From a652f6c3cd9ec14a56fe56229010f0fe0217a07c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Yang Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2022 12:47:46 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] feat(ring_theory/ideal/associated_prime): Define associated primes of a module. (#17065) --- src/ring_theory/ideal/associated_prime.lean | 166 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 166 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/ring_theory/ideal/associated_prime.lean diff --git a/src/ring_theory/ideal/associated_prime.lean b/src/ring_theory/ideal/associated_prime.lean new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5ed07421fc294 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ring_theory/ideal/associated_prime.lean @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +/- +Copyright (c) 2022 Andrew Yang. All rights reserved. +Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. +Authors: Andrew Yang +-/ +import linear_algebra.span +import ring_theory.ideal.operations +import ring_theory.finiteness +import ring_theory.localization.ideal +import ring_theory.ideal.minimal_prime + +/-! + +# Associated primes of a module + +We provide the definition and related lemmas about associated primes of modules. + +## Main definition +- `is_associated_prime`: `is_associated_prime I M` if the prime ideal `I` is the + annihilator of some `x : M`. +- `associated_primes`: The set of associated primes of a module. + +## Main results +- `exists_le_is_associated_prime_of_is_noetherian_ring`: In a noetherian ring, any `ann(x)` is + contained in an associated prime for `x ≠ 0`. +- `associated_primes.eq_singleton_of_is_primary`: In a noetherian ring, `I.radical` is the only + associated prime of `R ⧸ I` when `I` is primary. + +## Todo + +Generalize this to a non-commutative setting once there are annihilator for non-commutative rings. + +-/ + +variables {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] (I J : ideal R) (M : Type*) [add_comm_group M] [module R M] + +/-- `is_associated_prime I M` if the prime ideal `I` is the annihilator of some `x : M`. -/ +def is_associated_prime : Prop := +I.is_prime ∧ ∃ x : M, I = (R ∙ x).annihilator + +variables (R) + +/-- The set of associated primes of a module. -/ +def associated_primes : set (ideal R) := { I | is_associated_prime I M } + +variables {I J M R} (h : is_associated_prime I M) +variables {M' : Type*} [add_comm_group M'] [module R M'] (f : M →ₗ[R] M') + +lemma associate_primes.mem_iff : I ∈ associated_primes R M ↔ is_associated_prime I M := iff.rfl + +lemma is_associated_prime.is_prime : I.is_prime := h.1 + +lemma is_associated_prime.map_of_injective + (h : is_associated_prime I M) (hf : function.injective f) : + is_associated_prime I M' := +begin + obtain ⟨x, rfl⟩ := h.2, + refine ⟨h.1, ⟨f x, _⟩⟩, + ext r, + rw [submodule.mem_annihilator_span_singleton, submodule.mem_annihilator_span_singleton, + ← map_smul, ← f.map_zero, hf.eq_iff], +end + +lemma linear_equiv.is_associated_prime_iff (l : M ≃ₗ[R] M') : + is_associated_prime I M ↔ is_associated_prime I M' := +⟨λ h, h.map_of_injective l l.injective, λ h, h.map_of_injective l.symm l.symm.injective⟩ + +lemma not_is_associated_prime_of_subsingleton [subsingleton M] : ¬ is_associated_prime I M := +begin + rintro ⟨hI, x, hx⟩, + apply hI.ne_top, + rwa [subsingleton.elim x 0, submodule.span_singleton_eq_bot.mpr rfl, + submodule.annihilator_bot] at hx +end + +variable (R) + +lemma exists_le_is_associated_prime_of_is_noetherian_ring [H : is_noetherian_ring R] + (x : M) (hx : x ≠ 0) : + ∃ P : ideal R, is_associated_prime P M ∧ (R ∙ x).annihilator ≤ P := +begin + have : (R ∙ x).annihilator ≠ ⊤, + { rwa [ne.def, ideal.eq_top_iff_one, submodule.mem_annihilator_span_singleton, one_smul] }, + obtain ⟨P, ⟨l, h₁, y, rfl⟩, h₃⟩ := set_has_maximal_iff_noetherian.mpr H + ({ P | (R ∙ x).annihilator ≤ P ∧ P ≠ ⊤ ∧ ∃ y : M, P = (R ∙ y).annihilator }) + ⟨(R ∙ x).annihilator, rfl.le, this, x, rfl⟩, + refine ⟨_, ⟨⟨h₁, _⟩, y, rfl⟩, l⟩, + intros a b hab, + rw or_iff_not_imp_left, + intro ha, + rw submodule.mem_annihilator_span_singleton at ha hab, + have H₁ : (R ∙ y).annihilator ≤ (R ∙ a • y).annihilator, + { intros c hc, + rw submodule.mem_annihilator_span_singleton at hc ⊢, + rw [smul_comm, hc, smul_zero] }, + have H₂ : (submodule.span R {a • y}).annihilator ≠ ⊤, + { rwa [ne.def, submodule.annihilator_eq_top_iff, submodule.span_singleton_eq_bot] }, + rwa [← h₃ (R ∙ a • y).annihilator ⟨l.trans H₁, H₂, _, rfl⟩ H₁, + submodule.mem_annihilator_span_singleton, smul_comm, smul_smul] +end + +variable {R} + +lemma associated_primes.subset_of_injective (hf : function.injective f) : + associated_primes R M ⊆ associated_primes R M' := +λ I h, h.map_of_injective f hf + +lemma linear_equiv.associated_primes.eq (l : M ≃ₗ[R] M') : + associated_primes R M = associated_primes R M' := +le_antisymm (associated_primes.subset_of_injective l l.injective) + (associated_primes.subset_of_injective l.symm l.symm.injective) + +lemma associated_primes.eq_empty_of_subsingleton [subsingleton M] : associated_primes R M = ∅ := +begin + ext, simp only [set.mem_empty_iff_false, iff_false], apply not_is_associated_prime_of_subsingleton +end + +variables (R M) + +lemma associated_primes.nonempty [is_noetherian_ring R] [nontrivial M] : + (associated_primes R M).nonempty := +begin + obtain ⟨x, hx⟩ := exists_ne (0 : M), + obtain ⟨P, hP, _⟩ := exists_le_is_associated_prime_of_is_noetherian_ring R x hx, + exact ⟨P, hP⟩, +end + +variables {R M} + +lemma is_associated_prime.annihilator_le (h : is_associated_prime I M) : + (⊤ : submodule R M).annihilator ≤ I := +begin + obtain ⟨hI, x, rfl⟩ := h, + exact submodule.annihilator_mono le_top, +end + +lemma is_associated_prime.eq_radical (hI : I.is_primary) (h : is_associated_prime J (R ⧸ I)) : + J = I.radical := +begin + obtain ⟨hJ, x, e⟩ := h, + have : x ≠ 0, + { rintro rfl, apply hJ.1, + rwa [submodule.span_singleton_eq_bot.mpr rfl, submodule.annihilator_bot] at e }, + obtain ⟨x, rfl⟩ := ideal.quotient.mkₐ_surjective R _ x, + replace e : ∀ {y}, y ∈ J ↔ x * y ∈ I, + { intro y, rw [e, submodule.mem_annihilator_span_singleton, ← map_smul, smul_eq_mul, mul_comm, + ideal.quotient.mkₐ_eq_mk, ← ideal.quotient.mk_eq_mk, submodule.quotient.mk_eq_zero] }, + apply le_antisymm, + { intros y hy, + exact (hI.2 $ hy).resolve_left ((submodule.quotient.mk_eq_zero I) this) }, + { rw hJ.radical_le_iff, intros y hy, exact e.mpr (I.mul_mem_left x hy) } +end + +lemma associated_primes.eq_singleton_of_is_primary [is_noetherian_ring R] (hI : I.is_primary) : + associated_primes R (R ⧸ I) = {I.radical} := +begin + ext J, + rw [set.mem_singleton_iff], + refine ⟨is_associated_prime.eq_radical hI, _⟩, + rintro rfl, + haveI : nontrivial (R ⧸ I) := ⟨⟨(I^ : _) 1, (I^ : _) 0, _⟩⟩, + obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := associated_primes.nonempty R (R ⧸ I), + exact ha.eq_radical hI ▸ ha, + rw [ne.def, ideal.quotient.eq, sub_zero, ← ideal.eq_top_iff_one], + exact hI.1 +end