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refactor(topology/constructions): turn cofinite_topology into a typ…
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…e synonym (#11967)

Instead of `cofinite_topology α : topological_space α`, define
`cofinite_topology α := α` with an instance
`topological_space (cofinite_topology α) := (old definition)`.

This way we can talk about cofinite topology without using `@` all
over the place.

Also move `homeo_of_equiv_compact_to_t2.t1_counterexample` to
`topology.alexandroff` and prove it for `alexandroff ℕ` and
`cofinite_topology (alexandroff ℕ)`.
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urkud committed Feb 14, 2022
1 parent ec11e5f commit efdce09
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Showing 4 changed files with 76 additions and 64 deletions.
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/alexandroff.lean
Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ instance : has_coe_t X (alexandroff X) := ⟨option.some⟩

instance : inhabited (alexandroff X) := ⟨∞⟩

instance [fintype X] : fintype (alexandroff X) := option.fintype

instance infinite [infinite X] : infinite (alexandroff X) := option.infinite

lemma coe_injective : function.injective (coe : X → alexandroff X) :=
option.some_injective X

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -389,4 +393,31 @@ instance [preconnected_space X] [noncompact_space X] : connected_space (alexandr
{ to_preconnected_space := dense_embedding_coe.to_dense_inducing.preconnected_space,
to_nonempty := infer_instance }

/-- If `X` is an infinite type with discrete topology (e.g., `ℕ`), then the identity map from
`cofinite_topology (alexandroff X)` to `alexandroff X` is not continuous. -/
lemma not_continuous_cofinite_topology_of_symm [infinite X] [discrete_topology X] :
¬(continuous (@cofinite_topology.of (alexandroff X)).symm) :=
inhabit X,
simp only [continuous_iff_continuous_at, continuous_at, not_forall],
use [cofinite_topology.of ↑(default : X)],
simpa [nhds_coe_eq, nhds_discrete, cofinite_topology.nhds_eq]
using (finite_singleton ((default : X) : alexandroff X)).infinite_compl

end alexandroff

A concrete counterexample shows that `continuous.homeo_of_equiv_compact_to_t2`
cannot be generalized from `t2_space` to `t1_space`.
Let `α = alexandroff ℕ` be the one-point compactification of `ℕ`, and let `β` be the same space
`alexandroff ℕ` with the cofinite topology. Then `α` is compact, `β` is T1, and the identity map
`id : α → β` is a continuous equivalence that is not a homeomorphism.
lemma continuous.homeo_of_equiv_compact_to_t2.t1_counterexample :
∃ (α β : Type) (Iα : topological_space α) (Iβ : topological_space β), by exactI
compact_space α ∧ t1_space β ∧ ∃ f : α ≃ β, continuous f ∧ ¬ continuous f.symm :=
⟨alexandroff ℕ, cofinite_topology (alexandroff ℕ), infer_instance, infer_instance,
infer_instance, infer_instance, cofinite_topology.of, cofinite_topology.continuous_of,
38 changes: 30 additions & 8 deletions src/topology/constructions.lean
Expand Up @@ -110,8 +110,19 @@ theorem nhds_subtype (s : set α) (a : {x // x ∈ s}) :
nhds_induced coe a

end topα
/-- The topology whose open sets are the empty set and the sets with finite complements. -/
def cofinite_topology (α : Type*) : topological_space α :=

/-- A type synonym equiped with the topology whose open sets are the empty set and the sets with
finite complements. -/
def cofinite_topology (α : Type*) := α

namespace cofinite_topology

/-- The identity equivalence between `α` and `cofinite_topology α`. -/
def of : α ≃ cofinite_topology α := equiv.refl α
instance [inhabited α] : inhabited (cofinite_topology α) :=
{ default := of default }

instance : topological_space (cofinite_topology α) :=
{ is_open := λ s, s.nonempty → set.finite sᶜ,
is_open_univ := by simp,
is_open_inter := λ s t, begin
Expand All @@ -129,8 +140,18 @@ def cofinite_topology (α : Type*) : topological_space α :=
simp [hts]
end }

lemma nhds_cofinite {α : Type*} (a : α) :
@nhds α (cofinite_topology α) a = pure a ⊔ cofinite :=
lemma is_open_iff {s : set (cofinite_topology α)} :
is_open s ↔ (s.nonempty → (sᶜ).finite) := iff.rfl

lemma is_open_iff' {s : set (cofinite_topology α)} :
is_open s ↔ (s = ∅ ∨ (sᶜ).finite) :=
by simp only [is_open_iff, ← ne_empty_iff_nonempty, or_iff_not_imp_left]

lemma is_closed_iff {s : set (cofinite_topology α)} :
is_closed s ↔ s = univ ∨ s.finite :=
by simp [← is_open_compl_iff, is_open_iff']

lemma nhds_eq (a : cofinite_topology α) : 𝓝 a = pure a ⊔ cofinite :=
ext U,
rw mem_nhds_iff,
Expand All @@ -141,12 +162,13 @@ begin
exact ⟨U, subset.rfl, λ h, hU', hU⟩ }

lemma mem_nhds_cofinite {α : Type*} {a : α} {s : set α} :
s ∈ @nhds α (cofinite_topology α) a ↔ a ∈ s ∧ sᶜ.finite :=
by simp [nhds_cofinite]
lemma mem_nhds_iff {a : cofinite_topology α} {s : set (cofinite_topology α)} :
s ∈ 𝓝 a ↔ a ∈ s ∧ sᶜ.finite :=
by simp [nhds_eq]

end constructions
end cofinite_topology

end constructions

section prod
variables [topological_space α] [topological_space β] [topological_space γ] [topological_space δ]
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42 changes: 0 additions & 42 deletions src/topology/homeomorph.lean
Expand Up @@ -458,46 +458,4 @@ def homeo_of_equiv_compact_to_t2 [compact_space α] [t2_space β]
continuous_inv_fun := hf.continuous_symm_of_equiv_compact_to_t2,
..f }

A concrete counterexample shows that `continuous.homeo_of_equiv_compact_to_t2`
cannot be generalized from `t2_space` to `t1_space`.
Let `α = ℕ` be the one-point compactification of `{1, 2, ...}` with the discrete topology,
where `0` is the adjoined point, and let `β = ℕ` be given the cofinite topology.
Then `α` is compact, `β` is T1, and the identity map `id : α → β` is a continuous equivalence
that is not a homeomorphism.
lemma homeo_of_equiv_compact_to_t2.t1_counterexample :
∃ (α β : Type) (Iα : topological_space α) (Iβ : topological_space β), by exactI
compact_space α ∧ t1_space β ∧ ∃ f : α ≃ β, continuous f ∧ ¬ continuous f.symm :=
/- In the `nhds_adjoint 0 filter.cofinite` topology, a set is open if (1) 0 is not in the set or
(2) 0 is in the set and the set is cofinite. This coincides with the one-point
compactification of {1, 2, ...} with the discrete topology. -/
let topα : topological_space ℕ := nhds_adjoint 0 filter.cofinite,
let topβ : topological_space ℕ := cofinite_topology ℕ,
refine ⟨ℕ, ℕ, topα, topβ, _, t1_space_cofinite, equiv.refl ℕ, _, _⟩,
{ fsplit,
rw is_compact_iff_ultrafilter_le_nhds,
intros f,
suffices : ∃ a, ↑f ≤ @nhds _ topα a, by simpa,
by_cases hf : ↑f ≤ @nhds _ topα 0,
{ exact ⟨0, hf⟩ },
{ obtain ⟨U, h0U, hU_fin, hUf⟩ : ∃ U : set ℕ, 0 ∈ U ∧ Uᶜ.finite ∧ Uᶜ ∈ f,
{ rw [nhds_adjoint_nhds, filter.le_def] at hf,
push_neg at hf,
simpa [and_assoc, ← ultrafilter.compl_mem_iff_not_mem] using hf },
obtain ⟨n, hn', hn⟩ := ultrafilter.eq_principal_of_finite_mem hU_fin hUf,
rw hn,
exact ⟨n, @mem_of_mem_nhds _ topα n⟩ } },
{ rw continuous_iff_coinduced_le,
change topα ≤ topβ,
rw gc_nhds,
simp [nhds_cofinite] },
{ intros h,
replace h : topβ ≤ topα := by simpa [continuous_iff_coinduced_le, coinduced_id] using h,
rw le_nhds_adjoint_iff at h,
exact (finite_singleton 1).infinite_compl (h.2 1 one_ne_zero ⟨1, mem_singleton 1⟩) }

end continuous
29 changes: 15 additions & 14 deletions src/topology/separation.lean
Expand Up @@ -306,11 +306,11 @@ end
protected lemma finset.is_closed [t1_space α] (s : finset α) : is_closed (s : set α) :=

lemma t1_space_tfae (α : Type u) [t : topological_space α] :
lemma t1_space_tfae (α : Type u) [topological_space α] :
tfae [t1_space α,
∀ x, is_closed ({x} : set α),
∀ x, is_open ({x}ᶜ : set α),
t ≤ cofinite_topology α,
continuous (@cofinite_topology.of α),
∀ ⦃x y : α⦄, x ≠ y → {y}ᶜ ∈ 𝓝 x,
∀ ⦃x y : α⦄, x ≠ y → ∃ s ∈ 𝓝 x, y ∉ s,
∀ ⦃x y : α⦄, x ≠ y → ∃ (U : set α) (hU : is_open U), x ∈ U ∧ y ∉ U,
Expand All @@ -331,19 +331,21 @@ begin
by simp only [← principal_singleton, disjoint_principal_right],
tfae_have : 89, from forall_swap.trans (by simp only [disjoint.comm, ne_comm]),
tfae_have : 14,
{ introsI H s hs,
simp only [cofinite_topology, ← ne_empty_iff_nonempty, ne.def, ← or_iff_not_imp_left] at hs,
rcases hs with rfl | hs,
exacts [is_open_empty, compl_compl s ▸ hs.is_closed.is_open_compl] },
tfae_have : 43,
{ refine λ h x, h _ (λ _, _), simp },
{ simp only [continuous_def, cofinite_topology.is_open_iff'],
rintro H s (rfl|hs),
exacts [is_open_empty, compl_compl s ▸ (@set.finite.is_closed _ _ H _ hs).is_open_compl] },
tfae_have : 42,
from λ h x, (cofinite_topology.is_closed_iff.2 $ or.inr (finite_singleton _)).preimage h,

lemma t1_space_iff_le_cofinite {α : Type*} [t : topological_space α] :
t1_space α ↔ t ≤ cofinite_topology α :=
lemma t1_space_iff_continuous_cofinite_of {α : Type*} [topological_space α] :
t1_space α ↔ continuous (@cofinite_topology.of α) :=
(t1_space_tfae α).out 0 3

lemma cofinite_topology.continuous_of [t1_space α] : continuous (@cofinite_topology.of α) := ‹_›

lemma t1_space_iff_exists_open : t1_space α ↔
∀ (x y), x ≠ y → (∃ (U : set α) (hU : is_open U), x ∈ U ∧ y ∉ U) :=
(t1_space_tfae α).out 0 6
Expand All @@ -360,13 +362,12 @@ ‹_› h
lemma disjoint_nhds_pure [t1_space α] {x y : α} (h : x ≠ y) : disjoint (𝓝 x) (pure y) := ‹_› h

@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance t1_space_cofinite {α : Type*} : @t1_space α (cofinite_topology α) :=
(@t1_space_iff_le_cofinite α (cofinite_topology α)).mpr le_rfl
instance {α : Type*} : t1_space (cofinite_topology α) :=
t1_space_iff_continuous_cofinite_of.mpr continuous_id

lemma t1_space_antitone {α : Type*} : antitone (@t1_space α) :=
simp only [antitone, t1_space_iff_le_cofinite],
simp only [antitone, t1_space_iff_continuous_cofinite_of, continuous_iff_le_induced],
exact λ t₁ t₂ h, h.trans

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