1061537 - successThreshold: 322666556 - tcpSocket: - host: "212" - port: "211" - timeoutSeconds: 1569992019 - stdin: true - stdinOnce: true - terminationMessagePath: "226" - terminationMessagePolicy: H韹寬娬ï瓼猀2:öY鶪5w垁 - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "190" - name: "189" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "186" - mountPropagation: 瑥A - name: "185" - readOnly: true - subPath: "187" - subPathExpr: "188" - workingDir: "169" - nodeName: "376" - nodeSelector: - "372": "373" - overhead: - 4'ď曕椐敛n湙: "310" - preemptionPolicy: '!ń1ċƹ|慼櫁色苆试揯遐' - priority: -1852730577 - priorityClassName: "434" - readinessGates: - - conditionType: ź魊塾ɖ$rolȋɶuɋ5r儉ɩ柀ɨ鴅 - restartPolicy: ɘɢ鬍熖B芭花ª瘡 - runtimeClassName: "439" - schedulerName: "429" - securityContext: - fsGroup: 7124276984274024394 - runAsGroup: -779972051078659613 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: 2179199799235189619 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "380" - role: "378" - type: "379" - user: "377" - supplementalGroups: - - -7127205672279904050 - sysctls: - - name: "384" - value: "385" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "382" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "381" - runAsUserName: "383" - serviceAccount: "375" - serviceAccountName: "374" - shareProcessNamespace: true - subdomain: "388" - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 2666412258966278206 - tolerations: - - effect: ŽɣB矗E¸乾 - key: "430" - operator: 堺ʣ - tolerationSeconds: -3532804738923434397 - value: "431" - topologySpreadConstraints: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 4-4D-r.-F__r.oh..2_uGGP..-_N_h_4Hl-X0_2-W - operator: In - values: - - 2-.s_6O-5_7_-0w_--5-_.3--_9QWJ - matchLabels: - p2djmscp--ac8u23-k----26u5--72n-5.j8-0020-1-5/t5W_._._-2M2._i: wvU - maxSkew: -150478704 - topologyKey: "440" - whenUnsatisfiable: ;鹡鑓侅闍ŏŃŋŏ}ŀ - volumes: - - awsElasticBlockStore: - fsType: "65" - partition: -1853411528 - volumeID: "64" - azureDisk: - cachingMode: A3fƻfʣ繡楙¯ - diskName: "128" - diskURI: "129" - fsType: "130" - kind: 勗E濞偘1ɩÅ議Ǹ轺@)蓳嗘TʡȂ - readOnly: true - azureFile: - secretName: "114" - shareName: "115" - cephfs: - monitors: - - "99" - path: "100" - readOnly: true - secretFile: "102" - secretRef: - name: "103" - user: "101" - cinder: - fsType: "97" - secretRef: - name: "98" - volumeID: "96" - configMap: - defaultMode: -347579237 - items: - - key: "117" - mode: 1793473487 - path: "118" - name: "116" - optional: false - csi: - driver: "160" - fsType: "161" - nodePublishSecretRef: - name: "164" - readOnly: false - volumeAttributes: - "162": "163" - downwardAPI: - defaultMode: -1775926229 - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "107" - fieldPath: "108" - mode: -1011172037 - path: "106" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "109" - divisor: "52" - resource: "110" - emptyDir: - medium: 捵TwMȗ礼2ħ籦ö嗏ʑ>季Cʖ畬 - sizeLimit: "347" - fc: - fsType: "112" - lun: -740816174 - targetWWNs: - - "111" - wwids: - - "113" - flexVolume: - driver: "91" - fsType: "92" - options: - "94": "95" - secretRef: - name: "93" - flocker: - datasetName: "104" - datasetUUID: "105" - gcePersistentDisk: - fsType: "63" - partition: 1399152294 - pdName: "62" - readOnly: true - gitRepo: - directory: "68" - repository: "66" - revision: "67" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "81" - path: "82" - readOnly: true - hostPath: - path: "61" - type: j剐'宣I拍N嚳ķȗ - iscsi: - fsType: "77" - initiatorName: "80" - iqn: "75" - iscsiInterface: "76" - lun: -1483417237 - portals: - - "78" - secretRef: - name: "79" - targetPortal: "74" - name: "60" - nfs: - path: "73" - server: "72" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "83" - readOnly: true - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "132" - pdID: "131" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "147" - volumeID: "146" - projected: - defaultMode: -1332301579 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "142" - mode: -1249460160 - path: "143" - name: "141" - optional: false - downwardAPI: - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "137" - fieldPath: "138" - mode: 1525389481 - path: "136" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "139" - divisor: "618" - resource: "140" - secret: - items: - - key: "134" - mode: 550215822 - path: "135" - name: "133" - optional: false - serviceAccountToken: - audience: "144" - expirationSeconds: -8988970531898753887 - path: "145" - quobyte: - group: "126" - readOnly: true - registry: "123" - tenant: "127" - user: "125" - volume: "124" - rbd: - fsType: "86" - image: "85" - keyring: "89" - monitors: - - "84" - pool: "87" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "90" - user: "88" - scaleIO: - fsType: "155" - gateway: "148" - protectionDomain: "151" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "150" - storageMode: "153" - storagePool: "152" - system: "149" - volumeName: "154" - secret: - defaultMode: -1852451720 - items: - - key: "70" - mode: 1395607230 - path: "71" - optional: true - secretName: "69" - storageos: - fsType: "158" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "159" - volumeName: "156" - volumeNamespace: "157" - vsphereVolume: - fsType: "120" - storagePolicyID: "122" - storagePolicyName: "121" - volumePath: "119" - ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 920774957 - schedule: "19" - startingDeadlineSeconds: -2555947251840004808 - successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 1613009760 - suspend: true -status: - active: - - apiVersion: "450" - fieldPath: "452" - kind: "447" - name: "449" - namespace: "448" - resourceVersion: "451" - uid: Ŋ)TiD¢ƿ媴h diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v2alpha1.JobTemplate.after_roundtrip.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v2alpha1.JobTemplate.after_roundtrip.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 5c5ab36d50fd..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v2alpha1.JobTemplate.after_roundtrip.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v2alpha1.JobTemplate.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v2alpha1.JobTemplate.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 5c5ab36d50fd..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v2alpha1.JobTemplate.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v2alpha1.JobTemplate.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v2alpha1.JobTemplate.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index f46ab6750e62..000000000000 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v2alpha1.JobTemplate.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,976 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: batch/v2alpha1 -kind: JobTemplate -metadata: - annotations: - "9": "10" - clusterName: "15" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 - finalizers: - - "14" - generateName: "3" - generation: 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backoffLimit: -1796008812 - completions: -1771909905 - manualSelector: false - parallelism: -443114323 - selector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 2.-__E_Sv__26KX_R_.-.Nth._--S_4DA_-5_-4lQ42M--n1-5 - operator: In - values: - - Ou1.m_.5AW-_S-.3g.7_2fNc5-_.-RX8 - matchLabels: - g5i9/l-Y._.-444: c2_kS91.e5K-_e63_-_3-n-_-__3u-.__P__.7U-Uo_4_-D7r__.am64 - template: - metadata: - annotations: - "49": "50" - clusterName: "55" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -2901856114738744973 - finalizers: - - "54" - generateName: "43" - generation: 9213888658033954596 - labels: - "47": "48" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "57" - fieldsType: "58" - manager: "56" - operation: ö嗏ʑ>季Cʖ畬x骀Šĸů - name: "42" - namespace: "44" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "51" - blockOwnerDeletion: false - controller: false - kind: "52" - name: "53" - uid: I拍N嚳ķȗɊ捵TwMȗ礼 - resourceVersion: "5994087412557504692" - selfLink: "45" - uid: Ȗ脵鴈Ō - spec: - activeDeadlineSeconds: 4755717378804967849 - affinity: - 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39d4im.2---2etfh41ca-z-5g2wco280/C-rtSY.g._2F7.-_e..Or_-.3OHgt._U.-x_rC97 - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - W_0-8-.M-.-.-8v-J1zET_..3dCv3j._.-p: H_up.2L_s-o779._-k-5___-Qq..csh-3--Z1v - namespaces: - - "399" - topologyKey: "400" - podAntiAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 3hjo--8kb6--ut---p8--3-e-3-44-e.w--i--40wv--in-870w--it6k47-7yd-y--3wc8q8/wrbW_E..24-O._.v._9-cz.-Y6T4g_-.._Lf2t_m...Cr - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 0--0g-q-22r4wye52y-h7463lyps4483-o--3f1p7--43nw-l-x8/Hz_V_.r_v_._e_-78o_6Z..11_7pX_.-mLlx...w_t-_.5.40Rw4D: Y_2-n_5023Xl-3Pw_-r7g - namespaces: - - "423" - topologyKey: "424" - weight: 754095416 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: d4----q-x3w3dn5-1rhm-5y--z---69o-9-69mxv7.05-6-1xr-7---064eqk5--f4e4--r1k278l-d8/NN-S..O-BZ..6-1.S-BX - operator: NotIn - values: - - 1_xJ1-lFA_Xf3.V0H2-.zHw.H__7 - matchLabels: - D-0: P.-.C_--.5 - namespaces: - - "415" - topologyKey: "416" - automountServiceAccountToken: true - containers: - - args: - - "232" - command: - - "231" - env: - - name: "239" - value: "240" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "246" - name: "245" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "241" - fieldPath: "242" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "243" - divisor: "506" - resource: "244" - secretKeyRef: - key: "248" - name: "247" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "237" - optional: true - prefix: "236" - secretRef: - name: "238" - optional: false - image: "230" - imagePullPolicy: Ǜv+8Ƥ熪军g>郵[+扴ȨŮ+ - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "275" - httpGet: - host: "277" - httpHeaders: - - name: "278" - value: "279" - path: "276" - port: 630004123 - scheme: ɾģ毋Ó6dz娝嘚 - tcpSocket: - host: "280" - port: -1213051101 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "281" - httpGet: - host: "283" - httpHeaders: - - name: "284" - value: "285" - path: "282" - port: -1905643191 - scheme: Ǖɳɷ9Ì崟¿瘦ɖ緕 - tcpSocket: - host: "287" - port: "286" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "255" - failureThreshold: -1171167638 - httpGet: - host: "257" - httpHeaders: - - name: "258" - value: "259" - path: "256" - port: -1180080716 - scheme: Ȍ脾嚏吐ĠLƐȤ藠3.v-鿧悮 - initialDelaySeconds: 1524276356 - periodSeconds: -1561418761 - successThreshold: -1452676801 - tcpSocket: - host: "260" - port: -161485752 - timeoutSeconds: -521487971 - name: "229" - ports: - - containerPort: 1048864116 - hostIP: "235" - hostPort: 427196286 - name: "234" - protocol: /樝fw[Řż丩ŽoǠŻʘY賃ɪ鐊 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "261" - failureThreshold: 59664438 - httpGet: - host: "263" - httpHeaders: - - name: "264" - value: "265" - path: "262" - port: 2141389898 - scheme: 皚| - initialDelaySeconds: 766864314 - periodSeconds: 1495880465 - successThreshold: -1032967081 - tcpSocket: - host: "267" - port: "266" - timeoutSeconds: 1146016612 - resources: - limits: - ƻ悖ȩ0Ƹ[: "672" - requests: - "": "988" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - "" - drop: - - ljVX1虊谇j爻ƙt叀碧 - privileged: true - procMount: ʁ岼昕ĬÇ - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -6641599652770442851 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 77796669038602313 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "292" - role: "290" - type: "291" - user: "289" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "294" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "293" - runAsUserName: "295" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "268" - failureThreshold: 1995332035 - httpGet: - host: "270" - httpHeaders: - - name: "271" - value: "272" - path: "269" - port: 163512962 - scheme: 'Ź倗S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤/ɸɎ ' - initialDelaySeconds: 232569106 - periodSeconds: 744319626 - successThreshold: -2107743490 - tcpSocket: - host: "274" - port: "273" - timeoutSeconds: -1150474479 - stdinOnce: true - terminationMessagePath: "288" - terminationMessagePolicy: 勅跦Opwǩ曬逴褜1Ø - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "254" - name: "253" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "250" - 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-940334911 - resources: - limits: - u|榝$î.Ȏ蝪ʜ5遰=E埄Ȁ: "114" - requests: - Ƭƶ氩Ȩ<6: "446" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - Ǻ鱎ƙ;Nŕ - drop: - - Jih亏yƕ丆録² - privileged: false - procMount: 砅邻爥蹔ŧOǨ繫ʎǑyZ涬P­ - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: 2179199799235189619 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -607313695104609402 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "363" - role: "361" - type: "362" - user: "360" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "365" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "364" - runAsUserName: "366" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "337" - failureThreshold: 1103049140 - httpGet: - host: "339" - httpHeaders: - - name: "340" - value: "341" - path: "338" - port: 567263590 - scheme: KŅ/ - initialDelaySeconds: -1894250541 - periodSeconds: 1315054653 - successThreshold: 711020087 - tcpSocket: - host: "343" - port: "342" - timeoutSeconds: 1962818731 - stdin: true - stdinOnce: true - targetContainerName: "367" - terminationMessagePath: "359" - terminationMessagePolicy: ƺ蛜6Ɖ飴ɎiǨź - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "321" - name: "320" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "317" - mountPropagation: 翑0展}硐庰%皧V垾 - name: "316" - readOnly: true - subPath: "318" - subPathExpr: "319" - workingDir: "300" - hostAliases: - - hostnames: - - "429" - ip: "428" - hostNetwork: true - hostPID: true - hostname: "383" - imagePullSecrets: - - name: "382" - initContainers: - - args: - - "167" - command: - - "166" - env: - - name: "174" - value: "175" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "181" - name: "180" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "176" - fieldPath: "177" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "178" - divisor: "618" - resource: "179" - secretKeyRef: - key: "183" - name: "182" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "172" - optional: false - prefix: "171" - secretRef: - name: "173" - optional: true - image: "165" - imagePullPolicy: ŴĿ - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "208" - httpGet: - host: "210" - httpHeaders: - - name: "211" - value: "212" - path: "209" - port: 1381010768 - scheme: ö - tcpSocket: - host: "213" - port: 1135182169 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "214" - httpGet: - host: "216" - httpHeaders: - - name: "217" - value: "218" - path: "215" - port: 1054302708 - tcpSocket: - host: "220" - port: "219" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "190" - failureThreshold: -559252309 - httpGet: - host: "192" - httpHeaders: - - name: "193" - value: "194" - path: "191" - port: -575512248 - scheme: ɨ銦妰黖ȓƇ$缔獵偐ę腬瓷碑=ɉ - initialDelaySeconds: -1846991380 - periodSeconds: -1398498492 - successThreshold: -2035009296 - tcpSocket: - host: "195" - port: 1180382332 - timeoutSeconds: 325236550 - name: "164" - ports: - - containerPort: 38897467 - hostIP: "170" - hostPort: 580681683 - name: "169" - protocol: h0åȂ町恰nj揠 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "196" - failureThreshold: 1427781619 - httpGet: - host: "198" - httpHeaders: - - name: "199" - value: "200" - path: "197" - port: 1403721475 - scheme: ǰ溟ɴ扵閝ȝ鐵儣廡ɑ龫`劳 - initialDelaySeconds: -1327537699 - periodSeconds: -1941847253 - successThreshold: 1596028039 - tcpSocket: - host: "201" - port: -2064174383 - timeoutSeconds: 483512911 - resources: - limits: - 缶.蒅!a坩O`涁İ而踪鄌eÞȦY籎顒: "45" - requests: - T捘ɍi縱ù墴: "848" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - Áȉ彂Ŵ廷s{Ⱦdz@ùƸ - drop: - - ŀ樺ȃv渟7¤7djƯĖ漘Z剚敍0 - privileged: true - procMount: 邪匾mɩC[ó瓧嫭塓烀罁胾^拜Ȍ - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -8724223413734010757 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 6116261698850084527 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "225" - role: "223" - type: "224" - user: "222" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "227" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "226" - runAsUserName: "228" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "202" - failureThreshold: -2037320199 - httpGet: - host: "204" - httpHeaders: - - name: "205" - value: "206" - path: "203" - port: -337353552 - scheme: ɖȃ賲鐅臬dH巧壚tC十Oɢ - initialDelaySeconds: 1592489782 - periodSeconds: -102814733 - successThreshold: -152585895 - tcpSocket: - host: "207" - port: -586068135 - timeoutSeconds: 929367702 - terminationMessagePath: "221" - terminationMessagePolicy: 軶ǃ*ʙ嫙&蒒5靇 - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "189" - name: "188" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "185" - mountPropagation: 咻痗ȡmƴy綸_Ú8參遼ūPH炮掊° - name: "184" - readOnly: true - subPath: "186" - subPathExpr: "187" - workingDir: "168" - nodeName: "372" - nodeSelector: - "368": "369" - overhead: - tŧK剛Ʀ魨练脨,Ƃ3貊: "972" - preemptionPolicy: 鬙Ǒȃ绡>堵zŕƧ钖孝0蛮xAǫ - priority: -966330786 - priorityClassName: "430" - readinessGates: - - conditionType: 齔試ŭ - restartPolicy: 幩šeSvEȤƏ埮pɵ - runtimeClassName: "435" - schedulerName: "425" - securityContext: - fsGroup: -5265121980497361308 - runAsGroup: 2006200781539567705 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 1287380841622288898 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "376" - role: "374" - type: "375" - user: "373" - supplementalGroups: - - 6618112330449141397 - sysctls: - - name: "380" - 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pdName: "61" - readOnly: true - gitRepo: - directory: "67" - repository: "65" - revision: "66" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "80" - path: "81" - hostPath: - path: "60" - type: /淹\韲翁&ʢsɜ曢\%枅:=ǛƓ - iscsi: - chapAuthSession: true - fsType: "76" - initiatorName: "79" - iqn: "74" - iscsiInterface: "75" - lun: -663180249 - portals: - - "77" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "78" - targetPortal: "73" - name: "59" - nfs: - path: "72" - server: "71" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "82" - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "131" - pdID: "130" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "146" - readOnly: true - volumeID: "145" - projected: - defaultMode: -1980941277 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "141" - mode: 1730325900 - path: "142" - name: "140" - optional: true - downwardAPI: - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "136" - fieldPath: "137" - mode: -555780268 - path: "135" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "138" - divisor: "952" - resource: "139" - secret: - items: - - key: "133" - mode: 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value: "321" - path: "317" - port: "318" - scheme: Ƹ[Ęİ榌U髷裎$MVȟ@7 - tcpSocket: - host: "323" - port: "322" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "288" - failureThreshold: -1131820775 - httpGet: - host: "291" - httpHeaders: - - name: "292" - value: "293" - path: "289" - port: "290" - scheme: Źʣy豎@ɀ羭,铻O - initialDelaySeconds: 1424053148 - periodSeconds: 859639931 - successThreshold: -1663149700 - tcpSocket: - host: "295" - port: "294" - timeoutSeconds: 747521320 - name: "262" - ports: - - containerPort: -1569009987 - hostIP: "268" - hostPort: -1703360754 - name: "267" - protocol: ɢǵʭd鲡:贅wE@Ȗs«öʮĀ< - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "296" - failureThreshold: -233378149 - httpGet: - host: "298" - httpHeaders: - - name: "299" - value: "300" - path: "297" - port: -1710454086 - scheme: mɩC[ó瓧 - initialDelaySeconds: 915577348 - periodSeconds: -1386967282 - successThreshold: -2030286732 - tcpSocket: - host: "301" - port: -122979840 - timeoutSeconds: -590798124 - resources: - limits: - 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devicePath: "287" - name: "286" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "283" - mountPropagation: '@ùƸʋŀ樺ȃv' - name: "282" - subPath: "284" - subPathExpr: "285" - workingDir: "266" - hostAliases: - - hostnames: - - "394" - ip: "393" - hostIPC: true - hostNetwork: true - hostPID: true - hostname: "348" - imagePullSecrets: - - name: "347" - initContainers: - - args: - - "127" - command: - - "126" - env: - - name: "134" - value: "135" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "141" - name: "140" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "136" - fieldPath: "137" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "138" - divisor: "637" - resource: "139" - secretKeyRef: - key: "143" - name: "142" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "132" - optional: false - prefix: "131" - secretRef: - name: "133" - optional: true - image: "125" - imagePullPolicy: TwMȗ礼2ħ籦ö嗏ʑ>季 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "171" - httpGet: - host: "174" - httpHeaders: - - name: "175" - value: "176" - path: "172" - port: "173" - scheme: 荎僋bŭDz鯰硰{舁吉蓨 - tcpSocket: - host: "177" - port: -662805900 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "178" - httpGet: - host: "180" - httpHeaders: - - name: "181" - value: "182" - path: "179" - port: 249891070 - scheme: ɹ7\弌Þ帺萸Do©Ǿt'容柚ʕIã陫 - tcpSocket: - host: "183" - port: 266070687 - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "150" - failureThreshold: 990374141 - httpGet: - host: "152" - httpHeaders: - - name: "153" - value: "154" - path: "151" - port: -1123620985 - scheme: l恕ɍȇ廄裭4懙鏮嵒 - initialDelaySeconds: -1177836822 - periodSeconds: 1149075888 - successThreshold: 1156607667 - tcpSocket: - host: "156" - port: "155" - timeoutSeconds: 1822289444 - name: "124" - ports: - - containerPort: -2040518604 - hostIP: "130" - hostPort: -2139825026 - name: "129" - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "157" - failureThreshold: -1904823509 - httpGet: - host: "160" - httpHeaders: - - name: "161" - value: "162" - path: "158" - port: "159" - scheme: Ü郀 - initialDelaySeconds: -144625578 - periodSeconds: 694611906 - successThreshold: -1888506207 - tcpSocket: - host: "163" - port: 1184528004 - timeoutSeconds: -101708658 - resources: - limits: - ŨȈ>Ņ£趕ã/鈱$-议: "963" - requests: - 鄸靇杧ž譋娲瘹ɭȊɚɎ(dɅ囥糷磩窮秳: "781" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - 畬x骀Šĸů湙騘& - drop: - - 川J缮ǚbJ5ʬ - privileged: true - procMount: '`诫z徃鷢6ȥ啕禗Ǐ2啗塧ȱ蓿彭聡A' - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -7029550403667587439 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: 570299180913049309 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "188" - role: "186" - type: "187" - user: "185" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "190" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "189" - runAsUserName: "191" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "164" - failureThreshold: 1247862962 - httpGet: - host: "166" - httpHeaders: - - name: "167" - value: "168" - path: "165" - port: 1693510057 - scheme: =y钡 - initialDelaySeconds: -529495213 - periodSeconds: 1727149457 - successThreshold: 1407547486 - tcpSocket: - host: "170" - port: "169" - timeoutSeconds: 23025317 - stdinOnce: true - terminationMessagePath: "184" - terminationMessagePolicy: '")珷<º' - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "149" - name: "148" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "145" - mountPropagation: QZ{ʁgɸ=ǤÆ - name: "144" - readOnly: true - subPath: "146" - subPathExpr: "147" - workingDir: "128" - nodeName: "337" - nodeSelector: - "333": "334" - overhead: - ɮ6): "299" - preemptionPolicy: 怨彬ɈNƋl塠傫ü - priority: -1286809305 - priorityClassName: "395" - readinessGates: - - conditionType: ųŎ群E牬庘颮6(|ǖû - restartPolicy: 倗S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤/ɸɎ R§耶 - runtimeClassName: "400" - schedulerName: "390" - securityContext: - fsGroup: 6347577485454457915 - runAsGroup: -860974700141841896 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 7525448836100188460 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "341" - role: "339" - type: "340" - user: "338" - supplementalGroups: - - 7258403424756645907 - sysctls: - - name: "345" - value: "346" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "343" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "342" - runAsUserName: "344" - serviceAccount: "336" - serviceAccountName: "335" - shareProcessNamespace: false - subdomain: "349" - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -1689173322096612726 - tolerations: - - effect: ŪǗȦɆ悼j蛑q - key: "391" - operator: 栣险¹贮獘薟8Mĕ霉 - tolerationSeconds: 4375148957048018073 - value: "392" - topologySpreadConstraints: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: nw0-3i--a7-2--o--u0038mp9c10-k-r---3g7nz4-------385h---0-u73pj.brgvf3q-z-5z80n--t5--9-4-d2-22--i--40wv--in-870w--itk/5.m_2_--XZ-x.__.Y_2-n_5023Xl-3Pw_-r75--_A - operator: In - values: - - 7M7y-Dy__3wc.q.8_00.0_._.-_L-__bf_9_-C-Pfx - matchLabels: - o--5r-v-5-e-m78o-6-s.4-7--i1-8miw-7a-2408m-0--5--2-5----00/l_.23--_l: b-L7.-__-G_2kCpS__.3g - maxSkew: -554557703 - topologyKey: "401" - whenUnsatisfiable: ¹t骳ɰɰUʜʔŜ0¢ - volumes: - - awsElasticBlockStore: - fsType: "24" - partition: 1001983654 - volumeID: "23" - azureDisk: - cachingMode: ƕP喂ƈ - diskName: "87" - diskURI: "88" - fsType: "89" - kind: "" - readOnly: false - azureFile: - secretName: "73" - shareName: "74" - cephfs: - monitors: - - "58" - path: "59" - secretFile: "61" - secretRef: - name: "62" - user: "60" - cinder: - fsType: "56" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "57" - volumeID: "55" - configMap: - defaultMode: 172857432 - items: - - key: "76" - mode: 1392988974 - path: "77" - name: "75" - optional: true - csi: - driver: "119" - fsType: "120" - nodePublishSecretRef: - name: "123" - readOnly: true - volumeAttributes: - "121": "122" - downwardAPI: - defaultMode: 1246233319 - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "66" - fieldPath: "67" - mode: -1639873916 - path: "65" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "68" - divisor: "387" - resource: "69" - emptyDir: - medium: Ƣ6/ʕVŚ(ĿȊ甞 - sizeLimit: "776" - fc: - fsType: "71" - lun: -1876826602 - targetWWNs: - - "70" - wwids: - - "72" - flexVolume: - driver: "50" - fsType: "51" - options: - "53": "54" - secretRef: - name: "52" - flocker: - datasetName: "63" - datasetUUID: "64" - gcePersistentDisk: - fsType: "22" - partition: -123438221 - pdName: "21" - readOnly: true - gitRepo: - directory: "27" - repository: "25" - revision: "26" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "40" - path: "41" - hostPath: - path: "20" - type: Hr鯹)晿' - values: - - "364" - matchFields: - - key: "365" - operator: 偢ɇ卷荙JLĹ]佱¿>犵殇ŕ-Ɂ圯W - values: - - "366" - podAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 9d4i-m7---k8235--8--c83-4b-9-1o8w-4/4csh-3--Z1Tvw39F_C-rtSY.g._2F7.-_e..Or_-.3OHgt._U.-x_rC9.D - operator: NotIn - values: - - G31-_I-A-_3bz._8M0U1_-__.71-_-9_.X - matchLabels: - x_-a__0-8-.M-.-.-8v-J1zET_..3dCv3j._.-_pP__up2: Ns-o779._-k5 - namespaces: - - "385" - topologyKey: "386" - weight: -819013491 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 8x.2K_2qu_0S-CqW.D_8--21kF-c026.-iTl.1-.T - operator: NotIn - values: - - H.I3.__-.u - matchLabels: - zo--4-1-2s39--6---fv--m-8--72-bca4m56au3f---tx-8----2d-4u-d7sn/48Y.q.0-_1-F.h-__k_K5._..O_.J_-G_--V-42E_--o90G_A6: 9_.5vN5.25aWx.2aM214_.-N_g-..__._____K_g1cXfr.4_.-_-_-...1y - namespaces: - - "377" - topologyKey: "378" - podAntiAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 1-_-3_L_2--_v2.5p_..Y-.wg_-b8a_6_.0Q4_.84.K_-_0_..u.F.pq..--3C - operator: In - values: - - p_N-S..O-BZ..6-1.S-B3_.b17ca-_p-y.eQZ9p_6.Cw - matchLabels: - x-3/6-.7D.3_KPgL: d._.Um.-__k.5 - namespaces: - - "401" - topologyKey: "402" - weight: -168773629 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: v8_.O_..8n.--z_-..6W.K - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - xm-.nx.sEK4.B.__65m8_x: 29_.-.Ms7_t.P_3..H..k9M86.9a_-0R1 - namespaces: - - "393" - topologyKey: "394" - automountServiceAccountToken: false - containers: - - args: - - "212" - command: - - "211" - env: - - name: "219" - value: "220" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "226" - name: "225" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "221" - fieldPath: "222" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "223" - divisor: "179" - resource: "224" - secretKeyRef: - key: "228" - name: "227" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "217" - optional: false - prefix: "216" - secretRef: - name: "218" - optional: true - image: "210" - imagePullPolicy: 猀2:ö - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "254" - httpGet: - host: "256" - httpHeaders: - - name: "257" - value: "258" - path: "255" - port: 200992434 - scheme: ņ榱*Gưoɘ檲ɨ銦妰黖ȓ - tcpSocket: - host: "260" - port: "259" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "261" - httpGet: - host: "264" - httpHeaders: - - name: "265" - value: "266" - path: "262" - port: "263" - scheme: ɋ瀐<ɉ - tcpSocket: - host: "267" - port: -1334904807 - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "235" - failureThreshold: -547518679 - httpGet: - host: "238" - httpHeaders: - - name: "239" - value: "240" - path: "236" - port: "237" - scheme: Xŋ朘瑥A徙ɶɊł/擇ɦĽ胚O醔ɍ厶耈 - initialDelaySeconds: -1940723300 - periodSeconds: 496226800 - successThreshold: 84444678 - tcpSocket: - host: "241" - port: 2064656704 - timeoutSeconds: 749147575 - name: "209" - ports: - - containerPort: 1083816849 - hostIP: "215" - hostPort: 744106683 - name: "214" - protocol: 議Ǹ轺@)蓳嗘 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "242" - failureThreshold: 1569992019 - httpGet: - host: "244" - httpHeaders: - - name: "245" - value: "246" - path: "243" - port: 1322581021 - scheme: 坩O`涁İ而踪鄌eÞ - initialDelaySeconds: 565789036 - periodSeconds: -582473401 - successThreshold: -1252931244 - tcpSocket: - host: "247" - port: -1319491110 - timeoutSeconds: -1572269414 - resources: - limits: - o_鹈ɹ坼É/pȿŘ阌Ŗ怳冘HǺƶ: "364" - requests: - ǝ鿟ldg滠鼍ƭt?QȫşŇɜ: "211" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - 5w垁鷌辪虽U珝Żwʮ馜üNșƶ - drop: - - ĩĉş蝿ɖȃ賲鐅臬 - privileged: false - procMount: ǵʭd鲡:贅wE@Ȗs«öʮ - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -1245112587824234591 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -1799108093609470992 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "272" - role: "270" - type: "271" - user: "269" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "274" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "273" - runAsUserName: "275" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "248" - failureThreshold: -813624408 - httpGet: - host: "250" - httpHeaders: - - name: "251" - value: "252" - path: "249" - port: 870237686 - scheme: 墴1Rƥ贫d - initialDelaySeconds: -709825668 - periodSeconds: -379514302 - successThreshold: 173916181 - tcpSocket: - host: "253" - port: -33154680 - timeoutSeconds: -1144400181 - stdin: true - stdinOnce: true - terminationMessagePath: "268" - terminationMessagePolicy: å睫}堇硲蕵ɢ苆 - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "234" - name: "233" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "230" - mountPropagation: zÏ抴ŨfZhUʎ浵ɲõTo& - name: "229" - subPath: "231" - subPathExpr: "232" - workingDir: "213" - dnsConfig: - nameservers: - - "409" - options: - - name: "411" - value: "412" - searches: - - "410" - dnsPolicy: 8鸖ɱJȉ罴ņ螡źȰ?$矡ȶ网棊ʢ - enableServiceLinks: false - ephemeralContainers: - - args: - - "279" - command: - - "278" - env: - - name: "286" - value: "287" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "293" - name: "292" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "288" - fieldPath: "289" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "290" - divisor: "157" - resource: "291" - secretKeyRef: - key: "295" - name: "294" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "284" - optional: true - prefix: "283" - secretRef: - name: "285" - optional: false - image: "277" - imagePullPolicy: ʁ揆ɘȌ脾嚏吐ĠLƐ - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "322" - httpGet: - host: "324" - httpHeaders: - - name: "325" - value: "326" - path: "323" - port: -1589303862 - scheme: ľǎɳ,ǿ飏騀呣ǎ - tcpSocket: - host: "328" - port: "327" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "329" - httpGet: - host: "332" - httpHeaders: - - name: "333" - value: "334" - path: "330" - port: "331" - scheme: Ƹ[Ęİ榌U髷裎$MVȟ@7 - tcpSocket: - host: "336" - port: "335" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "302" - failureThreshold: -1131820775 - httpGet: - host: "304" - httpHeaders: - - name: "305" - value: "306" - path: "303" - port: -88173241 - scheme: Źʣy豎@ɀ羭,铻O - initialDelaySeconds: 1424053148 - periodSeconds: 859639931 - successThreshold: -1663149700 - tcpSocket: - host: "308" - port: "307" - timeoutSeconds: 747521320 - name: "276" - ports: - - containerPort: -1565157256 - hostIP: "282" - hostPort: 1702578303 - name: "281" - protocol: Ŭ - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "309" - failureThreshold: -233378149 - httpGet: - host: "311" - httpHeaders: - - name: "312" - value: "313" - path: "310" - port: -1710454086 - scheme: mɩC[ó瓧 - initialDelaySeconds: 915577348 - periodSeconds: -1386967282 - successThreshold: -2030286732 - tcpSocket: - host: "314" - port: -122979840 - timeoutSeconds: -590798124 - resources: - limits: - ŴĿ: "377" - requests: - .Q貇£ȹ嫰ƹǔw÷nI: "718" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - 3.v-鿧悮坮Ȣ - drop: - - ļ腻ŬƩȿ - privileged: false - procMount: ħsĨɆâĺ - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: 241615716805649441 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 9197199583783594492 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "341" - role: "339" - type: "340" - user: "338" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "343" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "342" - runAsUserName: "344" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "315" - failureThreshold: 486195690 - httpGet: - host: "317" - httpHeaders: - - name: "318" - value: "319" - path: "316" - port: -495373547 - scheme: ʼn掏1ſ盷褎weLJ - initialDelaySeconds: -929354164 - periodSeconds: 1582773079 - successThreshold: -1133499416 - tcpSocket: - host: "321" - port: "320" - timeoutSeconds: 1972119760 - stdin: true - targetContainerName: "345" - terminationMessagePath: "337" - terminationMessagePolicy: Ȋ礶 - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "301" - name: "300" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "297" - mountPropagation: 樺ȃ - name: "296" - subPath: "298" - subPathExpr: "299" - workingDir: "280" - hostAliases: - - hostnames: - - "407" - ip: "406" - hostIPC: true - hostNetwork: true - hostPID: true - hostname: "361" - imagePullSecrets: - - name: "360" - initContainers: - - args: - - "144" - command: - - "143" - env: - - name: "151" - value: "152" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "158" - name: "157" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "153" - fieldPath: "154" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "155" - divisor: "711" - resource: "156" - secretKeyRef: - key: "160" - name: "159" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "149" - optional: false - prefix: "148" - secretRef: - name: "150" - optional: true - image: "142" - imagePullPolicy: wMȗ礼2ħ籦ö - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "186" - httpGet: - host: "189" - httpHeaders: - - name: "190" - value: "191" - path: "187" - port: "188" - scheme: O澘銈e棈_Ĭ艥<檔 - tcpSocket: - host: "193" - port: "192" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "194" - httpGet: - host: "196" - httpHeaders: - - name: "197" - value: "198" - path: "195" - port: -1006328793 - scheme: ©Ǿt' - tcpSocket: - host: "200" - port: "199" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "167" - failureThreshold: -1373481716 - httpGet: - host: "169" - httpHeaders: - - name: "170" - value: "171" - path: "168" - port: 126800818 - scheme: ƫS捕ɷ - initialDelaySeconds: 1673568505 - periodSeconds: -972874331 - successThreshold: 860842148 - tcpSocket: - host: "172" - port: 990374141 - timeoutSeconds: 1665622609 - name: "141" - ports: - - containerPort: -1354971977 - hostIP: "147" - hostPort: 1094434838 - name: "146" - protocol: ĺ稥 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "173" - failureThreshold: -366263237 - httpGet: - host: "175" - httpHeaders: - - name: "176" - value: "177" - path: "174" - port: -144625578 - scheme: 择,Q捇ȸ{+ - initialDelaySeconds: 358822621 - periodSeconds: 327574193 - successThreshold: 1718125857 - tcpSocket: - host: "178" - port: 1130962147 - timeoutSeconds: 1946649472 - resources: - limits: - ėf倐ȓ圬剴扲ȿQZ{ʁgɸ: "147" - requests: - "": "609" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - '>季Cʖ畬x骀Šĸů湙騘&啞川J缮' - drop: - - bJ5ʬ昹ʞĹ鑑6NJPM饣` - privileged: false - procMount: 2啗塧ȱ蓿彭聡A3fƻfʣ繡楙¯ĦE勗 - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -5811430020199686393 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 6821913012222657579 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "205" - role: "203" - type: "204" - user: "202" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "207" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "206" - runAsUserName: "208" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "179" - failureThreshold: 1050218190 - httpGet: - host: "182" - httpHeaders: - - name: "183" - value: "184" - path: "180" - port: "181" - scheme: P_痸 - initialDelaySeconds: 528528093 - periodSeconds: -2078905463 - successThreshold: 1603139327 - tcpSocket: - host: "185" - port: -1341615783 - timeoutSeconds: 1408805313 - stdinOnce: true - terminationMessagePath: "201" - terminationMessagePolicy: ʕIã陫ʋsş")珷<ºɖ - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "166" - name: "165" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "162" - mountPropagation: ',1ZƜ/C龷ȪÆ' - name: "161" - readOnly: true - subPath: "163" - subPathExpr: "164" - workingDir: "145" - nodeName: "350" - nodeSelector: - "346": "347" - overhead: - ɮ6): "299" - preemptionPolicy: 怨彬ɈNƋl塠傫ü - priority: -1286809305 - priorityClassName: "408" - readinessGates: - - conditionType: ųŎ群E牬庘颮6(|ǖû - restartPolicy: 倗S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤/ɸɎ R§耶 - runtimeClassName: "413" - schedulerName: "403" - securityContext: - fsGroup: 6347577485454457915 - runAsGroup: -860974700141841896 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 7525448836100188460 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "354" - role: "352" - type: "353" - user: "351" - supplementalGroups: - - 7258403424756645907 - sysctls: - - name: "358" - value: "359" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "356" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "355" - runAsUserName: "357" - serviceAccount: "349" - serviceAccountName: "348" - shareProcessNamespace: false - subdomain: "362" - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -1689173322096612726 - tolerations: - - effect: ŪǗȦɆ悼j蛑q - key: "404" - operator: 栣险¹贮獘薟8Mĕ霉 - tolerationSeconds: 4375148957048018073 - value: "405" - topologySpreadConstraints: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: nw0-3i--a7-2--o--u0038mp9c10-k-r---3g7nz4-------385h---0-u73pj.brgvf3q-z-5z80n--t5--9-4-d2-22--i--40wv--in-870w--itk/5.m_2_--XZ-x.__.Y_2-n_5023Xl-3Pw_-r75--_A - operator: In - values: - - 7M7y-Dy__3wc.q.8_00.0_._.-_L-__bf_9_-C-Pfx - matchLabels: - o--5r-v-5-e-m78o-6-s.4-7--i1-8miw-7a-2408m-0--5--2-5----00/l_.23--_l: b-L7.-__-G_2kCpS__.3g - maxSkew: -554557703 - topologyKey: "414" - whenUnsatisfiable: ¹t骳ɰɰUʜʔŜ0¢ - volumes: - - awsElasticBlockStore: - fsType: "41" - partition: -1261508418 - volumeID: "40" - azureDisk: - cachingMode: "" - diskName: "104" - diskURI: "105" - fsType: "106" - kind: ƺ魋Ď儇击3ƆìQ - readOnly: false - azureFile: - secretName: "90" - shareName: "91" - cephfs: - monitors: - - "75" - path: "76" - secretFile: "78" - secretRef: - name: "79" - user: "77" - cinder: - fsType: "73" - secretRef: - name: "74" - volumeID: "72" - configMap: - defaultMode: -1648533063 - items: - - key: "93" - mode: 1913946997 - path: "94" - name: "92" - optional: true - csi: - driver: "136" - fsType: "137" - nodePublishSecretRef: - name: "140" - readOnly: false - volumeAttributes: - "138": "139" - downwardAPI: - defaultMode: 1557090007 - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "83" - fieldPath: "84" - mode: -1413529736 - path: "82" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "85" - divisor: "687" - resource: "86" - emptyDir: - medium: x - sizeLimit: "826" - fc: - fsType: "88" - lun: 933484239 - targetWWNs: - - "87" - wwids: - - "89" - flexVolume: - driver: "67" - fsType: "68" - options: - "70": "71" - secretRef: - name: "69" - flocker: - datasetName: "80" - datasetUUID: "81" - gcePersistentDisk: - fsType: "39" - partition: -1487653240 - pdName: "38" - readOnly: true - gitRepo: - directory: "44" - repository: "42" - revision: "43" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "57" - path: "58" - hostPath: - path: "37" - type: H牗洝尿彀亞螩B - iscsi: - fsType: "53" - initiatorName: "56" - iqn: "51" - iscsiInterface: "52" - lun: -400609276 - portals: - - "54" - secretRef: - name: "55" - targetPortal: "50" - name: "36" - nfs: - path: "49" - server: "48" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "59" - readOnly: true - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "108" - pdID: "107" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "123" - readOnly: true - volumeID: "122" - projected: - defaultMode: -1880297089 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "118" - mode: -1009864962 - path: "119" - name: "117" - optional: true - downwardAPI: - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "113" - fieldPath: "114" - mode: 1167335696 - path: "112" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "115" - divisor: "546" - resource: "116" - secret: - items: - - key: "110" - mode: 565864299 - path: "111" - name: "109" - optional: true - serviceAccountToken: - audience: "120" - expirationSeconds: -8033620543910768540 - path: "121" - quobyte: - group: "102" - registry: "99" - tenant: "103" - user: "101" - volume: "100" - rbd: - fsType: "62" - image: "61" - keyring: "65" - monitors: - - "60" - pool: "63" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "66" - user: "64" - scaleIO: - fsType: "131" - gateway: "124" - protectionDomain: "127" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "126" - sslEnabled: true - storageMode: "129" - storagePool: "128" - system: "125" - volumeName: "130" - secret: - defaultMode: -1639873916 - items: - - key: "46" - mode: -655946460 - path: "47" - optional: true - secretName: "45" - storageos: - fsType: "134" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "135" - volumeName: "132" - volumeNamespace: "133" - vsphereVolume: - fsType: "96" - storagePolicyID: "98" - storagePolicyName: "97" - volumePath: "95" diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ReplicationController.after_roundtrip.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ReplicationController.after_roundtrip.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 7f1fc546c6b4..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ReplicationController.after_roundtrip.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ReplicationController.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ReplicationController.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 7f1fc546c6b4..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ReplicationController.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ReplicationController.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ReplicationController.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 68d5af64ea3e..000000000000 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ReplicationController.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,944 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: v1 -kind: ReplicationController -metadata: - annotations: - "9": "10" - clusterName: "15" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 - finalizers: - - "14" - generateName: "3" - generation: 8071137005907523419 - labels: - "7": "8" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "17" - fieldsType: "18" - manager: "16" - operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] - name: "2" - namespace: "4" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "11" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "12" - name: "13" - uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp - resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" - selfLink: "5" - uid: "7" -spec: - minReadySeconds: -1971381490 - replicas: 896585016 - selector: - "19": "20" - template: - metadata: - annotations: - "28": "29" - clusterName: "34" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -1450892537694813345 - finalizers: - - "33" - generateName: "22" - generation: 3782003332368514395 - labels: - "26": "27" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "36" - fieldsType: "37" - manager: "35" - operation: (ĿȊ甞谐颋DžSǡƏS - name: "21" - namespace: "23" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "30" - blockOwnerDeletion: false - controller: true - kind: "31" - name: "32" - uid: rt昍řČ扷5ƗǸƢ6/ - resourceVersion: "16543582549249245065" - selfLink: "24" - uid: '*齧獚敆Ȏțêɘ' - spec: - activeDeadlineSeconds: -5860790522738935260 - affinity: - nodeAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - preference: - matchExpressions: - - key: "375" - operator: 岼昕ĬÇó藢xɮĵȑ6L*Z - values: - - "376" - matchFields: - - key: "377" - operator: 绤fʀļ腩墺Ò媁荭g - values: - - "378" - weight: -379385405 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - nodeSelectorTerms: - - matchExpressions: - - key: "371" - operator: ɇ卷荙JLĹ]佱¿>犵殇ŕ-Ɂ - values: - - "372" - matchFields: - - key: "373" - operator: t叀碧闳ȩr嚧ʣq埄 - values: - - "374" - podAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: ftie4-7--gm4p-8y-9-te858----38----r-m-a--q3980c7fp/26GA26C-s.Nj-d-4_4--.-_Z4.LA3HVG93_._.I3.__-.0-z_z0sn_.x - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - N-_-vv-Q2q7: 3.4....-h._.GgT7_7P - namespaces: - - "393" - topologyKey: "394" - weight: 1258370227 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 8SUGP.-_.uB-.--.gb_2_-8--z - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - 6-d42--clo90---461v-07r--0---8-30i-uo/9DF: AH-Q.GM72_-c-.-.6--3-__t - namespaces: - - "385" - topologyKey: "386" - podAntiAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 8b-3-3b17cab-ppy5e--9p-61-2we16h--5-d-k-sm.2xv17r--32b-----4-670tfz-up3n/ov_Z--Zg-_Q - operator: NotIn - values: - - 0..KpiS.oK-.O--5-yp8q_s-L - matchLabels: - gr-y7nlp97v-0-1y-t3---2ga-v205p-26-l.p2-t--m-l80--5o1--cp6-5-x1---0w4rm0/f_ZN.-_--r.E__-.8_e_l2.._8s--7_3x_-J_.....7..--wO: "" - namespaces: - - "409" - topologyKey: "410" - weight: 1289969734 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 2I--2_9.v.--_.--4QQ.-s.H.Hu-k-_-0-T1mel--F......3_t_-l..-.DG7s - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 927--m6-k8-c2---2etfh41ca-z-5g2wco28---f-53-x1y-8---3----7/mf.-f.-zv._._.5-H.T.-.-.T-V_D_0-K_A-_9_Z_C..7o_x32: 0U1_-__.71-_-9_._X-D---k..1Q7N - namespaces: - - "401" - topologyKey: "402" - automountServiceAccountToken: false - containers: - - args: - - "217" - command: - - "216" - env: - - name: "224" - value: "225" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "231" - name: "230" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "226" - fieldPath: "227" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "228" - divisor: "46" - resource: "229" - secretKeyRef: - key: "233" - name: "232" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "222" - optional: false - prefix: "221" - secretRef: - name: "223" - optional: false - image: "215" - imagePullPolicy: QÄȻȊ+?ƭ峧Y栲茇竛吲蚛隖<Ƕ - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "260" - httpGet: - host: "263" - httpHeaders: - - name: "264" - value: "265" - path: "261" - port: "262" - scheme: ńMǰ溟ɴ扵閝 - tcpSocket: - host: "266" - port: -1474440600 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "267" - httpGet: - host: "269" - httpHeaders: - - name: "270" - value: "271" - path: "268" - port: 44308192 - scheme: Żwʮ馜üNșƶ4ĩĉ - tcpSocket: - host: "273" - port: "272" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "240" - failureThreshold: -1301133697 - httpGet: - host: "242" - httpHeaders: - - name: "243" - value: "244" - path: "241" - port: -532628939 - scheme: 踪鄌eÞȦY籎顒ǥŴ唼Ģ猇õǶț - initialDelaySeconds: -2025874949 - periodSeconds: 1593906314 - successThreshold: 188341147 - tcpSocket: - host: "245" - port: -1171060347 - timeoutSeconds: -1468180511 - name: "214" - ports: - - containerPort: 673378190 - hostIP: "220" - hostPort: -144591150 - name: "219" - protocol: Ɵ)Ù - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "246" - failureThreshold: -1145306833 - httpGet: - host: "249" - httpHeaders: - - name: "250" - value: "251" - path: "247" - port: "248" - scheme: '@?鷅bȻN+ņ榱*Gưoɘ檲ɨ銦妰' - initialDelaySeconds: -1266125247 - periodSeconds: 1795738696 - successThreshold: -1350331007 - tcpSocket: - host: "252" - port: -1079519102 - timeoutSeconds: -50623103 - resources: - limits: - 瞲: "980" - requests: - k ź贩j瀉ǚrǜnh0åȂ: "314" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - "" - drop: - - £軶ǃ*ʙ嫙&蒒5靇C'ɵK.Q貇 - privileged: false - procMount: 粛E煹 - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -7567945069856455979 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 390808457597161112 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "278" - role: "276" - type: "277" - user: "275" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "280" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "279" - runAsUserName: "281" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "253" - failureThreshold: 1592637538 - httpGet: - host: "256" - httpHeaders: - - name: "257" - value: "258" - path: "254" - port: "255" - scheme: 湨 - initialDelaySeconds: 609274415 - periodSeconds: -204658565 - successThreshold: -498077886 - tcpSocket: - host: "259" - port: 1824183165 - timeoutSeconds: 581816190 - stdinOnce: true - terminationMessagePath: "274" - terminationMessagePolicy: ɖȃ賲鐅臬dH巧壚tC十Oɢ - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "239" - name: "238" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "235" - mountPropagation: O醔ɍ厶耈 T衧ȇe媹Hǝ呮}臷Ľð - name: "234" - readOnly: true - subPath: "236" - subPathExpr: "237" - workingDir: "218" - dnsConfig: - nameservers: - - "417" - options: - - name: "419" - value: "420" - searches: - - "418" - dnsPolicy: w(ğ儴Ůĺ}潷ʒ胵 - enableServiceLinks: true - ephemeralContainers: - - args: - - "285" - command: - - "284" - env: - - name: "292" - value: "293" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "299" - name: "298" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "294" - fieldPath: "295" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "296" - divisor: "714" - resource: "297" - secretKeyRef: - key: "301" - name: "300" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "290" - optional: true - prefix: "289" - secretRef: - name: "291" - optional: true - image: "283" - imagePullPolicy: Ve - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "330" - httpGet: - host: "333" - httpHeaders: - - name: "334" - value: "335" - path: "331" - port: "332" - scheme: ʤî萨zvt莭 - tcpSocket: - host: "337" - port: "336" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "338" - httpGet: - host: "341" - httpHeaders: - - name: "342" - value: "343" - path: "339" - port: "340" - scheme: ļ腻ŬƩȿ - tcpSocket: - host: "344" - port: -2123728714 - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "308" - failureThreshold: 1832870128 - httpGet: - host: "311" - httpHeaders: - - name: "312" - value: "313" - path: "309" - port: "310" - initialDelaySeconds: -1537700150 - periodSeconds: 105707873 - successThreshold: -188803670 - tcpSocket: - host: "315" - port: "314" - timeoutSeconds: -1815868713 - name: "282" - ports: - - containerPort: -88173241 - hostIP: "288" - hostPort: 304141309 - name: "287" - protocol: Źʣy豎@ɀ羭,铻O - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "316" - failureThreshold: 1505082076 - httpGet: - host: "318" - httpHeaders: - - name: "319" - value: "320" - path: "317" - port: 1422435836 - scheme: ',ǿ飏騀呣ǎfǣ萭旿@掇lNdǂ' - initialDelaySeconds: -819723498 - periodSeconds: 1507815593 - successThreshold: 1498833271 - tcpSocket: - host: "322" - port: "321" - timeoutSeconds: -150133456 - resources: - limits: - 釆Ɗ+j忊: "486" - requests: - 嫭塓烀罁胾: "494" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - FD剂讼ɓȌʟn - drop: - - 酛3ƁÀ*f<鴒翁杙 - privileged: true - procMount: 螡źȰ?$矡ȶ网棊ʢ=wǕɳ - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -3295693280350872542 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: 4125312213789345425 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "349" - role: "347" - type: "348" - user: "346" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "351" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "350" - runAsUserName: "352" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "323" - failureThreshold: 1428207963 - httpGet: - host: "325" - httpHeaders: - - name: "326" - value: "327" - path: "324" - port: 2134439962 - scheme: Ȋ礶 - initialDelaySeconds: 1919527626 - periodSeconds: -161753937 - successThreshold: -1578746609 - tcpSocket: - host: "329" - port: "328" - timeoutSeconds: -389501466 - stdinOnce: true - targetContainerName: "353" - terminationMessagePath: "345" - terminationMessagePolicy: ʝ瘴I\p[ħsĨ - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "307" - name: "306" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "303" - mountPropagation: ǒɿʒ刽ʼn掏1ſ盷褎weLJ - name: "302" - readOnly: true - subPath: "304" - subPathExpr: "305" - workingDir: "286" - hostAliases: - - hostnames: - - "415" - ip: "414" - hostNetwork: true - hostPID: true - hostname: "369" - imagePullSecrets: - - name: "368" - initContainers: - - args: - - "146" - command: - - "145" - env: - - name: "153" - value: "154" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "160" - name: "159" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "155" - fieldPath: "156" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "157" - divisor: "433" - resource: "158" - secretKeyRef: - key: "162" - name: "161" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "151" - optional: true - prefix: "150" - secretRef: - name: "152" - optional: true - image: "144" - imagePullPolicy: ȸŹăȲĻ¤Ħ - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "190" - httpGet: - host: "193" - httpHeaders: - - name: "194" - value: "195" - path: "191" - port: "192" - scheme: Ɠɥ踓Ǻǧ湬淊k - tcpSocket: - host: "197" - port: "196" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "198" - httpGet: - host: "201" - httpHeaders: - - name: "202" - value: "203" - path: "199" - port: "200" - scheme: fƻfʣ繡楙¯Ħ - tcpSocket: - host: "205" - port: "204" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "169" - failureThreshold: 62108019 - httpGet: - host: "172" - httpHeaders: - - name: "173" - value: "174" - path: "170" - port: "171" - scheme: ɋ聻鎥ʟ<$洅ɹ7\弌Þ帺萸Do© - initialDelaySeconds: 1843642426 - periodSeconds: -836939996 - successThreshold: -1147975588 - tcpSocket: - host: "175" - port: 1637061888 - timeoutSeconds: 1331061766 - name: "143" - ports: - - containerPort: -1849057428 - hostIP: "149" - hostPort: 977590852 - name: "148" - protocol: 壩卄 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "176" - failureThreshold: -27219570 - httpGet: - host: "179" - httpHeaders: - - name: "180" - value: "181" - path: "177" - port: "178" - scheme: 拍N嚳ķȗɊ捵TwMȗ礼2ħ籦ö嗏 - initialDelaySeconds: 1274480280 - periodSeconds: 620421257 - successThreshold: 1899367104 - tcpSocket: - host: "182" - port: 468716734 - timeoutSeconds: 1914313083 - resources: - limits: - ȇ廄裭4懙鏮嵒ƫS捕ɷD¡轫n(: "526" - requests: - 郀叚Fi皬择,Q捇ȸ{+ɸ殁: "687" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - M 宸@Z^嫫猤痈C*ĕʄő芖{| - drop: - - '"^饣Vȿ$妻ƅ' - privileged: false - procMount: dg滠鼍ƭt?Qȫ - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -6996673662371947627 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: -7042570146654509247 - seLinuxOptions: - 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runtimeClassName: "421" - schedulerName: "411" - securityContext: - fsGroup: 7861919711004065015 - runAsGroup: -4105014793515441558 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -7059779929916534575 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "362" - role: "360" - type: "361" - user: "359" - supplementalGroups: - - 830921445879518469 - sysctls: - - name: "366" - value: "367" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "364" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "363" - runAsUserName: "365" - serviceAccount: "357" - serviceAccountName: "356" - shareProcessNamespace: true - subdomain: "370" - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -860974700141841896 - tolerations: - - effect: ɉ愂 - key: "412" - operator: '}缫,' - tolerationSeconds: 5005983565679986804 - value: "413" - topologySpreadConstraints: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: vf3q-z-5z80n--t5--9-4-d2-22--i--40wv--in-870w--it6k47-7yd-y-3/hjO - operator: NotIn - values: - - c.q.8_00.0_._.-_L-__bf_9_-C-PfNxG - matchLabels: - 7s4483-o--3f1p7--43nw-l-x18mtxb--kexr-1-o--g--1l8.bc-coa--y--4-1204wrb---1024g-5-3v9-9jcz9f-6-4g-z46--f2t-k/db-L7.-__-G_2kCpSY: "0" - maxSkew: -1531421126 - topologyKey: "422" - whenUnsatisfiable: 墘ȕûyŅ£趕ã/鈱$-议 - readOnly: true - azureFile: - readOnly: true - secretName: "92" - shareName: "93" - cephfs: - monitors: - - "77" - path: "78" - secretFile: "80" - secretRef: - name: "81" - user: "79" - cinder: - fsType: "75" - secretRef: - name: "76" - volumeID: "74" - configMap: - defaultMode: 1945687018 - items: - - key: "95" - mode: -818470612 - path: "96" - name: "94" - optional: false - csi: - driver: "138" - fsType: "139" - nodePublishSecretRef: - name: "142" - readOnly: true - volumeAttributes: - "140": "141" - downwardAPI: - defaultMode: -1449552038 - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "85" - fieldPath: "86" - mode: -816398166 - path: "84" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "87" - divisor: "558" - resource: "88" - emptyDir: - medium: ɖ橙9 - sizeLimit: "481" - fc: - fsType: "90" - lun: 13573196 - targetWWNs: - - "89" - wwids: - - "91" - flexVolume: - driver: "69" - fsType: "70" - options: - "72": "73" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "71" - flocker: - datasetName: "82" - datasetUUID: "83" - gcePersistentDisk: - fsType: "41" - partition: -54954325 - pdName: "40" - gitRepo: - directory: "46" - repository: "44" - revision: "45" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "59" - path: "60" - hostPath: - path: "39" - type: Ơ歿:狞夌碕ʂɭîcP$I - iscsi: - fsType: "55" - initiatorName: "58" - iqn: "53" - iscsiInterface: "54" - lun: 819364842 - portals: - - "56" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "57" - targetPortal: "52" - name: "38" - nfs: - path: "51" - server: "50" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "61" - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "110" - pdID: "109" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "125" - volumeID: "124" - projected: - defaultMode: 808527238 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "120" - mode: -1706790766 - path: "121" - name: "119" - optional: true - downwardAPI: - 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"134" - volumeNamespace: "135" - vsphereVolume: - fsType: "98" - storagePolicyID: "100" - storagePolicyName: "99" - volumePath: "97" -status: - availableReplicas: -578926701 - conditions: - - lastTransitionTime: "2837-10-14T23:23:27Z" - message: "430" - reason: "429" - status: '>堵zŕƧ钖孝0蛮xAǫ&tŧK剛Ʀ' - type: Î磣:mʂ渢pɉ驻(+昒ȼȈɍ颬灲 - fullyLabeledReplicas: -1698525469 - observedGeneration: 8034206547748752944 - readyReplicas: -525943726 - replicas: -1530496417 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.Service.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.Service.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 215b89f2edb7..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.Service.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/events.k8s.io.v1beta1.Event.after_roundtrip.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/events.k8s.io.v1beta1.Event.after_roundtrip.pb deleted file mode 100644 index fd873df61147..000000000000 Binary files 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uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp - resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" - selfLink: "5" - uid: "7" -spec: - minReadySeconds: 212061711 - revisionHistoryLimit: -1979737528 - selector: - matchExpressions: - - key: p503---477-49p---o61---4fy--9---7--9-9s-0-u5lj2--10pq-0-7-9-2-0/fP81.-.9Vdx.TB_M-H_5_.t..bG0 - operator: In - values: - - D07.a_.y_y_o0_5qN2_---_M.N_._a6.9bHjdH.-.5_.I8__n - matchLabels: - 8---jop9641lg.p-g8c2-k-912e5-c-e63-n-3n/E9.8ThjT9s-j41-0-6p-JFHn7y-74.-0MUORQQ.N2.3: 68._bQw.-dG6c-.6--_x.--0wmZk1_8._3s_-_Bq.m_4 - template: - metadata: - annotations: - "32": "33" - clusterName: "38" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: 7534629739119643351 - finalizers: - - "37" - generateName: "26" - generation: -4139900758039117471 - labels: - "30": "31" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "40" - fieldsType: "41" - manager: "39" - operation: ĪȸŹăȲĻ¤Ħʅ芝 - name: "25" - namespace: "27" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "34" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "35" - name: "36" - uid: ^ - resourceVersion: "1698285396218902212" - selfLink: "28" - uid: TʡȂŏ{sǡƟ - spec: - activeDeadlineSeconds: 7270263763744228913 - affinity: - nodeAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - preference: - matchExpressions: - - key: "379" - operator: Ǹ|蕎'佉賞ǧĒz - values: - - "380" - matchFields: - - key: "381" - operator: ùfŭƽ - values: - - "382" - weight: -767058113 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - nodeSelectorTerms: - - matchExpressions: - - key: "375" - operator: Ã茓pȓɻ - values: - - "376" - matchFields: - - key: "377" - operator: "" - values: - - "378" - podAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 3---g-----p8-d5-8-m8i--k0j5g.zrrw8-5ts-7-bp/6E__-.8_e_2 - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - bx1y-8---3----p-pdn--j2---2--82--cj-1-s--op34-yy28-38xmu5nx4s-4/4b_9_1o.w_I: x-_.--4QQ.-s.H.Hu-k-_-0-T1mel--F......3_t_-l..-.DG7r-3.----.4 - namespaces: - - "397" - topologyKey: "398" - weight: 801902541 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: K_A-_9_Z_C..7o_x3..-.8-Jp-94 - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - h-up52--sjo7799-skj5--9/R_rm: CR.s--f.-f.-zv._._.o - namespaces: - - "389" - topologyKey: "390" - podAntiAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 0--0g-q-22r4wye52y-h7463lyps4483-o--3f1p7--43nw-l-x8/Hz_V_.r_v_._e_-78o_6Z..11_7pX_.-mLlx...w_t-_.5.40Rw4D - operator: NotIn - values: - - txb__-ex-_1_-ODgC_1-_V - matchLabels: - 6V1-rU.___06.eqk5E_-4-.XH-.k.7.l_-W8o._xJ1-lFA_X3: V0H2-.zHw.H__V.VT - namespaces: - - "413" - topologyKey: "414" - weight: -1851436166 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: QZ9p_6.C.e - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 7F3p2_-_AmD-.0AP.1: A--.F5_x.KNC0-.-m_0-m-6Sp_N-S..O-BZ..n - namespaces: - - "405" - topologyKey: "406" - automountServiceAccountToken: true - containers: - - args: - - "221" - command: - - "220" - env: - - name: "228" - value: "229" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "235" - name: "234" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "230" - fieldPath: "231" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "232" - divisor: "357" - resource: "233" - secretKeyRef: - key: "237" - name: "236" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "226" - optional: false - prefix: "225" - secretRef: - name: "227" - optional: false - image: "219" - imagePullPolicy: T 苧yñKJɐ扵G - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "264" - httpGet: - host: "267" - httpHeaders: - - name: "268" - value: "269" - path: "265" - port: "266" - scheme: ']佱¿>犵殇ŕ-Ɂ圯W' - tcpSocket: - host: "271" - port: "270" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "272" - httpGet: - host: "274" - httpHeaders: - - name: "275" - value: "276" - path: "273" - port: -1161649101 - scheme: 嚧ʣq埄 - tcpSocket: - host: "278" - port: "277" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "244" - failureThreshold: -361442565 - httpGet: - host: "246" - httpHeaders: - - name: "247" - value: "248" - path: "245" - port: -393291312 - scheme: Ŧ癃8鸖ɱJȉ罴ņ螡źȰ? - initialDelaySeconds: 627713162 - periodSeconds: -1740959124 - successThreshold: 158280212 - tcpSocket: - host: "250" - port: "249" - timeoutSeconds: 1255312175 - name: "218" - ports: - - containerPort: -839281354 - hostIP: "224" - hostPort: 1584001904 - name: "223" - protocol: 5姣>懔%熷谟þ蛯ɰ荶ljʁ - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "251" - failureThreshold: -36782737 - httpGet: - host: "253" - httpHeaders: - - name: "254" - value: "255" - path: "252" - port: -2013568185 - scheme: '#yV''WKw(ğ儴Ůĺ}' - initialDelaySeconds: -1244623134 - periodSeconds: -398297599 - successThreshold: 873056500 - tcpSocket: - host: "256" - port: -20130017 - timeoutSeconds: -1334110502 - resources: - limits: - 藠3.v-鿧悮坮Ȣ幟ļ腻ŬƩȿ0: "175" - requests: - ɺ皚|懥ƖN粕擓ƖHV: "962" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - fʀļ腩墺Ò媁荭gw忊 - drop: - - E剒蔞 - privileged: false - procMount: Ȩ<6鄰簳°Ļǟi& - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: 2001337664780390084 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -6177393256425700216 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "283" - role: "281" - type: "282" - user: "280" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "285" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "284" - runAsUserName: "286" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "257" - failureThreshold: -1011390276 - httpGet: - host: "260" - httpHeaders: - - name: "261" - value: "262" - path: "258" - port: "259" - scheme: Qg鄠[ - initialDelaySeconds: -1556231754 - periodSeconds: -321709789 - successThreshold: -1463645123 - tcpSocket: - host: "263" - port: -241238495 - timeoutSeconds: 461585849 - stdin: true - terminationMessagePath: "279" - terminationMessagePolicy: ʁ岼昕ĬÇ - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "243" - name: "242" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "239" - mountPropagation: 'Ź倗S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤/ɸɎ ' - name: "238" - subPath: "240" - subPathExpr: "241" - workingDir: "222" - dnsConfig: - nameservers: - - "421" - options: - - name: "423" - value: "424" - searches: - - "422" - dnsPolicy: n(fǂǢ曣ŋayåe躒訙Ǫ - enableServiceLinks: false - ephemeralContainers: - - args: - - "290" - command: - - "289" - env: - - name: "297" - value: "298" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "304" - name: "303" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "299" - fieldPath: "300" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "301" - divisor: "3" - resource: "302" - secretKeyRef: - key: "306" - name: "305" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "295" - optional: true - prefix: "294" - secretRef: - name: "296" - optional: false - image: "288" - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "335" - httpGet: - host: "338" - httpHeaders: - - name: "339" - value: "340" - path: "336" - port: "337" - scheme: C"6x$1s - tcpSocket: - host: "342" - port: "341" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "343" - httpGet: - host: "345" - httpHeaders: - - name: "346" - value: "347" - path: "344" - port: -518160270 - scheme: ɔ幩še - tcpSocket: - host: "348" - port: 1956567721 - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "313" - failureThreshold: 472742933 - httpGet: - host: "316" - httpHeaders: - - name: "317" - value: "318" - path: "314" - port: "315" - scheme: 冓鍓贯 - initialDelaySeconds: 1290950685 - periodSeconds: 1058960779 - successThreshold: -2133441986 - tcpSocket: - host: "320" - port: "319" - timeoutSeconds: 12533543 - name: "287" - ports: - - containerPort: -1296830577 - hostIP: "293" - hostPort: 1313273370 - name: "292" - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "321" - failureThreshold: 620822482 - httpGet: - host: "323" - httpHeaders: - - name: "324" - value: "325" - path: "322" - port: 1332783160 - scheme: Ȱ囌{屿oiɥ嵐sC8?Ǻ鱎ƙ; - initialDelaySeconds: -300247800 - periodSeconds: -126958936 - successThreshold: 186945072 - tcpSocket: - host: "327" - port: "326" - timeoutSeconds: 386804041 - 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tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "312" - name: "311" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "308" - mountPropagation: /»頸+SÄ蚃ɣľ)酊龨Î - name: "307" - readOnly: true - subPath: "309" - subPathExpr: "310" - workingDir: "291" - hostAliases: - - hostnames: - - "419" - ip: "418" - hostNetwork: true - hostname: "373" - imagePullSecrets: - - name: "372" - initContainers: - - args: - - "150" - command: - - "149" - env: - - name: "157" - value: "158" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "164" - name: "163" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "159" - fieldPath: "160" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "161" - divisor: "468" - resource: "162" - secretKeyRef: - key: "166" - name: "165" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "155" - optional: false - prefix: "154" - secretRef: - name: "156" - optional: false - image: "148" - imagePullPolicy: ŤǢʭ嵔棂p儼Ƿ裚瓶 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "196" - httpGet: - host: "199" - httpHeaders: - - name: "200" - value: "201" - path: "197" - port: "198" - scheme: 蚛隖<ǶĬ4y£軶ǃ*ʙ嫙&蒒5靇C' - tcpSocket: - host: "202" - port: 2126876305 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "203" - httpGet: - host: "206" - httpHeaders: - - name: "207" - value: "208" - path: "204" - port: "205" - scheme: Ŵ廷s{Ⱦdz@ - tcpSocket: - host: "209" - port: 406308963 - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "173" - failureThreshold: 1466047181 - httpGet: - host: "176" - httpHeaders: - - name: "177" - value: "178" - path: "174" - port: "175" - initialDelaySeconds: 1805144649 - periodSeconds: 1403721475 - successThreshold: 519906483 - tcpSocket: - host: "180" - port: "179" - timeoutSeconds: -606111218 - name: "147" - ports: - - containerPort: 437857734 - hostIP: "153" - hostPort: -1510026905 - name: "152" - protocol: Rƥ贫d飼$俊跾|@?鷅b - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "181" - failureThreshold: 524249411 - httpGet: - host: "184" - httpHeaders: - - name: "185" - value: "186" - path: "182" - port: "183" - scheme: w垁鷌辪虽U珝Żwʮ馜üNșƶ4ĩ - initialDelaySeconds: -1724160601 - periodSeconds: 1435507444 - successThreshold: -1430577593 - tcpSocket: - host: "187" - port: -337353552 - timeoutSeconds: -1158840571 - resources: - limits: - 檲ɨ銦妰黖ȓƇ$缔獵偐ę腬: "646" - requests: - 湨: "803" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - +j忊Ŗȫ焗捏ĨFħ籘Àǒɿʒ刽ʼn - drop: - - 1ſ盷褎weLJèux榜VƋZ1Ůđ眊 - privileged: true - procMount: fǣ萭旿@ - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: 6506922239346928579 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 1563703589270296759 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "214" - role: "212" - type: "213" - user: "211" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "216" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "215" - runAsUserName: "217" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "188" - failureThreshold: 905846572 - httpGet: - host: "191" - httpHeaders: - - name: "192" - value: "193" - path: "189" - port: "190" - scheme: k_瀹鞎sn芞QÄȻ - initialDelaySeconds: 364013971 - periodSeconds: -1790124395 - successThreshold: 1094670193 - 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- pdName: "44" - gitRepo: - directory: "50" - repository: "48" - revision: "49" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "63" - path: "64" - hostPath: - path: "43" - type: "" - iscsi: - chapAuthDiscovery: true - chapAuthSession: true - fsType: "59" - initiatorName: "62" - iqn: "57" - iscsiInterface: "58" - lun: 408756018 - portals: - - "60" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "61" - targetPortal: "56" - name: "42" - nfs: - path: "55" - readOnly: true - server: "54" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "65" - readOnly: true - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "114" - pdID: "113" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "129" - volumeID: "128" - projected: - defaultMode: 480521693 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "124" - mode: -1126738259 - path: "125" - name: "123" - optional: true - downwardAPI: - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "119" - fieldPath: "120" - mode: -1618937335 - path: "118" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "121" - divisor: "461" - resource: "122" - secret: - items: - - key: "116" - mode: 675406340 - path: "117" - name: "115" - optional: false - serviceAccountToken: - audience: "126" - expirationSeconds: -6345861634934949644 - path: "127" - quobyte: - group: "108" - registry: "105" - tenant: "109" - user: "107" - volume: "106" - rbd: - fsType: "68" - image: "67" - keyring: "71" - monitors: - - "66" - pool: "69" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "72" - user: "70" - scaleIO: - fsType: "137" - gateway: "130" - protectionDomain: "133" - secretRef: - name: "132" - sslEnabled: true - storageMode: "135" - storagePool: "134" - system: "131" - volumeName: "136" - secret: - defaultMode: 1233814916 - items: - - key: "52" - mode: 228756891 - path: "53" - optional: false - secretName: "51" - storageos: - fsType: "140" - secretRef: - name: "141" - volumeName: "138" - volumeNamespace: "139" - vsphereVolume: - fsType: "102" - storagePolicyID: "104" - storagePolicyName: "103" - volumePath: "101" - templateGeneration: 8027668557984017414 - updateStrategy: - rollingUpdate: - maxUnavailable: 2 - type: 荥ơ'禧ǵŊ)TiD¢ƿ媴h5 -status: - collisionCount: 2063260600 - conditions: - - lastTransitionTime: "2196-03-13T21:02:11Z" - message: "434" - reason: "433" - status: '>c緍k¢茤Ƣǟ½灶du汎mō6µɑ' - type: Ƅ抄3昞财Î嘝zʄ - currentNumberScheduled: -1707056814 - desiredNumberScheduled: 407742062 - numberAvailable: 904244563 - numberMisscheduled: -424698834 - numberReady: 2115789304 - numberUnavailable: -1245696932 - observedGeneration: -455484136992029462 - updatedNumberScheduled: 1660081568 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.Deployment.after_roundtrip.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.Deployment.after_roundtrip.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 6fe6963b6331..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.Deployment.after_roundtrip.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.Deployment.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.Deployment.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 6fe6963b6331..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.Deployment.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.Deployment.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.Deployment.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index b84ee756f855..000000000000 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.Deployment.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,962 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 -kind: Deployment -metadata: - annotations: - "9": "10" - clusterName: "15" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 - finalizers: - - "14" - generateName: "3" - generation: 8071137005907523419 - labels: - "7": "8" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "17" - fieldsType: "18" - manager: "16" - operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] - name: "2" - namespace: "4" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "11" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "12" - name: "13" - uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp - resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" - selfLink: "5" - uid: "7" -spec: - minReadySeconds: 212061711 - progressDeadlineSeconds: 1109758199 - replicas: 896585016 - revisionHistoryLimit: -1092090658 - rollbackTo: - revision: -318895959020904110 - selector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 50-u--25cu87--r7p-w1e67-8pj5t-kl-v0q6b68--nu5oii38fn-8.629b-jd-8c45-0-8--6n--w0--w---196g8d--iv1-5--5ht-a-29--0qso796/3___47._49pIB_o61ISU4--A_.XK_._M99 - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - 74404d5---g8c2-k-91e.y5-g--58----0683-b-w7ld-6cs06xj-x5yv0wm-k18/M_-Nx.N_6-___._-.-W._AAn---v_-5-_8LXj: 6-4_WE-_JTrcd-2.-__E_Sv__26KX_R_.-.Nth._--S_4DA_-5_-4lQ42M--1 - strategy: - rollingUpdate: - maxSurge: 3 - maxUnavailable: 2 - type: 荥ơ'禧ǵŊ)TiD¢ƿ媴h5 - template: - metadata: - annotations: - "32": "33" - clusterName: "38" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -2575298329142810753 - finalizers: - - "37" - generateName: "26" - generation: -8542870036622468681 - labels: - "30": "31" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "40" - fieldsType: "41" - manager: "39" - operation: 躢 - name: "25" - namespace: "27" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "34" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: true - kind: "35" - name: "36" - uid: ƶȤ^} - resourceVersion: "1736621709629422270" - selfLink: "28" - uid: ?Qȫş - spec: - activeDeadlineSeconds: -8619192438821356882 - affinity: - nodeAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - preference: - matchExpressions: - - key: "372" - operator: '}Ñ蠂Ü[ƛ^輅9ɛ棕ƈ眽炊' - values: - - "373" - matchFields: - - key: "374" - operator: ʨIk(dŊiɢzĮ蛋I滞 - values: - - "375" - weight: 646133945 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - nodeSelectorTerms: - - matchExpressions: - - key: "368" - operator: ǧĒzŔ瘍N - values: - - "369" - matchFields: - - key: "370" - operator: ƽ眝{æ盪泙 - values: - - "371" - podAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 8.--w0_1V7 - operator: In - values: - - 7--p9.-_0R.-_-3_L_2--_v2.5p_..Y-.wg_-b8a_6_.0Q4_8 - matchLabels: - w--162-gk2-99v22.g-65m8-1x129-9d8-s7-t7--336-11k9-8609a-e0--1----v8-4--558n1asz5/BD8.TS-jJ.Ys_Mop34_y: f_ZN.-_--r.E__-.8_e_l2.._8s--7_3x_-J5 - namespaces: - - "390" - topologyKey: "391" - weight: -855547676 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: V.-tfh4.caTz_.g.w-o.8_WT-M.3_-1y_8D_X._B__-Pd - operator: Exists - matchLabels: - 3.csh-3--Z1Tvw39FC: rtSY.g._2F7.-_e..Or_-.3OHgt._6 - namespaces: - - "382" - topologyKey: "383" - podAntiAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: w_-r75--_-A-o-__y__._12..wrbW_E..24-O._.v._9-czf - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 3-mLlx...w_t-_.5.40Rw4gD.._.-x6db-L7.-__-G2: CpS__.39g_.--_-_ve5.m_2_--XZx - namespaces: - - "406" - topologyKey: "407" - weight: 808399187 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: yp8q-sf1--gw-jz-659--0l-023bm-6l2e5---k5v3a---9/tA.W5_-5_.V1-rU.___06.eqk5E_-4-.XH-.k.7.l_-W81 - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 4-m_0-m-6Sp_N-S..O-BZ..6-1.S-B33: 17ca-_p-y.eQZ9p_1 - namespaces: - - "398" - topologyKey: "399" - automountServiceAccountToken: false - containers: - - args: - - "216" - command: - - "215" - env: - - name: "223" - value: "224" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "230" - name: "229" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "225" - fieldPath: "226" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "227" - divisor: "595" - resource: "228" - secretKeyRef: - key: "232" - name: "231" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "221" - optional: false - prefix: "220" - secretRef: - name: "222" - optional: false - image: "214" - imagePullPolicy: û咡W<敄lu|榝$î.Ȏ蝪ʜ5 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "258" - httpGet: - host: "261" - httpHeaders: - - name: "262" - value: "263" - path: "259" - port: "260" - tcpSocket: - host: "264" - port: 1943028037 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "265" - httpGet: - host: "267" - httpHeaders: - - name: "268" - value: "269" - path: "266" - port: -1355476687 - scheme: -Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊#v铿ʩȂ4ē鐭#嬀ơ - tcpSocket: - host: "271" - port: "270" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "239" - failureThreshold: -1213051101 - httpGet: - host: "241" - httpHeaders: - - name: "242" - value: "243" - path: "240" - port: -1654678802 - scheme: 毋 - initialDelaySeconds: -775511009 - periodSeconds: -228822833 - successThreshold: -970312425 - tcpSocket: - host: "244" - port: 391562775 - timeoutSeconds: -832805508 - name: "213" - ports: - - containerPort: -775325416 - hostIP: "219" - hostPort: 62799871 - name: "218" - protocol: t莭琽§ć\ ïì - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "245" - failureThreshold: 571739592 - httpGet: - host: "247" - httpHeaders: - - name: "248" - value: "249" - path: "246" - port: -1905643191 - scheme: Ǖɳɷ9Ì崟¿瘦ɖ緕 - initialDelaySeconds: 852780575 - periodSeconds: 893823156 - successThreshold: -1980314709 - tcpSocket: - host: "251" - port: "250" - timeoutSeconds: -1252938503 - resources: - limits: - N粕擓ƖHVe熼: "334" - requests: - 倗S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤/ɸɎ R§耶: "388" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - E埄Ȁ朦 wƯ貾坢' - drop: - - aŕ翑0展}硐庰%皧V垾现葢ŵ橨鬶l - privileged: false - procMount: "" - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -2408264753085021035 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -2270595441829602368 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "276" - role: "274" - type: "275" - user: "273" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "278" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "277" - runAsUserName: "279" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "252" - failureThreshold: -1008070934 - httpGet: - host: "254" - httpHeaders: - - name: "255" - value: "256" - path: "253" - port: -1334110502 - scheme: ȓ蹣ɐǛv+8Ƥ熪军 - initialDelaySeconds: 410611837 - periodSeconds: 972978563 - successThreshold: 17771103 - tcpSocket: - host: "257" - port: 622267234 - timeoutSeconds: 809006670 - terminationMessagePath: "272" - terminationMessagePolicy: T 苧yñKJɐ扵G - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "238" - name: "237" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "234" - mountPropagation: 癃8鸖 - name: "233" - readOnly: true - subPath: "235" - subPathExpr: "236" - workingDir: "217" - dnsConfig: - nameservers: - - "414" - options: - - name: "416" - value: "417" - searches: - - "415" - dnsPolicy: Ƶf - enableServiceLinks: true - ephemeralContainers: - - args: - - "283" - command: - - "282" - env: - - name: "290" - value: "291" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "297" - name: "296" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "292" - fieldPath: "293" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "294" - divisor: "381" - resource: "295" - secretKeyRef: - key: "299" - name: "298" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "288" - optional: false - prefix: "287" - secretRef: - name: "289" - optional: true - image: "281" - imagePullPolicy: ņ - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "326" - httpGet: - host: "329" - httpHeaders: - - name: "330" - value: "331" - path: "327" - port: "328" - scheme: 幩šeSvEȤƏ埮pɵ - tcpSocket: - host: "333" - port: "332" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "334" - httpGet: - host: "337" - httpHeaders: - - name: "338" - value: "339" - path: "335" - port: "336" - scheme: ş - tcpSocket: - host: "341" - port: "340" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "306" - failureThreshold: -300247800 - httpGet: - host: "308" - httpHeaders: - - name: "309" - value: "310" - path: "307" - port: 865289071 - scheme: iɥ嵐sC8 - initialDelaySeconds: -1513284745 - periodSeconds: -414121491 - successThreshold: -1862764022 - tcpSocket: - host: "311" - port: -898536659 - timeoutSeconds: 1258370227 - name: "280" - ports: - - containerPort: -1137436579 - hostIP: "286" - hostPort: 1868683352 - name: "285" - protocol: 颶妧Ö闊 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "312" - failureThreshold: 215186711 - httpGet: - host: "314" - httpHeaders: - - name: "315" - value: "316" - path: "313" - port: 323903711 - scheme: J - initialDelaySeconds: 657418949 - periodSeconds: 287654902 - successThreshold: -2062708879 - tcpSocket: - host: "318" - port: "317" - timeoutSeconds: -992558278 - resources: - limits: - ²sNƗ¸g: "50" - requests: - 酊龨δ摖ȱğ_<: "118" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - DŽ髐njʉBn(fǂǢ曣 - drop: - - ay - privileged: false - procMount: 嗆u - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -5996624450771474158 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: 1958157659034146020 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "346" - role: "344" - type: "345" - user: "343" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "348" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "347" - runAsUserName: "349" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "319" - failureThreshold: 1502643091 - httpGet: - host: "321" - httpHeaders: - - name: "322" - value: "323" - path: "320" - port: -1117254382 - scheme: 趐囨鏻砅邻爥蹔ŧOǨ - initialDelaySeconds: 2129989022 - periodSeconds: 1311843384 - successThreshold: -1292310438 - tcpSocket: - host: "325" - port: "324" - timeoutSeconds: -1699531929 - targetContainerName: "350" - terminationMessagePath: "342" - terminationMessagePolicy: 迮ƙIJ嘢4ʗN,丽饾| 鞤ɱďW賁Ěɭ - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "305" - name: "304" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "301" - mountPropagation: ƺ蛜6Ɖ飴ɎiǨź - name: "300" - readOnly: true - subPath: "302" - subPathExpr: "303" - workingDir: "284" - hostAliases: - - hostnames: - - "412" - ip: "411" - hostNetwork: true - hostname: "366" - imagePullSecrets: - - name: "365" - initContainers: - - args: - - "150" - command: - - "149" - env: - - name: "157" - value: "158" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "164" - name: "163" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "159" - fieldPath: "160" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "161" - divisor: "650" - resource: "162" - secretKeyRef: - key: "166" - name: "165" - optional: true - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "155" - optional: true - prefix: "154" - secretRef: - name: "156" - optional: true - image: "148" - imagePullPolicy: 罁胾^拜Ȍzɟ踡肒Ao/樝fw[Řż丩 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "192" - httpGet: - host: "194" - httpHeaders: - - name: "195" - value: "196" - path: "193" - port: -2015604435 - scheme: jƯĖ漘Z剚敍0) - tcpSocket: - host: "197" - port: 424236719 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "198" - httpGet: - host: "200" - httpHeaders: - - name: "201" - value: "202" - path: "199" - port: -1131820775 - scheme: Ƿ裚瓶釆Ɗ+j忊 - tcpSocket: - host: "204" - port: "203" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "173" - failureThreshold: -1113628381 - httpGet: - host: "175" - httpHeaders: - - name: "176" - value: "177" - path: "174" - port: -152585895 - scheme: E@Ȗs«ö - initialDelaySeconds: 1843758068 - periodSeconds: 1702578303 - successThreshold: -1565157256 - tcpSocket: - host: "178" - port: 1135182169 - timeoutSeconds: -1967469005 - name: "147" - ports: - - containerPort: 1403721475 - hostIP: "153" - hostPort: -606111218 - name: "152" - protocol: ǰ溟ɴ扵閝ȝ鐵儣廡ɑ龫`劳 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "179" - failureThreshold: -1167888910 - httpGet: - host: "181" - httpHeaders: - - name: "182" - value: "183" - path: "180" - port: 386652373 - scheme: ʙ嫙& - initialDelaySeconds: -802585193 - periodSeconds: 1944205014 - successThreshold: -2079582559 - tcpSocket: - host: "185" - port: "184" - timeoutSeconds: 1901330124 - resources: - limits: - "": "84" - requests: - ɖȃ賲鐅臬dH巧壚tC十Oɢ: "517" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - "" - drop: - - ŻʘY賃ɪ鐊瀑Ź9ǕLLȊɞ-uƻ悖ȩ - privileged: false - procMount: $MVȟ@7飣奺Ȋ礶惇¸t颟.鵫ǚ灄鸫 - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: -8419423421380299597 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: -6576869501326512452 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "209" - role: "207" - type: "208" - user: "206" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "211" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "210" - runAsUserName: "212" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "186" - failureThreshold: 208045354 - httpGet: - host: "188" - httpHeaders: - - name: "189" - value: "190" - path: "187" - port: 804417065 - scheme: Ŵ廷s{Ⱦdz@ - initialDelaySeconds: 632397602 - periodSeconds: -730174220 - successThreshold: 433084615 - tcpSocket: - host: "191" - port: 406308963 - timeoutSeconds: 2026784878 - terminationMessagePath: "205" - terminationMessagePolicy: 焗捏 - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "172" - name: "171" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "168" - mountPropagation: "" - name: "167" - readOnly: true - subPath: "169" - subPathExpr: "170" - workingDir: "151" - nodeName: "355" - nodeSelector: - "351": "352" - overhead: - 癜鞤A馱z芀¿l磶Bb偃礳Ȭ痍脉PPö: "607" - preemptionPolicy: eáNRNJ丧鴻Ŀ - priority: 1690570439 - priorityClassName: "413" - readinessGates: - - conditionType: 梑ʀŖ鱓;鹡鑓侅闍ŏŃŋŏ}ŀ姳 - restartPolicy: T[ - runtimeClassName: "418" - schedulerName: "408" - securityContext: - fsGroup: 760480547754807445 - runAsGroup: -801152248124332545 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: -2781126825051715248 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "359" - role: "357" - type: "358" - user: "356" - supplementalGroups: - - 5255171395073905944 - sysctls: - - name: "363" - value: "364" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "361" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "360" - runAsUserName: "362" - serviceAccount: "354" - serviceAccountName: "353" - shareProcessNamespace: false - subdomain: "367" - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -2738603156841903595 - tolerations: - - effect: 料ȭzV镜籬ƽ - key: "409" - operator: ƹ| - tolerationSeconds: 935587338391120947 - value: "410" - topologySpreadConstraints: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: qW - operator: In - values: - - 2-.s_6O-5_7_-0w_--5-_.3--_9QWJ - matchLabels: - E--pT751: mV__1-wv3UDf.-4D-r.-F__r.oh..2_uGGP..X - maxSkew: -137402083 - topologyKey: "419" - whenUnsatisfiable: Ȩç捌聮ŃŻ@ǮJ=礏ƴ磳藷曥 - volumes: - - awsElasticBlockStore: - fsType: "47" - partition: 912004803 - readOnly: true - volumeID: "46" - azureDisk: - cachingMode: '|@?鷅bȻN' - diskName: "110" - diskURI: "111" - fsType: "112" - kind: 榱*Gưoɘ檲 - readOnly: true - azureFile: - readOnly: true - secretName: "96" - shareName: "97" - cephfs: - monitors: - - "81" - path: "82" - secretFile: "84" - secretRef: - name: "85" - user: "83" - cinder: - fsType: "79" - secretRef: - name: "80" - volumeID: "78" - configMap: - defaultMode: 1593906314 - items: - - key: "99" - mode: 195263908 - path: "100" - name: "98" - optional: false - csi: - driver: "142" - fsType: "143" - nodePublishSecretRef: - name: "146" - readOnly: false - volumeAttributes: - "144": "145" - downwardAPI: - defaultMode: 824682619 - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "89" - fieldPath: "90" - mode: 1569992019 - path: "88" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "91" - divisor: "660" - resource: "92" - emptyDir: - medium: Xŋ朘瑥A徙ɶɊł/擇ɦĽ胚O醔ɍ厶耈 - sizeLimit: "473" - fc: - fsType: "94" - lun: -1740986684 - readOnly: true - targetWWNs: - - "93" - wwids: - - "95" - flexVolume: - driver: "73" - fsType: "74" - options: - "76": "77" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "75" - flocker: - datasetName: "86" - datasetUUID: "87" - gcePersistentDisk: - fsType: "45" - partition: -1188153605 - pdName: "44" - gitRepo: - directory: "50" - repository: "48" - revision: "49" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "63" - path: "64" - readOnly: true - hostPath: - path: "43" - type: ƛƟ)ÙæNǚ錯ƶRquA?瞲Ť倱< - iscsi: - chapAuthDiscovery: true - fsType: "59" - initiatorName: "62" - iqn: "57" - iscsiInterface: "58" - lun: 994527057 - portals: - - "60" - secretRef: - name: "61" - targetPortal: "56" - name: "42" - nfs: - path: "55" - readOnly: true - server: "54" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "65" - readOnly: true - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "114" - pdID: "113" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "129" - readOnly: true - volumeID: "128" - projected: - defaultMode: -1334904807 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "124" - mode: 2063799569 - path: "125" - name: "123" - optional: false - downwardAPI: - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "119" - fieldPath: "120" - mode: 173030157 - path: "118" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "121" - divisor: "106" - resource: "122" - secret: - items: - - key: "116" - mode: -323584340 - path: "117" - name: "115" - optional: true - serviceAccountToken: - audience: "126" - expirationSeconds: 8357931971650847566 - path: "127" - quobyte: - group: "108" - registry: "105" - tenant: "109" - user: "107" - volume: "106" - rbd: - fsType: "68" - image: "67" - keyring: "71" - monitors: - - "66" - pool: "69" - secretRef: - name: "72" - user: "70" - scaleIO: - fsType: "137" - gateway: "130" - protectionDomain: "133" - secretRef: - name: "132" - storageMode: "135" - storagePool: "134" - system: "131" - volumeName: "136" - secret: - defaultMode: 332383000 - items: - - key: "52" - mode: -547518679 - path: "53" - optional: true - secretName: "51" - storageos: - fsType: "140" - secretRef: - name: "141" - volumeName: "138" - volumeNamespace: "139" - vsphereVolume: - fsType: "102" - storagePolicyID: "104" - storagePolicyName: "103" - volumePath: "101" -status: - availableReplicas: 740158871 - collisionCount: 571778293 - conditions: - - lastTransitionTime: "1970-05-16T01:44:00Z" - lastUpdateTime: "2469-07-10T03:20:34Z" - message: "427" - reason: "426" - status: '''ƈoIǢ龞瞯å' - type: "" - observedGeneration: 1751238822830387407 - readyReplicas: -1450995995 - replicas: -106050665 - unavailableReplicas: -449319810 - updatedReplicas: -929473748 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.Ingress.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.Ingress.pb deleted file mode 100644 index ecb437de39c3..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.Ingress.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.ReplicaSet.after_roundtrip.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.ReplicaSet.after_roundtrip.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 404ea71e29af..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.ReplicaSet.after_roundtrip.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.ReplicaSet.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.ReplicaSet.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 404ea71e29af..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.ReplicaSet.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.ReplicaSet.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.ReplicaSet.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 8f773b21c331..000000000000 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.ReplicaSet.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,951 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 -kind: ReplicaSet -metadata: - annotations: - "9": "10" - clusterName: "15" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 - finalizers: - - "14" - generateName: "3" - generation: 8071137005907523419 - labels: - "7": "8" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "17" - fieldsType: "18" - manager: "16" - operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] - name: "2" - namespace: "4" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "11" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: false - kind: "12" - name: "13" - uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp - resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" - selfLink: "5" - uid: "7" -spec: - minReadySeconds: -1971381490 - replicas: 896585016 - selector: - matchExpressions: - - key: U-_Bq.m_-.q8_v2LiTF_a981d3-7-fP81.-.9Vdx.TB_M-H_5_t - operator: In - values: - - M--n1-p5.3___47._49pIB_o61ISU4--A_.XK_._M9T9sH.W5 - matchLabels: - g8c2-k-912e5-c-e63-n-3snh-z--3uy5-----578/s.X8u4_.l.wV--__-Nx.N_6-___._-.-W._AAn---v_-5-_8LXP-o-9..1l-5: "" - template: - metadata: - annotations: - "32": "33" - clusterName: "38" - creationTimestamp: null - deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -152893758082474859 - finalizers: - - "37" - generateName: "26" - generation: -6617020301190572172 - labels: - "30": "31" - managedFields: - - apiVersion: "40" - fieldsType: "41" - manager: "39" - operation: ƅS·Õüe0ɔȖ脵鴈Ō - name: "25" - namespace: "27" - ownerReferences: - - apiVersion: "34" - blockOwnerDeletion: true - controller: true - kind: "35" - name: "36" - uid: 'ɖgȏ哙ȍȂ揲ȼDDŽLŬp:' - resourceVersion: "7336814125345800857" - selfLink: "28" - uid: ʬ - spec: - activeDeadlineSeconds: -8715915045560617563 - affinity: - nodeAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - preference: - matchExpressions: - - key: "380" - operator: 擭銆jʒǚ鍰\縑 - values: - - "381" - matchFields: - - key: "382" - operator: 鞤ɱďW賁Ěɭɪǹ0衷,Ʒƣ - values: - - "383" - weight: 199049889 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - nodeSelectorTerms: - - matchExpressions: - - key: "376" - operator: 6x$1sȣ±p鋄5弢ȹ均i绝5哇芆 - values: - - "377" - matchFields: - - key: "378" - operator: 埮pɵ{WOŭW灬p - values: - - "379" - podAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 3---g-----p8-d5-8-m8i--k0j5g.zrrw8-5ts-7-bp/6E__-.8_e_2 - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 4-yy28-38xmu5nx4s--41-7--6m/271-_-9_._X-D---k6: Q.-s.H.Hu-k-_-0-T1mel--F......3_t_-l..-.DG7r-3.----._4__XOnP - namespaces: - - "398" - topologyKey: "399" - weight: -217760519 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 6-x_rC9..__-6_k.N-2B_V.-tfh4.caTz_.g.w-o.8_WT-M.3_1 - operator: NotIn - values: - - z - matchLabels: - 4--883d-v3j4-7y-p---up52--sjo7799-skj5---r-t.sumf7ew/u-5mj_9.M.134-5-.q6H_.--_---.M.U_-m.-P.yPS: 1Tvw39F_C-rtSY.g._2F7.-_e..r - namespaces: - - "390" - topologyKey: "391" - podAntiAffinity: - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - podAffinityTerm: - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 0--0g-q-22r4wye52y-h7463lyps4483-o--3f1p7--43nw-l-x8/Hz_V_.r_v_._e_-78o_6Z..11_7pX_.-mLlx...w_t-_.5.40Rw4D - operator: NotIn - values: - - txb__-ex-_1_-ODgC_1-_V - matchLabels: - 6V1-rU.___06.eqk5E_-4-.XH-.k.7.l_-W8o._xJ1-lFA_X3: V0H2-.zHw.H__V.VT - namespaces: - - "414" - topologyKey: "415" - weight: -1851436166 - requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: QZ9p_6.C.e - operator: DoesNotExist - matchLabels: - 7F3p2_-_AmD-.0AP.1: A--.F5_x.KNC0-.-m_0-m-6Sp_N-S..O-BZ..n - namespaces: - - "406" - topologyKey: "407" - automountServiceAccountToken: false - containers: - - args: - - "222" - command: - - "221" - env: - - name: "229" - value: "230" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "236" - name: "235" - optional: false - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "231" - fieldPath: "232" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "233" - divisor: "901" - resource: "234" - secretKeyRef: - key: "238" - name: "237" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "227" - optional: true - prefix: "226" - secretRef: - name: "228" - optional: false - image: "220" - imagePullPolicy: 擓ƖHVe熼'FD剂讼ɓȌʟni酛 - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "267" - httpGet: - host: "269" - httpHeaders: - - name: "270" - value: "271" - path: "268" - port: -421846800 - scheme: zvt莭琽§ - tcpSocket: - host: "272" - port: -763687725 - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "273" - httpGet: - host: "275" - httpHeaders: - - name: "276" - value: "277" - path: "274" - port: -1452676801 - scheme: ȿ0矀Kʝ - tcpSocket: - host: "279" - port: "278" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "245" - failureThreshold: -1191434089 - httpGet: - host: "248" - httpHeaders: - - name: "249" - value: "250" - path: "246" - port: "247" - scheme: 賃ɪ鐊瀑Ź9ǕLLȊ - initialDelaySeconds: 1214895765 - periodSeconds: 282592353 - successThreshold: 377225334 - tcpSocket: - host: "251" - port: -26910286 - timeoutSeconds: 1181519543 - name: "219" - ports: - - containerPort: -2079582559 - hostIP: "225" - hostPort: 1944205014 - name: "224" - protocol: K.Q貇£ȹ嫰ƹǔw÷nI粛E煹ǐƲ - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "252" - failureThreshold: 1507815593 - httpGet: - host: "255" - httpHeaders: - - name: "256" - value: "257" - path: "253" - port: "254" - initialDelaySeconds: -839281354 - periodSeconds: -819723498 - successThreshold: -150133456 - tcpSocket: - host: "259" - port: "258" - timeoutSeconds: 2035347577 - resources: - limits: - 羭,铻OŤǢʭ嵔: "340" - requests: - TG;邪匾mɩC[ó瓧嫭塓烀罁胾^拜: "755" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: true - capabilities: - add: - - À*f<鴒翁杙Ŧ癃8 - drop: - - ɱJȉ罴 - privileged: false - procMount: 棊ʢ=wǕɳɷ9Ì崟¿瘦ɖ緕ȚÍ勅 - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -3689959065086680033 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: -2706913289057230267 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "284" - role: "282" - type: "283" - user: "281" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "286" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "285" - runAsUserName: "287" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "260" - failureThreshold: -822090785 - httpGet: - host: "262" - httpHeaders: - - name: "263" - value: "264" - path: "261" - port: 1684643131 - scheme: 飣奺Ȋ礶惇¸ - initialDelaySeconds: -161753937 - periodSeconds: 1428207963 - successThreshold: 790462391 - tcpSocket: - host: "266" - port: "265" - timeoutSeconds: -1578746609 - stdinOnce: true - terminationMessagePath: "280" - terminationMessagePolicy: \p[ - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "244" - name: "243" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "240" - mountPropagation: ʒ刽ʼn掏1ſ盷褎weLJèux榜 - name: "239" - subPath: "241" - subPathExpr: "242" - workingDir: "223" - dnsConfig: - nameservers: - - "422" - options: - - name: "424" - value: "425" - searches: - - "423" - dnsPolicy: 丆 - enableServiceLinks: false - ephemeralContainers: - - args: - - "291" - command: - - "290" - env: - - name: "298" - value: "299" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "305" - name: "304" - optional: false - fieldRef: - 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1180971695 - successThreshold: -1971944908 - tcpSocket: - host: "320" - port: -1554559634 - timeoutSeconds: 550615941 - name: "288" - ports: - - containerPort: 1330271338 - hostIP: "294" - hostPort: 1853396726 - name: "293" - protocol: 逴 - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "321" - failureThreshold: 1150925735 - httpGet: - host: "323" - httpHeaders: - - name: "324" - value: "325" - path: "322" - port: -1620315711 - scheme: ɐ扵 - initialDelaySeconds: -1358663652 - periodSeconds: -527306221 - successThreshold: 2098694289 - tcpSocket: - host: "327" - port: "326" - timeoutSeconds: 1543146222 - resources: - limits: - 颐o: "230" - requests: - '[+扴ȨŮ+朷Ǝ膯ljV': "728" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - ŧL²sNƗ¸gĩ餠籲磣Óƿ - drop: - - '"冓鍓贯澔 ƺ蛜6' - privileged: false - procMount: 鰥Z龏´DÒȗ - readOnlyRootFilesystem: true - runAsGroup: 6057650398488995896 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 4353696140684277635 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "354" - role: "352" - type: "353" - user: "351" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "356" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "355" - runAsUserName: "357" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "328" - failureThreshold: -1246371817 - httpGet: - host: "331" - httpHeaders: - - name: "332" - value: "333" - path: "329" - port: "330" - scheme: 榝$î.Ȏ蝪ʜ5遰 - initialDelaySeconds: 834105836 - periodSeconds: -370386363 - successThreshold: 1714588921 - tcpSocket: - host: "334" - port: -1438286448 - timeoutSeconds: -1462219068 - targetContainerName: "358" - terminationMessagePath: "350" - terminationMessagePolicy: Kƙ順\E¦队偯J僳徥淳4揻-$ɽ丟 - tty: true - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "313" - name: "312" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "309" - mountPropagation: ŕ-Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊#v铿 - name: "308" - subPath: "310" - subPathExpr: "311" - workingDir: "292" - hostAliases: - - hostnames: - - "420" - ip: "419" - hostPID: true - hostname: "374" - imagePullSecrets: - - name: "373" - initContainers: - - args: - - "150" - command: - - "149" - env: - - name: "157" - value: "158" - valueFrom: - configMapKeyRef: - key: "164" - name: "163" - optional: true - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "159" - fieldPath: "160" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "161" - divisor: "455" - resource: "162" - secretKeyRef: - key: "166" - name: "165" - optional: false - envFrom: - - configMapRef: - name: "155" - optional: false - prefix: "154" - secretRef: - name: "156" - optional: false - image: "148" - imagePullPolicy: k_瀹鞎sn芞QÄȻ - lifecycle: - postStart: - exec: - command: - - "196" - httpGet: - host: "198" - httpHeaders: - - name: "199" - value: "200" - path: "197" - port: -1327537699 - tcpSocket: - host: "202" - port: "201" - preStop: - exec: - command: - - "203" - httpGet: - host: "206" - httpHeaders: - - name: "207" - value: "208" - path: "204" - port: "205" - scheme: ĉş蝿ɖȃ賲鐅臬 - tcpSocket: - host: "210" - port: "209" - livenessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "173" - failureThreshold: 2053960192 - httpGet: - host: "176" - httpHeaders: - - name: "177" - value: "178" - path: "174" - port: "175" - scheme: ƴy綸_Ú8參遼ūPH炮 - initialDelaySeconds: 741871873 - periodSeconds: -1987044888 - successThreshold: -1638339389 - tcpSocket: - host: "180" - port: "179" - timeoutSeconds: 446829537 - name: "147" - ports: - - containerPort: 715087892 - hostIP: "153" - hostPort: -1896921306 - name: "152" - protocol: 倱< - readinessProbe: - exec: - command: - - "181" - failureThreshold: -57352147 - httpGet: - host: "183" - httpHeaders: - - name: "184" - value: "185" - path: "182" - port: -1903685915 - scheme: ȓƇ$缔獵偐ę腬瓷碑=ɉ鎷卩蝾H韹寬 - initialDelaySeconds: 128019484 - periodSeconds: -2130554644 - successThreshold: 290736426 - tcpSocket: - host: "187" - port: "186" - timeoutSeconds: 431781335 - resources: - limits: - /擇ɦĽ胚O醔ɍ厶耈 T: "618" - requests: - á腿ħ缶.蒅!a坩O`涁İ而踪鄌eÞ: "372" - securityContext: - allowPrivilegeEscalation: false - capabilities: - add: - - '?' - drop: - - 峧Y栲茇竛吲蚛隖 - privileged: false - procMount: ʙ嫙& - readOnlyRootFilesystem: false - runAsGroup: -7286288718856494813 - runAsNonRoot: true - runAsUser: 7312518131318481396 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "215" - role: "213" - type: "214" - user: "212" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "217" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "216" - runAsUserName: "218" - startupProbe: - exec: - command: - - "188" - failureThreshold: 1133369651 - httpGet: - host: "191" - httpHeaders: - - name: "192" - value: "193" - path: "189" - port: "190" - scheme: 閝ȝ - initialDelaySeconds: -2142865739 - periodSeconds: 1434408532 - successThreshold: -566408554 - tcpSocket: - host: "195" - port: "194" - timeoutSeconds: -1179067190 - stdin: true - stdinOnce: true - terminationMessagePath: "211" - volumeDevices: - - devicePath: "172" - name: "171" - volumeMounts: - - mountPath: "168" - mountPropagation: dʪīT捘ɍi縱ù墴1Rƥ - name: "167" - readOnly: true - subPath: "169" - subPathExpr: "170" - workingDir: "151" - nodeName: "363" - nodeSelector: - "359": "360" - overhead: - 4'ď曕椐敛n湙: "310" - preemptionPolicy: '!ń1ċƹ|慼櫁色苆试揯遐' - priority: -1852730577 - priorityClassName: "421" - readinessGates: - - conditionType: ź魊塾ɖ$rolȋɶuɋ5r儉ɩ柀ɨ鴅 - restartPolicy: ɘɢ鬍熖B芭花ª瘡 - runtimeClassName: "426" - schedulerName: "416" - securityContext: - fsGroup: 7124276984274024394 - runAsGroup: -779972051078659613 - runAsNonRoot: false - runAsUser: 2179199799235189619 - seLinuxOptions: - level: "367" - role: "365" - type: "366" - user: "364" - supplementalGroups: - - -7127205672279904050 - sysctls: - - name: "371" - value: "372" - windowsOptions: - gmsaCredentialSpec: "369" - gmsaCredentialSpecName: "368" - runAsUserName: "370" - serviceAccount: "362" - serviceAccountName: "361" - shareProcessNamespace: true - subdomain: "375" - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 2666412258966278206 - tolerations: - - effect: ŽɣB矗E¸乾 - key: "417" - operator: 堺ʣ - tolerationSeconds: -3532804738923434397 - value: "418" - topologySpreadConstraints: - - labelSelector: - matchExpressions: - - key: 4-4D-r.-F__r.oh..2_uGGP..-_N_h_4Hl-X0_2-W - operator: In - values: - - 2-.s_6O-5_7_-0w_--5-_.3--_9QWJ - matchLabels: - p2djmscp--ac8u23-k----26u5--72n-5.j8-0020-1-5/t5W_._._-2M2._i: wvU - maxSkew: -150478704 - topologyKey: "427" - whenUnsatisfiable: ;鹡鑓侅闍ŏŃŋŏ}ŀ - volumes: - - awsElasticBlockStore: - fsType: "47" - partition: -762366823 - readOnly: true - volumeID: "46" - azureDisk: - cachingMode: HǺƶȤ^}穠 - diskName: "110" - diskURI: "111" - fsType: "112" - kind: 躢 - readOnly: true - azureFile: - secretName: "96" - shareName: "97" - cephfs: - monitors: - - "81" - path: "82" - secretFile: "84" - secretRef: - name: "85" - user: "83" - cinder: - fsType: "79" - secretRef: - name: "80" - volumeID: "78" - configMap: - defaultMode: -460478410 - items: - - key: "99" - mode: -2039036935 - path: "100" - name: "98" - optional: false - csi: - driver: "142" - fsType: "143" - nodePublishSecretRef: - name: "146" - readOnly: false - volumeAttributes: - "144": "145" - downwardAPI: - defaultMode: -106644772 - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "89" - fieldPath: "90" - mode: 1235524154 - path: "88" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "91" - divisor: "457" - resource: "92" - emptyDir: - medium: 彭聡A3fƻfʣ - sizeLimit: "115" - fc: - fsType: "94" - lun: 441887498 - readOnly: true - targetWWNs: - - "93" - wwids: - - "95" - flexVolume: - driver: "73" - fsType: "74" - options: - "76": "77" - secretRef: - name: "75" - flocker: - datasetName: "86" - datasetUUID: "87" - gcePersistentDisk: - fsType: "45" - partition: -1499132872 - pdName: "44" - gitRepo: - directory: "50" - repository: "48" - revision: "49" - glusterfs: - endpoints: "63" - path: "64" - hostPath: - path: "43" - type: 6NJPM饣`诫z徃鷢6ȥ啕禗Ǐ2啗塧ȱ - iscsi: - fsType: "59" - initiatorName: "62" - iqn: "57" - iscsiInterface: "58" - lun: 1655406148 - portals: - - "60" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "61" - targetPortal: "56" - name: "42" - nfs: - path: "55" - readOnly: true - server: "54" - persistentVolumeClaim: - claimName: "65" - readOnly: true - photonPersistentDisk: - fsType: "114" - pdID: "113" - portworxVolume: - fsType: "129" - volumeID: "128" - projected: - defaultMode: -522879476 - sources: - - configMap: - items: - - key: "124" - mode: -1694464659 - path: "125" - name: "123" - optional: true - downwardAPI: - items: - - fieldRef: - apiVersion: "119" - fieldPath: "120" - mode: 926891073 - path: "118" - resourceFieldRef: - containerName: "121" - divisor: "746" - resource: "122" - secret: - items: - - key: "116" - mode: -1399063270 - path: "117" - name: "115" - optional: true - serviceAccountToken: - audience: "126" - expirationSeconds: -7593824971107985079 - path: "127" - quobyte: - group: "108" - readOnly: true - registry: "105" - tenant: "109" - user: "107" - volume: "106" - rbd: - fsType: "68" - image: "67" - keyring: "71" - monitors: - - "66" - pool: "69" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "72" - user: "70" - scaleIO: - fsType: "137" - gateway: "130" - protectionDomain: "133" - secretRef: - name: "132" - storageMode: "135" - storagePool: "134" - system: "131" - volumeName: "136" - secret: - defaultMode: 372704313 - items: - - key: "52" - mode: -104666658 - path: "53" - optional: true - secretName: "51" - storageos: - fsType: "140" - readOnly: true - secretRef: - name: "141" - volumeName: "138" - volumeNamespace: "139" - vsphereVolume: - fsType: "102" - storagePolicyID: "104" - storagePolicyName: "103" - volumePath: "101" -status: - availableReplicas: -1469601144 - conditions: - - lastTransitionTime: "2469-07-10T03:20:34Z" - message: "435" - reason: "434" - status: ɻ猶N嫡牿咸Ǻ潑鶋洅啶'ƈoIǢ龞瞯å - type: ɡj瓇ɽ丿YƄZZ塖bʘ - fullyLabeledReplicas: 138911331 - observedGeneration: 6703635170896137755 - readyReplicas: 1613009760 - replicas: -330302940 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.ReplicationControllerDummy.json b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.ReplicationControllerDummy.json deleted file mode 100644 index 46a4b767b61c..000000000000 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.ReplicationControllerDummy.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -{ - "kind": "ReplicationControllerDummy", - "apiVersion": "extensions/v1beta1" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.ReplicationControllerDummy.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.ReplicationControllerDummy.pb deleted file mode 100644 index a6df03398ae0..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.ReplicationControllerDummy.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.ReplicationControllerDummy.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.ReplicationControllerDummy.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 9089d17eef71..000000000000 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.ReplicationControllerDummy.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 -kind: ReplicationControllerDummy diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/networking.k8s.io.v1beta1.Ingress.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/networking.k8s.io.v1beta1.Ingress.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 74882b4df656..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/networking.k8s.io.v1beta1.Ingress.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/storage.k8s.io.v1beta1.CSIDriver.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/storage.k8s.io.v1beta1.CSIDriver.pb deleted file mode 100644 index bce3620d37ea..000000000000 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/storage.k8s.io.v1beta1.CSIDriver.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/admission.k8s.io.v1.AdmissionReview.json b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/admission.k8s.io.v1.AdmissionReview.json similarity index 97% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/admission.k8s.io.v1.AdmissionReview.json rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/admission.k8s.io.v1.AdmissionReview.json index eb137b6d9495..2684343a930a 100644 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/admission.k8s.io.v1.AdmissionReview.json +++ b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/admission.k8s.io.v1.AdmissionReview.json @@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ "patchType": "-Ǐ忄*齧獚敆Ȏțê", "auditAnnotations": { "30": "31" - } + }, + "warnings": [ + "32" + ] } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/admission.k8s.io.v1.AdmissionReview.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/admission.k8s.io.v1.AdmissionReview.pb similarity index 89% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/admission.k8s.io.v1.AdmissionReview.pb rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/admission.k8s.io.v1.AdmissionReview.pb index de772dcfb1bf..f57ecfc7d19e 100644 Binary files a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/admission.k8s.io.v1.AdmissionReview.pb and b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/admission.k8s.io.v1.AdmissionReview.pb differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/admission.k8s.io.v1.AdmissionReview.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/admission.k8s.io.v1.AdmissionReview.yaml similarity index 98% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/admission.k8s.io.v1.AdmissionReview.yaml rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/admission.k8s.io.v1.AdmissionReview.yaml index 7bad0580ba68..9b2f3db81ce8 100644 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/admission.k8s.io.v1.AdmissionReview.yaml +++ b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/admission.k8s.io.v1.AdmissionReview.yaml @@ -78,3 +78,5 @@ response: reason: Hr鯹)晿ą S + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "380" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "379" + runAsUserName: "381" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "353" + failureThreshold: 1805682547 + httpGet: + host: "356" + httpHeaders: + - name: "357" + value: "358" + path: "354" + port: "355" + scheme: đ>*劶? + initialDelaySeconds: 1008425444 + periodSeconds: 1678953375 + successThreshold: 1045190247 + tcpSocket: + host: "359" + port: -176877925 + timeoutSeconds: -821592382 + stdinOnce: true + targetContainerName: "383" + terminationMessagePath: "374" + terminationMessagePolicy: s梊ɥʋăƻ遲njlȘ鹾K + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "339" + name: "338" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "335" + mountPropagation: Ű藛b磾sYȠ繽敮ǰ + name: "334" + subPath: "336" + subPathExpr: "337" + workingDir: "318" + hostAliases: + - hostnames: + - "446" + ip: "445" + hostIPC: true + hostNetwork: true + hostname: "400" + imagePullSecrets: + - name: "399" + initContainers: + - args: + - "178" + command: + - "177" + env: + - name: "185" + value: "186" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "192" + name: "191" + optional: true + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "187" + fieldPath: "188" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: 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+ port: 1714588921 + timeoutSeconds: 617318981 + name: "175" + ports: + - containerPort: -1252938503 + hostIP: "181" + hostPort: 852780575 + name: "180" + protocol: Opwǩ曬逴褜1ØœȠƬQg鄠 + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "208" + failureThreshold: 549215478 + httpGet: + host: "210" + httpHeaders: + - name: "211" + value: "212" + path: "209" + port: 1777326813 + scheme: ǟi&皥贸碔lNKƙ順\E¦ + initialDelaySeconds: 1868887309 + periodSeconds: -316996074 + successThreshold: 1933968533 + tcpSocket: + host: "214" + port: "213" + timeoutSeconds: -528664199 + resources: + limits: + LĹ]佱¿>犵殇ŕ-Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊: "807" + requests: + 嚧ʣq埄: "936" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: true + capabilities: + add: + - ǵɐ鰥Z + drop: + - ´DÒȗÔÂɘɢ鬍熖B芭花ª瘡 + privileged: false + procMount: ƲǦŐnj汰 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: 2823592889848840099 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: -1666202510534940446 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "239" + role: "237" + type: "238" + user: "236" + seccompProfile: + 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'''呪欼萜õ箘鸰呾顓闉ȦT瑄ǻG' + runtimeClassName: "452" + schedulerName: "442" + securityContext: + fsGroup: -4548866432246561416 + fsGroupChangePolicy: Ð扬 + runAsGroup: -4962946920772050319 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: 4841944355356012825 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "392" + role: "390" + type: "391" + user: "389" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "398" + type: 惍EʦŊĊ娮rȧ + supplementalGroups: + - 5695420257629724684 + sysctls: + - name: "396" + value: "397" + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "394" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "393" + runAsUserName: "395" + serviceAccount: "387" + serviceAccountName: "386" + setHostnameAsFQDN: true + shareProcessNamespace: false + subdomain: "401" + terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -155552760352472950 + tolerations: + - effect: ưg + key: "443" + operator: Ž彙pg稠氦Ņs + tolerationSeconds: 7158818521862381855 + value: "444" + topologySpreadConstraints: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 37-ufi-q7u0ux-qv4kd-36---9-d-6s83--r-vkm.8fmt4272r--49u-0m7u-----v---4b---h-wyux--4t7k--e--x--3/fdw.3-._CJ4a1._-_CH-6 + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + cg-w2q76.6-7w-tdt-u-0----p6l-3-znd-8b-dg--1035ad1o-d-6-bk81-3s/s-g__.2: 3N_.n1.--.._-x_4..u2-__3uM77U7._pT-___-_5-6h_K7 + maxSkew: -918148948 + topologyKey: "453" + whenUnsatisfiable: 亪鸑躓1Ǐ詁Ȟ鮩ĺJCuɖc + volumes: + - awsElasticBlockStore: + fsType: "47" + partition: -2007808768 + volumeID: "46" + azureDisk: + cachingMode: k ź贩j瀉ǚrǜnh0åȂ + diskName: "110" + diskURI: "111" + fsType: "112" + kind: nj揠8lj黳鈫ʕ禒Ƙá腿ħ缶 + readOnly: false + azureFile: + readOnly: true + secretName: "96" + shareName: "97" + cephfs: + monitors: + - "81" + path: "82" + secretFile: "84" + secretRef: + name: "85" + user: "83" + cinder: + fsType: "79" + secretRef: + name: "80" + volumeID: "78" + configMap: + defaultMode: 952979935 + items: + - key: "99" + mode: 2020789772 + path: "100" + name: "98" + optional: false + csi: + driver: "142" + fsType: "143" + 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spec: + accessModes: + - 酃=6}ɡŇƉ立hdz緄Ú|dk_瀹鞎 + dataSource: + apiGroup: "172" + kind: "173" + name: "174" + resources: + limits: + 'âĺɗŹ倗S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤/ɸɎ ': "648" + requests: + 鴒翁杙Ŧ癃8鸖ɱJȉ罴ņ螡: "212" + selector: + matchExpressions: + - key: Wik_--DSXr.n-A9..9__Y-H-Mqpt._.-_..051 + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + o-03-t-0-035--5b95w------4-n4f--139-295at-o7qff2/v2.-_-8wE._._3.-.83_iq_-y.-25C.A-j..9dfn38: m_zm-.-_RJt2pX_2_28.6 + storageClassName: "171" + volumeMode: dz娝嘚庎D}埽uʎȺ眖R#yV'WK + volumeName: "170" + fc: + fsType: "94" + lun: 570501002 + targetWWNs: + - "93" + wwids: + - "95" + flexVolume: + driver: "73" + fsType: "74" + options: + "76": "77" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "75" + flocker: + datasetName: "86" + datasetUUID: "87" + gcePersistentDisk: + fsType: "45" + partition: -1318752360 + pdName: "44" + gitRepo: + directory: "50" + repository: "48" + revision: "49" + glusterfs: + endpoints: "63" + path: "64" + hostPath: + path: "43" + type: "" + iscsi: + 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Y囙邵鄨o鷺ɷ裝TG奟cõ乨厰ʚ± + currentNumberScheduled: 408491268 + desiredNumberScheduled: 1883709155 + numberAvailable: -406189540 + numberMisscheduled: -1833348558 + numberReady: 484752614 + numberUnavailable: -2095625968 + observedGeneration: 3359608726763190142 + updatedNumberScheduled: 1401559245 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.StatefulSet.json b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1.Deployment.json similarity index 55% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.StatefulSet.json rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1.Deployment.json index b37b0bf1c8d8..c4355bde5b95 100644 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.StatefulSet.json +++ b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1.Deployment.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "kind": "StatefulSet", + "kind": "Deployment", "apiVersion": "apps/v1", "metadata": { "name": "2", @@ -365,314 +365,396 @@ "nodePublishSecretRef": { "name": "146" } + }, + "ephemeral": { + 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"362" + httpHeaders: + - name: "363" + value: "364" + path: "361" + port: 1288391156 + scheme: Ǥ桒ɴ鉂WJ1抉泅ą&疀ȼN + tcpSocket: + host: "366" + port: "365" + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "367" + httpGet: + host: "369" + httpHeaders: + - name: "370" + value: "371" + path: "368" + port: 1859267428 + scheme: ȟP + tcpSocket: + host: "372" + port: 1445923603 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "339" + failureThreshold: -36573584 + httpGet: + host: "342" + httpHeaders: + - name: "343" + value: "344" + path: "340" + port: "341" + scheme: ȥ}礤铟怖ý萜Ǖ + initialDelaySeconds: -1922458514 + periodSeconds: 692511776 + successThreshold: -1231653807 + tcpSocket: + host: "345" + port: -1088996269 + timeoutSeconds: 1480364858 + name: "313" + ports: + - containerPort: -1918622971 + hostIP: "319" + hostPort: -1656699070 + name: "318" + protocol: ĵ鴁ĩȲǸ|蕎'佉賞ǧĒz + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "346" + failureThreshold: -1436899600 + httpGet: + host: "348" + httpHeaders: + - name: "349" + value: "350" + path: "347" + port: -1157640253 + scheme: ×p鬷m罂o3ǰ廋i乳'ȘUɻ; + initialDelaySeconds: -478839383 + periodSeconds: 140830733 + successThreshold: -708495486 + tcpSocket: + host: "352" + port: "351" + timeoutSeconds: 989933975 + resources: + limits: + 1b: "328" + requests: + '}Ñ蠂Ü[ƛ^輅9ɛ棕ƈ眽炊': "699" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: true + capabilities: + add: + - 鸔ɧWǘ炙 + drop: + - 餸硷 + privileged: true + procMount: ʈʫ羶剹ƊF豎穜 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: 2946116477552625615 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: 5215323049148402377 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "377" + role: "375" + type: "376" + user: "374" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "381" + type: l咑耖p^鏋 + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "379" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "378" + runAsUserName: "380" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "353" + failureThreshold: -1873425934 + httpGet: + host: "356" + httpHeaders: + - name: "357" + value: "358" + path: "354" + port: "355" + scheme: 漤ŗ坟 + initialDelaySeconds: -902839620 + periodSeconds: 1808698094 + successThreshold: 1155232143 + tcpSocket: + host: "359" + port: -1617422199 + timeoutSeconds: -2030665763 + targetContainerName: "382" + terminationMessagePath: "373" + terminationMessagePolicy: 殆诵H玲鑠ĭ$#卛8ð仁Q + tty: true + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "338" + name: "337" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "334" + mountPropagation: Ik(dŊiɢzĮ蛋I + name: "333" + readOnly: true + subPath: "335" + subPathExpr: "336" + workingDir: "317" + hostAliases: + - hostnames: + - "445" + ip: "444" + hostNetwork: true + hostname: "399" + imagePullSecrets: + - name: "398" + initContainers: + - args: + - "178" + command: + - "177" + env: + - name: "185" + value: "186" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "192" + name: "191" + optional: false + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "187" + fieldPath: "188" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "189" + divisor: "573" + resource: "190" + secretKeyRef: + key: "194" + name: "193" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "183" + optional: false + prefix: "182" + secretRef: + name: "184" + optional: false + image: "176" + imagePullPolicy: 昕Ĭ + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "222" + httpGet: + host: "225" + httpHeaders: + - name: "226" + value: "227" + path: "223" + port: "224" + scheme: '>郵[+扴ȨŮ' + tcpSocket: + host: "229" + port: "228" + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "230" + httpGet: + host: "232" + httpHeaders: + - name: "233" + value: "234" + path: "231" + port: -743369977 + scheme: '>犵殇ŕ-Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊#v铿ʩȂ4' + tcpSocket: + host: "235" + port: -1224991707 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "201" + failureThreshold: -1150474479 + httpGet: + host: "203" + httpHeaders: + - name: "204" + value: "205" + path: "202" + port: -1196874390 + scheme: S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤 + initialDelaySeconds: 1885897314 + periodSeconds: 1054858106 + successThreshold: 232569106 + tcpSocket: + host: "206" + port: -498930176 + timeoutSeconds: -465677631 + name: "175" + ports: + - containerPort: 377225334 + hostIP: "181" + hostPort: 282592353 + name: "180" + protocol: Ƹ[Ęİ榌U髷裎$MVȟ@7 + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "207" + failureThreshold: 1752155096 + httpGet: + host: "210" + httpHeaders: + - name: "211" + value: "212" + path: "208" + port: "209" + scheme: 8鸖ɱJȉ罴ņ螡źȰ?$矡ȶ网棊ʢ + initialDelaySeconds: -2717401 + periodSeconds: -1099429189 + successThreshold: 994072122 + tcpSocket: + host: "214" + port: "213" + timeoutSeconds: -1492565335 + resources: + limits: + ǚ灄鸫rʤî萨zvt: "829" + requests: + 悮坮Ȣ幟ļ腻ŬƩȿ0矀Kʝ瘴I\p: "604" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: true + capabilities: + add: + - 藢xɮĵȑ6L*Z鐫û咡W< + drop: + - lu|榝$î. + privileged: false + procMount: 朦 wƯ貾坢'跩 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: 8949541422887578058 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: -7565148469525206101 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "240" + role: "238" + type: "239" + user: "237" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "244" + type: ŕ翑0展} + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "242" + 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+ fsGroupChangePolicy: ='ʨ|ǓÓ敆OɈÏ 瞍髃 + runAsGroup: -759684899479757878 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: -1290365495982891537 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "391" + role: "389" + type: "390" + user: "388" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "397" + type: ɣȕW歹s梊ɥʋăƻ遲njlȘ鹾KƂʼn + supplementalGroups: + - 3273247375993523103 + sysctls: + - name: "395" + value: "396" + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "393" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "392" + runAsUserName: "394" + serviceAccount: "386" + serviceAccountName: "385" + setHostnameAsFQDN: false + shareProcessNamespace: false + subdomain: "400" + terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -616777763639482630 + tolerations: + - effect: 淵 + key: "442" + operator: Ɖ肆Ző + tolerationSeconds: -1072615283184390308 + value: "443" + topologySpreadConstraints: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 51-i-d-----9---063-qm-j-3wc89k-0-57z4063--4/rBQ.u + operator: Exists + matchLabels: + jp-z---k-5r6h--y7n.61-cm---ch-g0t-q--qr95ws-v-5--7-ufi-7/35a-1-CdM._bk81S3.s_s_6.-_v__.rP._2_O--d.7.--.2g: Mqp..__._-J_-fk3-_j.133eT_2_Y + maxSkew: -1568300104 + topologyKey: "452" + whenUnsatisfiable: 潑嫉悔柅ȵ.Ȁ鎧Y冒Ɩ + volumes: + - awsElasticBlockStore: + fsType: "47" + partition: 912004803 + readOnly: true + volumeID: "46" + azureDisk: + cachingMode: '|@?鷅bȻN' + diskName: "110" + diskURI: "111" + fsType: "112" + kind: 榱*Gưoɘ檲 + readOnly: true + azureFile: + readOnly: true + secretName: "96" + shareName: "97" + cephfs: + monitors: + - "81" + path: "82" + secretFile: "84" + secretRef: + name: "85" + user: "83" + cinder: + fsType: "79" + secretRef: + name: "80" + volumeID: "78" + configMap: + defaultMode: 1593906314 + items: + - key: "99" + mode: 195263908 + path: "100" + name: "98" + optional: false + csi: + driver: "142" + fsType: "143" + nodePublishSecretRef: + name: "146" + readOnly: false + volumeAttributes: + "144": "145" + downwardAPI: + defaultMode: 824682619 + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "89" + fieldPath: "90" + mode: 1569992019 + path: "88" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "91" + divisor: "660" + resource: "92" + emptyDir: + medium: Xŋ朘瑥A徙ɶɊł/擇ɦĽ胚O醔ɍ厶耈 + sizeLimit: "473" + ephemeral: + readOnly: true + volumeClaimTemplate: + metadata: + annotations: + "154": "155" + clusterName: "160" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: 6296624700137074905 + finalizers: + - "159" + generateName: "148" + generation: 6028937828108618026 + labels: + "152": "153" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "162" + fieldsType: "163" + manager: "161" + operation: ɑ龫`劳&¼傭Ȟ1酃=6}ɡŇƉ立h + name: "147" + namespace: "149" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "156" + blockOwnerDeletion: false + controller: false + kind: "157" + name: "158" + uid: 閝ȝ + resourceVersion: "11451542506523135343" + selfLink: "150" + uid: H巧壚tC十Oɢ + spec: + accessModes: + - '鲡:' + dataSource: + apiGroup: "172" + kind: "173" + name: "174" + resources: + limits: + Ŗȫ焗捏ĨFħ籘: "853" + requests: + zɟ踡肒Ao/樝fw[Řż丩ŽoǠ: "918" + selector: + matchExpressions: + - key: m_0_F03_J + operator: NotIn + values: + - 4FpF_W-6 + matchLabels: + 0-.-yz-0-_p4mz--.I_f6kjsz-7lwY-Y93-6: igm_-._.q6 + storageClassName: "171" + volumeMode: Z1Ůđ眊ľǎɳ,ǿ飏騀呣 + volumeName: "170" + fc: + fsType: "94" + lun: -1740986684 + readOnly: true + targetWWNs: + - "93" + wwids: + - "95" + flexVolume: + driver: "73" + fsType: "74" + options: + "76": "77" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "75" + flocker: + datasetName: "86" + datasetUUID: "87" + gcePersistentDisk: + fsType: "45" + partition: -1188153605 + pdName: "44" + gitRepo: + directory: "50" + repository: "48" + revision: "49" + glusterfs: + endpoints: "63" + path: "64" + readOnly: true + hostPath: + path: "43" + type: ƛƟ)ÙæNǚ錯ƶRquA?瞲Ť倱< + iscsi: + chapAuthDiscovery: true + fsType: "59" + initiatorName: "62" + iqn: "57" + iscsiInterface: "58" + lun: 994527057 + portals: + - "60" + secretRef: + name: "61" + targetPortal: "56" + name: "42" + nfs: + path: "55" + readOnly: true + server: "54" + persistentVolumeClaim: + claimName: "65" + readOnly: true + photonPersistentDisk: + fsType: "114" + pdID: "113" + portworxVolume: + fsType: "129" + readOnly: true + volumeID: "128" + projected: + defaultMode: -1334904807 + sources: + - configMap: + items: + - key: "124" + mode: 2063799569 + path: "125" + name: "123" + optional: false + downwardAPI: + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "119" + fieldPath: "120" + mode: 173030157 + path: "118" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "121" + divisor: "106" + resource: "122" + secret: + items: + - key: "116" + mode: -323584340 + path: "117" + name: "115" + optional: true + serviceAccountToken: + audience: "126" + expirationSeconds: 8357931971650847566 + path: "127" + quobyte: + group: "108" + registry: "105" + tenant: "109" + user: "107" + volume: "106" + rbd: + fsType: "68" + image: "67" + keyring: "71" + monitors: + - "66" + pool: "69" + secretRef: + name: "72" + user: "70" + scaleIO: + fsType: "137" + gateway: "130" + protectionDomain: "133" + secretRef: + name: "132" + storageMode: "135" + storagePool: "134" + system: "131" + volumeName: "136" + secret: + defaultMode: 332383000 + items: + - key: "52" + mode: -547518679 + path: "53" + optional: true + secretName: "51" + storageos: + fsType: "140" + secretRef: + name: "141" + volumeName: "138" + volumeNamespace: "139" + vsphereVolume: + fsType: "102" + storagePolicyID: "104" + storagePolicyName: "103" + volumePath: "101" +status: + availableReplicas: -1172851921 + collisionCount: -73034396 + conditions: + - lastTransitionTime: "2151-08-19T18:24:00Z" + lastUpdateTime: "2792-08-11T23:40:18Z" + message: "460" + reason: "459" + status: íEd楗鱶镖喗vȥ倉螆ȨX> + type: ʤY囙邵鄨o鷺ɷ裝TG奟cõ乨 + observedGeneration: 8090469215987662586 + readyReplicas: 877113289 + replicas: 782219862 + unavailableReplicas: -763028101 + updatedReplicas: 1380163777 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1.ReplicaSet.json 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诵H玲鑠ĭ$#卛8ð + drop: + - Q橱9ij\Ď愝Ű藛b + privileged: false + procMount: 忀oɎƺL肄$鬬 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: 8850141386971124227 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: 5574781452707956333 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "374" + role: "372" + type: "373" + user: "371" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "378" + type: 矐_ + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "376" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "375" + runAsUserName: "377" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "349" + failureThreshold: -708495486 + httpGet: + host: "352" + httpHeaders: + - name: "353" + value: "354" + path: "350" + port: "351" + scheme: U + initialDelaySeconds: -291429895 + periodSeconds: 989933975 + successThreshold: 140830733 + tcpSocket: + host: "355" + port: 758604605 + timeoutSeconds: -478839383 + targetContainerName: "379" + terminationMessagePath: "370" + terminationMessagePolicy: 鉂WJ1抉泅ą&疀ȼN翾ȾD虓氙磂t + tty: true + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "335" + name: "334" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "331" + 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+ - "228" + httpGet: + host: "230" + httpHeaders: + - name: "231" + value: "232" + path: "229" + port: 1810980158 + scheme: _ƮA攤/ɸɎ R§耶FfBl + tcpSocket: + host: "233" + port: 1074486306 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "201" + failureThreshold: 1684643131 + httpGet: + host: "203" + httpHeaders: + - name: "204" + value: "205" + path: "202" + port: 1214895765 + scheme: 悖ȩ0Ƹ[Ęİ榌U + initialDelaySeconds: -442393168 + periodSeconds: 1109079597 + successThreshold: -646728130 + tcpSocket: + host: "206" + port: -187060941 + timeoutSeconds: -307373517 + name: "175" + ports: + - containerPort: 859639931 + hostIP: "181" + hostPort: 747521320 + name: "180" + protocol: p儼Ƿ裚瓶釆Ɗ+j忊Ŗȫ焗捏ĨF + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "207" + failureThreshold: -1880980172 + httpGet: + host: "210" + httpHeaders: + - name: "211" + value: "212" + path: "208" + port: "209" + scheme: 荶ljʁ揆ɘȌ脾嚏吐ĠLƐȤ藠3 + initialDelaySeconds: 238949508 + periodSeconds: 851018015 + successThreshold: 596942561 + tcpSocket: + 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limits: + V訆Ǝżŧ: "915" + requests: + +SÄ蚃ɣľ)酊龨Î: "787" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: false + capabilities: + add: + - DŽ髐njʉBn(fǂǢ曣 + drop: + - ay + privileged: false + procMount: 嗆u + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: -5996624450771474158 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: 1958157659034146020 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "308" + role: "306" + type: "307" + user: "305" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "312" + type: 晲T[irȎ3Ĕ\ + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "310" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "309" + runAsUserName: "311" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "284" + failureThreshold: -1699531929 + httpGet: + host: "287" + httpHeaders: + - name: "288" + value: "289" + path: "285" + port: "286" + scheme: 鏻砅邻爥 + initialDelaySeconds: 601198286 + periodSeconds: 405193215 + successThreshold: 2129989022 + tcpSocket: + host: "290" + port: -305362540 + timeoutSeconds: 409029209 + terminationMessagePath: "304" + terminationMessagePolicy: 迮ƙIJ嘢4ʗN,丽饾| 鞤ɱďW賁Ěɭ + 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name: "363" + value: "364" + path: "361" + port: 1288391156 + scheme: Ǥ桒ɴ鉂WJ1抉泅ą&疀ȼN + tcpSocket: + host: "366" + port: "365" + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "367" + httpGet: + host: "369" + httpHeaders: + - name: "370" + value: "371" + path: "368" + port: 1859267428 + scheme: ȟP + tcpSocket: + host: "372" + port: 1445923603 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "339" + failureThreshold: -36573584 + httpGet: + host: "342" + httpHeaders: + - name: "343" + value: "344" + path: "340" + port: "341" + scheme: ȥ}礤铟怖ý萜Ǖ + initialDelaySeconds: -1922458514 + periodSeconds: 692511776 + successThreshold: -1231653807 + tcpSocket: + host: "345" + port: -1088996269 + timeoutSeconds: 1480364858 + name: "313" + ports: + - containerPort: -1918622971 + hostIP: "319" + hostPort: -1656699070 + name: "318" + protocol: ĵ鴁ĩȲǸ|蕎'佉賞ǧĒz + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "346" + failureThreshold: -1436899600 + httpGet: + host: "348" + httpHeaders: + - name: "349" + value: "350" + path: "347" + port: -1157640253 + scheme: ×p鬷m罂o3ǰ廋i乳'ȘUɻ; + initialDelaySeconds: -478839383 + periodSeconds: 140830733 + successThreshold: -708495486 + tcpSocket: + host: "352" + port: "351" + timeoutSeconds: 989933975 + resources: + limits: + 1b: "328" + requests: + '}Ñ蠂Ü[ƛ^輅9ɛ棕ƈ眽炊': "699" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: true + capabilities: + add: + - 鸔ɧWǘ炙 + drop: + - 餸硷 + privileged: true + procMount: ʈʫ羶剹ƊF豎穜 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: 2946116477552625615 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: 5215323049148402377 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "377" + role: "375" + type: "376" + user: "374" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "381" + type: l咑耖p^鏋 + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "379" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "378" + runAsUserName: "380" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "353" + failureThreshold: -1873425934 + httpGet: + host: "356" + httpHeaders: + - name: "357" + value: "358" + path: "354" + port: "355" + scheme: 漤ŗ坟 + initialDelaySeconds: -902839620 + periodSeconds: 1808698094 + successThreshold: 1155232143 + tcpSocket: + host: "359" + port: -1617422199 + timeoutSeconds: -2030665763 + targetContainerName: "382" + terminationMessagePath: "373" + terminationMessagePolicy: 殆诵H玲鑠ĭ$#卛8ð仁Q + tty: true + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "338" + name: "337" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "334" + mountPropagation: Ik(dŊiɢzĮ蛋I + name: "333" + readOnly: true + subPath: "335" + subPathExpr: "336" + workingDir: "317" + hostAliases: + - hostnames: + - "445" + ip: "444" + hostNetwork: true + hostname: "399" + imagePullSecrets: + - name: "398" + initContainers: + - args: + - "178" + command: + - "177" + env: + - name: "185" + value: "186" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "192" + name: "191" + optional: false + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "187" + fieldPath: "188" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "189" + divisor: "573" + resource: "190" + secretKeyRef: + key: "194" + name: "193" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "183" + optional: false + prefix: "182" + secretRef: + name: "184" + optional: false + image: "176" + imagePullPolicy: 昕Ĭ + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "222" + httpGet: + host: "225" + httpHeaders: + - name: "226" + value: "227" + path: "223" + port: "224" + scheme: '>郵[+扴ȨŮ' + tcpSocket: + host: "229" + port: "228" + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "230" + httpGet: + host: "232" + httpHeaders: + - name: "233" + value: "234" + path: "231" + port: -743369977 + scheme: '>犵殇ŕ-Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊#v铿ʩȂ4' + tcpSocket: + host: "235" + port: -1224991707 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "201" + failureThreshold: -1150474479 + httpGet: + host: "203" + httpHeaders: + - name: "204" + value: "205" + path: "202" + port: -1196874390 + scheme: S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤 + initialDelaySeconds: 1885897314 + periodSeconds: 1054858106 + successThreshold: 232569106 + tcpSocket: + host: "206" + port: -498930176 + timeoutSeconds: -465677631 + name: "175" + ports: + - containerPort: 377225334 + hostIP: "181" + hostPort: 282592353 + name: "180" + protocol: Ƹ[Ęİ榌U髷裎$MVȟ@7 + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "207" + failureThreshold: 1752155096 + httpGet: + host: "210" + httpHeaders: + - name: "211" + value: "212" + path: "208" + port: "209" + scheme: 8鸖ɱJȉ罴ņ螡źȰ?$矡ȶ网棊ʢ + initialDelaySeconds: -2717401 + periodSeconds: -1099429189 + successThreshold: 994072122 + tcpSocket: + host: "214" + port: "213" + timeoutSeconds: -1492565335 + resources: + limits: + ǚ灄鸫rʤî萨zvt: "829" + requests: + 悮坮Ȣ幟ļ腻ŬƩȿ0矀Kʝ瘴I\p: "604" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: true + capabilities: + add: + - 藢xɮĵȑ6L*Z鐫û咡W< + drop: + - lu|榝$î. + privileged: false + procMount: 朦 wƯ貾坢'跩 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: 8949541422887578058 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: -7565148469525206101 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "240" + role: "238" + type: "239" + user: "237" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "244" + type: ŕ翑0展} + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "242" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "241" + runAsUserName: "243" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "215" + failureThreshold: 785984384 + httpGet: + host: "218" + httpHeaders: + - name: "219" + value: "220" + path: "216" + port: "217" + scheme: Kw(ğ儴Ůĺ}潷ʒ胵輓Ɔ + initialDelaySeconds: -1738069460 + periodSeconds: -805795167 + successThreshold: 1791615594 + tcpSocket: + host: "221" + port: -36782737 + timeoutSeconds: -1643733106 + stdinOnce: true + terminationMessagePath: "236" + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "200" + name: "199" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "196" + mountPropagation: ƖHV + name: "195" + readOnly: true + subPath: "197" + subPathExpr: "198" + workingDir: "179" + nodeName: "387" + nodeSelector: + "383": "384" + overhead: + ȩ纾S: "368" + preemptionPolicy: 'n夬LJ:BŐ埑Ô*ɾWȖ韝ƉşʁO^:' + priority: -1221153504 + priorityClassName: "446" + readinessGates: + - conditionType: 媈 + restartPolicy: ȿ醏g遧 + runtimeClassName: "451" + schedulerName: "441" + securityContext: + fsGroup: 4489057930380969432 + fsGroupChangePolicy: ='ʨ|ǓÓ敆OɈÏ 瞍髃 + runAsGroup: -759684899479757878 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: -1290365495982891537 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "391" + role: "389" + type: "390" + user: "388" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "397" + type: ɣȕW歹s梊ɥʋăƻ遲njlȘ鹾KƂʼn + supplementalGroups: + - 3273247375993523103 + sysctls: + - name: "395" + value: "396" + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "393" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "392" + runAsUserName: "394" + serviceAccount: "386" + serviceAccountName: "385" + setHostnameAsFQDN: false + shareProcessNamespace: false + subdomain: "400" + terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -616777763639482630 + tolerations: + - effect: 淵 + key: "442" + operator: Ɖ肆Ző + tolerationSeconds: -1072615283184390308 + value: "443" + topologySpreadConstraints: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 51-i-d-----9---063-qm-j-3wc89k-0-57z4063--4/rBQ.u + operator: Exists + matchLabels: + jp-z---k-5r6h--y7n.61-cm---ch-g0t-q--qr95ws-v-5--7-ufi-7/35a-1-CdM._bk81S3.s_s_6.-_v__.rP._2_O--d.7.--.2g: Mqp..__._-J_-fk3-_j.133eT_2_Y + maxSkew: -1568300104 + topologyKey: "452" + whenUnsatisfiable: 潑嫉悔柅ȵ.Ȁ鎧Y冒Ɩ + volumes: + - awsElasticBlockStore: + fsType: "47" + partition: 912004803 + readOnly: true + volumeID: "46" + azureDisk: + cachingMode: '|@?鷅bȻN' + diskName: "110" + diskURI: "111" + fsType: "112" + kind: 榱*Gưoɘ檲 + readOnly: true + azureFile: + readOnly: true + secretName: "96" + shareName: "97" + cephfs: + monitors: + - "81" + path: "82" + secretFile: "84" + secretRef: + name: "85" + user: "83" + cinder: + fsType: "79" + secretRef: + name: "80" + volumeID: "78" + configMap: + defaultMode: 1593906314 + items: + - key: "99" + mode: 195263908 + path: "100" + name: "98" + optional: false + csi: + driver: "142" + fsType: "143" + nodePublishSecretRef: + name: "146" + readOnly: false + volumeAttributes: + "144": "145" + downwardAPI: + defaultMode: 824682619 + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "89" + fieldPath: "90" + mode: 1569992019 + path: "88" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "91" + divisor: "660" + resource: "92" + emptyDir: + medium: Xŋ朘瑥A徙ɶɊł/擇ɦĽ胚O醔ɍ厶耈 + sizeLimit: "473" + ephemeral: + readOnly: true + volumeClaimTemplate: + metadata: + annotations: + "154": "155" + clusterName: "160" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: 6296624700137074905 + finalizers: + - "159" + generateName: "148" + generation: 6028937828108618026 + labels: + "152": "153" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "162" + fieldsType: "163" + manager: "161" + operation: ɑ龫`劳&¼傭Ȟ1酃=6}ɡŇƉ立h + name: "147" + namespace: "149" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "156" + blockOwnerDeletion: false + controller: false + kind: "157" + name: "158" + uid: 閝ȝ + resourceVersion: "11451542506523135343" + selfLink: "150" + uid: H巧壚tC十Oɢ + spec: + accessModes: + - '鲡:' + dataSource: + apiGroup: "172" + kind: "173" + name: "174" + resources: + limits: + Ŗȫ焗捏ĨFħ籘: "853" + requests: + zɟ踡肒Ao/樝fw[Řż丩ŽoǠ: "918" + selector: + matchExpressions: + - key: m_0_F03_J + operator: NotIn + values: + - 4FpF_W-6 + matchLabels: + 0-.-yz-0-_p4mz--.I_f6kjsz-7lwY-Y93-6: igm_-._.q6 + storageClassName: "171" + volumeMode: Z1Ůđ眊ľǎɳ,ǿ飏騀呣 + volumeName: "170" + fc: + fsType: "94" + lun: -1740986684 + readOnly: true + targetWWNs: + - "93" + wwids: + - "95" + flexVolume: + driver: "73" + fsType: "74" + options: + "76": "77" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "75" + flocker: + datasetName: "86" + datasetUUID: "87" + gcePersistentDisk: + fsType: "45" + partition: -1188153605 + pdName: "44" + gitRepo: + directory: "50" + repository: "48" + revision: "49" + glusterfs: + endpoints: "63" + path: "64" + readOnly: true + hostPath: + path: "43" + type: ƛƟ)ÙæNǚ錯ƶRquA?瞲Ť倱< + iscsi: + chapAuthDiscovery: true + fsType: "59" + initiatorName: "62" + iqn: "57" + iscsiInterface: "58" + lun: 994527057 + portals: + - "60" + secretRef: + name: "61" + targetPortal: "56" + name: "42" + nfs: + path: "55" + readOnly: true + server: "54" + persistentVolumeClaim: + claimName: "65" + readOnly: true + photonPersistentDisk: + fsType: "114" + pdID: "113" + portworxVolume: + fsType: "129" + readOnly: true + volumeID: "128" + projected: + defaultMode: -1334904807 + sources: + - configMap: + items: + - key: "124" + mode: 2063799569 + path: "125" + name: "123" + optional: false + downwardAPI: + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "119" + fieldPath: "120" + mode: 173030157 + path: "118" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "121" + divisor: "106" + resource: "122" + secret: + items: + - key: "116" + mode: -323584340 + path: "117" + name: "115" + optional: true + serviceAccountToken: + audience: "126" + expirationSeconds: 8357931971650847566 + path: "127" + quobyte: + group: "108" + registry: "105" + tenant: "109" + user: "107" + volume: "106" + rbd: + fsType: "68" + image: "67" + keyring: "71" + monitors: + - "66" + pool: "69" + secretRef: + name: "72" + user: "70" + scaleIO: + fsType: "137" + gateway: "130" + protectionDomain: "133" + secretRef: + name: "132" + storageMode: "135" + storagePool: "134" + system: "131" + volumeName: "136" + secret: + defaultMode: 332383000 + items: + - key: "52" + mode: -547518679 + path: "53" + optional: true + secretName: "51" + storageos: + fsType: "140" + secretRef: + name: "141" + volumeName: "138" + volumeNamespace: "139" + vsphereVolume: + fsType: "102" + storagePolicyID: "104" + storagePolicyName: "103" + volumePath: "101" + updateStrategy: + rollingUpdate: + partition: -83826225 + type: șa汸<ƋlɋN磋镮ȺPÈ + volumeClaimTemplates: + - metadata: + annotations: + "466": "467" + clusterName: "472" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -6486445241316991261 + finalizers: + - "471" + generateName: "460" + generation: -5107762106575809276 + labels: + "464": "465" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "474" + fieldsType: "475" + manager: "473" + operation: 壛ĐíEd楗鱶镖喗vȥ + name: "459" + namespace: "461" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "468" + blockOwnerDeletion: false + controller: true + kind: "469" + name: "470" + uid: /nēɅĀ埰ʀł!U詨nj1ýǝ + resourceVersion: "8285629342346774721" + selfLink: "462" + uid: S誖Śs垦Ȋ髴T唼=`朇c + spec: + accessModes: + - Y斩I儑瓔¯ + dataSource: + apiGroup: "484" + kind: "485" + name: "486" + resources: + limits: + 涟雒驭堣Qwn:Ʋå譥a超: "19" + requests: + ª韷v简3VǢɾ纤ą¨?ɣ蔫椁Ȕ: "368" + selector: + matchExpressions: + - key: vUK_-.j21---__y.9O.L-.m.3--4 + operator: In + values: + - 37u-h---dY7_M_-._M52 + matchLabels: + ? k--13lk5-e4-u-5kvp-----887j72qz6-7d84-1f396h82----23-6b77f.mgi7-2je7zjt0pp-x0r2gd---yn1/7_._qN__A_f_-B3_U__L.KH6K.RwsfI_2-_20_9.5 + : 8_B-ks7dx + storageClassName: "483" + volumeMode: '''降\4)ȳɍǟm{煰œ憼' + volumeName: "482" + status: + accessModes: + - èƾ竒决瘛Ǫǵ + capacity: + Ǧ澵貛香"砻B鷋: "578" + conditions: + - lastProbeTime: "2230-04-25T02:33:53Z" + lastTransitionTime: "2843-07-14T02:23:26Z" + message: "488" + reason: "487" + status: WU=ȑ-A敲ʉ2腠梊 + type: '|nET¬%ȎdžĤɂR湛' + phase: ʌ槧ą°Z拕獘:pȚ\猫ï卒ú +status: + collisionCount: -1556190810 + conditions: + - lastTransitionTime: "2446-08-01T12:34:13Z" + message: "493" + reason: "492" + status: 闬輙怀¹bCũw¼ ǫđ槴Ċį軠> + type: ȩ硘(ǒ[ + currentReplicas: -463159422 + currentRevision: "490" + observedGeneration: -3866306318826551410 + readyReplicas: -1993494670 + replicas: 1852870468 + updateRevision: "491" + updatedReplicas: 463674701 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.ControllerRevision.json b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta1.ControllerRevision.json similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.ControllerRevision.json rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta1.ControllerRevision.json diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.ControllerRevision.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta1.ControllerRevision.pb similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.ControllerRevision.pb rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta1.ControllerRevision.pb diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.ControllerRevision.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta1.ControllerRevision.yaml similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.ControllerRevision.yaml rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta1.ControllerRevision.yaml diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.Deployment.json b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta1.Deployment.json similarity index 55% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.Deployment.json rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta1.Deployment.json index ca918b84c20b..b6be11c2c017 100644 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.Deployment.json +++ 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1958157659034146020 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "308" + role: "306" + type: "307" + user: "305" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "312" + type: 晲T[irȎ3Ĕ\ + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "310" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "309" + runAsUserName: "311" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "284" + failureThreshold: -1699531929 + httpGet: + host: "287" + httpHeaders: + - name: "288" + value: "289" + path: "285" + port: "286" + scheme: 鏻砅邻爥 + initialDelaySeconds: 601198286 + periodSeconds: 405193215 + successThreshold: 2129989022 + tcpSocket: + host: "290" + port: -305362540 + timeoutSeconds: 409029209 + terminationMessagePath: "304" + terminationMessagePolicy: 迮ƙIJ嘢4ʗN,丽饾| 鞤ɱďW賁Ěɭ + tty: true + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "270" + name: "269" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "266" + mountPropagation: '"冓鍓贯澔 ƺ蛜6' + name: "265" + readOnly: true + subPath: "267" + subPathExpr: "268" + workingDir: "249" + dnsConfig: + nameservers: + - "447" + options: + - name: "449" + value: "450" + searches: + - "448" + dnsPolicy: :{柯?B + enableServiceLinks: true + ephemeralContainers: + - args: + - "316" + command: + - "315" + env: + - name: "323" + value: "324" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "330" + name: "329" + optional: true + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "325" + fieldPath: "326" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "327" + divisor: "69" + resource: "328" + secretKeyRef: + key: "332" + name: "331" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "321" + optional: true + prefix: "320" + secretRef: + name: "322" + optional: false + image: "314" + imagePullPolicy: tl敷斢杧ż鯀 + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "360" + httpGet: + host: "362" + httpHeaders: + - name: "363" + value: "364" + path: "361" + port: 1288391156 + scheme: Ǥ桒ɴ鉂WJ1抉泅ą&疀ȼN + tcpSocket: + host: "366" + port: "365" + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "367" + httpGet: + host: "369" + httpHeaders: + - name: "370" + value: "371" + path: "368" + port: 1859267428 + scheme: ȟP + tcpSocket: + host: "372" + port: 1445923603 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "339" + failureThreshold: -36573584 + httpGet: + host: "342" + httpHeaders: + - name: "343" + value: "344" + path: "340" + port: "341" + scheme: ȥ}礤铟怖ý萜Ǖ + initialDelaySeconds: -1922458514 + periodSeconds: 692511776 + successThreshold: -1231653807 + tcpSocket: + host: "345" + port: -1088996269 + timeoutSeconds: 1480364858 + name: "313" + ports: + - containerPort: -1918622971 + hostIP: "319" + hostPort: -1656699070 + name: "318" + protocol: ĵ鴁ĩȲǸ|蕎'佉賞ǧĒz + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "346" + failureThreshold: -1436899600 + httpGet: + host: "348" + httpHeaders: + - name: "349" + value: "350" + path: "347" + port: -1157640253 + scheme: ×p鬷m罂o3ǰ廋i乳'ȘUɻ; + initialDelaySeconds: -478839383 + periodSeconds: 140830733 + successThreshold: -708495486 + tcpSocket: + host: "352" + port: "351" + timeoutSeconds: 989933975 + resources: + limits: + 1b: "328" + requests: + '}Ñ蠂Ü[ƛ^輅9ɛ棕ƈ眽炊': "699" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: true + capabilities: + add: + - 鸔ɧWǘ炙 + drop: + - 餸硷 + privileged: true + procMount: ʈʫ羶剹ƊF豎穜 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: 2946116477552625615 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: 5215323049148402377 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "377" + role: "375" + type: "376" + user: "374" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "381" + type: l咑耖p^鏋 + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "379" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "378" + runAsUserName: "380" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "353" + failureThreshold: -1873425934 + httpGet: + host: "356" + httpHeaders: + - name: "357" + value: "358" + path: "354" + port: "355" + scheme: 漤ŗ坟 + initialDelaySeconds: -902839620 + periodSeconds: 1808698094 + successThreshold: 1155232143 + tcpSocket: + host: "359" + port: -1617422199 + timeoutSeconds: -2030665763 + targetContainerName: "382" + terminationMessagePath: "373" + terminationMessagePolicy: 殆诵H玲鑠ĭ$#卛8ð仁Q + tty: true + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "338" + name: "337" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "334" + mountPropagation: Ik(dŊiɢzĮ蛋I + name: "333" + readOnly: true + subPath: "335" + subPathExpr: "336" + workingDir: "317" + hostAliases: + - hostnames: + - "445" + ip: "444" + hostNetwork: true + hostname: "399" + imagePullSecrets: + - name: "398" + initContainers: + - args: + - "178" + command: + - "177" + env: + - name: "185" + value: "186" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "192" + name: "191" + optional: false + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "187" + fieldPath: "188" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "189" + divisor: "573" + resource: "190" + secretKeyRef: + key: "194" + name: "193" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "183" + optional: false + prefix: "182" + secretRef: + name: "184" + optional: false + image: "176" + imagePullPolicy: 昕Ĭ + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "222" + httpGet: + host: "225" + httpHeaders: + - name: "226" + value: "227" + path: "223" + port: "224" + scheme: '>郵[+扴ȨŮ' + tcpSocket: + host: "229" + port: "228" + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "230" + httpGet: + host: "232" + httpHeaders: + - name: "233" + value: "234" + path: "231" + port: -743369977 + scheme: '>犵殇ŕ-Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊#v铿ʩȂ4' + tcpSocket: + host: "235" + port: -1224991707 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "201" + failureThreshold: -1150474479 + httpGet: + host: "203" + httpHeaders: + - name: "204" + value: "205" + path: "202" + port: -1196874390 + scheme: S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤 + initialDelaySeconds: 1885897314 + periodSeconds: 1054858106 + successThreshold: 232569106 + tcpSocket: + host: "206" + port: -498930176 + timeoutSeconds: -465677631 + name: "175" + ports: + - containerPort: 377225334 + hostIP: "181" + hostPort: 282592353 + name: "180" + protocol: Ƹ[Ęİ榌U髷裎$MVȟ@7 + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "207" + failureThreshold: 1752155096 + httpGet: + host: "210" + httpHeaders: + - name: "211" + value: "212" + path: "208" + port: "209" + scheme: 8鸖ɱJȉ罴ņ螡źȰ?$矡ȶ网棊ʢ + initialDelaySeconds: -2717401 + periodSeconds: -1099429189 + successThreshold: 994072122 + tcpSocket: + host: "214" + port: "213" + timeoutSeconds: -1492565335 + resources: + limits: + ǚ灄鸫rʤî萨zvt: "829" + requests: + 悮坮Ȣ幟ļ腻ŬƩȿ0矀Kʝ瘴I\p: "604" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: true + capabilities: + add: + - 藢xɮĵȑ6L*Z鐫û咡W< + drop: + - lu|榝$î. + privileged: false + procMount: 朦 wƯ貾坢'跩 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: 8949541422887578058 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: -7565148469525206101 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "240" + role: "238" + type: "239" + user: "237" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "244" + type: ŕ翑0展} + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "242" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "241" + runAsUserName: "243" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "215" + failureThreshold: 785984384 + httpGet: + host: "218" + httpHeaders: + - name: "219" + value: "220" + path: "216" + port: "217" + scheme: Kw(ğ儴Ůĺ}潷ʒ胵輓Ɔ + initialDelaySeconds: -1738069460 + periodSeconds: -805795167 + successThreshold: 1791615594 + tcpSocket: + host: "221" + port: -36782737 + timeoutSeconds: -1643733106 + stdinOnce: true + terminationMessagePath: "236" + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "200" + name: "199" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "196" + mountPropagation: ƖHV + name: "195" + readOnly: true + subPath: "197" + subPathExpr: "198" + workingDir: "179" + nodeName: "387" + nodeSelector: + "383": "384" + overhead: + ȩ纾S: "368" + preemptionPolicy: 'n夬LJ:BŐ埑Ô*ɾWȖ韝ƉşʁO^:' + priority: -1221153504 + priorityClassName: "446" + readinessGates: + - conditionType: 媈 + restartPolicy: ȿ醏g遧 + runtimeClassName: "451" + schedulerName: "441" + securityContext: + fsGroup: 4489057930380969432 + fsGroupChangePolicy: ='ʨ|ǓÓ敆OɈÏ 瞍髃 + runAsGroup: -759684899479757878 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: -1290365495982891537 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "391" + role: "389" + type: "390" + user: "388" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "397" + type: ɣȕW歹s梊ɥʋăƻ遲njlȘ鹾KƂʼn + supplementalGroups: + - 3273247375993523103 + sysctls: + - name: "395" + value: "396" + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "393" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "392" + runAsUserName: "394" + serviceAccount: "386" + serviceAccountName: "385" + setHostnameAsFQDN: false + shareProcessNamespace: false + subdomain: "400" + terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -616777763639482630 + tolerations: + - effect: 淵 + key: "442" + operator: Ɖ肆Ző + tolerationSeconds: -1072615283184390308 + value: "443" + topologySpreadConstraints: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 51-i-d-----9---063-qm-j-3wc89k-0-57z4063--4/rBQ.u + operator: Exists + matchLabels: + jp-z---k-5r6h--y7n.61-cm---ch-g0t-q--qr95ws-v-5--7-ufi-7/35a-1-CdM._bk81S3.s_s_6.-_v__.rP._2_O--d.7.--.2g: Mqp..__._-J_-fk3-_j.133eT_2_Y + maxSkew: -1568300104 + topologyKey: "452" + whenUnsatisfiable: 潑嫉悔柅ȵ.Ȁ鎧Y冒Ɩ + volumes: + - awsElasticBlockStore: + fsType: "47" + partition: 912004803 + readOnly: true + volumeID: "46" + azureDisk: + cachingMode: '|@?鷅bȻN' + diskName: "110" + diskURI: "111" + fsType: "112" + kind: 榱*Gưoɘ檲 + readOnly: true + azureFile: + readOnly: true + secretName: "96" + shareName: "97" + cephfs: + monitors: + - "81" + path: "82" + secretFile: "84" + secretRef: + name: "85" + user: "83" + cinder: + fsType: "79" + secretRef: + name: "80" + volumeID: "78" + configMap: + defaultMode: 1593906314 + items: + - key: "99" + mode: 195263908 + path: "100" + name: "98" + optional: false + csi: + driver: "142" + fsType: "143" + nodePublishSecretRef: + name: "146" + readOnly: false + volumeAttributes: + "144": "145" + downwardAPI: + defaultMode: 824682619 + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "89" + fieldPath: "90" + mode: 1569992019 + path: "88" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "91" + divisor: "660" + resource: "92" + emptyDir: + medium: Xŋ朘瑥A徙ɶɊł/擇ɦĽ胚O醔ɍ厶耈 + sizeLimit: "473" + ephemeral: + readOnly: true + volumeClaimTemplate: + metadata: + annotations: + "154": "155" + clusterName: "160" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: 6296624700137074905 + finalizers: + - "159" + generateName: "148" + generation: 6028937828108618026 + labels: + "152": "153" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "162" + fieldsType: "163" + manager: "161" + operation: ɑ龫`劳&¼傭Ȟ1酃=6}ɡŇƉ立h + name: "147" + namespace: "149" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "156" + blockOwnerDeletion: false + controller: false + kind: "157" + name: "158" + uid: 閝ȝ + resourceVersion: "11451542506523135343" + selfLink: "150" + uid: H巧壚tC十Oɢ + spec: + accessModes: + - '鲡:' + dataSource: + apiGroup: "172" + kind: "173" + name: "174" + resources: + limits: + Ŗȫ焗捏ĨFħ籘: "853" + requests: + zɟ踡肒Ao/樝fw[Řż丩ŽoǠ: "918" + selector: + matchExpressions: + - key: m_0_F03_J + operator: NotIn + values: + - 4FpF_W-6 + matchLabels: + 0-.-yz-0-_p4mz--.I_f6kjsz-7lwY-Y93-6: igm_-._.q6 + storageClassName: "171" + volumeMode: Z1Ůđ眊ľǎɳ,ǿ飏騀呣 + volumeName: "170" + fc: + fsType: "94" + lun: -1740986684 + readOnly: true + targetWWNs: + - "93" + wwids: + - "95" + flexVolume: + driver: "73" + fsType: "74" + options: + "76": "77" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "75" + flocker: + datasetName: "86" + datasetUUID: "87" + gcePersistentDisk: + fsType: "45" + partition: -1188153605 + pdName: "44" + gitRepo: + directory: "50" + repository: "48" + revision: "49" + glusterfs: + endpoints: "63" + path: "64" + readOnly: true + hostPath: + path: "43" + type: ƛƟ)ÙæNǚ錯ƶRquA?瞲Ť倱< + iscsi: + chapAuthDiscovery: true + fsType: "59" + initiatorName: "62" + iqn: "57" + iscsiInterface: "58" + lun: 994527057 + portals: + - "60" + secretRef: + name: "61" + targetPortal: "56" + name: "42" + nfs: + path: "55" + readOnly: true + server: "54" + persistentVolumeClaim: + claimName: "65" + readOnly: true + photonPersistentDisk: + fsType: "114" + pdID: "113" + portworxVolume: + fsType: "129" + readOnly: true + volumeID: "128" + projected: + defaultMode: -1334904807 + sources: + - configMap: + items: + - key: "124" + mode: 2063799569 + path: "125" + name: "123" + optional: false + downwardAPI: + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "119" + fieldPath: "120" + mode: 173030157 + path: "118" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "121" + divisor: "106" + resource: "122" + secret: + items: + - key: "116" + mode: -323584340 + path: "117" + name: "115" + optional: true + serviceAccountToken: + audience: "126" + expirationSeconds: 8357931971650847566 + path: "127" + quobyte: + group: "108" + registry: "105" + tenant: "109" + user: "107" + volume: "106" + rbd: + fsType: "68" + image: "67" + keyring: "71" + monitors: + - "66" + pool: "69" + secretRef: + name: "72" + user: "70" + scaleIO: + fsType: "137" + gateway: "130" + protectionDomain: "133" + secretRef: + name: "132" + storageMode: "135" + storagePool: "134" + system: "131" + volumeName: "136" + secret: + defaultMode: 332383000 + items: + - key: "52" + mode: -547518679 + path: "53" + optional: true + secretName: "51" + storageos: + fsType: "140" + secretRef: + name: "141" + volumeName: "138" + volumeNamespace: "139" + vsphereVolume: + fsType: "102" + storagePolicyID: "104" + storagePolicyName: "103" + volumePath: "101" +status: + availableReplicas: -303330375 + collisionCount: 2099542463 + conditions: + - lastTransitionTime: "2035-01-21T08:11:33Z" + lastUpdateTime: "2096-03-01T11:48:47Z" + message: "460" + reason: "459" + status: o鷺ɷ裝TG奟cõ乨厰ʚ±r珹ȟ6 + type: ʀł! + observedGeneration: 3359608726763190142 + readyReplicas: -2095625968 + replicas: 1401559245 + unavailableReplicas: 584721644 + updatedReplicas: -406189540 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.json b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.json similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.json rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.json diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.pb similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.pb rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.pb diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.yaml similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.yaml rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.yaml diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.Scale.json b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta1.Scale.json similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/apps.v1beta1.Scale.json rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta1.Scale.json diff --git 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blockOwnerDeletion: true + controller: true + kind: "35" + name: "36" + uid: ƶȤ^} + resourceVersion: "1736621709629422270" + selfLink: "28" + uid: ?Qȫş + spec: + activeDeadlineSeconds: 2031424375743848602 + affinity: + nodeAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - preference: + matchExpressions: + - key: "405" + operator: '#ļǹʅŚO虀^背遻堣灭ƴɦ燻' + values: + - "406" + matchFields: + - key: "407" + operator: -觗裓6Ř筿ɾ5Ų買霎ȃň[>ą + values: + - "408" + weight: 377409178 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + nodeSelectorTerms: + - matchExpressions: + - key: "401" + operator: +Œ9两 + values: + - "402" + matchFields: + - key: "403" + operator: q=歍þ螗ɃŒGm¨z鋎靀G + values: + - "404" + podAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - podAffinityTerm: + labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: hj6/bW_E..24-O._.v._9-cz.-Y6T4g_-.._Lf2t_m...CqN + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + ? v-5-e-m78o-6-6211-7p--3zm-lx300w-tj-35840-w4g-27-5s6.q-22r4wye52y-h7463lyps4483-o--3f1p7--43nw-l-x18mtxb--kexr-y/oK-.O--5-yp8q_s-1__gw_-z_659GE.l_.23--_6l.-5_Z + : 3Pw_-r75--_-Ao + namespaces: + - "423" + topologyKey: "424" + weight: -1507671981 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 5X1rh-K5y_AzOBW.9oE9_6.--v17r__.2bIZ___Y + operator: Exists + matchLabels: + 1-2ga-v205p-26-u5wg-g8.m-l80--5o1--cp6-5-x1---0w4rm-0u6/l-7_3x_-J_.....7..--w0_1V4.-r-8S5--_7_-Zp5: 1--L--v_Z--Zg-_4Q__-v_t_u_.A + namespaces: + - "415" + topologyKey: "416" + podAntiAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - podAffinityTerm: + labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: "8" + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + k407--m-dc---6-q-q0o90--g-09--d5ez1----b69x90/um._fN._k8__._ep2P.B._A_090ERG2nV.__p_Y-.2__a_dWU_VF: 11---.-o7.pJ-4-1WV.-__05._LsuH + namespaces: + - "439" + topologyKey: "440" + weight: 1067925263 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 1x--i--7-nt-23h-4z-21-sap--h--q0h-t2n4s-6-k5-7-a0w-ke5p-3.nu--17---u7-gl7814ei-07shtq-6---g----9s39z-5/wv3UDf.-4D-5 + operator: NotIn + values: + - l67Q.-_t--O.3L.z2-y.-...C4_-_2G8 + matchLabels: + C--Y_Dp8O_._e_3_.4_W_-_7: p_.----cp__ac8u.._-__BM.6-.Y7 + namespaces: + - "431" + topologyKey: "432" + automountServiceAccountToken: false + containers: + - args: + - "248" + command: + - "247" + env: + - name: "255" + value: "256" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "262" + name: "261" + optional: false + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "257" + fieldPath: "258" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "259" + divisor: "124" + resource: "260" + secretKeyRef: + key: "264" + name: "263" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "253" + optional: true + prefix: "252" + secretRef: + name: "254" + optional: false + image: "246" + imagePullPolicy: ņ + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "291" + httpGet: + host: "294" + httpHeaders: + - name: "295" + value: "296" + path: "292" + port: "293" + scheme: ­蜷ɔ幩š + tcpSocket: + host: "297" + port: 455833230 + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "298" + httpGet: + host: "300" + httpHeaders: + - name: "301" + value: "302" + path: "299" + port: 1076497581 + scheme: h4ɊHȖ|ʐ + tcpSocket: + host: "303" + port: 248533396 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "271" + failureThreshold: -205176266 + httpGet: + host: "273" + httpHeaders: + - name: "274" + value: "275" + path: "272" + port: 465486290 + initialDelaySeconds: -2097329452 + periodSeconds: 865289071 + successThreshold: -1829146875 + tcpSocket: + host: "276" + port: -116224247 + timeoutSeconds: 1504385614 + name: "245" + ports: + - containerPort: 2056774277 + hostIP: "251" + hostPort: -778272981 + name: "250" + protocol: 现葢ŵ橨鬶l獕;跣Hǝcw媀瓄&翜舞拉 + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "277" + failureThreshold: -402384013 + httpGet: + host: "279" + httpHeaders: + - name: "280" + value: "281" + path: "278" + port: 234253676 + scheme: ÔÂɘɢ鬍熖B芭花ª瘡蟦JBʟ鍏 + initialDelaySeconds: -2062708879 + periodSeconds: -141401239 + successThreshold: -1187301925 + tcpSocket: + host: "283" + port: "282" + timeoutSeconds: 215186711 + resources: + limits: + V訆Ǝżŧ: "915" + requests: + +SÄ蚃ɣľ)酊龨Î: "787" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: false + capabilities: + add: + - DŽ髐njʉBn(fǂǢ曣 + drop: + - ay + privileged: false + procMount: 嗆u + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: -5996624450771474158 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: 1958157659034146020 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "308" + role: "306" + type: "307" + user: "305" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "312" + type: 晲T[irȎ3Ĕ\ + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "310" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "309" + runAsUserName: "311" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "284" + failureThreshold: -1699531929 + httpGet: + host: "287" + httpHeaders: + - name: "288" + value: "289" + path: "285" + port: "286" + scheme: 鏻砅邻爥 + initialDelaySeconds: 601198286 + periodSeconds: 405193215 + successThreshold: 2129989022 + tcpSocket: + host: "290" + port: -305362540 + timeoutSeconds: 409029209 + terminationMessagePath: "304" + terminationMessagePolicy: 迮ƙIJ嘢4ʗN,丽饾| 鞤ɱďW賁Ěɭ + tty: true + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "270" + name: "269" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "266" + mountPropagation: '"冓鍓贯澔 ƺ蛜6' + name: "265" + readOnly: true + subPath: "267" + subPathExpr: "268" + workingDir: "249" + dnsConfig: + nameservers: + - "447" + options: + - name: "449" + value: "450" + searches: + - "448" + dnsPolicy: :{柯?B + enableServiceLinks: true + ephemeralContainers: + - args: + - "316" + command: + - "315" + env: + - name: "323" + value: "324" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "330" + name: "329" + optional: true + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "325" + fieldPath: "326" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "327" + divisor: "69" + resource: "328" + secretKeyRef: + key: "332" + name: "331" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "321" + optional: true + prefix: "320" + secretRef: + name: "322" + optional: false + image: "314" + imagePullPolicy: tl敷斢杧ż鯀 + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "360" + httpGet: + host: "362" + httpHeaders: + - name: "363" + value: "364" + path: "361" + port: 1288391156 + scheme: Ǥ桒ɴ鉂WJ1抉泅ą&疀ȼN + tcpSocket: + host: "366" + port: "365" + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "367" + httpGet: + host: "369" + httpHeaders: + - name: "370" + value: "371" + path: "368" + port: 1859267428 + scheme: ȟP + tcpSocket: + host: "372" + port: 1445923603 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "339" + failureThreshold: -36573584 + httpGet: + host: "342" + httpHeaders: + - name: "343" + value: "344" + path: "340" + port: "341" + scheme: ȥ}礤铟怖ý萜Ǖ + initialDelaySeconds: -1922458514 + periodSeconds: 692511776 + successThreshold: -1231653807 + tcpSocket: + host: "345" + port: -1088996269 + timeoutSeconds: 1480364858 + name: "313" + ports: + - containerPort: -1918622971 + hostIP: "319" + hostPort: -1656699070 + name: "318" + protocol: ĵ鴁ĩȲǸ|蕎'佉賞ǧĒz + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "346" + failureThreshold: -1436899600 + httpGet: + host: "348" + httpHeaders: + - name: "349" + value: "350" + path: "347" + port: -1157640253 + scheme: ×p鬷m罂o3ǰ廋i乳'ȘUɻ; + initialDelaySeconds: -478839383 + periodSeconds: 140830733 + successThreshold: -708495486 + tcpSocket: + host: "352" + port: "351" + timeoutSeconds: 989933975 + resources: + limits: + 1b: "328" + requests: + '}Ñ蠂Ü[ƛ^輅9ɛ棕ƈ眽炊': "699" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: true + capabilities: + add: + - 鸔ɧWǘ炙 + drop: + - 餸硷 + privileged: true + procMount: ʈʫ羶剹ƊF豎穜 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: 2946116477552625615 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: 5215323049148402377 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "377" + role: "375" + type: "376" + user: "374" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "381" + type: l咑耖p^鏋 + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "379" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "378" + runAsUserName: "380" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "353" + failureThreshold: -1873425934 + httpGet: + host: "356" + httpHeaders: + - name: "357" + value: "358" + path: "354" + port: "355" + scheme: 漤ŗ坟 + initialDelaySeconds: -902839620 + periodSeconds: 1808698094 + successThreshold: 1155232143 + tcpSocket: + host: "359" + port: -1617422199 + timeoutSeconds: -2030665763 + targetContainerName: "382" + terminationMessagePath: "373" + terminationMessagePolicy: 殆诵H玲鑠ĭ$#卛8ð仁Q + tty: true + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "338" + name: "337" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "334" + mountPropagation: Ik(dŊiɢzĮ蛋I + name: "333" + readOnly: true + subPath: "335" + subPathExpr: "336" + workingDir: "317" + hostAliases: + - hostnames: + - "445" + ip: "444" + hostNetwork: true + hostname: "399" + imagePullSecrets: + - name: "398" + initContainers: + - args: + - "178" + command: + - "177" + env: + - name: "185" + value: "186" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "192" + name: "191" + optional: false + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "187" + fieldPath: "188" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "189" + divisor: "573" + resource: "190" + secretKeyRef: + key: "194" + name: "193" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "183" + optional: false + prefix: "182" + secretRef: + name: "184" + optional: false + image: "176" + imagePullPolicy: 昕Ĭ + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "222" + httpGet: + host: "225" + httpHeaders: + - name: "226" + value: "227" + path: "223" + port: "224" + scheme: '>郵[+扴ȨŮ' + tcpSocket: + host: "229" + port: "228" + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "230" + httpGet: + host: "232" + httpHeaders: + - name: "233" + value: "234" + path: "231" + port: -743369977 + scheme: '>犵殇ŕ-Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊#v铿ʩȂ4' + tcpSocket: + host: "235" + port: -1224991707 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "201" + failureThreshold: -1150474479 + httpGet: + host: "203" + httpHeaders: + - name: "204" + value: "205" + path: "202" + port: -1196874390 + scheme: S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤 + initialDelaySeconds: 1885897314 + periodSeconds: 1054858106 + successThreshold: 232569106 + tcpSocket: + host: "206" + port: -498930176 + timeoutSeconds: -465677631 + name: "175" + ports: + - containerPort: 377225334 + hostIP: "181" + hostPort: 282592353 + name: "180" + protocol: Ƹ[Ęİ榌U髷裎$MVȟ@7 + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "207" + failureThreshold: 1752155096 + httpGet: + host: "210" + httpHeaders: + - name: "211" + value: "212" + path: "208" + port: "209" + scheme: 8鸖ɱJȉ罴ņ螡źȰ?$矡ȶ网棊ʢ + initialDelaySeconds: -2717401 + periodSeconds: -1099429189 + successThreshold: 994072122 + tcpSocket: + host: "214" + port: "213" + timeoutSeconds: -1492565335 + resources: + limits: + ǚ灄鸫rʤî萨zvt: "829" + requests: + 悮坮Ȣ幟ļ腻ŬƩȿ0矀Kʝ瘴I\p: "604" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: true + capabilities: + add: + - 藢xɮĵȑ6L*Z鐫û咡W< + drop: + - lu|榝$î. + privileged: false + procMount: 朦 wƯ貾坢'跩 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: 8949541422887578058 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: -7565148469525206101 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "240" + role: "238" + type: "239" + user: "237" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "244" + type: ŕ翑0展} + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "242" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "241" + runAsUserName: "243" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "215" + failureThreshold: 785984384 + httpGet: + host: "218" + httpHeaders: + - name: "219" + value: "220" + path: "216" + port: "217" + scheme: Kw(ğ儴Ůĺ}潷ʒ胵輓Ɔ + initialDelaySeconds: -1738069460 + periodSeconds: -805795167 + successThreshold: 1791615594 + tcpSocket: + host: "221" + port: -36782737 + timeoutSeconds: -1643733106 + stdinOnce: true + terminationMessagePath: "236" + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "200" + name: "199" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "196" + mountPropagation: ƖHV + name: "195" + readOnly: true + subPath: "197" + subPathExpr: "198" + workingDir: "179" + nodeName: "387" + nodeSelector: + "383": "384" + overhead: + ȩ纾S: "368" + preemptionPolicy: 'n夬LJ:BŐ埑Ô*ɾWȖ韝ƉşʁO^:' + priority: -1221153504 + priorityClassName: "446" + readinessGates: + - conditionType: 媈 + restartPolicy: ȿ醏g遧 + runtimeClassName: "451" + schedulerName: "441" + securityContext: + fsGroup: 4489057930380969432 + fsGroupChangePolicy: ='ʨ|ǓÓ敆OɈÏ 瞍髃 + runAsGroup: -759684899479757878 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: -1290365495982891537 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "391" + role: "389" + type: "390" + user: "388" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "397" + type: ɣȕW歹s梊ɥʋăƻ遲njlȘ鹾KƂʼn + supplementalGroups: + - 3273247375993523103 + sysctls: + - name: "395" + value: "396" + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "393" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "392" + runAsUserName: "394" + serviceAccount: "386" + serviceAccountName: "385" + setHostnameAsFQDN: false + shareProcessNamespace: false + subdomain: "400" + terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -616777763639482630 + tolerations: + - effect: 淵 + key: "442" + operator: Ɖ肆Ző + tolerationSeconds: -1072615283184390308 + value: "443" + topologySpreadConstraints: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 51-i-d-----9---063-qm-j-3wc89k-0-57z4063--4/rBQ.u + operator: Exists + matchLabels: + jp-z---k-5r6h--y7n.61-cm---ch-g0t-q--qr95ws-v-5--7-ufi-7/35a-1-CdM._bk81S3.s_s_6.-_v__.rP._2_O--d.7.--.2g: Mqp..__._-J_-fk3-_j.133eT_2_Y + maxSkew: -1568300104 + topologyKey: "452" + whenUnsatisfiable: 潑嫉悔柅ȵ.Ȁ鎧Y冒Ɩ + volumes: + - awsElasticBlockStore: + fsType: "47" + partition: 912004803 + readOnly: true + volumeID: "46" + azureDisk: + cachingMode: '|@?鷅bȻN' + diskName: "110" + diskURI: "111" + fsType: "112" + kind: 榱*Gưoɘ檲 + readOnly: true + azureFile: + readOnly: true + secretName: "96" + shareName: "97" + cephfs: + monitors: + - "81" + path: "82" + secretFile: "84" + secretRef: + name: "85" + user: "83" + cinder: + fsType: "79" + secretRef: + name: "80" + volumeID: "78" + configMap: + defaultMode: 1593906314 + items: + - key: "99" + mode: 195263908 + path: "100" + name: "98" + optional: false + csi: + driver: "142" + fsType: "143" + nodePublishSecretRef: + name: "146" + readOnly: false + volumeAttributes: + "144": "145" + downwardAPI: + defaultMode: 824682619 + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "89" + fieldPath: "90" + mode: 1569992019 + path: "88" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "91" + divisor: "660" + resource: "92" + emptyDir: + medium: Xŋ朘瑥A徙ɶɊł/擇ɦĽ胚O醔ɍ厶耈 + sizeLimit: "473" + ephemeral: + readOnly: true + volumeClaimTemplate: + metadata: + annotations: + "154": "155" + clusterName: "160" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: 6296624700137074905 + finalizers: + - "159" + generateName: "148" + generation: 6028937828108618026 + labels: + "152": "153" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "162" + fieldsType: "163" + manager: "161" + operation: ɑ龫`劳&¼傭Ȟ1酃=6}ɡŇƉ立h + name: "147" + namespace: "149" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "156" + blockOwnerDeletion: false + controller: false + kind: "157" + name: "158" + uid: 閝ȝ + resourceVersion: "11451542506523135343" + selfLink: "150" + uid: H巧壚tC十Oɢ + 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+ iscsiInterface: "58" + lun: 994527057 + portals: + - "60" + secretRef: + name: "61" + targetPortal: "56" + name: "42" + nfs: + path: "55" + readOnly: true + server: "54" + persistentVolumeClaim: + claimName: "65" + readOnly: true + photonPersistentDisk: + fsType: "114" + pdID: "113" + portworxVolume: + fsType: "129" + readOnly: true + volumeID: "128" + projected: + defaultMode: -1334904807 + sources: + - configMap: + items: + - key: "124" + mode: 2063799569 + path: "125" + name: "123" + optional: false + downwardAPI: + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "119" + fieldPath: "120" + mode: 173030157 + path: "118" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "121" + divisor: "106" + resource: "122" + secret: + items: + - key: "116" + mode: -323584340 + path: "117" + name: "115" + optional: true + serviceAccountToken: + audience: "126" + expirationSeconds: 8357931971650847566 + path: "127" + quobyte: + group: "108" + registry: "105" + tenant: "109" + user: "107" + volume: "106" + rbd: + fsType: 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"461" } ] } diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta2.DaemonSet.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta2.DaemonSet.pb new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..df357baa253f Binary files /dev/null and b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta2.DaemonSet.pb differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta2.DaemonSet.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta2.DaemonSet.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c660842e9eab --- /dev/null +++ b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta2.DaemonSet.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,1024 @@ +apiVersion: apps/v1beta2 +kind: DaemonSet +metadata: + annotations: + "9": "10" + clusterName: "15" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 + finalizers: + - "14" + generateName: "3" + generation: 8071137005907523419 + labels: + "7": "8" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "17" + fieldsType: "18" + manager: "16" + operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] + name: "2" + namespace: "4" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "11" + blockOwnerDeletion: true + controller: false + kind: "12" + name: "13" + uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp + resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" + selfLink: "5" + uid: "7" +spec: + minReadySeconds: -985724127 + revisionHistoryLimit: 2137111260 + selector: + matchExpressions: + - key: p503---477-49p---o61---4fy--9---7--9-9s-0-u5lj2--10pq-0-7-9-2-0/fP81.-.9Vdx.TB_M-H_5_.t..bG0 + operator: In + values: + - D07.a_.y_y_o0_5qN2_---_M.N_._a6.9bHjdH.-.5_.I8__n + matchLabels: + 8---jop9641lg.p-g8c2-k-912e5-c-e63-n-3n/E9.8ThjT9s-j41-0-6p-JFHn7y-74.-0MUORQQ.N2.3: 68._bQw.-dG6c-.6--_x.--0wmZk1_8._3s_-_Bq.m_4 + template: + metadata: + annotations: + "32": "33" + clusterName: "38" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: 7534629739119643351 + finalizers: + - "37" + generateName: "26" + generation: -4139900758039117471 + labels: + "30": "31" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "40" + fieldsType: "41" + manager: "39" + operation: ĪȸŹăȲĻ¤Ħʅ芝 + name: "25" + namespace: "27" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "34" + blockOwnerDeletion: true + controller: false + kind: "35" + name: "36" + uid: ^ + resourceVersion: "1698285396218902212" + selfLink: "28" + uid: TʡȂŏ{sǡƟ + spec: + activeDeadlineSeconds: 7109959542220202422 + affinity: + nodeAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - preference: + matchExpressions: + - key: "406" + operator: 聧扈4ƫZ + values: + - "407" + matchFields: + - key: "408" + operator: ' ɲ±' + values: + - "409" + weight: -177041290 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + nodeSelectorTerms: + - matchExpressions: + - key: "402" + operator: ɳ礬.b屏ɧeʫį淓¯Ą0 + values: + - "403" + matchFields: + - key: "404" + operator: 鮽ǍJB膾扉A­1襏櫯³£h刪q塨 + values: + - "405" + podAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - podAffinityTerm: + labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: yps4483-o--3f1p7--43nw-l-x18mtb/mLlx...w_t-_.5.40Rw4gD.._.-x6db-L7.-__-G_2kCpH + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + nn093-pi-9o-l4-vo5byp8q-sf1--gw-jz/F_06.eqk5L: 3zHw.H__V.Vz_6.Hz_V_.r_v_._e_7 + namespaces: + - "424" + topologyKey: "425" + weight: -2092358209 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 1rhm-5y--z-0/5eQ9 + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + p_N-1: O-BZ..6-1.S-B3_.b7 + namespaces: + - "416" + topologyKey: "417" + podAntiAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - podAffinityTerm: + labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 2--4-r4p--w1k8--y.e2-08vc--4-7hdum1-f-7-k8q/YD-Q9_-__..YNFu7Pg-.814e-_07-ht-E6___-X__H.-39-A_-_l67Q.-t + operator: NotIn + values: + - Oep2P.B._A_090ERG2nV.__p_Y-.2__a_dWU_V-_Q_Ap._2_xa_o..p_B-d--Q2 + matchLabels: + 6n-f-x--i-b/K_BM.6-.Y_72-_--pT75-.emV__1-wv3UDf.4: 2_uGGP..-_N_h_4Hl-X0_2--__4K..-68-7l + namespaces: + - "440" + topologyKey: "441" + weight: -1084136601 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: I.4_W_-_-7Tp_.---c + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + H1_-ODgC_1-_8__T3sn-0_.i__a.O2G_-_K-0: 8mp.-10KkQ-R_R.-.--4_IT_O__3.5h_XC0_-7.-hj-O + namespaces: + - "432" + topologyKey: "433" + automountServiceAccountToken: false + containers: + - args: + - "247" + command: + - "246" + env: + - name: "254" + value: "255" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "261" + name: "260" + optional: true + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "256" + fieldPath: "257" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "258" + divisor: "277" + resource: "259" + secretKeyRef: + key: "263" + name: "262" + optional: true + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "252" + optional: true + prefix: "251" + secretRef: + name: "253" + optional: true + image: "245" + imagePullPolicy: 焬CQm坊柩 + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "291" + httpGet: + host: "294" + httpHeaders: + - name: "295" + value: "296" + path: "292" + port: "293" + scheme: 磉反 + tcpSocket: + host: "297" + port: -313085430 + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "298" + httpGet: + host: "300" + httpHeaders: + - name: "301" + value: "302" + path: "299" + port: 413903479 + scheme: ɛ棕ƈ眽炊礫Ƽ¨Ix糂 + tcpSocket: + host: "304" + port: "303" + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "270" + failureThreshold: 2144856253 + httpGet: + host: "272" + httpHeaders: + - name: "273" + value: "274" + path: "271" + port: 872525702 + scheme: ay + initialDelaySeconds: 628632965 + periodSeconds: -1396197931 + successThreshold: -1114385515 + tcpSocket: + host: "276" + port: "275" + timeoutSeconds: 552654052 + name: "244" + ports: + - containerPort: -852140121 + hostIP: "250" + hostPort: -57730414 + name: "249" + protocol: ȣ±p + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "277" + failureThreshold: 1803882645 + httpGet: + host: "279" + httpHeaders: + - name: "280" + value: "281" + path: "278" + port: -1186720090 + scheme: 增猍ǵ xǨŴ壶ƵfȽÃ茓pȓɻ + initialDelaySeconds: 1737172479 + periodSeconds: 1223564938 + successThreshold: 1241693652 + tcpSocket: + host: "283" + port: "282" + timeoutSeconds: -767058113 + resources: + limits: + 斩ìh4ɊHȖ|ʐşƧ諔迮ƙIJ: "850" + requests: + jʒǚ鍰\縑ɀ撑¼蠾8餑噭Dµ: "635" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: false + capabilities: + add: + - '[ƕƑĝ®EĨǔvÄÚ' + drop: + - p鬷m罂o3ǰ廋i乳' + privileged: false + procMount: 蠲$ɛ溢臜裡 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: 3258181973067899469 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: 2506229153551047343 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "309" + role: "307" + type: "308" + user: "306" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "313" + type: 銵-紑浘牬釼aTG + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "311" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "310" + runAsUserName: "312" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "284" + failureThreshold: -751455207 + httpGet: + host: "287" + httpHeaders: + - name: "288" + value: "289" + path: "285" + port: "286" + scheme: 賞ǧĒzŔ瘍N + initialDelaySeconds: 2073630689 + periodSeconds: -1395144116 + successThreshold: -684167223 + tcpSocket: + host: "290" + port: -531787516 + timeoutSeconds: -830875556 + stdin: true + terminationMessagePath: "305" + terminationMessagePolicy: ǚŜEuEy竬ʆɞ + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "269" + name: "268" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "265" + mountPropagation: 衷,ƷƣMț譎懚 + name: "264" + subPath: "266" + subPathExpr: "267" + workingDir: "248" + dnsConfig: + nameservers: + - "448" + options: + - name: "450" + value: "451" + searches: + - "449" + dnsPolicy: '#t(ȗŜŲ&洪y儕l' + enableServiceLinks: false + ephemeralContainers: + - args: + - "317" + command: + - "316" + env: + - name: "324" + value: "325" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "331" + name: "330" + optional: true + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "326" + fieldPath: "327" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "328" + divisor: "574" + resource: "329" + secretKeyRef: + key: "333" + name: "332" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "322" + optional: false + prefix: "321" + secretRef: + name: "323" + optional: true + image: "315" + imagePullPolicy: O_h盌3+Œ9两@8Byß讪Ă2 + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "360" + httpGet: + host: "362" + httpHeaders: + - name: "363" + value: "364" + path: "361" + port: 1767555420 + scheme: e + tcpSocket: + host: "366" + port: "365" + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "367" + httpGet: + host: "369" + httpHeaders: + - name: "370" + value: "371" + path: "368" + port: -1452767599 + scheme: ' 瞍髃#ɣȕ' + tcpSocket: + host: "373" + port: "372" + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "340" + failureThreshold: 1471419756 + httpGet: + host: "342" + httpHeaders: + - name: "343" + value: "344" + path: "341" + port: 731136838 + scheme: 繡旹翃ɾ氒ĺʈʫ羶剹Ɗ + initialDelaySeconds: -1223327585 + periodSeconds: -1531582553 + successThreshold: 1474671869 + tcpSocket: + host: "345" + port: -183458945 + timeoutSeconds: -99080494 + name: "314" + ports: + - containerPort: 243566659 + hostIP: "320" + hostPort: -92253969 + name: "319" + protocol: ×DJɶ羹ƞʓ%ʝ`ǭ躌ñ?卶滿筇 + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "346" + failureThreshold: 1447996588 + httpGet: + host: "348" + httpHeaders: + - name: "349" + value: "350" + path: "347" + port: 892837330 + scheme: 気Ƀ秮ò + initialDelaySeconds: -1649234654 + periodSeconds: 541943046 + successThreshold: 1502194981 + tcpSocket: + host: "352" + port: "351" + timeoutSeconds: -263708518 + resources: + limits: + ĭ$: "530" + requests: + «V¯ÁȦtl敷: "698" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: false + capabilities: + add: + - m葰賦迾娙ƴ4虵p蓋沥7uPƒw©ɴĶ + drop: + - "" + privileged: true + procMount: Ř筿 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: 9111865674949727136 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: 6816267869367451869 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "378" + role: "376" + type: "377" + user: "375" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "382" + type: 5Ų買霎ȃň[>ą S + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "380" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "379" + runAsUserName: "381" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "353" + failureThreshold: 1805682547 + httpGet: + host: "356" + httpHeaders: + - name: "357" + value: "358" + path: "354" + port: "355" + scheme: đ>*劶? + initialDelaySeconds: 1008425444 + periodSeconds: 1678953375 + successThreshold: 1045190247 + tcpSocket: + host: "359" + port: -176877925 + timeoutSeconds: -821592382 + stdinOnce: true + targetContainerName: "383" + terminationMessagePath: "374" + terminationMessagePolicy: s梊ɥʋăƻ遲njlȘ鹾K + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "339" + name: "338" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "335" + mountPropagation: Ű藛b磾sYȠ繽敮ǰ + name: "334" + subPath: "336" + subPathExpr: "337" + workingDir: "318" + hostAliases: + - hostnames: + - "446" + ip: "445" + hostIPC: true + hostNetwork: true + hostname: "400" + imagePullSecrets: + - name: "399" + initContainers: + - args: + - "178" + command: + - "177" + env: + - name: "185" + value: "186" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "192" + name: "191" + optional: true + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "187" + fieldPath: "188" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "189" + divisor: "139" + resource: "190" + secretKeyRef: + key: "194" + name: "193" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "183" + optional: false + prefix: "182" + secretRef: + name: "184" + optional: false + image: "176" + imagePullPolicy: Ɖ飴ɎiǨ + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "222" + httpGet: + host: "224" + httpHeaders: + - name: "225" + value: "226" + path: "223" + port: -816630929 + tcpSocket: + host: "227" + port: 1965273344 + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "228" + httpGet: + host: "231" + httpHeaders: + - name: "232" + value: "233" + path: "229" + port: "230" + scheme: SÄ蚃ɣľ)酊龨δ摖ȱğ_< + tcpSocket: + host: "234" + port: -385597677 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "201" + failureThreshold: -552281772 + httpGet: + host: "204" + httpHeaders: + - name: "205" + value: "206" + path: "202" + port: "203" + scheme: u|榝$î.Ȏ蝪ʜ5遰=E埄Ȁ + initialDelaySeconds: -1246371817 + periodSeconds: 432291364 + successThreshold: 676578360 + tcpSocket: + host: "207" + port: 1714588921 + timeoutSeconds: 617318981 + name: "175" + ports: + - containerPort: -1252938503 + hostIP: "181" + hostPort: 852780575 + name: "180" + protocol: Opwǩ曬逴褜1ØœȠƬQg鄠 + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "208" + failureThreshold: 549215478 + httpGet: + host: "210" + httpHeaders: + - name: "211" + value: "212" + path: "209" + port: 1777326813 + scheme: ǟi&皥贸碔lNKƙ順\E¦ + initialDelaySeconds: 1868887309 + periodSeconds: -316996074 + successThreshold: 1933968533 + tcpSocket: + host: "214" + port: "213" + timeoutSeconds: -528664199 + resources: + limits: + LĹ]佱¿>犵殇ŕ-Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊: "807" + requests: + 嚧ʣq埄: "936" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: true + capabilities: + add: + - ǵɐ鰥Z + drop: + - ´DÒȗÔÂɘɢ鬍熖B芭花ª瘡 + privileged: false + procMount: ƲǦŐnj汰 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: 2823592889848840099 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: -1666202510534940446 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "239" + role: "237" + type: "238" + user: "236" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "243" + type: ŕİi騎C + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "241" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "240" + runAsUserName: "242" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "215" + failureThreshold: 1847163341 + httpGet: + host: "217" + httpHeaders: + - name: "218" + value: "219" + path: "216" + port: -374766088 + scheme: 翜舞拉Œ + initialDelaySeconds: -190183379 + periodSeconds: -341287812 + successThreshold: 2030115750 + tcpSocket: + host: "221" + port: "220" + timeoutSeconds: -940334911 + terminationMessagePath: "235" + terminationMessagePolicy: 橈' + tty: true + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "200" + name: "199" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "196" + mountPropagation: '#嬀ơŸ8T 苧yñKJɐ扵Gƚ绤f' + name: "195" + subPath: "197" + subPathExpr: "198" + workingDir: "179" + nodeName: "388" + nodeSelector: + "384": "385" + overhead: + '[IŚȆĸsǞÃ+?Ď筌ʨ:': "664" + preemptionPolicy: 礗渶 + priority: 197024033 + priorityClassName: "447" + readinessGates: + - conditionType: "" + restartPolicy: '''呪欼萜õ箘鸰呾顓闉ȦT瑄ǻG' + runtimeClassName: "452" + schedulerName: "442" + securityContext: + fsGroup: -4548866432246561416 + fsGroupChangePolicy: Ð扬 + runAsGroup: -4962946920772050319 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: 4841944355356012825 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "392" + role: "390" + type: "391" + user: "389" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "398" + type: 惍EʦŊĊ娮rȧ + supplementalGroups: + - 5695420257629724684 + sysctls: + - name: "396" + value: "397" + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "394" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "393" + runAsUserName: "395" + serviceAccount: "387" + serviceAccountName: "386" + setHostnameAsFQDN: true + shareProcessNamespace: false + subdomain: "401" + terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -155552760352472950 + tolerations: + - effect: ưg + key: "443" + operator: Ž彙pg稠氦Ņs + tolerationSeconds: 7158818521862381855 + value: "444" + topologySpreadConstraints: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 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3Pw_-r75--_-Ao + namespaces: + - "423" + topologyKey: "424" + weight: -1507671981 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 5X1rh-K5y_AzOBW.9oE9_6.--v17r__.2bIZ___Y + operator: Exists + matchLabels: + 1-2ga-v205p-26-u5wg-g8.m-l80--5o1--cp6-5-x1---0w4rm-0u6/l-7_3x_-J_.....7..--w0_1V4.-r-8S5--_7_-Zp5: 1--L--v_Z--Zg-_4Q__-v_t_u_.A + namespaces: + - "415" + topologyKey: "416" + podAntiAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - podAffinityTerm: + labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: "8" + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + k407--m-dc---6-q-q0o90--g-09--d5ez1----b69x90/um._fN._k8__._ep2P.B._A_090ERG2nV.__p_Y-.2__a_dWU_VF: 11---.-o7.pJ-4-1WV.-__05._LsuH + namespaces: + - "439" + topologyKey: "440" + weight: 1067925263 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 1x--i--7-nt-23h-4z-21-sap--h--q0h-t2n4s-6-k5-7-a0w-ke5p-3.nu--17---u7-gl7814ei-07shtq-6---g----9s39z-5/wv3UDf.-4D-5 + operator: NotIn + values: + - l67Q.-_t--O.3L.z2-y.-...C4_-_2G8 + matchLabels: + C--Y_Dp8O_._e_3_.4_W_-_7: p_.----cp__ac8u.._-__BM.6-.Y7 + namespaces: + - "431" + topologyKey: "432" + automountServiceAccountToken: false + containers: + - args: + - "248" + command: + - "247" + env: + - name: "255" + value: "256" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "262" + name: "261" + optional: false + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "257" + fieldPath: "258" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "259" + divisor: "124" + resource: "260" + secretKeyRef: + key: "264" + name: "263" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "253" + optional: true + prefix: "252" + secretRef: + name: "254" + optional: false + image: "246" + imagePullPolicy: ņ + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "291" + httpGet: + host: "294" + httpHeaders: + - name: "295" + value: "296" + path: "292" + 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b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta2.ReplicaSet.pb differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta2.ReplicaSet.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta2.ReplicaSet.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f8fecda99095 --- /dev/null +++ b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/apps.v1beta2.ReplicaSet.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,1017 @@ +apiVersion: apps/v1beta2 +kind: ReplicaSet +metadata: + annotations: + "9": "10" + clusterName: "15" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 + finalizers: + - "14" + generateName: "3" + generation: 8071137005907523419 + labels: + "7": "8" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "17" + fieldsType: "18" + manager: "16" + operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] + name: "2" + namespace: "4" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "11" + blockOwnerDeletion: true + controller: false + kind: "12" + name: "13" + uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp + resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" + selfLink: "5" + uid: "7" +spec: + minReadySeconds: -1971381490 + replicas: 896585016 + selector: + matchExpressions: + - key: U-_Bq.m_-.q8_v2LiTF_a981d3-7-fP81.-.9Vdx.TB_M-H_5_t + operator: In + values: + - M--n1-p5.3___47._49pIB_o61ISU4--A_.XK_._M9T9sH.W5 + matchLabels: + g8c2-k-912e5-c-e63-n-3snh-z--3uy5-----578/s.X8u4_.l.wV--__-Nx.N_6-___._-.-W._AAn---v_-5-_8LXP-o-9..1l-5: "" + template: + metadata: + annotations: + "32": "33" + clusterName: "38" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -152893758082474859 + finalizers: + - "37" + generateName: "26" + generation: -6617020301190572172 + labels: + "30": "31" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "40" + fieldsType: "41" + manager: "39" + operation: ƅS·Õüe0ɔȖ脵鴈Ō + name: "25" + namespace: "27" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "34" + blockOwnerDeletion: true + controller: true + kind: "35" + name: "36" + uid: 'ɖgȏ哙ȍȂ揲ȼDDŽLŬp:' + resourceVersion: "7336814125345800857" + selfLink: "28" + uid: ʬ + spec: + activeDeadlineSeconds: 4369716065827112267 + affinity: + nodeAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - preference: + matchExpressions: + - key: "402" + operator: 盌3+Œ + values: + - "403" + matchFields: + - key: "404" + operator: )Zq=歍þ + values: + - "405" + weight: 1724658051 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + nodeSelectorTerms: + - matchExpressions: + - key: "398" + operator: "" + values: + - "399" + matchFields: + - key: "400" + operator: kƒK07曳wœj堑ūM鈱ɖ'蠨磼 + values: + - "401" + podAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - podAffinityTerm: + labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 3--51 + operator: NotIn + values: + - C.-e16-O5 + matchLabels: + y_-3_L_2--_v2.5p_6: u.wg_-b8a_6_.0Q4_.84.K_-_0_..u.F.pq..--3QC1--L--v_Z--Zg-_Q + namespaces: + - "420" + topologyKey: "421" + weight: 1387858949 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: KA-._d._.Um.-__0 + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + a-z_-..6W.VKs: "1" + namespaces: + - "412" + topologyKey: "413" + podAntiAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - podAffinityTerm: + labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: H72-_--pT7p + operator: NotIn + values: + - 0_._f + matchLabels: + O2G_-_K-.03.mp.-10KkQ-R_R.-.--4_IT_O__3.5h_XC0_-7.-j: O_8-b6E_--Y_Dp8O_._e_3_.4_W_-_-7Tp_.----p + namespaces: + - "436" + topologyKey: "437" + weight: -824709210 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 8mtxb__-ex-_1_-ODgC_1-_8__3 + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + 93z-w5----7-z-63-z---5r-v-5-e-m78o-6-6211-7p--3zm-lx300w-tj-354/9--v17r__.2bIZ___._6..tf-_u-3-_n0..KpiS.oK-.O--5-yp8q_s-1__gwj: 5HG2_5XOAX.gUqV22-4-ye52yQh7.6.-y-s4483Po_L3f1-7_O4.nM + namespaces: + - "428" + topologyKey: "429" + automountServiceAccountToken: true + containers: + - args: + - "246" + command: + - "245" + env: + - name: "253" + value: "254" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "260" + name: "259" + optional: false + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "255" + fieldPath: "256" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "257" + divisor: "189" + resource: "258" + secretKeyRef: + key: "262" + name: "261" + optional: true + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "251" + optional: false + prefix: "250" + secretRef: + name: "252" + optional: false + image: "244" + imagePullPolicy: 騎C"6x$1sȣ±p鋄 + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "287" + httpGet: + host: "289" + httpHeaders: + - name: "290" + value: "291" + path: "288" + port: 972193458 + scheme: ƺ蛜6Ɖ飴ɎiǨź + tcpSocket: + host: "292" + port: -1453143878 + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "293" + httpGet: + host: "296" + httpHeaders: + - name: "297" + value: "298" + path: "294" + port: "295" + scheme: ɥ嵐sC8?Ǻ鱎ƙ;Nŕ璻 + tcpSocket: + host: "300" + port: "299" + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "269" + failureThreshold: -1515369804 + httpGet: + host: "271" + httpHeaders: + - name: "272" + value: "273" + path: "270" + port: -260262954 + scheme: ŵ橨鬶l獕;跣H + initialDelaySeconds: 1877574041 + periodSeconds: -374766088 + successThreshold: -736151561 + tcpSocket: + host: "274" + port: -1164530482 + timeoutSeconds: 1430286749 + name: "243" + ports: + - containerPort: -1911544792 + hostIP: "249" + hostPort: -179937987 + name: "248" + protocol: 苧yñKJɐ扵Gƚ绤fʀļ腩 + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "275" + failureThreshold: 937646333 + httpGet: + host: "277" + httpHeaders: + - name: "278" + value: "279" + path: "276" + port: 1909548849 + scheme: 4Ǒ輂,ŕĪ + initialDelaySeconds: 887319241 + periodSeconds: 1156888068 + successThreshold: -1296077882 + tcpSocket: + host: "280" + port: 567263590 + timeoutSeconds: 1559618829 + resources: + limits: + 蔞|表徶đ寳议Ƭƶ氩Ȩ<6: "446" + requests: + ŕ翑0展}: "910" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: false + capabilities: + add: + - ȹ均i绝5哇芆斩ìh4Ɋ + drop: + - Ȗ|ʐşƧ諔迮ƙIJ嘢4 + privileged: false + procMount: ďW賁Ěɭɪǹ0衷,ƷƣMț譎懚XW + readOnlyRootFilesystem: false + runAsGroup: 6618112330449141397 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: 4288903380102217677 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "305" + role: "303" + type: "304" + user: "302" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "309" + type: 鑳w妕眵笭/9崍h趭 + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "307" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "306" + runAsUserName: "308" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "281" + failureThreshold: -1129035468 + httpGet: + host: "283" + httpHeaders: + - name: "284" + value: "285" + path: "282" + port: 1328165061 + scheme: ¸gĩ + initialDelaySeconds: 725793326 + periodSeconds: -239231628 + successThreshold: 1143791964 + tcpSocket: + host: "286" + port: 1186392166 + timeoutSeconds: 217380320 + stdin: true + terminationMessagePath: "301" + terminationMessagePolicy: h亏yƕ丆録²Ŏ)/灩聋3趐囨鏻砅邻 + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "268" + name: "267" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "264" + mountPropagation: 碔 + name: "263" + subPath: "265" + subPathExpr: "266" + workingDir: "247" + dnsConfig: + nameservers: + - "444" + options: + - name: "446" + value: "447" + searches: + - "445" + enableServiceLinks: false + ephemeralContainers: + - args: + - "313" + command: + - "312" + env: + - name: "320" + value: "321" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "327" + name: "326" + optional: true + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "322" + fieldPath: "323" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "324" + divisor: "854" + resource: "325" + secretKeyRef: + key: "329" + name: "328" + optional: true + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "318" + optional: false + prefix: "317" + secretRef: + name: "319" + optional: true + image: "311" + imagePullPolicy: :/ + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "356" + httpGet: + host: "359" + httpHeaders: + - name: "360" + value: "361" + path: "357" + port: "358" + scheme: 臜裡×銵-紑浘 + tcpSocket: + host: "362" + port: -1095116290 + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "363" + httpGet: + host: "365" + httpHeaders: + - name: "366" + value: "367" + path: "364" + port: -1431381588 + scheme: JŵǤ + tcpSocket: + host: "369" + port: "368" + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "336" + failureThreshold: 1643238856 + httpGet: + host: "339" + httpHeaders: + - name: "340" + value: "341" + path: "337" + port: "338" + scheme: dŊiɢ + initialDelaySeconds: -1844150067 + periodSeconds: -1143639551 + successThreshold: 571693619 + tcpSocket: + host: "342" + port: -370404018 + timeoutSeconds: 414056303 + name: "310" + ports: + - containerPort: 805162379 + hostIP: "316" + hostPort: -748525373 + name: "315" + protocol: ǵ xǨŴ壶ƵfȽà + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "343" + failureThreshold: -1706593993 + httpGet: + host: "345" + httpHeaders: + - name: "346" + value: "347" + path: "344" + port: 677650619 + scheme: 怖ý萜Ǖc8ǣƘƵŧ1ƟƓ宆!鍲ɋȑ + initialDelaySeconds: 1573261475 + periodSeconds: 1529027685 + successThreshold: -1612005385 + tcpSocket: + host: "348" + port: -843639240 + timeoutSeconds: -1211577347 + resources: + limits: + ğ Ņ#耗Ǚ(: "24" + requests: + 瘍Nʊ輔3璾ėȜv1b繐汚: "243" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: false + capabilities: + add: + - 诵H玲鑠ĭ$#卛8ð + drop: + - Q橱9ij\Ď愝Ű藛b + privileged: false + procMount: 忀oɎƺL肄$鬬 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: 8850141386971124227 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: 5574781452707956333 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "374" + role: "372" + type: "373" + user: "371" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "378" + type: 矐_ + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "376" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "375" + runAsUserName: "377" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "349" + failureThreshold: -708495486 + httpGet: + host: "352" + httpHeaders: + - name: "353" + value: "354" + path: "350" + port: "351" + scheme: U + initialDelaySeconds: -291429895 + periodSeconds: 989933975 + successThreshold: 140830733 + tcpSocket: + host: "355" + port: 758604605 + timeoutSeconds: -478839383 + targetContainerName: "379" + terminationMessagePath: "370" + terminationMessagePolicy: 鉂WJ1抉泅ą&疀ȼN翾ȾD虓氙磂t + tty: true + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "335" + name: "334" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "331" + mountPropagation: Ü[ƛ^輅9ɛ棕ƈ眽炊礫Ƽ + name: "330" + readOnly: true + subPath: "332" + subPathExpr: "333" + workingDir: "314" + hostAliases: + - hostnames: + - "442" + ip: "441" + hostname: "396" + imagePullSecrets: + - name: "395" + initContainers: + - args: + - "178" + command: + - "177" + env: + - name: "185" + value: "186" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "192" + name: "191" + optional: true + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "187" + fieldPath: "188" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "189" + divisor: "663" + resource: "190" + secretKeyRef: + key: "194" + name: "193" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "183" + optional: true + prefix: "182" + secretRef: + name: "184" + optional: true + image: "176" + imagePullPolicy: Ǖɳɷ9Ì崟¿瘦ɖ緕 + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "221" + httpGet: + host: "224" + httpHeaders: + - name: "225" + value: "226" + path: "222" + port: "223" + scheme: '''' + tcpSocket: + host: "227" + port: -801430937 + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "228" + httpGet: + host: "230" + httpHeaders: + - name: "231" + value: "232" + path: "229" + port: 1810980158 + scheme: _ƮA攤/ɸɎ R§耶FfBl + tcpSocket: + host: "233" + port: 1074486306 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "201" + failureThreshold: 1684643131 + httpGet: + host: "203" + httpHeaders: + - name: "204" + value: "205" + path: "202" + port: 1214895765 + scheme: 悖ȩ0Ƹ[Ęİ榌U + initialDelaySeconds: -442393168 + periodSeconds: 1109079597 + successThreshold: -646728130 + tcpSocket: + host: "206" + port: -187060941 + timeoutSeconds: -307373517 + name: "175" + ports: + - containerPort: 859639931 + hostIP: "181" + hostPort: 747521320 + name: "180" + protocol: p儼Ƿ裚瓶釆Ɗ+j忊Ŗȫ焗捏ĨF + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "207" + failureThreshold: -1880980172 + httpGet: + host: "210" + httpHeaders: + - name: "211" + value: "212" + path: "208" + port: "209" + scheme: 荶ljʁ揆ɘȌ脾嚏吐ĠLƐȤ藠3 + initialDelaySeconds: 238949508 + periodSeconds: 851018015 + successThreshold: 596942561 + tcpSocket: + host: "214" + port: "213" + timeoutSeconds: -1389418722 + resources: + limits: + ſ盷: "532" + requests: + '[Řż丩': "47" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: true + capabilities: + add: + - 勅跦Opwǩ曬逴褜1Ø + drop: + - ȠƬQg鄠[颐o啛更偢ɇ卷荙JLĹ] + privileged: true + procMount: W:ĸ輦唊#v + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: 1373384864388370080 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: -6470941481344047265 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "238" + role: "236" + type: "237" + user: "235" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "242" + type: ʩȂ4ē鐭# + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "240" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "239" + runAsUserName: "241" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "215" + failureThreshold: 59664438 + httpGet: + host: "217" + httpHeaders: + - name: "218" + value: "219" + path: "216" + port: 10098903 + scheme: «丯Ƙ枛牐ɺ皚 + initialDelaySeconds: 766864314 + periodSeconds: 1495880465 + successThreshold: -1032967081 + tcpSocket: + host: "220" + port: -1934111455 + timeoutSeconds: 1146016612 + stdinOnce: true + terminationMessagePath: "234" + terminationMessagePolicy: Zɾģ毋Ó6dz娝嘚庎D}埽uʎ + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "200" + name: "199" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "196" + mountPropagation: VƋZ1Ůđ眊ľǎɳ,ǿ飏 + name: "195" + subPath: "197" + subPathExpr: "198" + workingDir: "179" + nodeName: "384" + nodeSelector: + "380": "381" + overhead: + ɨ悪@黝Ɓ: "177" + preemptionPolicy: .Ą + priority: -125022959 + priorityClassName: "443" + readinessGates: + - conditionType: Ɍ邪鳖üzÁ + restartPolicy: 嵞嬯t{Eɾ敹Ȯ-湷D谹 + runtimeClassName: "448" + schedulerName: "438" + securityContext: + fsGroup: -3029419263270634763 + fsGroupChangePolicy: ?jĎĭ¥#ƱÁR»淹揀. + runAsGroup: -3565639689247870986 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: 1322232608671575212 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "388" + role: "386" + type: "387" + user: "385" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "394" + type: 鍃G昧牱 + supplementalGroups: + - -7888525810745339742 + sysctls: + - name: "392" + value: "393" + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "390" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "389" + runAsUserName: "391" + serviceAccount: "383" + serviceAccountName: "382" + setHostnameAsFQDN: false + shareProcessNamespace: false + subdomain: "397" + terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -2985049970189992560 + tolerations: + - effect: Ɵ鳝稃Ȍ液文?謮ɶÎ磣:mʂ渢pɉ驻( + key: "439" + operator: ƞ=掔廛ĤJŇv膈ǣʛsĊ剞 + tolerationSeconds: 5238971742940252651 + value: "440" + topologySpreadConstraints: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: OA_090ERG2nV.__p_Y-.2__a_dWU_V-_QA + operator: NotIn + values: + - 7CY-_dc__G6N-_-0o.0C_gV.9_G-.-z1Y_HEb.9x8 + matchLabels: + 4e-_07-ht-E6___-X__H.-39-A_-_l67Q.-_t--O.3L.z2-y.-...C4_-_G: 8-c_C.G.h--m.f + maxSkew: -1569123121 + topologyKey: "449" + whenUnsatisfiable: 魨练脨,Ƃ3貊ɔ帘錇š裢C仗ɂ覥 + volumes: + - awsElasticBlockStore: + fsType: "47" + partition: -762366823 + readOnly: true + volumeID: "46" + azureDisk: + cachingMode: HǺƶȤ^}穠 + diskName: "110" + diskURI: "111" + fsType: "112" + kind: 躢 + 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"7" +spec: + podManagementPolicy: '`ŇaƬȿŬ捕|' + replicas: 896585016 + revisionHistoryLimit: -1872519086 + selector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 50-u--25cu87--r7p-w1e67-8pj5t-kl-v0q6b68--nu5oii38fn-8.629b-jd-8c45-0-8--6n--w0--w---196g8d--iv1-5--5ht-a-29--0qso796/3___47._49pIB_o61ISU4--A_.XK_._M99 + operator: Exists + matchLabels: + 74404d5---g8c2-k-91e.y5-g--58----0683-b-w7ld-6cs06xj-x5yv0wm-k18/M_-Nx.N_6-___._-.-W._AAn---v_-5-_8LXj: 6-4_WE-_JTrcd-2.-__E_Sv__26KX_R_.-.Nth._--S_4DA_-5_-4lQ42M--1 + serviceName: "489" + template: + metadata: + annotations: + "32": "33" + clusterName: "38" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -2575298329142810753 + finalizers: + - "37" + generateName: "26" + generation: -8542870036622468681 + labels: + "30": "31" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "40" + fieldsType: "41" + manager: "39" + operation: 躢 + name: "25" + namespace: "27" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "34" + blockOwnerDeletion: true + controller: true + kind: "35" + name: "36" + uid: ƶȤ^} + resourceVersion: "1736621709629422270" + selfLink: "28" + uid: ?Qȫş + spec: + activeDeadlineSeconds: 2031424375743848602 + affinity: + nodeAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - preference: + matchExpressions: + - key: "405" + operator: '#ļǹʅŚO虀^背遻堣灭ƴɦ燻' + values: + - "406" + matchFields: + - key: "407" + operator: -觗裓6Ř筿ɾ5Ų買霎ȃň[>ą + values: + - "408" + weight: 377409178 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + nodeSelectorTerms: + - matchExpressions: + - key: "401" + operator: +Œ9两 + values: + - "402" + matchFields: + - key: "403" + operator: q=歍þ螗ɃŒGm¨z鋎靀G + values: + - "404" + podAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - podAffinityTerm: + labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: hj6/bW_E..24-O._.v._9-cz.-Y6T4g_-.._Lf2t_m...CqN + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + ? v-5-e-m78o-6-6211-7p--3zm-lx300w-tj-35840-w4g-27-5s6.q-22r4wye52y-h7463lyps4483-o--3f1p7--43nw-l-x18mtxb--kexr-y/oK-.O--5-yp8q_s-1__gw_-z_659GE.l_.23--_6l.-5_Z + : 3Pw_-r75--_-Ao + namespaces: + - "423" + topologyKey: "424" + weight: -1507671981 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 5X1rh-K5y_AzOBW.9oE9_6.--v17r__.2bIZ___Y + operator: Exists + matchLabels: + 1-2ga-v205p-26-u5wg-g8.m-l80--5o1--cp6-5-x1---0w4rm-0u6/l-7_3x_-J_.....7..--w0_1V4.-r-8S5--_7_-Zp5: 1--L--v_Z--Zg-_4Q__-v_t_u_.A + namespaces: + - "415" + topologyKey: "416" + podAntiAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - podAffinityTerm: + labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: "8" + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + k407--m-dc---6-q-q0o90--g-09--d5ez1----b69x90/um._fN._k8__._ep2P.B._A_090ERG2nV.__p_Y-.2__a_dWU_VF: 11---.-o7.pJ-4-1WV.-__05._LsuH + namespaces: + - "439" + topologyKey: "440" + weight: 1067925263 + 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hostIP: "319" + hostPort: -1656699070 + name: "318" + protocol: ĵ鴁ĩȲǸ|蕎'佉賞ǧĒz + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "346" + failureThreshold: -1436899600 + httpGet: + host: "348" + httpHeaders: + - name: "349" + value: "350" + path: "347" + port: -1157640253 + scheme: ×p鬷m罂o3ǰ廋i乳'ȘUɻ; + initialDelaySeconds: -478839383 + periodSeconds: 140830733 + successThreshold: -708495486 + tcpSocket: + host: "352" + port: "351" + timeoutSeconds: 989933975 + resources: + limits: + 1b: "328" + requests: + '}Ñ蠂Ü[ƛ^輅9ɛ棕ƈ眽炊': "699" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: true + capabilities: + add: + - 鸔ɧWǘ炙 + drop: + - 餸硷 + privileged: true + procMount: ʈʫ羶剹ƊF豎穜 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: 2946116477552625615 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: 5215323049148402377 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "377" + role: "375" + type: "376" + user: "374" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "381" + type: l咑耖p^鏋 + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "379" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "378" + 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-7565148469525206101 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "240" + role: "238" + type: "239" + user: "237" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "244" + type: ŕ翑0展} + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "242" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "241" + runAsUserName: "243" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "215" + failureThreshold: 785984384 + httpGet: + host: "218" + httpHeaders: + - name: "219" + value: "220" + path: "216" + port: "217" + scheme: Kw(ğ儴Ůĺ}潷ʒ胵輓Ɔ + initialDelaySeconds: -1738069460 + periodSeconds: -805795167 + successThreshold: 1791615594 + tcpSocket: + host: "221" + port: -36782737 + timeoutSeconds: -1643733106 + stdinOnce: true + terminationMessagePath: "236" + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "200" + name: "199" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "196" + mountPropagation: ƖHV + name: "195" + readOnly: true + subPath: "197" + subPathExpr: "198" + workingDir: "179" + nodeName: "387" + nodeSelector: + "383": "384" + overhead: + ȩ纾S: "368" + preemptionPolicy: 'n夬LJ:BŐ埑Ô*ɾWȖ韝ƉşʁO^:' + priority: -1221153504 + priorityClassName: "446" + readinessGates: + - conditionType: 媈 + restartPolicy: ȿ醏g遧 + runtimeClassName: "451" + schedulerName: "441" + securityContext: + fsGroup: 4489057930380969432 + fsGroupChangePolicy: ='ʨ|ǓÓ敆OɈÏ 瞍髃 + runAsGroup: -759684899479757878 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: -1290365495982891537 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "391" + role: "389" + type: "390" + user: "388" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "397" + type: ɣȕW歹s梊ɥʋăƻ遲njlȘ鹾KƂʼn + supplementalGroups: + - 3273247375993523103 + sysctls: + - name: "395" + value: "396" + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "393" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "392" + runAsUserName: "394" + serviceAccount: "386" + serviceAccountName: "385" + setHostnameAsFQDN: false + shareProcessNamespace: false + subdomain: "400" + terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -616777763639482630 + tolerations: + - effect: 淵 + key: "442" + operator: Ɖ肆Ző + tolerationSeconds: -1072615283184390308 + value: "443" + topologySpreadConstraints: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 51-i-d-----9---063-qm-j-3wc89k-0-57z4063--4/rBQ.u + operator: Exists + matchLabels: + jp-z---k-5r6h--y7n.61-cm---ch-g0t-q--qr95ws-v-5--7-ufi-7/35a-1-CdM._bk81S3.s_s_6.-_v__.rP._2_O--d.7.--.2g: Mqp..__._-J_-fk3-_j.133eT_2_Y + maxSkew: -1568300104 + topologyKey: "452" + whenUnsatisfiable: 潑嫉悔柅ȵ.Ȁ鎧Y冒Ɩ + volumes: + - awsElasticBlockStore: + fsType: "47" + partition: 912004803 + readOnly: true + volumeID: "46" + azureDisk: + cachingMode: '|@?鷅bȻN' + diskName: "110" + diskURI: "111" + fsType: "112" + kind: 榱*Gưoɘ檲 + readOnly: true + azureFile: + readOnly: true + secretName: "96" + shareName: "97" + cephfs: + monitors: + - "81" + path: "82" + secretFile: "84" + secretRef: + name: "85" + user: "83" + cinder: + fsType: "79" + secretRef: + name: "80" + volumeID: "78" + configMap: + defaultMode: 1593906314 + items: + - key: "99" + mode: 195263908 + path: "100" + name: "98" + optional: false + csi: + driver: "142" + fsType: "143" + nodePublishSecretRef: + name: "146" + readOnly: false + volumeAttributes: + "144": "145" + downwardAPI: + defaultMode: 824682619 + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "89" + fieldPath: "90" + mode: 1569992019 + path: "88" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "91" + divisor: "660" + resource: "92" + emptyDir: + medium: Xŋ朘瑥A徙ɶɊł/擇ɦĽ胚O醔ɍ厶耈 + sizeLimit: "473" + ephemeral: + readOnly: true + volumeClaimTemplate: + metadata: + annotations: + "154": "155" + clusterName: "160" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: 6296624700137074905 + finalizers: + - "159" + generateName: "148" + generation: 6028937828108618026 + labels: + "152": "153" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "162" + fieldsType: "163" + manager: "161" + operation: ɑ龫`劳&¼傭Ȟ1酃=6}ɡŇƉ立h + name: "147" + namespace: "149" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "156" + blockOwnerDeletion: false + controller: false + kind: "157" + name: "158" + uid: 閝ȝ + resourceVersion: "11451542506523135343" + selfLink: "150" + uid: H巧壚tC十Oɢ + spec: + accessModes: + - '鲡:' + dataSource: + apiGroup: "172" + kind: "173" + name: "174" + resources: + limits: + Ŗȫ焗捏ĨFħ籘: "853" + requests: + zɟ踡肒Ao/樝fw[Řż丩ŽoǠ: "918" + selector: + matchExpressions: + - key: m_0_F03_J + operator: NotIn + values: + - 4FpF_W-6 + matchLabels: + 0-.-yz-0-_p4mz--.I_f6kjsz-7lwY-Y93-6: igm_-._.q6 + storageClassName: "171" + volumeMode: Z1Ůđ眊ľǎɳ,ǿ飏騀呣 + volumeName: "170" + fc: + fsType: "94" + lun: -1740986684 + readOnly: true + targetWWNs: + - "93" + wwids: + - "95" + flexVolume: + driver: "73" + fsType: "74" + options: + "76": "77" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "75" + flocker: + datasetName: "86" + datasetUUID: "87" + gcePersistentDisk: + fsType: "45" + partition: -1188153605 + pdName: "44" + gitRepo: + directory: "50" + repository: "48" + revision: "49" + glusterfs: + endpoints: "63" + path: "64" + readOnly: true + hostPath: + path: "43" + type: ƛƟ)ÙæNǚ錯ƶRquA?瞲Ť倱< + iscsi: + chapAuthDiscovery: true + fsType: "59" + initiatorName: "62" + iqn: "57" + iscsiInterface: "58" + lun: 994527057 + portals: + - "60" + secretRef: + name: "61" + targetPortal: "56" + name: "42" + nfs: + path: "55" + readOnly: true + server: "54" + persistentVolumeClaim: + claimName: "65" + readOnly: true + photonPersistentDisk: + fsType: "114" + pdID: "113" + portworxVolume: + fsType: "129" + readOnly: true + volumeID: "128" + projected: + defaultMode: -1334904807 + sources: + - configMap: + items: + - key: "124" + mode: 2063799569 + path: "125" + name: "123" + optional: false + downwardAPI: + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "119" + fieldPath: "120" + mode: 173030157 + path: "118" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "121" + divisor: "106" + resource: "122" + secret: + items: + - key: "116" + mode: -323584340 + path: "117" + name: "115" + optional: true + serviceAccountToken: + audience: "126" + expirationSeconds: 8357931971650847566 + path: "127" + quobyte: + group: "108" + registry: "105" + tenant: "109" + user: "107" + volume: "106" + rbd: + fsType: "68" + image: "67" + keyring: "71" + monitors: + - "66" + pool: "69" + secretRef: + name: "72" + user: "70" + scaleIO: + fsType: "137" + gateway: "130" + protectionDomain: "133" + secretRef: + name: "132" + storageMode: "135" + storagePool: "134" + system: "131" + volumeName: "136" + secret: + defaultMode: 332383000 + items: + - key: "52" + mode: -547518679 + path: "53" + optional: true + secretName: "51" + storageos: + fsType: "140" + secretRef: + name: "141" + volumeName: "138" + volumeNamespace: "139" + vsphereVolume: + fsType: "102" + storagePolicyID: "104" + storagePolicyName: "103" + volumePath: "101" + updateStrategy: + rollingUpdate: + partition: -83826225 + type: șa汸<ƋlɋN磋镮ȺPÈ + volumeClaimTemplates: + - metadata: + annotations: + "466": "467" + clusterName: "472" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -6486445241316991261 + finalizers: + - "471" + generateName: "460" + generation: -5107762106575809276 + labels: + "464": "465" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "474" + fieldsType: "475" + manager: "473" + operation: 壛ĐíEd楗鱶镖喗vȥ + name: "459" + namespace: "461" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "468" + blockOwnerDeletion: false + controller: true + kind: "469" + name: "470" + uid: /nēɅĀ埰ʀł!U詨nj1ýǝ + resourceVersion: "8285629342346774721" + selfLink: "462" + uid: S誖Śs垦Ȋ髴T唼=`朇c + spec: + accessModes: + - Y斩I儑瓔¯ + dataSource: + apiGroup: "484" + kind: "485" + name: "486" + resources: + limits: + 涟雒驭堣Qwn:Ʋå譥a超: "19" + requests: + ª韷v简3VǢɾ纤ą¨?ɣ蔫椁Ȕ: "368" + selector: + matchExpressions: + - key: vUK_-.j21---__y.9O.L-.m.3--4 + operator: In + values: + - 37u-h---dY7_M_-._M52 + matchLabels: + ? k--13lk5-e4-u-5kvp-----887j72qz6-7d84-1f396h82----23-6b77f.mgi7-2je7zjt0pp-x0r2gd---yn1/7_._qN__A_f_-B3_U__L.KH6K.RwsfI_2-_20_9.5 + : 8_B-ks7dx + storageClassName: "483" + volumeMode: '''降\4)ȳɍǟm{煰œ憼' + volumeName: "482" + status: + accessModes: + - èƾ竒决瘛Ǫǵ + capacity: + Ǧ澵貛香"砻B鷋: "578" + conditions: + - lastProbeTime: "2230-04-25T02:33:53Z" + lastTransitionTime: "2843-07-14T02:23:26Z" + message: "488" + reason: "487" + status: WU=ȑ-A敲ʉ2腠梊 + type: '|nET¬%ȎdžĤɂR湛' + phase: ʌ槧ą°Z拕獘:pȚ\猫ï卒ú +status: + collisionCount: -1556190810 + conditions: + - lastTransitionTime: "2446-08-01T12:34:13Z" + message: "493" + reason: "492" + status: 闬輙怀¹bCũw¼ ǫđ槴Ċį軠> + type: ȩ硘(ǒ[ + currentReplicas: -463159422 + currentRevision: "490" + observedGeneration: -3866306318826551410 + readyReplicas: -1993494670 + replicas: 1852870468 + updateRevision: "491" + updatedReplicas: 463674701 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/authentication.k8s.io.v1.TokenRequest.json b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/authentication.k8s.io.v1.TokenRequest.json similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/authentication.k8s.io.v1.TokenRequest.json rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/authentication.k8s.io.v1.TokenRequest.json diff --git 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podAffinityTerm: + labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: C0-.-m_0-m-6Sp_N-S..O-BZ..6-1.S-B3_.b17ca-p + operator: In + values: + - 3-3--5X1rh-K5y_AzOBW.9oE9_6.--v17r__.2bIZ_K + matchLabels: + 780bdw0-1-47rrw8-5tn.0-1y-tw/8_d.8: wmiJ4x-_0_5-_.7F3p2_-_AmD-.A + namespaces: + - "428" + topologyKey: "429" + weight: 1586122127 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 0--1----v8-4--558n1asz-r886-1--s/t + operator: In + values: + - "1" + matchLabels: + n3-x1y-8---3----p-pdn--j2---25/8...__.Q_c8.G.b_9_1o.K: 9_._X-D---k..1Q7._l.._Q.6.I--2_9.v.--_.--4QQ.-s.H.Hu-r + namespaces: + - "420" + topologyKey: "421" + podAntiAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - podAffinityTerm: + labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: G4Hl-X0_2--__4K..-68-7AlR__8-7_-YD-Q9_-__..YF + operator: In + values: + - 7_.-4T-I.-..K.-.0__sD.-.-_I-F.PWtO4-7-P41_.-.-A4 + matchLabels: + F-__BM.6-.Y_72-_--pT75-.emV__1-v: UDf.-4D-r.F + namespaces: + - "444" + topologyKey: "445" + weight: -974760835 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: f2t-m839-qr-7----rgvf3q-z-5z80n--t5--9-4-d2-w/w0_.i__a.O2G_-_K-.03.mp.-10KkQ-R_R.-.--4_ITO + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + 23bm-6l2e5---k5v3a---ez-o-u.s11-7p--3zm-lx300w-tj-35840-w4g-27-5sx6dbp-72q--m--28/1k.7.l_-W8o._xJ1-lFA_Xf3.V0H2-.zHw.H: 46.-y-s4483Po_L3f1-7_O4.nw_-_x18mtxb__e + namespaces: + - "436" + topologyKey: "437" + automountServiceAccountToken: false + containers: + - args: + - "247" + command: + - "246" + env: + - name: "254" + value: "255" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "261" + name: "260" + optional: true + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "256" + fieldPath: "257" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "258" + divisor: "509" + resource: "259" + secretKeyRef: + key: "263" + name: "262" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "252" + optional: true + prefix: "251" + secretRef: + name: "253" + optional: false + image: "245" + imagePullPolicy: '&皥贸碔lNKƙ順\E¦队偯' + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "291" + httpGet: + host: "294" + httpHeaders: + - name: "295" + value: "296" + path: "292" + port: "293" + tcpSocket: + host: "298" + port: "297" + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "299" + httpGet: + host: "302" + httpHeaders: + - name: "303" + value: "304" + path: "300" + port: "301" + scheme: 跩aŕ翑 + tcpSocket: + host: "306" + port: "305" + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "270" + failureThreshold: 1274622498 + httpGet: + host: "273" + httpHeaders: + - name: "274" + value: "275" + path: "271" + port: "272" + scheme: 佱¿>犵殇ŕ-Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊#v铿ʩȂ + initialDelaySeconds: -1224991707 + periodSeconds: -612420031 + successThreshold: -1139949896 + tcpSocket: + host: "276" + port: -379385405 + timeoutSeconds: 887398685 + name: "244" + ports: + - containerPort: -1213051101 + hostIP: "250" + hostPort: -970312425 + name: "249" + protocol: 埽uʎȺ眖R + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "277" + failureThreshold: -940514142 + httpGet: + host: "280" + httpHeaders: + - name: "281" + value: "282" + path: "278" + port: "279" + initialDelaySeconds: -1817291584 + periodSeconds: 582041100 + successThreshold: 509188266 + tcpSocket: + host: "283" + port: -1491697472 + timeoutSeconds: 1224868165 + resources: + limits: + Ůĺ}潷ʒ胵輓: "404" + requests: + 1ØœȠƬQg鄠: "488" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: false + capabilities: + add: + - 徥淳4揻-$ɽ丟 + drop: + - "" + privileged: false + procMount: ĠM蘇KŅ/»頸+SÄ蚃 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: false + runAsGroup: -1576913564542459711 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: 8876559635423161004 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "311" + role: "309" + type: "310" + user: "308" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "315" + type: ľ)酊龨δ + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "313" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "312" + runAsUserName: "314" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "284" + failureThreshold: 14304392 + httpGet: + host: "286" + httpHeaders: + - name: "287" + value: "288" + path: "285" + port: -527306221 + scheme: ļ腩墺Ò媁荭gw忊| + initialDelaySeconds: -1532958330 + periodSeconds: 1004325340 + successThreshold: -1313320434 + tcpSocket: + host: "290" + port: "289" + timeoutSeconds: -438588982 + stdin: true + terminationMessagePath: "307" + tty: true + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "269" + name: "268" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "265" + mountPropagation: '>郵[+扴ȨŮ' + name: "264" + readOnly: true + subPath: "266" + subPathExpr: "267" + workingDir: "248" + dnsConfig: + nameservers: + - "452" + options: + - name: "454" + value: "455" + searches: + - "453" + dnsPolicy: 誹 + enableServiceLinks: false + ephemeralContainers: + - args: + - "319" + command: + - "318" + env: + - name: "326" + value: "327" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "333" + name: "332" + optional: false + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "328" + fieldPath: "329" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "330" + divisor: "361" + resource: "331" + secretKeyRef: + key: "335" + name: "334" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "324" + optional: true + prefix: "323" + secretRef: + name: "325" + optional: false + image: "317" + imagePullPolicy: 笭/9崍h趭(娕uE增猍ǵ xǨ + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "364" + httpGet: + host: "367" + httpHeaders: + - name: "368" + value: "369" + path: "365" + port: "366" + tcpSocket: + host: "370" + port: 935886668 + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "371" + httpGet: + host: "374" + httpHeaders: + - name: "375" + value: "376" + path: "372" + port: "373" + scheme: )DŽ髐njʉBn(fǂ + tcpSocket: + host: "377" + port: 872525702 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "342" + failureThreshold: -766915393 + httpGet: + host: "345" + httpHeaders: + - name: "346" + value: "347" + path: "343" + port: "344" + scheme: C"6x$1s + initialDelaySeconds: -860435782 + periodSeconds: -2088645849 + successThreshold: 1900201288 + tcpSocket: + host: "349" + port: "348" + timeoutSeconds: 1067125211 + name: "316" + ports: + - containerPort: -1730959016 + hostIP: "322" + hostPort: 1905181464 + name: "321" + protocol: ëJ橈'琕鶫:顇ə娯Ȱ囌 + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "350" + failureThreshold: 1802356198 + httpGet: + host: "352" + httpHeaders: + - name: "353" + value: "354" + path: "351" + port: 1167615307 + scheme: vEȤƏ埮p + initialDelaySeconds: -1467527914 + periodSeconds: 1221583046 + successThreshold: -1861307253 + tcpSocket: + host: "356" + port: "355" + timeoutSeconds: 1107276738 + resources: + limits: + Ǻ鱎ƙ;Nŕ: "526" + requests: + "": "372" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: false + capabilities: + add: + - Ƶf + drop: + - Ã茓pȓɻ + privileged: true + procMount: '#耗' + readOnlyRootFilesystem: false + runAsGroup: 5255171395073905944 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: -4099583436266168513 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "382" + role: "380" + type: "381" + user: "379" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "386" + type: (ť1ùfŭƽ + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "384" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "383" + runAsUserName: "385" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "357" + failureThreshold: 1697842937 + httpGet: + host: "359" + httpHeaders: + - name: "360" + value: "361" + path: "358" + port: 199049889 + scheme: IJ嘢4ʗ + initialDelaySeconds: -1896415283 + periodSeconds: -1330095135 + successThreshold: 1566213732 + tcpSocket: + host: "363" + port: "362" + timeoutSeconds: 1540899353 + stdin: true + stdinOnce: true + targetContainerName: "387" + terminationMessagePath: "378" + terminationMessagePolicy: ay + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "341" + name: "340" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "337" + mountPropagation: 亏yƕ丆録²Ŏ)/灩聋3趐囨鏻 + name: "336" + readOnly: true + subPath: "338" + subPathExpr: "339" + workingDir: "320" + hostAliases: + - hostnames: + - "450" + ip: "449" + hostname: "404" + imagePullSecrets: + - name: "403" + initContainers: + - args: + - "178" + command: + - "177" + env: + - name: "185" + value: "186" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "192" + name: "191" + optional: false + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "187" + fieldPath: "188" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "189" + divisor: "440" + resource: "190" + secretKeyRef: + key: "194" + name: "193" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "183" + optional: true + prefix: "182" + secretRef: + name: "184" + optional: false + image: "176" + imagePullPolicy: 姣>懔%熷谟þ蛯ɰ荶ljʁ揆ɘȌ脾 + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "222" + httpGet: + host: "224" + httpHeaders: + - name: "225" + value: "226" + path: "223" + port: -78618443 + scheme: Ɗ+j忊Ŗȫ焗捏ĨFħ籘Àǒ + tcpSocket: + host: "227" + port: -495373547 + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "228" + httpGet: + host: "231" + httpHeaders: + - name: "232" + value: "233" + path: "229" + port: "230" + scheme: /樝fw[Řż丩ŽoǠŻʘY賃ɪ鐊 + tcpSocket: + host: "234" + port: 88483549 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "201" + failureThreshold: -1167888910 + httpGet: + host: "203" + httpHeaders: + - name: "204" + value: "205" + path: "202" + port: 1094670193 + scheme: 栲茇竛吲蚛隖<ǶĬ4y£軶ǃ*ʙ嫙& + initialDelaySeconds: -802585193 + periodSeconds: 1944205014 + successThreshold: -2079582559 + tcpSocket: + host: "207" + port: "206" + timeoutSeconds: 1901330124 + name: "175" + ports: + - containerPort: 44308192 + hostIP: "181" + hostPort: -1280763790 + name: "180" + protocol: Żwʮ馜üNșƶ4ĩĉ + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "208" + failureThreshold: 208045354 + httpGet: + host: "210" + httpHeaders: + - name: "211" + value: "212" + path: "209" + port: 804417065 + scheme: Ŵ廷s{Ⱦdz@ + initialDelaySeconds: 632397602 + periodSeconds: -730174220 + successThreshold: 433084615 + tcpSocket: + host: "213" + port: 406308963 + timeoutSeconds: 2026784878 + resources: + limits: + "": "993" + requests: + 瀹鞎sn芞: "621" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: false + capabilities: + add: + - ĠLƐȤ藠3.v-鿧悮坮Ȣ幟ļ + drop: + - ŬƩȿ0矀Kʝ瘴I\p + privileged: true + procMount: 倗S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤/ɸɎ R§耶 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: false + runAsGroup: 3876361590808856900 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: -4436559826852161595 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "239" + role: "237" + type: "238" + user: "236" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "243" + type: fBls3!Zɾģ毋Ó6 + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "241" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "240" + runAsUserName: "242" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "214" + failureThreshold: -1131820775 + httpGet: + host: "217" + httpHeaders: + - name: "218" + value: "219" + path: "215" + port: "216" + scheme: Źʣy豎@ɀ羭,铻O + initialDelaySeconds: 1424053148 + periodSeconds: 859639931 + successThreshold: -1663149700 + tcpSocket: + host: "221" + port: "220" + timeoutSeconds: 747521320 + stdinOnce: true + terminationMessagePath: "235" + terminationMessagePolicy: ǕLLȊɞ-uƻ悖ȩ0Ƹ[Ęİ榌U髷 + tty: true + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "200" + name: "199" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "196" + mountPropagation: '鲡:' + name: "195" + readOnly: true + subPath: "197" + subPathExpr: "198" + workingDir: "179" + nodeName: "392" + nodeSelector: + "388": "389" + overhead: + 睙: "859" + preemptionPolicy: Ȳȍŋƀ+瑏eCmA + priority: 497309492 + priorityClassName: "451" + readinessGates: + - conditionType: 溣狣愿激 + restartPolicy: æ盪泙若`l}Ñ蠂Ü + runtimeClassName: "456" + schedulerName: "446" + securityContext: + fsGroup: -458943834575608638 + fsGroupChangePolicy: ɢzĮ蛋I滞廬耐鷞焬CQm坊柩劄奼[ + runAsGroup: 5023310695550414054 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: 6519765915963602850 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "396" + role: "394" + type: "395" + user: "393" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "402" + type: Ƒĝ®EĨǔvÄÚ×p鬷m + supplementalGroups: + - 5114583700398530032 + sysctls: + - name: "400" + value: "401" + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "398" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "397" + runAsUserName: "399" + serviceAccount: "391" + serviceAccountName: "390" + setHostnameAsFQDN: false + shareProcessNamespace: false + subdomain: "405" + terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -1344691682045303625 + tolerations: + - effect: J赟鷆šl5ɜ + key: "447" + operator: ō6µɑ`ȗ< + tolerationSeconds: 2575412512260329976 + value: "448" + topologySpreadConstraints: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: "8" + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + 82__a_dWU_V-_Q_Ap._2_xa_o..p_B-d--Q5._D6_.d-n_9n.p.2-.-Qw_Y: 11---.-o7.pJ-4-1WV.-__05._LsuH + maxSkew: 341824479 + topologyKey: "457" + whenUnsatisfiable: Œ,躻[鶆f盧 + volumes: + - awsElasticBlockStore: + fsType: "47" + partition: -972874331 + volumeID: "46" + azureDisk: + cachingMode: 鎥ʟ<$洅ɹ7 + diskName: "110" + diskURI: "111" + fsType: "112" + kind: Þ + readOnly: false + azureFile: + readOnly: true + secretName: "96" + shareName: "97" + cephfs: + monitors: + - "81" + path: "82" + secretFile: "84" + secretRef: + name: "85" + user: "83" + cinder: + fsType: "79" + secretRef: + name: "80" + volumeID: "78" + configMap: + defaultMode: 938765968 + items: + - key: "99" + mode: -421817404 + path: "100" + name: "98" + optional: false + csi: + driver: "142" + fsType: "143" + nodePublishSecretRef: + name: "146" + readOnly: true + volumeAttributes: + "144": "145" + downwardAPI: + defaultMode: -331664193 + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "89" + fieldPath: "90" + mode: 848754324 + path: "88" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "91" + divisor: "110" + resource: "92" + emptyDir: + medium: 瓷雼浢Ü礽绅{囥 + sizeLimit: "721" + ephemeral: + volumeClaimTemplate: + metadata: + annotations: + "154": "155" + clusterName: "160" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: 284300875610791466 + finalizers: + - "159" + generateName: "148" + generation: 1514679477039738680 + labels: + "152": "153" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "162" + fieldsType: "163" + manager: "161" + operation: 昹ʞĹ鑑6 + name: "147" + namespace: "149" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "156" + blockOwnerDeletion: true + controller: false + kind: "157" + name: "158" + uid: 啞川J缮ǚb + resourceVersion: "1051165191612104121" + selfLink: "150" + uid: '曢\%枅:' + spec: + accessModes: + - ɥ踓Ǻǧ湬淊kŪ睴鸏:ɥ + dataSource: + apiGroup: "172" + kind: "173" + name: "174" + resources: + limits: + Ŋƞ究:hoĂɋ: "206" + requests: + 瓷碑: "809" + selector: + matchExpressions: + - key: Td2-NY + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + 50qso79yg--79-e-a74bc-v--0jjy5.405--l071yyms7-tk1po6c-m61733-x-2v4r--b/dm7: 020h-OK-_8gI_z_-tY-R6S17_.8CnK_O.d-._NwcGnp + storageClassName: "171" + volumeMode: =å睫}堇硲蕵ɢ苆ǮńMǰ溟ɴ扵閝ȝ + volumeName: "170" + fc: + fsType: "94" + lun: -1341615783 + targetWWNs: + - "93" + wwids: + - "95" + flexVolume: + driver: "73" + fsType: "74" + options: + "76": "77" + secretRef: + name: "75" + flocker: + datasetName: "86" + datasetUUID: "87" + gcePersistentDisk: + fsType: "45" + partition: 1673568505 + pdName: "44" + gitRepo: + directory: "50" + repository: "48" + revision: "49" + glusterfs: + endpoints: "63" + path: "64" + readOnly: true + hostPath: + path: "43" + type: 龷ȪÆl + iscsi: + fsType: "59" + initiatorName: "62" + iqn: "57" + iscsiInterface: "58" + lun: -1888506207 + portals: + - "60" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "61" + targetPortal: "56" + name: "42" + nfs: + path: "55" + server: "54" + persistentVolumeClaim: + claimName: "65" + readOnly: true + photonPersistentDisk: + fsType: "114" + pdID: "113" + portworxVolume: + fsType: "129" + volumeID: "128" + projected: + defaultMode: -1884322607 + sources: + - configMap: + items: + - key: "124" + mode: -1147975588 + path: "125" + name: "123" + optional: true + downwardAPI: + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "119" + fieldPath: "120" + mode: -1240667156 + path: "118" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "121" + divisor: "750" + resource: "122" + secret: + items: + - key: "116" + mode: 1550211208 + path: "117" + name: "115" + optional: false + serviceAccountToken: + audience: "126" + expirationSeconds: 2293771102284463819 + path: "127" + quobyte: + group: "108" + registry: "105" + tenant: "109" + user: "107" + volume: "106" + rbd: + fsType: "68" + image: "67" + keyring: "71" + monitors: + - "66" + pool: "69" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "72" + user: 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"470" + searches: + - "468" + dnsPolicy: 堑ūM鈱ɖ'蠨 + enableServiceLinks: false + ephemeralContainers: + - args: + - "336" + command: + - "335" + env: + - name: "343" + value: "344" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "350" + name: "349" + optional: true + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "345" + fieldPath: "346" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "347" + divisor: "211" + resource: "348" + secretKeyRef: + key: "352" + name: "351" + optional: true + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "341" + optional: false + prefix: "340" + secretRef: + name: "342" + optional: false + image: "334" + imagePullPolicy: 嵞嬯t{Eɾ敹Ȯ-湷D谹 + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "380" + httpGet: + host: "382" + httpHeaders: + - name: "383" + value: "384" + path: "381" + port: 2040952835 + scheme: 诵H玲鑠ĭ$#卛8ð + tcpSocket: + host: "386" + port: "385" + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "387" + httpGet: + host: "389" + httpHeaders: + - name: "390" + value: "391" + path: "388" + port: -122203422 + scheme: 斢杧ż鯀1'鸔 + tcpSocket: + host: "392" + port: -1618269037 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "359" + failureThreshold: -478839383 + httpGet: + host: "362" + httpHeaders: + - name: "363" + value: "364" + path: "360" + port: "361" + initialDelaySeconds: 1612465029 + periodSeconds: 758604605 + successThreshold: -291429895 + tcpSocket: + host: "366" + port: "365" + timeoutSeconds: -148677969 + name: "333" + ports: + - containerPort: 1992460223 + hostIP: "339" + hostPort: -2137891092 + name: "338" + protocol: '`l}Ñ蠂Ü[ƛ^輅' + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "367" + failureThreshold: -1431381588 + httpGet: + host: "369" + httpHeaders: + - name: "370" + value: "371" + path: "368" + port: 498878902 + scheme: ďJZ漤ŗ坟Ů< + initialDelaySeconds: 1808698094 + periodSeconds: -1873425934 + successThreshold: -1924862129 + tcpSocket: + host: "372" + port: -2030665763 + timeoutSeconds: 1155232143 + resources: + limits: + x糂腂: "286" + requests: + ɢzĮ蛋I滞廬耐鷞焬CQm坊柩劄奼[: "214" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: true + capabilities: + add: + - 秮òƬɸĻo + drop: + - '{柯?' + privileged: false + procMount: 4矕Ƈè* + readOnlyRootFilesystem: false + runAsGroup: 1578419479310338359 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: -3231735416592443589 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "397" + role: "395" + type: "396" + user: "394" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "401" + type: ='ʨ|ǓÓ敆OɈÏ 瞍髃 + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "399" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "398" + runAsUserName: "400" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "373" + failureThreshold: -592521472 + httpGet: + host: "376" + httpHeaders: + - name: "377" + value: "378" + path: "374" + port: "375" + scheme: Nh×DJɶ羹ƞʓ%ʝ`ǭ + initialDelaySeconds: 911629631 + periodSeconds: 1859267428 + successThreshold: 1123323092 + tcpSocket: + host: "379" + port: -1467648837 + timeoutSeconds: 542678518 + stdin: true + stdinOnce: true + targetContainerName: "402" + terminationMessagePath: "393" + terminationMessagePolicy: 炙B餸硷张q櫞繡旹翃ɾ氒ĺʈʫ羶剹 + tty: true + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "358" + name: "357" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "354" + mountPropagation: Ƶŧ1ƟƓ宆!鍲ɋȑoG鄧蜢暳ǽ + name: "353" + subPath: "355" + subPathExpr: "356" + workingDir: "337" + hostAliases: + - hostnames: + - "465" + ip: "464" + hostIPC: true + hostNetwork: true + hostname: "419" + imagePullSecrets: + - name: "418" + initContainers: + - args: + - "196" + command: + - "195" + env: + - name: "203" + value: "204" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "210" + name: "209" + optional: false + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "205" + fieldPath: "206" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "207" + divisor: "231" + resource: "208" + secretKeyRef: + key: "212" + name: "211" + optional: true + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "201" + optional: true + prefix: "200" + secretRef: + name: "202" + optional: false + image: "194" + imagePullPolicy: Gƚ绤fʀļ腩墺Ò媁荭gw + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "240" + httpGet: + host: "243" + httpHeaders: + - name: "244" + value: "245" + path: "241" + port: "242" + scheme: 更偢ɇ卷荙JLĹ]佱¿>犵殇ŕ-Ɂ + tcpSocket: + host: "246" + port: 467291328 + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "247" + httpGet: + host: "249" + httpHeaders: + - name: "250" + value: "251" + path: "248" + port: -434820661 + scheme: r嚧 + tcpSocket: + host: "252" + port: 453108839 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "219" + failureThreshold: 158280212 + httpGet: + host: "222" + httpHeaders: + - name: "223" + value: "224" + path: "220" + port: "221" + scheme: 翁杙Ŧ癃8鸖ɱJȉ罴ņ螡ź + initialDelaySeconds: 513341278 + periodSeconds: 1255312175 + successThreshold: -1740959124 + tcpSocket: + host: "225" + port: -1543701088 + timeoutSeconds: 627713162 + name: "193" + ports: + - containerPort: -1409668172 + hostIP: "199" + hostPort: -1180080716 + name: "198" + protocol: 脾嚏吐ĠLƐȤ藠3.v-鿧悮坮Ȣ幟ļ腻 + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "226" + failureThreshold: 1226391571 + httpGet: + host: "228" + httpHeaders: + - name: "229" + value: "230" + path: "227" + port: -1140531048 + initialDelaySeconds: 1260448044 + periodSeconds: -1791206950 + successThreshold: 1160477220 + tcpSocket: + host: "231" + port: 1741405963 + timeoutSeconds: -200461294 + resources: + limits: + "": "55" + requests: + 粕擓ƖHVe熼'FD: "235" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: false + capabilities: + add: + - E剒蔞 + drop: + - 表徶đ寳议Ƭƶ氩Ȩ<6鄰簳°Ļǟi&皥 + privileged: false + procMount: ¦队偯J僳徥淳4揻-$ɽ丟×x锏ɟ + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: -5569844914519516591 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: -3342656999442156006 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "257" + role: "255" + type: "256" + user: "254" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "261" + type: Ǒ輂,ŕĪĠM蘇KŅ/»頸+SÄ蚃ɣ + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "259" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "258" + runAsUserName: "260" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "232" + failureThreshold: 300356869 + httpGet: + host: "235" + httpHeaders: + - name: "236" + value: "237" + path: "233" + port: "234" + scheme: 勅跦Opwǩ曬逴褜1Ø + initialDelaySeconds: -589000495 + periodSeconds: 561988938 + successThreshold: 1419770315 + tcpSocket: + host: "239" + port: "238" + timeoutSeconds: -955773237 + stdin: true + terminationMessagePath: "253" + terminationMessagePolicy: 趛屡ʁ岼昕ĬÇó藢xɮĵȑ6L* + tty: true + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "218" + name: "217" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "214" + mountPropagation: UÐ_ƮA攤/ɸɎ + name: "213" + subPath: "215" + subPathExpr: "216" + workingDir: "197" + nodeName: "407" + nodeSelector: + "403": "404" + overhead: + "": "368" + preemptionPolicy: 犾ȩ纾 + priority: -69353914 + priorityClassName: "466" + readinessGates: + - conditionType: ʁO + restartPolicy: ȕW歹s + runtimeClassName: "471" + schedulerName: "461" + securityContext: + fsGroup: 3104099627522161950 + fsGroupChangePolicy: ß讪Ă2讅缔m葰賦迾娙 + runAsGroup: 241576272398843100 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: -8735446882646824517 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "411" + role: "409" + type: "410" + user: "408" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "417" + type: 4虵p蓋沥7uPƒ + supplementalGroups: + - 3851285476969791307 + sysctls: + - name: "415" + value: "416" + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "413" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "412" + runAsUserName: "414" + serviceAccount: "406" + serviceAccountName: "405" + setHostnameAsFQDN: false + shareProcessNamespace: false + subdomain: "420" + terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -2705718780200389430 + tolerations: + - effect: 蛡媈U曰n夬LJ:BŐ埑Ô + key: "462" + operator: T暣Ɖ肆Ző:ijɲí_夦Ŕ + tolerationSeconds: 2817479448830898187 + value: "463" + topologySpreadConstraints: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 51-i-d-----9---063-qm-j-3wc89k-0-57z4063--4/rBQ.u + operator: Exists + matchLabels: + jp-z---k-5r6h--y7n.61-cm---ch-g0t-q--qr95ws-v-5--7-ufi-7/35a-1-CdM._bk81S3.s_s_6.-_v__.rP._2_O--d.7.--.2g: Mqp..__._-J_-fk3-_j.133eT_2_Y + maxSkew: -1568300104 + topologyKey: "472" + whenUnsatisfiable: 潑嫉悔柅ȵ.Ȁ鎧Y冒Ɩ + volumes: + - awsElasticBlockStore: + fsType: "65" + partition: -1853411528 + volumeID: "64" + azureDisk: + cachingMode: A3fƻfʣ繡楙¯ + diskName: "128" + diskURI: "129" + fsType: "130" + kind: 勗E濞偘1ɩÅ議Ǹ轺@)蓳嗘TʡȂ + readOnly: true + azureFile: + secretName: "114" + shareName: "115" + cephfs: + monitors: + - "99" + path: "100" + readOnly: true + secretFile: "102" + secretRef: + name: "103" + user: "101" + cinder: + fsType: "97" + secretRef: + name: "98" + volumeID: "96" + configMap: + defaultMode: -347579237 + items: + - key: "117" + mode: 1793473487 + path: "118" + name: "116" + optional: false + csi: + driver: "160" + fsType: "161" + nodePublishSecretRef: + name: "164" + readOnly: false + volumeAttributes: + "162": "163" + downwardAPI: + defaultMode: -1775926229 + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "107" + fieldPath: "108" + mode: -1011172037 + path: "106" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "109" + divisor: "52" + resource: "110" + emptyDir: + medium: 捵TwMȗ礼2ħ籦ö嗏ʑ>季Cʖ畬 + sizeLimit: "347" + ephemeral: + readOnly: true + volumeClaimTemplate: + metadata: + annotations: + "172": "173" + clusterName: "178" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: 3218160964766401208 + finalizers: + - "177" + generateName: "166" + generation: -6008930988505485536 + labels: + "170": "171" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "180" + fieldsType: "181" + manager: "179" + operation: quA?瞲Ť倱<įXŋ + name: "165" + namespace: "167" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "174" + blockOwnerDeletion: false + controller: true + kind: "175" + name: "176" + uid: ɜa頢ƛƟ)ÙæNǚ + resourceVersion: "4447340384943270560" + selfLink: "168" + uid: A徙ɶɊł/擇ɦĽ胚 + spec: + accessModes: + - 厶耈 T衧ȇe媹Hǝ呮}臷 + dataSource: + apiGroup: "190" + kind: "191" + name: "192" + resources: + limits: + /樝fw[Řż丩ŽoǠŻʘY賃ɪ鐊: "967" + requests: + ǎɳ,ǿ飏騀呣ǎfǣ萭旿@掇lNd: "150" + selector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 6tv27r-m8w-6-9-35d8.w-v-93ix6bigm-h8-3q768km-0--03-t-0-05/4--6o--Bo-F__..XR.7_1-p-6_._31.-.-z + operator: NotIn + values: + - A5b.5-CX_VBC.Jn4f_1 + matchLabels: + 5P.-i.Fg.Cs_.w: 4_2IN..3O4y..-W.5w9-Wm_AO-l8VKLyHA_.-F_E2_QOuQ_0 + storageClassName: "189" + volumeMode: 髷裎$MVȟ@7飣奺Ȋ + volumeName: "188" + fc: + fsType: "112" + lun: -740816174 + targetWWNs: + - "111" + wwids: + - "113" + flexVolume: + driver: "91" + fsType: "92" + options: + "94": "95" + secretRef: + name: "93" + flocker: + datasetName: "104" + datasetUUID: "105" + gcePersistentDisk: + fsType: "63" + partition: 1399152294 + pdName: "62" + readOnly: true + gitRepo: + directory: "68" + repository: "66" + revision: "67" + glusterfs: + endpoints: "81" + path: "82" + readOnly: true + hostPath: + path: "61" + type: j剐'宣I拍N嚳ķȗ + iscsi: + fsType: "77" + initiatorName: "80" + iqn: "75" + iscsiInterface: "76" + lun: -1483417237 + portals: + - "78" + secretRef: + name: "79" + targetPortal: "74" + name: "60" + nfs: + path: "73" + server: "72" + persistentVolumeClaim: + claimName: "83" + readOnly: true + photonPersistentDisk: + fsType: "132" + pdID: "131" + portworxVolume: + fsType: "147" + volumeID: "146" + projected: + defaultMode: -1332301579 + sources: + - configMap: + items: + - key: "142" + mode: -1249460160 + path: "143" + name: "141" + optional: false + downwardAPI: + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "137" + fieldPath: "138" + mode: 1525389481 + path: "136" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "139" + divisor: "618" + resource: "140" + secret: + items: + - key: "134" + mode: 550215822 + path: "135" + name: "133" + optional: false + serviceAccountToken: + audience: "144" + expirationSeconds: -8988970531898753887 + path: "145" + quobyte: + group: "126" + readOnly: true + registry: "123" + tenant: "127" + user: "125" + volume: "124" + rbd: + fsType: "86" + image: "85" + keyring: "89" + monitors: + - "84" + pool: "87" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "90" + user: "88" + scaleIO: + fsType: "155" + gateway: "148" + protectionDomain: "151" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "150" + storageMode: "153" + storagePool: "152" + system: "149" + volumeName: "154" + secret: + 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a99787f9de94..a28fb67b5f92 100644 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/batch.v1beta1.JobTemplate.json +++ b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/batch.v1beta1.JobTemplate.json @@ -414,64 +414,140 @@ "nodePublishSecretRef": { "name": "163" } + }, + "ephemeral": { + "volumeClaimTemplate": { + "metadata": { + "name": "164", + "generateName": "165", + "namespace": "166", + "selfLink": "167", + "uid": ";栍dʪīT捘ɍi縱ù墴1Rƥ贫d飼", + "resourceVersion": "917467801074989174", + "generation": -8801560367353238479, + "creationTimestamp": null, + "deletionGracePeriodSeconds": -1837257934517376612, + "labels": { + "169": "170" + }, + "annotations": { + "171": "172" + }, + "ownerReferences": [ + { + "apiVersion": "173", + "kind": "174", + "name": "175", + "uid": "", + "controller": true, + "blockOwnerDeletion": true + } + ], + "finalizers": [ + "176" + ], + "clusterName": "177", + "managedFields": [ + { + "manager": "178", + "operation": "蒅!a坩O`涁İ而踪鄌", + "apiVersion": "179", + "fieldsType": 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conditionType: 讱 + restartPolicy: 婦 + runtimeClassName: "469" + schedulerName: "459" + securityContext: + fsGroup: -6298002649883493725 + fsGroupChangePolicy: ä2 ɲ±m嵘厶sȰÖ埡Æ + runAsGroup: -1083846598029307786 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: -8872996084157186866 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "409" + role: "407" + type: "408" + user: "406" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "415" + type: Ş襵樞úʥ銀 + supplementalGroups: + - -46143243150134963 + sysctls: + - name: "413" + value: "414" + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "411" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "410" + runAsUserName: "412" + serviceAccount: "404" + serviceAccountName: "403" + setHostnameAsFQDN: true + shareProcessNamespace: false + subdomain: "418" + terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -7767642171323610380 + tolerations: + - effect: ÖTő净湅oĒ弦 + key: "460" + operator: 眊:YĹ爩í鬯濴VǕ癶L浼h嫨炛 + tolerationSeconds: -3092025889836357564 + value: "461" + topologySpreadConstraints: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: b-k7cr-mo-dz12---i/6.W-m_-Z.wc..k_0_5.z.0..__D-1b.-9.Y0-_-.l__.c17__f_-336-B + operator: Exists + matchLabels: + D7RufiV-7u0--_qv4--_.6_N_9X-B.s8.N_rM-k8: 7e.._d--Y-_l-v0-1V-N-R__R9 + maxSkew: -816594589 + topologyKey: "470" + whenUnsatisfiable: "" + volumes: + - awsElasticBlockStore: + fsType: "64" + partition: -104666658 + readOnly: true + volumeID: "63" + azureDisk: + cachingMode: ʜǝ鿟ldg滠鼍ƭt + diskName: "127" + diskURI: "128" + fsType: "129" + kind: ȫşŇɜa + readOnly: true + azureFile: + secretName: "113" + shareName: "114" + cephfs: + monitors: + - "98" + path: "99" + secretFile: "101" + secretRef: + name: "102" + user: "100" + cinder: + fsType: "96" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "97" + volumeID: "95" + configMap: + defaultMode: -599608368 + items: + - key: "116" + mode: -1194714697 + path: "117" + name: "115" + optional: true + csi: + driver: "159" + fsType: "160" + nodePublishSecretRef: + name: "163" + readOnly: true + volumeAttributes: + "161": "162" + downwardAPI: + 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"rf-l67-9a-trt-03-7z2zy0e428-4-k2/kU27_.-4T-I.-..K.-.0__sD.-.-_I-FP": "q-JM" + "D7RufiV-7u0--_qv4--_.6_N_9X-B.s8.N_rM-k8": "7e.._d--Y-_l-v0-1V-N-R__R9" }, "matchExpressions": [ { - "key": "RT.0zo", - "operator": "DoesNotExist" + "key": "b-k7cr-mo-dz12---i/6.W-m_-Z.wc..k_0_5.z.0..__D-1b.-9.Y0-_-.l__.c17__f_-336-B", + "operator": "Exists" } ] } } - ] + ], + "setHostnameAsFQDN": true } }, - "ttlSecondsAfterFinished": 246849509 + "ttlSecondsAfterFinished": -1766935785 } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/batch.v2alpha1.JobTemplate.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/batch.v2alpha1.JobTemplate.pb new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ec2c492aadcb Binary files /dev/null and b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/batch.v2alpha1.JobTemplate.pb differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/batch.v2alpha1.JobTemplate.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/batch.v2alpha1.JobTemplate.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..00babd90526a --- /dev/null +++ b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/batch.v2alpha1.JobTemplate.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,1045 @@ +apiVersion: batch/v2alpha1 +kind: JobTemplate +metadata: + annotations: + "9": "10" + clusterName: "15" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 + finalizers: + - "14" + generateName: "3" + generation: 8071137005907523419 + labels: + "7": "8" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "17" + fieldsType: "18" + manager: "16" + operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] + name: "2" + namespace: "4" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "11" + blockOwnerDeletion: true + controller: false + kind: "12" + name: "13" + uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp + resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" + selfLink: "5" + uid: "7" +template: + metadata: + annotations: + "26": "27" + clusterName: "32" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: 4075183944016503389 + finalizers: + - "31" + generateName: "20" + generation: 5259823216098853135 + labels: + "24": "25" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "34" + fieldsType: "35" + manager: "33" + operation: ěĂ凗蓏Ŋ蛊ĉy緅縕 + name: "19" + namespace: "21" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "28" + blockOwnerDeletion: false + controller: true + kind: "29" + name: "30" + uid: ɑ + resourceVersion: "17916580954637291219" + selfLink: "22" + uid: SǡƏ + spec: + activeDeadlineSeconds: -9086179100394185427 + backoffLimit: -1796008812 + completions: -1771909905 + manualSelector: false + parallelism: -443114323 + selector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 2.-__E_Sv__26KX_R_.-.Nth._--S_4DA_-5_-4lQ42M--n1-5 + operator: In + values: + - Ou1.m_.5AW-_S-.3g.7_2fNc5-_.-RX8 + matchLabels: + g5i9/l-Y._.-444: c2_kS91.e5K-_e63_-_3-n-_-__3u-.__P__.7U-Uo_4_-D7r__.am64 + template: + metadata: + annotations: + "49": "50" + clusterName: "55" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -2901856114738744973 + finalizers: + - "54" + generateName: "43" + generation: 9213888658033954596 + labels: + "47": "48" + managedFields: + - 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75p1em---1wwv3-f/k47M7y-Dy__3wcq + operator: NotIn + values: + - x4D-r.-F__r.oh..2_uGGP..-_N_h_4Hl-X0_2--__4K..-68-A + matchLabels: + A-o-__y__._12..wrbW_E..24-O._.v._9-cz.-Y6T4g_-.._L2: Jm...CqrN7_B__--v-3-BzO5z80n_Ht5W_._._-2M2._I-_P..w-W_-E + namespaces: + - "441" + topologyKey: "442" + weight: 1569550894 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: x3zm-lx300w-tj-35840-w4g-27-5sx6dbp-72q--m--2k-p---19/6l.-5_BZk5v3aUK_--_o_2.--4ZH + operator: NotIn + values: + - M.--_-_ve5.m_2_--XZ-x.__.Y_2-n_503 + matchLabels: + 9oE9_6.--v17r__.2bIZ___._6..tf-_u-3-_n0..KpiS.oK-O: o5-yp8q_s-1_g + namespaces: + - "433" + topologyKey: "434" + podAntiAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - podAffinityTerm: + labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: cg-w2q76.6-7w-tdt-u-0----p6l-3-znd-8b-dg--1035ad1o-d-6-bk81-3s/9x98MM7-.e.Dx._.W-6..4_MU7iLfS-0.9-.-._.1..s._jP6j.u--.K--g__.2 + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + HzZsY_o8t5Vl6_..7CY-_c: ZG6N-_-0o.0C_gV.9_G-.-z1H + namespaces: + - "457" + topologyKey: "458" + weight: 1206700920 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: J-_.ZCRT.0z-oe.G79.3bU_._nV34GH + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + w_--5-_.3--_9QW2JkU27_.-4T-9: 4.K.-.0__sD.-.-_I-F.PWtO4-7-P41_.-.-AQ._4 + namespaces: + - "449" + topologyKey: "450" + automountServiceAccountToken: false + containers: + - args: + - "263" + command: + - "262" + env: + - name: "270" + value: "271" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "277" + name: "276" + optional: false + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "272" + fieldPath: "273" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "274" + divisor: "9" + resource: "275" + secretKeyRef: + key: "279" + name: "278" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "268" + optional: true + prefix: "267" + secretRef: + name: "269" + optional: true + image: "261" + imagePullPolicy: 熀ďJZ漤 + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + 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httpHeaders: + - name: "296" + value: "297" + path: "294" + port: -186532794 + scheme: ĩȲǸ|蕎'佉賞ǧĒzŔ瘍Nʊ輔3璾ė + initialDelaySeconds: -751455207 + periodSeconds: 646133945 + successThreshold: -506710067 + tcpSocket: + host: "299" + port: "298" + timeoutSeconds: -894026356 + resources: + limits: + '{WOŭW灬pȭCV擭銆jʒǚ鍰': "212" + requests: + '| 鞤ɱďW賁Ěɭɪǹ0衷,': "227" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: false + capabilities: + add: + - Ů,趐V曡88 ' + enableServiceLinks: true + ephemeralContainers: + - args: + - "333" + command: + - "332" + env: + - name: "340" + value: "341" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "347" + name: "346" + optional: false + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "342" + fieldPath: "343" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "344" + divisor: "592" + resource: "345" + secretKeyRef: + key: "349" + name: "348" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "338" + optional: false + prefix: "337" + secretRef: + name: "339" + optional: true + image: "331" + imagePullPolicy: 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host: "373" + httpHeaders: + - name: "374" + value: "375" + path: "371" + port: "372" + scheme: '|ǓÓ敆OɈÏ 瞍髃' + initialDelaySeconds: -839925309 + periodSeconds: -1014296961 + successThreshold: 1708011112 + tcpSocket: + host: "376" + port: -392406530 + timeoutSeconds: -526099499 + stdin: true + stdinOnce: true + targetContainerName: "400" + terminationMessagePath: "391" + terminationMessagePolicy: 沥7uPƒw©ɴĶ烷Ľthp + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "355" + name: "354" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "351" + mountPropagation: 櫞繡旹翃ɾ氒ĺʈʫ羶剹Ɗ + name: "350" + readOnly: true + subPath: "352" + subPathExpr: "353" + workingDir: "334" + hostAliases: + - hostnames: + - "463" + ip: "462" + hostPID: true + hostname: "417" + imagePullSecrets: + - name: "416" + initContainers: + - args: + - "195" + command: + - "194" + env: + - name: "202" + value: "203" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "209" + name: "208" + optional: true + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "204" + fieldPath: "205" + resourceFieldRef: + 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tcpSocket: + host: "223" + port: -438588982 + timeoutSeconds: -1313320434 + name: "192" + ports: + - containerPort: 1791615594 + hostIP: "198" + hostPort: -805795167 + name: "197" + protocol: Ƥ熪军g>郵[+扴 + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "224" + failureThreshold: 2056774277 + httpGet: + host: "227" + httpHeaders: + - name: "228" + value: "229" + path: "225" + port: "226" + scheme: 貾坢'跩aŕ翑0 + initialDelaySeconds: -2165496 + periodSeconds: 1386255869 + successThreshold: -778272981 + tcpSocket: + host: "230" + port: 1165327504 + timeoutSeconds: -1778952574 + resources: + limits: + "": "268" + requests: + -Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊#v铿ʩȂ4ē鐭#嬀ơ: "340" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: false + capabilities: + add: + - J橈'琕鶫:顇ə娯 + drop: + - 囌{屿oiɥ嵐sC + privileged: false + procMount: Jih亏yƕ丆録² + readOnlyRootFilesystem: false + runAsGroup: -6499508485510627932 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: 7917735345573161773 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "255" + role: "253" + type: "254" + user: "252" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "259" + type: )/灩聋3趐囨鏻 + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "257" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "256" + runAsUserName: "258" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "231" + failureThreshold: 549215478 + httpGet: + host: "233" + httpHeaders: + - name: "234" + value: "235" + path: "232" + port: -1928016742 + scheme: E¦ + initialDelaySeconds: 1868887309 + periodSeconds: -316996074 + successThreshold: 1933968533 + tcpSocket: + host: "237" + port: "236" + timeoutSeconds: -528664199 + terminationMessagePath: "251" + terminationMessagePolicy: NƗ¸gĩ + tty: true + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "217" + name: "216" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "213" + mountPropagation: 藢xɮĵȑ6L*Z鐫û咡W< + name: "212" + subPath: "214" + subPathExpr: "215" + workingDir: "196" + nodeName: "405" + nodeSelector: + "401": "402" + overhead: + 奿ÆŁĪŀc=Ƨz鈡煰敹xŪOr揷Ŝ: "15" + preemptionPolicy: 疅檎ǽ曖sƖTƫ雮蛱ñYȴ鴜.弊þ + priority: -192869830 + priorityClassName: "464" + readinessGates: + - conditionType: 讱 + restartPolicy: 婦 + runtimeClassName: "469" + schedulerName: "459" + securityContext: + fsGroup: -6298002649883493725 + fsGroupChangePolicy: ä2 ɲ±m嵘厶sȰÖ埡Æ + runAsGroup: -1083846598029307786 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: -8872996084157186866 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "409" + role: "407" + type: "408" + user: "406" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "415" + type: Ş襵樞úʥ銀 + supplementalGroups: + - -46143243150134963 + sysctls: + - name: "413" + value: "414" + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "411" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "410" + runAsUserName: "412" + serviceAccount: "404" + serviceAccountName: "403" + setHostnameAsFQDN: true + shareProcessNamespace: false + subdomain: "418" + terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -7767642171323610380 + tolerations: + - effect: ÖTő净湅oĒ弦 + key: "460" + operator: 眊:YĹ爩í鬯濴VǕ癶L浼h嫨炛 + tolerationSeconds: -3092025889836357564 + value: "461" + topologySpreadConstraints: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: b-k7cr-mo-dz12---i/6.W-m_-Z.wc..k_0_5.z.0..__D-1b.-9.Y0-_-.l__.c17__f_-336-B + operator: Exists + matchLabels: + D7RufiV-7u0--_qv4--_.6_N_9X-B.s8.N_rM-k8: 7e.._d--Y-_l-v0-1V-N-R__R9 + maxSkew: -816594589 + topologyKey: "470" + whenUnsatisfiable: "" + volumes: + - awsElasticBlockStore: + fsType: "64" + partition: -104666658 + readOnly: true + volumeID: "63" + azureDisk: + cachingMode: ʜǝ鿟ldg滠鼍ƭt + diskName: "127" + diskURI: "128" + fsType: "129" + kind: ȫşŇɜa + readOnly: true + azureFile: + secretName: "113" + shareName: "114" + cephfs: + monitors: + - "98" + path: "99" + secretFile: "101" + secretRef: + name: "102" + user: "100" + cinder: + fsType: "96" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "97" + volumeID: "95" + configMap: + defaultMode: -599608368 + items: + - key: "116" + mode: -1194714697 + path: "117" + name: "115" + optional: true + csi: + driver: "159" + fsType: "160" + nodePublishSecretRef: + name: "163" + readOnly: true + volumeAttributes: + "161": "162" + downwardAPI: + defaultMode: 1801487647 + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "106" + fieldPath: "107" + mode: 1322858613 + path: "105" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "108" + divisor: "889" + resource: "109" + emptyDir: + medium: 踓Ǻǧ湬淊kŪ睴鸏:ɥ³ƞsɁ8^ʥ + sizeLimit: "681" + ephemeral: + readOnly: true + volumeClaimTemplate: + metadata: + annotations: + "171": "172" + clusterName: "177" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -1837257934517376612 + finalizers: + - "176" + generateName: "165" + generation: -8801560367353238479 + labels: + "169": "170" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "179" + fieldsType: "180" + manager: "178" + operation: 蒅!a坩O`涁İ而踪鄌 + name: "164" + namespace: "166" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "173" + blockOwnerDeletion: true + controller: true + kind: "174" + name: "175" + uid: "" + resourceVersion: "917467801074989174" + selfLink: "167" + uid: ;栍dʪīT捘ɍi縱ù墴1Rƥ贫d飼 + spec: + accessModes: + - '|@?鷅bȻN' + dataSource: + apiGroup: "189" + kind: "190" + name: "191" + resources: + limits: + ?$矡ȶ网棊ʢ: "891" + requests: + Ⱥ眖R#yV'WKw(ğ: "423" + selector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 39-295at-o7qff7-x--r7v66bm71u-n4f9wk-3--652x01--p--n4-4-l.onh-9289---x-p-qpt6-1w-3205c1lxeqyn-5--9d5a3-7bf46g-40883176jte/Pi.-_-a-G + operator: Exists + matchLabels: + fi-a--w---f-e.z-j4kh6oqu-or---40--87-1wpl6-2-310e5hyzn0w-p4mzlu/m_AO-l8VKLyHA_.-F_E2_QOQ: E._._3.-.83_iq_-y.-25C.A-j..9dfn3Y8d_0_.---M_4FF + storageClassName: "188" + volumeMode: 跦Opwǩ曬逴褜1 + volumeName: "187" + fc: + fsType: "111" + lun: 1169718433 + targetWWNs: + - "110" + wwids: + - "112" + flexVolume: + driver: "90" + fsType: "91" + options: + "93": "94" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "92" + flocker: + datasetName: "103" + datasetUUID: "104" + gcePersistentDisk: + fsType: "62" + partition: 2065358741 + pdName: "61" + readOnly: true + gitRepo: + directory: "67" + repository: "65" + revision: "66" + glusterfs: + endpoints: "80" + path: "81" + hostPath: + path: "60" + type: /淹\韲翁&ʢsɜ曢\%枅:=ǛƓ + iscsi: + chapAuthSession: true + fsType: "76" + initiatorName: "79" + iqn: "74" + iscsiInterface: "75" + lun: -663180249 + portals: + - "77" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "78" + targetPortal: "73" + name: "59" + nfs: + path: "72" + server: "71" + persistentVolumeClaim: + claimName: "82" + photonPersistentDisk: + fsType: "131" + pdID: "130" + portworxVolume: + fsType: "146" + readOnly: true + volumeID: "145" + projected: + defaultMode: -1980941277 + sources: + - configMap: + items: + - key: "141" + mode: 1730325900 + path: "142" + name: "140" + optional: true + downwardAPI: + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "136" + fieldPath: "137" + mode: -555780268 + path: "135" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "138" + divisor: "952" + resource: "139" + secret: + items: + - key: "133" + mode: 782113097 + path: "134" + name: "132" + optional: true + serviceAccountToken: + audience: "143" + expirationSeconds: -2937394236764575757 + path: "144" + quobyte: + group: "125" + readOnly: true + registry: "122" + tenant: "126" + user: "124" + volume: "123" + rbd: + fsType: "85" + image: "84" + keyring: "88" + monitors: + - "83" + pool: "86" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "89" + user: "87" + scaleIO: + fsType: "154" + gateway: "147" + protectionDomain: "150" + secretRef: + name: "149" + sslEnabled: true + storageMode: "152" + storagePool: "151" + system: "148" + volumeName: "153" + secret: + defaultMode: 1655406148 + items: + - key: "69" + mode: 1648350164 + path: "70" + optional: true + secretName: "68" + storageos: + fsType: "157" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "158" + volumeName: "155" + volumeNamespace: "156" + vsphereVolume: + fsType: "119" + storagePolicyID: "121" + storagePolicyName: "120" + volumePath: "118" + ttlSecondsAfterFinished: -1766935785 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/certificates.k8s.io.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest.after_roundtrip.json b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/certificates.k8s.io.v1.CertificateSigningRequest.json 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message: "25" - reason: "24" - status: "" + - lastTransitionTime: "2352-05-22T04:29:36Z" + lastUpdateTime: "1985-03-23T14:10:57Z" + message: "26" + reason: "25" + status: ěĂ凗蓏Ŋ蛊ĉy緅縕 type: o,c鮽ort昍řČ扷5Ɨ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/certificates.k8s.io.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest.json b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/certificates.k8s.io.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest.json similarity index 78% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/certificates.k8s.io.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest.json rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/certificates.k8s.io.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest.json index 8b5940d56985..e7f6035933cb 100644 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/certificates.k8s.io.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest.json +++ b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/certificates.k8s.io.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest.json @@ -42,17 +42,18 @@ }, "spec": { "request": "OA==", + "signerName": "19", "usages": [ "J枊a" ], 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a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/certificates.k8s.io.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/certificates.k8s.io.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest.yaml similarity index 75% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/certificates.k8s.io.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest.yaml rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/certificates.k8s.io.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest.yaml index 166322dcd902..3207d6282d99 100644 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/certificates.k8s.io.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest.yaml +++ b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/certificates.k8s.io.v1beta1.CertificateSigningRequest.yaml @@ -31,19 +31,22 @@ metadata: uid: "7" spec: extra: - "22": - - "23" + "23": + - "24" groups: - - "21" + - "22" request: OA== - uid: "20" + signerName: "19" + uid: "21" usages: - J枊a - username: "19" + username: "20" status: - certificate: 9Q== + certificate: cw== conditions: - - lastUpdateTime: "2901-11-14T22:54:07Z" - message: "25" - reason: "24" + - lastTransitionTime: "2352-05-22T04:29:36Z" + lastUpdateTime: "1985-03-23T14:10:57Z" + message: "26" + reason: "25" + status: ěĂ凗蓏Ŋ蛊ĉy緅縕 type: o,c鮽ort昍řČ扷5Ɨ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/coordination.k8s.io.v1.Lease.json b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/coordination.k8s.io.v1.Lease.json similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/coordination.k8s.io.v1.Lease.json rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/coordination.k8s.io.v1.Lease.json diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/coordination.k8s.io.v1.Lease.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/coordination.k8s.io.v1.Lease.pb similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/coordination.k8s.io.v1.Lease.pb rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/coordination.k8s.io.v1.Lease.pb diff --git 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"containerID": "483" + } + }, + "ready": true, + "restartCount": -1819153912, + "image": "484", + "imageID": "485", + "containerID": "486", + "started": true + } + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.Pod.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.Pod.pb new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..357a0fa8023f Binary files /dev/null and b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.Pod.pb differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.Pod.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.Pod.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..db9ff28ff2e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.Pod.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,1090 @@ +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Pod +metadata: + annotations: + "9": "10" + clusterName: "15" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 + finalizers: + - "14" + generateName: "3" + generation: 8071137005907523419 + labels: + "7": "8" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "17" + fieldsType: "18" + manager: "16" + operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] + name: "2" + namespace: "4" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "11" + blockOwnerDeletion: true + controller: false + kind: "12" + name: "13" + uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp + resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" + selfLink: "5" + uid: "7" +spec: + activeDeadlineSeconds: 5014869561632118364 + affinity: + nodeAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - preference: + matchExpressions: + - key: "383" + operator: pȓɻ挴ʠɜ瞍阎lğ Ņ#耗Ǚ(ť1 + values: + - "384" + matchFields: + - key: "385" + operator: "" + values: + - "386" + weight: 1627026804 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + nodeSelectorTerms: + - matchExpressions: + - key: "379" + operator: e躒訙Ǫʓ)ǂť嗆u8晲T[ir + values: + - "380" + matchFields: + - key: "381" + operator: Ƶf + values: + - "382" + podAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - podAffinityTerm: + labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 3---g-----p8-d5-8-m8i--k0j5g.zrrw8-5ts-7-bp/6E__-.8_e_2 + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + 4-yy28-38xmu5nx4s--41-7--6m/271-_-9_._X-D---k6: Q.-s.H.Hu-k-_-0-T1mel--F......3_t_-l..-.DG7r-3.----._4__XOnP + namespaces: + - "401" + topologyKey: "402" + weight: -217760519 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 6-x_rC9..__-6_k.N-2B_V.-tfh4.caTz_.g.w-o.8_WT-M.3_1 + operator: NotIn + values: + - z + matchLabels: + 8.3dCv3j._.-_pP__up.2L_s-o779._-k-5___-Qq..csh-3i: 1Tvw39F_C-rtSY.g._2F7.-_e..r + namespaces: + - "393" + topologyKey: "394" + podAntiAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - podAffinityTerm: + labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 0--0g-q-22r4wye52y-h7463lyps4483-o--3f1p7--43nw-l-x8/Hz_V_.r_v_._e_-78o_6Z..11_7pX_.-mLlx...w_t-_.5.40Rw4D + operator: NotIn + values: + - txb__-ex-_1_-ODgC_1-_V + matchLabels: + 6V1-rU.___06.eqk5E_-4-.XH-.k.7.l_-W8o._xJ1-lFA_X3: V0H2-.zHw.H__V.VT + namespaces: + - "417" + topologyKey: "418" + weight: -1851436166 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: QZ9p_6.C.e + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + 7F3p2_-_AmD-.0AP.1: A--.F5_x.KNC0-.-m_0-m-6Sp_N-S..O-BZ..n + namespaces: + - "409" + topologyKey: "410" + automountServiceAccountToken: false + containers: + - args: + - "226" + command: + - "225" + env: + - name: "233" + value: "234" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "240" + name: "239" + optional: false + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "235" + fieldPath: "236" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "237" + divisor: "431" + resource: "238" + secretKeyRef: + key: "242" + name: "241" + optional: true + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "231" + optional: false + prefix: "230" + secretRef: + name: "232" + optional: true + image: "224" + imagePullPolicy: ĺɗŹ倗S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤 + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "269" + httpGet: + host: "272" + httpHeaders: + - name: "273" + value: "274" + path: "270" + port: "271" + scheme: 荶ljʁ揆ɘȌ脾嚏吐ĠLƐȤ藠3 + tcpSocket: + host: "276" + port: "275" + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "277" + httpGet: + host: "279" + httpHeaders: + - name: "280" + value: "281" + path: "278" + port: 1182477686 + tcpSocket: + host: "282" + port: -763687725 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "249" + failureThreshold: 1255169591 + httpGet: + host: "251" + httpHeaders: + - name: "252" + value: "253" + path: "250" + port: -78618443 + scheme: Ɗ+j忊Ŗȫ焗捏ĨFħ籘Àǒ + initialDelaySeconds: -163839428 + periodSeconds: 1096174794 + successThreshold: 1591029717 + tcpSocket: + host: "254" + port: -495373547 + timeoutSeconds: 1912934380 + name: "223" + ports: + - containerPort: -636855511 + hostIP: "229" + hostPort: 460997133 + name: "228" + protocol: r蛏豈ɃHŠ + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "255" + failureThreshold: -26910286 + httpGet: + host: "257" + httpHeaders: + - name: "258" + value: "259" + path: "256" + port: -1497057920 + scheme: ż丩ŽoǠŻʘY賃ɪ鐊瀑Ź9 + initialDelaySeconds: 828173251 + periodSeconds: 2040455355 + successThreshold: 1505972335 + tcpSocket: + host: "261" + port: "260" + timeoutSeconds: -394397948 + resources: + limits: + s{Ⱦdz@ùƸʋŀ樺ȃ: "395" + requests: + '''iþŹʣy豎@ɀ羭,铻OŤǢʭ嵔': "340" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: true + capabilities: + add: + - Ɏ R§耶FfBl + drop: + - 3!Zɾģ毋Ó6 + privileged: true + procMount: Ⱥ眖R#yV'WKw(ğ + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: -4167460131022140625 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: 2204784004762988751 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "287" + role: "285" + type: "286" + user: "284" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "291" + type: Ůĺ}潷ʒ胵輓 + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "289" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "288" + runAsUserName: "290" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "262" + failureThreshold: 1447898632 + httpGet: + host: "264" + httpHeaders: + - name: "265" + value: "266" + path: "263" + port: -1343558801 + scheme: '@掇lNdǂ>' + initialDelaySeconds: -150133456 + periodSeconds: 1498833271 + successThreshold: 1505082076 + tcpSocket: + host: "268" + port: "267" + timeoutSeconds: 1507815593 + stdinOnce: true + terminationMessagePath: "283" + terminationMessagePolicy: ïì«丯Ƙ枛牐ɺ皚|懥ƖN粕擓ƖHV + tty: true + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "248" + name: "247" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "244" + mountPropagation: "" + name: "243" + readOnly: true + subPath: "245" + subPathExpr: "246" + workingDir: "227" + dnsConfig: + nameservers: + - "425" + options: + - name: "427" + value: "428" + searches: + - "426" + dnsPolicy: 哇芆斩ìh4ɊHȖ|ʐşƧ諔迮 + enableServiceLinks: false + ephemeralContainers: + - args: + - "295" + command: + - "294" + env: + - name: "302" + value: "303" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "309" + name: "308" + optional: true + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "304" + fieldPath: "305" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "306" + divisor: "729" + resource: "307" + secretKeyRef: + key: "311" + name: "310" + optional: true + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "300" + optional: false + prefix: "299" + secretRef: + name: "301" + optional: false + image: "293" + imagePullPolicy: ')酊龨δ摖ȱğ_<ǬëJ橈''琕鶫:' + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "338" + httpGet: + host: "341" + httpHeaders: + - name: "342" + value: "343" + path: "339" + port: "340" + scheme: 偯J僳徥淳4 + tcpSocket: + host: "344" + port: -1421951296 + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "345" + httpGet: + host: "347" + httpHeaders: + - name: "348" + value: "349" + path: "346" + port: -1856061695 + scheme: Œɥ颶妧Ö闊 鰔澝qV訆Ǝ + tcpSocket: + host: "350" + port: 509813083 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "318" + failureThreshold: 14304392 + httpGet: + host: "321" + httpHeaders: + - name: "322" + value: "323" + path: "319" + port: "320" + scheme: fʀļ腩墺Ò媁荭gw忊 + initialDelaySeconds: -1532958330 + periodSeconds: 1004325340 + successThreshold: -1313320434 + tcpSocket: + host: "324" + port: -1761398388 + timeoutSeconds: -438588982 + name: "292" + ports: + - containerPort: -1643733106 + hostIP: "298" + hostPort: -1738069460 + name: "297" + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "325" + failureThreshold: 1533365989 + httpGet: + host: "327" + httpHeaders: + - name: "328" + value: "329" + path: "326" + port: 1714588921 + scheme: Ư貾 + initialDelaySeconds: -552281772 + periodSeconds: 383015301 + successThreshold: -1717997927 + tcpSocket: + host: "331" + port: "330" + timeoutSeconds: -677617960 + resources: + limits: + 扴ȨŮ+朷Ǝ膯ljVX1虊谇: "279" + requests: + 圯W:ĸ輦唊#v铿ʩȂ4ē鐭#嬀: "918" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: true + capabilities: + add: + - "" + drop: + - Ȱ囌{屿oiɥ嵐sC8?Ǻ鱎ƙ; + privileged: false + procMount: 丆 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: -545284475172904979 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: 5431518803727886665 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "355" + role: "353" + type: "354" + user: "352" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "359" + type: ²Ŏ)/灩聋3趐囨 + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "357" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "356" + runAsUserName: "358" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "332" + failureThreshold: -1928016742 + httpGet: + host: "334" + httpHeaders: + - name: "335" + value: "336" + path: "333" + port: -2121788927 + initialDelaySeconds: 1313273370 + periodSeconds: -1314967760 + successThreshold: 1174240097 + tcpSocket: + host: "337" + port: -518330919 + timeoutSeconds: -1296830577 + targetContainerName: "360" + terminationMessagePath: "351" + terminationMessagePolicy: ²sNƗ¸g + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "317" + name: "316" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "313" + mountPropagation: ó藢xɮĵȑ6L* + name: "312" + subPath: "314" + subPathExpr: "315" + workingDir: "296" + hostAliases: + - hostnames: + - "423" + ip: "422" + hostIPC: true + hostNetwork: true + hostname: "377" + imagePullSecrets: + - name: "376" + initContainers: + - args: + - "155" + command: + - "154" + env: + - name: "162" + value: "163" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "169" + name: "168" + optional: true + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "164" + fieldPath: "165" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "166" + divisor: "877" + resource: "167" + secretKeyRef: + key: "171" + name: "170" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "160" + optional: false + prefix: "159" + secretRef: + name: "161" + optional: true + image: "153" + imagePullPolicy: ɉ鎷卩蝾H韹寬娬ï瓼猀2:ö + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "199" + httpGet: + host: "201" + httpHeaders: + - name: "202" + value: "203" + path: "200" + port: -1477511050 + scheme: ;栍dʪīT捘ɍi縱ù墴1Rƥ贫d飼 + tcpSocket: + host: "205" + port: "204" + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "206" + httpGet: + host: "209" + httpHeaders: + - name: "210" + value: "211" + path: "207" + port: "208" + scheme: Ú8參遼ūPH炮掊°nʮ閼咎櫸eʔ + tcpSocket: + host: "213" + port: "212" + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "178" + failureThreshold: 952979935 + httpGet: + host: "180" + httpHeaders: + - name: "181" + value: "182" + path: "179" + port: -522879476 + scheme: "N" + initialDelaySeconds: -687313111 + periodSeconds: 1730325900 + successThreshold: -828368050 + tcpSocket: + host: "184" + port: "183" + timeoutSeconds: -131161294 + name: "152" + ports: + - containerPort: -1746427184 + hostIP: "158" + hostPort: 869879222 + name: "157" + protocol: ŏ{ + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "185" + failureThreshold: -1120128337 + httpGet: + host: "188" + httpHeaders: + - name: "189" + value: "190" + path: "186" + port: "187" + scheme: 蕭k ź贩j + initialDelaySeconds: 580681683 + periodSeconds: 2147073181 + successThreshold: -1934106111 + tcpSocket: + host: "191" + port: -462693598 + timeoutSeconds: 38897467 + resources: + limits: + É/p: "144" + requests: + $妻ƅTGS: "845" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: true + capabilities: + add: + - 5w垁鷌辪虽U珝Żwʮ馜üNșƶ + drop: + - ĩĉş蝿ɖȃ賲鐅臬 + privileged: false + procMount: ǵʭd鲡:贅wE@Ȗs«öʮ + readOnlyRootFilesystem: false + runAsGroup: -1245112587824234591 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: -1799108093609470992 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "218" + role: "216" + type: "217" + user: "215" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "222" + type: <é瞾 + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "220" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "219" + runAsUserName: "221" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "192" + failureThreshold: -1902521464 + httpGet: + host: "195" + httpHeaders: + - name: "196" + value: "197" + path: "193" + port: "194" + scheme: 胚O醔ɍ厶耈 T衧ȇe媹Hǝ呮} + initialDelaySeconds: -1482763519 + periodSeconds: 1234551517 + successThreshold: -1618937335 + tcpSocket: + host: "198" + port: 994527057 + timeoutSeconds: -1346458591 + stdin: true + stdinOnce: true + terminationMessagePath: "214" + terminationMessagePolicy: 究:hoĂɋ瀐<ɉ湨 + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "177" + name: "176" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "173" + mountPropagation: ^}穠C]躢|)黰eȪ嵛4$%QɰV + name: "172" + readOnly: true + subPath: "174" + subPathExpr: "175" + workingDir: "156" + nodeName: "365" + nodeSelector: + "361": "362" + overhead: + 4'ď曕椐敛n湙: "310" + preemptionPolicy: '!ń1ċƹ|慼櫁色苆试揯遐' + priority: -1852730577 + priorityClassName: "424" + readinessGates: + - conditionType: ź魊塾ɖ$rolȋɶuɋ5r儉ɩ柀ɨ鴅 + restartPolicy: 邻爥蹔ŧOǨ繫ʎǑyZ涬P­蜷ɔ幩 + runtimeClassName: "429" + schedulerName: "419" + securityContext: + fsGroup: 741362943076737213 + fsGroupChangePolicy: W賁Ěɭɪǹ0 + runAsGroup: -7936947433725476327 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: 4883846315878203110 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "369" + role: "367" + type: "368" + user: "366" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "375" + type: ',ƷƣMț譎懚XW疪鑳' + supplementalGroups: + - 6726836758549163621 + sysctls: + - name: "373" + value: "374" + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "371" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "370" + runAsUserName: "372" + serviceAccount: "364" + serviceAccountName: "363" + setHostnameAsFQDN: false + shareProcessNamespace: false + subdomain: "378" + terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -5027542616778527781 + tolerations: + - effect: ŽɣB矗E¸乾 + key: "420" + operator: 堺ʣ + tolerationSeconds: -3532804738923434397 + value: "421" + topologySpreadConstraints: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 4-4D-r.-F__r.oh..2_uGGP..-_N_h_4Hl-X0_2-W + operator: In + values: + - 2-.s_6O-5_7_-0w_--5-_.3--_9QWJ + matchLabels: + p2djmscp--ac8u23-k----26u5--72n-5.j8-0020-1-5/t5W_._._-2M2._i: wvU + maxSkew: -150478704 + topologyKey: "430" + whenUnsatisfiable: ;鹡鑓侅闍ŏŃŋŏ}ŀ + volumes: + - awsElasticBlockStore: + fsType: "24" + partition: 1001983654 + volumeID: "23" + azureDisk: + cachingMode: ƕP喂ƈ + diskName: "87" + diskURI: "88" + fsType: "89" + kind: "" + readOnly: false + azureFile: + secretName: "73" + shareName: "74" + cephfs: + monitors: + - "58" + path: "59" + secretFile: "61" + secretRef: + name: "62" + user: "60" + cinder: + fsType: "56" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "57" + volumeID: "55" + configMap: + defaultMode: 172857432 + items: + - key: "76" + mode: 1392988974 + path: "77" + name: "75" + optional: true + csi: + driver: "119" + fsType: "120" + nodePublishSecretRef: + name: "123" + 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apiGroup: "149" + kind: "150" + name: "151" + resources: + limits: + ɜ曢\%枅:=ǛƓɥ踓Ǻǧ湬: "530" + requests: + 蓿彭聡A3fƻfʣ繡楙¯ĦE勗E濞: "443" + selector: + matchExpressions: + - key: N2z + operator: In + values: + - i.8--LI--U.v.L.U_f + matchLabels: + DA_-5_-4lQ42M--n1-p5.3___47._49pIB_o61ISU4--A_.XK_._M9T9sH.Wu5j: K_.0--_0P7_.C.Ze--0 + storageClassName: "148" + volumeMode: ȲĻ¤Ħʅ芝M + volumeName: "147" + fc: + fsType: "71" + lun: -1876826602 + targetWWNs: + - "70" + wwids: + - "72" + flexVolume: + driver: "50" + fsType: "51" + options: + "53": "54" + secretRef: + name: "52" + flocker: + datasetName: "63" + datasetUUID: "64" + gcePersistentDisk: + fsType: "22" + partition: -123438221 + pdName: "21" + readOnly: true + gitRepo: + directory: "27" + repository: "25" + revision: "26" + glusterfs: + endpoints: "40" + path: "41" + hostPath: + path: "20" + type: Hr鯹)晿5姣 + drop: + - 懔%熷谟 + privileged: true + procMount: 脾嚏吐ĠLƐȤ藠3.v-鿧悮坮Ȣ幟ļ腻 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: -1448436097540110204 + 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matchLabels: + ? dgr-y7nlp97v-0-1y-t3---2ga-v205p-26-u5wq.1--m-l80--5o1--cp6-5-x1---0w4rm-0uma6-p--d-t/K_XOnf_ZN.-_--r.E__-.8_e_l2.._8s--7_3x_-J_.....7..--0 + : x-Zg-_4Q__-v_t_u_.__I_-_-3-3--5X1rh-K5y_AzOBW.9oE9_6.x + namespaces: + - "422" + topologyKey: "423" + weight: -281926929 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 4sE4 + operator: In + values: + - u_.--4QQ.-s.H.Hu-k-_-0-T1mel--F......3_t_l + matchLabels: + 1caTz_.g.w-o.8_WT-M.3_-1y_8D_X._B__-P---_H-.___._D8.TS-jJ.YO: op34_-y.8_38m + namespaces: + - "414" + topologyKey: "415" + podAntiAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - podAffinityTerm: + labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 39-A_-_l67Q.-_r + operator: Exists + matchLabels: + L_1-wv3UDf.-4D-r.-F__r.oh..2_uGGP..-_N_h_4Hl-X0_2--__40: a68-7AlR__8-7_-YD-Q9_-__..YNFu7Pg-.814e-_07-ht-EP + namespaces: + - "438" + topologyKey: "439" + weight: -481276923 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 3hjo--8kb6--ut---p8--3-e-3-44-e.w--i--40wv--in-870w--it6k47-7yd-y--3wc8q8/Jm...Cr + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + G_2kCpS__.39g_.--_-_ve5.m_2_--XZ-x._0: M2-n_5023Xl-3Pw_-r75--_-A-o-__y__._12..wrbW_E..24-O._.v._9c + namespaces: + - "430" + topologyKey: "431" + automountServiceAccountToken: false + containers: + - args: + - "244" + command: + - "243" + env: + - name: "251" + value: "252" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "258" + name: "257" + optional: false + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "253" + fieldPath: "254" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "255" + divisor: "19" + resource: "256" + secretKeyRef: + key: "260" + name: "259" + optional: true + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "249" + optional: false + prefix: "248" + secretRef: + name: "250" + optional: true + image: "242" + imagePullPolicy: 庰%皧V + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "287" + httpGet: + host: "289" + httpHeaders: + - name: "290" + value: "291" + path: "288" + port: -1661575965 + scheme: î.Ȏ蝪ʜ5遰= + tcpSocket: + host: "292" + port: 834105836 + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "293" + httpGet: + host: "296" + httpHeaders: + - name: "297" + value: "298" + path: "294" + port: "295" + tcpSocket: + host: "300" + port: "299" + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "267" + failureThreshold: 1831208885 + httpGet: + host: "269" + httpHeaders: + - name: "270" + value: "271" + path: "268" + port: -534498506 + scheme: 儴Ůĺ}潷ʒ胵輓Ɔȓ蹣ɐ + initialDelaySeconds: -805795167 + periodSeconds: 785984384 + successThreshold: 193463975 + tcpSocket: + host: "273" + port: "272" + timeoutSeconds: 1791615594 + name: "241" + ports: + - containerPort: 1883209805 + hostIP: "247" + hostPort: -801430937 + name: "246" + protocol: ɓȌʟni酛3ƁÀ* + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "274" + failureThreshold: 18113448 + httpGet: + host: "277" + httpHeaders: + - name: "278" + value: "279" + path: "275" + port: "276" + 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"315" + protocol: iǨź'ǵɐ鰥Z龏´DÒȗÔÂɘɢ + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "344" + failureThreshold: -200074798 + httpGet: + host: "347" + httpHeaders: + - name: "348" + value: "349" + path: "345" + port: "346" + scheme: '| 鞤ɱďW賁Ěɭɪǹ0衷,' + initialDelaySeconds: -278396828 + periodSeconds: -1663818120 + successThreshold: -211480108 + tcpSocket: + host: "350" + port: 1692740191 + timeoutSeconds: 1497888778 + resources: + limits: + ʟ鍏H鯂²静: "193" + requests: + 聋3趐囨鏻: "838" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: false + capabilities: + add: + - 1b + drop: + - 汚磉反-n + privileged: true + procMount: 濑 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: false + runAsGroup: 8284722634127679632 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: 6952955754983307007 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "376" + role: "374" + type: "375" + user: "373" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "380" + type: ʨIk(dŊiɢzĮ蛋I滞 + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "378" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "377" + runAsUserName: "379" + startupProbe: + exec: + 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433084615 + tcpSocket: + host: "203" + port: 406308963 + timeoutSeconds: 2026784878 + name: "171" + ports: + - containerPort: -614785801 + hostIP: "177" + hostPort: 118729776 + name: "176" + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "204" + failureThreshold: -1131820775 + httpGet: + host: "207" + httpHeaders: + - name: "208" + value: "209" + path: "205" + port: "206" + scheme: Źʣy豎@ɀ羭,铻O + initialDelaySeconds: 1424053148 + periodSeconds: 859639931 + successThreshold: -1663149700 + tcpSocket: + host: "211" + port: "210" + timeoutSeconds: 747521320 + resources: + limits: + _瀹鞎sn芞QÄȻȊ+?: "193" + requests: + '@Ȗs«öʮĀ<é瞾': "51" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: false + capabilities: + add: + - ȟ@7飣奺Ȋ礶惇¸t颟.鵫ǚ灄 + drop: + - rʤî萨zvt莭琽§ć\ ïì + privileged: false + procMount: ƖN粕擓Ɩ + readOnlyRootFilesystem: false + runAsGroup: 3195567116206635190 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: -5738810661106213940 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "236" + role: "234" + type: "235" + user: "233" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "240" + type: Ve + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "238" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "237" + runAsUserName: "239" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "212" + failureThreshold: -233378149 + httpGet: + host: "214" + httpHeaders: + - name: "215" + value: "216" + path: "213" + port: -1710454086 + scheme: mɩC[ó瓧 + initialDelaySeconds: 915577348 + periodSeconds: -1386967282 + successThreshold: -2030286732 + tcpSocket: + host: "217" + port: -122979840 + timeoutSeconds: -590798124 + stdinOnce: true + terminationMessagePath: "232" + terminationMessagePolicy: 萭旿@掇lNdǂ>5姣 + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "196" + name: "195" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "192" + mountPropagation: £軶ǃ*ʙ嫙&蒒5靇C'ɵK.Q貇 + name: "191" + subPath: "193" + subPathExpr: "194" + workingDir: "175" + nodeName: "386" + nodeSelector: + "382": "383" + overhead: + 莏ŹZ槇鿖]: "643" + preemptionPolicy: I梞ū筀 + priority: -413167112 + priorityClassName: "445" + readinessGates: + - conditionType: ÷閂抰^窄CǙķ + restartPolicy: 鷞焬C + runtimeClassName: "450" + schedulerName: "440" + securityContext: + fsGroup: 8801451190757707332 + fsGroupChangePolicy: ɋȑoG鄧蜢暳ǽżLj捲 + runAsGroup: 8766190045617353809 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: 6358118655232240727 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "390" + role: "388" + type: "389" + user: "387" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "396" + type: xƂ9阠 + supplementalGroups: + - -2524837786321986358 + sysctls: + - name: "394" + value: "395" + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "392" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "391" + runAsUserName: "393" + serviceAccount: "385" + serviceAccountName: "384" + setHostnameAsFQDN: false + shareProcessNamespace: false + subdomain: "399" + terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 2910487247185363461 + tolerations: + - effect: '`ȗ<8^翜T蘈' + key: "441" + operator: 査Z綶ĀRġ磸 + tolerationSeconds: 563892352146095619 + value: "442" + topologySpreadConstraints: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 0.9-.-._.1..s._jP6j.u--.K--g__..2bidF.-0-...E + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + dno-52--6-0dkn9/i_zZsY_o8t5Vl6_..7CY-_dc__GN: z1Y_HEb.9x98MM7-.e.Dx._.W-6..4_M7 + maxSkew: -1404859721 + topologyKey: "451" + whenUnsatisfiable: Ɖ虼/h毂 + volumes: + - awsElasticBlockStore: + fsType: "43" + partition: -1095687535 + volumeID: "42" + azureDisk: + cachingMode: ʌ鴜 + diskName: "106" + diskURI: "107" + fsType: "108" + kind: ŨȈ>Ņ£趕ã/鈱$-议 + readOnly: true + azureFile: + readOnly: true + secretName: "92" + shareName: "93" + cephfs: + monitors: + - "77" + path: "78" + secretFile: "80" + secretRef: + name: "81" + user: "79" + cinder: + fsType: "75" + secretRef: + name: "76" + volumeID: "74" + configMap: + defaultMode: 1945687018 + items: + - key: "95" + mode: -818470612 + path: "96" + name: "94" + optional: false + csi: + driver: "138" + fsType: "139" + nodePublishSecretRef: + name: "142" + readOnly: true + volumeAttributes: + "140": "141" + downwardAPI: + defaultMode: -1449552038 + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "85" + fieldPath: "86" + mode: -816398166 + path: "84" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "87" + divisor: "558" + resource: "88" + emptyDir: + medium: ɖ橙9 + sizeLimit: "481" + ephemeral: + volumeClaimTemplate: + metadata: + annotations: + "150": "151" + clusterName: "156" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -7941641181357802163 + finalizers: + - "155" + generateName: "144" + generation: -3770420463196955451 + labels: + "148": "149" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "158" + fieldsType: "159" + manager: "157" + operation: l恕ɍȇ廄裭4懙鏮嵒 + name: "143" + namespace: "145" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "152" + blockOwnerDeletion: true + controller: true + kind: "153" + name: "154" + uid: 蓨MĮ? + resourceVersion: "14394439682782579181" + selfLink: "146" + uid: 绅{囥"ŵw^Ü郀叚Fi皬择,Q捇 + spec: + accessModes: + - ɸ殁Ka縳讋ɮ衺 + dataSource: + apiGroup: "168" + kind: "169" + name: "170" + resources: + limits: + 銦妰黖ȓƇ$缔獵偐ę腬瓷碑=ɉ: "707" + requests: + 睫}堇硲蕵ɢ苆ǮńMǰ: "480" + selector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 645-17-05-3z-4831i48x-e4203f-vx010-90q-6-i2d020hj--a-8gb.0-w5-6a-9-mmjt9h20d525-6ni4-g3-s-98w-4-2--083-4y89j-85w8/td---ndm_.8A6.6L_M..--sT52b..N.-.Kj85 + operator: In + values: + - "" + matchLabels: + o82_g50_u__..cu87__-7p_w.e6._.pj5t_k-_v.-6b6.N_u: o--.8--LI--U.v.L.U_8f.-H2._67yg-Ln-__.-__w + storageClassName: "167" + volumeMode: 鶪5w垁鷌辪虽U珝Żwʮ馜üN + volumeName: "166" + fc: + fsType: "90" + lun: 13573196 + targetWWNs: + - "89" + wwids: + - "91" + flexVolume: + driver: "69" + fsType: "70" + options: + "72": "73" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "71" + flocker: + datasetName: "82" + datasetUUID: "83" + gcePersistentDisk: + fsType: "41" + partition: -54954325 + pdName: "40" + gitRepo: + directory: "46" + repository: "44" + revision: "45" + glusterfs: + endpoints: "59" + path: "60" + hostPath: + path: "39" + type: Ơ歿:狞夌碕ʂɭîcP$I + iscsi: + fsType: "55" + initiatorName: "58" + iqn: "53" + iscsiInterface: "54" + lun: 819364842 + portals: + - "56" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "57" + targetPortal: "52" + name: "38" + nfs: + path: "51" + server: "50" + persistentVolumeClaim: + claimName: "61" + photonPersistentDisk: + fsType: "110" + pdID: "109" + portworxVolume: + fsType: "125" + volumeID: "124" + projected: + defaultMode: 808527238 + sources: + - configMap: + items: + - key: "120" + mode: -1706790766 + path: "121" + name: "119" + optional: true + downwardAPI: + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "115" + fieldPath: "116" + mode: 1258015454 + path: "114" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "117" + divisor: "691" + resource: "118" + secret: + items: + - key: "112" + mode: 33624773 + path: "113" + name: "111" + optional: false + serviceAccountToken: + audience: "122" + expirationSeconds: 4844518680130446070 + path: "123" + quobyte: + group: "104" + readOnly: true + registry: "101" + tenant: "105" + user: "103" + volume: "102" + rbd: + fsType: "64" + image: "63" + keyring: "67" + monitors: + - "62" + pool: "65" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "68" + user: "66" + scaleIO: + fsType: "133" + gateway: "126" + protectionDomain: "129" + secretRef: + name: "128" + storageMode: "131" + storagePool: "130" + system: "127" + volumeName: "132" + secret: + defaultMode: 712024464 + items: + - key: "48" + mode: 13677460 + path: "49" + optional: false + secretName: "47" + storageos: + fsType: "136" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "137" + volumeName: "134" + volumeNamespace: "135" + vsphereVolume: + fsType: "98" + storagePolicyID: "100" + storagePolicyName: "99" + volumePath: "97" +status: + availableReplicas: 165851549 + conditions: + - lastTransitionTime: "2204-01-10T03:47:41Z" + message: "459" + reason: "458" + status: PRɄɝ熔ķ´ʑ潞Ĵ3 + type: 鎊t潑嫉悔柅ȵ. + fullyLabeledReplicas: -1993578228 + observedGeneration: 4460932436309061502 + readyReplicas: 1971731732 + replicas: -1576773969 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ResourceQuota.json 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a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.Secret.pb and b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.Secret.pb differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.Secret.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.Secret.yaml similarity index 92% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.Secret.yaml rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.Secret.yaml index 5061e1e4e5d9..866b99fd1abc 100644 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.Secret.yaml +++ b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.Secret.yaml @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ apiVersion: v1 data: - "19": Hg== + "19": xw== +immutable: false kind: Secret metadata: annotations: @@ -33,4 +34,4 @@ metadata: uid: "7" stringData: "20": "21" -type: r鯹)晿Ž healthCheckNodePort: -1095807277 ipFamily: ³-Ǐ忄*齧獚敆ȎțêɘIJ斬 - loadBalancerIP: "25" + loadBalancerIP: "26" loadBalancerSourceRanges: - - "26" + - "27" ports: - - name: "19" + - appProtocol: "20" + name: "19" nodePort: -474380055 port: 202283346 protocol: '@Hr鯹)晿' - targetPort: "20" + targetPort: "21" publishNotReadyAddresses: true selector: - "21": "22" + "22": "23" sessionAffinity: ɑ sessionAffinityConfig: clientIP: timeoutSeconds: -1973740160 topologyKeys: - - "28" + - "29" type: .蘯6ċV夸 status: loadBalancer: ingress: - - hostname: "30" - ip: "29" + - hostname: "31" + ip: "30" diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ServiceAccount.json b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.ServiceAccount.json similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ServiceAccount.json rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.ServiceAccount.json diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ServiceAccount.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.ServiceAccount.pb similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ServiceAccount.pb rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.ServiceAccount.pb diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ServiceAccount.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.ServiceAccount.yaml similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ServiceAccount.yaml rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.ServiceAccount.yaml diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ServiceProxyOptions.json b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.ServiceProxyOptions.json similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ServiceProxyOptions.json rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.ServiceProxyOptions.json diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ServiceProxyOptions.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.ServiceProxyOptions.pb similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ServiceProxyOptions.pb rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.ServiceProxyOptions.pb diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ServiceProxyOptions.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.ServiceProxyOptions.yaml similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.ServiceProxyOptions.yaml rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.ServiceProxyOptions.yaml diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.Status.json b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.Status.json similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.Status.json rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.Status.json diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.Status.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.Status.pb similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.Status.pb rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.Status.pb diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.Status.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.Status.yaml similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.Status.yaml rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.Status.yaml diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.UpdateOptions.json b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.UpdateOptions.json similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.UpdateOptions.json rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.UpdateOptions.json diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.UpdateOptions.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.UpdateOptions.pb similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.UpdateOptions.pb rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.UpdateOptions.pb diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.UpdateOptions.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.UpdateOptions.yaml similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.UpdateOptions.yaml rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.UpdateOptions.yaml diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.WatchEvent.json b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.WatchEvent.json similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.WatchEvent.json rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.WatchEvent.json diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.WatchEvent.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/core.v1.WatchEvent.pb similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/core.v1.WatchEvent.pb rename to 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Oep2P.B._A_090ERG2nV.__p_Y-.2__a_dWU_V-_Q_Ap._2_xa_o..p_B-d--Q2 + matchLabels: + 6n-f-x--i-b/K_BM.6-.Y_72-_--pT75-.emV__1-wv3UDf.4: 2_uGGP..-_N_h_4Hl-X0_2--__4K..-68-7l + namespaces: + - "440" + topologyKey: "441" + weight: -1084136601 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: I.4_W_-_-7Tp_.---c + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + H1_-ODgC_1-_8__T3sn-0_.i__a.O2G_-_K-0: 8mp.-10KkQ-R_R.-.--4_IT_O__3.5h_XC0_-7.-hj-O + namespaces: + - "432" + topologyKey: "433" + automountServiceAccountToken: false + containers: + - args: + - "247" + command: + - "246" + env: + - name: "254" + value: "255" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "261" + name: "260" + optional: true + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "256" + fieldPath: "257" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "258" + divisor: "277" + resource: "259" + secretKeyRef: + key: "263" + name: "262" + optional: true + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "252" + optional: true + prefix: "251" + 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seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "382" + type: 5Ų買霎ȃň[>ą S + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "380" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "379" + runAsUserName: "381" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "353" + failureThreshold: 1805682547 + httpGet: + host: "356" + httpHeaders: + - name: "357" + value: "358" + path: "354" + port: "355" + scheme: đ>*劶? + initialDelaySeconds: 1008425444 + periodSeconds: 1678953375 + successThreshold: 1045190247 + tcpSocket: + host: "359" + port: -176877925 + timeoutSeconds: -821592382 + stdinOnce: true + targetContainerName: "383" + terminationMessagePath: "374" + terminationMessagePolicy: s梊ɥʋăƻ遲njlȘ鹾K + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "339" + name: "338" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "335" + mountPropagation: Ű藛b磾sYȠ繽敮ǰ + name: "334" + subPath: "336" + subPathExpr: "337" + workingDir: "318" + hostAliases: + - hostnames: + - "446" + ip: "445" + hostIPC: true + hostNetwork: true + hostname: "400" + imagePullSecrets: + - name: "399" + initContainers: + - args: + - "178" + command: + - "177" + env: + - name: "185" + value: "186" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "192" + name: "191" + optional: true + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "187" + fieldPath: "188" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "189" + divisor: "139" + resource: "190" + secretKeyRef: + key: "194" + name: "193" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "183" + optional: false + prefix: "182" + secretRef: + name: "184" + optional: false + image: "176" + imagePullPolicy: Ɖ飴ɎiǨ + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "222" + httpGet: + host: "224" + httpHeaders: + - name: "225" + value: "226" + path: "223" + port: -816630929 + tcpSocket: + host: "227" + port: 1965273344 + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "228" + httpGet: + host: "231" + httpHeaders: + - name: "232" + value: "233" + path: "229" + port: "230" + scheme: SÄ蚃ɣľ)酊龨δ摖ȱğ_< + tcpSocket: + host: "234" + port: -385597677 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "201" + failureThreshold: -552281772 + httpGet: + host: "204" + httpHeaders: + - name: "205" + value: "206" + path: "202" + port: "203" + scheme: u|榝$î.Ȏ蝪ʜ5遰=E埄Ȁ + initialDelaySeconds: -1246371817 + periodSeconds: 432291364 + successThreshold: 676578360 + tcpSocket: + host: "207" + port: 1714588921 + timeoutSeconds: 617318981 + name: "175" + ports: + - containerPort: -1252938503 + hostIP: "181" + hostPort: 852780575 + name: "180" + protocol: Opwǩ曬逴褜1ØœȠƬQg鄠 + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "208" + failureThreshold: 549215478 + httpGet: + host: "210" + httpHeaders: + - name: "211" + value: "212" + path: "209" + port: 1777326813 + scheme: ǟi&皥贸碔lNKƙ順\E¦ + initialDelaySeconds: 1868887309 + periodSeconds: -316996074 + successThreshold: 1933968533 + tcpSocket: + host: "214" + port: "213" + timeoutSeconds: -528664199 + resources: + limits: + LĹ]佱¿>犵殇ŕ-Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊: "807" + requests: + 嚧ʣq埄: "936" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: true + capabilities: + add: + - ǵɐ鰥Z + drop: + - ´DÒȗÔÂɘɢ鬍熖B芭花ª瘡 + privileged: false + procMount: ƲǦŐnj汰 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: 2823592889848840099 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: -1666202510534940446 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "239" + role: "237" + type: "238" + user: "236" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "243" + type: ŕİi騎C + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "241" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "240" + runAsUserName: "242" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "215" + failureThreshold: 1847163341 + httpGet: + host: "217" + httpHeaders: + - name: "218" + value: "219" + path: "216" + port: -374766088 + scheme: 翜舞拉Œ + initialDelaySeconds: -190183379 + periodSeconds: -341287812 + successThreshold: 2030115750 + tcpSocket: + host: "221" + port: "220" + timeoutSeconds: -940334911 + terminationMessagePath: "235" + terminationMessagePolicy: 橈' + tty: true + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "200" + name: "199" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "196" + mountPropagation: '#嬀ơŸ8T 苧yñKJɐ扵Gƚ绤f' + name: "195" + subPath: "197" + subPathExpr: "198" + 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"lastTransitionTime": "2035-01-21T08:11:33Z", + "reason": "459", + "message": "460" } ], - "collisionCount": 571778293 + "collisionCount": 2099542463 } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/extensions.v1beta1.Deployment.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/extensions.v1beta1.Deployment.pb new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9efb46fbfac5 Binary files /dev/null and b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/extensions.v1beta1.Deployment.pb differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/extensions.v1beta1.Deployment.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/extensions.v1beta1.Deployment.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..05a459fb0f5b --- /dev/null +++ b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/extensions.v1beta1.Deployment.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,1030 @@ +apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 +kind: Deployment +metadata: + annotations: + "9": "10" + clusterName: "15" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -4955867275792137171 + finalizers: + - "14" + generateName: "3" + generation: 8071137005907523419 + labels: + "7": "8" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "17" + fieldsType: "18" + manager: "16" + operation: 鐊唊飙Ş-U圴÷a/ɔ}摁(湗Ć] + name: "2" + namespace: "4" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "11" + blockOwnerDeletion: true + controller: false + kind: "12" + name: "13" + uid: Dz廔ȇ{sŊƏp + resourceVersion: "11042405498087606203" + selfLink: "5" + uid: "7" +spec: + minReadySeconds: -1934555365 + progressDeadlineSeconds: 484752614 + replicas: 896585016 + revisionHistoryLimit: -1189243539 + rollbackTo: + revision: -7874172095994035093 + selector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 50-u--25cu87--r7p-w1e67-8pj5t-kl-v0q6b68--nu5oii38fn-8.629b-jd-8c45-0-8--6n--w0--w---196g8d--iv1-5--5ht-a-29--0qso796/3___47._49pIB_o61ISU4--A_.XK_._M99 + operator: Exists + matchLabels: + 74404d5---g8c2-k-91e.y5-g--58----0683-b-w7ld-6cs06xj-x5yv0wm-k18/M_-Nx.N_6-___._-.-W._AAn---v_-5-_8LXj: 6-4_WE-_JTrcd-2.-__E_Sv__26KX_R_.-.Nth._--S_4DA_-5_-4lQ42M--1 + strategy: + rollingUpdate: + maxSurge: 3 + maxUnavailable: 2 + type: xʚ=5谠vÐ仆dždĄ跞肞 + template: + metadata: + annotations: + "32": "33" + clusterName: "38" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: -2575298329142810753 + finalizers: + - "37" + generateName: "26" + generation: -8542870036622468681 + labels: + "30": "31" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "40" + fieldsType: "41" + manager: "39" + operation: 躢 + name: "25" + namespace: "27" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "34" + blockOwnerDeletion: true + controller: true + kind: "35" + name: "36" + uid: ƶȤ^} + resourceVersion: "1736621709629422270" + selfLink: "28" + uid: ?Qȫş + spec: + activeDeadlineSeconds: 2031424375743848602 + affinity: + nodeAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - preference: + matchExpressions: + - key: "405" + operator: '#ļǹʅŚO虀^背遻堣灭ƴɦ燻' + values: + - "406" + matchFields: + - key: "407" + operator: -觗裓6Ř筿ɾ5Ų買霎ȃň[>ą + values: + - "408" + weight: 377409178 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + nodeSelectorTerms: + - matchExpressions: + - key: "401" + operator: +Œ9两 + values: + - "402" + matchFields: + - key: "403" + operator: q=歍þ螗ɃŒGm¨z鋎靀G + values: + - "404" + podAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - podAffinityTerm: + labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: hj6/bW_E..24-O._.v._9-cz.-Y6T4g_-.._Lf2t_m...CqN + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + ? v-5-e-m78o-6-6211-7p--3zm-lx300w-tj-35840-w4g-27-5s6.q-22r4wye52y-h7463lyps4483-o--3f1p7--43nw-l-x18mtxb--kexr-y/oK-.O--5-yp8q_s-1__gw_-z_659GE.l_.23--_6l.-5_Z + : 3Pw_-r75--_-Ao + namespaces: + - "423" + topologyKey: "424" + weight: -1507671981 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 5X1rh-K5y_AzOBW.9oE9_6.--v17r__.2bIZ___Y + operator: Exists + matchLabels: + 1-2ga-v205p-26-u5wg-g8.m-l80--5o1--cp6-5-x1---0w4rm-0u6/l-7_3x_-J_.....7..--w0_1V4.-r-8S5--_7_-Zp5: 1--L--v_Z--Zg-_4Q__-v_t_u_.A + namespaces: + - "415" + topologyKey: "416" + podAntiAffinity: + preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - podAffinityTerm: + labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: "8" + operator: DoesNotExist + matchLabels: + k407--m-dc---6-q-q0o90--g-09--d5ez1----b69x90/um._fN._k8__._ep2P.B._A_090ERG2nV.__p_Y-.2__a_dWU_VF: 11---.-o7.pJ-4-1WV.-__05._LsuH + namespaces: + - "439" + topologyKey: "440" + weight: 1067925263 + requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 1x--i--7-nt-23h-4z-21-sap--h--q0h-t2n4s-6-k5-7-a0w-ke5p-3.nu--17---u7-gl7814ei-07shtq-6---g----9s39z-5/wv3UDf.-4D-5 + operator: NotIn + values: + - l67Q.-_t--O.3L.z2-y.-...C4_-_2G8 + matchLabels: + C--Y_Dp8O_._e_3_.4_W_-_7: p_.----cp__ac8u.._-__BM.6-.Y7 + namespaces: + - "431" + topologyKey: "432" + automountServiceAccountToken: false + containers: + - args: + - "248" + command: + - "247" + env: + - name: "255" + value: "256" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "262" + name: "261" + optional: false + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "257" + fieldPath: "258" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "259" + divisor: "124" + resource: "260" + secretKeyRef: + key: "264" + name: "263" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "253" + optional: true + prefix: "252" + secretRef: + name: "254" + optional: false + image: "246" + imagePullPolicy: ņ + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "291" + httpGet: + host: "294" + httpHeaders: + - name: "295" + value: "296" + path: "292" + port: "293" + scheme: ­蜷ɔ幩š + tcpSocket: + host: "297" + port: 455833230 + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "298" + httpGet: + host: "300" + httpHeaders: + - name: "301" + value: "302" + path: "299" + port: 1076497581 + scheme: h4ɊHȖ|ʐ + tcpSocket: + host: "303" + port: 248533396 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "271" + failureThreshold: -205176266 + httpGet: + host: "273" + httpHeaders: + - name: "274" + value: "275" + path: "272" + port: 465486290 + initialDelaySeconds: -2097329452 + periodSeconds: 865289071 + successThreshold: -1829146875 + tcpSocket: + host: "276" + port: -116224247 + timeoutSeconds: 1504385614 + name: "245" + ports: + - containerPort: 2056774277 + hostIP: "251" + hostPort: -778272981 + name: "250" + protocol: 现葢ŵ橨鬶l獕;跣Hǝcw媀瓄&翜舞拉 + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "277" + failureThreshold: -402384013 + httpGet: + host: "279" + httpHeaders: + - name: "280" + value: "281" + path: "278" + port: 234253676 + scheme: ÔÂɘɢ鬍熖B芭花ª瘡蟦JBʟ鍏 + initialDelaySeconds: -2062708879 + periodSeconds: -141401239 + successThreshold: -1187301925 + tcpSocket: + host: "283" + port: "282" + timeoutSeconds: 215186711 + resources: + limits: + V訆Ǝżŧ: "915" + requests: + +SÄ蚃ɣľ)酊龨Î: "787" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: false + capabilities: + add: + - DŽ髐njʉBn(fǂǢ曣 + drop: + - ay + privileged: false + procMount: 嗆u + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: -5996624450771474158 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: 1958157659034146020 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "308" + role: "306" + type: "307" + user: "305" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "312" + type: 晲T[irȎ3Ĕ\ + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "310" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "309" + runAsUserName: "311" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "284" + failureThreshold: -1699531929 + httpGet: + host: "287" + httpHeaders: + - name: "288" + value: "289" + path: "285" + port: "286" + scheme: 鏻砅邻爥 + initialDelaySeconds: 601198286 + periodSeconds: 405193215 + successThreshold: 2129989022 + tcpSocket: + host: "290" + port: -305362540 + timeoutSeconds: 409029209 + terminationMessagePath: "304" + terminationMessagePolicy: 迮ƙIJ嘢4ʗN,丽饾| 鞤ɱďW賁Ěɭ + tty: true + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "270" + name: "269" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "266" + mountPropagation: '"冓鍓贯澔 ƺ蛜6' + name: "265" + readOnly: true + subPath: "267" + subPathExpr: "268" + workingDir: "249" + dnsConfig: + nameservers: + - "447" + options: + - name: "449" + value: "450" + searches: + - "448" + dnsPolicy: :{柯?B + enableServiceLinks: true + ephemeralContainers: + - args: + - "316" + command: + - "315" + env: + - name: "323" + value: "324" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "330" + name: "329" + optional: true + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "325" + fieldPath: "326" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "327" + divisor: "69" + resource: "328" + secretKeyRef: + key: "332" + name: "331" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "321" + optional: true + prefix: "320" + secretRef: + name: "322" + optional: false + image: "314" + imagePullPolicy: tl敷斢杧ż鯀 + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "360" + httpGet: + host: "362" + httpHeaders: + - name: "363" + value: "364" + path: "361" + port: 1288391156 + scheme: Ǥ桒ɴ鉂WJ1抉泅ą&疀ȼN + tcpSocket: + host: "366" + port: "365" + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "367" + httpGet: + host: "369" + httpHeaders: + - name: "370" + value: "371" + path: "368" + port: 1859267428 + scheme: ȟP + tcpSocket: + host: "372" + port: 1445923603 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "339" + failureThreshold: -36573584 + httpGet: + host: "342" + httpHeaders: + - name: "343" + value: "344" + path: "340" + port: "341" + scheme: ȥ}礤铟怖ý萜Ǖ + initialDelaySeconds: -1922458514 + periodSeconds: 692511776 + successThreshold: -1231653807 + tcpSocket: + host: "345" + port: -1088996269 + timeoutSeconds: 1480364858 + name: "313" + ports: + - containerPort: -1918622971 + hostIP: "319" + hostPort: -1656699070 + name: "318" + protocol: ĵ鴁ĩȲǸ|蕎'佉賞ǧĒz + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "346" + failureThreshold: -1436899600 + httpGet: + host: "348" + httpHeaders: + - name: "349" + value: "350" + path: "347" + port: -1157640253 + scheme: ×p鬷m罂o3ǰ廋i乳'ȘUɻ; + initialDelaySeconds: -478839383 + periodSeconds: 140830733 + successThreshold: -708495486 + tcpSocket: + host: "352" + port: "351" + timeoutSeconds: 989933975 + resources: + limits: + 1b: "328" + requests: + '}Ñ蠂Ü[ƛ^輅9ɛ棕ƈ眽炊': "699" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: true + capabilities: + add: + - 鸔ɧWǘ炙 + drop: + - 餸硷 + privileged: true + procMount: ʈʫ羶剹ƊF豎穜 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: 2946116477552625615 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: 5215323049148402377 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "377" + role: "375" + type: "376" + user: "374" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "381" + type: l咑耖p^鏋 + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "379" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "378" + runAsUserName: "380" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "353" + failureThreshold: -1873425934 + httpGet: + host: "356" + httpHeaders: + - name: "357" + value: "358" + path: "354" + port: "355" + scheme: 漤ŗ坟 + initialDelaySeconds: -902839620 + periodSeconds: 1808698094 + successThreshold: 1155232143 + tcpSocket: + host: "359" + port: -1617422199 + timeoutSeconds: -2030665763 + targetContainerName: "382" + terminationMessagePath: "373" + terminationMessagePolicy: 殆诵H玲鑠ĭ$#卛8ð仁Q + tty: true + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "338" + name: "337" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "334" + mountPropagation: Ik(dŊiɢzĮ蛋I + name: "333" + readOnly: true + subPath: "335" + subPathExpr: "336" + workingDir: "317" + hostAliases: + - hostnames: + - "445" + ip: "444" + hostNetwork: true + hostname: "399" + imagePullSecrets: + - name: "398" + initContainers: + - args: + - "178" + command: + - "177" + env: + - name: "185" + value: "186" + valueFrom: + configMapKeyRef: + key: "192" + name: "191" + optional: false + fieldRef: + apiVersion: "187" + fieldPath: "188" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "189" + divisor: "573" + resource: "190" + secretKeyRef: + key: "194" + name: "193" + optional: false + envFrom: + - configMapRef: + name: "183" + optional: false + prefix: "182" + secretRef: + name: "184" + optional: false + image: "176" + imagePullPolicy: 昕Ĭ + lifecycle: + postStart: + exec: + command: + - "222" + httpGet: + host: "225" + httpHeaders: + - name: "226" + value: "227" + path: "223" + port: "224" + scheme: '>郵[+扴ȨŮ' + tcpSocket: + host: "229" + port: "228" + preStop: + exec: + command: + - "230" + httpGet: + host: "232" + httpHeaders: + - name: "233" + value: "234" + path: "231" + port: -743369977 + scheme: '>犵殇ŕ-Ɂ圯W:ĸ輦唊#v铿ʩȂ4' + tcpSocket: + host: "235" + port: -1224991707 + livenessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "201" + failureThreshold: -1150474479 + httpGet: + host: "203" + httpHeaders: + - name: "204" + value: "205" + path: "202" + port: -1196874390 + scheme: S晒嶗UÐ_ƮA攤 + initialDelaySeconds: 1885897314 + periodSeconds: 1054858106 + successThreshold: 232569106 + tcpSocket: + host: "206" + port: -498930176 + timeoutSeconds: -465677631 + name: "175" + ports: + - containerPort: 377225334 + hostIP: "181" + hostPort: 282592353 + name: "180" + protocol: Ƹ[Ęİ榌U髷裎$MVȟ@7 + readinessProbe: + exec: + command: + - "207" + failureThreshold: 1752155096 + httpGet: + host: "210" + httpHeaders: + - name: "211" + value: "212" + path: "208" + port: "209" + scheme: 8鸖ɱJȉ罴ņ螡źȰ?$矡ȶ网棊ʢ + initialDelaySeconds: -2717401 + periodSeconds: -1099429189 + successThreshold: 994072122 + tcpSocket: + host: "214" + port: "213" + timeoutSeconds: -1492565335 + resources: + limits: + ǚ灄鸫rʤî萨zvt: "829" + requests: + 悮坮Ȣ幟ļ腻ŬƩȿ0矀Kʝ瘴I\p: "604" + securityContext: + allowPrivilegeEscalation: true + capabilities: + add: + - 藢xɮĵȑ6L*Z鐫û咡W< + drop: + - lu|榝$î. + privileged: false + procMount: 朦 wƯ貾坢'跩 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true + runAsGroup: 8949541422887578058 + runAsNonRoot: true + runAsUser: -7565148469525206101 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "240" + role: "238" + type: "239" + user: "237" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "244" + type: ŕ翑0展} + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "242" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "241" + runAsUserName: "243" + startupProbe: + exec: + command: + - "215" + failureThreshold: 785984384 + httpGet: + host: "218" + httpHeaders: + - name: "219" + value: "220" + path: "216" + port: "217" + scheme: Kw(ğ儴Ůĺ}潷ʒ胵輓Ɔ + initialDelaySeconds: -1738069460 + periodSeconds: -805795167 + successThreshold: 1791615594 + tcpSocket: + host: "221" + port: -36782737 + timeoutSeconds: -1643733106 + stdinOnce: true + terminationMessagePath: "236" + volumeDevices: + - devicePath: "200" + name: "199" + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: "196" + mountPropagation: ƖHV + name: "195" + readOnly: true + subPath: "197" + subPathExpr: "198" + workingDir: "179" + nodeName: "387" + nodeSelector: + "383": "384" + overhead: + ȩ纾S: "368" + preemptionPolicy: 'n夬LJ:BŐ埑Ô*ɾWȖ韝ƉşʁO^:' + priority: -1221153504 + priorityClassName: "446" + readinessGates: + - conditionType: 媈 + restartPolicy: ȿ醏g遧 + runtimeClassName: "451" + schedulerName: "441" + securityContext: + fsGroup: 4489057930380969432 + fsGroupChangePolicy: ='ʨ|ǓÓ敆OɈÏ 瞍髃 + runAsGroup: -759684899479757878 + runAsNonRoot: false + runAsUser: -1290365495982891537 + seLinuxOptions: + level: "391" + role: "389" + type: "390" + user: "388" + seccompProfile: + localhostProfile: "397" + type: ɣȕW歹s梊ɥʋăƻ遲njlȘ鹾KƂʼn + supplementalGroups: + - 3273247375993523103 + sysctls: + - name: "395" + value: "396" + windowsOptions: + gmsaCredentialSpec: "393" + gmsaCredentialSpecName: "392" + runAsUserName: "394" + serviceAccount: "386" + serviceAccountName: "385" + setHostnameAsFQDN: false + shareProcessNamespace: false + subdomain: "400" + terminationGracePeriodSeconds: -616777763639482630 + tolerations: + - effect: 淵 + key: "442" + operator: Ɖ肆Ző + tolerationSeconds: -1072615283184390308 + value: "443" + topologySpreadConstraints: + - labelSelector: + matchExpressions: + - key: 51-i-d-----9---063-qm-j-3wc89k-0-57z4063--4/rBQ.u + operator: Exists + matchLabels: + jp-z---k-5r6h--y7n.61-cm---ch-g0t-q--qr95ws-v-5--7-ufi-7/35a-1-CdM._bk81S3.s_s_6.-_v__.rP._2_O--d.7.--.2g: Mqp..__._-J_-fk3-_j.133eT_2_Y + maxSkew: -1568300104 + topologyKey: "452" + whenUnsatisfiable: 潑嫉悔柅ȵ.Ȁ鎧Y冒Ɩ + volumes: + - awsElasticBlockStore: + fsType: "47" + partition: 912004803 + readOnly: true + volumeID: "46" + azureDisk: + cachingMode: '|@?鷅bȻN' + diskName: "110" + diskURI: "111" + fsType: "112" + kind: 榱*Gưoɘ檲 + readOnly: true + azureFile: + readOnly: true + secretName: "96" + shareName: "97" + cephfs: + monitors: + - "81" + path: "82" + secretFile: "84" + secretRef: + name: "85" + user: "83" + cinder: + fsType: "79" + secretRef: + name: "80" + volumeID: "78" + configMap: + defaultMode: 1593906314 + items: + - key: "99" + mode: 195263908 + path: "100" + name: "98" + optional: false + csi: + driver: "142" + fsType: "143" + nodePublishSecretRef: + name: "146" + readOnly: false + volumeAttributes: + "144": "145" + downwardAPI: + defaultMode: 824682619 + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "89" + fieldPath: "90" + mode: 1569992019 + path: "88" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "91" + divisor: "660" + resource: "92" + emptyDir: + medium: Xŋ朘瑥A徙ɶɊł/擇ɦĽ胚O醔ɍ厶耈 + sizeLimit: "473" + ephemeral: + readOnly: true + volumeClaimTemplate: + metadata: + annotations: + "154": "155" + clusterName: "160" + creationTimestamp: null + deletionGracePeriodSeconds: 6296624700137074905 + finalizers: + - "159" + generateName: "148" + generation: 6028937828108618026 + labels: + "152": "153" + managedFields: + - apiVersion: "162" + fieldsType: "163" + manager: "161" + operation: ɑ龫`劳&¼傭Ȟ1酃=6}ɡŇƉ立h + name: "147" + namespace: "149" + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: "156" + blockOwnerDeletion: false + controller: false + kind: "157" + name: "158" + uid: 閝ȝ + resourceVersion: "11451542506523135343" + selfLink: "150" + uid: H巧壚tC十Oɢ + spec: + accessModes: + - '鲡:' + dataSource: + apiGroup: "172" + kind: "173" + name: "174" + resources: + limits: + Ŗȫ焗捏ĨFħ籘: "853" + requests: + zɟ踡肒Ao/樝fw[Řż丩ŽoǠ: "918" + selector: + matchExpressions: + - key: m_0_F03_J + operator: NotIn + values: + - 4FpF_W-6 + matchLabels: + 0-.-yz-0-_p4mz--.I_f6kjsz-7lwY-Y93-6: igm_-._.q6 + storageClassName: "171" + volumeMode: Z1Ůđ眊ľǎɳ,ǿ飏騀呣 + volumeName: "170" + fc: + fsType: "94" + lun: -1740986684 + readOnly: true + targetWWNs: + - "93" + wwids: + - "95" + flexVolume: + driver: "73" + fsType: "74" + options: + "76": "77" + readOnly: true + secretRef: + name: "75" + flocker: + datasetName: "86" + datasetUUID: "87" + gcePersistentDisk: + fsType: "45" + partition: -1188153605 + pdName: "44" + gitRepo: + directory: "50" + repository: "48" + revision: "49" + glusterfs: + endpoints: "63" + path: "64" + readOnly: true + hostPath: + path: "43" + type: ƛƟ)ÙæNǚ錯ƶRquA?瞲Ť倱< + iscsi: + chapAuthDiscovery: true + fsType: "59" + initiatorName: "62" + iqn: "57" + iscsiInterface: "58" + lun: 994527057 + portals: + - "60" + secretRef: + name: "61" + targetPortal: "56" + name: "42" + nfs: + path: "55" + readOnly: true + server: "54" + persistentVolumeClaim: + claimName: "65" + readOnly: true + photonPersistentDisk: + fsType: "114" + pdID: "113" + portworxVolume: + fsType: "129" + readOnly: true + volumeID: "128" + projected: + defaultMode: -1334904807 + sources: + - configMap: + items: + - key: "124" + mode: 2063799569 + path: "125" + name: "123" + optional: false + downwardAPI: + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: "119" + fieldPath: "120" + mode: 173030157 + path: "118" + resourceFieldRef: + containerName: "121" + divisor: "106" + resource: "122" + secret: + items: + - key: "116" + mode: -323584340 + path: "117" + name: "115" + optional: true + serviceAccountToken: + audience: "126" + expirationSeconds: 8357931971650847566 + path: "127" + quobyte: + group: "108" + registry: "105" + tenant: "109" + user: "107" + volume: "106" + rbd: + fsType: "68" + image: "67" + keyring: "71" + monitors: + - "66" + pool: "69" + secretRef: + name: "72" + user: "70" + scaleIO: + fsType: "137" + gateway: "130" + protectionDomain: "133" + secretRef: + name: "132" + storageMode: "135" + storagePool: "134" + system: "131" + volumeName: "136" + secret: + defaultMode: 332383000 + items: + - key: "52" + mode: -547518679 + path: "53" + optional: true + secretName: "51" + storageos: + fsType: "140" + secretRef: + name: "141" + volumeName: "138" + volumeNamespace: "139" + vsphereVolume: + fsType: "102" + storagePolicyID: "104" + storagePolicyName: "103" + volumePath: "101" +status: + availableReplicas: -303330375 + collisionCount: 2099542463 + conditions: + - lastTransitionTime: "2035-01-21T08:11:33Z" + lastUpdateTime: "2096-03-01T11:48:47Z" + message: "460" + reason: "459" + status: o鷺ɷ裝TG奟cõ乨厰ʚ±r珹ȟ6 + type: ʀł! + observedGeneration: 3359608726763190142 + readyReplicas: -2095625968 + replicas: 1401559245 + unavailableReplicas: 584721644 + updatedReplicas: -406189540 diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.json b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/extensions.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.json similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.json rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/extensions.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.json diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/extensions.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.pb similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.pb rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/extensions.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.pb diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/extensions.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.yaml similarity index 100% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.yaml rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/extensions.v1beta1.DeploymentRollback.yaml diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.Ingress.json b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/extensions.v1beta1.Ingress.json similarity index 67% rename from 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@@ -74,8 +86,8 @@ "loadBalancer": { "ingress": [ { - "ip": "27", - "hostname": "28" + "ip": "33", + "hostname": "34" } ] } diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/extensions.v1beta1.Ingress.pb b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/extensions.v1beta1.Ingress.pb new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cc298eb8ccee Binary files /dev/null and b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/extensions.v1beta1.Ingress.pb differ diff --git a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.Ingress.yaml b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/extensions.v1beta1.Ingress.yaml similarity index 63% rename from staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.Ingress.yaml rename to staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/extensions.v1beta1.Ingress.yaml index 48aab026d269..a7935834303a 100644 --- a/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.17.0/extensions.v1beta1.Ingress.yaml +++ b/staging/src/k8s.io/api/testdata/v1.19.0/extensions.v1beta1.Ingress.yaml @@ -31,22 +31,32 @@ metadata: uid: "7" spec: backend: - serviceName: "19" - servicePort: "20" + resource: + apiGroup: "22" + kind: "23" + name: "24" + serviceName: "20" + servicePort: "21" + ingressClassName: "19" rules: - - host: "23" + - host: "27" http: paths: - backend: - serviceName: "25" - servicePort: "26" - path: "24" + resource: + apiGroup: "30" + kind: "31" + name: "32" + serviceName: "29" + servicePort: 1973774989 + path: "28" + pathType: )晿