From ca3351f66232b26bb6826ace57c86fd9f88299f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kevin Kappelmann Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2020 10:59:06 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] feat(rat/{basic,floor}) add floor lemmas (#5148) --- src/data/rat/basic.lean | 8 ++++ src/data/rat/floor.lean | 104 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 2 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/data/rat/basic.lean b/src/data/rat/basic.lean index 4a2115ae6f7a1..d56ca4a010c97 100644 --- a/src/data/rat/basic.lean +++ b/src/data/rat/basic.lean @@ -586,6 +586,14 @@ begin simp [division_def, coe_int_eq_mk, mul_def one_ne_zero d0] end +lemma exists_eq_mul_div_num_and_eq_mul_div_denom {n d : ℤ} (n_ne_zero : n ≠ 0) + (d_ne_zero : d ≠ 0) : + ∃ (c : ℤ), n = c * ((n : ℚ) / d).num ∧ (d : ℤ) = c * ((n : ℚ) / d).denom := +begin + have : ((n : ℚ) / d) = n d, by rw [←rat.mk_eq_div], + exact rat.num_denom_mk n_ne_zero d_ne_zero this +end + theorem coe_int_eq_of_int (z : ℤ) : ↑z = of_int z := (coe_int_eq_mk z).trans (of_int_eq_mk z).symm diff --git a/src/data/rat/floor.lean b/src/data/rat/floor.lean index a94f917c19657..e2d190ab5dfca 100644 --- a/src/data/rat/floor.lean +++ b/src/data/rat/floor.lean @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ import algebra.floor ## Summary -We define the `floor` function and the `floor_ring` instance on `ℚ`. +We define the `floor` function and the `floor_ring` instance on `ℚ`. Some technical lemmas relating +`floor` to integer division and modulo arithmetic are derived as well as some simple inequalities. ## Tags @@ -37,4 +38,105 @@ instance : floor_ring ℚ := protected lemma floor_def {q : ℚ} : ⌊q⌋ = q.num / q.denom := by { cases q, refl } +lemma floor_int_div_nat_eq_div {n : ℤ} {d : ℕ} : ⌊(↑n : ℚ) / (↑d : ℚ)⌋ = n / (↑d : ℤ) := +begin + rw [rat.floor_def], + cases decidable.em (d = 0) with d_eq_zero d_ne_zero, + { simp [d_eq_zero] }, + { cases decidable.em (n = 0) with n_eq_zero n_ne_zero, + { simp [n_eq_zero] }, + { set q := (n : ℚ) / d with q_eq, + obtain ⟨c, n_eq_c_mul_num, d_eq_c_mul_denom⟩ : ∃ c, n = c * q.num ∧ (d : ℤ) = c * q.denom, by + { rw q_eq, + exact_mod_cast (@rat.exists_eq_mul_div_num_and_eq_mul_div_denom n d n_ne_zero + (by exact_mod_cast d_ne_zero)) }, + suffices : q.num / q.denom = c * q.num / (c * q.denom), + by rwa [n_eq_c_mul_num, d_eq_c_mul_denom], + suffices : c > 0, by solve_by_elim [int.mul_div_mul_of_pos], + have q_denom_mul_c_pos : (0 : ℤ) < q.denom * c, by + { have : (d : ℤ) > 0, by exact_mod_cast (nat.pos_iff_ne_zero.elim_right d_ne_zero), + rwa [d_eq_c_mul_denom, mul_comm] at this }, + suffices : (0 : ℤ) ≤ q.denom, from pos_of_mul_pos_left q_denom_mul_c_pos this, + exact_mod_cast (le_of_lt q.pos) } } +end + +end rat + + +lemma int.mod_nat_eq_sub_mul_floor_rat_div {n : ℤ} {d : ℕ} : n % d = n - d * ⌊(n : ℚ) / d⌋ := +by rw [(eq_sub_of_add_eq $ int.mod_add_div n d), rat.floor_int_div_nat_eq_div] + +lemma nat.coprime_sub_mul_floor_rat_div_of_coprime {n d : ℕ} (n_coprime_d : n.coprime d) : + ((n : ℤ) - d * ⌊(n : ℚ)/ d⌋).nat_abs.coprime d := +begin + have : (n : ℤ) % d = n - d * ⌊(n : ℚ)/ d⌋, from int.mod_nat_eq_sub_mul_floor_rat_div, + rw ←this, + have : d.coprime n, from n_coprime_d.symm, + rwa [nat.coprime, nat.gcd_rec] at this +end + + +namespace rat + +lemma num_lt_succ_floor_mul_denom (q : ℚ) : q.num < (⌊q⌋ + 1) * q.denom := +begin + suffices : (q.num : ℚ) < (⌊q⌋ + 1) * q.denom, by exact_mod_cast this, + suffices : (q.num : ℚ) < (q - fract q + 1) * q.denom, by + { have : (⌊q⌋ : ℚ) = q - fract q, from (eq_sub_of_add_eq $ floor_add_fract q), + rwa this }, + suffices : (q.num : ℚ) < q.num + (1 - fract q) * q.denom, by + { have : (q - fract q + 1) * q.denom = q.num + (1 - fract q) * q.denom, calc + (q - fract q + 1) * q.denom = (q + (1 - fract q)) * q.denom : by ring + ... = q * q.denom + (1 - fract q) * q.denom : by rw add_mul + ... = q.num + (1 - fract q) * q.denom : by simp, + rwa this }, + suffices : 0 < (1 - fract q) * q.denom, by { rw ←sub_lt_iff_lt_add', simpa }, + have : 0 < 1 - fract q, by + { have : fract q < 1, from fract_lt_one q, + have : 0 + fract q < 1, by simp [this], + rwa lt_sub_iff_add_lt }, + exact mul_pos this (by exact_mod_cast q.pos) +end + +lemma fract_inv_num_lt_num_of_pos {q : ℚ} (q_pos : 0 < q): (fract q⁻¹).num < q.num := +begin + -- we know that the numerator must be positive + have q_num_pos : 0 < q.num, from rat.num_pos_iff_pos.elim_right q_pos, + -- we will work with the absolute value of the numerator, which is equal to the numerator + have q_num_abs_eq_q_num : (q.num.nat_abs : ℤ) = q.num, from + (int.nat_abs_of_nonneg $ le_of_lt q_num_pos), + set q_inv := (q.denom : ℚ) / q.num with q_inv_def, + have q_inv_eq : q⁻¹ = q_inv, from rat.inv_def', + suffices : (q_inv - ⌊q_inv⌋).num < q.num, by rwa q_inv_eq, + suffices : ((q.denom - q.num * ⌊q_inv⌋ : ℚ) / q.num).num < q.num, by + field_simp [this, (ne_of_gt q_num_pos)], + suffices : (q.denom : ℤ) - q.num * ⌊q_inv⌋ < q.num, by + { -- use that `q.num` and `q.denom` are coprime to show that the numerator stays unreduced + have : ((q.denom - q.num * ⌊q_inv⌋ : ℚ) / q.num).num = q.denom - q.num * ⌊q_inv⌋, by + { suffices : ((q.denom : ℤ) - q.num * ⌊q_inv⌋).nat_abs.coprime q.num.nat_abs, by + exact_mod_cast (rat.num_div_eq_of_coprime q_num_pos this), + have : (q.num.nat_abs : ℚ) = (q.num : ℚ), by exact_mod_cast q_num_abs_eq_q_num, + have tmp := nat.coprime_sub_mul_floor_rat_div_of_coprime q.cop.symm, + simpa only [this, q_num_abs_eq_q_num] using tmp }, + rwa this }, + -- to show the claim, start with the following inequality + have q_inv_num_denom_ineq : q⁻¹.num - ⌊q⁻¹⌋ * q⁻¹.denom < q⁻¹.denom, by + { have : q⁻¹.num < (⌊q⁻¹⌋ + 1) * q⁻¹.denom, from rat.num_lt_succ_floor_mul_denom q⁻¹, + have : q⁻¹.num < ⌊q⁻¹⌋ * q⁻¹.denom + q⁻¹.denom, by rwa [right_distrib, one_mul] at this, + rwa [←sub_lt_iff_lt_add'] at this }, + -- use that `q.num` and `q.denom` are coprime to show that q_inv is the unreduced reciprocal + -- of `q` + have : q_inv.num = q.denom ∧ q_inv.denom = q.num.nat_abs, by + { have coprime_q_denom_q_num : q.denom.coprime q.num.nat_abs, from q.cop.symm, + have : int.nat_abs q.denom = q.denom, by simp, + rw ←this at coprime_q_denom_q_num, + rw q_inv_def, + split, + { exact_mod_cast (rat.num_div_eq_of_coprime q_num_pos coprime_q_denom_q_num) }, + { suffices : (((q.denom : ℚ) / q.num).denom : ℤ) = q.num.nat_abs, by exact_mod_cast this, + rw q_num_abs_eq_q_num, + exact_mod_cast (rat.denom_div_eq_of_coprime q_num_pos coprime_q_denom_q_num) } }, + rwa [q_inv_eq, this.left, this.right, q_num_abs_eq_q_num, mul_comm] at q_inv_num_denom_ineq +end + end rat