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…quaternion exponential (#18349)

This gives the result that $\exp q = \exp r (\cos \|v\| + \frac{v}{\|v\|} \sin \|v\|)$ where $r$ is the real part and $v$ the imaginary part.

After adding some missing algebraic lemmas, the result that $\|\exp q\| = \|\exp r\|$ is then simple.
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eric-wieser committed Mar 16, 2023
1 parent acee671 commit da3fc4a
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Showing 4 changed files with 211 additions and 15 deletions.
50 changes: 44 additions & 6 deletions src/algebra/quaternion.lean
Expand Up @@ -415,13 +415,20 @@ lemma eq_re_iff_mem_range_coe {a : ℍ[R, c₁, c₂]} :
a = ↔ a ∈ set.range (coe : R → ℍ[R, c₁, c₂]) :=
⟨λ h, ⟨, h.symm⟩, λ ⟨x, h⟩, eq_re_of_eq_coe h.symm⟩

section char_zero
variables [no_zero_divisors R] [char_zero R]

lemma conj_fixed {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] [no_zero_divisors R] [char_zero R]
{c₁ c₂ : R} {a : ℍ[R, c₁, c₂]} :
lemma conj_eq_self {c₁ c₂ : R} {a : ℍ[R, c₁, c₂]} :
conj a = a ↔ a = :=
by simp [ext_iff, neg_eq_iff_add_eq_zero, add_self_eq_zero]

-- Can't use `rw ← conj_fixed` in the proof without additional assumptions
lemma conj_eq_neg {c₁ c₂ : R} {a : ℍ[R, c₁, c₂]} :
conj a = -a ↔ = 0 :=
by simp [ext_iff, eq_neg_iff_add_eq_zero]

end char_zero
-- Can't use `rw ← conj_eq_self` in the proof without additional assumptions

lemma conj_mul_eq_coe : conj a * a = (conj a * a).re := by ext; simp; ring_exp

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -687,9 +694,14 @@ quaternion_algebra.eq_re_of_eq_coe h
lemma eq_re_iff_mem_range_coe {a : ℍ[R]} : a = ↔ a ∈ set.range (coe : R → ℍ[R]) :=

@[simp] lemma conj_fixed {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] [no_zero_divisors R] [char_zero R] {a : ℍ[R]} :
conj a = a ↔ a = :=
section char_zero
variables [no_zero_divisors R] [char_zero R]

@[simp] lemma conj_eq_self {a : ℍ[R]} : conj a = a ↔ a = := quaternion_algebra.conj_eq_self

@[simp] lemma conj_eq_neg {a : ℍ[R]} : conj a = -a ↔ = 0 := quaternion_algebra.conj_eq_neg

end char_zero

lemma conj_mul_eq_coe : conj a * a = (conj a * a).re := a.conj_mul_eq_coe

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -749,6 +761,16 @@ lemma coe_norm_sq_add :
(norm_sq (a + b) : ℍ[R]) = norm_sq a + a * b.conj + b * a.conj + norm_sq b :=
by simp [← self_mul_conj, mul_add, add_mul, add_assoc]

lemma norm_sq_smul (r : R) (q : ℍ[R]) : norm_sq (r • q) = r^2 * norm_sq q :=
by simp_rw [norm_sq_def, conj_smul, smul_mul_smul, smul_re, sq, smul_eq_mul]

lemma norm_sq_add (a b : ℍ[R]) : norm_sq (a + b) = norm_sq a + norm_sq b + 2 * (a * conj b).re :=
calc norm_sq (a + b) = (norm_sq a + (a * conj b).re) + ((b * conj a).re + norm_sq b)
: by simp_rw [norm_sq_def, conj_add, add_mul, mul_add, add_re]
... = norm_sq a + norm_sq b + ((a * conj b).re + (b * conj a).re) : by abel
... = norm_sq a + norm_sq b + 2 * (a * conj b).re
: by rw [←add_re, ←conj_mul_conj a b, self_add_conj', coe_re]

end quaternion

namespace quaternion
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -787,6 +809,22 @@ instance : no_zero_divisors ℍ[R] :=
instance : is_domain ℍ[R] :=
no_zero_divisors.to_is_domain _

lemma sq_eq_norm_sq : a^2 = norm_sq a ↔ a = :=
simp_rw [←conj_eq_self],
obtain rfl | hq0 := eq_or_ne a 0,
{ simp },
{ rw [←conj_mul_self, sq, mul_left_inj' hq0, eq_comm] }

lemma sq_eq_neg_norm_sq : a^2 = -norm_sq a ↔ = 0 :=
simp_rw [←conj_eq_neg],
obtain rfl | hq0 := eq_or_ne a 0,
{ simp },
rw [←conj_mul_self, ←mul_neg, ←neg_sq, sq, mul_left_inj' (neg_ne_zero.mpr hq0), eq_comm],

end linear_ordered_comm_ring

section field
Expand Down
17 changes: 8 additions & 9 deletions src/analysis/normed_space/exponential.lean
Expand Up @@ -99,18 +99,17 @@ tsum_congr (λ n, exp_series_apply_eq x n)
lemma exp_eq_tsum : exp 𝕂 = (λ x : 𝔸, ∑' (n : ℕ), (n!⁻¹ : 𝕂) • x^n) :=
funext exp_series_sum_eq

@[simp] lemma exp_zero [t2_space 𝔸] : exp 𝕂 (0 : 𝔸) = 1 :=
lemma exp_series_apply_zero (n : ℕ) : exp_series 𝕂 𝔸 n (λ _, (0 : 𝔸)) = pi.single 0 1 n :=
suffices : (λ x : 𝔸, ∑' (n : ℕ), (n!⁻¹ : 𝕂) • x^n) 0 = ∑' (n : ℕ), if n = 0 then 1 else 0,
{ have key : ∀ n ∉ ({0} : finset ℕ), (if n = 0 then (1 : 𝔸) else 0) = 0,
from λ n hn, if_neg ( hn),
rw [exp_eq_tsum, this, tsum_eq_sum key, finset.sum_singleton],
simp },
refine tsum_congr (λ n, _),
split_ifs with h h;
simp [h]
rw exp_series_apply_eq,
cases n,
{ rw [pow_zero, nat.factorial_zero, nat.cast_one, inv_one, one_smul, pi.single_eq_same], },
{ rw [zero_pow (nat.succ_pos _), smul_zero, pi.single_eq_of_ne (n.succ_ne_zero)], },

@[simp] lemma exp_zero [t2_space 𝔸] : exp 𝕂 (0 : 𝔸) = 1 :=
by simp_rw [exp_eq_tsum, ←exp_series_apply_eq, exp_series_apply_zero, tsum_pi_single]

@[simp] lemma exp_op [t2_space 𝔸] (x : 𝔸) :
exp 𝕂 (mul_opposite.op x) = mul_opposite.op (exp 𝕂 x) :=
by simp_rw [exp, exp_series_sum_eq, ←mul_opposite.op_pow, ←mul_opposite.op_smul, tsum_op]
Expand Down
134 changes: 134 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/normed_space/quaternion_exponential.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Eric Wieser. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Eric Wieser
import analysis.quaternion
import analysis.normed_space.exponential
import analysis.inner_product_space.pi_L2
import analysis.special_functions.trigonometric.series

# Lemmas about `exp` on `quaternion`s
This file contains results about `exp` on `quaternion ℝ`.
## Main results
* `quaternion.exp_eq`: the general expansion of the quaternion exponential in terms of `real.cos`
and `real.sin`.
* `quaternion.exp_of_re_eq_zero`: the special case when the quaternion has a zero real part.
* `quaternion.norm_exp`: the norm of the quaternion exponential is the norm of the exponential of
the real part.

open_locale quaternion nat

namespace quaternion

lemma conj_exp (q : ℍ[ℝ]) : conj (exp ℝ q) = exp ℝ (conj q) := star_exp q

@[simp, norm_cast] lemma exp_coe (r : ℝ) : exp ℝ (r : ℍ[ℝ]) = ↑(exp ℝ r) :=
(map_exp ℝ (algebra_map ℝ ℍ[ℝ]) (continuous_algebra_map _ _) _).symm

/-- Auxiliary result; if the power series corresponding to `real.cos` and `real.sin` evaluated
at `‖q‖` tend to `c` and `s`, then the exponential series tends to `c + (s / ‖q‖)`. -/
lemma has_sum_exp_series_of_imaginary
{q : quaternion ℝ} (hq : = 0) {c s : ℝ}
(hc : has_sum (λ n, (-1)^n * ‖q‖^(2 * n) / (2 * n)!) c)
(hs : has_sum (λ n, (-1)^n * ‖q‖^(2 * n + 1) / (2 * n + 1)!) s) :
has_sum (λ n, exp_series ℝ _ n (λ _, q)) (↑c + (s / ‖q‖) • q) :=
replace hc := has_sum_coe.mpr hc,
replace hs := (hs.div_const ‖q‖).smul_const q,
obtain rfl | hq0 := eq_or_ne q 0,
{ simp_rw [exp_series_apply_zero, norm_zero, div_zero, zero_smul, add_zero],
simp_rw [norm_zero] at hc,
convert hc,
ext (_ | n) : 1,
{ rw [pow_zero, mul_zero, pow_zero, nat.factorial_zero, nat.cast_one, div_one, one_mul,
pi.single_eq_same, coe_one], },
{ rw [zero_pow (mul_pos two_pos (nat.succ_pos _)), mul_zero, zero_div,
pi.single_eq_of_ne (n.succ_ne_zero), coe_zero], } },
simp_rw exp_series_apply_eq,
have hq2 : q^2 = -norm_sq q := sq_eq_neg_norm_sq.mpr hq,
have hqn := norm_ne_zero_iff.mpr hq0,
refine has_sum.even_add_odd _ _,
{ convert hc using 1,
ext n : 1,
let k : ℝ := ↑(2 * n)!,
calc k⁻¹ • q ^ (2 * n)
= k⁻¹ • ((-norm_sq q) ^ n) : by rw [pow_mul, hq2]
... = k⁻¹ • ↑((-1) ^ n * ‖q‖ ^ (2 * n)) : _
... = ↑((-1) ^ n * ‖q‖ ^ (2 * n) / k) : _,
{ congr' 1,
rw [neg_pow, norm_sq_eq_norm_sq, pow_mul, sq],
push_cast },
{ rw [←coe_mul_eq_smul, div_eq_mul_inv],
ring_nf } },
{ convert hs using 1,
ext n : 1,
let k : ℝ := ↑(2 * n + 1)!,
calc k⁻¹ • q ^ (2 * n + 1)
= k⁻¹ • ((-norm_sq q) ^ n * q) : by rw [pow_succ', pow_mul, hq2]
... = k⁻¹ • ((-1) ^ n * ‖q‖ ^ (2 * n)) • q : _
... = ((-1) ^ n * ‖q‖ ^ (2 * n + 1) / k / ‖q‖) • q : _,
{ congr' 1,
rw [neg_pow, norm_sq_eq_norm_sq, pow_mul, sq, ←coe_mul_eq_smul],
push_cast },
{ rw smul_smul,
congr' 1,
simp_rw [pow_succ', mul_div_assoc, div_div_cancel_left' hqn],
ring } },

/-- The closed form for the quaternion exponential on imaginary quaternions. -/
lemma exp_of_re_eq_zero (q : quaternion ℝ) (hq : = 0) :
exp ℝ q = ↑(real.cos ‖q‖) + (real.sin ‖q‖ / ‖q‖) • q :=
rw [exp_eq_tsum],
refine has_sum.tsum_eq _,
simp_rw ← exp_series_apply_eq,
exact has_sum_exp_series_of_imaginary hq (real.has_sum_cos _) (real.has_sum_sin _),

/-- The closed form for the quaternion exponential on arbitrary quaternions. -/
lemma exp_eq (q : quaternion ℝ) :
exp ℝ q = exp ℝ • (↑(real.cos ‖‖) + (real.sin ‖‖ / ‖‖) • :=
rw [←exp_of_re_eq_zero q.im_re, ←coe_mul_eq_smul, ←exp_coe, ←exp_add_of_commute, re_add_im],
exact algebra.commutes (_ : ℍ[ℝ]),

lemma re_exp (q : ℍ[ℝ]) : (exp ℝ q).re = exp ℝ * (real.cos ‖q -‖) :=
by simp [exp_eq]

lemma im_exp (q : ℍ[ℝ]) : (exp ℝ q).im = (exp ℝ * (real.sin ‖‖ / ‖‖)) • :=
by simp [exp_eq, smul_smul]

lemma norm_sq_exp (q : ℍ[ℝ]) : norm_sq (exp ℝ q) = (exp ℝ^2 :=
calc norm_sq (exp ℝ q)
= norm_sq (exp ℝ • (↑(real.cos ‖‖) + (real.sin ‖‖ / ‖‖) •
: by rw exp_eq
... = (exp ℝ^2 * norm_sq ((↑(real.cos ‖‖) + (real.sin ‖‖ / ‖‖) •
: by rw [norm_sq_smul]
... = (exp ℝ^2 * ((real.cos ‖‖) ^ 2 + (real.sin ‖‖)^2)
: begin
congr' 1,
obtain hv | hv := eq_or_ne (‖‖) 0,
{ simp [hv] },
rw [norm_sq_add, norm_sq_smul, conj_smul, coe_mul_eq_smul, smul_re, smul_re, conj_re, im_re,
smul_zero, smul_zero, mul_zero, add_zero, div_pow, norm_sq_coe, norm_sq_eq_norm_sq, ←sq,
div_mul_cancel _ (pow_ne_zero _ hv)],
... = (exp ℝ^2 : by rw [real.cos_sq_add_sin_sq, mul_one]

/-- Note that this implies that exponentials of pure imaginary quaternions are unit quaternions
since in that case the RHS is `1` via `exp_zero` and `norm_one`. -/
@[simp] lemma norm_exp (q : ℍ[ℝ]) : ‖exp ℝ q‖ = ‖exp ℝ‖ :=
by rw [norm_eq_sqrt_real_inner (exp ℝ q), inner_self, norm_sq_exp, real.sqrt_sq_eq_abs,

end quaternion
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/quaternion.lean
Expand Up @@ -157,4 +157,29 @@ begin
exact (complete_space_congr this).1 (by apply_instance)

section infinite_sum
variables {α : Type*}

@[simp, norm_cast] lemma has_sum_coe {f : α → ℝ} {r : ℝ} :
has_sum (λ a, (f a : ℍ)) (↑r : ℍ) ↔ has_sum f r :=
⟨λ h, by simpa only using (show ℍ →ₗ[ℝ] ℝ, from quaternion_algebra.re_lm _ _) continuous_re,
λ h, by simpa only using (algebra_map ℝ ℍ) (continuous_algebra_map _ _)⟩

@[simp, norm_cast]
lemma summable_coe {f : α → ℝ} : summable (λ a, (f a : ℍ)) ↔ summable f :=
by simpa only using summable.map_iff_of_left_inverse (algebra_map ℝ ℍ)
(show ℍ →ₗ[ℝ] ℝ, from quaternion_algebra.re_lm _ _)
(continuous_algebra_map _ _) continuous_re coe_re

@[norm_cast] lemma tsum_coe (f : α → ℝ) : ∑' a, (f a : ℍ) = ↑(∑' a, f a) :=
by_cases hf : summable f,
{ exact (has_sum_coe.mpr hf.has_sum).tsum_eq, },
{ simp [tsum_eq_zero_of_not_summable hf,
tsum_eq_zero_of_not_summable (summable_coe.not.mpr hf)] },

end infinite_sum

end quaternion

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