Yet another non-blocking, pop-up notification library for the web, strictly without jQuery (or any other dependencies).
I wanted simple notification JS library at my day-job which can be used to show popup/toast notifications with variety of configurations, and does it with one strict requirement; NO external dependencies. I came across several great libraries which allow to show popup notifications but either they depend on jQuery, or they are not so minimal. Not that they are bad, but it is not wise to include a library to accomplish small task, in a huge project with a large codebase, that carries lot of additional weight with it.
Notus is small, it doesn't rely on any external framework or library, its implementation is rather very simple to understand (and tweak). It relies on modern web standards from core logic to the animations.
See the project homepage for demo.
Download the tarball and extract it, include notus.js
and notus.css
in your page <head>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Awesome Notifications</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="src/notus.css" media="screen" charset="utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="src/notus.js"></script>
Install latest Notus release using using npm
npm install -S notus
- Initialize:
Get instance of Notus using global
which returns reference tonotus
singleton. Configuration map passed during initialization is considered as default and will be used during creating notifications.
<script type="text/javascript">
var myNotus = notus();
- Call:
Notus provides a single method
which optionally acceptsconfig
map to provide certain options. Note that thisconfig
will override any options that you passed during initialization of Notus.
<script type="text/javascript">
notusType: 'popup',
notusPosition: 'top-left',
title: 'Notus Popup',
message: 'Hello from Notus!!'
Options: Notus supports following options.
: Type of notification you want to show, it can bepopup
(inspired from Android's Snackbar notifications).notusPosition
: Location on viewport where you want to show notification. Popup notification supportstop-left
positions, while Toast & Snackbar support onlytop
: Alert type determines whether notification is relating tosuccess
(i.e. Neutral).title
: Title of notification to be shown, not available forsnackbar
: Message text to be shown in notification.closable
: Whether to show close button to close notification.closeHandler
: Callback method to call when close button is clicked. By default, notification will be dismissed after callback is called and executed, but you can prevent notification from dismissing by returningtrue
(or a truthy value) from the callback.actionable
: Notus supports actions on all notification types (startingv0.3.0
to perform something when an action is clicked). Notus currently supports only two actions; primary & secondary. Default value for actionable isfalse
. In case this property is set totrue
, you need to provide at least one of the available action types;primaryAction
: This is an object containing following properties.text
: Title of action, it supports markup in casehtmlString
is set totrue
: Callback function to invoke when action is clicked by user. By default, notification will be dismissed after callback is called and executed, but you can prevent notification from dismissing by returningtrue
(or a truthy value) from the callback.
: By default, Notus prevents value oftitle
to have HTML markup for safety reasons. Set this totrue
to allow notification texts to support HTML markup.autoClose
: Whether to close notification automatically after certain duration. Default istrue
: Duration (in milliseconds) to wait before automatically closing the notification. Default is3000
: Whether to show/hide notification with animation. Default istrue
: Animation type to use while performing show/hide animation. Supported types areslide
(only available in >=v0.2.0
: Speed of animation in milliseconds. Default is300
: Value to pass to CSSanimation-timing-function
property. Value can be any valid value that original CSS property supports (includingcubic-bezier()
). Default isease-out
. See MDN article on this CSS property. Note: This config is ignored if you provideanimationType
: If you have setanimationType
, you can use this config to provide additional animation classes to have complete control on animations. This config is a map which supports following properties.fixed
: CSS class that you want Notus element to always have (useful in controlling overrides).entry
: CSS class to use while showing Notus.exit
: CSS class to use while hiding Notus (only if it auto-closes itself withautoClose
set totrue
: CSS class to add to main notification element to apply custom styling. Default isnotus-material-light
which is built-in theme and is part ofnotus.css
stylesheet. Note that providing value to this option will replacenotus-material-light
with your value instead of adding a new class.
- Popup: Showing Notus as a popup in bottom-right corner of screen.
notusType: 'popup',
notusPosition: 'bottom-right',
title: 'Notus Popup',
message: 'Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas!!'
- Calling a method on Close: Providing
to call custom logic when Notus is closed by user.
notusType: 'toast',
notusPosition: 'bottom',
title: 'Notus Popup',
message: 'Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas!!',
closeHandler: function(e) {
alert('Close was clicked on Notus');
return true; // Persist this Toast after click.
- Actionable Toast: Providing
on Toast Notus to call a method on clicking an action.
notusType: 'toast',
notusPosition: 'bottom-right',
title: 'Notus Popup',
message: 'Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas!!',
actionable: true,
primaryAction: {
text: 'Confirm',
actionHandler: function(e) {
alert('Confirm was clicked!');
return true; // Persist this Toast after click.
secondaryAction: {
text: 'Undo',
actionHandler: function(e) {
alert('Undo was clicked!');
- Custom Animations: Providing custom animations using CSS. Starting
, Notus fully supports custom animations that you define in your own CSS file, along with it, Notus is now also compatible with Animate.css to provide custom animations, you're just required to includeanimate.css
(download it from project page) into your page as follows to use it (it is not part of notus);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Awesome Notifications</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="src/notus.css" media="screen" charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="src/animate.css" media="screen" charset="utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="src/notus.js"></script>
Once included, use animationType
as custom
and provide values for animationClass
as follows.
notusType: 'toast',
notusPosition: 'bottom',
title: 'Notus Popup',
message: 'Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas!!',
animationType: 'custom',
animationClass: {
fixed: 'animated', // This is part of animate.css, this class should always be present in element which will animate.
entry: 'flipInX', // Animation to use when Notus appears, see for more supported animations
exit: 'flipOutX' // Animation to use when Notus disappears (i.e. auto-closes), see for more supported animations
For simplicity in implementation, Notus uses unprefixed versions of CSS properties for animations, so animations will not work on any browser which supports only vendor-prefixed version of CSS properties for @keyframe
animations. You can work-around this problem by using something like Autoprefixer against notus.css
stylesheet while building your project.
For those who are upgrading notus to v0.3.0 from previous releases, here are points to keep in mind:
- Support for actions on all notus types (previously limited to only
) meansactionHandler
will not work, and you'll need to provideprimaryAction
for actions. - Returning
or a truthy value from any handler function (eg;closeHandler
) will prevent notus from closing.
- 0.1.0 - First Release.
- 0.1.1 - Fixes for Toast & Snackbar.
- 0.2.0 - Adds support for custom animations, compatible with awesome CSS animation library Animate.css.
- 0.2.1 - Added support for bower installation. Thanks to @lossendae.
- 0.3.0 - Added actionable support for all notus types.
- 0.3.1 - Added Typings for TypeScript support.
- 0.3.2 - Make message config mandatory for all supported notification types.