From 53c79d561eec6b94be44bdaedeb2621361aa514f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Haruhisa Enomoto <> Date: Wed, 4 May 2022 11:10:46 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] feat(linear_algebra/span): add `finite_span_is_compact_element` (#13901) This PR adds `finite_span_is_compact_element`, which extends `singleton_span_is_compact_element` to the spans of finite subsets. This will be useful e.g. when proving the existence of a maximal submodule of a finitely generated module. --- src/linear_algebra/span.lean | 16 ++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+) diff --git a/src/linear_algebra/span.lean b/src/linear_algebra/span.lean index b3e27235d2fb1..1b35892df4ab6 100644 --- a/src/linear_algebra/span.lean +++ b/src/linear_algebra/span.lean @@ -557,6 +557,22 @@ begin exact ⟨y, ⟨hyd, by simpa only [span_le, singleton_subset_iff]⟩⟩, end +/-- The span of a finite subset is compact in the lattice of submodules. -/ +lemma finset_span_is_compact_element (S : finset M) : + complete_lattice.is_compact_element (span R S : submodule R M) := +begin + rw span_eq_supr_of_singleton_spans, + simp only [finset.mem_coe], + rw ←finset.sup_eq_supr, + exact complete_lattice.finset_sup_compact_of_compact S + (λ x _, singleton_span_is_compact_element x), +end + +/-- The span of a finite subset is compact in the lattice of submodules. -/ +lemma finite_span_is_compact_element (S : set M) (h : S.finite) : + complete_lattice.is_compact_element (span R S : submodule R M) := +finite.coe_to_finset h ▸ (finset_span_is_compact_element h.to_finset) + instance : is_compactly_generated (submodule R M) := ⟨λ s, ⟨(λ x, span R {x}) '' s, ⟨λ t ht, begin rcases (set.mem_image _ _ _).1 ht with ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩,