diff --git a/src/data/polynomial/div.lean b/src/data/polynomial/div.lean index d00f41b8ff398..93a3fa350b925 100644 --- a/src/data/polynomial/div.lean +++ b/src/data/polynomial/div.lean @@ -424,9 +424,9 @@ variable {R} section multiplicity /-- An algorithm for deciding polynomial divisibility. -The algorithm is "compute `p %ₘ q` and compare to `0`". ` +The algorithm is "compute `p %ₘ q` and compare to `0`". See `polynomial.mod_by_monic` for the algorithm that computes `%ₘ`. - -/ +-/ def decidable_dvd_monic (p : R[X]) (hq : monic q) : decidable (q ∣ p) := decidable_of_iff (p %ₘ q = 0) (dvd_iff_mod_by_monic_eq_zero hq) @@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ begin end /-- The largest power of `X - C a` which divides `p`. -This is computable via the divisibility algorithm `decidable_dvd_monic`. -/ +This is computable via the divisibility algorithm `polynomial.decidable_dvd_monic`. -/ def root_multiplicity (a : R) (p : R[X]) : ℕ := if h0 : p = 0 then 0 else let I : decidable_pred (λ n : ℕ, ¬(X - C a) ^ (n + 1) ∣ p) :=