A simple Hexo theme for engineering blogs based on a brand new default theme Landscape.
- Optimized mobile layout that to show more information in narrow display.
- Most of changes of layout are intended to fit with engineering blogs.
- Added link to scroll to widget in mobile nav.
- Added shared counts display at each post header.
- Added Hatena Bookmark(social bookmark service in Japan) button and remove some buttons in share tags.
- Added about widget to sidebar.
- Added pagination in archives page.
- Supported keywords meta tag in front-matter(just for compatibility to octopress: even maybe legacy feature ;-)
- Supported TOC(table of contents) insertion to article. (enable in front-matter)
- Removed top banner and modified layout only a little.
- Be able to disable searh form by _config.yml.
$ git clone https://github.com/kwhrtsk/hexo-theme-ingenuous.git themes/ingenuous
Ingenuous requires Hexo 2.4 and above.
Modify theme
setting in _config.yml
to ingenuous
cd themes/ingenuous
git pull
# Header
Home: /
Archives: /archives
rss: /atom.xml
# Content
excerpt_link: Read More
fancybox: true
# Sidebar
sidebar: right
# Search form
search: true
- about
- category
- tag
- tagcloud
- archives
- recent_posts
# Miscellaneous
favicon: /favicon.png
author: true
twitter: true
aboutme: true
description: true
These are default values.
If you want to override in your settings, you must add settings to your _config.yml
like the followings:
rss: /feed.xml
fancybox: false
rss: /feed.xml
fancybox: false
- menu - Navigation menu
- rss - RSS link
- excerpt_link - "Read More" link at the bottom of excerpted articles.
to hide the link. - fancybox - Enable Fancybox
- sidebar - Sidebar style. You can choose
. - search - Enable or disable search form.
- widgets - Widgets displaying in sidebar
- google_analytics - Google Analytics ID
- google_adsense - Google Adsense script tags to put into head
- google_adsense_label - Label text before ad unit(default: Sponsored Links)
- google_adsense_article_unit - Ad unit code to put on bottom of article
- favicon - Favicon path
- twitter - Twiiter ID
- google_plus - Google+ ID
- aboutme - Text to display on about widget
- about - Enable switches for contents in about widget
- common_keywords - Default keywords included in keyword meta tag. (typically, blog title and author)
Ingenuous uses Fancybox to showcase your photos. You can use Markdown syntax or fancybox tag plugin to add your photos.
![img caption](img url)
{% fancybox img_url [img_thumbnail] [img_caption] %}
You can put your sidebar in left side, right side or bottom of your site by editing sidebar
Ingenuous provides 6 built-in widgets:
- about
- category
- tag
- tagcloud
- archives
- recent_posts
All of them are enabled by default. You can edit them in widget
- Grunt 0.4+
- Hexo 2.4+
- default - Download Fancybox and Font Awesome.
- fontawesome - Only download Font Awesome.
- fancybox - Only download Fancybox.
- clean - Clean temporarily files and downloaded files.