From 863f0075169415512cb0f0cadc48a2ed6ad2ded7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mario Carneiro Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2021 07:58:33 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] feat(data/list/basic): map_permutations (#8188) As [requested on Zulip]( --- src/data/list/basic.lean | 115 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/data/list/perm.lean | 82 ---------------------------- 2 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/data/list/basic.lean b/src/data/list/basic.lean index 2fabc99efcaf3..1ed5747ff4f08 100644 --- a/src/data/list/basic.lean +++ b/src/data/list/basic.lean @@ -177,6 +177,11 @@ lemma bind_map {g : α → list β} {f : β → γ} : | [] := rfl | (a::l) := by simp only [cons_bind, map_append, bind_map l] +lemma map_bind (g : β → list γ) (f : α → β) : + ∀ l : list α, ( f l).bind g = l.bind (λ a, g (f a)) +| [] := rfl +| (a::l) := by simp only [cons_bind, map_cons, map_bind l] + /-! ### length -/ theorem length_eq_zero {l : list α} : length l = 0 ↔ l = [] := @@ -3783,6 +3788,88 @@ instance decidable_infix [decidable_eq α] : ∀ (l₁ l₂ : list α), decidabl section permutations +theorem permutations_aux2_fst (t : α) (ts : list α) (r : list β) : ∀ (ys : list α) (f : list α → β), + (permutations_aux2 t ts r ys f).1 = ys ++ ts +| [] f := rfl +| (y::ys) f := match _, permutations_aux2_fst ys _ : ∀ o : list α × list β, o.1 = ys ++ ts → + (permutations_aux2._match_1 t y f o).1 = y :: ys ++ ts with + | ⟨_, zs⟩, rfl := rfl + end + +@[simp] theorem permutations_aux2_snd_nil (t : α) (ts : list α) (r : list β) (f : list α → β) : + (permutations_aux2 t ts r [] f).2 = r := rfl + +@[simp] theorem permutations_aux2_snd_cons (t : α) (ts : list α) (r : list β) (y : α) (ys : list α) + (f : list α → β) : + (permutations_aux2 t ts r (y::ys) f).2 = f (t :: y :: ys ++ ts) :: + (permutations_aux2 t ts r ys (λx : list α, f (y::x))).2 := +match _, permutations_aux2_fst t ts r _ _ : ∀ o : list α × list β, o.1 = ys ++ ts → + (permutations_aux2._match_1 t y f o).2 = f (t :: y :: ys ++ ts) :: o.2 with +| ⟨_, zs⟩, rfl := rfl +end + +theorem permutations_aux2_append (t : α) (ts : list α) (r : list β) (ys : list α) (f : list α → β) : + (permutations_aux2 t ts nil ys f).2 ++ r = (permutations_aux2 t ts r ys f).2 := +by induction ys generalizing f; simp * + +theorem mem_permutations_aux2 {t : α} {ts : list α} {ys : list α} {l l' : list α} : + l' ∈ (permutations_aux2 t ts [] ys (append l)).2 ↔ + ∃ l₁ l₂, l₂ ≠ [] ∧ ys = l₁ ++ l₂ ∧ l' = l ++ l₁ ++ t :: l₂ ++ ts := +begin + induction ys with y ys ih generalizing l, + { simp {contextual := tt} }, + { rw [permutations_aux2_snd_cons, show (λ (x : list α), l ++ y :: x) = append (l ++ [y]), + by funext; simp, mem_cons_iff, ih], split; intro h, + { rcases h with e | ⟨l₁, l₂, l0, ye, _⟩, + { subst l', exact ⟨[], y::ys, by simp⟩ }, + { substs l' ys, exact ⟨y::l₁, l₂, l0, by simp⟩ } }, + { rcases h with ⟨_ | ⟨y', l₁⟩, l₂, l0, ye, rfl⟩, + { simp [ye] }, + { simp at ye, rcases ye with ⟨rfl, rfl⟩, + exact or.inr ⟨l₁, l₂, l0, by simp⟩ } } } +end + +theorem mem_permutations_aux2' {t : α} {ts : list α} {ys : list α} {l : list α} : + l ∈ (permutations_aux2 t ts [] ys id).2 ↔ + ∃ l₁ l₂, l₂ ≠ [] ∧ ys = l₁ ++ l₂ ∧ l = l₁ ++ t :: l₂ ++ ts := +by rw [show @id (list α) = append nil, by funext; refl]; apply mem_permutations_aux2 + +theorem length_permutations_aux2 (t : α) (ts : list α) (ys : list α) (f : list α → β) : + length (permutations_aux2 t ts [] ys f).2 = length ys := +by induction ys generalizing f; simp * + +theorem foldr_permutations_aux2 (t : α) (ts : list α) (r L : list (list α)) : + foldr (λy r, (permutations_aux2 t ts r y id).2) r L = + L.bind (λ y, (permutations_aux2 t ts [] y id).2) ++ r := +by induction L with l L ih; [refl, {simp [ih], rw ← permutations_aux2_append}] + +theorem mem_foldr_permutations_aux2 {t : α} {ts : list α} {r L : list (list α)} {l' : list α} : + l' ∈ foldr (λy r, (permutations_aux2 t ts r y id).2) r L ↔ l' ∈ r ∨ + ∃ l₁ l₂, l₁ ++ l₂ ∈ L ∧ l₂ ≠ [] ∧ l' = l₁ ++ t :: l₂ ++ ts := +have (∃ (a : list α), a ∈ L ∧ + ∃ (l₁ l₂ : list α), ¬l₂ = nil ∧ a = l₁ ++ l₂ ∧ l' = l₁ ++ t :: (l₂ ++ ts)) ↔ + ∃ (l₁ l₂ : list α), ¬l₂ = nil ∧ l₁ ++ l₂ ∈ L ∧ l' = l₁ ++ t :: (l₂ ++ ts), +from ⟨λ ⟨a, aL, l₁, l₂, l0, e, h⟩, ⟨l₁, l₂, l0, e ▸ aL, h⟩, + λ ⟨l₁, l₂, l0, aL, h⟩, ⟨_, aL, l₁, l₂, l0, rfl, h⟩⟩, +by rw foldr_permutations_aux2; simp [mem_permutations_aux2', this, + or.comm, or.left_comm, or.assoc, and.comm, and.left_comm, and.assoc] + +theorem length_foldr_permutations_aux2 (t : α) (ts : list α) (r L : list (list α)) : + length (foldr (λy r, (permutations_aux2 t ts r y id).2) r L) = sum (map length L) + length r := +by simp [foldr_permutations_aux2, (∘), length_permutations_aux2] + +theorem length_foldr_permutations_aux2' (t : α) (ts : list α) (r L : list (list α)) + (n) (H : ∀ l ∈ L, length l = n) : + length (foldr (λy r, (permutations_aux2 t ts r y id).2) r L) = n * length L + length r := +begin + rw [length_foldr_permutations_aux2, (_ : sum (map length L) = n * length L)], + induction L with l L ih, {simp}, + have sum_map : sum (map length L) = n * length L := + ih (λ l m, H l (mem_cons_of_mem _ m)), + have length_l : length l = n := H _ (mem_cons_self _ _), + simp [sum_map, length_l, mul_add, add_comm] +end + @[simp] theorem permutations_aux_nil (is : list α) : permutations_aux [] is = [] := by rw [permutations_aux, permutations_aux.rec] @@ -3791,6 +3878,34 @@ by rw [permutations_aux, permutations_aux.rec] (permutations_aux ts (t::is)) (permutations is) := by rw [permutations_aux, permutations_aux.rec]; refl +theorem map_permutations_aux2' {α β α' β'} (g : α → α') (g' : β → β') + (t : α) (ts ys : list α) (r : list β) (f : list α → β) (f' : list α' → β') + (H : ∀ a, g' (f a) = f' (map g a)) : + map g' (permutations_aux2 t ts r ys f).2 = + (permutations_aux2 (g t) (map g ts) (map g' r) (map g ys) f').2 := +begin + induction ys generalizing f f'; simp *, + apply ys_ih, simp [H], +end + +theorem map_permutations_aux2 {α α'} (g : α → α') (t : α) (ts ys : list α) : + map (map g) (permutations_aux2 t ts [] ys id).2 = + (permutations_aux2 (g t) (map g ts) [] (map g ys) id).2 := +map_permutations_aux2' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (λ _, rfl) + +theorem map_permutations_aux (f : α → β) : ∀ (ts is : list α), + map (map f) (permutations_aux ts is) = permutations_aux (map f ts) (map f is) := +begin + refine permutations_aux.rec (by simp) _, + introv IH1 IH2, rw map at IH2, + simp only [foldr_permutations_aux2, map_append, map, map_permutations_aux2, permutations, + bind_map, IH1, append_assoc, permutations_aux_cons, cons_bind, ← IH2, map_bind], +end + +theorem map_permutations (f : α → β) (ts : list α) : + map (map f) (permutations ts) = permutations (map f ts) := +by rw [permutations, permutations, map, map_permutations_aux, map] + end permutations /-! ### insert -/ diff --git a/src/data/list/perm.lean b/src/data/list/perm.lean index d8987584e9a04..8277c64e5ec63 100644 --- a/src/data/list/perm.lean +++ b/src/data/list/perm.lean @@ -981,88 +981,6 @@ end section permutations -theorem permutations_aux2_fst (t : α) (ts : list α) (r : list β) : ∀ (ys : list α) (f : list α → β), - (permutations_aux2 t ts r ys f).1 = ys ++ ts -| [] f := rfl -| (y::ys) f := match _, permutations_aux2_fst ys _ : ∀ o : list α × list β, o.1 = ys ++ ts → - (permutations_aux2._match_1 t y f o).1 = y :: ys ++ ts with - | ⟨_, zs⟩, rfl := rfl - end - -@[simp] theorem permutations_aux2_snd_nil (t : α) (ts : list α) (r : list β) (f : list α → β) : - (permutations_aux2 t ts r [] f).2 = r := rfl - -@[simp] theorem permutations_aux2_snd_cons (t : α) (ts : list α) (r : list β) (y : α) (ys : list α) - (f : list α → β) : - (permutations_aux2 t ts r (y::ys) f).2 = f (t :: y :: ys ++ ts) :: - (permutations_aux2 t ts r ys (λx : list α, f (y::x))).2 := -match _, permutations_aux2_fst t ts r _ _ : ∀ o : list α × list β, o.1 = ys ++ ts → - (permutations_aux2._match_1 t y f o).2 = f (t :: y :: ys ++ ts) :: o.2 with -| ⟨_, zs⟩, rfl := rfl -end - -theorem permutations_aux2_append (t : α) (ts : list α) (r : list β) (ys : list α) (f : list α → β) : - (permutations_aux2 t ts nil ys f).2 ++ r = (permutations_aux2 t ts r ys f).2 := -by induction ys generalizing f; simp * - -theorem mem_permutations_aux2 {t : α} {ts : list α} {ys : list α} {l l' : list α} : - l' ∈ (permutations_aux2 t ts [] ys (append l)).2 ↔ - ∃ l₁ l₂, l₂ ≠ [] ∧ ys = l₁ ++ l₂ ∧ l' = l ++ l₁ ++ t :: l₂ ++ ts := -begin - induction ys with y ys ih generalizing l, - { simp {contextual := tt} }, - { rw [permutations_aux2_snd_cons, show (λ (x : list α), l ++ y :: x) = append (l ++ [y]), - by funext; simp, mem_cons_iff, ih], split; intro h, - { rcases h with e | ⟨l₁, l₂, l0, ye, _⟩, - { subst l', exact ⟨[], y::ys, by simp⟩ }, - { substs l' ys, exact ⟨y::l₁, l₂, l0, by simp⟩ } }, - { rcases h with ⟨_ | ⟨y', l₁⟩, l₂, l0, ye, rfl⟩, - { simp [ye] }, - { simp at ye, rcases ye with ⟨rfl, rfl⟩, - exact or.inr ⟨l₁, l₂, l0, by simp⟩ } } } -end - -theorem mem_permutations_aux2' {t : α} {ts : list α} {ys : list α} {l : list α} : - l ∈ (permutations_aux2 t ts [] ys id).2 ↔ - ∃ l₁ l₂, l₂ ≠ [] ∧ ys = l₁ ++ l₂ ∧ l = l₁ ++ t :: l₂ ++ ts := -by rw [show @id (list α) = append nil, by funext; refl]; apply mem_permutations_aux2 - -theorem length_permutations_aux2 (t : α) (ts : list α) (ys : list α) (f : list α → β) : - length (permutations_aux2 t ts [] ys f).2 = length ys := -by induction ys generalizing f; simp * - -theorem foldr_permutations_aux2 (t : α) (ts : list α) (r L : list (list α)) : - foldr (λy r, (permutations_aux2 t ts r y id).2) r L = - L.bind (λ y, (permutations_aux2 t ts [] y id).2) ++ r := -by induction L with l L ih; [refl, {simp [ih], rw ← permutations_aux2_append}] - -theorem mem_foldr_permutations_aux2 {t : α} {ts : list α} {r L : list (list α)} {l' : list α} : - l' ∈ foldr (λy r, (permutations_aux2 t ts r y id).2) r L ↔ l' ∈ r ∨ - ∃ l₁ l₂, l₁ ++ l₂ ∈ L ∧ l₂ ≠ [] ∧ l' = l₁ ++ t :: l₂ ++ ts := -have (∃ (a : list α), a ∈ L ∧ - ∃ (l₁ l₂ : list α), ¬l₂ = nil ∧ a = l₁ ++ l₂ ∧ l' = l₁ ++ t :: (l₂ ++ ts)) ↔ - ∃ (l₁ l₂ : list α), ¬l₂ = nil ∧ l₁ ++ l₂ ∈ L ∧ l' = l₁ ++ t :: (l₂ ++ ts), -from ⟨λ ⟨a, aL, l₁, l₂, l0, e, h⟩, ⟨l₁, l₂, l0, e ▸ aL, h⟩, - λ ⟨l₁, l₂, l0, aL, h⟩, ⟨_, aL, l₁, l₂, l0, rfl, h⟩⟩, -by rw foldr_permutations_aux2; simp [mem_permutations_aux2', this, - or.comm, or.left_comm, or.assoc, and.comm, and.left_comm, and.assoc] - -theorem length_foldr_permutations_aux2 (t : α) (ts : list α) (r L : list (list α)) : - length (foldr (λy r, (permutations_aux2 t ts r y id).2) r L) = sum (map length L) + length r := -by simp [foldr_permutations_aux2, (∘), length_permutations_aux2] - -theorem length_foldr_permutations_aux2' (t : α) (ts : list α) (r L : list (list α)) - (n) (H : ∀ l ∈ L, length l = n) : - length (foldr (λy r, (permutations_aux2 t ts r y id).2) r L) = n * length L + length r := -begin - rw [length_foldr_permutations_aux2, (_ : sum (map length L) = n * length L)], - induction L with l L ih, {simp}, - have sum_map : sum (map length L) = n * length L := - ih (λ l m, H l (mem_cons_of_mem _ m)), - have length_l : length l = n := H _ (mem_cons_self _ _), - simp [sum_map, length_l, mul_add, add_comm] -end - theorem perm_of_mem_permutations_aux : ∀ {ts is l : list α}, l ∈ permutations_aux ts is → l ~ ts ++ is := begin