diff --git a/src/topology/uniform_space/uniform_convergence_topology.lean b/src/topology/uniform_space/uniform_convergence_topology.lean index e7918aac3ccc2..cdcad276b1c94 100644 --- a/src/topology/uniform_space/uniform_convergence_topology.lean +++ b/src/topology/uniform_space/uniform_convergence_topology.lean @@ -70,13 +70,15 @@ open set filter namespace uniform_convergence -variables (α β : Type*) {γ ι : Type*} [uniform_space β] +variables (α β : Type*) {γ ι : Type*} variables {F : ι → α → β} {f : α → β} {s s' : set α} {x : α} {p : filter ι} {g : ι → α} /-- Basis sets for the uniformity of uniform convergence -/ protected def gen (V : set (β × β)) : set ((α → β) × (α → β)) := {uv : (α → β) × (α → β) | ∀ x, (uv.1 x, uv.2 x) ∈ V} +variables [uniform_space β] + protected lemma is_basis_gen : is_basis (λ V : set (β × β), V ∈ 𝓤 β) (uniform_convergence.gen α β) := ⟨⟨univ, univ_mem⟩, λ U V hU hV, ⟨U ∩ V, inter_mem hU hV, λ uv huv,