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This is the supplemental material for the submission "Intra-List Similarity and Human Diversity Perceptions of Recommendations: The Details Matter".

Given a dataset of movies or recipes we calculate the similarity in each of these domains and measure the corresponding ILS of all items in a list. These lists can be created through SVD (latent-item-vectors) or manually picked by users. Furthermore, we provide all scripts for the analysis that is conducted in our paper, so they can be executed and tested.

Additional analysis

In addition to the reported analyses in the paper, there are additional analyses on the recipe domain in the analysis folder. Specifically, the file pairwise_wilcoxon_recipe.xlsx contains all remaining post-hoc tests regarding the perceived criteria (i.e., diversity, variety, and similarity).

Data description

All scripts for the calculation of ILS can be found in the src/ folder. These are as follows:

  • Precalculations for the similarity of the movie dataset.
  • Precalculations for the similarity of the recipe dataset.
  • Specifically used for LDA implementations with ingredients and directions for recipes.
  • Final calculation of the ILS for both domains. and are used for further analysis and explained below in the corresponding section.

In folder data/ there are six folders which we will explain in detail now.

Folder data/movieDiversity encompasses the following files:

  • calculatedSimilarities.csv: Final file with all similarities for all the movie pairs.
  • lists_ID.csv: Contains all necessary IDs of movies that are used in the list.
  • movies.dat: Main file providing all meta-data for movies.
  • ratings.dat: Main file(s) containing all rating events.
  • topMovie_ID.csv: Contains the IDs of only the top movies.
  • topUsers.csv: Contains the users with the highest number of ratings.
  • users.dat: Main file containing all user-data.

Inside the folder data/recipeDiversity there are the following files:

  • lda_directions/ingredients.csv: Final file(s) with all similarities for all the recipe pairs.
  • collection.csv: Cleaned recipe data for faster access (memory).
  • raw-data_interactions.csv: Main file containing all interaction events.
  • raw-data_recipe.csv: Main file containing all recipe meta-data.
  • recommendation.csv: Recommendation of recipes based on SVD (used to subset raw-data_recipe).
  • selection.csv: Selection of recipes for the calculation of ILS (subset of raw-data_recipe).
  • top100.csv: Top-100 recipes in the dataset based on ratings.
  • topUsers.csv: Contains the users with the highest number of ratings.

data/mixed contains the different files for analysing the mixed model. The data is split by study-phase and domain.

data/borda also contains the data split domain for the use with

Finally, the collected data for the different study phases can be found in the folder data/study-data. Note: all_data.xlsx is also used by the R scripts.

We provide the R scripts to our analysis in the folder R code/. These calculations were done in R Studio but should also run in any new R IDE.

Project setup

Fill data folder

The folder 'data' needs to be filled with the extracted_content_ml_latest folder. This is a folder containing a set of jsons with movies information. Each file should be called <movieId>.json Additionally, the ratings.csv from the MovieLens dataset needs to be downloaded and put into the 'movieDiversity' folder. (Source: Also for the 'recipeDiversity' folder raw-data_interaction.csv and raw-data_recipe.csv need to be downloaded and added. (Source:

Move study-data to directory

The content of study-data needs to be moved to the working directory of the R IDE that is used (e.g., R Studio).

Setup completed

Running the code

Generate ILS and pairwise similarities

Once the setup is finished, you can run the file

Based on the domain that you want to investigate you can uncomment/comment the sections as needed. If all data is used as provided, all preprocessing and cleaning can be left commented (as it is in the initial state). Only if you want to re-run these steps, the corresponding sections can be uncommented.

Running the corresponding lines of code for each domain provides the following results:

  • All pairwise similarities for selected items in the list (Genre for movie domain and combination of ingredients and directions for recipe domain)
  • ILS for the whole list

If you want to calculate the ILS in the movie domain for another list (not inside calculatedSimilarities.csv) follow these steps:

  • Change IDs in
  • Run precalculation with new IDs
  • Rerun with preCalculations uncommented

If you want to calculate the ILS in the recipe domain for another list (not inside lda_ingredients.csv or lda_directions.csv) follow these steps:

  • Run precalculations with new IDs (create collection.csv)
  • Change IDs in
  • Rerun with lda uncommented

R calculations

To run the R calculations open the analysis.R file in the R IDE of your choice. All calculations work with the provided files in study-data/ and sufficient comments and further instructions are provided in the R script.

Calculate Borda-count

Additionally, it is possible to use to calculate the Borda-count as we implemented it. Simply run and change the corresponding data in the file for any of the cleaned files in data/borda/.

Mixed-model calculations

Furthermore, we added the Python implementation as well as the R implementation. The R file is called mixed effect regression.R and outputs the same results as


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