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rmarshal: rework the library
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* no more "rmarshal_symstorage" BS (replaced by a simple map)
* added a supervisor to the "rmarshal" module
  • Loading branch information
kyrylo committed Mar 13, 2016
1 parent 6324665 commit 153fbb1
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Showing 4 changed files with 101 additions and 106 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion include/marshal.hrl
Expand Up @@ -62,4 +62,4 @@
| rstring()
| rarray().

-type binfrag(RTermType) :: {RTermType, Undecoded :: binary()}.
-type binfrag(RTermType) :: {RTermType, Undecoded :: binary(), map()}.
130 changes: 74 additions & 56 deletions src/rmarshal.erl
Expand Up @@ -6,38 +6,46 @@
-spec load(<<_:16, _:_*8>>) -> {'ok', rterm()}.

load(<<?MARSHAL_MAJOR:8, ?MARSHAL_MINOR:8, Rest/binary>>) ->
decode(Rest, []).
decode(Rest, [], maps:new()).

-spec decode(<<_:8, _:_*8>>, Decoded) -> {Undecoded, Decoded} when
-spec decode(<<_:8, _:_*8>>, Decoded, SymRefs) -> {Undecoded, Decoded} when
Decoded :: rarray(),
SymRefs :: map(),
Undecoded :: binary();
(<<>>, Decoded) -> {'ok', Decoded} when
(<<>>, Decoded, _SymRefs) -> {'ok', Decoded} when
Decoded :: rarray().

decode(<<>>, Decoded) ->
decode(<<>>, Decoded, _SymRefs) ->
{ok, Decoded};
decode(<<Type:8, Rest/binary>>, Decoded) ->
{DecodedChunk, UndecodedRest} = decode_chunk(Type, Rest),
decode(UndecodedRest, [DecodedChunk|Decoded]).
decode(<<Type:8, Rest/binary>>, Decoded, SymRefs) ->
{DecodedChunk, UndecodedRest, NewSymRefs} = decode_chunk(Type, Rest, SymRefs),
decode(UndecodedRest, [DecodedChunk|Decoded], NewSymRefs).

-spec decode_chunk(Type, Undecoded) -> BinaryFragment when
-spec decode_chunk(Type, Undecoded, SymRefs) -> BinaryFragment when
Type :: byte(),
Undecoded :: binary(),
SymRefs :: map(),
BinaryFragment :: binfrag(rterm()).

decode_chunk(?TYPE_NIL, Bin) -> {nil, Bin};
decode_chunk(?TYPE_TRUE, Bin) -> {true, Bin};
decode_chunk(?TYPE_FALSE, Bin) -> {false, Bin};
decode_chunk(?TYPE_FIXNUM, Bin) -> decode_fixnum(Bin);
decode_chunk(?TYPE_BIGNUM, Bin) -> decode_bignum(Bin);
decode_chunk(?TYPE_IVAR, Bin) -> decode_ivar(Bin);
decode_chunk(?TYPE_ARRAY, Bin) -> decode_array(Bin);
decode_chunk(?TYPE_SYMBOL, Bin) -> decode_symbol(Bin);
decode_chunk(?TYPE_SYMLINK, Bin) -> decode_symlink(Bin);
decode_chunk(?TYPE_FLOAT, Bin) -> decode_float(Bin);
decode_chunk(?TYPE_HASH, Bin) -> decode_hash(Bin).
decode_chunk(?TYPE_NIL, Bin, SymRefs) -> {nil, Bin, SymRefs};
decode_chunk(?TYPE_TRUE, Bin, SymRefs) -> {true, Bin, SymRefs};
decode_chunk(?TYPE_FALSE, Bin, SymRefs) -> {false, Bin, SymRefs};
decode_chunk(?TYPE_FIXNUM, Bin, SymRefs) ->
{Fixnum, Undecoded} = decode_fixnum(Bin),
{Fixnum, Undecoded, SymRefs};
decode_chunk(?TYPE_BIGNUM, Bin, SymRefs) ->
{Bignum, Undecoded} = decode_bignum(Bin),
{Bignum, Undecoded, SymRefs};
decode_chunk(?TYPE_IVAR, Bin, SymRefs) ->
{Ivar, Undecoded} = decode_ivar(Bin),
{Ivar, Undecoded, SymRefs};
decode_chunk(?TYPE_ARRAY, Bin, SymRefs) -> decode_array(Bin, SymRefs);
decode_chunk(?TYPE_SYMBOL, Bin, SymRefs) -> decode_symbol(Bin, SymRefs);
decode_chunk(?TYPE_SYMLINK, Bin, SymRefs) -> decode_symlink(Bin, SymRefs);
decode_chunk(?TYPE_FLOAT, Bin, SymRefs) ->
{Float, Undecoded} = decode_float(Bin),
{Float, Undecoded, SymRefs};
decode_chunk(?TYPE_HASH, Bin, SymRefs) -> decode_hash(Bin, SymRefs).

-spec decode_fixnum(Undecoded) -> BinaryFragment when
Undecoded :: binary(),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,42 +123,50 @@ decode_string(Bitstring, <<6, $;, 6, $T, Rest/binary>>) ->
decode_string(Bitstring, <<6, $;, 0, $T, Rest/binary>>) ->
{binary_to_list(Bitstring), Rest}.

-spec decode_array(<<_:8, _:_*8>>) -> BinaryFragment when
-spec decode_array(<<_:8, _:_*8>>, SymRefs) -> BinaryFragment when
SymRefs :: map(),
BinaryFragment :: binfrag(rterm()).

decode_array(<<Size:8, Rest/binary>>) ->
decode_array(Size - ?OFFSET, Rest, []).
decode_array(<<Size:8, Rest/binary>>, SymRefs) ->
decode_array(Size - ?OFFSET, Rest, [], SymRefs).

-spec decode_array(Size, <<_:8, _:_*8>>, Decoded) -> BinaryFragment when
-spec decode_array(Size, <<_:8, _:_*8>>, Decoded, SymRefs) -> BinaryFragment when
Size :: pos_integer(),
Decoded :: rarray(),
SymRefs :: map(),
BinaryFragment :: binfrag(rterm()).

decode_array(0, Bin, Decoded) ->
{lists:reverse(Decoded), Bin};
decode_array(_Size, <<>>, _Decoded) ->
{[], <<>>};
decode_array(Size, <<?TYPE_ARRAY, 0, Rest/binary>>, Decoded) ->
decode_array(Size - 1, Rest, [[]|Decoded]);
decode_array(Size, <<Type:8/integer, Rest/binary>>, Decoded) ->
{DecodedChunk, Bin} = decode_chunk(Type, Rest),
decode_array(Size - 1, Bin, [DecodedChunk|Decoded]).

-spec decode_symbol(<<_:8, _:_*8>>) -> BinaryFragment when
decode_array(0, Bin, Decoded, SymRefs) ->
{lists:reverse(Decoded), Bin, SymRefs};
decode_array(_Size, <<>>, _Decoded, SymRefs) ->
{[], <<>>, SymRefs};
decode_array(Size, <<?TYPE_ARRAY, 0, Rest/binary>>, Decoded, SymRefs) ->
decode_array(Size - 1, Rest, [[]|Decoded], SymRefs);
decode_array(Size, <<Type:8/integer, Rest/binary>>, Decoded, SymRefs) ->
{DecodedChunk, Bin, NewSymRefs} = decode_chunk(Type, Rest, SymRefs),
decode_array(Size - 1, Bin, [DecodedChunk|Decoded], NewSymRefs).

-spec decode_symbol(<<_:8, _:_*8>>, SymRefs) -> BinaryFragment when
SymRefs :: map(),
BinaryFragment :: binfrag(rsymbol()).

decode_symbol(<<Len:8/integer, Rest/binary>>) ->
decode_symbol(<<Len:8/integer, Rest/binary>>, SymRefs) ->
{Sym, Bin} = split_binary(Rest, Len - ?OFFSET),
Atom = list_to_atom(binary_to_list(Sym)),
{Atom, Bin}.

-spec decode_symlink(<<_:8, _:_*8>>) -> BinaryFragment when
SymRefSize = maps:size(SymRefs),
Offset = case SymRefSize of
0 -> 0;
_ -> ?OFFSET
NewSymRefs = maps:put(SymRefSize + Offset, Atom, SymRefs),
{Atom, Bin, NewSymRefs}.

-spec decode_symlink(<<_:8, _:_*8>>, SymRefs) -> BinaryFragment when
SymRefs :: map(),
BinaryFragment :: binfrag(rsymbol()).

decode_symlink(<<SymLink:8/integer, Rest/binary>>) ->
{ok, Atom} = rmarshal_symstorage:read(SymLink),
{Atom, Rest}.
decode_symlink(<<SymLink:8/integer, Rest/binary>>, SymRefs) ->
{maps:get(SymLink, SymRefs), Rest, SymRefs}.

-spec decode_float(<<_:8, _:_*8>>) -> BinaryFragment when
BinaryFragment :: binfrag(rfloat()).
Expand All @@ -159,23 +175,25 @@ decode_float(<<Len:8/integer, Rest/binary>>) ->
{Float, Bin} = split_binary(Rest, Len - ?OFFSET),
{binary_to_float(Float), Bin}.

-spec decode_hash(<<_:8, _:_*8>>) -> BinaryFragment when
-spec decode_hash(<<_:8, _:_*8>>, SymRefs) -> BinaryFragment when
SymRefs :: map(),
BinaryFragment :: binfrag(rhash()).

decode_hash(<<Size:8/integer, Rest/binary>>) ->
decode_hash(Size - ?OFFSET, Rest, maps:new()).
decode_hash(<<Size:8/integer, Rest/binary>>, SymRefs) ->
decode_hash(Size - ?OFFSET, Rest, maps:new(), SymRefs).

-spec decode_hash(Size, <<_:8, _:_*8>>, Decoded) -> BinaryFragment when
-spec decode_hash(Size, <<_:8, _:_*8>>, Decoded, SymRefs) -> BinaryFragment when
Size :: pos_integer(),
Decoded :: rhash(),
SymRefs :: map(),
BinaryFragment :: binfrag(rhash()).

decode_hash(Size, Bin, Decoded) when Size =< 0 ->
{Decoded, Bin};
decode_hash(_Size, <<>>, _Decoded) ->
{#{}, <<>>};
decode_hash(Size, <<Type:8/integer, Rest/binary>>, Decoded) ->
{DecodedKey, Bin} = decode_chunk(Type, Rest),
decode_hash(Size, Bin, Decoded, SymRefs) when Size =< 0 ->
{Decoded, Bin, SymRefs};
decode_hash(_Size, <<>>, _Decoded, SymRefs) ->
{#{}, <<>>, SymRefs};
decode_hash(Size, <<Type:8/integer, Rest/binary>>, Decoded, SymRefs) ->
{DecodedKey, Bin, NewSymRefs} = decode_chunk(Type, Rest, SymRefs),
<<Type2:8/integer, Rest2/binary>> = Bin,
{DecodedVal, Bin2} = decode_chunk(Type2, Rest2),
decode_hash(Size - 1, Bin2, maps:put(DecodedKey, DecodedVal, Decoded)).
{DecodedVal, Bin2, NewSymRefs2} = decode_chunk(Type2, Rest2, NewSymRefs),
decode_hash(Size - 1, Bin2, maps:put(DecodedKey, DecodedVal, Decoded), NewSymRefs2).
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions src/rmarshal_sup.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@


%% API

%% Supervisor callbacks

-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).

%% Helper macro for declaring children of supervisor
-define(CHILD(I, Type), {I, {I, start_link, []}, permanent, 2000, Type, [I]}).

%% API functions

start_link() ->
supervisor:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, []).

%% Child :: {Id,StartFunc,Restart,Shutdown,Type,Modules}
init([]) ->
Procs = [?CHILD(rmarshal_symbols, worker)],
{ok, { {one_for_one, 0, 1}, Procs} }.
49 changes: 0 additions & 49 deletions src/rmarshal_symstorage.erl

This file was deleted.

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