A 3D graphics engine built from scratch in Java. It generates and displays spheres, boxes, and toruses with z-buffering and backface-culling. Supports translations, rotations, and scaling, with flat and gouraud shading. Able to read scripts written in Jon-Alf Dyrland-Weaver's custom motion description language (MDL) to generate animated gifs.
- Scanline
- Z-Buffering
- Flat Shading
- Gouraud Shading
Compile and run a script
java mdl <mdl filename>
The animation frames will be placed into animations// from there, you can generate a gif:
animate -delay 3 ./* (suggested delay)
- flatAnim - Flat shading test
- gouraudAnim - Gouraud shading test
- gouraudtorus - Torus test
- discoAnim - Flat shading test with random colors for each polygon
- animtest - general test
- hypnotic
- test
Gouraud: shading works for black and white, with black spot at the sphere's rear end. shading is not uniform for colored objects; transitions in layers.
KY 2012