{"payload":{"feedbackUrl":"https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/53140","repo":{"id":386634291,"defaultBranch":"main","name":"osbuild-composer","ownerLogin":"lavocatt","currentUserCanPush":false,"isFork":true,"isEmpty":false,"createdAt":"2021-07-16T12:45:17.000Z","ownerAvatar":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?v=4","public":true,"private":false,"isOrgOwned":false},"refInfo":{"name":"","listCacheKey":"v0:1704818796.0","currentOid":""},"activityList":{"items":[{"before":"88c82f2e4fef3cc1ebb73feeed48ec65ead925c1","after":"643be1cc238ae4da79b9d6e28efd71b64362a4eb","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-02-12T13:15:04.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name\n\nIn the frontend a new field is allowing user to setup customized names\nfor their images (see\nhttps://github.com/RedHatInsights/image-builder-frontend/pull/1136).\n\nTo allow the customization to effectively take place, this commit is\nslightly changing how EC2 images are activated.\n\nThe Name tag and the AMI Name are not always sharing the same value\nexactly anymore. If the user provides a SnaphsotName, the raw value is\nset in the `Name` tag and the AMI name is set to `$SnaphsotName-$UUID`\n(to make it unique).\n\nThis means that the `Name` tag can't be used anymore for the maintenance\ntooling. The tooling will have to use the new Build-By tag to identify\nthe images built by osbuild-composer.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name"}},{"before":"345404385c84e9e80e8ced531881c720b3d91796","after":"88c82f2e4fef3cc1ebb73feeed48ec65ead925c1","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-02-12T09:03:24.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name\n\nIn the frontend a new field is allowing user to setup customized names\nfor their images (see\nhttps://github.com/RedHatInsights/image-builder-frontend/pull/1136).\n\nTo allow the customization to effectively take place, this commit is\nslightly changing how EC2 images are activated.\n\nThe Name tag and the AMI Name are not always sharing the same value\nexactly anymore. If the user provides a SnaphsotName, the raw value is\nset in the `Name` tag and the AMI name is set to `$SnaphsotName-$UUID`\n(to make it unique).\n\nThis means that the `Name` tag can't be used anymore for the maintenance\ntooling. The tooling will have to use the new Build-By tag to identify\nthe images built by osbuild-composer.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name"}},{"before":"bad6068c48306da32a6035f2a82ac5a18adf379b","after":"345404385c84e9e80e8ced531881c720b3d91796","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-02-12T08:57:56.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name\n\nIn the frontend a new field is allowing user to setup customized names\nfor their images (see\nhttps://github.com/RedHatInsights/image-builder-frontend/pull/1136).\n\nTo allow the customization to effectively take place, this commit is\nslightly changing how EC2 images are activated.\n\nThe Name tag and the AMI Name are not always sharing the same value\nexactly anymore. If the user provides a SnaphsotName, the raw value is\nset in the `Name` tag and the AMI name is set to `$SnaphsotName-$UUID`\n(to make it unique).\n\nThis means that the `Name` tag can't be used anymore for the maintenance\ntooling. The tooling will have to use the new Build-By tag to identify\nthe images built by osbuild-composer.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name"}},{"before":"0d9c3b2ba5ebf5d2f28b28bdfec0ee423092479d","after":"bad6068c48306da32a6035f2a82ac5a18adf379b","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-02-02T13:46:02.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name\n\nIn the frontend a new field is allowing user to setup customized names\nfor their images (see\nhttps://github.com/RedHatInsights/image-builder-frontend/pull/1136).\n\nTo allow the customization to effectively take place, this commit is\nslightly changing how EC2 images are activated.\n\nThe Name tag and the AMI Name are not always sharing the same value\nexactly anymore. If the user provides a SnaphsotName, the raw value is\nset in the `Name` tag and the AMI name is set to `$SnaphsotName-$UUID`\n(to make it unique).\n\nThis means that the `Name` tag can't be used anymore for the maintenance\ntooling. The tooling will have to use the new Build-By tag to identify\nthe images built by osbuild-composer.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name"}},{"before":"4d6188e951199f5fb7d22e3a3d9a0115d6b42dcb","after":"0d9c3b2ba5ebf5d2f28b28bdfec0ee423092479d","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-01-31T09:49:04.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name\n\nIn the frontend a new field is allowing user to setup customized names\nfor their images (see\nhttps://github.com/RedHatInsights/image-builder-frontend/pull/1136).\n\nTo allow the customization to effectively take place, this commit is\nslightly changing how EC2 images are activated.\n\nThe Name tag and the AMI Name are not always sharing the same value\nexactly anymore. If the user provides a SnaphsotName, the raw value is\nset in the `Name` tag and the AMI name is set to `$SnaphsotName-$UUID`\n(to make it unique).\n\nThis means that the `Name` tag can't be used anymore for the maintenance\ntooling. The tooling will have to use the new Build-By tag to identify\nthe images built by osbuild-composer.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name"}},{"before":"7dba54d18695bd54e1a504891490887c2f82b9f5","after":"4d6188e951199f5fb7d22e3a3d9a0115d6b42dcb","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-01-23T11:25:21.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"DEBUG","shortMessageHtmlLink":"DEBUG"}},{"before":"0539edd25083b6cba2e980ca864dce19a35c108c","after":"7dba54d18695bd54e1a504891490887c2f82b9f5","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-01-23T09:30:32.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"DEBUG","shortMessageHtmlLink":"DEBUG"}},{"before":"497aec0ed2e4ba77e4539851539b110ceca47362","after":"0539edd25083b6cba2e980ca864dce19a35c108c","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-01-23T08:22:50.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name\n\nIn the frontend a new field is allowing user to setup customized names\nfor their images (see\nhttps://github.com/RedHatInsights/image-builder-frontend/pull/1136).\n\nTo allow the customization to effectively take place, this commit is\nslightly changing how EC2 images are activated.\n\nThe Name tag and the AMI Name are not always sharing the same value\nexactly anymore. If the user provides a SnaphsotName, the raw value is\nset in the `Name` tag and the AMI name is set to `$SnaphsotName-$UUID`\n(to make it unique).\n\nThis means that the `Name` tag can't be used anymore for the maintenance\ntooling. The tooling will have to use the new Build-By tag to identify\nthe images built by osbuild-composer.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name"}},{"before":"bb5e84a450532c822b00987a250af47678fa2d25","after":"497aec0ed2e4ba77e4539851539b110ceca47362","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-01-22T08:54:32.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name\n\nIn the frontend a new field is allowing user to setup customized names\nfor their images (see\nhttps://github.com/RedHatInsights/image-builder-frontend/pull/1136).\n\nTo allow the customization to effectively take place, this commit is\nslightly changing how EC2 images are activated.\n\nThe Name tag and the AMI Name are not always sharing the same value\nexactly anymore. If the user provides a SnaphsotName, the raw value is\nset in the `Name` tag and the AMI name is set to `$SnaphsotName-$UUID`\n(to make it unique).\n\nThis means that the `Name` tag can't be used anymore for the maintenance\ntooling. The tooling will have to use the new Build-By tag to identify\nthe images built by osbuild-composer.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name"}},{"before":"d1c68621cc659ad533d5d54786ee1f4016981b38","after":"bb5e84a450532c822b00987a250af47678fa2d25","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-01-19T08:16:30.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name\n\nIn the frontend a new field is allowing user to setup customized names\nfor their images (see\nhttps://github.com/RedHatInsights/image-builder-frontend/pull/1136).\n\nTo allow the customization to effectively take place, this commit is\nslightly changing how EC2 images are activated.\n\nThe Name tag and the AMI Name are not always sharing the same value\nexactly anymore. If the user provides a SnaphsotName, the raw value is\nset in the `Name` tag and the AMI name is set to `$SnaphsotName-$UUID`\n(to make it unique).\n\nThis means that the `Name` tag can't be used anymore for the maintenance\ntooling. The tooling will have to use the new Build-By tag to identify\nthe images built by osbuild-composer.\n\nWIP: test adding an optional TagName field","shortMessageHtmlLink":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name"}},{"before":"7c1c4915f49d61f440f7e4dbc40d779308f16c22","after":"d1c68621cc659ad533d5d54786ee1f4016981b38","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-01-18T15:53:24.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"WIP: test adding an optional TagName field","shortMessageHtmlLink":"WIP: test adding an optional TagName field"}},{"before":"7854adfda78f4ec47344cc07430ca42cbf14bdc0","after":"7c1c4915f49d61f440f7e4dbc40d779308f16c22","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-01-18T15:48:47.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"WIP: test adding an optional TagName field","shortMessageHtmlLink":"WIP: test adding an optional TagName field"}},{"before":"2f716bb44474bb6275fcc2837a7140b7f373a4e8","after":"7854adfda78f4ec47344cc07430ca42cbf14bdc0","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-01-18T15:19:21.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"WIP: test repurposing the Key field in a NameTag field without any\nrenaming to see if the CI likes it or not.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"WIP: test repurposing the Key field in a NameTag field without any"}},{"before":"e1719aade210583bba69c72e9427aecdfdd446ac","after":"2f716bb44474bb6275fcc2837a7140b7f373a4e8","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-01-18T13:29:07.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"WIP: test repurposing the Key field in a NameTag field without any\nrenaming to see if the CI likes it or not.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"WIP: test repurposing the Key field in a NameTag field without any"}},{"before":"9507d3b0cef675d0facb09b5361dfdf605baf860","after":"e1719aade210583bba69c72e9427aecdfdd446ac","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-01-17T16:10:00.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name\n\nIn the frontend a new field is allowing user to setup customized names\nfor their images (see\nhttps://github.com/RedHatInsights/image-builder-frontend/pull/1136).\n\nIn order to allow the customization to effectively take place, this\ncommit is slightly changing how EC2 images are activated.\n\nThe Name tag and the AMI Name are not always sharing the same value\nexactly anymore. If the user provided no customization, the behavior is\nidentical as before, but if the user did give a SnaphsotName, then the\nraw name is put in the `Name` tag and the AMI name will be set to\n`$SnaphsotName-$UUID` (to make it unique).\n\nThis means that the `Name` tag can't be used anymore for the maintenance\ntooling. It will have to use the new Build-By tag to identify what are\nthe images built by osbuild-composer.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name"}},{"before":"ec07fd138b472f9f1cb858a216d1b9024525fa2d","after":"9507d3b0cef675d0facb09b5361dfdf605baf860","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-01-17T16:08:06.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name\n\nIn the frontend a new field is allowing user to setup customized names\nfor their images (see\nhttps://github.com/RedHatInsights/image-builder-frontend/pull/1136).\n\nIn order to allow the customization to effectively take place, this\ncommit is slightly changing how EC2 images are activated.\n\nThe Name tag and the AMI Name are not always sharing the same value\nexactly anymore. If the user provided no customization, the behavior is\nidentical as before, but if the user did give a SnaphsotName, then the\nraw name is put in the `Name` tag and the AMI name will be set to\n`$SnaphsotName-$UUID` (to make it unique).\n\nThis means that the `Name` tag can't be used anymore for the maintenance\ntooling. It will have to use the new Build-By tag to identify what are\nthe images built by osbuild-composer.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name"}},{"before":"9eb8f170116e2e77c304d3a1946d35d882e7d900","after":"ec07fd138b472f9f1cb858a216d1b9024525fa2d","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-01-15T10:38:18.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name\n\nIn the frontend a new field is allowing user to setup customized names\nfor their images (see\nhttps://github.com/RedHatInsights/image-builder-frontend/pull/1136).\n\nIn order to allow the customization to effectively take place, this\ncommit is slightly changing how EC2 images are activated.\n\nBefore, two identical informations where communicated, the `Name` tag\nand the AMI Name. Both being set to an identical generated value\nstarting with `composer-api-*`.\n\nThe maintenance service is using the `Name` tag value to filter out\nwhich images are generated by composer by looking for the ones starting\nwith `composer-api-*`.\n\nHowever, Tags can't be shared. Which means that no matter what is the\nvalue we choose to put int the `Name` tag, the service user won't get\naccess to it.\n\nWhich means that the custom name only needs to be set in the AMI Name.\nMeaning that the logic around the `Name` tag stays identical. Therefore\neliminating the need to update the maintenance service.\n\nAMI Names must be unique. If a user is creating twice the same\nimage with the same name, AWS would refuse the upload. To avoid getting\nthe user blocked by this composer is appending a UUID to the custom\nname, therefore making it most probably unique.\n\nLastly, tags are set both to the AMI and the snapshot, for consistency,\nthe same tags are sent for both of them.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name"}},{"before":"1f64d575ccea6f704eaf072765bc286ec06e3e47","after":"9eb8f170116e2e77c304d3a1946d35d882e7d900","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-01-15T09:01:36.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name\n\nIn the frontend a new field is allowing user to setup customized names\nfor their images (see\nhttps://github.com/RedHatInsights/image-builder-frontend/pull/1136).\n\nIn order to allow the customization to effectively take place, this\ncommit is slightly changing how EC2 images are activated.\n\nBefore, two identical informations where communicated, the `Name` tag\nand the AMI Name. Both being set to an identical generated value\nstarting with `composer-api-*`.\n\nThe maintenance service is using the `Name` tag value to filter out\nwhich images are generated by composer by looking for the ones starting\nwith `composer-api-*`.\n\nHowever, Tags can't be shared. Which means that no matter what is the\nvalue we choose to put int the `Name` tag, the service user won't get\naccess to it.\n\nWhich means that the custom name only needs to be set in the AMI Name.\nMeaning that the logic around the `Name` tag stays identical. Therefore\neliminating the need to update the maintenance service.\n\nAMI Names must be unique. If a user is creating twice the same\nimage with the same name, AWS would refuse the upload. To avoid getting\nthe user blocked by this composer is appending a UUID to the custom\nname, therefore making it most probably unique.\n\nLastly, tags are set both to the AMI and the snapshot, for consistency,\nthe same tags are sent for both of them.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name"}},{"before":"e68b632f04b081a5d511f41b754e162903b007eb","after":"1f64d575ccea6f704eaf072765bc286ec06e3e47","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-01-12T13:27:05.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name\n\nIn the frontend a new field is allowing user to setup customized names\nfor their images (see\nhttps://github.com/RedHatInsights/image-builder-frontend/pull/1136).\n\nIn order to allow the customization to effectively take place, this\ncommit is slightly changing how EC2 images are activated.\n\nBefore, two identical informations where communicated, the `Name` tag\nand the AMI Name. Both being set to an identical generated value\nstarting with `composer-api-*`.\n\nThe maintenance service is using the `Name` tag value to filter out\nwhich images are generated by composer by looking for the ones starting\nwith `composer-api-*`.\n\nHowever, Tags can't be shared. Which means that no matter what is the\nvalue we choose to put int the `Name` tag, the service user won't get\naccess to it.\n\nWhich means that the custom name only needs to be set in the AMI Name.\nMeaning that the logic around the `Name` tag stays identical. Therefore\neliminating the need to update the maintenance service.\n\nAMI Names must be unique. If a user is creating twice the same\nimage with the same name, AWS would refuse the upload. To avoid getting\nthe user blocked by this composer is appending a UUID to the custom\nname, therefore making it most probably unique.\n\nLastly, tags are set both to the AMI and the snapshot, for consistency,\nthe same tags are sent for both of them.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name"}},{"before":"02a56b1a65db7e254a42ad8fb2f8749ed2981777","after":"e68b632f04b081a5d511f41b754e162903b007eb","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-01-10T09:59:41.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name\n\nIn the frontend a new field is allowing user to setup customized names\nfor their images (see\nhttps://github.com/RedHatInsights/image-builder-frontend/pull/1136).\n\nIn order to allow the customization to effectively take place, this\ncommit is slightly changing how EC2 images are activated.\n\nBefore, two identical informations where communicated, the `Name` tag\nand the AMI Name. Both being set to an identical generated value\nstarting with `composer-api-*`.\n\nThe maintenance service is using the `Name` tag value to filter out\nwhich images are generated by composer by looking for the ones starting\nwith `composer-api-*`.\n\nHowever, Tags can't be shared. Which means that no matter what is the\nvalue we choose to put int the `Name` tag, the service user won't get\naccess to it.\n\nWhich means that the custom name only needs to be set in the AMI Name.\nMeaning that the logic around the `Name` tag stays identical. Therefore\neliminating the need to update the maintenance service.\n\nAMI Names must be unique. If a user is creating twice the same\nimage with the same name, AWS would refuse the upload. To avoid getting\nthe user blocked by this composer is appending a UUID to the custom\nname, therefore making it most probably unique.\n\nLastly, tags are set both to the AMI and the snapshot, for consistency,\nthe same tags are sent for both of them.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name"}},{"before":"23dbfcd2af1fd00381528e5c5c34ad350bdb545c","after":"02a56b1a65db7e254a42ad8fb2f8749ed2981777","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-01-10T09:44:48.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name\n\nIn the frontend a new field is allowing user to setup customized names\nfor their images (see\nhttps://github.com/RedHatInsights/image-builder-frontend/pull/1136).\n\nIn order to allow the customization to effectively take place, this\ncommit is slightly changing how EC2 images are activated.\n\nBefore, two identical informations where communicated, the `Name` tag\nand the AMI Name. Both being set to an identical generated value\nstarting with `composer-api-*`.\n\nThe maintenance service is using the `Name` tag value to filter out\nwhich images are generated by composer by looking for the ones starting\nwith `composer-api-*`.\n\nHowever, Tags can't be shared. Which means that no matter what is the\nvalue we choose to put int the `Name` tag, the service user won't get\naccess to it.\n\nWhich means that the custom name only needs to be set in the AMI Name.\nMeaning that the logic around the `Name` tag stays identical. Therefore\neliminating the need to update the maintenance service.\n\nAMI Names must be unique. If a user is creating twice the same\nimage with the same name, AWS would refuse the upload. To avoid getting\nthe user blocked by this composer is appending a UUID to the custom\nname, therefore making it most probably unique.\n\nLastly, tags are set both to the AMI and the snapshot, for consistency,\nthe same tags are sent for both of them.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name"}},{"before":null,"after":"23dbfcd2af1fd00381528e5c5c34ad350bdb545c","ref":"refs/heads/hms-2959","pushedAt":"2024-01-09T16:46:36.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name\n\nIn the frontend a new field is allowing user to setup customized names\nfor their images (see\nhttps://github.com/RedHatInsights/image-builder-frontend/pull/1136).\n\nIn order to allow the customization to effectively take place, this\ncommit is slightly changing how EC2 images are activated.\n\nBefore, two identical informations where communicated, the `Name` tag\nand the AMI Name. Both being set to an identical generated value\nstarting with `composer-api-*`.\n\nThe maintenance service is using the `Name` tag value to filter out\nwhich images are generated by composer by looking for the ones starting\nwith `composer-api-*`.\n\nHowever, Tags can't be shared. Which means that no matter what is the\nvalue we choose to put int the `Name` tag, the service user won't get\naccess to it.\n\nWhich means that the custom name only needs to be set in the AMI Name.\nMeaning that the logic around the `Name` tag stays identical. Therefore\neliminating the need to update the maintenance service.\n\nAMI Names must be unique. If a user is creating twice the same\nimage with the same name, AWS would refuse the upload. To avoid getting\nthe user blocked by this composer is appending a UUID to the custom\nname, therefore making it most probably unique.\n\nLastly, tags are set both to the AMI and the snapshot, for consistency,\nthe same tags are sent for both of them.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"aws: allow the user to customize their AMI name"}},{"before":"92412776f3b9d305085195c5303fb244563daa53","after":"239be9e5503d0fcefc151c8f9bf969e736bdf3ac","ref":"refs/heads/profiling","pushedAt":"2023-09-15T12:38:50.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"composer/main: debug entry point for profiling\n\nThis commit adds a debug mode for composer that can be toggled via a\nparameter in the config file. When the profile_port is set to any other\nvalue than -1, the debug entry points will be reachable for the composer\nmain process.\n\nhttp://localhot:$profile_port/debug/pprof for a global look at all the\nexposed entry points\n\n- Run CPU profiling on composer for 5 seconds:\n\n```\ncurl -o profile.out http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=5\ngo tool pprof -http=localhost:8080 profile.out\n```\n\nThen visit http://localhot:8080 to access the interactive view on the\nCPU performance of the application\n\n- Tracing for 5 seconds:\n\n```\ncurl -o trace.out http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/trace?seconds=5\ngo tool trace trace.out\n```\n\nThen visit the page served by the trace tool.\nThere you can have many more different view about the application being\ntraced:\n- what CPUs are executing at a given point in time\n- how long each task is taking\n- What is the overall memory usage and CPU usage\nCheckout: https://pkg.go.dev/runtime/trace\n\n- Get Memory profiling for composer:\n\ngo tool pprof -http=localhost:8080 http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/heap\n\nFor more info: https://jvns.ca/blog/2017/09/24/profiling-go-with-pprof/","shortMessageHtmlLink":"composer/main: debug entry point for profiling"}},{"before":null,"after":"92412776f3b9d305085195c5303fb244563daa53","ref":"refs/heads/profiling","pushedAt":"2023-06-22T07:38:29.864Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"composer/main: debug entry point for profiling\n\nThis commit adds a debug mode for composer that can be toggled via a\nparameter in the config file. When the profile_port is set to any other\nvalue than -1, the debug entry points will be reachable for the composer\nmain process.\n\nhttp://localhot:$profile_port/debug/pprof for a global look at all the\nexposed entry points\n\n- Run CPU profiling on composer for 5 seconds:\n\n```\ncurl -o profile.out http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=5\ngo tool pprof -http=localhost:8080 profile.out\n```\n\nThen visit http://localhot:8080 to access the interactive view on the\nCPU performance of the application\n\n- Tracing for 5 seconds:\n\n```\ncurl -o trace.out http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/trace?seconds=5\ngo tool trace trace.out\n```\n\nThen visit the page served by the trace tool.\nThere you can have many more different view about the application being\ntraced:\n- what CPUs are executing at a given point in time\n- how long each task is taking\n- What is the overall memory usage and CPU usage\nCheckout: https://pkg.go.dev/runtime/trace\n\n- Get Memory profiling for composer:\n\ngo tool pprof -http=localhost:8080 http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/heap\n\nFor more info: https://jvns.ca/blog/2017/09/24/profiling-go-with-pprof/","shortMessageHtmlLink":"composer/main: debug entry point for profiling"}},{"before":null,"after":"9e7e905852af45d13a09ae1ea0beccb20ed32350","ref":"refs/heads/rpm_failure","pushedAt":"2023-06-09T12:47:28.981Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"worker/server: handle RPM errors\n\nAs requested by https://issues.redhat.com/browse/HMS-1442 implement a\nsimple routine to extract the RPM errors and forward them to the user.\n\nThis only changes the way the JobError is computed, when the\nOSBuildJorResult is download, so it'll be compatible with any route to\nexpose the information.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"worker/server: handle RPM errors"}},{"before":"dfda08607292156e32e2a9b6c3ea0b6cb6342978","after":"fa304fa2ff0109dfa978372eb46146873ae39082","ref":"refs/heads/jobqueue","pushedAt":"2023-05-30T14:51:16.082Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"jobqueue: [], {}, nil and null are considered empty\n\n[], {}, nil and null are considered empty and now there is possibility\nto query the database to ask whether a field is empty or instead of\nknowing if it exists.\n\nQuerying a field that contains [] will return a corresponding empty list\nobject, while querying nil/null for a list would return nil.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"jobqueue: [], {}, nil and null are considered empty"}},{"before":"16c6732c828be826f69391db104266111619dfc4","after":"dfda08607292156e32e2a9b6c3ea0b6cb6342978","ref":"refs/heads/jobqueue","pushedAt":"2023-05-30T07:03:47.080Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"jobqueue: [], {}, nil and null are considered empty\n\n[], {}, nil and null are considered empty and now there is possibility\nto query the database to ask whether a field is empty or instead of\nknowing if it exists.\n\nQuerying a field that contains [] will return a corresponding empty list\nobject, while querying nil/null for a list would return nil.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"jobqueue: [], {}, nil and null are considered empty"}},{"before":"8eba42be5e6de801ded4629d7a2c9c9bef11a77e","after":"16c6732c828be826f69391db104266111619dfc4","ref":"refs/heads/jobqueue","pushedAt":"2023-05-26T14:47:12.493Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"jobqueue: [], {}, nil and null are considered empty\n\n[], {}, nil and null are considered empty and now there is possibility\nto query the database to ask whether a field is empty or instead of\nknowing if it exists.\n\nQuerying a field that contains [] will return a corresponding empty list\nobject, while querying nil/null for a list would return nil.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"jobqueue: [], {}, nil and null are considered empty"}},{"before":"3232155151ca2d96f9a79058c1fd4d541645c97b","after":"8eba42be5e6de801ded4629d7a2c9c9bef11a77e","ref":"refs/heads/jobqueue","pushedAt":"2023-05-26T10:20:39.597Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"dbjobqueue: treat \"null\" answer as nil\n\nPostgres will return \"null\" if the json contains this value for a given\nfield. This isn't an issue for unmarshalling as is will successfully\nunpack that value to nil.\n\nHowever, in a case where the field we want to recover from the DB is to\nbe stored under another one that happen to be also nil, the previous\nimplementation would've instantiated the parent level to allocate a nil\nvalue to its field child (the one requested).\n\nThen all kinds of bad behavior can happen, like if the user relies on\nthe absence of value of that parent field to take a decision for\ninstance.\n\nThe commit adds a new test that depicts a google example of what that\nmeans.\n\nThe solution to that is to tread the literal \"null\" value as nil and to\navoid exploring the data structure, and thus avoiding creating instances\nalong the way.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"dbjobqueue: treat \"null\" answer as nil"}},{"before":"3ab4d8158deb2f01bbc164ee644e067e8defd4a2","after":"3232155151ca2d96f9a79058c1fd4d541645c97b","ref":"refs/heads/jobqueue","pushedAt":"2023-05-26T09:57:37.100Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"lavocatt","name":"Thomas Lavocat","path":"/lavocatt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86971992?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"cloudapi/v2: customize error+log for async DB\n\nReturn a customized internal error when the Async DB search was not\npossible. Also log when error related to Async DB occur","shortMessageHtmlLink":"cloudapi/v2: customize error+log for async DB"}}],"hasNextPage":true,"hasPreviousPage":false,"activityType":"all","actor":null,"timePeriod":"all","sort":"DESC","perPage":30,"cursor":"djE6ks8AAAAD-HJ_AwA","startCursor":null,"endCursor":null}},"title":"Activity ยท lavocatt/osbuild-composer"}