This repository contains the code for our paper Lamarckian: Pushing the Boundaries of Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning towards Asynchronous Commercial Games.
- Install the latest version of PyTorch.
- Install the dependencies via
pip install -r requirements.txt
. Currently there are some old depencies that would require legacy releases of the packages. Migration will be done in the near future.
The common and default configurations are in lamarckian.yml
. Subsequent experiments are inherited and modified from it. By default, all the training logs and results are stored under ~/model/lamarckian
, and can be visualized via TensorBoard.
To run training with specified algorithm and environment:
python3 [-c [CONFIG ...]] [-m [MODIFY ...]] [-d] [-D] [--debug]
e.g. python3 #with the default settings
e.g. python3 \
-c mdp/gym/wrap/breakout/image.yml rl/ppo.yml \# set the env and algorithm to use
-m train.batch_size=4000 \# with modified configurtions
-D # clear folder
Similarly for running evolutionary algorithms:
e.g. python3 \
For large-scale distributed training on a cluster using Ray, do the following steps before running train/
- On the head node, run
$ ray start --head
Local node IP: <ip_address>
Ray runtime started.
Next steps
To connect to this Ray runtime from another node, run
ray start --address='<ip_address>:<port>' --redis-password='5241590000000000'
- Connect other nodes to the head node to form a Ray Cluster
$ ray start --address='<ip_address>:<port>' --redis-password='5241590000000000'
Local node IP: <ip_address>
Ray runtime started.
To terminate the Ray runtime, run
ray stop
- Cofigure the
file or use-m
to make run-time modification
address: auto
_redis_password: '5241590000000000'
See Ray Cluster Setup for more details.
class defines the behavior of an environment. Different from the common synchronous interface as in OpenAI Gym
observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
Lamarckian's asynchronous additionally defines a Controller
import types
class MDP(object):
class Controller(object):
def __init__(self, mdp, index):
self.mdp = mdp
self.index = index
def close(self):
def get_state(self):
vector = self.mdp.env.get_state_vector(self.index) # shape=(C)
image = self.mdp.env.get_state_image(self.index) # shape=(H, W, C)
legal = self.mdp.env.get_legal(self.index) # bool vector
return dict(inputs=[vector, image], legal=legal)
async def __call__(self, action):
done = self.mdp.env.cast(self.index, action)
return dict(done=done)
def get_reward(self):
return self.mdp.env.get_reward(self.index)
def get_result(self):
return dict(win=self.mdp.env.get_win())
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.env = Env(*args, **kwargs)
def reset(self, *args):
controllers = [self.Controller(self, index) for index in args]
return types.SimpleNamespace(
close=lambda: [controller.close() for controller in controllers],
Thus controllers can be used independently in different coroutines:
async def rollout(controller, agent):
state = controller.get_state()
rewards = []
while True:
action = agent(*state['inputs'])
exp = await controller(action)
state = controller.get_state()
reward = controller.get_reward()
if exp['done']:
return rewards, controller.get_result()
This section gives command of the experiments on single machine:
python3 \
-c mdp/gym.yml mdp/gym/pendulum.yml rl/ppo.yml \
-m evaluator.terminate="self.cost>100000000" \
python3 \
-c mdp/gym.yml mdp/gym/wrap/pong/image.yml rl/ppo.yml \
-m evaluator.terminate="self.cost>100000000" \
python3 \
-c rl/ppo.yml mdp/gfootball.yml mdp/gfootball/simple115.yml mdp/wrap/skip.yml \
-m evaluator.terminate="self.cost>150000000" \
python3 \
-c ec/ea/pbt.yml ec/wrap/mdp.yml \
-m[0,1][0,0.01] \
python3 \
-c mdp/pong/behavior.yml ec/ea/nsga_ii.yml \