Etherpad-admin is an interface which lists all the existing pads in an Etherpad-lite installation, allows you to delete pads, create pads and get some informations about the pads. You can also manage templates for new pads : set texts and reuse them for creating pads.
There is no authentication, so anyone can delete pads. Remember to set an authentication on the web server (see the nginx example file).
From version 0.03, Etherpad-admin uses the Etherpad Lite API, there is a lot of changes, so, please, read this README carefully.
The dependancies are handled by carton
. Install it with cpan
or from your distribution's repositories:
sudo cpan Carton
sudo apt-get install carton
Once carton
is installed, install the dependancies:
carton install
You will find a configuration file in the git repository : examples/etherpad_admin.conf.sample
Recopy or rename the one you need in etherpad_admin.conf
: denies the pads' deletion if equal to 0, allows (anyone !) to delete pads if equal to 1.etherpadurl
: this is the administrated etherpad's URL.etherpadapiurl
: Optional if the etherpad api url needs to be different from etherpadurlepluser
: Optional the epl user if it needs an authenticationeplpassword
: Optional the epl password if it needs an authenticationapikey
: this is the administrated etherpad's secret API key.urlprefix
: the path you use to access etherpad-admin. For example, if you access it with the URL, urlprefix has to be '/etherpad-admin'. If you access it by the URL, it will be ''.hypnotoad
: the hypnotoad web server configuration. Please, have a look here :
hypnotoad => {
user => 'www-data',
group => 'www-data',
listen => [''],
workers => 2,
allowdelete => 0,
etherpadurl => '',
apikey => 'S3cr3tP4ss',
urlprefix => '/liste'
carton exec hypnotoad script/etherpad_admin
With the example init script:
sudo cp examples/etherpad-admin.initscript /etc/init.d/etherpad-admin
sudo cp examples/etherpad-admin.default /etc/default/etherpad-admin
sudo vi /etc/default/etherpad-admin
sudo update-rc.d etherpad-admin defaults
sudo service etherpad-admin start
Etherpad-admin uses the Twitter Bootstrap which code is available under the Apache License v2.0 and jQuery which code is available under the MIT License.
Etherpad-admin is distributed under the terms of the Apache License v2.0.
In order to consult and/or get Etherpad-admin's source code, you can go to the github repository.
You'll find an init script and a nginx configuration file in the examples directory.