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Welcome to use d2SBin

d2SBin is easy-to-use contig-binning improving tool, which adjusted the contigs among bins based on the output of any existing binning tools. The tool is taxonomy-free only on the k-tuples for single metagenomic sample.

d2SBin is based on the mechanism that relative sequence compositions are similar across different regions of the same genome, but differ between genomes. Current tools generally used the normalized frequency of k-tuple directly, which actually is the absolute instead of relative sequence composition. Therefore, we attempted to model the relative sequence composition and to measure the dissimilarity between contigs with d2S. We applied d2SBin to adjust the outputs of five widely-used contig-binning tools on six datasets. The experiments showed that d2SBin can improve the contig binning performance significantly.

The d2SBin pipeline was developed with Python and run on the Unix and Linux platform, and the detail description of running is provided here.

Version Release Notes

Development Team

The whole source code was developed by Ying Wang's group, Automation Department, Xiamen University, P.R.China. All the suggestions and questions are welcome to wangying AT  

Package installation and configuration

  • Pre-install running environment
    1.Unix or Linux operating system.
    2.Python 2.7 or above.
  • Detailed steps
    1.Download the source code to your directory, e.g: ’/home/user/d2SBin’.
    2.Enter your specified directory: $ cd /home/user/d2SBin
    3.Extract the tar file: $ unrar x d2SBin_SourceCode.rar
    4.Enter the directory: $ cd /home/user/d2SBin/d2SBin_SourceCode
    5.If your operating system has multiple Python version, please be sure your Python version at least 2.7 or above.

Running of d2SBin Pipeline

1. Usage of d2SBin

  • The main running command is with following options:

    -h, --help: show the help message.
    -s, --inputList_withSeq: List of path and file name of contig files with sequence(for Format1).
    -c, --contig_Seq: The original fasta file including total contig sequences(for Format2).
    -n, --inputList_noSeq: List of path and name of files with contig ID (for Format2).
    -k, --kofKTuple: The value k of KTuple (default is k=6)
    -r, --order: The order of markov model(0,1,2,3,k-2) (default is r=0)
    -i, --iteraNum: The maximum number of kmeans iteration (default is i=5)
    -o, --output: The output path of d2SBin results  

2. Input: The output of existing contig-binning tools

The input of d2SBin is the output of existing contig-binning tools. The output of current contig-binning tools has the following two formats:

  • d2SBin_input_format1: .fasta files with contigs sequence from the same bins, such as the outputs from tools MaxBin, MetaWatt and SCIMM. Their outputs include bins-number of fasta files. Each fasta file includes the contigs ID and sequence clustered in the same bin. For example, the outputs from MaxBin are MaxBin.out.001.fasta...MaxBin.out.00X.fasta, where X is the bins number by MaxBin. The MaxBin.out.001.fasta is as follows.


  • d2SBin_input_format2: .fa files only with contigs name from the same bins, such as the outputs from tool MetaCluster. Its outputs include bins-number of fasta files. Each fasta file only includes the contigs ID in the same bin, so the orginal fasta file including all the sequences of total contigs is also required. For example, the outputs from MetaCluster are MetaCluster.out.001.fa … MetaCluster.out.00Y.fa, where Y is the bins number by MetaCluster. The MetaCluster.out.001.fa is as follows  


    The original file include total contigs and theire sequences contigs.fasta is as follows:


d2SBin is compatible to the two formats as the following commands:

  • d2SBin_input_format1

    In this case, d2SBin needs one list file as input.

    First, get the list file:

    $ ls /home/.../MaxBin.out*.fasta > input_file_list_format1.txt

  where /home/.../ means the absolute path of your fasta files.

 Next, run  

*`$ python -s input_file_list_format1.txt -k 6 -r 0 -i 5 -o ../data/output`* 
  • d2SBin_input_format2

    As for format2, d2SBin needs two input files: the original contig sequences file, e.g: contigs.fasta, and list file of other tools output.

    First, get the list file:

    $ ls /home/.../MetaCluster.out*.fa > input_file_list_format2.txt

    Next, run

    $ python -n input_file_list_format2.txt -c contigs.fasta -k 6 -r 0 -i 5 -o ../data/output

3. Output

d2SBin also has two formats of output:

  • d2SBin_output_format1: txt file with contigs ID and binning result label. eg. d2SBin.out.k6.r0.txt

    >contig-1.1, 0
    >contig-1.2, 3

  • d2SBin_output_format2: fasta files with sequence from same bins. eg. d2SBin.k6.r0.out0.fasta,...,d2SBin.k6.r0.out9.fasta


4. Evaluate output

We provide a script for computing performance of binning with the two formats of output mentioned above. The usage can be viewed by typing python -h on the command line:

  • Options

    -h, --help: show this help message and exit.
    -c, --binning_result: binning result file.
    -l, --list of binning result files.
    -t, --true_label: true label of contigs.
    -e, --eva_output_dir: the path of evaluation file.

  • Usage

    (1) Evaluate the output of d2SBin

    For the .txt output file of d2SBin, you can use the option -c to evaluate the result. e.g:

    $ python -c d2SBin.k6.r0.txt -t real_label.txt -e ./eva

    (2) Evaluate the original output of binning tools

    For d2SBin_input_format1(.fasta files with contigs ID and sequences from same bins), you can create a list file and use the option -l. e.g:

    $ ls /home/.../Binning.output*.fasta > output_fasta_file_list.txt

    $ python -l output_fasta_file_list.txt -t real_label.txt -e ./eva

    As for d2SBin_input_format2(.fa files only with contigs ID from the same bins):

    $ ls /home/.../Binning.output*.fa > output_fa_file_list.txt

    $ python -l output_fa_file_list.txt -t real_label.txt -e ./eva

  • Format of true label file

    The format of true label file is not fixed. It can works as long as each line of the true label file has the contig ID on the first column and the genome information(such as genome name, Genome ID) on the second column. e.g:

      	NODE_1_length_83949_cov_75.226173	256653503	Acetobacter pasteurianus  
      	NODE_2_length_45147_cov_75.717964	256653503       Acetobacter pasteurianus  

The demo of d2SBin on testing dataset.

Dataset1: 10 genomes-80×(Testing dataset Download)

The dataset was generated by MaxBin1.0[1](You can download MaxBin here). For the 10 genomes metagenomes, the 20 millian paired-end reads were samples as 80× average coverage. The short reads were simulated by MetaSim and assembled to contigs by Velvet.

Run d2SBin after MaxBin

  1. The assembled contigs 80x.fasta were binned by MaxBin[1].

    $ perl -contig 80x.fasta -abund 80x.abund -out ./output_of_MaxBin_80x/myout

    The contig-binning results from Maxbin are myout.001.fasta, ..., myout.010.fasta.

  2. Get the list file of MaxBin output

    $ ls ./output_of_MaxBin_80x/myout*.fasta > MaxBin_80x_input_list.txt

  3. Evaluate the original binning result of MaxBin

    $ python -l MaxBin_80x_input_list.txt –t 80x_real_label.loc

  4. Run d2SBin to adjust the contigs binning

    Create a new folder to put output files.

    $ mkdir ../d2SBin_MaxBin_80x_output


    $ python -s MaxBin_80x_input_list.txt -k 6 -r 0 -i 5 -o ../d2SBin_MaxBin_80x_output

    The output are ./d2SBin_MaxBin_80x_output/d2SBin.k6.r0.out0.fasta, ...,d2SBin.k6.r0.out9.fasta and d2SBin.out.k6.r0.txt.  

  5. Calculate the performance of d2SBin binning results

    $ python -c ../d2SBin_MaxBin_80x_output/d2SBin.out.k6.r0.txt -t 80x_real_label.loc

    where the 80x_real_label.loc is the file of real contig labels.

Run d2SBin after MetaCluster

  1. The assembled contigs 80x.fasta were binned by MetaCluster[2] (You can download MetaCluster here) as followed commands.

    $ ./bin/metaCluster 80x.fasta

    The contig-binning results from MetaCluster are 80x.fasta-out000.fa, ..., 80x.fasta-out009.fa.

  2. Get list file

    $ ls ./80x.fasta-out*.fa > MetaCluster_80x_input_list.txt

  3. Evaluate the original binning result of MetaCluster

    $ python -l ./MetaCluster_80x_input_list.txt -t 80x_real_label.loc

  4. Run d2SBin

    Create a new folder to put output files.

    $ mkdir ../d2SBin_MetaCluster_80x_output

    For MetaCluster, d2SBin needs two input files: MetaCluster_80x_input_list.txt and 80x.fasta

    $ python -n MetaCluster_80x_input_list.txt -c 80x.fasta -k 6 -r 0 -i 5 -o ../d2SBin_MetaCluster_80x_output

    The output are ./d2SBin_MetaCluster_80x_output/d2SBin.k6.r0.out0.fasta, ...,d2SBin.k6.r0.out9.fasta and d2SBin.out.k6.r0.txt.

  5. Calculate the performance of d2SBin

    $ python -c ../d2SBin_MetaCluster_80x_output/d2SBin.out.k6.r0.txt -t 80x_real_label.loc

    where the 80x_real_label.loc is the file of real contig labels.

Running time and memory

Tested on a server with 128G memory and Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz with 6 CPU cores at 2.10 GHz, it takes 16min to finish the adjustment of contig binning for d2SBin on 6-tuples for 8022 contigs of 10 bins with 4000bp length on average and the peak memory is 6.7GB.


[1]Wu, Y.-W., et al., MaxBin: an automated binning method to recover individual genomes from metagenomes using an expectation-maximization algorithm. Microbiome, 2014. 2(1): p. 26.

[2]Leung, H.C., et al., A robust and accurate binning algorithm for metagenomic sequences with arbitrary species abundance ratio. Bioinformatics, 2011. 27(11): p. 1489-1495.


d2SBin: Improving the binning of metagenomic contigs on d2S oligonucleotide frequency dissimilarity







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