From 05d8b4f38b5aa5480491f6764aa522d283aacdae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Xavier-Fran=C3=A7ois=20Roblot?= <> Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2022 04:10:59 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] feat(ring_theory/polynomial/vieta): add version of prod_X_add_C_eq_sum_esymm for multiset (#15008) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit This is a proof of Vieta's formula for `multiset`: ```lean lemma multiset.prod_X_add_C_eq_sum_esymm (s : multiset R) : ( (λ r, polynomial.X + polynomial.C r)).prod = ∑ j in finset.range (s.card + 1), (polynomial.C (s.esymm j) * polynomial.X ^ (s.card - j)) ``` where ```lean def multiset.esymm (s : multiset R) (n : ℕ) : R := ((s.powerset_len n).map ``` From this, we deduce the proof of the formula for `mv_polynomial`: ```lean lemma prod_C_add_X_eq_sum_esymm : (∏ i : σ, (polynomial.X + polynomial.C (X i)) : polynomial (mv_polynomial σ R) )= ∑ j in range (card σ + 1), (polynomial.C (esymm σ R j) * polynomial.X ^ (card σ - j)) ``` with ```lean def mv_polynomial.esymm (n : ℕ) : mv_polynomial σ R := ∑ t in powerset_len n univ, ∏ i in t, X i ``` It is better to go in this direction since there does not seem to be a natural way to prove the `multiset` version from the `mv_polynomial` version due to the difficulty to enumerate the elements of a `multiset` with a `fintype`, see this [Zulip thread]( and the discussion from We prove, as suggested in [#14908]( , that `mv_polynomial.esymm` is obtained by specialising `multiset.esymm`. However, we do not refactor the results of `ring_theory/polynomial/symmetric` in terms of `multiset.esymm`. From flt-regular --- src/ring_theory/polynomial/symmetric.lean | 20 +++ src/ring_theory/polynomial/vieta.lean | 182 +++++++++++++--------- 2 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/ring_theory/polynomial/symmetric.lean b/src/ring_theory/polynomial/symmetric.lean index b78c8f5f48c62..73dfdb5f2d340 100644 --- a/src/ring_theory/polynomial/symmetric.lean +++ b/src/ring_theory/polynomial/symmetric.lean @@ -44,6 +44,15 @@ open equiv (perm) open_locale big_operators noncomputable theory +namespace multiset + +variables {R : Type*} [comm_semiring R] + +/-- The `n`th elementary symmetric function evaluated at the elements of `s` -/ +def esymm (s : multiset R) (n : ℕ) : R := ((s.powerset_len n).map + +end multiset + namespace mv_polynomial variables {σ : Type*} {R : Type*} @@ -121,6 +130,17 @@ variables (σ R) [comm_semiring R] [comm_semiring S] [fintype σ] [fintype τ] def esymm (n : ℕ) : mv_polynomial σ R := ∑ t in powerset_len n univ, ∏ i in t, X i +/-- The `n`th elementary symmetric `mv_polynomial σ R` is obtained by evaluating the +`n`th elementary symmetric at the `multiset` of the monomials -/ +lemma esymm_eq_multiset.esymm (n : ℕ) : + esymm σ R n = + multiset.esymm ( (λ i : σ, (X i : mv_polynomial σ R)) finset.univ.val) n := +begin + rw [esymm, multiset.esymm, finset.sum_eq_multiset_sum], + conv_lhs { congr, congr, funext, rw finset.prod_eq_multiset_prod }, + rw [multiset.powerset_len_map, ←map_val_val_powerset_len, multiset.map_map, multiset.map_map], +end + /-- We can define `esymm σ R n` by summing over a subtype instead of over `powerset_len`. -/ lemma esymm_eq_sum_subtype (n : ℕ) : esymm σ R n = ∑ t : {s : finset σ // s.card = n}, ∏ i in (t : finset σ), X i := diff --git a/src/ring_theory/polynomial/vieta.lean b/src/ring_theory/polynomial/vieta.lean index 89f365ece15ab..93ec3fb2d4213 100644 --- a/src/ring_theory/polynomial/vieta.lean +++ b/src/ring_theory/polynomial/vieta.lean @@ -9,95 +9,137 @@ import ring_theory.polynomial.symmetric /-! # Vieta's Formula -The main result is `vieta.prod_X_add_C_eq_sum_esymm`, which shows that the product of linear terms -`λ + X i` is equal to a linear combination of the symmetric polynomials `esymm σ R j`. +The main result is `multiset.prod_X_add_C_eq_sum_esymm`, which shows that the product of +linear terms ` X + λ` with `λ` in a `multiset s` is equal to a linear combination of the +symmetric functions `esymm s`. -## Implementation Notes: - -We first take the viewpoint where the "roots" `X i` are variables. This means we work over -`polynomial (mv_polynomial σ R)`, which enables us to talk about linear combinations of -`esymm σ R j`. We then derive Vieta's formula in `polynomial R` by giving a -valuation from each `X i` to `r i`. +From this, we deduce `mv_polynomial.prod_X_add_C_eq_sum_esymm` which is the equivalent formula +for the product of linear terms `X + X i` with `i` in a `fintype σ` as a linear combination +of the symmetric polynomials `esymm σ R j`. -/ open_locale big_operators polynomial -open finset polynomial fintype +namespace multiset -namespace mv_polynomial +section semiring variables {R : Type*} [comm_semiring R] -variables (σ : Type*) [fintype σ] -/-- A sum version of Vieta's formula. Viewing `X i` as variables, -the product of linear terms `λ + X i` is equal to a linear combination of -the symmetric polynomials `esymm σ R j`. -/ -lemma prod_X_add_C_eq_sum_esymm : - (∏ i : σ, (polynomial.C (X i) + polynomial.X) : polynomial (mv_polynomial σ R) )= - ∑ j in range (card σ + 1), - (polynomial.C (esymm σ R j) * polynomial.X ^ (card σ - j)) := +/-- A sum version of Vieta's formula for `multiset`: the product of the linear terms `X + λ` where +`λ` runs through a multiset `s` is equal to a linear combination of the symmetric functions +`esymm s` of the `λ`'s .-/ +lemma prod_X_add_C_eq_sum_esymm (s : multiset R) : + ( (λ r, polynomial.X + polynomial.C r)).prod = + ∑ j in finset.range (s.card + 1), (polynomial.C (s.esymm j) * polynomial.X^(s.card - j)) := begin classical, - rw [prod_add, sum_powerset], - refine sum_congr begin congr end (λ j hj, _), - rw [esymm, map_sum, sum_mul], - refine sum_congr rfl (λ t ht, _), - have h : (univ \ t).card = card σ - j := - by { rw card_sdiff ( ht).1, congr, exact ( ht).2 }, - rw [map_prod, prod_const, ← h], + rw [prod_map_add, antidiagonal_eq_map_powerset, map_map, ←bind_powerset_len, function.comp, + map_bind, sum_bind, finset.sum_eq_multiset_sum, finset.range_coe, map_congr (eq.refl _)], + intros _ _, + rw [esymm, ←sum_hom', ←sum_map_mul_right, map_congr (eq.refl _)], + intros _ ht, + rw mem_powerset_len at ht, + simp [ht, map_const, prod_repeat, prod_hom', map_id', card_sub], end -/-- A fully expanded sum version of Vieta's formula, evaluated at the roots. -The product of linear terms `X + r i` is equal to `∑ j in range (n + 1), e_j * X ^ (n - j)`, -where `e_j` is the `j`th symmetric polynomial of the constant terms `r i`. -/ -lemma prod_X_add_C_eval (r : σ → R) : ∏ i : σ, (polynomial.C (r i) + polynomial.X) = - ∑ i in range (card σ + 1), (∑ t in powerset_len i (univ : finset σ), - ∏ i in t, polynomial.C (r i)) * polynomial.X ^ (card σ - i) := +/-- Vieta's formula for the coefficients of the product of linear terms `X + λ` where `λ` runs +through a multiset `s` : the `k`th coefficient is the symmetric function `esymm (card s - k) s`. -/ +lemma prod_X_add_C_coeff (s : multiset R) {k : ℕ} (h : k ≤ s.card): + polynomial.coeff ( (λ r, polynomial.X + polynomial.C r)).prod k = + s.esymm (s.card - k) := begin - classical, - have h := @prod_X_add_C_eq_sum_esymm _ _ σ _, - apply_fun ( (eval r)) at h, - rw [polynomial.map_prod, polynomial.map_sum] at h, - convert h, - simp only [eval_X, polynomial.map_add, polynomial.map_C, polynomial.map_X, eq_self_iff_true], - funext, - simp only [function.funext_iff, esymm, polynomial.map_C, polynomial.map_sum, map_sum, - polynomial.map_C, polynomial.map_pow, polynomial.map_X, polynomial.map_mul], - congr, - funext, - simp only [eval_prod, eval_X, map_prod], + convert (prod_X_add_C_eq_sum_esymm s) k, + simp_rw [polynomial.finset_sum_coeff, polynomial.coeff_C_mul_X_pow], + rw finset.sum_eq_single_of_mem (s.card - k) _, + { rw if_pos (nat.sub_sub_self h).symm, }, + { intros j hj1 hj2, + suffices : k ≠ card s - j, + { rw if_neg this, }, + { intro hn, + rw [hn, nat.sub_sub_self ( ( hj1))] at hj2, + exact ne.irrefl hj2, }}, + { rw finset.mem_range, + exact nat.sub_lt_succ s.card k } +end + +end semiring + +section ring + +variables {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] + +lemma esymm_neg (s : multiset R) (k : ℕ) : + (map has_neg.neg s).esymm k = (-1)^k * esymm s k := +begin + rw [esymm, esymm, ←multiset.sum_map_mul_left, multiset.powerset_len_map, multiset.map_map, + map_congr (eq.refl _)], + intros x hx, + rw [(by { exact ( hx).right.symm }), ←prod_repeat, ←multiset.map_const], + nth_rewrite 2 ←map_id' x, + rw [←prod_map_mul, map_congr (eq.refl _)], + exact λ z _, neg_one_mul z, +end + +lemma prod_X_sub_C_eq_sum_esymm (s : multiset R) : + ( (λ t, polynomial.X - polynomial.C t)).prod = + ∑ j in finset.range (s.card + 1), + (-1)^j* (polynomial.C (s.esymm j) * polynomial.X ^ (s.card - j)) := +begin + conv_lhs { congr, congr, funext, rw sub_eq_add_neg, rw ←map_neg polynomial.C _, }, + convert prod_X_add_C_eq_sum_esymm (map (λ t, -t) s) using 1, + { rwa map_map, }, + { simp only [esymm_neg, card_map, mul_assoc, map_mul, map_pow, map_neg, map_one], }, end -lemma esymm_to_sum (r : σ → R) (j : ℕ) : polynomial.C (eval r (esymm σ R j)) = - ∑ t in powerset_len j (univ : finset σ), ∏ i in t, polynomial.C (r i) := -by simp only [esymm, eval_sum, eval_prod, eval_X, map_sum, map_prod] +lemma prod_X_sub_C_coeff (s : multiset R) {k : ℕ} (h : k ≤ s.card): + polynomial.coeff ( (λ t, polynomial.X - polynomial.C t)).prod k = + (-1)^(s.card - k) * s.esymm (s.card - k) := +begin + conv_lhs { congr, congr, congr, funext, rw sub_eq_add_neg, rw ←map_neg polynomial.C _, }, + convert prod_X_add_C_coeff (map (λ t, -t) s) _ using 1, + { rwa map_map, }, + { rwa [esymm_neg, card_map] }, + { rwa card_map }, +end + +end ring + +end multiset + +namespace mv_polynomial + +open finset polynomial fintype + +variables (R σ : Type*) [comm_semiring R] [fintype σ] + +/-- A sum version of Vieta's formula for `mv_polynomial`: viewing `X i` as variables, +the product of linear terms `λ + X i` is equal to a linear combination of +the symmetric polynomials `esymm σ R j`. -/ +lemma prod_C_add_X_eq_sum_esymm : + (∏ i : σ, (polynomial.X + polynomial.C (X i)) : polynomial (mv_polynomial σ R) )= + ∑ j in range (card σ + 1), + (polynomial.C (esymm σ R j) * polynomial.X ^ (card σ - j)) := +begin + let s := ( (λ i : σ, (X i : mv_polynomial σ R)) finset.univ.val), + rw (_ : card σ = s.card), + { simp_rw [esymm_eq_multiset.esymm σ R _, finset.prod_eq_multiset_prod], + convert multiset.prod_X_add_C_eq_sum_esymm s, + rwa multiset.map_map, }, + { rw multiset.card_map, exact rfl, } +end -/-- Vieta's formula for the coefficients of the product of linear terms `X + r i`, -The `k`th coefficient is `∑ t in powerset_len (card σ - k) (univ : finset σ), ∏ i in t, r i`, -i.e. the symmetric polynomial `esymm σ R (card σ - k)` of the constant terms `r i`. -/ -lemma prod_X_add_C_coeff (r : σ → R) (k : ℕ) (h : k ≤ card σ): - polynomial.coeff (∏ i : σ, (polynomial.C (r i) + polynomial.X)) k = - ∑ t in powerset_len (card σ - k) (univ : finset σ), ∏ i in t, r i := +lemma prod_X_add_C_coeff (k : ℕ) (h : k ≤ card σ): + (∏ i : σ, (polynomial.X + polynomial.C (X i)) : polynomial (mv_polynomial σ R) ).coeff k = + esymm σ R (card σ - k) := begin - have hk : filter (λ (x : ℕ), k = card σ - x) (range (card σ + 1)) = {card σ - k} := - begin - refine finset.ext (λ a, ⟨λ ha, _, λ ha, _ ⟩), - rw mem_singleton, - have hσ := (tsub_eq_iff_eq_add_of_le ( - ( ha).1)).mp (( ha).2).symm, - symmetry, - rwa [(tsub_eq_iff_eq_add_of_le h), add_comm], - rw mem_filter, - have haσ : a ∈ range (card σ + 1) := - by { rw ha, exact mem_range_succ_iff.mpr (@tsub_le_self _ _ _ _ _ k) }, - refine ⟨haσ, eq.symm _⟩, - rw tsub_eq_iff_eq_add_of_le ( haσ), - have hσ := (tsub_eq_iff_eq_add_of_le h).mp ( ha).symm, - rwa add_comm, - end, - simp only [prod_X_add_C_eval, ← esymm_to_sum, finset_sum_coeff, coeff_C_mul_X_pow, sum_ite, hk, - sum_singleton, esymm, eval_sum, eval_prod, eval_X, add_zero, sum_const_zero], + let s := ( (λ i : σ, (X i : mv_polynomial σ R)) finset.univ.val), + rw (_ : card σ = s.card) at ⊢ h, + { rw [esymm_eq_multiset.esymm σ R (s.card - k), finset.prod_eq_multiset_prod], + convert multiset.prod_X_add_C_coeff s h, + rwa multiset.map_map }, + repeat { rw multiset.card_map, exact rfl, }, end end mv_polynomial