From 418dc044d07a8d4d2f70a74fc0c1e6ed5e2456a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: tb65536 Date: Sat, 22 May 2021 12:15:36 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] feat(100-theorems-list/16_abel_ruffini): The Abel-Ruffini Theorem (#7562) It's done! Co-authored-by: tb65536 --- .../100-theorems-list/16_abel_ruffini.lean | 178 ++++++++++++++++++ docs/100.yaml | 3 + src/field_theory/separable.lean | 8 + 3 files changed, 189 insertions(+) create mode 100644 archive/100-theorems-list/16_abel_ruffini.lean diff --git a/archive/100-theorems-list/16_abel_ruffini.lean b/archive/100-theorems-list/16_abel_ruffini.lean new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..ecbb10135e75c --- /dev/null +++ b/archive/100-theorems-list/16_abel_ruffini.lean @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +/- +Copyright (c) 2021 Thomas Browning. All rights reserved. +Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. +Authors: Thomas Browning +-/ +import field_theory.abel_ruffini +import analysis.calculus.local_extr +/-! +Construction of an algebraic number that is not solvable by radicals. + +The main ingredients are: + * `solvable_by_rad.is_solvable'` in `field_theory/abel_ruffini` : + an irreducible polynomial with an `is_solvable_by_rad` root has solvable Galois group + * `gal_action_hom_bijective_of_prime_degree'` in `field_theory/polynomial_galois_group` : + an irreducible polynomial of prime degree with 1-3 non-real roots has full Galois group + * `equiv.perm.not_solvable` in `group_theory/solvable` : the symmetric group is not solvable + +Then all that remains is the construction of a specific polynomial satisfying the conditions of +`gal_action_hom_bijective_of_prime_degree'`, which is done in this file. + +-/ + +namespace abel_ruffini + +open function polynomial + +local attribute [instance] splits_ℚ_ℂ + +variables (R : Type*) [comm_ring R] (a b : ℕ) + +/-- A quintic polynomial that we will show is irreducible -/ +noncomputable def Φ : polynomial R := X ^ 5 - C ↑a * X + C ↑b + +variables {R} + +@[simp] lemma map_Phi {S : Type*} [comm_ring S] (f : R →+* S) : (Φ R a b).map f = Φ S a b := +by simp [Φ] + +@[simp] lemma coeff_zero_Phi : (Φ R a b).coeff 0 = ↑b := +by simp [Φ, coeff_X_pow] + +@[simp] lemma coeff_five_Phi : (Φ R a b).coeff 5 = 1 := +by simp [Φ, coeff_X, coeff_C, -C_eq_nat_cast, -ring_hom.map_nat_cast] + +variables [nontrivial R] + +lemma degree_Phi : (Φ R a b).degree = ↑5 := +begin + suffices : degree (X ^ 5 - C ↑a * X) = ↑5, + { rwa [Φ, degree_add_eq_left_of_degree_lt], + rw this, + exact lt_of_le_of_lt degree_C_le (with_bot.coe_lt_coe.mpr (nat.zero_lt_bit1 2)) }, + rw [degree_sub_eq_left_of_degree_lt, degree_X_pow], + rw [degree_X_pow, ←pow_one X], + exact lt_of_le_of_lt (degree_C_mul_X_pow_le _ _) + (with_bot.coe_lt_coe.mpr (nat.one_lt_bit1 two_ne_zero)), +end + +lemma nat_degree_Phi : (Φ R a b).nat_degree = 5 := +nat_degree_eq_of_degree_eq_some (degree_Phi a b) + +lemma leading_coeff_Phi : (Φ R a b).leading_coeff = 1 := +by rw [leading_coeff, nat_degree_Phi, coeff_five_Phi] + +lemma monic_Phi : (Φ R a b).monic := +leading_coeff_Phi a b + +lemma irreducible_Phi (p : ℕ) (hp : (hpa : p ∣ a) (hpb : p ∣ b) (hp2b : ¬ (p ^ 2 ∣ b)) : + irreducible (Φ ℚ a b) := +begin + rw [←map_Phi a b (int.cast_ring_hom ℚ), ←], + apply irreducible_of_eisenstein_criterion, + { rwa [ideal.span_singleton_prime (int.coe_nat_ne_zero.mpr hp.ne_zero), + int.prime_iff_nat_abs_prime] }, + { rw [leading_coeff_Phi, ideal.mem_span_singleton], + exact_mod_cast mt (hp.ne_one) }, + { intros n hn, + rw ideal.mem_span_singleton, + rw [degree_Phi, with_bot.coe_lt_coe] at hn, + interval_cases n with hn; + simp [Φ, coeff_X_pow, coeff_C, int.coe_nat_dvd.mpr, hpb, hpa, -ring_hom.eq_int_cast] }, + { simp only [degree_Phi, ←with_bot.coe_zero, with_bot.coe_lt_coe, nat.succ_pos'] }, + { rwa [coeff_zero_Phi, pow_two, ideal.span_singleton_mul_span_singleton, ←pow_two, + ideal.mem_span_singleton, ←int.coe_nat_pow], + norm_num, + exact mt hp2b }, + all_goals { exact polynomial.monic.is_primitive (monic_Phi a b) }, +end + +lemma real_roots_Phi_le : fintype.card ((Φ ℚ a b).root_set ℝ) ≤ 3 := +begin + rw [←map_Phi a b (algebra_map ℤ ℚ), Φ, ←one_mul (X ^ 5), ←C_1], + refine (card_root_set_le_derivative _).trans + (nat.succ_le_succ ((card_root_set_le_derivative _).trans (nat.succ_le_succ _))), + suffices : ((C ((algebra_map ℤ ℚ) 20) * X ^ 3).root_set ℝ).subsingleton, + { norm_num [fintype.card_le_one_iff_subsingleton, ← mul_assoc, *] at * }, + rw root_set_C_mul_X_pow; norm_num, +end + +lemma real_roots_Phi_ge_aux (hab : b < a) : + ∃ x y : ℝ, x ≠ y ∧ aeval x (Φ ℚ a b) = 0 ∧ aeval y (Φ ℚ a b) = 0 := +begin + let f := λ x : ℝ, aeval x (Φ ℚ a b), + have hf : f = λ x, x ^ 5 - a * x + b := by simp [f, Φ], + have hc : ∀ s : set ℝ, continuous_on f s := λ s, (Φ ℚ a b).continuous_on_aeval, + have ha : (1 : ℝ) ≤ a := nat.one_le_cast.mpr (nat.one_le_of_lt hab), + have hle : (0 : ℝ) ≤ 1 := zero_le_one, + have hf0 : 0 ≤ f 0 := by norm_num [hf], + by_cases hb : (1 : ℝ) - a + b < 0, + { have hf1 : f 1 < 0 := by norm_num [hf, hb], + have hfa : 0 ≤ f a, + { simp_rw [hf, ←sq], + refine add_nonneg (sub_nonneg.mpr (pow_le_pow ha _)) _; norm_num }, + obtain ⟨x, ⟨-, hx1⟩, hx2⟩ := intermediate_value_Ico' hle (hc _) (set.mem_Ioc.mpr ⟨hf1, hf0⟩), + obtain ⟨y, ⟨hy1, -⟩, hy2⟩ := intermediate_value_Ioc ha (hc _) (set.mem_Ioc.mpr ⟨hf1, hfa⟩), + exact ⟨x, y, (hx1.trans hy1).ne, hx2, hy2⟩ }, + { replace hb : (b : ℝ) = a - 1 := by linarith [show (b : ℝ) + 1 ≤ a, by exact_mod_cast hab], + have hf1 : f 1 = 0 := by norm_num [hf, hb], + have hfa := calc f (-a) = a ^ 2 - a ^ 5 + b : by norm_num [hf, ← sq] + ... ≤ a ^ 2 - a ^ 3 + (a - 1) : by refine add_le_add (sub_le_sub_left + (pow_le_pow ha _) _) _; linarith + ... = -(a - 1) ^ 2 * (a + 1) : by ring + ... ≤ 0 : by nlinarith, + have ha' := neg_nonpos.mpr (hle.trans ha), + obtain ⟨x, ⟨-, hx1⟩, hx2⟩ := intermediate_value_Icc ha' (hc _) (set.mem_Icc.mpr ⟨hfa, hf0⟩), + exact ⟨x, 1, (hx1.trans_lt zero_lt_one).ne, hx2, hf1⟩ }, +end + +lemma real_roots_Phi_ge (hab : b < a) : 2 ≤ fintype.card ((Φ ℚ a b).root_set ℝ) := +begin + have q_ne_zero : Φ ℚ a b ≠ 0 := (monic_Phi a b).ne_zero, + obtain ⟨x, y, hxy, hx, hy⟩ := real_roots_Phi_ge_aux a b hab, + have key : ↑({x, y} : finset ℝ) ⊆ (Φ ℚ a b).root_set ℝ, + { simp [set.insert_subset, mem_root_set q_ne_zero, hx, hy] }, + replace key := fintype.card_le_of_embedding (set.embedding_of_subset _ _ key), + rwa [fintype.card_coe, finset.card_insert_of_not_mem, finset.card_singleton] at key, + rwa finset.mem_singleton, +end + +lemma complex_roots_Phi (h : (Φ ℚ a b).separable) : fintype.card ((Φ ℚ a b).root_set ℂ) = 5 := +(card_root_set_eq_nat_degree h (is_alg_closed.splits_codomain _)).trans (nat_degree_Phi a b) + +lemma gal_Phi (hab : b < a) (h_irred : irreducible (Φ ℚ a b)) : + bijective (gal_action_hom (Φ ℚ a b) ℂ) := +begin + apply gal_action_hom_bijective_of_prime_degree' h_irred, + { norm_num [nat_degree_Phi] }, + { rw [complex_roots_Phi a b h_irred.separable, nat.succ_le_succ_iff], + exact (real_roots_Phi_le a b).trans (nat.le_succ 3) }, + { simp_rw [complex_roots_Phi a b h_irred.separable, nat.succ_le_succ_iff], + exact real_roots_Phi_ge a b hab }, +end + +theorem not_solvable_by_rad (p : ℕ) (x : ℂ) (hx : aeval x (Φ ℚ a b) = 0) (hab : b < a) + (hp : (hpa : p ∣ a) (hpb : p ∣ b) (hp2b : ¬ (p ^ 2 ∣ b)) : + ¬ is_solvable_by_rad ℚ x := +begin + have h_irred := irreducible_Phi a b p hp hpa hpb hp2b, + apply mt (solvable_by_rad.is_solvable' h_irred hx), + introI h, + refine equiv.perm.not_solvable _ (le_of_eq _) + (solvable_of_surjective (gal_Phi a b hab h_irred).2), + rw_mod_cast [cardinal.fintype_card, complex_roots_Phi a b h_irred.separable], +end + +theorem not_solvable_by_rad' (x : ℂ) (hx : aeval x (Φ ℚ 4 2) = 0) : + ¬ is_solvable_by_rad ℚ x := +by apply not_solvable_by_rad 4 2 2 x hx; norm_num + +theorem exists_not_solvable_by_rad : ∃ x : ℂ, is_algebraic ℚ x ∧ ¬ is_solvable_by_rad ℚ x := +begin + obtain ⟨x, hx⟩ := exists_root_of_splits (algebra_map ℚ ℂ) + (is_alg_closed.splits_codomain (Φ ℚ 4 2)) + (ne_of_eq_of_ne (degree_Phi 4 2) (mt (nat.bit1_ne_zero 2))), + exact ⟨x, ⟨Φ ℚ 4 2, (monic_Phi 4 2).ne_zero, hx⟩, not_solvable_by_rad' x hx⟩, +end + +end abel_ruffini diff --git a/docs/100.yaml b/docs/100.yaml index e12343e1e2ea7..e6f7a67e72f04 100644 --- a/docs/100.yaml +++ b/docs/100.yaml @@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ author : Yury G. Kudryashov (first) and Benjamin Davidson (second) 16: title : Insolvability of General Higher Degree Equations + author: Thomas Browning + links : + mathlib archive : 17: title : De Moivre’s Theorem decl : complex.cos_add_sin_mul_I_pow diff --git a/src/field_theory/separable.lean b/src/field_theory/separable.lean index 72c87b2cc47dd..42ae10d8085f2 100644 --- a/src/field_theory/separable.lean +++ b/src/field_theory/separable.lean @@ -532,6 +532,14 @@ lemma nodup_roots {p : polynomial F} (hsep : separable p) : p.roots.nodup := multiset.nodup_iff_count_le_one.mpr (count_roots_le_one hsep) +lemma card_root_set_eq_nat_degree [algebra F K] {p : polynomial F} (hsep : p.separable) + (hsplit : splits (algebra_map F K) p) : fintype.card (p.root_set K) = p.nat_degree := +begin + simp_rw [root_set_def, fintype.card_coe], + rw [multiset.to_finset_card_of_nodup, ←nat_degree_eq_card_roots hsplit], + exact nodup_roots, +end + lemma eq_X_sub_C_of_separable_of_root_eq {x : F} {h : polynomial F} (h_ne_zero : h ≠ 0) (h_sep : h.separable) (h_root : h.eval x = 0) (h_splits : splits i h) (h_roots : ∀ y ∈ ( i).roots, y = i x) : h = (C (leading_coeff h)) * (X - C x) :=