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feat(category_theory/limits): pullbacks from binary products and equ…
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…alizers (#2143)

* feat(category_theory/limits): derive has_binary_products from has_limit (pair X Y)

* Rename *_of_diagram to diagram_iso_*

* feat(category_theory/limits): pullbacks from binary products and equalizers

* Fix build

* Fix indentation

* typos

* Fix proof

* Remove some simp lemmas that were duplicated during merge

Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
Co-authored-by: mergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]>
  • Loading branch information
3 people committed Mar 16, 2020
1 parent fbe2ce0 commit c240fcb
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Showing 4 changed files with 128 additions and 11 deletions.
5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions src/category_theory/limits/over.lean
Expand Up @@ -166,11 +166,8 @@ begin
(pullback.fst ≫ Y.hom : pullback f.left g.left ⟶ B) = (s.X).hom, simp, refl,
intros s j, simp, ext1, dsimp,
cases j, simp, simp, simp,
show _ ≫ ((( π₁ π₂ _).π).app = ((s.π).app,
dunfold, dsimp,
show pullback.lift (((s.π).app walking_cospan.left).left) (((s.π).app walking_cospan.right).left) _ ≫
pullback.fst ≫ f.left =
((s.π).app, simp, rw ← over.comp_left, rw ← s.w walking_cospan.hom.inl,
simp, rw ← over.comp_left, rw ← s.w walking_cospan.hom.inl,
intros s m J, apply over.over_morphism.ext, simp, apply pullback.hom_ext,
simp at J, dsimp at J,
have := J walking_cospan.left, dsimp at this, simp, rw ← this, simp,
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ def equalizer_cone_is_limit (F : walking_parallel_pair ⥤ C) : is_limit (equali
apply limit.hom_ext,
rintro (_ | _); simp
fac' := by rintro c (_ | _); simp,
fac' := by rintros c (_ | _); simp,
uniq' :=
intros c _ J,
Expand Down
87 changes: 86 additions & 1 deletion src/category_theory/limits/shapes/constructions/pullbacks.lean
@@ -1 +1,86 @@
-- TODO construct pullbacks from binary products and equalizers
Copyright (c) 2020 Markus Himmel. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Markus Himmel

import category_theory.limits.shapes.binary_products
import category_theory.limits.shapes.equalizers
import category_theory.limits.shapes.pullbacks

universes v u

# Constructing pullbacks from binary products and equalizers
If a category as binary products and equalizers, then it has pullbacks.
Also, if a category has binary coproducts and coequalizers, then it has pushouts

open category_theory

namespace category_theory.limits

/-- If the product `X ⨯ Y` and the equalizer of `π₁ ≫ f` and `π₂ ≫ g` exist, then the
pullback of `f` and `g` exists: It is given by composing the equalizer with the projections. -/
def has_limit_cospan_of_has_limit_pair_of_has_limit_parallel_pair
{C : Type u} [𝒞 : category.{v} C] {X Y Z : C} (f : X ⟶ Z) (g : Y ⟶ Z) [has_limit (pair X Y)]
[has_limit (parallel_pair (prod.fst ≫ f) (prod.snd ≫ g))] : has_limit (cospan f g) :=
let π₁ : X ⨯ Y ⟶ X := prod.fst, π₂ : X ⨯ Y ⟶ Y := prod.snd, e := equalizer.ι (π₁ ≫ f) (π₂ ≫ g) in
{ cone := (e ≫ π₁) (e ≫ π₂) $ by simp only [category.assoc, equalizer.condition],
is_limit := _
(λ s, equalizer.lift (π₁ ≫ f) (π₂ ≫ g) (prod.lift (s.π.app walking_cospan.left)
(s.π.app walking_cospan.right)) $ by
rw [←category.assoc, limit.lift_π, ←category.assoc, limit.lift_π];
exact pullback_cone.condition _)
(by simp) (by simp) $ λ s m h, by
ext; simp only [limit.lift_π, fork.of_ι_app_zero, category.assoc];
exact walking_pair.cases_on j (h walking_cospan.left) (h walking_cospan.right) }


local attribute [instance] has_limit_cospan_of_has_limit_pair_of_has_limit_parallel_pair

/-- If a category has all binary products and all equalizers, then it also has all pullbacks.
As usual, this is not an instance, since there may be a more direct way to construct
pullbacks. -/
def has_pullbacks_of_has_binary_products_of_has_equalizers
(C : Type u) [𝒞 : category.{v} C] [has_binary_products.{v} C] [has_equalizers.{v} C] :
has_pullbacks.{v} C :=
has_pullbacks_of_has_limit_cospan C


/-- If the coproduct `Y ⨿ Z` and the coequalizer of `f ≫ ι₁` and `g ≫ ι₂` exist, then the
pushout of `f` and `g` exists: It is given by composing the inclusions with the coequalizer. -/
def has_colimit_span_of_has_colimit_pair_of_has_colimit_parallel_pair
{C : Type u} [𝒞 : category.{v} C] {X Y Z : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : X ⟶ Z) [has_colimit (pair Y Z)]
[has_colimit (parallel_pair (f ≫ coprod.inl) (g ≫ coprod.inr))] : has_colimit (span f g) :=
let ι₁ : Y ⟶ Y ⨿ Z := coprod.inl, ι₂ : Z ⟶ Y ⨿ Z := coprod.inr,
c := coequalizer.π (f ≫ ι₁) (g ≫ ι₂) in
{ cocone := (ι₁ ≫ c) (ι₂ ≫ c) $
by rw [←category.assoc, ←category.assoc, coequalizer.condition],
is_colimit := _
(λ s, coequalizer.desc (f ≫ ι₁) (g ≫ ι₂) (coprod.desc (s.ι.app walking_span.left)
(s.ι.app walking_span.right)) $ by
rw [category.assoc, colimit.ι_desc, category.assoc, colimit.ι_desc];
exact pushout_cocone.condition _)
(by simp) (by simp) $ λ s m h, by
ext; simp only [colimit.ι_desc, cofork.of_π_app_one]; rw [←category.assoc];
exact walking_pair.cases_on j (h walking_span.left) (h walking_span.right) }


local attribute [instance] has_colimit_span_of_has_colimit_pair_of_has_colimit_parallel_pair

/-- If a category has all binary coproducts and all coequalizers, then it also has all pushouts.
As usual, this is not an instance, since there may be a more direct way to construct
pushouts. -/
def has_pushouts_of_has_binary_coproducts_of_has_coequalizers
(C : Type u) [𝒞 : category.{v} C] [has_binary_coproducts.{v} C] [has_coequalizers.{v} C] :
has_pushouts.{v} C :=
has_pushouts_of_has_colimit_span C


end category_theory.limits
45 changes: 40 additions & 5 deletions src/category_theory/limits/shapes/pullbacks.lean
Expand Up @@ -217,16 +217,18 @@ def mk {W : C} (fst : W ⟶ X) (snd : W ⟶ Y) (eq : fst ≫ f = snd ≫ g) : pu
{ app := λ j, walking_cospan.cases_on j fst snd (fst ≫ f),
naturality' := λ j j' f, by cases f; obviously } }

@[simp] lemma mk_π_app_left {W : C} (fst : W ⟶ X) (snd : W ⟶ Y) (eq : fst ≫ f = snd ≫ g) :
(mk fst snd eq).π.app left = fst := rfl
@[simp] lemma mk_π_app_right {W : C} (fst : W ⟶ X) (snd : W ⟶ Y) (eq : fst ≫ f = snd ≫ g) :
(mk fst snd eq).π.app right = snd := rfl
@[simp] lemma mk_π_app_one {W : C} (fst : W ⟶ X) (snd : W ⟶ Y) (eq : fst ≫ f = snd ≫ g) :
(mk fst snd eq).π.app one = fst ≫ f := rfl

@[reassoc] lemma condition (t : pullback_cone f g) : fst t ≫ f = snd t ≫ g :=
erw [t.w inl, ← t.w inr], refl

@[simp] lemma mk_left {L : C} {lx : L ⟶ X} {ly : L ⟶ Y} {e : lx ≫ f = ly ≫ g} :
( lx ly e).π.app left = lx := rfl
@[simp] lemma mk_right {L : C} {lx : L ⟶ X} {ly : L ⟶ Y} {e : lx ≫ f = ly ≫ g} :
( lx ly e).π.app right = ly := rfl

/-- To check whether a morphism is equalized by the maps of a pullback cone, it suffices to check
it for `fst t` and `snd t` -/
lemma equalizer_ext (t : pullback_cone f g) {W : C} {k l : W ⟶ t.X}
Expand All @@ -239,6 +241,19 @@ lemma equalizer_ext (t : pullback_cone f g) {W : C} {k l : W ⟶ t.X}
... = l ≫ t.π.app left ≫ (cospan f g).map inl : by rw [←category.assoc, h₀, category.assoc]
... = l ≫ t.π.app one : by rw t.w

/-- This is a slightly more convenient method to verify that a pullback cone is a limit cone. It
only asks for a proof of facts that carry any mathematical content -/
def (t : pullback_cone f g) (lift : Π (s : cone (cospan f g)), s.X ⟶ t.X)
(fac_left : ∀ (s : cone (cospan f g)), lift s ≫ t.π.app left = s.π.app left)
(fac_right : ∀ (s : cone (cospan f g)), lift s ≫ t.π.app right = s.π.app right)
(uniq : ∀ (s : cone (cospan f g)) (m : s.X ⟶ t.X)
(w : ∀ j : walking_cospan, m ≫ t.π.app j = s.π.app j), m = lift s) :
is_limit t :=
{ lift := lift,
fac' := λ s j, walking_cospan.cases_on j (fac_left s) (fac_right s) $
by rw [←t.w inl, ←s.w inl, ←fac_left s, category.assoc],
uniq' := uniq }

end pullback_cone

abbreviation pushout_cocone (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : X ⟶ Z) := cocone (span f g)
Expand All @@ -256,6 +271,13 @@ def mk {W : C} (inl : Y ⟶ W) (inr : Z ⟶ W) (eq : f ≫ inl = g ≫ inr) : pu
{ app := λ j, walking_span.cases_on j (f ≫ inl) inl inr,
naturality' := λ j j' f, by cases f; obviously } }

@[simp] lemma mk_ι_app_left {W : C} (inl : Y ⟶ W) (inr : Z ⟶ W) (eq : f ≫ inl = g ≫ inr) :
(mk inl inr eq).ι.app left = inl := rfl
@[simp] lemma mk_ι_app_right {W : C} (inl : Y ⟶ W) (inr : Z ⟶ W) (eq : f ≫ inl = g ≫ inr) :
(mk inl inr eq).ι.app right = inr := rfl
@[simp] lemma mk_ι_app_zero {W : C} (inl : Y ⟶ W) (inr : Z ⟶ W) (eq : f ≫ inl = g ≫ inr) :
(mk inl inr eq).ι.app zero = f ≫ inl := rfl

@[reassoc] lemma condition (t : pushout_cocone f g) : f ≫ (inl t) = g ≫ (inr t) :=
erw [t.w fst, ← t.w snd], refl
Expand All @@ -273,6 +295,19 @@ lemma coequalizer_ext (t : pushout_cocone f g) {W : C} {k l : t.X ⟶ W}
... = ((span f g).map fst ≫ t.ι.app left) ≫ l : by rw [category.assoc, h₀, ←category.assoc]
... = t.ι.app zero ≫ l : by rw t.w

/-- This is a slightly more convenient method to verify that a pushout cocone is a colimit cocone.
It only asks for a proof of facts that carry any mathematical content -/
def (t : pushout_cocone f g) (desc : Π (s : cocone (span f g)), t.X ⟶ s.X)
(fac_left : ∀ (s : cocone (span f g)), t.ι.app left ≫ desc s = s.ι.app left)
(fac_right : ∀ (s : cocone (span f g)), t.ι.app right ≫ desc s = s.ι.app right)
(uniq : ∀ (s : cocone (span f g)) (m : t.X ⟶ s.X)
(w : ∀ j : walking_span, t.ι.app j ≫ m = s.ι.app j), m = desc s) :
is_colimit t :=
{ desc := desc,
fac' := λ s j, walking_span.cases_on j (by rw [←s.w fst, ←t.w fst, category.assoc, fac_left s])
(fac_left s) (fac_right s),
uniq' := uniq }

end pushout_cocone

def cone.of_pullback_cone
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