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Releases: languageininteraction/VowelSpaceTravel


24 Sep 08:30
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Scores are now calculated based on confidence levels to summarize progress of the user across difficulty levels and tasks.



02 Sep 14:19
Choose a tag to compare

This version has updated vowel qualities for diphthongs.

Task suggestions can be requested with the following syntax:
http://localhost:8080/suggestion/tasksuggestion/1 where 1 denotes the player ID.

Note: Task suggestion functionality is not yet complete and existing functionality has not been tested properly.


04 Jun 16:25
Choose a tag to compare

This version has an index.html, which by default is found at: http://localhost:8080/
This HTML page is a working example for getting samples, playing audio, submitting results and viewing the calculated confidence values.

Access to the sound files has been corrected and they can be found by following the links in from the stimulus json data obtained from:

The user results (now almost the same as the stimulus data from the above method) are now submitted to a new end point:

There is now parameters like task and difficulty when requesting the stimulus list:

The server port used can be set using command line option: -Dserver.port=8888


26 May 16:17
Choose a tag to compare

Completed the construction of stimuli sequences for Discrimination Words and added unit tests.
Updated the confidence controller to provide self links.
Updated the stimulus provider to better supply random distinct words as stimulus.
Modified the structure of Vowel and its qualities so that there is only ever one Vowel record for each Vowel and it can have any number of Vowel Properties, for instance a diphthong.
Added a unique constraint to various fields in vowel and consonant.
Added more content to the simulus provider unit tests.
Renamed the index.html page to demonstration.html so that the application JSON links are accessible.
Added annotations so that more endpoints are visible in the application links.
Moved the index.html page into resources public to fit the spring boot paradigm.
Added task specific stimuli provider REST end points.
Updated the storage of users responses.
Completed the unit test for confidence that includes the CRUD repositories.
Updated the storage of users responses.
Added a test of confidence that includes the CRUD repositories.
Modified the settings data to use list rather than arraylist.


19 May 16:07
Choose a tag to compare

Updated the dependencies in the POM and bumped the version number.
Added a unit test for the confidence level.
Added some expected content to the settings object.
Added confidence level calculation using the Wilson Score Interval.
Added graphing of the confidence level calculated using the Wilson Score Interval.
Resolved an issue which caused the audio resources to be inaccessible when the web server starts in 0.1.336-testing.


01 May 15:50
Choose a tag to compare

This version adds the full word list and related data.
All of the audio files are also available now via the REST service.
The index page has some HTML and JavaScript that provides some working examples.

In addition, here are some additional REST usage examples.

Get all words sorted in descending order:

Get all words sorted in ascending order:

Get all words sorted by the DISC value of the finalConsonant:

Get all words sorted by the DISC value of the finalConsonant descending order:

Get all words sorted by the DISC value of the finalConsonant ascending order:

Get the HATEOAS links for the player search:

Search players by first name:

Search players by email:

Get all responses (2000 or less) and sort by responseDate ascending:

Get all responses (2000 or less) and sort by responseDate descending:

Recent changes include:

Added email as a unique field to the user.
Added Relevance to each stimulus with the values: isTarget, isStandard, isIrelevant to replace correct/incorrect.
Added entry points to search for users based on email and email with token.
Added content to the confidence object.
Added a REST endpoint for the confidence data.
Added a simple SVG graph of the confidence data in the test HTML page.
Added some default stimulus user response data.
Move the add default player into a utility class.
Added a player settings repository.
Added to the test HTML page some audio file rendering based on the get samples REST call.
Adjusted the user response storage to better match the data model.
Added a date time stamp for each user response.
Added random stimulus provider and REST endpoint with hateoas links to the playable audio.
Added some javascript so that the REST service can be explored.


08 Apr 15:43
Choose a tag to compare

This is a very preliminary testing release of the Vowel Space Travel web service.

The Jar is runnable and starts a self contained tomcat instance with an in memory database. It can be started on the command line as follows:
java -jar VST-REST-0.1.15-testing.jar

When running, the provided REST service can be view in a web browser or on the command line via curl. It provides a self documenting service and there are a number of HATEAOS browser plugins that could be used to explore its interface.

The following are some examples using curl on the command line.

List all players:
curl http://localhost:8080/players

Show player 1:
curl http://localhost:8080/players/1

List all stimulus results:
curl http://localhost:8080/results

Show all vowels:
curl http://localhost:8080/vowels

All results are paged and the number of results per page can be set.
Show the first second page of vowels:
curl http://localhost:8080/vowels?page=1

Show the player for the first stimulus result:
curl http://localhost:8080/results/1/player

Show the available information on the REST service:
curl http://localhost:8080/alps

Show the first stimulus result for the first player:
curl http://localhost:8080/players/1/stimulusResults/1

To insert a new user:
curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{ "firstName" : "Tom", "lastName" : "Thumb" }' http://localhost:8080/players

To insert a new stimulus result:
curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{ "true_positive": true, "false_positive": false, "true_negative": false, "false_negative": false, "responceTimeMs": 1428504289627, "player": "http://localhost:8080/players/1", "standardVowel": "http://localhost:8080/vowels/4", "targetVowel": "http://localhost:8080/vowels/4" }' http://localhost:8080/results