Java handler for the Mongrel2 web server. mojaha is a ZeroMQ-based library that can read requests and send responses to Mongrel2. It aims for similarity but not compatibility with the Servlet API while also supporting asynchronous communications.
Mongrel2Handler handler = new Mongrel2Handler(SENDER_ID, RECV_ADDR, SEND_ADDR);
while (handler.isActive()) {
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
HttpResponse rsp = new HttpResponse();
handler.takeRequest(req); // wait until next request arrives
rsp.setContent("Hello, world!\n");
// rsp.setContent("Hello, world!\n".getBytes("UTF-8"));
handler.sendResponse(rsp, req); // multiple requests may be given here
- Supports asynchronous HTTP.
- The mojaha JAR itself is executable and will simply print out version information to the console.
- Java 1.6 JDK
- Maven 2 +
- jzmq: the Java bindings for ZeroMQ. As jzmq is not in the maven repositories, it will need to be built and installed locally before compiling mojaha.
First, download jzmq and build it as follows:
cd jzmq
mvn clean install
If you run into trouble, check the jzmq project readme.
Now, build the mojaha JAR as follows:
cd mojaha
mvn clean install
A JAR file will be generated in the mojaha/target directory named mojaha-VERSION.jar.
Run your application with mojaha as follows:
java -cp YourApp.jar:mojaha-VERSION.jar your.App