From c61c5af95ca05a2b8848d71809923cb458d8e2b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: prakol16 Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2022 01:38:15 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] feat(category_theory/punit): A groupoid is equivalent to punit iff it has a unique arrow between any two objects (#12726) In terms of topology, when this is used with the fundamental groupoid, it means that a space is simply connected (we still need to define this) if and only if any two paths between the same points are homotopic, and contractible spaces are simply connected. --- src/category_theory/groupoid.lean | 4 ++++ src/category_theory/punit.lean | 27 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 2 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/category_theory/groupoid.lean b/src/category_theory/groupoid.lean index d94cabd6b9938..73b3692f5381b 100644 --- a/src/category_theory/groupoid.lean +++ b/src/category_theory/groupoid.lean @@ -81,6 +81,10 @@ noncomputable def groupoid.of_is_iso (all_is_iso : ∀ {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y), is_iso f) : groupoid.{v} C := { inv := λ X Y f, inv f } +/-- A category with a unique morphism between any two objects is a groupoid -/ +def groupoid.of_hom_unique (all_unique : ∀ {X Y : C}, unique (X ⟶ Y)) : groupoid.{v} C := +{ inv := λ X Y f, all_unique.default } + end instance induced_category.groupoid {C : Type u} (D : Type u₂) [groupoid.{v} D] (F : C → D) : diff --git a/src/category_theory/punit.lean b/src/category_theory/punit.lean index ba2f6f9af8efd..834a3f78b5fd4 100644 --- a/src/category_theory/punit.lean +++ b/src/category_theory/punit.lean @@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ and construct the equivalence `(discrete punit ⥤ C) ≌ C`. universes v u -- morphism levels before object levels. See note [category_theory universes]. namespace category_theory +variables (C : Type u) [category.{v} C] namespace functor -variables (C : Type u) [category.{v} C] /-- The constant functor sending everything to ``. -/ @[simps] @@ -70,4 +70,29 @@ def equiv : (discrete punit ⥤ C) ≌ C := end functor +/-- A category being equivalent to `punit` is equivalent to it having a unique morphism between + any two objects. (In fact, such a category is also a groupoid; see `groupoid.of_hom_unique`) -/ +theorem equiv_punit_iff_unique : + nonempty (C ≌ discrete punit) ↔ (nonempty C) ∧ (∀ x y : C, nonempty $ unique (x ⟶ y)) := +begin + split, + { rintro ⟨h⟩, + refine ⟨⟨h.inverse.obj⟩, λ x y, nonempty.intro _⟩, + apply (unique_of_subsingleton _), swap, + { have hx : x ⟶ h.inverse.obj := by convert x, + have hy : h.inverse.obj ⟶ y := by convert y, + exact hx ≫ hy, }, + have : ∀ z, z = x ≫ (h.functor ⋙ h.inverse).map z ≫ y, + { intro z, simpa using congr_arg (≫ ( y)) (h.unit.naturality z), }, + apply subsingleton.intro, + intros a b, + rw [this a, this b], + simp only [functor.comp_map], congr, }, + { rintro ⟨⟨p⟩, h⟩, + haveI := λ x y, (h x y).some, + refine nonempty.intro ( + ((functor.const _).obj ((functor.const _).obj p) _ (by apply functor.punit_ext)), + exact nat_iso.of_components (λ _, { hom := default, inv := default }) (λ _ _ _, by tidy), }, +end + end category_theory