diff --git a/src/data/pequiv.lean b/src/data/pequiv.lean new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..4f878b5788a24 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/data/pequiv.lean @@ -0,0 +1,327 @@ +/- +Copyright (c) 2019 Chris Hughes. All rights reserved. +Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. +Authors: Chris Hughes +-/ + +import data.equiv.basic data.set.lattice tactic.tauto + +universes u v w x + +/-- A `pequiv` is a partial equivalence, a representation of a bijection between a subset + of `α` and a subset of `β` -/ +structure pequiv (α : Type u) (β : Type v) := +(to_fun : α → option β) +(inv_fun : β → option α) +(inv : ∀ (a : α) (b : β), a ∈ inv_fun b ↔ b ∈ to_fun a) + +infixr ` ≃. `:25 := pequiv + +namespace pequiv +variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w} {δ : Type x} +open function option + +instance : has_coe_to_fun (α ≃. β) := ⟨_, to_fun⟩ + +@[simp] lemma coe_mk_apply (f₁ : α → option β) (f₂ : β → option α) (h) (x : α) : + (pequiv.mk f₁ f₂ h : α → option β) x = f₁ x := rfl + +@[extensionality] lemma ext : ∀ {f g : α ≃. β} (h : ∀ x, f x = g x), f = g +| ⟨f₁, f₂, hf⟩ ⟨g₁, g₂, hg⟩ h := +have h : f₁ = g₁, from funext h, +have ∀ b, f₂ b = g₂ b, + begin + subst h, + assume b, + have hf := λ a, hf a b, + have hg := λ a, hg a b, + cases h : g₂ b with a, + { simp only [h, option.not_mem_none, false_iff] at hg, + simp only [hg, iff_false] at hf, + rwa [option.eq_none_iff_forall_not_mem] }, + { rw [← option.mem_def, hf, ← hg, h, option.mem_def] } + end, +by simp [*, funext_iff] + +lemma ext_iff {f g : α ≃. β} : f = g ↔ ∀ x, f x = g x := +⟨congr_fun ∘ congr_arg _, ext⟩ + +@[refl] protected def refl (α : Type*) : α ≃. α := +{ to_fun := some, + inv_fun := some, + inv := λ _ _, eq_comm } + +@[symm] protected def symm (f : α ≃. β) : β ≃. α := +{ to_fun := f.2, + inv_fun := f.1, + inv := λ _ _, (f.inv _ _).symm } + +lemma mem_iff_mem (f : α ≃. β) : ∀ {a : α} {b : β}, a ∈ f.symm b ↔ b ∈ f a := f.3 + +lemma eq_some_iff (f : α ≃. β) : ∀ {a : α} {b : β}, f.symm b = some a ↔ f a = some b := f.3 + +@[trans] protected def trans (f : α ≃. β) (g : β ≃. γ) : pequiv α γ := +{ to_fun := λ a, (f a).bind g, + inv_fun := λ a, (g.symm a).bind f.symm, + inv := λ a b, by simp [*, and.comm, eq_some_iff f, eq_some_iff g] at * } + +@[simp] lemma refl_apply (a : α) : pequiv.refl α a = some a := rfl + +@[simp] lemma symm_refl : (pequiv.refl α).symm = pequiv.refl α := rfl + +@[simp] lemma symm_refl_apply (a : α) : (pequiv.refl α).symm a = some a := rfl + +@[simp] lemma symm_symm (f : α ≃. β) : f.symm.symm = f := by cases f; refl + +@[simp] lemma symm_symm_apply (f : α ≃. β) (a : α) : f.symm.symm a = f a := +by rw symm_symm + +lemma symm_injective : function.injective (@pequiv.symm α β) := +injective_of_has_left_inverse ⟨_, symm_symm⟩ + +lemma trans_assoc (f : α ≃. β) (g : β ≃. γ) (h : γ ≃. δ) : + (f.trans g).trans h = f.trans (g.trans h) := +ext (λ _, option.bind_assoc _ _ _) + +lemma mem_trans (f : α ≃. β) (g : β ≃. γ) (a : α) (c : γ) : + c ∈ f.trans g a ↔ ∃ b, b ∈ f a ∧ c ∈ g b := option.bind_eq_some' + +lemma trans_eq_some (f : α ≃. β) (g : β ≃. γ) (a : α) (c : γ) : + f.trans g a = some c ↔ ∃ b, f a = some b ∧ g b = some c := option.bind_eq_some' + +lemma trans_eq_none (f : α ≃. β) (g : β ≃. γ) (a : α) : + f.trans g a = none ↔ (∀ b c, b ∉ f a ∨ c ∉ g b) := +by simp only [eq_none_iff_forall_not_mem, mem_trans]; push_neg; tauto + +@[simp] lemma refl_trans (f : α ≃. β) : (pequiv.refl α).trans f = f := +by ext; dsimp [pequiv.trans]; refl + +@[simp] lemma trans_refl (f : α ≃. β) : f.trans (pequiv.refl β) = f := +by ext; dsimp [pequiv.trans]; simp + +@[simp] lemma refl_trans_apply (f : α ≃. β) (a : α) : (pequiv.refl α).trans f a = f a := +by rw refl_trans + +@[simp] lemma trans_refl_apply (f : α ≃. β) (a : α) : f.trans (pequiv.refl β) a = f a := +by rw trans_refl + +protected lemma inj (f : α ≃. β) {a₁ a₂ : α} {b : β} (h₁ : b ∈ f a₁) (h₂ : b ∈ f a₂) : a₁ = a₂ := +by rw ← mem_iff_mem at *; cases h : f.symm b; simp * at * + +lemma injective_of_forall_ne_is_some (f : α ≃. β) (a₂ : α) + (h : ∀ (a₁ : α), a₁ ≠ a₂ → is_some (f a₁)) : injective f := +injective_of_has_left_inverse + ⟨λ b, option.rec_on b a₂ (λ b', option.rec_on (f.symm b') a₂ id), + λ x, begin + classical, + cases hfx : f x, + { have : x = a₂, from not_imp_comm.1 (h x) (hfx.symm ▸ by simp), simp [this] }, + { simp only [hfx], rw [(eq_some_iff f).2 hfx], refl } + end⟩ + +lemma injective_of_forall_is_some {f : α ≃. β} + (h : ∀ (a : α), is_some (f a)) : injective f := +(classical.em (nonempty α)).elim + (λ hn, injective_of_forall_ne_is_some f (classical.choice hn) + (λ a _, h a)) + (λ hn x, (hn ⟨x⟩).elim) + +section of_set +variables (s : set α) [decidable_pred s] + +def of_set (s : set α) [decidable_pred s] : α ≃. α := +{ to_fun := λ a, if a ∈ s then some a else none, + inv_fun := λ a, if a ∈ s then some a else none, + inv := λ a b, by split_ifs; finish [eq_comm] } + +lemma mem_of_set_self_iff {s : set α} [decidable_pred s] {a : α} : a ∈ of_set s a ↔ a ∈ s := +by dsimp [of_set]; split_ifs; simp * + +lemma mem_of_set_iff {s : set α} [decidable_pred s] {a b : α} : a ∈ of_set s b ↔ a = b ∧ a ∈ s := +by dsimp [of_set]; split_ifs; split; finish + +@[simp] lemma of_set_eq_some_self_iff {s : set α} {h : decidable_pred s} {a : α} : + of_set s a = some a ↔ a ∈ s := mem_of_set_self_iff + +@[simp] lemma of_set_eq_some_iff {s : set α} {h : decidable_pred s} {a b : α} : + of_set s b = some a ↔ a = b ∧ a ∈ s := mem_of_set_iff + +@[simp] lemma of_set_symm : (of_set s).symm = of_set s := rfl + +@[simp] lemma of_set_univ : of_set set.univ = pequiv.refl α := +by ext; dsimp [of_set]; simp [eq_comm] + +@[simp] lemma of_set_eq_refl {s : set α} [decidable_pred s] : + of_set s = pequiv.refl α ↔ s = set.univ := +⟨λ h, begin + rw [set.eq_univ_iff_forall], + intro, + rw [← mem_of_set_self_iff, h], + exact rfl +end, λ h, by simp only [of_set_univ.symm, h]; congr⟩ + +end of_set + +lemma symm_trans_rev (f : α ≃. β) (g : β ≃. γ) : (f.trans g).symm = g.symm.trans f.symm := rfl + +lemma trans_symm (f : α ≃. β) : f.trans f.symm = of_set {a | (f a).is_some} := +begin + ext, + dsimp [pequiv.trans], + simp only [eq_some_iff f, option.is_some_iff_exists, option.mem_def, bind_eq_some', of_set_eq_some_iff], + split, + { rintros ⟨b, hb₁, hb₂⟩, + exact ⟨pequiv.inj _ hb₂ hb₁, b, hb₂⟩ }, + { simp {contextual := tt} } +end + +lemma symm_trans (f : α ≃. β) : f.symm.trans f = of_set {b | (f.symm b).is_some} := +symm_injective $ by simp [symm_trans_rev, trans_symm, -symm_symm] + +lemma trans_symm_eq_iff_forall_is_some {f : α ≃. β} : + f.trans f.symm = pequiv.refl α ↔ ∀ a, is_some (f a) := +by rw [trans_symm, of_set_eq_refl, set.eq_univ_iff_forall]; refl + +instance : lattice.has_bot (α ≃. β) := +⟨{ to_fun := λ _, none, + inv_fun := λ _, none, + inv := by simp }⟩ + +@[simp] lemma bot_apply (a : α) : (⊥ : α ≃. β) a = none := rfl + +@[simp] lemma symm_bot : (⊥ : α ≃. β).symm = ⊥ := rfl + +@[simp] lemma trans_bot (f : α ≃. β) : f.trans (⊥ : β ≃. γ) = ⊥ := +by ext; dsimp [pequiv.trans]; simp + +@[simp] lemma bot_trans (f : β ≃. γ) : (⊥ : α ≃. β).trans f = ⊥ := +by ext; dsimp [pequiv.trans]; simp + +lemma is_some_symm_get (f : α ≃. β) {a : α} (h : is_some (f a)) : + is_some (f.symm (option.get h)) := +is_some_iff_exists.2 ⟨a, by rw [f.eq_some_iff, some_get]⟩ + +section single +variables [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] [decidable_eq γ] + +def single (a : α) (b : β) : α ≃. β := +{ to_fun := λ x, if x = a then some b else none, + inv_fun := λ x, if x = b then some a else none, + inv := λ _ _, by simp; split_ifs; cc } + +lemma mem_single (a : α) (b : β) : b ∈ single a b a := if_pos rfl + +lemma mem_single_iff (a₁ a₂ : α) (b₁ b₂ : β) : b₁ ∈ single a₂ b₂ a₁ ↔ a₁ = a₂ ∧ b₁ = b₂ := +by dsimp [single]; split_ifs; simp [*, eq_comm] + +@[simp] lemma symm_single (a : α) (b : β) : (single a b).symm = single b a := rfl + +@[simp] lemma single_apply (a : α) (b : β) : single a b a = some b := if_pos rfl + +lemma single_apply_of_ne {a₁ a₂ : α} (h : a₁ ≠ a₂) (b : β) : single a₁ b a₂ = none := if_neg h.symm + +lemma single_trans_of_mem (a : α) {b : β} {c : γ} {f : β ≃. γ} (h : c ∈ f b) : + (single a b).trans f = single a c := +begin + ext, + dsimp [single, pequiv.trans], + split_ifs; simp * at * +end + +lemma trans_single_of_mem {a : α} {b : β} (c : γ) {f : α ≃. β} (h : b ∈ f a) : + f.trans (single b c) = single a c := +symm_injective $ single_trans_of_mem _ ((mem_iff_mem f).2 h) + +@[simp] lemma single_trans_single (a : α) (b : β) (c : γ) : (single a b).trans (single b c) = single a c := +single_trans_of_mem _ (mem_single _ _) + +@[simp] lemma single_subsingleton_eq_refl [subsingleton α] (a b : α) : single a b = pequiv.refl α := +begin + ext i j, + dsimp [single], + rw [if_pos (subsingleton.elim i a), subsingleton.elim i j, subsingleton.elim b j] +end + +lemma trans_single_of_eq_none {b : β} (c : γ) {f : α ≃. β} (h : f.symm b = none) : + f.trans (single b c) = ⊥ := +begin + ext, + simp only [eq_none_iff_forall_not_mem, option.mem_def, f.eq_some_iff] at h, + dsimp [pequiv.trans, single], + simp, + intros, + split_ifs; + simp * at * +end + +lemma single_trans_of_eq_none (a : α) {b : β} {f : β ≃. γ} (h : f b = none) : + (single a b).trans f = ⊥ := +symm_injective $ trans_single_of_eq_none _ h + +lemma single_trans_single_of_ne {b₁ b₂ : β} (h : b₁ ≠ b₂) (a : α) (c : γ) : + (single a b₁).trans (single b₂ c) = ⊥ := +single_trans_of_eq_none _ (single_apply_of_ne h.symm _) + +end single + +section order +open lattice + +instance : partial_order (α ≃. β) := +{ le := λ f g, ∀ (a : α) (b : β), b ∈ f a → b ∈ g a, + le_refl := λ _ _ _, id, + le_trans := λ f g h fg gh a b, (gh a b) ∘ (fg a b), + le_antisymm := λ f g fg gf, ext begin + assume a, + cases h : g a with b, + { exact eq_none_iff_forall_not_mem.2 + (λ b hb, option.not_mem_none b $ h ▸ fg a b hb) }, + { exact gf _ _ h } + end } + +lemma le_def {f g : α ≃. β} : f ≤ g ↔ (∀ (a : α) (b : β), b ∈ f a → b ∈ g a) := iff.rfl + +instance : order_bot (α ≃. β) := +{ bot_le := λ _ _ _ h, (not_mem_none _ h).elim, + ..pequiv.partial_order, + ..pequiv.lattice.has_bot } + +instance [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] : semilattice_inf_bot (α ≃. β) := +{ inf := λ f g, + { to_fun := λ a, if f a = g a then f a else none, + inv_fun := λ b, if f.symm b = g.symm b then f.symm b else none, + inv := λ a b, begin + have := @mem_iff_mem _ _ f a b, + have := @mem_iff_mem _ _ g a b, + split_ifs; finish + end }, + inf_le_left := λ _ _ _ _, by simp; split_ifs; cc, + inf_le_right := λ _ _ _ _, by simp; split_ifs; cc, + le_inf := λ f g h fg gh a b, begin + have := fg a b, + have := gh a b, + simp [le_def], + split_ifs; finish + end, + ..pequiv.lattice.order_bot } + +end order + +end pequiv + +namespace equiv +variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*} + +def to_pequiv (f : α ≃ β) : α ≃. β := +{ to_fun := some ∘ f, + inv_fun := some ∘ f.symm, + inv := by simp [equiv.eq_symm_apply, eq_comm] } + +@[simp] lemma to_pequiv_refl : (equiv.refl α).to_pequiv = pequiv.refl α := rfl + +lemma to_pequiv_trans (f : α ≃ β) (g : β ≃ γ) : (f.trans g).to_pequiv = + f.to_pequiv.trans g.to_pequiv := rfl + +lemma to_pequiv_symm (f : α ≃ β) : f.symm.to_pequiv = f.to_pequiv.symm := rfl + +end equiv