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josephwright committed Apr 1, 2019
1 parent 24da180 commit 8fdda38
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Showing 2 changed files with 301 additions and 5 deletions.
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions build.lua
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,6 @@
bundle = ""
module = "babel"

-- Location of main directory: use Unix-style path separators
maindir = "../.."

-- Minor modifications to file types
installfiles = {"*.def", "*.ldf", "*.sty", "*.tex"}
sourcefiles = {"*.dtx", "*.ins"}
Expand All @@ -28,8 +25,12 @@ asciiengines = {"pdftex"}
stdengine = "pdftex"
checkengines = {"pdftex"}

-- Load the common settings for the LaTeX2e repo
dofile (maindir .. "/build-config.lua")
-- Set up the check system
checkruns = 2
checksuppfiles = {"test2e.tex"}

-- Build TDS-style zips
packtdszip = true

-- Find and run the build system
kpse.set_program_name ("kpsewhich")
Expand Down
295 changes: 295 additions & 0 deletions support/test2e.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
% \iffalse meta-comment
% Copyright (C) 1992-2018 by David Carlisle, Frank Mittelbach.
% All rights reserved.
% This file is part of the validate package.
% You are not allowed to change this file. In case of error
% write to the email address mentioned in the file readme.val.
% \fi
% test2e.tex

% David Carlisle
% Version 0.0, 28 May 1992
% Version 0.1, 18 Jun 1992 FMi small updates
% Version 1.0a, 28 Jun 1992 FMi small updates for distribution
% Version 1.0b, 1993/12/08 DPC update for LaTeX2e
% Version 1.0e, 1994/05/19 add config file.
% Version 1.0f, 1994/05/19 drop \errorstopmode from \loggingoutput
% Version 1.0g, 2015/09/11 luatex support
% Version 1.0h, 2018/09/27 added \SHOWFILE

% \def\fileversion{v1.0h}
% \def\filedate{2018/09/27}

% This file should not be used as a package or class file,
% it should be \input.

% The scope of this \makeatletter will then be the rest of the
% document. Put TeX into scroll mode, and stop it showing the
% implementation details of macros in error messages.

% Use the same \showbox settings as 2.09, unless they are changed in
% the test file. (2e sets these to -1)

% drop \errorstopmode from \logginoutput so that testing doesn't stop
% for \showoutput

% Start the test, after the optional \documentclass (or \documentstyle)
% \begin{document} commands with \START. All lines in the .log file
% before this will be ignored. It also prints a docstrip-style
% character table in the .tlg file so the .tlg file can easily be
% checked for email translations.
This is a generated file for the LaTeX2e validation system.%
^^J^^JDon't change this file in any respect.%

% If you still need a Character table, use \typeout\{^^J\CTable^^J}

^^\catcode`^^\ =11
%% \CharacterTable
%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}

% The test should end with
% \END or \end{document}

% After the \START should come declarations of the format and style
% options being used.
\def\FORMAT#1{\typeout{Format: #1}%
\OMIT\@warning{Declared format #1,^^JActual format \@EJ}\TIMO\fi}

% The old version got this information from everyjob,
% but that does not work with LaTeX2e as \everyjob is cleared.
\edef\@EJ{\fmtname <\fmtversion>}

% Some author info:
\def\AUTHOR#1{\typeout{Author: #1}}
\def\ADDRESS#1{\typeout{Address: #1}}

% Not all packages declare themselves to the log file, and we can not
% rely on TeX`s output as it includes full path names, and does not
% include version numbers etc. So for each package included give a
% declaration like: \PACKAGES{array v2.0d}
\def\STYLE#1{\typeout{Main Style: #1}}%
\def\STYLEOPTIONS#1{\typeout{Style Options: #1}}

% If The class or package is loaded with options, you may
% specify the options in the \CLASS (\PACKAGE) declaration. eg:
% \CLASS[german,a4page]{article v2.0 1994/01/02}
% \PACKAGE{ifthen v2.2 1993/11/12}
% \PACKAGE[dvips]{graphics v 3.8 1994/02/02}
\typeout{Main Class: #2^^J\@spaces Options: #1}}
\typeout{Main Class: #1}}

\typeout{Package: #2^^J\@spaces Options: #1}}
\typeout{Package: #1}}

% LaTeX2e always uses NFSS2 so new test files need not use
% \FONTSELECTION but it is retained for compatibility for test files
% written for 209/NFSS1.
\OMIT\@@warning{\noexpand\FONTSELECTION obsolete.^^J%
LaTeX2e always uses NFSS2}\TIMO
\typeout{Font Selection: #1}}

% Surround commands which produce irrelevant lines in the .log file by

% Load a file (e.g. \jobname.toc) into the .log file with the usual special
% characters rendered harmless
% \SHOWFILE{\jobname.aux}

\begingroup % within the scope of this groups each line needs to end in % !
\catcode`\^^M\active %
\typeout{-------- #1 (start) ---------}%
{\begingroup %
\catcode`\^^M\active %
\obeyspaces %
\@sanitize %
\message{\@@input #1 }%
\endgroup }%
{\message{Not found}}%
\typeout{-------- #1 (end) -----------}%

% After the above declarations, and before the main tests, you may
% optionally `declare' all the commands in the `module' that you are
% about to test. These commands will be registered as defined,
% undefined or relaxed (ie \let to \relax). You may wish to declare
% commands not currently implemented, so that if they are added at a
% later stage, the test will fail, reminding someone to document the
% fact that the user interface has changed. So if you are testing
% array and tabular environments, you may wish do declare
% \extrarowheight. This is undefined in the curent latex, but would
% become defined if Mittelbach's array.sty was incorporated into
% latex.tex.
\ifx#1\@undefined\typeout{Undefined \string#1}\else
\ifx#1\relax\typeout{Relaxed \space\space\string#1}\else
\typeout{Defined \space\space\string#1}\fi\fi}

% To allow testing of possible changes, we allow extra code to be read
% in before the test starts. The necessary code should be placed in a
% file test2e.cfg.
{\typeout{^^J***^^Jtest2e.cfg in operation^^J***^^J}}{}

% Arrange that duplicate fonts share internal font id
% so they are shown with the same csname in luatex
% to match (pdf)tex and xetex.

% disable this for now on development builds of luatex
local function fonteach_next(max, f)
f = f + 1
if f > max then return end
until font.frozen(f) \string~= nil
return f, font.getfont(f) or font.fonts[f]
font.latexeach = function() return fonteach_next, font.max(), 0 end

local original_fontloader=font.read_tfm
if (luatexbase==nil) then
if(luatexbase.in_callback==nil) then
error('update luatexbase')
local cbl=luatexbase.callback_descriptions('define_font')
if(cbl[1]\string~=nil) then

function latexDefineFont(n,s,i)
local f = nil
for ii,vv in font.latexeach() do
if (n == then
if(vv.size ==
(s > 0 and s
(- s * vv.designsize) / 1000)) then
% debugging (not to log, so not affect tlg)
print('Font callback: ' .. n .. ' ' .. s ..
' ' .. vv.size ..
' ' .. vv.designsize ..
' ' .. (s > 0 and s or (- s * vv.designsize) / 1000))
return f or original_fontloader(n,s,i)
if (luatexbase==nil) then

% Load the map file early so it does not appear in the log.
\ifnum\pdfoutput>0 %
\ifnum\outputmode>0 %
\pdfextension mapfile{}%


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