From d4817f8867c368d6c5571f7379b3888aaec1d95a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: sgouezel Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2023 06:00:37 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] feat(measure_theory/integral/integral_eq_improper): fundamental theorem of calculus on (a, +\infty) (#18844) It became apparent in several applications that we are missing API here. As an illustration, two existing proofs in the library are shortened with the new API. --- src/analysis/special_functions/gaussian.lean | 17 +- src/analysis/special_functions/integrals.lean | 2 +- src/measure_theory/integral/exp_decay.lean | 28 +-- .../integral/integral_eq_improper.lean | 172 +++++++++++++++++- .../integral/interval_integral.lean | 16 +- 5 files changed, 191 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/analysis/special_functions/gaussian.lean b/src/analysis/special_functions/gaussian.lean index edebd50124498..726f21901ca4a 100644 --- a/src/analysis/special_functions/gaussian.lean +++ b/src/analysis/special_functions/gaussian.lean @@ -158,25 +158,20 @@ lemma integral_mul_cexp_neg_mul_sq {b : ℂ} (hb : 0 < : ∫ r:ℝ in Ioi 0, (r : ℂ) * cexp (-b * r ^ 2) = (2 * b)⁻¹ := begin have hb' : b ≠ 0 := by { contrapose! hb, rw [hb, zero_re], }, - refine tendsto_nhds_unique (interval_integral_tendsto_integral_Ioi _ - (integrable_mul_cexp_neg_mul_sq hb).integrable_on filter.tendsto_id) _, have A : ∀ x:ℂ, has_deriv_at (λ x, - (2 * b)⁻¹ * cexp (-b * x^2)) (x * cexp (- b * x^2)) x, { intro x, convert (((has_deriv_at_pow 2 x)).const_mul (-b)).cexp.const_mul (- (2 * b)⁻¹) using 1, field_simp [hb'], ring }, - have : ∀ (y : ℝ), ∫ x in 0..(id y), ↑x * cexp (-b * x^2) - = (- (2 * b)⁻¹ * cexp (-b * y^2)) - (- (2 * b)⁻¹ * cexp (-b * 0^2)) := - λ y, interval_integral.integral_eq_sub_of_has_deriv_at - (λ x hx, (A x).comp_of_real) (integrable_mul_cexp_neg_mul_sq hb).interval_integrable, - simp_rw this, - have L : tendsto (λ (x : ℝ), (2 * b)⁻¹ - (2 * b)⁻¹ * cexp (-b * x ^ 2)) at_top - (𝓝 ((2 * b)⁻¹ - (2 * b)⁻¹ * 0)), - { refine tendsto_const_nhds.sub (tendsto.const_mul _ $ tendsto_zero_iff_norm_tendsto_zero.mpr _), + have B : tendsto (λ (y : ℝ), -(2 * b)⁻¹ * cexp (-b * ↑y ^ 2)) at_top (𝓝 (-(2 * b)⁻¹ * 0)), + { refine (tendsto.const_mul _ (tendsto_zero_iff_norm_tendsto_zero.mpr _)), simp_rw norm_cexp_neg_mul_sq b, exact tendsto_exp_at_bot.comp (tendsto.neg_const_mul_at_top (neg_lt_zero.2 hb) (tendsto_pow_at_top two_ne_zero)) }, - simpa using L, + convert integral_Ioi_of_has_deriv_at_of_tendsto' (λ x hx, (A ↑x).comp_of_real) + (integrable_mul_cexp_neg_mul_sq hb).integrable_on B, + simp only [mul_zero, of_real_zero, zero_pow', ne.def, bit0_eq_zero, nat.one_ne_zero, + not_false_iff, complex.exp_zero, mul_one, sub_neg_eq_add, zero_add], end /-- The *square* of the Gaussian integral `∫ x:ℝ, exp (-b * x^2)` is equal to `π / b`. -/ diff --git a/src/analysis/special_functions/integrals.lean b/src/analysis/special_functions/integrals.lean index 6bcc48d15b912..b7e245c98d162 100644 --- a/src/analysis/special_functions/integrals.lean +++ b/src/analysis/special_functions/integrals.lean @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ begin have hderiv : ∀ x ∈ Ioo 0 c, has_deriv_at (λ x : ℝ, x ^ (r + 1) / (r + 1)) (x ^ r) x, { intros x hx, convert (real.has_deriv_at_rpow_const (or.inl')).div_const (r + 1), field_simp [(by linarith : r + 1 ≠ 0)], ring, }, - apply integrable_on_deriv_of_nonneg hc _ hderiv, + apply integrable_on_deriv_of_nonneg _ hderiv, { intros x hx, apply rpow_nonneg_of_nonneg hx.1.le, }, { refine (continuous_on_id.rpow_const _).div_const _, intros x hx, right, linarith } }, intro c, rcases le_total 0 c with hc|hc, diff --git a/src/measure_theory/integral/exp_decay.lean b/src/measure_theory/integral/exp_decay.lean index 8f873fd96e193..2090e724c7a2d 100644 --- a/src/measure_theory/integral/exp_decay.lean +++ b/src/measure_theory/integral/exp_decay.lean @@ -18,33 +18,17 @@ for integrability: noncomputable theory open real interval_integral measure_theory set filter - -/-- Integral of `exp (-b * x)` over `(a, X)` is bounded as `X → ∞`. -/ -lemma integral_exp_neg_le {b : ℝ} (a X : ℝ) (h2 : 0 < b) : - (∫ x in a .. X, exp (-b * x)) ≤ exp (-b * a) / b := -begin - rw integral_deriv_eq_sub' (λ x, -exp (-b * x) / b), - -- goal 1/4: F(X) - F(a) is bounded - { simp only [tsub_le_iff_right], - rw [neg_div b (exp (-b * a)), neg_div b (exp (-b * X)), add_neg_self, neg_le, neg_zero], - exact (div_pos (exp_pos _) h2).le, }, - -- goal 2/4: the derivative of F is exp(-b x) - { ext1, simp ['] }, - -- goal 3/4: F is differentiable - { intros x hx, simp ['], }, - -- goal 4/4: exp(-b x) is continuous - { apply continuous.continuous_on, continuity } -end +open_locale topology /-- `exp (-b * x)` is integrable on `(a, ∞)`. -/ lemma exp_neg_integrable_on_Ioi (a : ℝ) {b : ℝ} (h : 0 < b) : integrable_on (λ x : ℝ, exp (-b * x)) (Ioi a) := begin - have : ∀ (X : ℝ), integrable_on (λ x : ℝ, exp (-b * x) ) (Ioc a X), - { intro X, exact (continuous_const.mul continuous_id).exp.integrable_on_Ioc }, - apply (integrable_on_Ioi_of_interval_integral_norm_bounded (exp (-b * a) / b) a this tendsto_id), - simp only [eventually_at_top, norm_of_nonneg (exp_pos _).le], - exact ⟨a, λ b2 hb2, integral_exp_neg_le a b2 h⟩, + have : tendsto (λ x, -exp (-b * x) / b) at_top (𝓝 (-0/b)), + { refine tendsto.div_const (tendsto.neg _) _, + exact tendsto_exp_at_bot.comp (tendsto_id.neg_const_mul_at_top (right.neg_neg_iff.2 h)) }, + refine integrable_on_Ioi_deriv_of_nonneg' (λ x hx, _) (λ x hx, (exp_pos _).le) this, + simpa ['] using ((has_deriv_at_id x).const_mul b).neg.exp.neg.div_const b, end /-- If `f` is continuous on `[a, ∞)`, and is `O (exp (-b * x))` at `∞` for some `b > 0`, then diff --git a/src/measure_theory/integral/integral_eq_improper.lean b/src/measure_theory/integral/integral_eq_improper.lean index 5f583e481dd94..335574962c38d 100644 --- a/src/measure_theory/integral/integral_eq_improper.lean +++ b/src/measure_theory/integral/integral_eq_improper.lean @@ -50,7 +50,15 @@ as an `ae_cover` w.r.t. `μ.restrict (Iic b)`, instead of using `(λ x, Ioc x b) then `∫ x in φ n, f x ∂μ` tends to `∫ x, f x ∂μ` as `n` tends to `+∞`. We then specialize these lemmas to various use cases involving intervals, which are frequent -in analysis. +in analysis. In particular, +- `measure_theory.integral_Ioi_of_has_deriv_at_of_tendsto` is a version of FTC-2 on the interval + `(a, +∞)`, giving the formula `∫ x in (a, +∞), g' x = l - g a` if `g'` is integrable and + `g` tends to `l` at `+∞`. +- `measure_theory.integral_Ioi_of_has_deriv_at_of_nonneg` gives the same result assuming that + `g'` is nonnegative instead of integrable. Its automatic integrability in this context is proved + in `measure_theory.integrable_on_Ioi_deriv_of_nonneg`. +- `measure_theory.integral_comp_smul_deriv_Ioi` is a version of the change of variables formula + on semi-infinite intervals. -/ open measure_theory filter set topological_space @@ -604,7 +612,7 @@ end lemma integrable_on_Ioc_of_interval_integral_norm_bounded_left {I a₀ b : ℝ} (hfi : ∀ i, integrable_on f $ Ioc (a i) b) (ha : tendsto a l $ 𝓝 a₀) - (h : ∀ᶠ i in l, (∫ x in Ioc (a i) b, ‖f x‖ ) ≤ I) : integrable_on f (Ioc a₀ b) := + (h : ∀ᶠ i in l, (∫ x in Ioc (a i) b, ‖f x‖) ≤ I) : integrable_on f (Ioc a₀ b) := integrable_on_Ioc_of_interval_integral_norm_bounded hfi ha tendsto_const_nhds h lemma integrable_on_Ioc_of_interval_integral_norm_bounded_right {I a b₀ : ℝ} @@ -660,12 +668,170 @@ end end integral_of_interval_integral +open real +open_locale interval + +section Ioi_FTC + +variables {E : Type*} {f f' : ℝ → E} {g g' : ℝ → ℝ} {a b l : ℝ} {m : E} + [normed_add_comm_group E] [normed_space ℝ E] [complete_space E] + +/-- **Fundamental theorem of calculus-2**, on semi-infinite intervals `(a, +∞)`. +When a function has a limit at infinity `m`, and its derivative is integrable, then the +integral of the derivative on `(a, +∞)` is `m - f a`. Version assuming differentiability +on `(a, +∞)` and continuity on `[a, +∞)`.-/ +lemma integral_Ioi_of_has_deriv_at_of_tendsto (hcont : continuous_on f (Ici a)) + (hderiv : ∀ x ∈ Ioi a, has_deriv_at f (f' x) x) + (f'int : integrable_on f' (Ioi a)) (hf : tendsto f at_top (𝓝 m)) : + ∫ x in Ioi a, f' x = m - f a := +begin + refine tendsto_nhds_unique (interval_integral_tendsto_integral_Ioi a f'int tendsto_id) _, + apply tendsto.congr' _ (hf.sub_const _), + filter_upwards [Ioi_mem_at_top a] with x hx, + have h'x : a ≤ id x := le_of_lt hx, + symmetry, + apply interval_integral.integral_eq_sub_of_has_deriv_at_of_le h'x + (hcont.mono Icc_subset_Ici_self) (λ y hy, hderiv y hy.1), + rw interval_integrable_iff_integrable_Ioc_of_le h'x, + exact f'int.mono (λ y hy, hy.1) le_rfl, +end + +/-- **Fundamental theorem of calculus-2**, on semi-infinite intervals `(a, +∞)`. +When a function has a limit at infinity `m`, and its derivative is integrable, then the +integral of the derivative on `(a, +∞)` is `m - f a`. Version assuming differentiability +on `[a, +∞)`. -/ +lemma integral_Ioi_of_has_deriv_at_of_tendsto' + (hderiv : ∀ x ∈ Ici a, has_deriv_at f (f' x) x) + (f'int : integrable_on f' (Ioi a)) (hf : tendsto f at_top (𝓝 m)) : + ∫ x in Ioi a, f' x = m - f a := +begin + apply integral_Ioi_of_has_deriv_at_of_tendsto _ (λ x hx, hderiv x (le_of_lt hx)) f'int hf, + assume x hx, + exact (hderiv x hx).continuous_at.continuous_within_at, +end + +/-- When a function has a limit at infinity, and its derivative is nonnegative, then the derivative +is automatically integrable on `(a, +∞)`. Version assuming differentiability +on `(a, +∞)` and continuity on `[a, +∞)`. -/ +lemma integrable_on_Ioi_deriv_of_nonneg (hcont : continuous_on g (Ici a)) + (hderiv : ∀ x ∈ Ioi a, has_deriv_at g (g' x) x) + (g'pos : ∀ x ∈ Ioi a, 0 ≤ g' x) (hg : tendsto g at_top (𝓝 l)) : + integrable_on g' (Ioi a) := +begin + apply integrable_on_Ioi_of_interval_integral_norm_tendsto (l - g a) a (λ x, _) tendsto_id, swap, + { exact interval_integral.integrable_on_deriv_of_nonneg (hcont.mono Icc_subset_Ici_self) + (λ y hy, hderiv y hy.1) (λ y hy, g'pos y hy.1) }, + apply tendsto.congr' _ (hg.sub_const _), + filter_upwards [Ioi_mem_at_top a] with x hx, + have h'x : a ≤ id x := le_of_lt hx, + calc g x - g a = ∫ y in x, g' y : + begin + symmetry, + apply interval_integral.integral_eq_sub_of_has_deriv_at_of_le h'x + (hcont.mono Icc_subset_Ici_self) (λ y hy, hderiv y hy.1), + rw interval_integrable_iff_integrable_Ioc_of_le h'x, + exact interval_integral.integrable_on_deriv_of_nonneg (hcont.mono Icc_subset_Ici_self) + (λ y hy, hderiv y hy.1) (λ y hy, g'pos y hy.1) + end + ... = ∫ y in x, ‖g' y‖ : + begin + simp_rw interval_integral.integral_of_le h'x, + refine set_integral_congr (measurable_set_Ioc) (λ y hy, _), + dsimp, + rw abs_of_nonneg, + exact g'pos _ hy.1, + end +end + +/-- When a function has a limit at infinity, and its derivative is nonnegative, then the derivative +is automatically integrable on `(a, +∞)`. Version assuming differentiability +on `[a, +∞)`. -/ +lemma integrable_on_Ioi_deriv_of_nonneg' + (hderiv : ∀ x ∈ Ici a, has_deriv_at g (g' x) x) + (g'pos : ∀ x ∈ Ioi a, 0 ≤ g' x) (hg : tendsto g at_top (𝓝 l)) : + integrable_on g' (Ioi a) := +begin + apply integrable_on_Ioi_deriv_of_nonneg _ (λ x hx, hderiv x (le_of_lt hx)) g'pos hg, + assume x hx, + exact (hderiv x hx).continuous_at.continuous_within_at, +end + +/-- When a function has a limit at infinity `l`, and its derivative is nonnegative, then the +integral of the derivative on `(a, +∞)` is `l - g a` (and the derivative is integrable, see +`integrable_on_Ioi_deriv_of_nonneg`). Version assuming differentiability on `(a, +∞)` and +continuity on `[a, +∞)`. -/ +lemma integral_Ioi_of_has_deriv_at_of_nonneg (hcont : continuous_on g (Ici a)) + (hderiv : ∀ x ∈ Ioi a, has_deriv_at g (g' x) x) + (g'pos : ∀ x ∈ Ioi a, 0 ≤ g' x) (hg : tendsto g at_top (𝓝 l)) : + ∫ x in Ioi a, g' x = l - g a := +integral_Ioi_of_has_deriv_at_of_tendsto hcont hderiv + (integrable_on_Ioi_deriv_of_nonneg hcont hderiv g'pos hg) hg + +/-- When a function has a limit at infinity `l`, and its derivative is nonnegative, then the +integral of the derivative on `(a, +∞)` is `l - g a` (and the derivative is integrable, see +`integrable_on_Ioi_deriv_of_nonneg'`). Version assuming differentiability on `[a, +∞)`. -/ +lemma integral_Ioi_of_has_deriv_at_of_nonneg' + (hderiv : ∀ x ∈ Ici a, has_deriv_at g (g' x) x) + (g'pos : ∀ x ∈ Ioi a, 0 ≤ g' x) (hg : tendsto g at_top (𝓝 l)) : + ∫ x in Ioi a, g' x = l - g a := +integral_Ioi_of_has_deriv_at_of_tendsto' hderiv + (integrable_on_Ioi_deriv_of_nonneg' hderiv g'pos hg) hg + +/-- When a function has a limit at infinity, and its derivative is nonpositive, then the derivative +is automatically integrable on `(a, +∞)`. Version assuming differentiability +on `(a, +∞)` and continuity on `[a, +∞)`. -/ +lemma integrable_on_Ioi_deriv_of_nonpos (hcont : continuous_on g (Ici a)) + (hderiv : ∀ x ∈ Ioi a, has_deriv_at g (g' x) x) + (g'neg : ∀ x ∈ Ioi a, g' x ≤ 0) (hg : tendsto g at_top (𝓝 l)) : + integrable_on g' (Ioi a) := +begin + apply integrable_neg_iff.1, + exact integrable_on_Ioi_deriv_of_nonneg hcont.neg (λ x hx, (hderiv x hx).neg) + (λ x hx, neg_nonneg_of_nonpos (g'neg x hx)) hg.neg, +end + +/-- When a function has a limit at infinity, and its derivative is nonpositive, then the derivative +is automatically integrable on `(a, +∞)`. Version assuming differentiability +on `[a, +∞)`. -/ +lemma integrable_on_Ioi_deriv_of_nonpos' + (hderiv : ∀ x ∈ Ici a, has_deriv_at g (g' x) x) + (g'neg : ∀ x ∈ Ioi a, g' x ≤ 0) (hg : tendsto g at_top (𝓝 l)) : + integrable_on g' (Ioi a) := +begin + apply integrable_on_Ioi_deriv_of_nonpos _ (λ x hx, hderiv x (le_of_lt hx)) g'neg hg, + assume x hx, + exact (hderiv x hx).continuous_at.continuous_within_at, +end + +/-- When a function has a limit at infinity `l`, and its derivative is nonpositive, then the +integral of the derivative on `(a, +∞)` is `l - g a` (and the derivative is integrable, see +`integrable_on_Ioi_deriv_of_nonneg`). Version assuming differentiability on `(a, +∞)` and +continuity on `[a, +∞)`. -/ +lemma integral_Ioi_of_has_deriv_at_of_nonpos (hcont : continuous_on g (Ici a)) + (hderiv : ∀ x ∈ Ioi a, has_deriv_at g (g' x) x) + (g'neg : ∀ x ∈ Ioi a, g' x ≤ 0) (hg : tendsto g at_top (𝓝 l)) : + ∫ x in Ioi a, g' x = l - g a := +integral_Ioi_of_has_deriv_at_of_tendsto hcont hderiv + (integrable_on_Ioi_deriv_of_nonpos hcont hderiv g'neg hg) hg + +/-- When a function has a limit at infinity `l`, and its derivative is nonpositive, then the +integral of the derivative on `(a, +∞)` is `l - g a` (and the derivative is integrable, see +`integrable_on_Ioi_deriv_of_nonneg'`). Version assuming differentiability on `[a, +∞)`. -/ +lemma integral_Ioi_of_has_deriv_at_of_nonpos' + (hderiv : ∀ x ∈ Ici a, has_deriv_at g (g' x) x) + (g'neg : ∀ x ∈ Ioi a, g' x ≤ 0) (hg : tendsto g at_top (𝓝 l)) : + ∫ x in Ioi a, g' x = l - g a := +integral_Ioi_of_has_deriv_at_of_tendsto' hderiv + (integrable_on_Ioi_deriv_of_nonpos' hderiv g'neg hg) hg + +end Ioi_FTC + section Ioi_change_variables open real open_locale interval -variables {E : Type*} {μ : measure ℝ} {f : ℝ → E} +variables {E : Type*} {f : ℝ → E} [normed_add_comm_group E] [normed_space ℝ E] [complete_space E] /-- Change-of-variables formula for `Ioi` integrals of vector-valued functions, proved by taking diff --git a/src/measure_theory/integral/interval_integral.lean b/src/measure_theory/integral/interval_integral.lean index 6b96f2e9d66d4..a9addd4c9b351 100644 --- a/src/measure_theory/integral/interval_integral.lean +++ b/src/measure_theory/integral/interval_integral.lean @@ -2524,11 +2524,13 @@ end -/ /-- When the right derivative of a function is nonnegative, then it is automatically integrable. -/ -lemma integrable_on_deriv_right_of_nonneg (hab : a ≤ b) (hcont : continuous_on g (Icc a b)) +lemma integrable_on_deriv_right_of_nonneg (hcont : continuous_on g (Icc a b)) (hderiv : ∀ x ∈ Ioo a b, has_deriv_within_at g (g' x) (Ioi x) x) (g'pos : ∀ x ∈ Ioo a b, 0 ≤ g' x) : integrable_on g' (Ioc a b) := begin + by_cases hab : a < b, swap, + { simp [Ioc_eq_empty hab] }, rw integrable_on_Ioc_iff_integrable_on_Ioo, have meas_g' : ae_measurable g' (volume.restrict (Ioo a b)), { apply (ae_measurable_deriv_within_Ioi g _).congr, @@ -2549,8 +2551,8 @@ begin lintegral_coe_eq_integral _ intF, rw A at hf, have B : ∫ (x : ℝ) in Ioo a b, F x ≤ g b - g a, - { rw [← integral_Ioc_eq_integral_Ioo, ← interval_integral.integral_of_le hab], - apply integral_le_sub_of_has_deriv_right_of_le hab hcont hderiv _ (λ x hx, _), + { rw [← integral_Ioc_eq_integral_Ioo, ← interval_integral.integral_of_le hab.le], + apply integral_le_sub_of_has_deriv_right_of_le hab.le hcont hderiv _ (λ x hx, _), { rwa integrable_on_Icc_iff_integrable_on_Ioo }, { convert nnreal.coe_le_coe.2 (fle x), simp only [real.norm_of_nonneg (g'pos x hx), coe_nnnorm] } }, @@ -2559,11 +2561,11 @@ end /-- When the derivative of a function is nonnegative, then it is automatically integrable, Ioc version. -/ -lemma integrable_on_deriv_of_nonneg (hab : a ≤ b) (hcont : continuous_on g (Icc a b)) +lemma integrable_on_deriv_of_nonneg (hcont : continuous_on g (Icc a b)) (hderiv : ∀ x ∈ Ioo a b, has_deriv_at g (g' x) x) (g'pos : ∀ x ∈ Ioo a b, 0 ≤ g' x) : integrable_on g' (Ioc a b) := -integrable_on_deriv_right_of_nonneg hab hcont (λ x hx, (hderiv x hx).has_deriv_within_at) g'pos +integrable_on_deriv_right_of_nonneg hcont (λ x hx, (hderiv x hx).has_deriv_within_at) g'pos /-- When the derivative of a function is nonnegative, then it is automatically integrable, interval version. -/ @@ -2575,10 +2577,10 @@ begin cases le_total a b with hab hab, { simp only [uIcc_of_le, min_eq_left, max_eq_right, hab, interval_integrable, hab, Ioc_eq_empty_of_le, integrable_on_empty, and_true] at hcont hderiv hpos ⊢, - exact integrable_on_deriv_of_nonneg hab hcont hderiv hpos, }, + exact integrable_on_deriv_of_nonneg hcont hderiv hpos, }, { simp only [uIcc_of_ge, min_eq_right, max_eq_left, hab, interval_integrable, Ioc_eq_empty_of_le, integrable_on_empty, true_and] at hcont hderiv hpos ⊢, - exact integrable_on_deriv_of_nonneg hab hcont hderiv hpos } + exact integrable_on_deriv_of_nonneg hcont hderiv hpos } end /-!