From bf1c7b75c1dc2ec62ac1885d8f3ff0f658c5f0da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vierkantor Date: Sat, 8 Aug 2020 09:22:19 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] feat(linear_algebra/finite_dimensional): finite dimensional `is_basis` helpers (#3720) If we have a family of vectors in `V` with cardinality equal to the (finite) dimension of `V` over a field `K`, they span the whole space iff they are linearly independent. This PR proves those two facts (in the form that either of the conditions of `is_basis K b` suffices to prove `is_basis K b` if `b` has the right cardinality). We don't need to assume that `V` is finite dimensional, because the case that `findim K V = 0` will generally lead to a contradiction. We do sometimes need to assume that the family is nonempty, which seems like a much nicer condition. --- src/linear_algebra/basic.lean | 24 +++ src/linear_algebra/finite_dimensional.lean | 206 ++++++++++++++++++++- 2 files changed, 226 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/linear_algebra/basic.lean b/src/linear_algebra/basic.lean index 073908e65cc64..511dc1238f61d 100644 --- a/src/linear_algebra/basic.lean +++ b/src/linear_algebra/basic.lean @@ -955,6 +955,13 @@ semimodule.of_core $ by refine {smul := (•), ..}; repeat {rintro ⟨⟩ <|> intro}; simp [smul_add, add_smul, smul_smul, -mk_add, (mk_add p).symm, -mk_smul, (mk_smul p).symm] +lemma nontrivial_of_lt_top (h : p < ⊤) : nontrivial (p.quotient) := +begin + obtain ⟨x, _, not_mem_s⟩ := exists_of_lt h, + refine ⟨⟨mk x, 0, _⟩⟩, + simpa using not_mem_s +end + end quotient lemma quot_hom_ext ⦃f g : quotient p →ₗ[R] M₂⦄ (h : ∀ x, f ( x) = g ( x)) : @@ -2004,6 +2011,23 @@ end linear_equiv namespace submodule +section semimodule + +variables [semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [semimodule R M] + +/-- If `s ≤ t`, then we can view `s` as a submodule of `t` by taking the comap +of `t.subtype`. -/ +def comap_subtype_equiv_of_le {p q : submodule R M} (hpq : p ≤ q) : +comap q.subtype p ≃ₗ[R] p := +{ to_fun := λ x, ⟨x, x.2⟩, + inv_fun := λ x, ⟨⟨x, hpq x.2⟩, x.2⟩, + left_inv := λ x, by simp only [coe_mk, submodule.eta, coe_coe], + right_inv := λ x, by simp only [subtype.coe_mk, submodule.eta, coe_coe], + map_add' := λ x y, rfl, + map_smul' := λ c x, rfl } + +end semimodule + variables [ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] variables (p : submodule R M) diff --git a/src/linear_algebra/finite_dimensional.lean b/src/linear_algebra/finite_dimensional.lean index 6db5537faa49e..cf09de33107af 100644 --- a/src/linear_algebra/finite_dimensional.lean +++ b/src/linear_algebra/finite_dimensional.lean @@ -244,6 +244,18 @@ begin exact fintype_card_le_findim_of_linear_independent h, end +/-- A finite dimensional space has positive `findim` iff it has a nonzero element. -/ +lemma findim_pos_iff_exists_ne_zero [finite_dimensional K V] : 0 < findim K V ↔ ∃ x : V, x ≠ 0 := +iff.trans (by { rw ← findim_eq_dim, norm_cast }) (@dim_pos_iff_exists_ne_zero K V _ _ _) + +/-- A finite dimensional space has positive `findim` iff it is nontrivial. -/ +lemma findim_pos_iff [finite_dimensional K V] : 0 < findim K V ↔ nontrivial V := +iff.trans (by { rw ← findim_eq_dim, norm_cast }) (@dim_pos_iff_nontrivial K V _ _ _) + +/-- A nontrivial finite dimensional space has positive `findim`. -/ +lemma findim_pos [finite_dimensional K V] [h : nontrivial V] : 0 < findim K V := +findim_pos_iff.mpr h + section open_locale big_operators open finset @@ -448,6 +460,14 @@ end lemma findim_le [finite_dimensional K V] (s : submodule K V) : findim K s ≤ findim K V := by { rw ← s.findim_quotient_add_findim, exact nat.le_add_left _ _ } +/-- The dimension of a strict submodule is strictly bounded by the dimension of the ambient space. -/ +lemma findim_lt [finite_dimensional K V] {s : submodule K V} (h : s < ⊤) : + findim K s < findim K V := +begin + rw [← s.findim_quotient_add_findim, add_comm], + exact nat.lt_add_of_zero_lt_left _ _ (findim_pos_iff.mpr (quotient.nontrivial_of_lt_top _ h)) +end + /-- The dimension of a quotient is bounded by the dimension of the ambient space. -/ lemma findim_quotient_le [finite_dimensional K V] (s : submodule K V) : findim K s.quotient ≤ findim K V := @@ -597,10 +617,11 @@ by rw [← dim_eq_zero, ← findim_eq_dim, ← @nat.cast_zero cardinal, cardinal end zero_dim -section top - open vector_space finite_dimensional +section top + +@[simp] theorem findim_top [finite_dimensional K V] : findim K (⊤ : submodule K V) = findim K V := linear_equiv.findim_eq $ linear_equiv.of_top ⊤ rfl @@ -608,8 +629,6 @@ end top namespace linear_map -open vector_space finite_dimensional - theorem injective_iff_surjective_of_findim_eq_findim [finite_dimensional K V] [finite_dimensional K V₂] (H : findim K V = findim K V₂) {f : V →ₗ[K] V₂} : function.injective f ↔ function.surjective f := @@ -644,3 +663,182 @@ noncomputable def field_of_finite_dimensional (F K : Type*) [field F] [integral_ .. ‹integral_domain K› } end + +namespace submodule + +lemma findim_mono [finite_dimensional K V] : + monotone (λ (s : submodule K V), findim K s) := +λ s t hst, +calc findim K s = findim K (comap t.subtype s) + : linear_equiv.findim_eq (comap_subtype_equiv_of_le hst).symm +... ≤ findim K t : submodule.findim_le _ + +lemma lt_of_le_of_findim_lt_findim {s t : submodule K V} + (le : s ≤ t) (lt : findim K s < findim K t) : s < t := +lt_of_le_of_ne le (λ h, ne_of_lt lt (by rw h)) + +lemma lt_top_of_findim_lt_findim {s : submodule K V} + (lt : findim K s < findim K V) : s < ⊤ := +begin + by_cases fin : (finite_dimensional K V), + { haveI := fin, + rw ← @findim_top K V at lt, + exact lt_of_le_of_findim_lt_findim le_top lt }, + { exfalso, + have : findim K V = 0 := dif_neg (mt finite_dimensional_iff_dim_lt_omega.mpr fin), + rw this at lt, + exact nat.not_lt_zero _ lt } +end + +end submodule + +section span + +open submodule + +lemma findim_span_le_card (s : set V) [fin : fintype s] : + findim K (span K s) ≤ s.to_finset.card := +begin + haveI := span_of_finite K ⟨fin⟩, + have : dim K (span K s) ≤ (mk s : cardinal) := dim_span_le s, + rw [←findim_eq_dim, cardinal.fintype_card, ←set.to_finset_card] at this, + exact_mod_cast this +end + +lemma findim_span_eq_card {ι : Type*} [fintype ι] {b : ι → V} + (hb : linear_independent K b) : + findim K (span K (set.range b)) = fintype.card ι := +begin + haveI : finite_dimensional K (span K (set.range b)) := span_of_finite K (set.finite_range b), + have : dim K (span K (set.range b)) = (mk (set.range b) : cardinal) := dim_span hb, + rwa [←findim_eq_dim, ←lift_inj, mk_range_eq_of_injective hb.injective, + cardinal.fintype_card, lift_nat_cast, lift_nat_cast, nat_cast_inj] at this, +end + +lemma findim_span_set_eq_card (s : set V) [fin : fintype s] + (hs : linear_independent K (coe : s → V)) : + findim K (span K s) = s.to_finset.card := +begin + haveI := span_of_finite K ⟨fin⟩, + have : dim K (span K s) = (mk s : cardinal) := dim_span_set hs, + rw [←findim_eq_dim, cardinal.fintype_card, ←set.to_finset_card] at this, + exact_mod_cast this +end + +lemma span_lt_of_subset_of_card_lt_findim {s : set V} [fintype s] {t : submodule K V} + (subset : s ⊆ t) (card_lt : s.to_finset.card < findim K t) : span K s < t := +lt_of_le_of_findim_lt_findim (span_le.mpr subset) (lt_of_le_of_lt (findim_span_le_card _) card_lt) + +lemma span_lt_top_of_card_lt_findim {s : set V} [fintype s] + (card_lt : s.to_finset.card < findim K V) : span K s < ⊤ := +lt_top_of_findim_lt_findim (lt_of_le_of_lt (findim_span_le_card _) card_lt) + +end span + +section is_basis + +lemma linear_independent_of_span_eq_top_of_card_eq_findim {ι : Type*} [fintype ι] {b : ι → V} + (span_eq : span K (set.range b) = ⊤) (card_eq : fintype.card ι = findim K V) : + linear_independent K b := +linear_independent_iff'.mpr $ λ s g dependent i i_mem_s, +begin + by_contra gx_ne_zero, + -- We'll derive a contradiction by showing `b '' (univ \ {i})` of cardinality `n - 1` + -- spans a vector space of dimension `n`. + refine ne_of_lt (span_lt_top_of_card_lt_findim + (show (b '' (set.univ \ {i})).to_finset.card < findim K V, from _)) _, + { calc (b '' (set.univ \ {i})).to_finset.card = ((set.univ \ {i}).to_finset.image b).card + : by rw [set.to_finset_card, fintype.card_of_finset] + ... ≤ (set.univ \ {i}).to_finset.card : finset.card_image_le + ... = (finset.univ.erase i).card : congr_arg finset.card (finset.ext (by simp [and_comm])) + ... < finset.univ.card : finset.card_erase_lt_of_mem (finset.mem_univ i) + ... = findim K V : card_eq }, + + -- We already have that `b '' univ` spans the whole space, + -- so we only need to show that the span of `b '' (univ \ {i})` contains each `b j`. + refine trans (le_antisymm (span_mono (set.image_subset_range _ _)) (span_le.mpr _)) span_eq, + rintros _ ⟨j, rfl, rfl⟩, + -- The case that `j ≠ i` is easy because `b j ∈ b '' (univ \ {i})`. + by_cases j_eq : j = i, + swap, + { refine subset_span ⟨j, (set.mem_diff _).mpr ⟨set.mem_univ _, _⟩, rfl⟩, + exact mt j_eq }, + + -- To show `b i ∈ span (b '' (univ \ {i}))`, we use that it's a weighted sum + -- of the other `b j`s. + rw [j_eq, mem_coe, show b i = -((g i)⁻¹ • (s.erase i).sum (λ j, g j • b j)), from _], + { refine submodule.neg_mem _ (smul_mem _ _ (sum_mem _ (λ k hk, _))), + obtain ⟨k_ne_i, k_mem⟩ := hk, + refine smul_mem _ _ (subset_span ⟨k, _, rfl⟩), + simpa using k_mem }, + + -- To show `b i` is a weighted sum of the other `b j`s, we'll rewrite this sum + -- to have the form of the assumption `dependent`. + apply eq_neg_of_add_eq_zero, + calc b i + (g i)⁻¹ • (s.erase i).sum (λ j, g j • b j) + = (g i)⁻¹ • (g i • b i + (s.erase i).sum (λ j, g j • b j)) + : by rw [smul_add, ←mul_smul, inv_mul_cancel gx_ne_zero, one_smul] + ... = (g i)⁻¹ • 0 : congr_arg _ _ + ... = 0 : smul_zero _, + -- And then it's just a bit of manipulation with finite sums. + rwa [← finset.insert_erase i_mem_s, finset.sum_insert (finset.not_mem_erase _ _)] at dependent +end + +lemma is_basis_of_span_eq_top_of_card_eq_findim {ι : Type*} [fintype ι] {b : ι → V} + (span_eq : span K (set.range b) = ⊤) (card_eq : fintype.card ι = findim K V) : + is_basis K b := +⟨linear_independent_of_span_eq_top_of_card_eq_findim span_eq card_eq, span_eq⟩ + +lemma finset_is_basis_of_span_eq_top_of_card_eq_findim {s : finset V} + (span_eq : span K (↑s : set V) = ⊤) (card_eq : s.card = findim K V) : + is_basis K (coe : (↑s : set V) → V) := +is_basis_of_span_eq_top_of_card_eq_findim + ((@subtype.range_coe_subtype _ (λ x, x ∈ s)).symm ▸ span_eq) + (trans (fintype.card_coe _) card_eq) + +lemma set_is_basis_of_span_eq_top_of_card_eq_findim {s : set V} [fintype s] + (span_eq : span K s = ⊤) (card_eq : s.to_finset.card = findim K V) : + is_basis K (λ (x : s), (x : V)) := +is_basis_of_span_eq_top_of_card_eq_findim + ((@subtype.range_coe_subtype _ s).symm ▸ span_eq) + (trans s.to_finset_card.symm card_eq) + +lemma span_eq_top_of_linear_independent_of_card_eq_findim + {ι : Type*} [hι : nonempty ι] [fintype ι] {b : ι → V} + (lin_ind : linear_independent K b) (card_eq : fintype.card ι = findim K V) : + span K (set.range b) = ⊤ := +begin + by_cases fin : (finite_dimensional K V), + { haveI := fin, + by_contra ne_top, + have lt_top : span K (set.range b) < ⊤ := lt_of_le_of_ne le_top ne_top, + exact ne_of_lt (submodule.findim_lt lt_top) (trans (findim_span_eq_card lin_ind) card_eq) }, + { exfalso, + apply ne_of_lt (fintype.card_pos_iff.mpr hι), + symmetry, + calc fintype.card ι = findim K V : card_eq + ... = 0 : dif_neg (mt finite_dimensional_iff_dim_lt_omega.mpr fin) } +end + +lemma is_basis_of_linear_independent_of_card_eq_findim + {ι : Type*} [nonempty ι] [fintype ι] {b : ι → V} + (lin_ind : linear_independent K b) (card_eq : fintype.card ι = findim K V) : + is_basis K b := +⟨lin_ind, span_eq_top_of_linear_independent_of_card_eq_findim lin_ind card_eq⟩ + +lemma finset_is_basis_of_linear_independent_of_card_eq_findim + {s : finset V} (hs : s.nonempty) + (lin_ind : linear_independent K (coe : (↑s : set V) → V)) (card_eq : s.card = findim K V) : + is_basis K (coe : (↑s : set V) → V) := +@is_basis_of_linear_independent_of_card_eq_findim _ _ _ _ _ _ + ⟨(⟨hs.some, hs.some_spec⟩ : (↑s : set V))⟩ _ _ + lin_ind + (trans (fintype.card_coe _) card_eq) + +lemma set_is_basis_of_linear_independent_of_card_eq_findim + {s : set V} [nonempty s] [fintype s] + (lin_ind : linear_independent K (coe : s → V)) (card_eq : s.to_finset.card = findim K V) : + is_basis K (coe : s → V) := +is_basis_of_linear_independent_of_card_eq_findim lin_ind (trans s.to_finset_card.symm card_eq) + +end is_basis