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add 'detailed' option for 'list' command, fix test cases
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kumarshantanu committed Jul 16, 2011
1 parent 2ef7494 commit a1a4c85
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Showing 4 changed files with 98 additions and 65 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions
Expand Up @@ -40,13 +40,14 @@ Examples:

### List artifacts in local Maven repository ('-d' Not Yet Implemented):

$ lein localrepo list [-f | -d]
$ lein localrepo list [-s | -f | -d]


$ lein localrepo list # lists all artifacts, all versions
$ lein localrepo list -s # lists all artifacts with description
$ lein localrepo list -f # lists all artifacts and filenames
$ lein localrepo list -d # lists all artifacts in detail
$ lein localrepo list -d # lists all artifacts with detail

### Remove artifacts from local Maven repository (Not Yet Implemented):
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions project.clj
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
(defproject lein-localrepo "0.3"
:description "Leiningen local repository plugin"
:url ""
:dev-dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.1"]])
149 changes: 90 additions & 59 deletions src/leiningen/localrepo.clj
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
[clojure.xml :as xml]
[leiningen.localrepo.internal :as in])
(java.util Date)
(java.text DateFormat)
( File)
(java.util.jar JarFile)
(org.apache.maven.artifact.installer ArtifactInstaller)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,6 +80,18 @@
"(No description available)"))

(defn read-artifact-details
"Given a POM file, read project details"
(if (.isFile pom-file)
(let [raw-content (slurp pom-file)
xml-content (xml/parse pom-file)
map-content (in/xml-map xml-content)]
(with-out-str ;(ppr/pprint xml-content)
(ppr/pprint map-content)))
"(No details available)"))

(defn read-artifact-entries
"Read artifact entries from specified `dir` and return as a list. If
dir contains only sub-dirs then it recurses to find actual entries."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,70 +127,87 @@
(.getName each)
(jio/file (let [[dir fne] (in/split-filepath
(.getAbsolutePath each))
[fnm ext] (in/split-filename fne)]
(str dir "/" fnm ".pom"))))]))))))
(jio/file each)
(jio/file (let [[dir fne] (in/split-filepath
(.getAbsolutePath each))
[fnm ext] (in/split-filename fne)]
(str dir "/" fnm ".pom")))]))))))

(defn c-list
"List artifacts in local Maven repo"
[& args]
(if (and (not (zero? (count args)))
(or (> (count args) 1)
(not (contains? #{"-f" "-g"} (first args)))))
(println "Invalid argument(s):" (apply str (interpose " " args))
" ==> Allowed: [-f]")
(let [artifact-entries (read-artifact-entries
(jio/file mvn/local-repo-path))
by-group-id (group-by first artifact-entries)]
(doseq [group-id (keys by-group-id)]
(if (nil? (first args))
;; default - print it like lein-search
(let [group-artifacts (get by-group-id group-id)
with-pomfile (map #(let [fnm (last %)
] into [] (drop-last %))
(doseq [artifact group-artifacts]
(let [[gid aid ver fnm des] artifact
artifact-descript des]
(println (format "[%s/%s \"%s\"] %s"
gid aid ver artifact-descript)))))
;; custom format
(println (format "[%s]" group-id))
(let [by-artifact-id (group-by second
(get by-group-id group-id))]
(doseq [artifact-id (keys by-artifact-id)]
(let [artifacts (get by-artifact-id artifact-id)
description (last (first artifacts))
versions (distinct (map #(nth % 2) artifacts))]
(case (or (first args) :nil)
"-g" (println
(format " %s/%s (%s) - %s"
group-id artifact-id
(apply str (interpose ", "
(or description "")))
"-f" (do (println (format " %s" artifact-id))
(doseq [each-v versions]
(println (format " [%s]" each-v))
(let [artifacts (get by-artifact-id
(doseq [each-a (filter #(= each-v
(nth % 2))
(format " %s/%s - %s"
group-id artifact-id
(last (butlast each-a))))))))
"-d" (println
"Detail option is not yet implemented")
(str "Bad arg(s): "
(apply str (interpose " " args))))))))))))))
(let [artifact-entries (sort (read-artifact-entries
(jio/file mvn/local-repo-path)))
artifact-str (fn artstr
([gi ai] (if (= gi ai) ai (str gi "/" ai)))
([[gi ai & more]] (artstr gi ai)))
flag (or (first args) :nil)
invalid-flag? (not (contains? #{:nil "-s" "-f" "-d"} flag))
each-artifact (fn [f] ; args to f: 1. art-name, 2. artifacts
(let [by-art-id (group-by artifact-str
(doseq [art-str (keys by-art-id)]
(f art-str (get by-art-id art-str)))))
df (DateFormat/getDateTimeInstance)
date-format #(.format df %)
ljustify (fn [s n]
(let [s (str/trim (str s))]
(if (> (count s) n) s
(apply str
(take n (concat
s (repeat n \space)))))))
rjustify (fn [s n]
(let [s (str/trim (str s))]
(if (> (count s) n) s
(apply str
n (concat (repeat n \space)
invalid-flag? (println "Invalid argument(s):" (str/join " " args)
" ==> Allowed: [-s|-f|-d]")
(= :nil flag) (each-artifact
(fn [art-name artifacts]
(format "%s (%s)" art-name
(str/join ", "
(for [[g a v f p] artifacts]
(= "-s" flag) (each-artifact
(fn [art-name artifacts]
(format "%s (%s) -- %s" (ljustify art-name 20)
(str/join ", "
(for [[g a v f p] artifacts]
(or (some #(read-artifact-description
(last %)) artifacts)
(= "-f" flag) (each-artifact
(fn [art-name artifacts]
(doseq [each artifacts]
(let [[g a v ^File f] each
an (ljustify (format "[%s \"%s\"]"
art-name v) 30)
nm (ljustify (.getName f) 30)
sp (ljustify (format "%s %s" an nm) 62)
ln (rjustify (.length f)
(min (- 70 (count sp)) 10))]
(format "%s %s %s" sp ln
(Date. (.lastModified f)))))))))
(= "-d" flag) (each-artifact
(fn [art-name artifacts]
(format "%s (%s)\n%s" (ljustify art-name 20)
(str/join ", "
(for [[g a v f p] artifacts]
(or (some #(read-artifact-details
(last %)) artifacts)

(defn c-remove
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions test/leiningen/test_localrepo.clj
Expand Up @@ -18,17 +18,17 @@
</project>" {:project {:elem1 {:child ["Child"]}}}]
</project>" {:project {:elem1 [{:child ["Child"]}]}}]
["<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
<child1>Child 1 - instance 1</child1>
<child1>Child 1 - instance 2</child1>
<child2>Child 2</child2>
</project>" {:project {:elem1 {:child1 ["Child 1 - instance 1"
"Child 1 - instance 2"]
:child2 ["Child 2"]}}}]])
</project>" {:project {:elem1 [{:child1 ["Child 1 - instance 1"
"Child 1 - instance 2"]
:child2 ["Child 2"]}]}}]])

(deftest test-xml-parsing
Expand Down

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