From ce26d75dd8a2101fee3572e717b34774fe9a78e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: mcdoll Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2022 21:08:47 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] refactor(analysis/normed_space/basic): split into normed_space and ../normed/normed_field (#12410) Splits off the sections about normed rings and fields of the file `analysis/normed_space/basic` into a new file `analysis/normed/normed_field`. --- src/analysis/normed/normed_field.lean | 671 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/analysis/normed_space/basic.lean | 657 +------------------------ 2 files changed, 673 insertions(+), 655 deletions(-) create mode 100644 src/analysis/normed/normed_field.lean diff --git a/src/analysis/normed/normed_field.lean b/src/analysis/normed/normed_field.lean new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..73555e9f442b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/analysis/normed/normed_field.lean @@ -0,0 +1,671 @@ +/- +Copyright (c) 2018 Patrick Massot. All rights reserved. +Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. +Authors: Patrick Massot, Johannes Hölzl +-/ +import +import topology.algebra.module.basic +import topology.instances.ennreal +import topology.instances.rat + +/-! +# Normed fields + +In this file we define (semi)normed rings and fields. We also prove some theorems about these +definitions. +-/ + +variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*} {ι : Type*} + +noncomputable theory +open filter metric +open_locale topological_space big_operators nnreal ennreal uniformity pointwise + +section semi_normed_ring + +/-- A seminormed ring is a ring endowed with a seminorm which satisfies the inequality +`∥x y∥ ≤ ∥x∥ ∥y∥`. -/ +class semi_normed_ring (α : Type*) extends has_norm α, ring α, pseudo_metric_space α := +(dist_eq : ∀ x y, dist x y = norm (x - y)) +(norm_mul : ∀ a b, norm (a * b) ≤ norm a * norm b) + +/-- A normed ring is a ring endowed with a norm which satisfies the inequality `∥x y∥ ≤ ∥x∥ ∥y∥`. -/ +class normed_ring (α : Type*) extends has_norm α, ring α, metric_space α := +(dist_eq : ∀ x y, dist x y = norm (x - y)) +(norm_mul : ∀ a b, norm (a * b) ≤ norm a * norm b) + +/-- A normed ring is a seminormed ring. -/ +@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] +instance normed_ring.to_semi_normed_ring [β : normed_ring α] : semi_normed_ring α := +{ ..β } + +/-- A seminormed commutative ring is a commutative ring endowed with a seminorm which satisfies +the inequality `∥x y∥ ≤ ∥x∥ ∥y∥`. -/ +class semi_normed_comm_ring (α : Type*) extends semi_normed_ring α := +(mul_comm : ∀ x y : α, x * y = y * x) + +/-- A normed commutative ring is a commutative ring endowed with a norm which satisfies +the inequality `∥x y∥ ≤ ∥x∥ ∥y∥`. -/ +class normed_comm_ring (α : Type*) extends normed_ring α := +(mul_comm : ∀ x y : α, x * y = y * x) + +/-- A normed commutative ring is a seminormed commutative ring. -/ +@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] +instance normed_comm_ring.to_semi_normed_comm_ring [β : normed_comm_ring α] : + semi_normed_comm_ring α := { ..β } + +instance : normed_comm_ring punit := +{ norm_mul := λ _ _, by simp, + ..punit.normed_group, + ..punit.comm_ring, } + +/-- A mixin class with the axiom `∥1∥ = 1`. Many `normed_ring`s and all `normed_field`s satisfy this +axiom. -/ +class norm_one_class (α : Type*) [has_norm α] [has_one α] : Prop := +(norm_one : ∥(1:α)∥ = 1) + +export norm_one_class (norm_one) + +attribute [simp] norm_one + +@[simp] lemma nnnorm_one [semi_normed_group α] [has_one α] [norm_one_class α] : ∥(1 : α)∥₊ = 1 := +nnreal.eq norm_one + +@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] +instance semi_normed_comm_ring.to_comm_ring [β : semi_normed_comm_ring α] : comm_ring α := { ..β } + +@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] +instance normed_ring.to_normed_group [β : normed_ring α] : normed_group α := { ..β } + +@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] +instance semi_normed_ring.to_semi_normed_group [β : semi_normed_ring α] : + semi_normed_group α := { ..β } + +instance prod.norm_one_class [semi_normed_group α] [has_one α] [norm_one_class α] + [semi_normed_group β] [has_one β] [norm_one_class β] : + norm_one_class (α × β) := +⟨by simp [prod.norm_def]⟩ + +variables [semi_normed_ring α] + +lemma norm_mul_le (a b : α) : (∥a*b∥) ≤ (∥a∥) * (∥b∥) := +semi_normed_ring.norm_mul _ _ + +lemma nnnorm_mul_le (a b : α) : ∥a * b∥₊ ≤ ∥a∥₊ * ∥b∥₊ := +by simpa only [←norm_to_nnreal, ←real.to_nnreal_mul (norm_nonneg _)] + using real.to_nnreal_mono (norm_mul_le _ _) + +/-- A subalgebra of a seminormed ring is also a seminormed ring, with the restriction of the norm. + +See note [implicit instance arguments]. -/ +instance subalgebra.semi_normed_ring {𝕜 : Type*} {_ : comm_ring 𝕜} + {E : Type*} [semi_normed_ring E] {_ : algebra 𝕜 E} (s : subalgebra 𝕜 E) : semi_normed_ring s := +{ norm_mul := λ a b, norm_mul_le a.1 b.1, + ..s.to_submodule.semi_normed_group } + +/-- A subalgebra of a normed ring is also a normed ring, with the restriction of the norm. + +See note [implicit instance arguments]. -/ +instance subalgebra.normed_ring {𝕜 : Type*} {_ : comm_ring 𝕜} + {E : Type*} [normed_ring E] {_ : algebra 𝕜 E} (s : subalgebra 𝕜 E) : normed_ring s := +{ ..s.semi_normed_ring } + +lemma list.norm_prod_le' : ∀ {l : list α}, l ≠ [] → ∥∥ ≤ ( norm).prod +| [] h := (h rfl).elim +| [a] _ := by simp +| (a :: b :: l) _ := + begin + rw [list.map_cons, list.prod_cons, @list.prod_cons _ _ _ ∥a∥], + refine le_trans (norm_mul_le _ _) (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left _ (norm_nonneg _)), + exact list.norm_prod_le' (list.cons_ne_nil b l) + end + +lemma list.norm_prod_le [norm_one_class α] : ∀ l : list α, ∥∥ ≤ ( norm).prod +| [] := by simp +| (a::l) := list.norm_prod_le' (list.cons_ne_nil a l) + +lemma finset.norm_prod_le' {α : Type*} [normed_comm_ring α] (s : finset ι) (hs : s.nonempty) + (f : ι → α) : + ∥∏ i in s, f i∥ ≤ ∏ i in s, ∥f i∥ := +begin + rcases s with ⟨⟨l⟩, hl⟩, + have : f ≠ [], by simpa using hs, + simpa using list.norm_prod_le' this +end + +lemma finset.norm_prod_le {α : Type*} [normed_comm_ring α] [norm_one_class α] (s : finset ι) + (f : ι → α) : + ∥∏ i in s, f i∥ ≤ ∏ i in s, ∥f i∥ := +begin + rcases s with ⟨⟨l⟩, hl⟩, + simpa using ( f).norm_prod_le +end + +/-- If `α` is a seminormed ring, then `∥a ^ n∥₊ ≤ ∥a∥₊ ^ n` for `n > 0`. +See also `nnnorm_pow_le`. -/ +lemma nnnorm_pow_le' (a : α) : ∀ {n : ℕ}, 0 < n → ∥a ^ n∥₊ ≤ ∥a∥₊ ^ n +| 1 h := by simp only [pow_one] +| (n + 2) h := by simpa only [pow_succ _ (n + 1)] using + le_trans (nnnorm_mul_le _ _) (mul_le_mul_left' (nnnorm_pow_le' n.succ_pos) _) + +/-- If `α` is a seminormed ring with `∥1∥₊ = 1`, then `∥a ^ n∥₊ ≤ ∥a∥₊ ^ n`. +See also `nnnorm_pow_le'`.-/ +lemma nnnorm_pow_le [norm_one_class α] (a : α) (n : ℕ) : ∥a ^ n∥₊ ≤ ∥a∥₊ ^ n := +nat.rec_on n (by simp only [pow_zero, nnnorm_one]) (λ k hk, nnnorm_pow_le' a k.succ_pos) + +/-- If `α` is a seminormed ring, then `∥a ^ n∥ ≤ ∥a∥ ^ n` for `n > 0`. See also `norm_pow_le`. -/ +lemma norm_pow_le' (a : α) {n : ℕ} (h : 0 < n) : ∥a ^ n∥ ≤ ∥a∥ ^ n := +by simpa only [nnreal.coe_pow, coe_nnnorm] using nnreal.coe_mono (nnnorm_pow_le' a h) + +/-- If `α` is a seminormed ring with `∥1∥ = 1`, then `∥a ^ n∥ ≤ ∥a∥ ^ n`. See also `norm_pow_le'`.-/ +lemma norm_pow_le [norm_one_class α] (a : α) (n : ℕ) : ∥a ^ n∥ ≤ ∥a∥ ^ n := +nat.rec_on n (by simp only [pow_zero, norm_one]) (λ n hn, norm_pow_le' a n.succ_pos) + +lemma eventually_norm_pow_le (a : α) : ∀ᶠ (n:ℕ) in at_top, ∥a ^ n∥ ≤ ∥a∥ ^ n := +eventually_at_top.mpr ⟨1, λ b h, norm_pow_le' a ( h)⟩ + +/-- In a seminormed ring, the left-multiplication `add_monoid_hom` is bounded. -/ +lemma mul_left_bound (x : α) : + ∀ (y:α), ∥add_monoid_hom.mul_left x y∥ ≤ ∥x∥ * ∥y∥ := +norm_mul_le x + +/-- In a seminormed ring, the right-multiplication `add_monoid_hom` is bounded. -/ +lemma mul_right_bound (x : α) : + ∀ (y:α), ∥add_monoid_hom.mul_right x y∥ ≤ ∥x∥ * ∥y∥ := +λ y, by {rw mul_comm, convert norm_mul_le y x} + +/-- Seminormed ring structure on the product of two seminormed rings, using the sup norm. -/ +instance prod.semi_normed_ring [semi_normed_ring β] : semi_normed_ring (α × β) := +{ norm_mul := assume x y, + calc + ∥x * y∥ = ∥(x.1*y.1, x.2*y.2)∥ : rfl + ... = (max ∥x.1*y.1∥ ∥x.2*y.2∥) : rfl + ... ≤ (max (∥x.1∥*∥y.1∥) (∥x.2∥*∥y.2∥)) : + max_le_max (norm_mul_le (x.1) (y.1)) (norm_mul_le (x.2) (y.2)) + ... = (max (∥x.1∥*∥y.1∥) (∥y.2∥*∥x.2∥)) : by simp[mul_comm] + ... ≤ (max (∥x.1∥) (∥x.2∥)) * (max (∥y.2∥) (∥y.1∥)) : + by apply max_mul_mul_le_max_mul_max; simp [norm_nonneg] + ... = (max (∥x.1∥) (∥x.2∥)) * (max (∥y.1∥) (∥y.2∥)) : by simp [max_comm] + ... = (∥x∥*∥y∥) : rfl, + } + +/-- Seminormed group instance (using sup norm of sup norm) for matrices over a seminormed ring. Not +declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a +matrix. -/ +def matrix.semi_normed_group {n m : Type*} [fintype n] [fintype m] : + semi_normed_group (matrix n m α) := +pi.semi_normed_group + +local attribute [instance] matrix.semi_normed_group + +lemma norm_matrix_le_iff {n m : Type*} [fintype n] [fintype m] {r : ℝ} (hr : 0 ≤ r) + {A : matrix n m α} : + ∥A∥ ≤ r ↔ ∀ i j, ∥A i j∥ ≤ r := +by simp [pi_norm_le_iff hr] + +lemma norm_matrix_lt_iff {n m : Type*} [fintype n] [fintype m] {r : ℝ} (hr : 0 < r) + {A : matrix n m α} : + ∥A∥ < r ↔ ∀ i j, ∥A i j∥ < r := +by simp [pi_norm_lt_iff hr] + +end semi_normed_ring + +section normed_ring + +variables [normed_ring α] + +lemma units.norm_pos [nontrivial α] (x : αˣ) : 0 < ∥(x:α)∥ := +norm_pos_iff.mpr (units.ne_zero x) + +/-- Normed ring structure on the product of two normed rings, using the sup norm. -/ +instance prod.normed_ring [normed_ring β] : normed_ring (α × β) := +{ norm_mul := norm_mul_le, + } + +/-- Normed group instance (using sup norm of sup norm) for matrices over a normed ring. Not +declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a +matrix. -/ +def matrix.normed_group {n m : Type*} [fintype n] [fintype m] : normed_group (matrix n m α) := +pi.normed_group + +end normed_ring + +@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] +instance semi_normed_ring_top_monoid [semi_normed_ring α] : has_continuous_mul α := +⟨ continuous_iff_continuous_at.2 $ λ x, tendsto_iff_norm_tendsto_zero.2 $ + begin + have : ∀ e : α × α, ∥e.1 * e.2 - x.1 * x.2∥ ≤ ∥e.1∥ * ∥e.2 - x.2∥ + ∥e.1 - x.1∥ * ∥x.2∥, + { intro e, + calc ∥e.1 * e.2 - x.1 * x.2∥ ≤ ∥e.1 * (e.2 - x.2) + (e.1 - x.1) * x.2∥ : + by rw [mul_sub, sub_mul, sub_add_sub_cancel] + ... ≤ ∥e.1∥ * ∥e.2 - x.2∥ + ∥e.1 - x.1∥ * ∥x.2∥ : + norm_add_le_of_le (norm_mul_le _ _) (norm_mul_le _ _) }, + refine squeeze_zero (λ e, norm_nonneg _) this _, + convert ((continuous_fst.tendsto x).norm.mul ((continuous_snd.tendsto x).sub + tendsto_const_nhds).norm).add + (((continuous_fst.tendsto x).sub tendsto_const_nhds).norm.mul _), + show tendsto _ _ _, from tendsto_const_nhds, + simp + end ⟩ + +/-- A seminormed ring is a topological ring. -/ +@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] +instance semi_normed_top_ring [semi_normed_ring α] : topological_ring α := { } + +/-- A normed field is a field with a norm satisfying ∥x y∥ = ∥x∥ ∥y∥. -/ +class normed_field (α : Type*) extends has_norm α, field α, metric_space α := +(dist_eq : ∀ x y, dist x y = norm (x - y)) +(norm_mul' : ∀ a b, norm (a * b) = norm a * norm b) + +/-- A nondiscrete normed field is a normed field in which there is an element of norm different from +`0` and `1`. This makes it possible to bring any element arbitrarily close to `0` by multiplication +by the powers of any element, and thus to relate algebra and topology. -/ +class nondiscrete_normed_field (α : Type*) extends normed_field α := +(non_trivial : ∃x:α, 1<∥x∥) + +section normed_field + +variables [normed_field α] + +@[simp] lemma norm_mul (a b : α) : ∥a * b∥ = ∥a∥ * ∥b∥ := +normed_field.norm_mul' a b + +@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] +instance normed_field.to_normed_comm_ring : normed_comm_ring α := +{ norm_mul := λ a b, (norm_mul a b).le, ..‹normed_field α› } + +@[priority 900] +instance normed_field.to_norm_one_class : norm_one_class α := +⟨mul_left_cancel₀ (mt norm_eq_zero.1 (@one_ne_zero α _ _)) $ + by rw [← norm_mul, mul_one, mul_one]⟩ + +export norm_one_class (norm_one) + +@[simp] lemma nnnorm_mul (a b : α) : ∥a * b∥₊ = ∥a∥₊ * ∥b∥₊ := +nnreal.eq $ norm_mul a b + +/-- `norm` as a `monoid_with_zero_hom`. -/ +@[simps] def norm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ := ⟨norm, norm_zero, norm_one, norm_mul⟩ + +/-- `nnnorm` as a `monoid_with_zero_hom`. -/ +@[simps] def nnnorm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ≥0 := ⟨nnnorm, nnnorm_zero, nnnorm_one, nnnorm_mul⟩ + +@[simp] lemma norm_pow (a : α) : ∀ (n : ℕ), ∥a ^ n∥ = ∥a∥ ^ n := +(norm_hom.to_monoid_hom : α →* ℝ).map_pow a + +@[simp] lemma nnnorm_pow (a : α) (n : ℕ) : ∥a ^ n∥₊ = ∥a∥₊ ^ n := +(nnnorm_hom.to_monoid_hom : α →* ℝ≥0).map_pow a n + +@[simp] lemma norm_prod (s : finset β) (f : β → α) : + ∥∏ b in s, f b∥ = ∏ b in s, ∥f b∥ := +(norm_hom.to_monoid_hom : α →* ℝ).map_prod f s + +@[simp] lemma nnnorm_prod (s : finset β) (f : β → α) : + ∥∏ b in s, f b∥₊ = ∏ b in s, ∥f b∥₊ := +(nnnorm_hom.to_monoid_hom : α →* ℝ≥0).map_prod f s + +@[simp] lemma norm_div (a b : α) : ∥a / b∥ = ∥a∥ / ∥b∥ := (norm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ).map_div a b + +@[simp] lemma nnnorm_div (a b : α) : ∥a / b∥₊ = ∥a∥₊ / ∥b∥₊ := (nnnorm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ≥0).map_div a b + +@[simp] lemma norm_inv (a : α) : ∥a⁻¹∥ = ∥a∥⁻¹ := (norm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ).map_inv a + +@[simp] lemma nnnorm_inv (a : α) : ∥a⁻¹∥₊ = ∥a∥₊⁻¹ := +nnreal.eq $ by simp + +@[simp] lemma norm_zpow : ∀ (a : α) (n : ℤ), ∥a^n∥ = ∥a∥^n := (norm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ).map_zpow + +@[simp] lemma nnnorm_zpow : ∀ (a : α) (n : ℤ), ∥a ^ n∥₊ = ∥a∥₊ ^ n := +(nnnorm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ≥0).map_zpow + +@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] +instance normed_field.has_continuous_inv₀ : has_continuous_inv₀ α := +begin + refine ⟨λ r r0, tendsto_iff_norm_tendsto_zero.2 _⟩, + have r0' : 0 < ∥r∥ := norm_pos_iff.2 r0, + rcases exists_between r0' with ⟨ε, ε0, εr⟩, + have : ∀ᶠ e in 𝓝 r, ∥e⁻¹ - r⁻¹∥ ≤ ∥r - e∥ / ∥r∥ / ε, + { filter_upwards [(is_open_lt continuous_const continuous_norm).eventually_mem εr] with e he, + have e0 : e ≠ 0 := norm_pos_iff.1 (ε0.trans he), + calc ∥e⁻¹ - r⁻¹∥ = ∥r - e∥ / ∥r∥ / ∥e∥ : by field_simp [mul_comm] + ... ≤ ∥r - e∥ / ∥r∥ / ε : + div_le_div_of_le_left (div_nonneg (norm_nonneg _) (norm_nonneg _)) ε0 he.le }, + refine squeeze_zero' (eventually_of_forall $ λ _, norm_nonneg _) this _, + refine (continuous_const.sub continuous_id).norm.div_const.div_const.tendsto' _ _ _, + simp +end + +end normed_field + +namespace normed_field + +variables (α) [nondiscrete_normed_field α] + +lemma exists_one_lt_norm : ∃x : α, 1 < ∥x∥ := ‹nondiscrete_normed_field α›.non_trivial + +lemma exists_norm_lt_one : ∃x : α, 0 < ∥x∥ ∧ ∥x∥ < 1 := +begin + rcases exists_one_lt_norm α with ⟨y, hy⟩, + refine ⟨y⁻¹, _, _⟩, + { simp only [inv_eq_zero, ne.def, norm_pos_iff], + rintro rfl, + rw norm_zero at hy, + exact lt_asymm zero_lt_one hy }, + { simp [inv_lt_one hy] } +end + +lemma exists_lt_norm (r : ℝ) : ∃ x : α, r < ∥x∥ := +let ⟨w, hw⟩ := exists_one_lt_norm α in +let ⟨n, hn⟩ := pow_unbounded_of_one_lt r hw in +⟨w^n, by rwa norm_pow⟩ + +lemma exists_norm_lt {r : ℝ} (hr : 0 < r) : ∃ x : α, 0 < ∥x∥ ∧ ∥x∥ < r := +let ⟨w, hw⟩ := exists_one_lt_norm α in +let ⟨n, hle, hlt⟩ := exists_mem_Ioc_zpow hr hw in +⟨w^n, by { rw norm_zpow; exact zpow_pos_of_pos (lt_trans zero_lt_one hw) _}, +by rwa norm_zpow⟩ + +variable {α} + +@[instance] +lemma punctured_nhds_ne_bot (x : α) : ne_bot (𝓝[≠] x) := +begin + rw [← mem_closure_iff_nhds_within_ne_bot, metric.mem_closure_iff], + rintros ε ε0, + rcases exists_norm_lt α ε0 with ⟨b, hb0, hbε⟩, + refine ⟨x + b, mt (set.mem_singleton_iff.trans add_right_eq_self).1 $ norm_pos_iff.1 hb0, _⟩, + rwa [dist_comm, dist_eq_norm, add_sub_cancel'], +end + +@[instance] +lemma nhds_within_is_unit_ne_bot : ne_bot (𝓝[{x : α | is_unit x}] 0) := +by simpa only [is_unit_iff_ne_zero] using punctured_nhds_ne_bot (0:α) + +end normed_field + +instance : normed_field ℝ := +{ norm_mul' := abs_mul, + .. real.normed_group } + +instance : nondiscrete_normed_field ℝ := +{ non_trivial := ⟨2, by { unfold norm, rw abs_of_nonneg; norm_num }⟩ } + +namespace real + +lemma norm_of_nonneg {x : ℝ} (hx : 0 ≤ x) : ∥x∥ = x := +abs_of_nonneg hx + +lemma norm_of_nonpos {x : ℝ} (hx : x ≤ 0) : ∥x∥ = -x := +abs_of_nonpos hx + +@[simp] lemma norm_coe_nat (n : ℕ) : ∥(n : ℝ)∥ = n := abs_of_nonneg n.cast_nonneg + +@[simp] lemma nnnorm_coe_nat (n : ℕ) : ∥(n : ℝ)∥₊ = n := nnreal.eq $ by simp + +@[simp] lemma norm_two : ∥(2 : ℝ)∥ = 2 := abs_of_pos (@zero_lt_two ℝ _ _) + +@[simp] lemma nnnorm_two : ∥(2 : ℝ)∥₊ = 2 := nnreal.eq $ by simp + +lemma nnnorm_of_nonneg {x : ℝ} (hx : 0 ≤ x) : ∥x∥₊ = ⟨x, hx⟩ := +nnreal.eq $ norm_of_nonneg hx + +lemma ennnorm_eq_of_real {x : ℝ} (hx : 0 ≤ x) : (∥x∥₊ : ℝ≥0∞) = ennreal.of_real x := +by { rw [← of_real_norm_eq_coe_nnnorm, norm_of_nonneg hx] } + +lemma of_real_le_ennnorm (x : ℝ) : ennreal.of_real x ≤ ∥x∥₊ := +begin + by_cases hx : 0 ≤ x, + { rw real.ennnorm_eq_of_real hx, refl' }, + { rw [ennreal.of_real_eq_zero.2 (le_of_lt (not_le.1 hx))], + exact bot_le } +end + +/-- If `E` is a nontrivial topological module over `ℝ`, then `E` has no isolated points. +This is a particular case of `module.punctured_nhds_ne_bot`. -/ +instance punctured_nhds_module_ne_bot + {E : Type*} [add_comm_group E] [topological_space E] [has_continuous_add E] [nontrivial E] + [module ℝ E] [has_continuous_smul ℝ E] (x : E) : + ne_bot (𝓝[≠] x) := +module.punctured_nhds_ne_bot ℝ E x + +end real + +namespace nnreal + +open_locale nnreal + +@[simp] lemma norm_eq (x : ℝ≥0) : ∥(x : ℝ)∥ = x := +by rw [real.norm_eq_abs, x.abs_eq] + +@[simp] lemma nnnorm_eq (x : ℝ≥0) : ∥(x : ℝ)∥₊ = x := +nnreal.eq $ real.norm_of_nonneg x.2 + +end nnreal + +@[simp] lemma norm_norm [semi_normed_group α] (x : α) : ∥∥x∥∥ = ∥x∥ := +real.norm_of_nonneg (norm_nonneg _) + +@[simp] lemma nnnorm_norm [semi_normed_group α] (a : α) : ∥∥a∥∥₊ = ∥a∥₊ := +by simpa [real.nnnorm_of_nonneg (norm_nonneg a)] + +/-- A restatement of `metric_space.tendsto_at_top` in terms of the norm. -/ +lemma normed_group.tendsto_at_top [nonempty α] [semilattice_sup α] {β : Type*} [semi_normed_group β] + {f : α → β} {b : β} : + tendsto f at_top (𝓝 b) ↔ ∀ ε, 0 < ε → ∃ N, ∀ n, N ≤ n → ∥f n - b∥ < ε := +(at_top_basis.tendsto_iff metric.nhds_basis_ball).trans (by simp [dist_eq_norm]) + +/-- +A variant of `normed_group.tendsto_at_top` that +uses `∃ N, ∀ n > N, ...` rather than `∃ N, ∀ n ≥ N, ...` +-/ +lemma normed_group.tendsto_at_top' [nonempty α] [semilattice_sup α] [no_max_order α] + {β : Type*} [semi_normed_group β] + {f : α → β} {b : β} : + tendsto f at_top (𝓝 b) ↔ ∀ ε, 0 < ε → ∃ N, ∀ n, N < n → ∥f n - b∥ < ε := +(at_top_basis_Ioi.tendsto_iff metric.nhds_basis_ball).trans (by simp [dist_eq_norm]) + +instance : normed_comm_ring ℤ := +{ norm := λ n, ∥(n : ℝ)∥, + norm_mul := λ m n, le_of_eq $ by simp only [norm, int.cast_mul, abs_mul], + dist_eq := λ m n, by simp only [int.dist_eq, norm, int.cast_sub], + mul_comm := mul_comm } + +@[norm_cast] lemma int.norm_cast_real (m : ℤ) : ∥(m : ℝ)∥ = ∥m∥ := rfl + +lemma int.norm_eq_abs (n : ℤ) : ∥n∥ = |n| := rfl + +lemma nnreal.coe_nat_abs (n : ℤ) : (n.nat_abs : ℝ≥0) = ∥n∥₊ := +nnreal.eq $ calc ((n.nat_abs : ℝ≥0) : ℝ) + = (n.nat_abs : ℤ) : by simp only [int.cast_coe_nat, nnreal.coe_nat_cast] + ... = |n| : by simp only [← int.abs_eq_nat_abs, int.cast_abs] + ... = ∥n∥ : rfl + +instance : norm_one_class ℤ := +⟨by simp [← int.norm_cast_real]⟩ + +instance : normed_field ℚ := +{ norm := λ r, ∥(r : ℝ)∥, + norm_mul' := λ r₁ r₂, by simp only [norm, rat.cast_mul, abs_mul], + dist_eq := λ r₁ r₂, by simp only [rat.dist_eq, norm, rat.cast_sub] } + +instance : nondiscrete_normed_field ℚ := +{ non_trivial := ⟨2, by { unfold norm, rw abs_of_nonneg; norm_num }⟩ } + +@[norm_cast, simp] lemma rat.norm_cast_real (r : ℚ) : ∥(r : ℝ)∥ = ∥r∥ := rfl + +@[norm_cast, simp] lemma int.norm_cast_rat (m : ℤ) : ∥(m : ℚ)∥ = ∥m∥ := +by rw [← rat.norm_cast_real, ← int.norm_cast_real]; congr' 1; norm_cast + +-- Now that we've installed the norm on `ℤ`, +-- we can state some lemmas about `nsmul` and `zsmul`. +section +variables [semi_normed_group α] + +lemma norm_nsmul_le (n : ℕ) (a : α) : ∥n • a∥ ≤ n * ∥a∥ := +begin + induction n with n ih, + { simp only [norm_zero, nat.cast_zero, zero_mul, zero_smul] }, + simp only [nat.succ_eq_add_one, add_smul, add_mul, one_mul, nat.cast_add, + nat.cast_one, one_nsmul], + exact norm_add_le_of_le ih le_rfl +end + +lemma norm_zsmul_le (n : ℤ) (a : α) : ∥n • a∥ ≤ ∥n∥ * ∥a∥ := +begin + induction n with n n, + { simp only [int.of_nat_eq_coe, coe_nat_zsmul], + convert norm_nsmul_le n a, + exact nat.abs_cast n }, + { simp only [int.neg_succ_of_nat_coe, neg_smul, norm_neg, coe_nat_zsmul], + convert norm_nsmul_le n.succ a, + exact nat.abs_cast n.succ, } +end + +lemma nnnorm_nsmul_le (n : ℕ) (a : α) : ∥n • a∥₊ ≤ n * ∥a∥₊ := +by simpa only [←nnreal.coe_le_coe, nnreal.coe_mul, nnreal.coe_nat_cast] + using norm_nsmul_le n a + +lemma nnnorm_zsmul_le (n : ℤ) (a : α) : ∥n • a∥₊ ≤ ∥n∥₊ * ∥a∥₊ := +by simpa only [←nnreal.coe_le_coe, nnreal.coe_mul] using norm_zsmul_le n a + +end + +section cauchy_product + +/-! ## Multiplying two infinite sums in a normed ring + +In this section, we prove various results about `(∑' x : ι, f x) * (∑' y : ι', g y)` in a normed +ring. There are similar results proven in `topology/algebra/infinite_sum` (e.g `tsum_mul_tsum`), +but in a normed ring we get summability results which aren't true in general. + +We first establish results about arbitrary index types, `β` and `γ`, and then we specialize to +`β = γ = ℕ` to prove the Cauchy product formula +(see `tsum_mul_tsum_eq_tsum_sum_antidiagonal_of_summable_norm`). + +### Arbitrary index types +-/ + +variables {ι' : Type*} [normed_ring α] + +open finset +open_locale classical + +lemma summable.mul_of_nonneg {f : ι → ℝ} {g : ι' → ℝ} + (hf : summable f) (hg : summable g) (hf' : 0 ≤ f) (hg' : 0 ≤ g) : + summable (λ (x : ι × ι'), f x.1 * g x.2) := +let ⟨s, hf⟩ := hf in +let ⟨t, hg⟩ := hg in +suffices this : ∀ u : finset (ι × ι'), ∑ x in u, f x.1 * g x.2 ≤ s*t, + from summable_of_sum_le (λ x, mul_nonneg (hf' _) (hg' _)) this, +assume u, +calc ∑ x in u, f x.1 * g x.2 + ≤ ∑ x in (u.image prod.fst).product (u.image prod.snd), f x.1 * g x.2 : + sum_mono_set_of_nonneg (λ x, mul_nonneg (hf' _) (hg' _)) subset_product +... = ∑ x in u.image prod.fst, ∑ y in u.image prod.snd, f x * g y : sum_product +... = ∑ x in u.image prod.fst, f x * ∑ y in u.image prod.snd, g y : + sum_congr rfl (λ x _, mul_sum.symm) +... ≤ ∑ x in u.image prod.fst, f x * t : + sum_le_sum + (λ x _, mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (sum_le_has_sum _ (λ _ _, hg' _) hg) (hf' _)) +... = (∑ x in u.image prod.fst, f x) * t : sum_mul.symm +... ≤ s * t : + mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (sum_le_has_sum _ (λ _ _, hf' _) hf) (hg.nonneg $ λ _, hg' _) + +lemma summable.mul_norm {f : ι → α} {g : ι' → α} + (hf : summable (λ x, ∥f x∥)) (hg : summable (λ x, ∥g x∥)) : + summable (λ (x : ι × ι'), ∥f x.1 * g x.2∥) := +summable_of_nonneg_of_le (λ x, norm_nonneg (f x.1 * g x.2)) (λ x, norm_mul_le (f x.1) (g x.2)) + (hf.mul_of_nonneg hg (λ x, norm_nonneg $ f x) (λ x, norm_nonneg $ g x) : _) + +lemma summable_mul_of_summable_norm [complete_space α] {f : ι → α} {g : ι' → α} + (hf : summable (λ x, ∥f x∥)) (hg : summable (λ x, ∥g x∥)) : + summable (λ (x : ι × ι'), f x.1 * g x.2) := +summable_of_summable_norm (hf.mul_norm hg) + +/-- Product of two infinites sums indexed by arbitrary types. + See also `tsum_mul_tsum` if `f` and `g` are *not* absolutely summable. -/ +lemma tsum_mul_tsum_of_summable_norm [complete_space α] {f : ι → α} {g : ι' → α} + (hf : summable (λ x, ∥f x∥)) (hg : summable (λ x, ∥g x∥)) : + (∑' x, f x) * (∑' y, g y) = (∑' z : ι × ι', f z.1 * g z.2) := +tsum_mul_tsum (summable_of_summable_norm hf) (summable_of_summable_norm hg) + (summable_mul_of_summable_norm hf hg) + +/-! ### `ℕ`-indexed families (Cauchy product) + +We prove two versions of the Cauchy product formula. The first one is +`tsum_mul_tsum_eq_tsum_sum_range_of_summable_norm`, where the `n`-th term is a sum over +`finset.range (n+1)` involving `nat` substraction. +In order to avoid `nat` substraction, we also provide +`tsum_mul_tsum_eq_tsum_sum_antidiagonal_of_summable_norm`, +where the `n`-th term is a sum over all pairs `(k, l)` such that `k+l=n`, which corresponds to the +`finset` `finset.nat.antidiagonal n`. -/ + +section nat + +open finset.nat + +lemma summable_norm_sum_mul_antidiagonal_of_summable_norm {f g : ℕ → α} + (hf : summable (λ x, ∥f x∥)) (hg : summable (λ x, ∥g x∥)) : + summable (λ n, ∥∑ kl in antidiagonal n, f kl.1 * g kl.2∥) := +begin + have := summable_sum_mul_antidiagonal_of_summable_mul + (summable.mul_of_nonneg hf hg (λ _, norm_nonneg _) (λ _, norm_nonneg _)), + refine summable_of_nonneg_of_le (λ _, norm_nonneg _) _ this, + intros n, + calc ∥∑ kl in antidiagonal n, f kl.1 * g kl.2∥ + ≤ ∑ kl in antidiagonal n, ∥f kl.1 * g kl.2∥ : norm_sum_le _ _ + ... ≤ ∑ kl in antidiagonal n, ∥f kl.1∥ * ∥g kl.2∥ : sum_le_sum (λ i _, norm_mul_le _ _) +end + +/-- The Cauchy product formula for the product of two infinite sums indexed by `ℕ`, + expressed by summing on `finset.nat.antidiagonal`. + See also `tsum_mul_tsum_eq_tsum_sum_antidiagonal` if `f` and `g` are + *not* absolutely summable. -/ +lemma tsum_mul_tsum_eq_tsum_sum_antidiagonal_of_summable_norm [complete_space α] {f g : ℕ → α} + (hf : summable (λ x, ∥f x∥)) (hg : summable (λ x, ∥g x∥)) : + (∑' n, f n) * (∑' n, g n) = ∑' n, ∑ kl in antidiagonal n, f kl.1 * g kl.2 := +tsum_mul_tsum_eq_tsum_sum_antidiagonal (summable_of_summable_norm hf) (summable_of_summable_norm hg) + (summable_mul_of_summable_norm hf hg) + +lemma summable_norm_sum_mul_range_of_summable_norm {f g : ℕ → α} + (hf : summable (λ x, ∥f x∥)) (hg : summable (λ x, ∥g x∥)) : + summable (λ n, ∥∑ k in range (n+1), f k * g (n - k)∥) := +begin + simp_rw ← sum_antidiagonal_eq_sum_range_succ (λ k l, f k * g l), + exact summable_norm_sum_mul_antidiagonal_of_summable_norm hf hg +end + +/-- The Cauchy product formula for the product of two infinite sums indexed by `ℕ`, + expressed by summing on `finset.range`. + See also `tsum_mul_tsum_eq_tsum_sum_range` if `f` and `g` are + *not* absolutely summable. -/ +lemma tsum_mul_tsum_eq_tsum_sum_range_of_summable_norm [complete_space α] {f g : ℕ → α} + (hf : summable (λ x, ∥f x∥)) (hg : summable (λ x, ∥g x∥)) : + (∑' n, f n) * (∑' n, g n) = ∑' n, ∑ k in range (n+1), f k * g (n - k) := +begin + simp_rw ← sum_antidiagonal_eq_sum_range_succ (λ k l, f k * g l), + exact tsum_mul_tsum_eq_tsum_sum_antidiagonal_of_summable_norm hf hg +end + +end nat + +end cauchy_product + +section ring_hom_isometric + +variables {R₁ : Type*} {R₂ : Type*} {R₃ : Type*} + +/-- This class states that a ring homomorphism is isometric. This is a sufficient assumption +for a continuous semilinear map to be bounded and this is the main use for this typeclass. -/ +class ring_hom_isometric [semiring R₁] [semiring R₂] [has_norm R₁] [has_norm R₂] + (σ : R₁ →+* R₂) : Prop := +(is_iso : ∀ {x : R₁}, ∥σ x∥ = ∥x∥) + +attribute [simp] ring_hom_isometric.is_iso + +variables [semi_normed_ring R₁] [semi_normed_ring R₂] [semi_normed_ring R₃] + +instance ring_hom_isometric.ids : ring_hom_isometric ( R₁) := +⟨λ x, rfl⟩ + +end ring_hom_isometric diff --git a/src/analysis/normed_space/basic.lean b/src/analysis/normed_space/basic.lean index b9f58ed790ef9..b13b6960225bd 100644 --- a/src/analysis/normed_space/basic.lean +++ b/src/analysis/normed_space/basic.lean @@ -3,19 +3,15 @@ Copyright (c) 2018 Patrick Massot. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Patrick Massot, Johannes Hölzl -/ -import algebra.algebra.restrict_scalars -import algebra.algebra.subalgebra +import analysis.normed.normed_field import import data.matrix.basic -import topology.algebra.module.basic -import topology.instances.ennreal -import topology.instances.rat import topology.sequences /-! # Normed spaces -In this file we define (semi)normed rings, fields, spaces, and algebras. We also prove some theorems +In this file we define (semi)normed spaces and algebras. We also prove some theorems about these definitions. -/ @@ -25,515 +21,6 @@ noncomputable theory open filter metric open_locale topological_space big_operators nnreal ennreal uniformity pointwise -section semi_normed_ring - -/-- A seminormed ring is a ring endowed with a seminorm which satisfies the inequality -`∥x y∥ ≤ ∥x∥ ∥y∥`. -/ -class semi_normed_ring (α : Type*) extends has_norm α, ring α, pseudo_metric_space α := -(dist_eq : ∀ x y, dist x y = norm (x - y)) -(norm_mul : ∀ a b, norm (a * b) ≤ norm a * norm b) - -/-- A normed ring is a ring endowed with a norm which satisfies the inequality `∥x y∥ ≤ ∥x∥ ∥y∥`. -/ -class normed_ring (α : Type*) extends has_norm α, ring α, metric_space α := -(dist_eq : ∀ x y, dist x y = norm (x - y)) -(norm_mul : ∀ a b, norm (a * b) ≤ norm a * norm b) - -/-- A normed ring is a seminormed ring. -/ -@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] -instance normed_ring.to_semi_normed_ring [β : normed_ring α] : semi_normed_ring α := -{ ..β } - -/-- A seminormed commutative ring is a commutative ring endowed with a seminorm which satisfies -the inequality `∥x y∥ ≤ ∥x∥ ∥y∥`. -/ -class semi_normed_comm_ring (α : Type*) extends semi_normed_ring α := -(mul_comm : ∀ x y : α, x * y = y * x) - -/-- A normed commutative ring is a commutative ring endowed with a norm which satisfies -the inequality `∥x y∥ ≤ ∥x∥ ∥y∥`. -/ -class normed_comm_ring (α : Type*) extends normed_ring α := -(mul_comm : ∀ x y : α, x * y = y * x) - -/-- A normed commutative ring is a seminormed commutative ring. -/ -@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] -instance normed_comm_ring.to_semi_normed_comm_ring [β : normed_comm_ring α] : - semi_normed_comm_ring α := { ..β } - -instance : normed_comm_ring punit := -{ norm_mul := λ _ _, by simp, - ..punit.normed_group, - ..punit.comm_ring, } - -/-- A mixin class with the axiom `∥1∥ = 1`. Many `normed_ring`s and all `normed_field`s satisfy this -axiom. -/ -class norm_one_class (α : Type*) [has_norm α] [has_one α] : Prop := -(norm_one : ∥(1:α)∥ = 1) - -export norm_one_class (norm_one) - -attribute [simp] norm_one - -@[simp] lemma nnnorm_one [semi_normed_group α] [has_one α] [norm_one_class α] : ∥(1 : α)∥₊ = 1 := -nnreal.eq norm_one - -@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] -instance semi_normed_comm_ring.to_comm_ring [β : semi_normed_comm_ring α] : comm_ring α := { ..β } - -@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] -instance normed_ring.to_normed_group [β : normed_ring α] : normed_group α := { ..β } - -@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] -instance semi_normed_ring.to_semi_normed_group [β : semi_normed_ring α] : - semi_normed_group α := { ..β } - -instance prod.norm_one_class [semi_normed_group α] [has_one α] [norm_one_class α] - [semi_normed_group β] [has_one β] [norm_one_class β] : - norm_one_class (α × β) := -⟨by simp [prod.norm_def]⟩ - -variables [semi_normed_ring α] - -lemma norm_mul_le (a b : α) : (∥a*b∥) ≤ (∥a∥) * (∥b∥) := -semi_normed_ring.norm_mul _ _ - -lemma nnnorm_mul_le (a b : α) : ∥a * b∥₊ ≤ ∥a∥₊ * ∥b∥₊ := -by simpa only [←norm_to_nnreal, ←real.to_nnreal_mul (norm_nonneg _)] - using real.to_nnreal_mono (norm_mul_le _ _) - -/-- A subalgebra of a seminormed ring is also a seminormed ring, with the restriction of the norm. - -See note [implicit instance arguments]. -/ -instance subalgebra.semi_normed_ring {𝕜 : Type*} {_ : comm_ring 𝕜} - {E : Type*} [semi_normed_ring E] {_ : algebra 𝕜 E} (s : subalgebra 𝕜 E) : semi_normed_ring s := -{ norm_mul := λ a b, norm_mul_le a.1 b.1, - ..s.to_submodule.semi_normed_group } - -/-- A subalgebra of a normed ring is also a normed ring, with the restriction of the norm. - -See note [implicit instance arguments]. -/ -instance subalgebra.normed_ring {𝕜 : Type*} {_ : comm_ring 𝕜} - {E : Type*} [normed_ring E] {_ : algebra 𝕜 E} (s : subalgebra 𝕜 E) : normed_ring s := -{ ..s.semi_normed_ring } - -lemma list.norm_prod_le' : ∀ {l : list α}, l ≠ [] → ∥∥ ≤ ( norm).prod -| [] h := (h rfl).elim -| [a] _ := by simp -| (a :: b :: l) _ := - begin - rw [list.map_cons, list.prod_cons, @list.prod_cons _ _ _ ∥a∥], - refine le_trans (norm_mul_le _ _) (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left _ (norm_nonneg _)), - exact list.norm_prod_le' (list.cons_ne_nil b l) - end - -lemma list.norm_prod_le [norm_one_class α] : ∀ l : list α, ∥∥ ≤ ( norm).prod -| [] := by simp -| (a::l) := list.norm_prod_le' (list.cons_ne_nil a l) - -lemma finset.norm_prod_le' {α : Type*} [normed_comm_ring α] (s : finset ι) (hs : s.nonempty) - (f : ι → α) : - ∥∏ i in s, f i∥ ≤ ∏ i in s, ∥f i∥ := -begin - rcases s with ⟨⟨l⟩, hl⟩, - have : f ≠ [], by simpa using hs, - simpa using list.norm_prod_le' this -end - -lemma finset.norm_prod_le {α : Type*} [normed_comm_ring α] [norm_one_class α] (s : finset ι) - (f : ι → α) : - ∥∏ i in s, f i∥ ≤ ∏ i in s, ∥f i∥ := -begin - rcases s with ⟨⟨l⟩, hl⟩, - simpa using ( f).norm_prod_le -end - -/-- If `α` is a seminormed ring, then `∥a ^ n∥₊ ≤ ∥a∥₊ ^ n` for `n > 0`. -See also `nnnorm_pow_le`. -/ -lemma nnnorm_pow_le' (a : α) : ∀ {n : ℕ}, 0 < n → ∥a ^ n∥₊ ≤ ∥a∥₊ ^ n -| 1 h := by simp only [pow_one] -| (n + 2) h := by simpa only [pow_succ _ (n + 1)] using - le_trans (nnnorm_mul_le _ _) (mul_le_mul_left' (nnnorm_pow_le' n.succ_pos) _) - -/-- If `α` is a seminormed ring with `∥1∥₊ = 1`, then `∥a ^ n∥₊ ≤ ∥a∥₊ ^ n`. -See also `nnnorm_pow_le'`.-/ -lemma nnnorm_pow_le [norm_one_class α] (a : α) (n : ℕ) : ∥a ^ n∥₊ ≤ ∥a∥₊ ^ n := -nat.rec_on n (by simp only [pow_zero, nnnorm_one]) (λ k hk, nnnorm_pow_le' a k.succ_pos) - -/-- If `α` is a seminormed ring, then `∥a ^ n∥ ≤ ∥a∥ ^ n` for `n > 0`. See also `norm_pow_le`. -/ -lemma norm_pow_le' (a : α) {n : ℕ} (h : 0 < n) : ∥a ^ n∥ ≤ ∥a∥ ^ n := -by simpa only [nnreal.coe_pow, coe_nnnorm] using nnreal.coe_mono (nnnorm_pow_le' a h) - -/-- If `α` is a seminormed ring with `∥1∥ = 1`, then `∥a ^ n∥ ≤ ∥a∥ ^ n`. See also `norm_pow_le'`.-/ -lemma norm_pow_le [norm_one_class α] (a : α) (n : ℕ) : ∥a ^ n∥ ≤ ∥a∥ ^ n := -nat.rec_on n (by simp only [pow_zero, norm_one]) (λ n hn, norm_pow_le' a n.succ_pos) - -lemma eventually_norm_pow_le (a : α) : ∀ᶠ (n:ℕ) in at_top, ∥a ^ n∥ ≤ ∥a∥ ^ n := -eventually_at_top.mpr ⟨1, λ b h, norm_pow_le' a ( h)⟩ - -/-- In a seminormed ring, the left-multiplication `add_monoid_hom` is bounded. -/ -lemma mul_left_bound (x : α) : - ∀ (y:α), ∥add_monoid_hom.mul_left x y∥ ≤ ∥x∥ * ∥y∥ := -norm_mul_le x - -/-- In a seminormed ring, the right-multiplication `add_monoid_hom` is bounded. -/ -lemma mul_right_bound (x : α) : - ∀ (y:α), ∥add_monoid_hom.mul_right x y∥ ≤ ∥x∥ * ∥y∥ := -λ y, by {rw mul_comm, convert norm_mul_le y x} - -/-- Seminormed ring structure on the product of two seminormed rings, using the sup norm. -/ -instance prod.semi_normed_ring [semi_normed_ring β] : semi_normed_ring (α × β) := -{ norm_mul := assume x y, - calc - ∥x * y∥ = ∥(x.1*y.1, x.2*y.2)∥ : rfl - ... = (max ∥x.1*y.1∥ ∥x.2*y.2∥) : rfl - ... ≤ (max (∥x.1∥*∥y.1∥) (∥x.2∥*∥y.2∥)) : - max_le_max (norm_mul_le (x.1) (y.1)) (norm_mul_le (x.2) (y.2)) - ... = (max (∥x.1∥*∥y.1∥) (∥y.2∥*∥x.2∥)) : by simp[mul_comm] - ... ≤ (max (∥x.1∥) (∥x.2∥)) * (max (∥y.2∥) (∥y.1∥)) : - by apply max_mul_mul_le_max_mul_max; simp [norm_nonneg] - ... = (max (∥x.1∥) (∥x.2∥)) * (max (∥y.1∥) (∥y.2∥)) : by simp [max_comm] - ... = (∥x∥*∥y∥) : rfl, - } - -/-- Seminormed group instance (using sup norm of sup norm) for matrices over a seminormed ring. Not -declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a -matrix. -/ -def matrix.semi_normed_group {n m : Type*} [fintype n] [fintype m] : - semi_normed_group (matrix n m α) := -pi.semi_normed_group - -local attribute [instance] matrix.semi_normed_group - -lemma norm_matrix_le_iff {n m : Type*} [fintype n] [fintype m] {r : ℝ} (hr : 0 ≤ r) - {A : matrix n m α} : - ∥A∥ ≤ r ↔ ∀ i j, ∥A i j∥ ≤ r := -by simp [pi_norm_le_iff hr] - -lemma norm_matrix_lt_iff {n m : Type*} [fintype n] [fintype m] {r : ℝ} (hr : 0 < r) - {A : matrix n m α} : - ∥A∥ < r ↔ ∀ i j, ∥A i j∥ < r := -by simp [pi_norm_lt_iff hr] - -end semi_normed_ring - -section normed_ring - -variables [normed_ring α] - -lemma units.norm_pos [nontrivial α] (x : αˣ) : 0 < ∥(x:α)∥ := -norm_pos_iff.mpr (units.ne_zero x) - -/-- Normed ring structure on the product of two normed rings, using the sup norm. -/ -instance prod.normed_ring [normed_ring β] : normed_ring (α × β) := -{ norm_mul := norm_mul_le, - } - -/-- Normed group instance (using sup norm of sup norm) for matrices over a normed ring. Not -declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a -matrix. -/ -def matrix.normed_group {n m : Type*} [fintype n] [fintype m] : normed_group (matrix n m α) := -pi.normed_group - -end normed_ring - -@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] -instance semi_normed_ring_top_monoid [semi_normed_ring α] : has_continuous_mul α := -⟨ continuous_iff_continuous_at.2 $ λ x, tendsto_iff_norm_tendsto_zero.2 $ - begin - have : ∀ e : α × α, ∥e.1 * e.2 - x.1 * x.2∥ ≤ ∥e.1∥ * ∥e.2 - x.2∥ + ∥e.1 - x.1∥ * ∥x.2∥, - { intro e, - calc ∥e.1 * e.2 - x.1 * x.2∥ ≤ ∥e.1 * (e.2 - x.2) + (e.1 - x.1) * x.2∥ : - by rw [mul_sub, sub_mul, sub_add_sub_cancel] - ... ≤ ∥e.1∥ * ∥e.2 - x.2∥ + ∥e.1 - x.1∥ * ∥x.2∥ : - norm_add_le_of_le (norm_mul_le _ _) (norm_mul_le _ _) }, - refine squeeze_zero (λ e, norm_nonneg _) this _, - convert ((continuous_fst.tendsto x).norm.mul ((continuous_snd.tendsto x).sub - tendsto_const_nhds).norm).add - (((continuous_fst.tendsto x).sub tendsto_const_nhds).norm.mul _), - show tendsto _ _ _, from tendsto_const_nhds, - simp - end ⟩ - -/-- A seminormed ring is a topological ring. -/ -@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] -instance semi_normed_top_ring [semi_normed_ring α] : topological_ring α := { } - -/-- A normed field is a field with a norm satisfying ∥x y∥ = ∥x∥ ∥y∥. -/ -class normed_field (α : Type*) extends has_norm α, field α, metric_space α := -(dist_eq : ∀ x y, dist x y = norm (x - y)) -(norm_mul' : ∀ a b, norm (a * b) = norm a * norm b) - -/-- A nondiscrete normed field is a normed field in which there is an element of norm different from -`0` and `1`. This makes it possible to bring any element arbitrarily close to `0` by multiplication -by the powers of any element, and thus to relate algebra and topology. -/ -class nondiscrete_normed_field (α : Type*) extends normed_field α := -(non_trivial : ∃x:α, 1<∥x∥) - -section normed_field - -variables [normed_field α] - -@[simp] lemma norm_mul (a b : α) : ∥a * b∥ = ∥a∥ * ∥b∥ := -normed_field.norm_mul' a b - -@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] -instance normed_field.to_normed_comm_ring : normed_comm_ring α := -{ norm_mul := λ a b, (norm_mul a b).le, ..‹normed_field α› } - -@[priority 900] -instance normed_field.to_norm_one_class : norm_one_class α := -⟨mul_left_cancel₀ (mt norm_eq_zero.1 (@one_ne_zero α _ _)) $ - by rw [← norm_mul, mul_one, mul_one]⟩ - -export norm_one_class (norm_one) - -@[simp] lemma nnnorm_mul (a b : α) : ∥a * b∥₊ = ∥a∥₊ * ∥b∥₊ := -nnreal.eq $ norm_mul a b - -/-- `norm` as a `monoid_with_zero_hom`. -/ -@[simps] def norm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ := ⟨norm, norm_zero, norm_one, norm_mul⟩ - -/-- `nnnorm` as a `monoid_with_zero_hom`. -/ -@[simps] def nnnorm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ≥0 := ⟨nnnorm, nnnorm_zero, nnnorm_one, nnnorm_mul⟩ - -@[simp] lemma norm_pow (a : α) : ∀ (n : ℕ), ∥a ^ n∥ = ∥a∥ ^ n := -(norm_hom.to_monoid_hom : α →* ℝ).map_pow a - -@[simp] lemma nnnorm_pow (a : α) (n : ℕ) : ∥a ^ n∥₊ = ∥a∥₊ ^ n := -(nnnorm_hom.to_monoid_hom : α →* ℝ≥0).map_pow a n - -@[simp] lemma norm_prod (s : finset β) (f : β → α) : - ∥∏ b in s, f b∥ = ∏ b in s, ∥f b∥ := -(norm_hom.to_monoid_hom : α →* ℝ).map_prod f s - -@[simp] lemma nnnorm_prod (s : finset β) (f : β → α) : - ∥∏ b in s, f b∥₊ = ∏ b in s, ∥f b∥₊ := -(nnnorm_hom.to_monoid_hom : α →* ℝ≥0).map_prod f s - -@[simp] lemma norm_div (a b : α) : ∥a / b∥ = ∥a∥ / ∥b∥ := (norm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ).map_div a b - -@[simp] lemma nnnorm_div (a b : α) : ∥a / b∥₊ = ∥a∥₊ / ∥b∥₊ := (nnnorm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ≥0).map_div a b - -@[simp] lemma norm_inv (a : α) : ∥a⁻¹∥ = ∥a∥⁻¹ := (norm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ).map_inv a - -@[simp] lemma nnnorm_inv (a : α) : ∥a⁻¹∥₊ = ∥a∥₊⁻¹ := -nnreal.eq $ by simp - -@[simp] lemma norm_zpow : ∀ (a : α) (n : ℤ), ∥a^n∥ = ∥a∥^n := (norm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ).map_zpow - -@[simp] lemma nnnorm_zpow : ∀ (a : α) (n : ℤ), ∥a ^ n∥₊ = ∥a∥₊ ^ n := -(nnnorm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ≥0).map_zpow - -@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority] -instance normed_field.has_continuous_inv₀ : has_continuous_inv₀ α := -begin - refine ⟨λ r r0, tendsto_iff_norm_tendsto_zero.2 _⟩, - have r0' : 0 < ∥r∥ := norm_pos_iff.2 r0, - rcases exists_between r0' with ⟨ε, ε0, εr⟩, - have : ∀ᶠ e in 𝓝 r, ∥e⁻¹ - r⁻¹∥ ≤ ∥r - e∥ / ∥r∥ / ε, - { filter_upwards [(is_open_lt continuous_const continuous_norm).eventually_mem εr] with e he, - have e0 : e ≠ 0 := norm_pos_iff.1 (ε0.trans he), - calc ∥e⁻¹ - r⁻¹∥ = ∥r - e∥ / ∥r∥ / ∥e∥ : by field_simp [mul_comm] - ... ≤ ∥r - e∥ / ∥r∥ / ε : - div_le_div_of_le_left (div_nonneg (norm_nonneg _) (norm_nonneg _)) ε0 he.le }, - refine squeeze_zero' (eventually_of_forall $ λ _, norm_nonneg _) this _, - refine (continuous_const.sub continuous_id).norm.div_const.div_const.tendsto' _ _ _, - simp -end - -end normed_field - -namespace normed_field - -variables (α) [nondiscrete_normed_field α] - -lemma exists_one_lt_norm : ∃x : α, 1 < ∥x∥ := ‹nondiscrete_normed_field α›.non_trivial - -lemma exists_norm_lt_one : ∃x : α, 0 < ∥x∥ ∧ ∥x∥ < 1 := -begin - rcases exists_one_lt_norm α with ⟨y, hy⟩, - refine ⟨y⁻¹, _, _⟩, - { simp only [inv_eq_zero, ne.def, norm_pos_iff], - rintro rfl, - rw norm_zero at hy, - exact lt_asymm zero_lt_one hy }, - { simp [inv_lt_one hy] } -end - -lemma exists_lt_norm (r : ℝ) : ∃ x : α, r < ∥x∥ := -let ⟨w, hw⟩ := exists_one_lt_norm α in -let ⟨n, hn⟩ := pow_unbounded_of_one_lt r hw in -⟨w^n, by rwa norm_pow⟩ - -lemma exists_norm_lt {r : ℝ} (hr : 0 < r) : ∃ x : α, 0 < ∥x∥ ∧ ∥x∥ < r := -let ⟨w, hw⟩ := exists_one_lt_norm α in -let ⟨n, hle, hlt⟩ := exists_mem_Ioc_zpow hr hw in -⟨w^n, by { rw norm_zpow; exact zpow_pos_of_pos (lt_trans zero_lt_one hw) _}, -by rwa norm_zpow⟩ - -variable {α} - -@[instance] -lemma punctured_nhds_ne_bot (x : α) : ne_bot (𝓝[≠] x) := -begin - rw [← mem_closure_iff_nhds_within_ne_bot, metric.mem_closure_iff], - rintros ε ε0, - rcases exists_norm_lt α ε0 with ⟨b, hb0, hbε⟩, - refine ⟨x + b, mt (set.mem_singleton_iff.trans add_right_eq_self).1 $ norm_pos_iff.1 hb0, _⟩, - rwa [dist_comm, dist_eq_norm, add_sub_cancel'], -end - -@[instance] -lemma nhds_within_is_unit_ne_bot : ne_bot (𝓝[{x : α | is_unit x}] 0) := -by simpa only [is_unit_iff_ne_zero] using punctured_nhds_ne_bot (0:α) - -end normed_field - -instance : normed_field ℝ := -{ norm_mul' := abs_mul, - .. real.normed_group } - -instance : nondiscrete_normed_field ℝ := -{ non_trivial := ⟨2, by { unfold norm, rw abs_of_nonneg; norm_num }⟩ } - -namespace real - -lemma norm_of_nonneg {x : ℝ} (hx : 0 ≤ x) : ∥x∥ = x := -abs_of_nonneg hx - -lemma norm_of_nonpos {x : ℝ} (hx : x ≤ 0) : ∥x∥ = -x := -abs_of_nonpos hx - -@[simp] lemma norm_coe_nat (n : ℕ) : ∥(n : ℝ)∥ = n := abs_of_nonneg n.cast_nonneg - -@[simp] lemma nnnorm_coe_nat (n : ℕ) : ∥(n : ℝ)∥₊ = n := nnreal.eq $ by simp - -@[simp] lemma norm_two : ∥(2 : ℝ)∥ = 2 := abs_of_pos (@zero_lt_two ℝ _ _) - -@[simp] lemma nnnorm_two : ∥(2 : ℝ)∥₊ = 2 := nnreal.eq $ by simp - -lemma nnnorm_of_nonneg {x : ℝ} (hx : 0 ≤ x) : ∥x∥₊ = ⟨x, hx⟩ := -nnreal.eq $ norm_of_nonneg hx - -lemma ennnorm_eq_of_real {x : ℝ} (hx : 0 ≤ x) : (∥x∥₊ : ℝ≥0∞) = ennreal.of_real x := -by { rw [← of_real_norm_eq_coe_nnnorm, norm_of_nonneg hx] } - -lemma of_real_le_ennnorm (x : ℝ) : ennreal.of_real x ≤ ∥x∥₊ := -begin - by_cases hx : 0 ≤ x, - { rw real.ennnorm_eq_of_real hx, refl' }, - { rw [ennreal.of_real_eq_zero.2 (le_of_lt (not_le.1 hx))], - exact bot_le } -end - -/-- If `E` is a nontrivial topological module over `ℝ`, then `E` has no isolated points. -This is a particular case of `module.punctured_nhds_ne_bot`. -/ -instance punctured_nhds_module_ne_bot - {E : Type*} [add_comm_group E] [topological_space E] [has_continuous_add E] [nontrivial E] - [module ℝ E] [has_continuous_smul ℝ E] (x : E) : - ne_bot (𝓝[≠] x) := -module.punctured_nhds_ne_bot ℝ E x - -end real - -namespace nnreal - -open_locale nnreal - -@[simp] lemma norm_eq (x : ℝ≥0) : ∥(x : ℝ)∥ = x := -by rw [real.norm_eq_abs, x.abs_eq] - -@[simp] lemma nnnorm_eq (x : ℝ≥0) : ∥(x : ℝ)∥₊ = x := -nnreal.eq $ real.norm_of_nonneg x.2 - -end nnreal - -@[simp] lemma norm_norm [semi_normed_group α] (x : α) : ∥∥x∥∥ = ∥x∥ := -real.norm_of_nonneg (norm_nonneg _) - -@[simp] lemma nnnorm_norm [semi_normed_group α] (a : α) : ∥∥a∥∥₊ = ∥a∥₊ := -by simpa [real.nnnorm_of_nonneg (norm_nonneg a)] - -/-- A restatement of `metric_space.tendsto_at_top` in terms of the norm. -/ -lemma normed_group.tendsto_at_top [nonempty α] [semilattice_sup α] {β : Type*} [semi_normed_group β] - {f : α → β} {b : β} : - tendsto f at_top (𝓝 b) ↔ ∀ ε, 0 < ε → ∃ N, ∀ n, N ≤ n → ∥f n - b∥ < ε := -(at_top_basis.tendsto_iff metric.nhds_basis_ball).trans (by simp [dist_eq_norm]) - -/-- -A variant of `normed_group.tendsto_at_top` that -uses `∃ N, ∀ n > N, ...` rather than `∃ N, ∀ n ≥ N, ...` --/ -lemma normed_group.tendsto_at_top' [nonempty α] [semilattice_sup α] [no_max_order α] - {β : Type*} [semi_normed_group β] - {f : α → β} {b : β} : - tendsto f at_top (𝓝 b) ↔ ∀ ε, 0 < ε → ∃ N, ∀ n, N < n → ∥f n - b∥ < ε := -(at_top_basis_Ioi.tendsto_iff metric.nhds_basis_ball).trans (by simp [dist_eq_norm]) - -instance : normed_comm_ring ℤ := -{ norm := λ n, ∥(n : ℝ)∥, - norm_mul := λ m n, le_of_eq $ by simp only [norm, int.cast_mul, abs_mul], - dist_eq := λ m n, by simp only [int.dist_eq, norm, int.cast_sub], - mul_comm := mul_comm } - -@[norm_cast] lemma int.norm_cast_real (m : ℤ) : ∥(m : ℝ)∥ = ∥m∥ := rfl - -lemma int.norm_eq_abs (n : ℤ) : ∥n∥ = |n| := rfl - -lemma nnreal.coe_nat_abs (n : ℤ) : (n.nat_abs : ℝ≥0) = ∥n∥₊ := -nnreal.eq $ calc ((n.nat_abs : ℝ≥0) : ℝ) - = (n.nat_abs : ℤ) : by simp only [int.cast_coe_nat, nnreal.coe_nat_cast] - ... = |n| : by simp only [← int.abs_eq_nat_abs, int.cast_abs] - ... = ∥n∥ : rfl - -instance : norm_one_class ℤ := -⟨by simp [← int.norm_cast_real]⟩ - -instance : normed_field ℚ := -{ norm := λ r, ∥(r : ℝ)∥, - norm_mul' := λ r₁ r₂, by simp only [norm, rat.cast_mul, abs_mul], - dist_eq := λ r₁ r₂, by simp only [rat.dist_eq, norm, rat.cast_sub] } - -instance : nondiscrete_normed_field ℚ := -{ non_trivial := ⟨2, by { unfold norm, rw abs_of_nonneg; norm_num }⟩ } - -@[norm_cast, simp] lemma rat.norm_cast_real (r : ℚ) : ∥(r : ℝ)∥ = ∥r∥ := rfl - -@[norm_cast, simp] lemma int.norm_cast_rat (m : ℤ) : ∥(m : ℚ)∥ = ∥m∥ := -by rw [← rat.norm_cast_real, ← int.norm_cast_real]; congr' 1; norm_cast - --- Now that we've installed the norm on `ℤ`, --- we can state some lemmas about `nsmul` and `zsmul`. -section -variables [semi_normed_group α] - -lemma norm_nsmul_le (n : ℕ) (a : α) : ∥n • a∥ ≤ n * ∥a∥ := -begin - induction n with n ih, - { simp only [norm_zero, nat.cast_zero, zero_mul, zero_smul] }, - simp only [nat.succ_eq_add_one, add_smul, add_mul, one_mul, nat.cast_add, - nat.cast_one, one_nsmul], - exact norm_add_le_of_le ih le_rfl -end - -lemma norm_zsmul_le (n : ℤ) (a : α) : ∥n • a∥ ≤ ∥n∥ * ∥a∥ := -begin - induction n with n n, - { simp only [int.of_nat_eq_coe, coe_nat_zsmul], - convert norm_nsmul_le n a, - exact nat.abs_cast n }, - { simp only [int.neg_succ_of_nat_coe, neg_smul, norm_neg, coe_nat_zsmul], - convert norm_nsmul_le n.succ a, - exact nat.abs_cast n.succ, } -end - -lemma nnnorm_nsmul_le (n : ℕ) (a : α) : ∥n • a∥₊ ≤ n * ∥a∥₊ := -by simpa only [←nnreal.coe_le_coe, nnreal.coe_mul, nnreal.coe_nat_cast] - using norm_nsmul_le n a - -lemma nnnorm_zsmul_le (n : ℤ) (a : α) : ∥n • a∥₊ ≤ ∥n∥₊ * ∥a∥₊ := -by simpa only [←nnreal.coe_le_coe, nnreal.coe_mul] using norm_zsmul_le n a - -end - section semi_normed_group section prio @@ -955,143 +442,3 @@ instance : normed_space 𝕜 (restrict_scalars 𝕜 𝕜' E) := (normed_space.restrict_scalars 𝕜 𝕜' E : normed_space 𝕜 E) end restrict_scalars - -section cauchy_product - -/-! ## Multiplying two infinite sums in a normed ring - -In this section, we prove various results about `(∑' x : ι, f x) * (∑' y : ι', g y)` in a normed -ring. There are similar results proven in `topology/algebra/infinite_sum` (e.g `tsum_mul_tsum`), -but in a normed ring we get summability results which aren't true in general. - -We first establish results about arbitrary index types, `β` and `γ`, and then we specialize to -`β = γ = ℕ` to prove the Cauchy product formula -(see `tsum_mul_tsum_eq_tsum_sum_antidiagonal_of_summable_norm`). - -### Arbitrary index types --/ - -variables {ι' : Type*} [normed_ring α] - -open finset -open_locale classical - -lemma summable.mul_of_nonneg {f : ι → ℝ} {g : ι' → ℝ} - (hf : summable f) (hg : summable g) (hf' : 0 ≤ f) (hg' : 0 ≤ g) : - summable (λ (x : ι × ι'), f x.1 * g x.2) := -let ⟨s, hf⟩ := hf in -let ⟨t, hg⟩ := hg in -suffices this : ∀ u : finset (ι × ι'), ∑ x in u, f x.1 * g x.2 ≤ s*t, - from summable_of_sum_le (λ x, mul_nonneg (hf' _) (hg' _)) this, -assume u, -calc ∑ x in u, f x.1 * g x.2 - ≤ ∑ x in (u.image prod.fst).product (u.image prod.snd), f x.1 * g x.2 : - sum_mono_set_of_nonneg (λ x, mul_nonneg (hf' _) (hg' _)) subset_product -... = ∑ x in u.image prod.fst, ∑ y in u.image prod.snd, f x * g y : sum_product -... = ∑ x in u.image prod.fst, f x * ∑ y in u.image prod.snd, g y : - sum_congr rfl (λ x _, mul_sum.symm) -... ≤ ∑ x in u.image prod.fst, f x * t : - sum_le_sum - (λ x _, mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (sum_le_has_sum _ (λ _ _, hg' _) hg) (hf' _)) -... = (∑ x in u.image prod.fst, f x) * t : sum_mul.symm -... ≤ s * t : - mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (sum_le_has_sum _ (λ _ _, hf' _) hf) (hg.nonneg $ λ _, hg' _) - -lemma summable.mul_norm {f : ι → α} {g : ι' → α} - (hf : summable (λ x, ∥f x∥)) (hg : summable (λ x, ∥g x∥)) : - summable (λ (x : ι × ι'), ∥f x.1 * g x.2∥) := -summable_of_nonneg_of_le (λ x, norm_nonneg (f x.1 * g x.2)) (λ x, norm_mul_le (f x.1) (g x.2)) - (hf.mul_of_nonneg hg (λ x, norm_nonneg $ f x) (λ x, norm_nonneg $ g x) : _) - -lemma summable_mul_of_summable_norm [complete_space α] {f : ι → α} {g : ι' → α} - (hf : summable (λ x, ∥f x∥)) (hg : summable (λ x, ∥g x∥)) : - summable (λ (x : ι × ι'), f x.1 * g x.2) := -summable_of_summable_norm (hf.mul_norm hg) - -/-- Product of two infinites sums indexed by arbitrary types. - See also `tsum_mul_tsum` if `f` and `g` are *not* absolutely summable. -/ -lemma tsum_mul_tsum_of_summable_norm [complete_space α] {f : ι → α} {g : ι' → α} - (hf : summable (λ x, ∥f x∥)) (hg : summable (λ x, ∥g x∥)) : - (∑' x, f x) * (∑' y, g y) = (∑' z : ι × ι', f z.1 * g z.2) := -tsum_mul_tsum (summable_of_summable_norm hf) (summable_of_summable_norm hg) - (summable_mul_of_summable_norm hf hg) - -/-! ### `ℕ`-indexed families (Cauchy product) - -We prove two versions of the Cauchy product formula. The first one is -`tsum_mul_tsum_eq_tsum_sum_range_of_summable_norm`, where the `n`-th term is a sum over -`finset.range (n+1)` involving `nat` substraction. -In order to avoid `nat` substraction, we also provide -`tsum_mul_tsum_eq_tsum_sum_antidiagonal_of_summable_norm`, -where the `n`-th term is a sum over all pairs `(k, l)` such that `k+l=n`, which corresponds to the -`finset` `finset.nat.antidiagonal n`. -/ - -section nat - -open finset.nat - -lemma summable_norm_sum_mul_antidiagonal_of_summable_norm {f g : ℕ → α} - (hf : summable (λ x, ∥f x∥)) (hg : summable (λ x, ∥g x∥)) : - summable (λ n, ∥∑ kl in antidiagonal n, f kl.1 * g kl.2∥) := -begin - have := summable_sum_mul_antidiagonal_of_summable_mul - (summable.mul_of_nonneg hf hg (λ _, norm_nonneg _) (λ _, norm_nonneg _)), - refine summable_of_nonneg_of_le (λ _, norm_nonneg _) _ this, - intros n, - calc ∥∑ kl in antidiagonal n, f kl.1 * g kl.2∥ - ≤ ∑ kl in antidiagonal n, ∥f kl.1 * g kl.2∥ : norm_sum_le _ _ - ... ≤ ∑ kl in antidiagonal n, ∥f kl.1∥ * ∥g kl.2∥ : sum_le_sum (λ i _, norm_mul_le _ _) -end - -/-- The Cauchy product formula for the product of two infinite sums indexed by `ℕ`, - expressed by summing on `finset.nat.antidiagonal`. - See also `tsum_mul_tsum_eq_tsum_sum_antidiagonal` if `f` and `g` are - *not* absolutely summable. -/ -lemma tsum_mul_tsum_eq_tsum_sum_antidiagonal_of_summable_norm [complete_space α] {f g : ℕ → α} - (hf : summable (λ x, ∥f x∥)) (hg : summable (λ x, ∥g x∥)) : - (∑' n, f n) * (∑' n, g n) = ∑' n, ∑ kl in antidiagonal n, f kl.1 * g kl.2 := -tsum_mul_tsum_eq_tsum_sum_antidiagonal (summable_of_summable_norm hf) (summable_of_summable_norm hg) - (summable_mul_of_summable_norm hf hg) - -lemma summable_norm_sum_mul_range_of_summable_norm {f g : ℕ → α} - (hf : summable (λ x, ∥f x∥)) (hg : summable (λ x, ∥g x∥)) : - summable (λ n, ∥∑ k in range (n+1), f k * g (n - k)∥) := -begin - simp_rw ← sum_antidiagonal_eq_sum_range_succ (λ k l, f k * g l), - exact summable_norm_sum_mul_antidiagonal_of_summable_norm hf hg -end - -/-- The Cauchy product formula for the product of two infinite sums indexed by `ℕ`, - expressed by summing on `finset.range`. - See also `tsum_mul_tsum_eq_tsum_sum_range` if `f` and `g` are - *not* absolutely summable. -/ -lemma tsum_mul_tsum_eq_tsum_sum_range_of_summable_norm [complete_space α] {f g : ℕ → α} - (hf : summable (λ x, ∥f x∥)) (hg : summable (λ x, ∥g x∥)) : - (∑' n, f n) * (∑' n, g n) = ∑' n, ∑ k in range (n+1), f k * g (n - k) := -begin - simp_rw ← sum_antidiagonal_eq_sum_range_succ (λ k l, f k * g l), - exact tsum_mul_tsum_eq_tsum_sum_antidiagonal_of_summable_norm hf hg -end - -end nat - -end cauchy_product - -section ring_hom_isometric - -variables {R₁ : Type*} {R₂ : Type*} {R₃ : Type*} - -/-- This class states that a ring homomorphism is isometric. This is a sufficient assumption -for a continuous semilinear map to be bounded and this is the main use for this typeclass. -/ -class ring_hom_isometric [semiring R₁] [semiring R₂] [has_norm R₁] [has_norm R₂] - (σ : R₁ →+* R₂) : Prop := -(is_iso : ∀ {x : R₁}, ∥σ x∥ = ∥x∥) - -attribute [simp] ring_hom_isometric.is_iso - -variables [semi_normed_ring R₁] [semi_normed_ring R₂] [semi_normed_ring R₃] - -instance ring_hom_isometric.ids : ring_hom_isometric ( R₁) := -⟨λ x, rfl⟩ - -end ring_hom_isometric