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feat(category_theory/cofinal): cofinal functors (#4218)
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Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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semorrison and semorrison committed Sep 25, 2020
1 parent dda82fc commit 143c074
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Showing 6 changed files with 317 additions and 14 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/is_connected.lean
Expand Up @@ -157,6 +157,19 @@ begin
rw [w j, w j'],

Another induction principle for `is_preconnected J`:
given a type family `Z : J → Sort*` and
a rule for transporting in *both* directions along a morphism in `J`,
we can transport an `x : Z j₀` to a point in `Z j` for any `j`.
lemma is_preconnected_induction [is_preconnected J] (Z : J → Sort*)
(h₁ : Π {j₁ j₂ : J} (f : j₁ ⟶ j₂), Z j₁ → Z j₂)
(h₂ : Π {j₁ j₂ : J} (f : j₁ ⟶ j₂), Z j₂ → Z j₁)
{j₀ : J} (x : Z j₀) (j : J) : nonempty (Z j) :=
(induct_on_objects {j | nonempty (Z j)} ⟨x⟩
(λ j₁ j₂ f, ⟨by { rintro ⟨y⟩, exact ⟨h₁ f y⟩, }, by { rintro ⟨y⟩, exact ⟨h₂ f y⟩, }⟩) j : _)

/-- j₁ and j₂ are related by `zag` if there is a morphism between them. -/
def zag (j₁ j₂ : J) : Prop := nonempty (j₁ ⟶ j₂) ∨ nonempty (j₂ ⟶ j₁)
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/category_theory/isomorphism.lean
Expand Up @@ -186,19 +186,19 @@ is_iso.inv_hom_id'
inv f ≫ f ≫ g = g :=
(as_iso f).inv_hom_id_assoc g

instance (X : C) : is_iso (𝟙 X) :=
instance id (X : C) : is_iso (𝟙 X) :=
{ inv := 𝟙 X }

instance of_iso (f : X ≅ Y) : is_iso f.hom :=
{ .. f }

instance of_iso_inverse (f : X ≅ Y) : is_iso f.inv :=
instance of_iso_inv (f : X ≅ Y) : is_iso f.inv :=
is_iso.of_iso f.symm

variables {f g : X ⟶ Y} {h : Y ⟶ Z}

instance inv_is_iso [is_iso f] : is_iso (inv f) :=
is_iso.of_iso_inverse (as_iso f)
is_iso.of_iso_inv (as_iso f)

instance comp_is_iso [is_iso f] [is_iso h] : is_iso (f ≫ h) :=
is_iso.of_iso $ (as_iso f) ≪≫ (as_iso h)
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251 changes: 251 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/limits/cofinal.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
import category_theory.limits.limits
import category_theory.punit
import category_theory.comma
import category_theory.is_connected

# Cofinal functors
A functor `F : C ⥤ D` is cofinal if for every `d : D`,
the comma category of morphisms `d ⟶ F.obj c` is connected.
We prove that when `F : C ⥤ D` is cofinal,
the categories of cocones over `G : D ⥤ E` and over `F ⋙ G` are equivalent.
(In fact, via an equivalence which does not change the cocone point.)
As a consequence, the functor `G : D ⥤ E` has a colimit if and only if `F ⋙ F` does
(and in either case, the colimits are isomorphic).
There is a converse which we don't prove here.
I think the correct statement is that if `colimit.pre G F : colimit (F ⋙ G) ⟶ colimit G`
is an isomorphism for all functors `G : D ⥤ Type v`, then `F` is cofinal.
(Unfortunately I don't know a reference that gives the proof.)
## Naming
There is some discrepancy in the literature about naming; some say 'final' instead of 'cofinal'.
The explanation for this is that the 'co' prefix here is *not* the usual category-theoretic one
indicating duality, but rather indicating the sense of "along with".
While the trend seems to be towards using 'final', for now we go with the bulk of the literature
and use 'cofinal'.
## References
* Borceux, Handbook of Categorical Algebra I, Section 2.11.
(Note he reverses the roles of definition and main result relative to here!)

noncomputable theory

universes v u

namespace category_theory
open category_theory.limits

variables {C : Type v} [small_category C]
variables {D : Type v} [small_category D]

A functor `F : C ⥤ D` is cofinal if for every `d : D`, the comma category of morphisms `d ⟶ F.obj c`
is connected.
def cofinal (F : C ⥤ D) : Prop :=
∀ (d : D), is_connected (comma (functor.from_punit d) F)

attribute [class] cofinal

instance (F : C ⥤ D) [ℱ : cofinal F] (d : D) : is_connected (comma (functor.from_punit d) F) :=
ℱ d

namespace cofinal

variables (F : C ⥤ D) [cofinal F]

instance (d : D) : nonempty (comma (functor.from_punit d) F) := (‹cofinal F› d).is_nonempty

variables {E : Type u} [category.{v} E] (G : D ⥤ E)

When `F : C ⥤ D` is cofinal, we denote by `lift F d` an arbitrary choice of object in `C` such that
there exists a morphism `d ⟶ F.obj (lift F d)`.
def lift (d : D) : C :=
(classical.arbitrary (comma (functor.from_punit d) F)).right

When `F : C ⥤ D` is cofinal, we denote by `hom_to_lift` an arbitrary choice of morphism
`d ⟶ F.obj (lift F d)`.
def hom_to_lift (d : D) : d ⟶ F.obj (lift F d) :=
(classical.arbitrary (comma (functor.from_punit d) F)).hom

We provide an induction principle for reasoning about `lift` and `hom_to_lift`.
We want to perform some construction (usually just a proof) about
the particular choices `lift F d` and `hom_to_lift F d`,
it suffices to perform that construction for some other pair of choices
(denoted `X₀ : C` and `k₀ : d ⟶ F.obj X₀` below),
and to show that how to transport such a construction
*both* directions along a morphism between such choices.
lemma induction {d : D} (Z : Π (X : C) (k : d ⟶ F.obj X), Prop)
(h₁ : Π X₁ X₂ (k₁ : d ⟶ F.obj X₁) (k₂ : d ⟶ F.obj X₂) (f : X₁ ⟶ X₂),
(k₁ ≫ f = k₂) → Z X₁ k₁ → Z X₂ k₂)
(h₂ : Π X₁ X₂ (k₁ : d ⟶ F.obj X₁) (k₂ : d ⟶ F.obj X₂) (f : X₁ ⟶ X₂),
(k₁ ≫ f = k₂) → Z X₂ k₂ → Z X₁ k₁)
{X₀ : C} {k₀ : d ⟶ F.obj X₀} (z : Z X₀ k₀) : Z (lift F d) (hom_to_lift F d) :=
apply nonempty.some,
apply @is_preconnected_induction _ _ _
(λ (Y : comma (functor.from_punit d) F), Z Y.right Y.hom) _ _ { right := X₀, hom := k₀, } z,
{ intros, fapply h₁ _ _ _ _ f.right _ a, convert f.w.symm, dsimp, simp, },
{ intros, fapply h₂ _ _ _ _ f.right _ a, convert f.w.symm, dsimp, simp, },

variables {F G}

Given a cocone over `F ⋙ G`, we can construct a `cocone G` with the same cocone point.
def extend_cocone : cocone (F ⋙ G) ⥤ cocone G :=
{ obj := λ c,
{ X := c.X,
ι :=
{ app := λ X, (hom_to_lift F X) ≫ c.ι.app (lift F X),
naturality' := λ X Y f,
dsimp, simp,
-- This would be true if we'd chosen `lift F X` to be `lift F Y`
-- and `hom_to_lift F X` to be `f ≫ hom_to_lift F Y`.
apply induction F
(λ Z k, f ≫ (hom_to_lift F Y) ≫ c.ι.app (lift F Y) = k ≫ c.ι.app Z),
{ intros Z₁ Z₂ k₁ k₂ g a z,
rw [←a, functor.map_comp, category.assoc, ←functor.comp_map, c.w, z], },
{ intros Z₁ Z₂ k₁ k₂ g a z,
rw [←a, functor.map_comp, category.assoc, ←functor.comp_map, c.w] at z,
rw z, },
{ rw [←functor.map_comp_assoc], },
end } },
map := λ X Y f,
{ hom := f.hom, } }

lemma colimit_cocone_comp_aux (s : cocone (F ⋙ G)) (j : C) : (hom_to_lift F (F.obj j)) ≫ s.ι.app (lift F (F.obj j)) =
s.ι.app j :=
-- This point is that this would be true if we took `lift (F.obj j)` to just be `j`
-- and `hom_to_lift (F.obj j)` to be `𝟙 (F.obj j)`.
apply induction F (λ X k, k ≫ s.ι.app X = (s.ι.app j : _)),
{ intros j₁ j₂ k₁ k₂ f w h, rw ←w, rw ← s.w f at h, simpa using h, },
{ intros j₁ j₂ k₁ k₂ f w h, rw ←w at h, rw ← s.w f, simpa using h, },
{ exact s.w (𝟙 _), },

variables (F)

If `F` is cofinal,
the category of cocones on `F ⋙ G` is equivalent to the category of cocones on `G`.
def cocones_equiv : cocone (F ⋙ G) ≌ cocone G :=
{ functor := extend_cocone,
inverse := cocones.whiskering F,
unit_iso := nat_iso.of_components (λ c, cocones.ext (iso.refl _) (by tidy)) (by tidy),
counit_iso := nat_iso.of_components (λ c, cocones.ext (iso.refl _) (by tidy)) (by tidy), }.

When `F` is cofinal, and `t : cocone G`,
`t.whisker F` is a colimit coconne exactly when `t` is.
def is_colimit_whisker_equiv (t : cocone G) : is_colimit (t.whisker F) ≃ is_colimit t :=
is_colimit.of_cocone_equiv (cocones_equiv F).symm

When `F` is cofinal, and `t : cocone (F ⋙ G)`,
`extend_cocone.obj t` is a colimit coconne exactly when `t` is.
def is_colimit_extend_cocone_equiv (t : cocone (F ⋙ G)) :
is_colimit (extend_cocone.obj t) ≃ is_colimit t :=
is_colimit.of_cocone_equiv (cocones_equiv F)

/-- Given a colimit cocone over `G` we can construct a colimit cocone over `F ⋙ G`. -/
def colimit_cocone_comp (t : colimit_cocone G) :
colimit_cocone (F ⋙ G) :=
{ cocone := _,
is_colimit := (is_colimit_whisker_equiv F _).symm (t.is_colimit) }

@[priority 100]
instance comp_has_colimit [has_colimit G] :
has_colimit (F ⋙ G) := (colimit_cocone_comp F (get_colimit_cocone G))

lemma colimit_pre_is_iso_aux {t : cocone G} (P : is_colimit t) :
((is_colimit_whisker_equiv F _).symm P).desc (t.whisker F) = 𝟙 t.X :=
dsimp [is_colimit_whisker_equiv],
apply P.hom_ext,

instance colimit_pre_is_iso [has_colimit G] :
is_iso (colimit.pre G F) :=
rw colimit.pre_eq (colimit_cocone_comp F (get_colimit_cocone G)) (get_colimit_cocone G),
erw colimit_pre_is_iso_aux,

When `F` is cofinal, and `G` has a colimit, then `F ⋙ G` has a colimit also and
`colimit (F ⋙ G) ≅ colimit G`
def colimit_iso [has_colimit G] : colimit (F ⋙ G) ≅ colimit G := as_iso (colimit.pre G F)

/-- Given a colimit cocone over `F ⋙ G` we can construct a colimit cocone over `G`. -/
def colimit_cocone_of_comp (t : colimit_cocone (F ⋙ G)) :
colimit_cocone G :=
{ cocone := extend_cocone.obj t.cocone,
is_colimit := (is_colimit_extend_cocone_equiv F _).symm (t.is_colimit), }

When `F` is cofinal, and `F ⋙ G` has a colimit, then `G` has a colimit also.
We can't make this an instance, because `F` is not determined by the goal.
(Even if this weren't a problem, it would cause a loop with `comp_has_colimit`.)
lemma has_colimit_of_comp [has_colimit (F ⋙ G)] :
has_colimit G := (colimit_cocone_of_comp F (get_colimit_cocone (F ⋙ G)))

local attribute [instance] has_colimit_of_comp

When `F` is cofinal, and `F ⋙ G` has a colimit, then `G` has a colimit also and
`colimit (F ⋙ G) ≅ colimit G`
def colimit_iso' [has_colimit (F ⋙ G)] : colimit (F ⋙ G) ≅ colimit G := as_iso (colimit.pre G F)


end cofinal

end category_theory
55 changes: 47 additions & 8 deletions src/category_theory/limits/limits.lean
Expand Up @@ -559,6 +559,20 @@ def of_cocone_equiv {D : Type u'} [category.{v} D] {G : K ⥤ D}
left_inv := by tidy,
right_inv := by tidy, }

@[simp] lemma of_cocone_equiv_apply_desc {D : Type u'} [category.{v} D] {G : K ⥤ D}
(h : cocone G ≌ cocone F) {c : cocone G} (P : is_colimit (h.functor.obj c)) (s) :
(of_cocone_equiv h P).desc s =
( c).hom ≫
( {hom := P.desc (h.functor.obj s), w' := (by tidy)}).hom ≫
( s).hom :=

@[simp] lemma of_cocone_equiv_symm_apply_desc {D : Type u'} [category.{v} D] {G : K ⥤ D}
(h : cocone G ≌ cocone F) {c : cocone G} (P : is_colimit c) (s) :
((of_cocone_equiv h).symm P).desc s =
( {hom := P.desc (h.inverse.obj s), w' := (by tidy)}).hom ≫ ( s).hom :=

A cocone precomposed with a natural isomorphism is a colimit cocone
if and only if the original cocone is.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -968,12 +982,10 @@ variables (F) [has_limit F] (E : K ⥤ J) [has_limit (E ⋙ F)]
The canonical morphism from the limit of `F` to the limit of `E ⋙ F`.
def limit.pre : limit F ⟶ limit (E ⋙ F) :=
limit.lift (E ⋙ F)
{ X := limit F,
π := { app := λ k, limit.π F (E.obj k) } }
limit.lift (E ⋙ F) ((limit.cone F).whisker E)

@[simp] lemma limit.pre_π (k : K) : limit.pre F E ≫ limit.π (E ⋙ F) k = limit.π F (E.obj k) :=
by erw is_limit.fac
by { erw is_limit.fac, refl }

@[simp] lemma limit.lift_pre (c : cone F) :
limit.lift F c ≫ limit.pre F E = limit.lift (E ⋙ F) (c.whisker E) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1245,6 +1257,23 @@ is_colimit.comp_cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso_hom _ _ _
colimit.ι F j ≫ (is_colimit.cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso hc (colimit.is_colimit _)).inv = c.ι.app j :=
is_colimit.comp_cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso_inv _ _ _

Given any other colimit cocone for `F`, the chosen `colimit F` is isomorphic to the cocone point.
def colimit.iso_colimit_cocone {F : J ⥤ C} [has_colimit F] (t : colimit_cocone F) :
colimit F ≅ t.cocone.X :=
is_colimit.cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso (colimit.is_colimit F) t.is_colimit

@[simp, reassoc] lemma colimit.iso_colimit_cocone_ι_hom
{F : J ⥤ C} [has_colimit F] (t : colimit_cocone F) (j : J) :
colimit.ι F j ≫ (colimit.iso_colimit_cocone t).hom = t.cocone.ι.app j :=
by { dsimp [colimit.iso_colimit_cocone, is_colimit.cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso], tidy, }

@[simp, reassoc] lemma colimit.iso_colimit_cocone_ι_inv
{F : J ⥤ C} [has_colimit F] (t : colimit_cocone F) (j : J) :
t.cocone.ι.app j ≫ (colimit.iso_colimit_cocone t).inv = colimit.ι F j :=
by { dsimp [colimit.iso_colimit_cocone, is_colimit.cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso], tidy, }

@[ext] lemma colimit.hom_ext {F : J ⥤ C} [has_colimit F] {X : C} {f f' : colimit F ⟶ X}
(w : ∀ j, colimit.ι F j ≫ f = colimit.ι F j ≫ f') : f = f' :=
(colimit.is_colimit F).hom_ext w
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1356,12 +1385,10 @@ variables (F) [has_colimit F] (E : K ⥤ J) [has_colimit (E ⋙ F)]
The canonical morphism from the colimit of `E ⋙ F` to the colimit of `F`.
def colimit.pre : colimit (E ⋙ F) ⟶ colimit F :=
colimit.desc (E ⋙ F)
{ X := colimit F,
ι := { app := λ k, colimit.ι F (E.obj k) } }
colimit.desc (E ⋙ F) ((colimit.cocone F).whisker E)

@[simp, reassoc] lemma colimit.ι_pre (k : K) : colimit.ι (E ⋙ F) k ≫ colimit.pre F E = colimit.ι F (E.obj k) :=
by erw is_colimit.fac
by { erw is_colimit.fac, refl, }

@[simp] lemma colimit.pre_desc (c : cocone F) :
colimit.pre F E ≫ colimit.desc F c = colimit.desc (E ⋙ F) (c.whisker E) :=
Expand All @@ -1378,6 +1405,18 @@ begin
exact (colimit.ι_pre F (D ⋙ E) j).symm

variables {E F}

If we have particular colimit cocones available for `E ⋙ F` and for `F`,
we obtain a formula for `colimit.pre F E`.
lemma colimit.pre_eq (s : colimit_cocone (E ⋙ F)) (t : colimit_cocone F) :
colimit.pre F E =
(colimit.iso_colimit_cocone s).hom ≫ s.is_colimit.desc ((t.cocone).whisker E) ≫
(colimit.iso_colimit_cocone t).inv :=
by tidy

end pre

section post
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