From ad25cacf1d2625d0a145e32a4b2a8cb4f7db8342 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Aaron Anderson Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2020 07:42:55 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] refactor(data/polynomial/derivative): change `polynomial.derivative` to be a `linear_map` (#5198) Refactors polynomial.derivative to be a linear_map by default --- src/data/polynomial/derivative.lean | 85 ++++++++++++++--------------- src/data/polynomial/identities.lean | 4 -- 2 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/data/polynomial/derivative.lean b/src/data/polynomial/derivative.lean index a9d936d220f6a..174657b5d08b8 100644 --- a/src/data/polynomial/derivative.lean +++ b/src/data/polynomial/derivative.lean @@ -6,8 +6,10 @@ Authors: Chris Hughes, Johannes Hölzl, Scott Morrison, Jens Wagemaker import data.polynomial.eval /-! -# Theory of univariate polynomials +# The derivative map on polynomials +## Main definitions + * `polynomial.derivative`: The formal derivative of polynomials, expressed as a linear map. -/ @@ -27,12 +29,22 @@ section semiring variables [semiring R] /-- `derivative p` is the formal derivative of the polynomial `p` -/ -def derivative (p : polynomial R) : polynomial R := p.sum (λn a, C (a * n) * X^(n - 1)) +def derivative : polynomial R →ₗ[R] polynomial R := ℕ (polynomial R) R (λ n, C ↑n * X^(n - 1)) + +lemma derivative_apply (p : polynomial R) : + derivative p = p.sum (λn a, C (a * n) * X^(n - 1)) := +begin + rw [derivative, total_apply], + apply congr rfl, + ext, + simp [mul_assoc, coeff_C_mul], +end lemma coeff_derivative (p : polynomial R) (n : ℕ) : coeff (derivative p) n = coeff p (n + 1) * (n + 1) := begin - rw [derivative], + rw [derivative_apply], simp only [coeff_X_pow, coeff_sum, coeff_C_mul], rw [finsupp.sum, finset.sum_eq_single (n + 1)], simp only [nat.add_succ_sub_one, add_zero, mul_one, if_true, eq_self_iff_true], norm_cast, @@ -43,17 +55,17 @@ begin { intros _ H, rw [nat.succ_sub_one b, if_neg (mt (congr_arg nat.succ) H.symm), mul_zero] } } end -@[simp] lemma derivative_zero : derivative (0 : polynomial R) = 0 := -finsupp.sum_zero_index +lemma derivative_zero : derivative (0 : polynomial R) = 0 := +derivative.map_zero lemma derivative_monomial (a : R) (n : ℕ) : derivative (monomial n a) = monomial (n - 1) (a * n) := -(sum_single_index $ by simp).trans (C_mul_X_pow_eq_monomial _ _) +(derivative_apply _).trans ((sum_single_index $ by simp).trans (C_mul_X_pow_eq_monomial _ _)) lemma derivative_C_mul_X_pow (a : R) (n : ℕ) : derivative (C a * X ^ n) = C (a * n) * X^(n - 1) := by rw [C_mul_X_pow_eq_monomial, C_mul_X_pow_eq_monomial, derivative_monomial] @[simp] lemma derivative_C {a : R} : derivative (C a) = 0 := -(derivative_monomial a 0).trans $ by simp +by simp [derivative_apply] @[simp] lemma derivative_X : derivative (X : polynomial R) = 1 := (derivative_monomial _ _).trans $ by simp @@ -63,38 +75,32 @@ derivative_C @[simp] lemma derivative_add {f g : polynomial R} : derivative (f + g) = derivative f + derivative g := -by refine finsupp.sum_add_index _ _; intros; -simp only [add_mul, zero_mul, C_0, C_add, C_mul] - -/-- The formal derivative of polynomials, as additive homomorphism. -/ -def derivative_hom (R : Type*) [semiring R] : polynomial R →+ polynomial R := -{ to_fun := derivative, - map_zero' := derivative_zero, - map_add' := λ p q, derivative_add } +derivative.map_add f g @[simp] lemma derivative_neg {R : Type*} [ring R] (f : polynomial R) : - derivative (-f) = -derivative f := -(derivative_hom R).map_neg f + derivative (-f) = - derivative f := +linear_map.map_neg derivative f @[simp] lemma derivative_sub {R : Type*} [ring R] (f g : polynomial R) : derivative (f - g) = derivative f - derivative g := -(derivative_hom R).map_sub f g - -instance : is_add_monoid_hom (derivative : polynomial R → polynomial R) := -(derivative_hom R).is_add_monoid_hom +linear_map.map_sub derivative f g @[simp] lemma derivative_sum {s : finset ι} {f : ι → polynomial R} : derivative (∑ b in s, f b) = ∑ b in s, derivative (f b) := -(derivative_hom R).map_sum f s +derivative.map_sum @[simp] lemma derivative_smul (r : R) (p : polynomial R) : derivative (r • p) = r • derivative p := -by { ext, simp only [coeff_derivative, mul_assoc, coeff_smul], } +derivative.map_smul _ _ end semiring section comm_semiring variables [comm_semiring R] +lemma derivative_eval (p : polynomial R) (x : R) : + p.derivative.eval x = p.sum (λ n a, (a * n)*x^(n-1)) := +by simp only [derivative_apply, eval_sum, eval_pow, eval_C, eval_X, eval_nat_cast, eval_mul] + @[simp] lemma derivative_mul {f g : polynomial R} : derivative (f * g) = derivative f * g + f * derivative g := calc derivative (f * g) = f.sum (λn a, g.sum (λm b, C ((a * b) * (n + m : ℕ)) * X^((n + m) - 1))) : @@ -118,8 +124,7 @@ calc derivative (f * g) = f.sum (λn a, g.sum (λm b, C ((a * b) * (n + m : ℕ) conv { to_rhs, congr, { rw [← sum_C_mul_X_eq g] }, { rw [← sum_C_mul_X_eq f] } }, - unfold derivative finsupp.sum, - simp only [sum_add_distrib, finset.mul_sum, finset.sum_mul] + simp only [finsupp.sum, sum_add_distrib, finset.mul_sum, finset.sum_mul, derivative_apply] end theorem derivative_pow_succ (p : polynomial R) (n : ℕ) : @@ -171,12 +176,6 @@ with_bot.some_lt_some.1 $ by { rw [nat_degree, option.get_or_else_of_ne_none $ m theorem degree_derivative_le {p : polynomial R} : ≤ := if H : p = 0 then le_of_eq $ by rw [H, derivative_zero] else le_of_lt $ degree_derivative_lt H -/-- The formal derivative of polynomials, as linear homomorphism. -/ -def derivative_lhom (R : Type*) [comm_ring R] : polynomial R →ₗ[R] polynomial R := -{ to_fun := derivative, - map_add' := λ p q, derivative_add, - map_smul' := λ r p, derivative_smul r p } - end comm_semiring section domain @@ -190,23 +189,23 @@ by { rw [nat.cast_eq_zero], simp only [nat.succ_ne_zero, or_false] } @[simp] lemma degree_derivative_eq [char_zero R] (p : polynomial R) (hp : 0 < nat_degree p) : degree (derivative p) = (nat_degree p - 1 : ℕ) := -le_antisymm - (le_trans (degree_sum_le _ _) $ sup_le $ assume n hn, - have n ≤ nat_degree p, begin - rw [← with_bot.coe_le_coe, ← degree_eq_nat_degree], - { refine le_degree_of_ne_zero _, simpa only [mem_support_iff] using hn }, - { assume h, simpa only [h, support_zero] using hn } - end, - le_trans (degree_C_mul_X_pow_le _ _) $ with_bot.coe_le_coe.2 $ nat.sub_le_sub_right this _) - begin - refine le_sup _, +begin + have h0 : p ≠ 0, + { contrapose! hp, + simp [hp] }, + apply le_antisymm, + { rw derivative_apply, + apply le_trans (degree_sum_le _ _) (sup_le (λ n hn, _)), + apply le_trans (degree_C_mul_X_pow_le _ _) (with_bot.coe_le_coe.2 (nat.sub_le_sub_right _ _)), + apply le_nat_degree_of_mem_supp _ hn }, + { refine le_sup _, rw [mem_support_derivative, nat.sub_add_cancel, mem_support_iff], { show ¬ leading_coeff p = 0, rw [leading_coeff_eq_zero], assume h, rw [h, nat_degree_zero] at hp, exact lt_irrefl 0 (lt_of_le_of_lt (zero_le _) hp), }, - exact hp - end + exact hp } +end theorem nat_degree_eq_zero_of_derivative_eq_zero [char_zero R] {f : polynomial R} (h : f.derivative = 0) : f.nat_degree = 0 := diff --git a/src/data/polynomial/identities.lean b/src/data/polynomial/identities.lean index 34412f8293ccb..fc318fd4f966a 100644 --- a/src/data/polynomial/identities.lean +++ b/src/data/polynomial/identities.lean @@ -63,10 +63,6 @@ private lemma poly_binom_aux3 (f : polynomial R) (x y : R) : f.eval (x + y) = f.sum (λ e a, (a *(poly_binom_aux1 x y e a).val)*y^2) := by rw poly_binom_aux2; simp [left_distrib, finsupp.sum_add, mul_assoc] -lemma derivative_eval (p : polynomial R) (x : R) : - p.derivative.eval x = p.sum (λ n a, (a * n)*x^(n-1)) := -by simp only [derivative, eval_sum, eval_pow, eval_C, eval_X, eval_nat_cast, eval_mul] - def binom_expansion (f : polynomial R) (x y : R) : {k : R // f.eval (x + y) = f.eval x + (f.derivative.eval x) * y + k * y^2} := begin