From cbf3062bbc75ad2ca7757e1196690721d6f6b5e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kyle Miller Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2022 17:32:49 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] feat(combinatorics/simple_graph/connectivity): define connected components (#12766) --- .../simple_graph/connectivity.lean | 66 ++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 64 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/combinatorics/simple_graph/connectivity.lean b/src/combinatorics/simple_graph/connectivity.lean index b582e5ca141e5..32409689aa3dc 100644 --- a/src/combinatorics/simple_graph/connectivity.lean +++ b/src/combinatorics/simple_graph/connectivity.lean @@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ counterparts in [Chou1994]. * `simple_graph.subgraph.connected` gives subgraphs the connectivity predicate via `simple_graph.subgraph.coe`. +* `simple_graph.connected_component` is the type of connected components of + a given graph. + ## Tags walks, trails, paths, circuits, cycles @@ -988,11 +991,70 @@ structure connected : Prop := instance : has_coe_to_fun G.connected (λ _, Π (u v : V), G.reachable u v) := ⟨λ h, h.preconnected⟩ -/-- A subgraph is connected if it is connected as a simple graph. -/ -abbreviation subgraph.connected {G : simple_graph V} (H : G.subgraph) : Prop := H.coe.connected +/-- The quotient of `V` by the `simple_graph.reachable` relation gives the connected +components of a graph. -/ +def connected_component := quot G.reachable + +/-- Gives the connected component containing a particular vertex. -/ +def connected_component_mk (v : V) : G.connected_component := G.reachable v +instance connected_component.inhabited [inhabited V] : inhabited G.connected_component := +⟨G.connected_component_mk default⟩ + +section connected_component variables {G} +@[elab_as_eliminator] +protected lemma connected_component.ind {β : G.connected_component → Prop} + (h : ∀ (v : V), β (G.connected_component_mk v)) (c : G.connected_component) : β c := +quot.ind h c + +@[elab_as_eliminator] +protected lemma connected_component.ind₂ {β : G.connected_component → G.connected_component → Prop} + (h : ∀ (v w : V), β (G.connected_component_mk v) (G.connected_component_mk w)) + (c d : G.connected_component) : β c d := +quot.induction_on₂ c d h + +protected lemma connected_component.sound {v w : V} : + G.reachable v w → G.connected_component_mk v = G.connected_component_mk w := quot.sound + +protected lemma connected_component.exact {v w : V} : + G.connected_component_mk v = G.connected_component_mk w → G.reachable v w := +@quotient.exact _ G.reachable_setoid _ _ + +@[simp] protected lemma connected_component.eq {v w : V} : + G.connected_component_mk v = G.connected_component_mk w ↔ G.reachable v w := +@quotient.eq _ G.reachable_setoid _ _ + +/-- The `connected_component` specialization of `quot.lift`. Provides the stronger +assumption that the vertices are connected by a path. -/ +protected def connected_component.lift {β : Sort*} (f : V → β) + (h : ∀ (v w : V) (p : G.walk v w), p.is_path → f v = f w) : G.connected_component → β := +quot.lift f (λ v w (h' : G.reachable v w), h'.elim_path (λ hp, h v w hp hp.2)) + +@[simp] protected lemma connected_component.lift_mk {β : Sort*} {f : V → β} + {h : ∀ (v w : V) (p : G.walk v w), p.is_path → f v = f w} {v : V} : + connected_component.lift f h (G.connected_component_mk v) = f v := rfl + +protected lemma connected_component.«exists» {p : G.connected_component → Prop} : + (∃ (c : G.connected_component), p c) ↔ ∃ v, p (G.connected_component_mk v) := +(surjective_quot_mk G.reachable).exists + +protected lemma connected_component.«forall» {p : G.connected_component → Prop} : + (∀ (c : G.connected_component), p c) ↔ ∀ v, p (G.connected_component_mk v) := +(surjective_quot_mk G.reachable).forall + +lemma preconnected.subsingleton_connected_component (h : G.preconnected) : + subsingleton G.connected_component := +⟨connected_component.ind₂ (λ v w, connected_component.sound (h v w))⟩ + +end connected_component + +variables {G} + +/-- A subgraph is connected if it is connected as a simple graph. -/ +abbreviation subgraph.connected (H : G.subgraph) : Prop := H.coe.connected + lemma preconnected.set_univ_walk_nonempty (hconn : G.preconnected) (u v : V) : (set.univ : set (G.walk u v)).nonempty := by { rw ← set.nonempty_iff_univ_nonempty, exact hconn u v }