To run the demo, perform the following steps.
Create a MySQL database with name hares with the following table and some test data:
CREATE TABLE `hare` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `color` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `age` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); INSERT INTO hare (name, color, age) VALUES ("Hansel", "Gray", 3); INSERT INTO hare (name, color, age) VALUES ("Henrietta", "White", 2); INSERT INTO hare (name, color, age) VALUES ("Henry", "Black", 9); INSERT INTO hare (name, color, age) VALUES ("Harry", "Gray", 400);
With MySQL running, start the Speedment code generator tool
mvn speedment:tool
Enter database credentials in the UI, fill in the schema hares
Generate code by clicking the "Generate" button without changing any defaults
Exit the Speedment Tool
Build and the application
mvn -Djdbc.password=<pwd> -Djdbc.username=<user> compile exec:java
Point a browser to the Vaadin UI http://localhost:8080
Add data to the hares MySQL table and return to the browser to see all data updated.