From 93fece480f7940934d9590952fab78842b83d3a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2023 17:54:14 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] chore(master): release 9.1.6 --- | 161 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 161 insertions(+) diff --git a/ b/ index eaaa89ab9..8023bffc9 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -137,6 +137,167 @@ +## [9.1.6]( (2023-02-22) + + +### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES + +* add forwardRef to all components that contain innerRef +* update positionedFix prop to strategy +* upgrade to popper 2 +* remove CustomInput +* remove old InputGroupButtonDropdown +* remove InputGroupAddon +* remove Jumbotron component ([#2118]( + +### Features + +* **accordion:** add `flush` support and `stayOpen` support ([a6050f5]( +* add forwardRef to all components that contain innerRef ([17a141a]( +* add List and ListInlineItem components ([#2033]( ([a97a834]( +* add positionFixed prop to Tooltip and Popover ([#2039]( ([a330ce6]( +* Add typescript definitions ([#1976]( ([2a47626]( +* **bs5:** add accordion ([#2105]( ([1c09448]( +* **bs5:** add Offcanvas ([9a4bcca]( +* **bs5:** change .close to .btn-close ([#2116]( ([be4df60]( +* **bs5:** change no-gutters class to gx-0 in Row ([#2119]( ([85b8933]( +* **bs5:** convert .sr-only to .visually-hidden ([702ad55]( +* **bs5:** Convert Dropdown & DropdownMenu to RTL ([7417984]( +* **bs5:** Rename margin utils ([35a37ef]( +* **bs5:** Replace .btn-block with utility classes ([4dc1dcd]( +* **bs5:** replace form-group class with mb-3 ([cbcb2e3]( +* **bs5:** Support xxl breakpoint ([4fb7cdd]( +* **bs5:** update badge classes ([#2117]( ([7859900]( +* **bs5:** Update tooltip/popover arrow classes ([9ad870e]( +* **Button:** onClick of inner button returns value of props.onClick. ([f09cdd6]( +* **ButtonToggle:** add focus styling on button and toggle ([#1660]( ([8980713]( +* **carousel:** add Bootstrap5 updates ([a698814]( +* **Carousel:** Add dark prop ([01f64df]( +* **Carousel:** Add touch swipe support ([#1731]( ([8a12330]( +* **CloseButton:** add close button ([9e656f5]( +* **collapse:** add horizontal collapse ([f780187]( +* **Container:** Added responsive container support ([#1724]( ([31bb211](, closes [#1721]( +* **Dropdown:** Add backwards compatible left & right ([f8b415f]( +* **Dropdown:** add support for listbox or menu role ([#2077]( ([fd9e988]( +* **Dropdown:** Added container prop to DropdownMenu using React.portal ([#2016]( ([bd313c2]( +* **DropdownItem:** Add support for .dropdown-item-text ([#1971]( ([c41b172]( +* **DropdownMenu:** add-dark-prop ([2e22d7b]( +* **forms:** Add support for floating labels ([1cc8a14]( +* **Input:** Use form-control-range for range inputs ([#1772]( ([56c1d77]( +* **ListGroup:** Add horizontal prop ([#1715]( ([284a543]( +* **ListGroup:** Add ListGroupNumbered ([02b3b71]( +* **modal:** add fullscreen option to Modal component ([a580f23]( +* **Modal:** Add trapFocus prop ([#2073]( ([6e0fd56]( +* **Modal:** Added static backdrop animation defined in Bootstr… ([#1750]( ([7d44f36]( +* **Modal:** Allow passing in an element selector to append mod… ([#1817]( ([8f8cc98]( +* **Modal:** match container behaviour to targetPropType like of Popover and Tooltip ([#1844]( ([6ea2488]( +* **Navbar:** add container options ([f0054bf]( +* **Navbar:** adds NavbarText component ([#1711]( ([6db1083]( +* **Placeholder:** add component ([0c9294c]( +* **PopoverContent:** add x-out-of-boundaries attribute ([607ce10](, closes [#1835]( +* **Progress:** add aria props ([#1681]( ([#1787]( ([93f171d]( +* **Progress:** Add barStyle prop ([#2075]( ([27faa8e]( +* **Progress:** Allow passing in custom style object ([#1771]( ([a79417a]( +* remove CustomInput ([c0e8a68]( +* remove form-control-file class ([f601576]( +* remove InputGroupAddon ([322d0ad]( +* remove Jumbotron component ([#2118]( ([2c912ab]( +* remove old InputGroupButtonDropdown ([3df07f6]( +* replace form-control-range with form-range ([06868e2]( +* **Row:** Add row columns support ([#1720]( ([1fb3c17]( +* support form switch ([f403595]( +* **TooltipPopoverWrapper:** scheduleUpdate as render prop ([#1792]( ([cda6fe9]( +* **UncontrolledDropdown:** add onToggle callback ([#1705]( ([d9cae30]( +* update input group to have type dropdown ([6c60226]( +* update positionedFix prop to strategy ([65bf0f0]( +* upgrade to popper 2 ([35840ef]( +* use form-select class with native select ([1e6204b]( + + +### Bug Fixes + +* **#2393:** captions visible twice ([c20fa93]( +* **#2410:** broken rounded corners for dropdown in input group ([c23d847]( +* **#2411:** remove scroll from body when modal open ([9d71faa]( +* **#2467:** keyboard support for dropdown listbox ([#2584]( ([f04d3a7]( +* **#2501:** Since React 18, errors on Popover and Tooltip ([1110c9c]( +* **#2515:** Add missing Typescript exports for Placeholders ([f9e0dfa]( +* **#2521:** fix `form-check-label`/`form-label` class on Label ([6aee08b]( +* **#2545:** change proptype of Spinner size ([2175cbb]( +* **#2559:** Removed unused react import from stories ([a3ccab5]( +* **#2593:** fix key prop waring for dropdown ([#2594]( ([69526c1]( +* `form-row` was removed from Bootsttap 5 ([601845d]( +* **Accordion:** fix incorrect props for accordion ([9c74d5b]( +* **accordion:** type error of open in uncontrolledAccordionProps ([#2611]( ([b46a23c]( +* add a flag to DropdownMenu for Popper update ([74a9e4e]( +* add common js bundle to exports field ([#2386]( ([c5bc0fe]( +* **build:** fix DropdownContext import/export ([96188f4]( +* **build:** set --compress false for microbundle build ([#2314]( ([26c85fb]( +* **Button:** remove extra close icon in `btn-close` ([#2318]( ([e4affb4]( +* **Carousel:** ie11 compatibility changes([#799]( ([#1585]( ([1fd2d22]( +* convert functional components to be forwardRef components vs redefining them as such ([86578ab]( +* **CustomInput:** hidden attribute [#1741]( ([#1777]( ([bb39b55]( +* **docs:** fixed naming in Accordion module ([29beb09]( +* **Dropdown:** Avoid preventDefault for things like F5 ([#1464]( ([305d3f0](, closes [#1453]( +* **DropdownContext:** wrap dropdown components to provide context prop ([64847df](, closes [#1457]( [#1462]( +* **DropdownMenu:** add types to updateOnSelect ([e5cd524]( +* **DropdownMenu:** Prevent manual styles from overriding popper styles ([#1984]( ([dc2401b]( +* **DropdownToggle:** fix 0 value [#1496]( ([#1780]( ([c4f86d5]( +* **DropdownToggle:** pass innerRef to popper ([c088c58](, closes [#1471]( +* ensure initial overflow status is stored when opening multiple modals ([c0191ec]( +* **exports:** Exports CloseButtom from index.d.ts ([ba815ee]( +* **FormGroup:** dont pass switch prop to tag [#2415]( ([b63981e]( +* **getTarget:** return array like when allElements parameter is true ([#1687]( ([0702c45]( +* **Input:** Allow numbers for size prop ([#1948]( ([b4c45af]( +* **Input:** Aria-invalid attribute ([#1782]( ([ca113f1]( +* **InputGroup:** toggle if clicking dropdown input ([1adc147]( +* issue where attributes could not be passed to the element ([19233ae]( +* **Label:** add `form-label` class for labels of vertical forms ([#2317]( ([3bfce12]( +* **Label:** migrate label to rtl ([#2665]( ([8c5cc2b]( +* Make tooltips fade out ([#2041]( ([3fb5476]( +* **Modal:** Allow esc to close static backdrop modal when keybo… ([#1767]( ([49da7b5](, closes [#1766]( +* **Modal:** fix modal close immediately unmounted ([c8def29]( +* **Modal:** Prevent static backdrop animation when modal clicked ([#1755]( ([79efb4a]( +* **Modal:** run close based on prop, not state ([310b061](, closes [#1626]( +* **Modal:** Trap focus on opened modal ([#1941]( ([bf46484]( +* **Offcanvas:** make types match existing `direction` prop ([6e60f08]( +* **polyfill:** check that window exists before defining CustomEvent ([#1855]( ([74b6802]( +* **popover:** add default popper offset for popover ([cef32c6]( +* **Popover:** Select correct parent target when target children clicked ([#2038]( ([6740a57]( +* Prevent popover/tooltip rendering if target not resolved ([#2059]( ([de06e9f]( +* **Progress:** Fix parent element props being spread to children ([#1970]( ([c6a790c]( +* **Progress:** pass attributes to nested Progress bar ([#1919]( ([f3c2586]( +* remove aria-hidden attribute from tooltips and popovers ([#1747]( ([009a2bd]( +* revert breaking change ([#1760]( ([eb37426]( +* revert v10 merge ([3392ce9]( +* **ToastHeader:** Remove charCode default property. ([#2343]( ([03bbd15](, closes [#2338]( +* **Tooltip,Popover:** account for shadowDOM target ([#1769]( ([10ccf12](, closes [#1691]( +* **Tooltip:** autohide broken since default delay was zero ([#1733]( ([87a6bda](, closes [#1692]( +* **Tooltip:** default value of trigger changed ([#1695]( ([ae48d93]( +* **Tooltip:** fix nested elements within target ([#1746]( ([fed4bcf](, closes [#1736]( +* **Tooltip:** fix render failure if target ref is null ([#1734]( ([853b56e](, closes [#1686]( +* **TooltipPopoverWrapper:** replacing find with filter to preve… ([#1776]( ([54648b6](, closes [#1774]( +* **types:** add 'swtch' to `InputType` ([#2340]( ([302d41e]( +* **types:** Add missing innerRef typings ([#1994]( ([fe24f69](, closes [#1993]( +* **types:** export AccordionBody types ([#2312]( ([d4c184b]( +* **types:** export UncontrolledAccordion types ([#2313]( ([f7d5cd6]( +* **types:** Fix Col and Input types ([#2008]( ([363dfbe]( +* **types:** Fix reference to CSSModule ([#2007]( ([54afca4]( +* **types:** import React for UncontrolledAccordion type defs ([#2292]( ([54df194]( +* **types:** remove duplicate types/lib/index.d.ts ([#2316]( ([52bd719]( +* **types:** use types from @popperjs/core ([10fd0b2]( +* Typo in Tabs Example ([#1795]( ([66754d4]( +* **UncontrolledDropdown:** Fix onToggle - a consistent isOpen value ([ee54164]( +* Use the new `nodeRef` API for `Collapse` ([9527654]( + + +### Miscellaneous + +* **Button:** convert button to use hooks ([19f85d3]( +* **Carousel:** Update Carousel from legacy context ([1c6db58]( +* release 9.1.6 ([f32f3d2]( +* **TabContent:** remove obsolete `react-lifecycles-compat` ([e1915e8]( + ## [9.1.6]( (2023-02-17)