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Péter Diviánszky committed May 17, 2015
1 parent af80955 commit a413eb3
Showing 1 changed file with 21 additions and 21 deletions.
42 changes: 21 additions & 21 deletions lambdacube-dsl/Typecheck.hs
Expand Up @@ -395,8 +395,11 @@ writerT' x = WriterT' $ do
return (me, t)

addUnif :: Exp -> Exp -> TCMS ()
addUnif t1 t2 = writerT' $ do
m <- addCtx "untilNoUnif" (unifyTypes True [WithExplanation "~~~" [t1, t2]])
addUnif a b = addUnifs [a, b]

addUnifs :: [Exp] -> TCMS ()
addUnifs ts = writerT' $ do
m <- addCtx "untilNoUnif" (unifyTypes True [WithExplanation "~~~" ts])
return (toTEnv m, ())

untilNoUnif :: forall m . (MonadPlus m, MonadState Int m, MonadReader PolyEnv m, MonadError ErrorMsg m) => TEnv -> m TEnv
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -433,10 +436,9 @@ newStarVar i = do
addConstraints m = writerT' $ pure (m, ())
addConstraint c = newName "constraint" >>= \n -> addConstraints $ singSubstTy n $ ConstraintKind c

checkStarKind Star = return ()
checkStarKind t = addUnif Star t

star = return Star


instantiateTyping_' :: Bool -> Doc -> TEnv -> Exp -> TCM ([(IdN, Exp)], InstType')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -653,29 +655,27 @@ inferType_ allowNewVar e_@(ExpR r e) = addRange r $ addCtx ("type inference of"
addUnif t $ es ~~> v
return v

ELit_ l -> return $ inferLit l

EAlts_ _ xs -> newStarVar "ealts" >>= \v -> mapM_ (addUnif v) xs >> return v
EAlts_ _ xs -> addUnifs xs >> return (error "impossible")
ENext_ () -> newStarVar "enext" -- TODO: review
ETuple_ te -> return $ TTuple te
TTuple_ ts -> mapM_ checkStarKind ts >> star
TTuple_ ts -> mapM_ checkStarKind ts >> return (error "impossible")

ERecord_ (unzip -> (fs, es)) -> return $ TRecord $ Map.fromList $ zip fs es
ERecord_ _ -> return (error "impossible")

Star_ -> star
ConstraintKind_ c -> case c of
CEq t (TypeFun f ts) -> do
(_, tf) <- lookEnv' f $ throwErrorTCM $ "Type family" <+> pShow f <+> "is not in scope."
addUnif tf $ ts ~~> t
CClass _ t -> checkStarKind t >> star -- TODO
_ -> star
Forall_ Nothing a b -> checkStarKind a >> checkStarKind b >> star
return (error "impossible")
CClass _ t -> checkStarKind t >> return (error "impossible") -- TODO
_ -> return (error "impossible")
Forall_ Nothing a b -> checkStarKind a >> checkStarKind b >> return (error "impossible")
EApp_ _ tf ta -> appTy tf ta
EVar_ _ n -> fmap snd . lookEnv n $ newStarVar ("tvar" <+> pShow r) >>= \t -> addConstraints (singSubstTy n t) >> return ([], t)
TCon_ _ n -> fmap snd . lookEnv n $ lookEnv (toExpN n) $ throwErrorTCM $ "Type constructor" <+> pShow n <+> "is not in scope."
TCon_ _ n -> fmap snd . lookEnv n $ lookLifted $ throwErrorTCM $ "Type constructor" <+> pShow n <+> "is not in scope."
lookLifted = if isTypeVar n then lookEnv (toExpN n) else id

x -> error $ "inferTyping : " ++ ppShow x
x -> return $ error $ "inferTyping : " ++ ppShow x
case e of
Forall_ Nothing (ConstraintKind c) b -> do
addConstraint c
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ selectorDefs (r, DDataDef n _ cs) =
, FieldTy (Just sel) _ <- tys

inferDef :: ValueDefR -> TCM (TEnv, TCM a -> TCM a)
inferDef :: ValueDefR -> TCM (TCM a -> TCM a)
inferDef (ValueDef p@(PVar' _ n) e) = do
(se, exp) <- runWriterT' $ removeMonoVars $ do
tn@(TVar _ tv) <- newStarVar $ pShow n
Expand All @@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ inferDef (ValueDef p@(PVar' _ n) e) = do
let th = subst ( toSubst the
<> singSubst' n (foldl (TApp (error "et")) th $ map (\(n, t) -> TVar t n) fs))
$ flip (foldr eLam) fs exp
return (singSubst n th, withTyping $ Map.singleton n f)
return $ addPolyEnv (emptyPolyEnv {thunkEnv = singSubst n th}) . withTyping (Map.singleton n f)

inferDef' :: InstType -> ValueDefR -> TCM (Env' (Env' Exp -> Exp))
inferDef' ty (ValueDef p@(PVar' _ n) e) = do
Expand All @@ -778,8 +778,8 @@ inferDefs [] = ask
inferDefs (dr@(r, d): ds@(inferDefs -> cont)) = case d of
PrecDef n p -> addPolyEnv (emptyPolyEnv {precedences = Map.singleton n p}) cont
DValueDef d -> do
(e, f) <- addRange r (inferDef d)
addPolyEnv (emptyPolyEnv {thunkEnv = e}) $ f cont
f <- addRange r (inferDef d)
f cont
TypeFamilyDef con vars res -> do
tk <- tyConKind_ res $ map snd vars
addPolyEnv (emptyPolyEnv {typeFamilies = Map.singleton con tk}) cont
Expand Down

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